J Welcome Welcome to the May edi on of the University of St. Augus ne’s Career Guide. This publica on includes topics such as wri ng techniques for resumes and cover le ers, interview prepara on and professional correspondence guidelines that will help you put your best foot forward in the job market. This guide also includes a list of the companies that are par cipa ng in the May 2013 Job Fairs on both the Florida and California campuses and provides an avenue for companies to adver se their current employment opportuni es. We host Job Fairs in May and September of each year. We are also looking forward to hos ng a job fair on our new Texas campus in the fall 2013! If you would like to be added to the invita on list for future fairs, please email me at kkuecker@ usa.edu. We hope you enjoy the Career Guide!
Kelly Kuecker | Marke ng Manager | kkuecker@usa.edu
Market Yourself You have finished your degree, you’re about to graduate and now it’s me to look for a job. Where do you start? How will you stand out in a sea of other qualified candidates? It all comes down to marke ng. First Market, Then Sell: Marke ng and selling are similar ideas, but instead of one or the other, they should go hand in hand. Marke ng should grab the a en on of a poten al employer and create interest in you. Once you have their a en on, the selling begins. You Only Get To Make One First Impression: Every me you step out your front door you could poten ally make a contact for a future posi on. Keep this in mind when ge ng dressed each day and when interac ng with others in public se ngs. Going up?: Design your ‘elevator pitch.’ In the me it takes to ride in an elevator you should be able to ar culate who you are and what skills and strengths you bring to the table. This pitch should be tailored to each audience and should be about 30 seconds in length. Communica on is Key: Excellent wri en communica on is vital. Take the me to customize each resume and cover le er to the specific job for which you are applying. Repeatedly proofread your resume and cover le er; there is no room for mistakes. Network, Network, Network: In business it’s not always what you know, but who you know. There are many online networking op ons such as Facebook or LinkedIn but expand your search to include professional clubs or organiza ons that meet in your area. Review your elevator pitch, grab some business cards and get out there!
Job Fair Etiquette Job fairs are a great opportunity to meet a large number of poten al employers butt it can be b overwhelming h l i to t wander d through th h numerous aisles of companies. Here are some ps to successfully navigate a job fair: Dress to impress: Remember that first impressions are everything and your a re is the first opportunity you will have to demonstrate your level of professionalism. Spend a li le me selec ng your clothes and ge ng ready for the event. Do your homework: About a week prior to the fair, the Marke ng Department will provide you with a list of the par cipa ng companies. Do some advance research to learn who they are and what they do. Priori ze the companies you want to meet and make a list of poten al ques ons to ask. Find the loca on of the organiza ons that most interest you and visit those booths first when your energy level is up and you are at your best. Remember your ‘elevator pitch:’ In thirty seconds or less you should be able to explain your unique strengths and experiences in a way that sounds natural and unrehearsed. Be prepared: Take extra copies of your resume and business cards. Have these items readily available and organized. Mind your manners: Most companies will have promo onal giveaways or candy. Never help yourself, be courteous and wait un l the person offers it to you. Always remember to thank the representa ve for their me and exchange contact informa on so you can follow up. Have confidence: Start every conversa on with your best foot forward: a firm handshake, eye contact and a smile. Follow up: Following the fair, you should contact the representa ves you met to say thank you. A handwri en thank you note would be op mal, but an e-mail would be acceptable as well.
Things to avoid at a Job Fair - Interrup ng the representa ve while they are speaking with another person - Failing to introduce yourself - Rambling or monopolizing the me of the representa ve - Immediately asking impolite ques ons such as, “How much money will I make?”
Florida Vendors; California Vendors; Both Florida and California Vendors Ability Rehabilita on- Ability Rehabilita on is a private, physical therapist owned, outpa ent company which was founded in 2002. Our mission is to provide high quality, state-of-the-art, rehabilita on programs, which are designed to restore func onal ability in an efficient and cost effec ve manner. We strive to provide the best pa ent care to our local community in Central Florida. www.abilityrehabilita on.com Ac ve Life Rehab- Ac ve Life Rehab is one of California’s largest assisted living mobile therapy companies and is rapidly growing throughout San Diego, Sacramento, Los Angeles and Orange County. We are currently seeking therapists to join our professional staff and provide impeccable pa ent care to residents residing in assisted living facili es throughout those areas. Addi onally, we are opening our Dallas, TX office this month! www.ac veliferehab.com Advanced Medical- Advanced Medical offers na onwide travel assignments for physical and occupa onal therapists. We offer comprehensive benefits, private housing, and terrific pay packages. Call and speak to a recruiter today at (800) 330-7711. www.advanced-medical.net Alegiant Healthcare- Alegiant Services has over 10 years of successful experience in placing qualified healthcare professionals. We have established long term rela onships with healthcare facili es and hospitals all over the United States. Having done so, we can offer you the best possible opportunity for you to most fully u lize your professional skills. We will keep your job search confidenal, present you to all the jobs available in your desired loca on and se ng, nego ate the best salary, and get you responses ASAP from employers. www.alegiantservices.com American Traveler Staffing- American Traveler is a travel nursing agency that delivers unparalleled service to travel nurses and hospital clients alike. As an industry leader, our travel nursing company has assembled a team of expertly trained and dedicated travel nursing agency professionals who can place thousands of registered nurses and allied health specialists every year at top-ranked hospitals. www.americantraveler.com Archbold Medical Center- Archbold Medical Center is a four hospital, three nursing home system located in Southwest Georgia. We are a not-for-profit healthcare system commi ed to providing high-quality, pa ent-focused medical care. Our dedicated staff and exemplary facili es have helped us maintain an excellent reputa on. Our facili es are accredited by the Joint Commission on Accredita on of Healthcare Organiza ons. www.archbold.org ATI Physical Therapy- ATI Physical Therapy is a growing and highly-energe c, privately-held orthopedic rehabilita on company commi ed to being the best in the industry. With over 200 clinic loca ons in IL, WI, IN, OH, PA, DE and MD, services include outpaent physical therapy, aqua c therapy, hand therapy, sports medicine, work condi oning/hardening, industrial health services and women’s health. ATI’s aggressive whole body approach toward rehabilita on and innova ve research-based programs are known for excep onal results. www.a pt.com Aureus Medical Group- With more than 25 years of experience in healthcare staffing, proven processes and recruiters dedicated by area of specialty, we’re proud to play a role in the delivery of quality pa ent care and in helping healthcare professionals achieve their goals in work and in life. www.aureusmedical.com Bap st Medical Center South- bap stjax.com Baylor Ins tute for Rehabilita on/Select Medical- Baylor Ins tute for Rehabilita on, located throughout Dallas/Fort Worth, offers opportuni es at our four inpa ent rehab hospitals, eight acute care therapy units, three inpa ent therapy units and more than 40 outpa ent therapy and sports medicine clinics. If Dallas/Fort Worth is where you want to be, we have loca ons for you! www.BaylorHealth.com/BIR Brooks Rehabilita on- Serving the community for more than 35 years, Brooks Rehabilita on has developed a long-standing tradion of providing quality inpa ent and outpa ent rehabilita on care to Northeast Florida. www.brooksrehab.org CareerStaff Unlimited, Inc.- One of the na on’s largest medical staffing companies, providing permanent placement, full me, contract, travel and per diem opportuni es for PT’s and OT’s in Florida and na onally. Opportuni es in schools, hospitals, out pa ent clinics, SNF’s and home health. Offering full me benefits, great pay and bonuses. www.careerstaff.com Colqui Regional Medical Center- Colqui Regional Medical Center is a 155-bed acute care JCAHO and AOA accredited hospital offering inpa ent as well as outpa ent services. We are located in Southwest Georgia. www.colqui regional.com Concentra- Concentra combines therapist/physician teams with early interven on and evidence-based prac ce models to facili-
tate rapid return to func on with reduced risk of re-injury. www.concentra.com DCH Health System- Under local ownership and leadership for almost 90 years, the DCH Health System has con nually evolved to offer advanced caring to West Alabama. Today, the DCH Health System operates DCH Regional Medical Center, Northport Medical Center and Faye e Medical Center. www.dchsystem.com Drayer Physical Therapy Ins tute- Drayer Physical Therapy is an outpa ent orthopedic physical therapy company with over 110 clinics in 15 different states in the Eastern U.S. We are proud to offer a new-grad mentoring program as well as an orthopedic residency program and a spine fellowship. We are also proud to accept students from St. Augus ne for clinical rota ons. www.drayerpt.com Ensign Services- Ensign Services provides opportuni es for therapists to join a growing network of over 100 independently owned healthcare facili es located throughout the United States. Our culture has fostered an environment where therapists have an unprecedented level of freedom to create and implement programs that will best serve their pa ents and communi es. www.ensigntherapy.com Eskridge and White Physiotherapy/ EW Mo on Therapy- For those who value being more ac ve, EW Mo on Therapy offers a medically-based, whole-body program, designed to op mize a client’s mobility so that, whatever they do, they can do it be er. www.eskridgeandwhite.com Florida Hospital Memorial Medical Center- Florida Hospital Memorial Medical Center is located in Ormond Beach, FL. We provide pa ent services at our main campus, Peninsula Rehabilita on, Cancer Care Center, and the Port Orange Pavilion. We offer work opportuni es for physical, occupa onal and speech therapists in acute care, out-pa ent and in-pa ent rehabilita on. www. mmc.org Florida Ins tute for Neurologic Rehabilita on- The Florida Ins tute for Neurologic Rehabilita on, Inc. (FINR) has developed a comprehensive brain injury rehabilita on con nuum of care offering specialized inpa ent evalua on and treatment for both children and adults. Through a pre-admission evalua on and medical records review, FINR develops individualized treatment programs. The dis nct programs in our con nuum are designed for individuals with a wide range of complex medical, neurorehabilita on, neurobehavioral, and neuropsychiatric care needs. www.finr.net Hallmark Rehabilita on- Hallmark Rehabilita on, a bou que therapy provider specializing in skilled nursing facili es. Our vision is to inspire and touch lives in an extraordinary way. One of the ways we accomplish this is by a rac ng professionals who are commi ed to clinical excellence and love what they do. www.hallmarkrehab.com HCR ManorCare- With facili es across the country, HCR ManorCare is the leading provider of short term medical care rehabilita on and long term skilled nursing care. www.hcr-manorcare.com/careers Human Performance and Rehabilita on Centers, Inc.- Human Performance and Rehabilita on Center, Inc. (HPRC) is a privately and therapy owned company with a 58-year history of providing the highest quality in rehabilita on services in Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina. www.hprc.net Innova ve Therapy Concepts- Innova ve Therapy Concepts (ITC) offers physical, speech and occupa onal therapy in both inpa ent and out-pa ent. www.itcmgt.net Interface Rehab LLC- Interface Rehab provides comprehensive rehabilita on (physical, occupa onal and speech therapy) and consulta on services on a long-term contractual basis to the various medical se ngs throughout Southern California. www.interfacerehab.com Intergro Rehab Services- Intergro Rehab is a therapist owned and operated contract therapy company providing physical, occupa onal, and speech therapy all over the LA, OC, and SD area. Intergro values integrity, honesty and doing the right thing for our pa ents, the facili es we serve and our company. The passion we possess for our industry prompts us to con nue on a journey of growth and improvement that compels us to be the best. Intergro’s mission is to provide excep onal quality rehabilita on services to our clients and contract facili es that exceed their expecta ons, in an efficient, caring and cost effec ve manner. www.intergrorehab.com JobsTherapy.com-Home of PTJobs.com, JobsOT.com, and JobsSLP.com - A free service for job seekers to be matched with their ideal employer. www.jobstherapy.com Lake Area Physical Therapy- Lake Area Physical Therapy & Aqua cs is a PT owned facility with four loca ons: Melrose, Keystone Heights, Starke and Gainesville, FL. We have a full me PT posi on available. Please contact Laura Hodges, PT, Owner, at (352) 475-
3113 or email your resume to lhodges290@windstream.net. www.lakeareapt.com Lakeland Regional Medical Center- Lakeland Regional Medical Center is an 851-bed, Level II Trauma Center located in Central Florida between Tampa and Orlando. We have inpa ent/acute care and outpa ent se ngs that include both adults and pediatrics. www.lrmc.com Life Care Centers of America- Life Care Centers of America, Inc., the largest privately-held provider of post-acute/skilled care services, is committed to residents as its highest-priority and associates, as employees, its most valuable resource. Life Care Centers of America operates more than 260 skilled nursing, assisted, re rement, home care, and Alzheimer’s centers in 28 states. www.lcca.com Low Vision Works- Low Vision Works is an occupa onal therapy owned and operated low vision rehabilita on company based out of Sarasota, FL with therapists employed around Florida and various other states. Low Vision Works uses vision rehabilita on to restore vision and func onality to individuals suffering from low vision disabili es- such as age-related macular degenera on, diabe c re nopathy, glaucoma and certain types of stroke-related vision disorders. www.lowvisionworks.com Medig- Medig is a team of health care professionals who are passionate about providing excep onal care to those injured in vehicle related accidents. We are focused on excellent service and the highest standard of care from the first phone call un l the maximum medical recovery has been achieved. We currently have offices in Gainesville, Jacksonville and Ocala, FL with a longterm vision to expand na onally. www.medig.md MedStar Na onal Rehabilita on Network- MedStar Na onal Rehabilita on Hospital located in Washington, D.C. and the MedStar NRH Rehab Network offer convenient and comprehensive rehabilita on in D.C., Bal more, Northern Virginia and Maryland. The MedStar NRH Rehabilita on Network provides inpa ent, outpa ent, acute and day treatment programs across the region to support our credo “Adding Life to Years.” www.medstarnrh.org Mission Healthcare- Mission Healthcare is commi ed to finding the best and brightest people from the San Diego Area. We know our single best asset is our diverse people, and we will invest in their development, reward strong performance and make Mission Healthcare a great place to work. www.homewithmission.com NHC Rehabilita on- NHC Rehabilita on, an industry leader in senior care services with 70 SNFs in nine states, seeks OT’s and PT’s to add to our innova ve rehab teams. NHC has over 40 years experience delivering the highest quality evidence based treatment to geriatric short/long term inpa ents. Outpa ent and pediatrics served at many loca ons. www.nhcrehab.com Orange Park Medical Center-Orange Park Medical Center is a leader in providing quality healthcare to Northeast Florida. In addion to our award winning medical services, we provide rehabilita on services for a large number of pa ents in Orange Park and it’s surrounding areas. www.opmedical.com Palomar Heath- At Palomar Health, we are the largest public health system in Southern California serving San Diego’s inland North County communi es for more than 50 years. Palomar Health is a family of outstanding healthcare facili es that cover an area of more than 850-square miles and a trauma center that covers more than 2,200 square miles of South Riverside and North San Diego Coun es. www.palomarhealth.org Physiotherapy Associates- Physiotherapy Associates is the leading provider of outpa ent rehabilita on with nearly 700 loca ons in more than 30 states na onwide. We specialize in many areas such as physical and occupa onal therapy, sports injury rehabilitaon, women’s health, ortho cs and prosthe cs, pediatric and geriatric programs, orthopedic and musculoskeletal injury rehab, injury preven on, and speech pathology, just to name a few. www.physiocorp.com Plum Healthcare Group- Plum Healthcare Group provides administra ve and consul ng services to post-acute businesses in CA, AZ, and UT. www.workwithplum.com Preferred Healthcare Registry- Preferred Healthcare Registry has been a widely-respected leader in therapy staffing since 1994.
Offering outstanding rehab therapy jobs for therapists and assistants. Our mission is to deliver superior personalized service by consistently pairing high-caliber rehab professionals with the right posi ons, so you can focus on your number one priority: excellent pa ent care. www.preferredregistry.com Progressus Therapy- Progressus Therapy is the leading na onal provider of school-based therapy and early interven on services to school districts and communi es from coast-to-coast. We are commi ed to helping children and families, school leaders and clinicians achieve success. Na onwide speech-language pathology, occupa onal therapy, and physical therapy jobs in school-based and early interven on se ngs. Partnerships with school districts, universi es and professional organiza ons. Track record of improving outcomes for children. www.progressustherapy.com Rancho Physical Therapy- Rancho Physical Therapy is a premiere group of clinics providing stellar PT, OT and speech services throughout the Inland Empire and North San Diego county. Se ng us apart, in addi on to our outstanding and caring therapists, is our APTA accredited Orthopedic Residency program. Check us out! We are always looking for outstanding therapists as we connue to grow. www.ranchopt.com Reflectx Staffing- Reflectx Staffing is a na onwide travel, per diem, and permanent placement staffing agency working with PT, OT, and SLP professionals. We are a value-based organiza on that has been successful by developing long las ng rela onships with our therapists and clients that are based on trust and integrity. We look forward to mee ng you and learning more about your career plans! www.reflectxstaffing.com RehabCare- RehabCare is the largest contract rehabilita on company in the country. We provide rehabilita on services, including physical, occupa onal and speech-language therapies, to nearly 2,200 hospitals and long-term care facili es in 46 states, covering virtually every care se ng including inpa ent, outpa ent, skilled nursing, home health, long-term acute care and assisted living. www.rehabcare.com Restore Therapy- Restore Therapy is one of the largest and strongest regional rehabilita on organiza ons in the country. Since 1994, we have been commi ed to a passion for pa ents, customer and employees. Over 61 skilled nursing homes located in AL, FL, MO and AR. www.restoretherapy.com Right Track Career Solu ons- Right Track Career Solu ons is a full-service, direct placement firm specializing in healthcare, IT and execu ve talent search and recruitment services. Our mission is to build long-term rela onships, through quality recruitment service and outstanding results that exceed our client’s expecta ons. www.RTCsolu ons.biz San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools- San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools is located in Southern California about 60 miles east of Los Angeles where we “transform lives through educa on.” Our OT’s give support to several school districts which allows for very diverse opportuni es to share and improve your skills. Come for the weather and stay for our kids. www.sbcss.k12.ca.us Select Physical Therapy- Select Physical Therapy is a na onally prominent, locally driven provider of outpa ent physical rehabilita on. We offer a wide range of core and specialty programs that focus on preven on and rehabilita on. The universal goal that unites our team is to make a posi ve difference everyday for our pa ents, customers and each other by providing excellence in clinical care and customer service! Select owns 940 outpa ent clinics in 35 states. www.selectmedical.com Select Therapies- Select Therapies is a professional service organiza on, we provide PT, OT, ST services in SNFs, assisted living and outpa ent sites. Our rehab teams work together with our Facility Rehab Directors, spending me educa ng our therapists on evidence based prac ce models and advanced clinical programs. We have facili es throughout southern/northern CA, NV, IL, IN, NE, OH and MS. We are a family serving families. Please stop by our booth and see how we are making a difference in the communi es we serve! www.selec herapies.com Shands HealthCare- Shands HealthCare, affiliated with the University of Florida Health Science Center, is one of the premier health systems in the Southeast. Shands HealthCare is commi ed to delivering essen al care to residents living in the local communi es it serves, offering advanced diagnos c and medical services, and pioneering and providing sophis cated treatments that draw pa ents na onally for highly specialized care. www.shands.org Signature Healthcare- Signature HealthCARE is a family-based organiza on revolu onizing the long term care industry through its three organiza onal pillars – spirituality, intra-preneurship and educa on. With over 70 facili es operated and managed by its affiliates in 7 states, Signature HealthCARE is redefining care by earning the trust of every resident, family and community it serves. www.ltcrevolu on.com
Southwest Rehab- Southwest Rehabilita on Associates is located in Yuma, AZ. Outpa ent physical and occupa onal therapies are provided in our private clinic. SWRA has maintained a sole provider contract with Yuma Regional Medical Canter (YRMC) since 1996. www.sw-rehab.com Spine & Sport Physical Therapy/ TherapyNow- TherapyNow is a physical therapist-owned bou que permanent placement staffing company that works exclusively and directly with PT-owned clinics across the US to find them top quality physical and occupa onal therapists. www.spinesport.org, www.therapynow.us St. Luke’s University Health Network- St. Luke’s University Health Network is a seven hospital health system with facili es in eastern PA and NJ. Therapy services within network include acute care inpa ent rehab, SNF, outpa ent and home health. The types of pa ents include orthopedic, neuro, sports medicine, lymphedema, aqua c therapy, hand therapy and occupa onal health. St. Vincent’s HealthCare- SVHS has immediate and future PT and OT opportuni es! www.jaxhealth.com Synergy Care, Inc.-At Synergy Care we serve over 60 skilled nursing facili es throughout Texas and Louisiana and also provide therapy services to non-Medicare nursing facili es, outpa ent therapy clinics and hospitals. We provide our clients with the best service in contract rehab and therapy care by con nually increasing our services and developing new programs to achieve op mum outcomes for our clients, therapists and pa ents. www.synergycare.com Tallahassee Memorial HealthCare- Tallahassee Memorial HealthCare is a private, not-for-profit health care system serving 16 coun es in North Florida and South Georgia. TMH includes a 772-bed acute care hospital and is home to the Big Bend’s only accredited community hospital cancer program and the region’s only state-designated Trauma Center. In all, TMH is the eighthlargest hospital in Florida with a medical staff of 570+ physicians represen ng 50+ different special es. www.tmh.org Tara Therapy, LLC- Tara Therapy is a skilled nursing based contract therapy company providing physical therapy, occupa onal therapy and speech-language pathology services to 34 facili es in 7 states including: MO, IL, LA, MS, TN, GA, and AL. www.taratherapy.com The Parx Group- The PARX Group is a na onally recognized Cer fied Woman-Owned Business specializing in OT/COTA, PT/PTA, and SLPs. We do concentrate in both Travel Assignments and Perm Placement. Our clients include hospitals, SNF/LTC, home health, outpa ents clinics and more. Launched in 1998, The PARX Group is grounded in values of integrity and high standards. We’re looking for people who share these values. www.parxgroup.com Therapy Center- Therapy Center is a leading provider of comprehensive therapy services, offering physical, occupa onal and speech therapy services in loca ons throughout Louisiana. www.therapyctr.com Therapy Management Corpora on- Therapy Management Corpora on provides therapy services with uncompromising quality and service excellence! We deliver care in skilled nursing, assisted living and outpa ent facili es in 133 loca ons within the U.S. TMC will be the preferred therapy provider and employer in all communi es we serve and make a posi ve difference by delivering compassionate, superior care to all. Our passionate commitment to service excellence will create loyal customers and will cul vate the best working environment for our TMC family. Our success is built on unwavering integrity, ethics and an environment of innova on. www.therapymgmt.com Therapy Specialists- Therapy Specialists is an independently-owned therapy services company that has been the rehabilita on provider of choice in California since 1976. Dedicated to providing excellent pa ent care and service, we offer comprehensive rehabilita on programs with physical, occupa onal and speech therapists trained in skilled nursing, independent/assisted living and outpa ent se ngs. www.therapyspecialists.net Therapists Unlimited- From speech-language pathologists to physical and occupa onal therapists, Therapists Unlimited has been successfully staffing healthcare professionals for more than 20 years. Our locally run offices allow us to provide personalized support in each community while s ll benefi ng from the na onal resources and assistance of our larger CareerStaff Unlimited family. www.therapistsunlimited.com United Rehab- United Rehab, is a subsidiary of UHS-Prui Corpora on, and a growing provider of therapy services throughout GA, NC, SC, and Milton, FL. We offer: a team work environment, schedule flexibility, great pay rates, compe ve medical/dental/ vision benefits, generous PTO, a matching 401(k), profit sharing, free CEU’s, CO paid short/long-term dis. and life insurance, career advancement, reloca on assistance and more! www.urready.com
Resume Writing Tips Wri ng a great resume can be tricky, but it is an essen al part of the job hunt. Looks are everything: A resume with an illegible font, confusing format or typos may be discarded before it is even reviewed. Take the me to edit for clarity and conciseness, and proofread, proofread, proofread. Be specific: A generic cover le er and resume shows that you have not taken the me to research an employer’s available opportuni es, and o en means that you are sending out resumes en masse. Include the exact posion for which you are applying in your cover le er and resume objec ve, and emphasize your skills or experiences that are per nent to the posi on.
What is the Difference Between a Curriculum Vita and a Resume? A curriculum vita (CV) and a resume differ in length, content and purpose. A CV includes a summary of your educa on and experience, but it also includes informa on such as teaching and research experience, publica ons, presenta ons, awards, honors, affilia ons and other details. A CV is mainly used when applying for academic, scien fic or research posi ons. A resume is typically more brief, one to two pages at the most, while a CV is longer, at least two pages in length. A resume concisely summarizes your educa on, experience and skills.
Language is key: Use strong, ac ve words such as “supervised,” “ini ated” or “developed.” Some employers use so ware systems that scan resumes for keywords and will pick up on your word choice. Highlight your strengths: Employers review each resume very quickly, so it is essen al that you reduce your bullet points to brief, relevant sec ons that highlight your best skills and experiences. Show the numbers: If you have the opportunity to use percentages, dollar amounts or numbers, do it! These quan fiers are memorable and stand out in a resume.
Cover Letter Writing Tips When you submit a resume you should always include a cover le er. A cover le er gives you the opportunity to introduce yourself to an employer and answers the ques on, “Why should we hire you?” This le er is your chance to elaborate on your best features that will make you the ideal candidate for the job. A few points to remember when crea ng a cover le er are: Do your research: Before you begin wri ng your le er you should find out as much as you can about the company and available posi on. Ascertain the company’s mission, values, target market etc. and carefully review the job descrip on for required skills, experience and qualifica ons. Consider what you have to offer that will benefit the company and meet the needs of the posi on. Be brief and specific: Your cover le er should be no more than one page in length; usually about three paragraphs is all you need. The first paragraph should explain why you are wri ng. Specifically state the posi on for which you are applying, and if a mutual acquaintance referred you, men on that here. The second paragraph should highlight your experiences and skills that match with the posi on’s requirements. The final paragraph should express gra tude for considera on and should include a call to ac on such as reques ng an interview. No mistakes: Your cover le er must be perfect. One small typo, misspelling, or factual error could exclude you from further considera ons. Take the me to proofread carefully. Keep it simple: Use a basic font such as Arial or Times New Roman. Use only one font and use black ink. You should use a high quality plain white paper, no textures or colors. Print your cover le er and resume on a laser printer, as inkjet printer ink smudges. Do not fold your resume and cover le er; place them flat in a large envelope.
Sample PT Cover Letter Melissa Smith, PT 4444 Newton St. City, State, Zip phone e-mail Sarah Jones, PT, MS Director, Physical Therapy Program Women’s Health Center 100 First Street City, State, ZIP
Dear Ms. Jones, I am responding to the adver sement for a staff physical therapist at the Women’s Health Center. This posi on is exactly the career move I have been hoping to make. Since gradua ng from physical therapy school four years ago, I have begun to carve a niche in women’s health. I find myself con nually challenged and excited by the incredible opportuni es physical therapists have to make a difference for pa ents with a wide range of women’s health condi ons. In my current posi on as a staff PT at St. Peter’s Hospital, I have developed community educa on and exercise classes for women with osteoporosis and for women who are pregnant and postpartum. I have found great success and professional sa sfac on helping women manage or prevent condi ons that they have for too long been told to live with, such as low back pain during pregnancy and incon nence following childbirth. As a member of APTA’s Women’s Health Sec on, I have taken several con nuing educa on courses presented by the Sec on. This year I gave a poster presenta on at APTA’s Combined Sec ons Mee ng on my osteoporosis community educa on program. With my experience and enthusiasm, I know I would be a perfect fit with your rapidly expanding PT department at the Women’s Health Center. I admire the innova ve programs you have launched at the Center, and I would be honored and thrilled to be a part of your visionary efforts. I look forward to the opportunity to meet with you. I am available at your convenience for an interview, and can be reached during the day at 555-239-1212. Sincerely, (Signature here) Melissa Smith, PT Enclosure (Indicates that your resume or addi onal materials are enclosed)
(Excerpted from www.apta.org)
Sample OT Cover Letter Kathy Smith 111 Third Ave. Jacksonville, FL 99999 April 17, 2010
Sarah Jones Therapist Advocate Success Rehabilita on 123 Rehab Dr. Jacksonville, FL 99999 Dear Ms. Jones:
It was great to meet you during the recent University of St. Augus ne Job Fair. From our discussion, I understand that you have a posi on open for a traveling occupa onal therapist. I am very interested in this posi on and believe my qualifica ons would meet your needs perfectly. I earned my Master of Occupa onal Therapy degree from the University of St. Augus ne in 2008, and have spent the past two years honing my skills in an in-pa ent se ng. I have especially enjoyed my experiences with the geriatric popula on and am eager to focus further in this area. I understand that your organiza on specializes in working with this popula on, and my passion for helping these clients regain independent, produc ve lives makes me a great fit for this posi on. I also spent five years in the Peace Corps, so I am very comfortable traveling independently and exploring new parts of the world. I have included my resume for your review. I would appreciate the opportunity to come in for an interview to discuss my diverse background and what I could bring to the organiza on. It would be an honor to join your team of occupaonal therapists and represent Success Rehabilita on. If you would like to set up an appointment please contact me at 123-456-7898. Thank you for considering my applicaon.
Sincerely, (Signature here) Kathy Smith, MOT, OTR/L Enclosure (Indicates that your resume or addi onal materials are enclosed)
Sample PT Resume Melissa Smith 4444 Newton St. City, State Zip (123) 456-7890
OBJECTIVE To obtain a challenging physical therapist posi on that will allow me to u lize my skills in manual therapy while con nuing to develop my clinical exper se. EXPERIENCE 1999-Present St. Peter’s Hospital, Jacksonville, FL Physical Therapist • Manage all outpa ent services • Supervise two physical therapy interns • Provide specialized manual therapy services • Conduct in-house training for EMT services cer ficate program 1997-1999 Medical Center, St. Augus ne, FL Physical Therapist • Completed paperwork for all clients in a mely manner • Created plan of care and set goals for all clients • Worked closely with PTA’s to execute pa ent care • Served as a liaison between pa ents and the medical staff 1996-1997 Medical Center, St. Augus ne, FL Physical Therapist Intern • Internship working with Dr. Thomas Jones of the physical therapy department • Assisted physical therapists with pa ent care including transfers, exercise, and other du es as requested EDUCATION 1997 Doctor of Physical Therapy, University of St. Augus ne, St. Augus ne, FL 1995 Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS AND CERTIFICATIONS American Physical Therapy Associa on Florida Physical Therapy Associa on CPR Cer fica on - American Heart Associa on First Aid Cer fica on, American Red Cross CPR and First Aid
References available upon request
Sample OT Resume Kathy Smith 111 Third Ave. Jacksonville, FL 99999 (904) 123-4567
Educa on 2008 Master of Occupa onal Therapy, University of St. Augus ne for Health Sciences 1999 Bachelor of Psychology, University of North Florida Experience St. Vincent’s HealthCare, Jacksonville, FL Occupa onal Therapist (2008 to Present) • Provide func onal training for clients of all ages • Iden fy impairments in ADL • Work with clients to create therapy goals • U lize adap ve equipment, splints and braces to help clients achieve goals • Specialize in working with the geriatric popula on Spauld Therapy Hospital, Sarasota, FL Occupa onal Therapy Fieldwork (2007-2008) • Caseload included pa ents with ALS, limb amputa ons, spinal cord injury, Alzheimer’s • Evaluated fine and gross motor skills in pediatric pa ents • Observed Sensory Integra on Therapy for au s c children Peace Corps, Central America Peace Corps Volunteer (2000-2002) • Introduced crea ve and innova ve educa onal techniques to children of all ages • Educated and promoted awareness of basic health concerns such as clean water and malnutri on • Worked with farmers to increase food produc on while educa ng farmers about conserva on Associa ons American Occupa onal Therapy Associa on
Sample Thank You Letter It is essen al to follow up with each poten al employer. A follow-up thank you le er gives you the chance to summarize your interview experience, specifically men on what you enjoyed about the company and also to reiterate why you are an excellent match for the posi on. Your le er should be gracious and concise.
Your Name Your Address Your City, State, Zip Code Your Phone Number Your Email Date Name Title Organiza on Address City, State, Zip Code Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name: It was a pleasure to speak with you about the sta physical therapist posi on at Success Rehabilita on. The posion seems to be a great match for my skills and previous experience. In addi on to my enthusiasm, I will bring to the posi on a passion for helping people regain their op mal quality of life, the pa ence to help clients meet their long term goals, and the ability to encourage others to work cooperavely with the department. My background as a special needs teacher has prepared me to work closely with the pediatric popula on and their families but has also helped me understand the dynamics of working with government regula ons. I understand your need for an addi onal sta physical therapist. My a en on to detail and organiza onal skills will allow me to work independently, freeing you to deal with the more challenging issues that arise for a clinic owner. I appreciate the me you took to interview me. I am very interested in working with you and look forward to hearing from you soon. Sincerely, Your Signature Your Typed Name
Job Fair Interviewing Tips Research: Learn as much as you can about the company with which i h you are interviewing. i i i Visit i i their h i website b i and d llearn about b their h i mission and vision. Prepare knowledgeable ques ons to ask about the company and posi on. Prac ce: Research basic interview ques ons and consider your responses. You don’t want to give rehearsed, insincere answers during the interview, but it is important to have a general idea of what you are going to say. Use specific examples to describe your skills and explain previous successes to illustrate why you would be a great candidate for the posi on. Get Ready: Wear appropriate a re, and take the me to be well groomed. Bring a por olio with extra copies of your resume as well as a pen and paper for note taking. Suggested Interview A re for Men: • Two-piece matching suit in a dark color such as navy, black or dark gray • Subtly pa erned, good quality silk e • Pressed, long sleeved dress shirt • Dark colored, mid-calf socks and good quality leather shoes • Well groomed hair and facial hair • Minimal jewelry Suggested Interview A re for Women: • Dark colored pants or skirt suit • An appropriate skirt length should cover the thighs when seated • Tailored bu on-down shirt or a high quality knit • Shirt length should completely cover the midriff and should not reveal cleavage • Conserva ve makeup, fingernails and hairstyle • Minimal jewelry and li le to no perfume • Closed toe pumps Be On Time: Arrive several minutes early for your interview. Make sure you are familiar with the loca on of the interview and know how long it takes to get there; you may want to drive there at a previous me to familiarize yourself with the area. Tardiness is not acceptable. Be Polite: Be professional and courteous to everyone you meet, whether it is the recep onist or the CEO. You never who you may bump into in the parking lot or how involved the staff is in hiring decisions. Stay Calm: During the interview try to relax and stay calm. Greet everyone with a firm handshake, smile and make direct eye contact. Listen to an en re ques on before you answer and pay a en on. Take your me when responding to a ques on; there is nothing wrong with asking for a moment to consider your answer. Show What You Know: Try to relate what you know about the company when answering ques ons. Make sure that your examples of success and stories used during the interview are relevant to the open posi on. Ask Relevant Ques ons: Towards the end of an interview, you may be asked if you have any ques ons. It shows that you have done your homework and are interested in the posi on if you have some ques ons. Example ques ons to ask: • What does a typical day look like for a person in this posi on? • What are the specific challenges for this posi on? • What is the orienta on process and is there a mentor available? • What are the opportuni es for growth in this posi on? • What are some of the goals for this posi on? Follow Up: Always follow-up with a thank you note reitera ng your interest in the posi on. If you interview with mul ple people, send each one a thank you note.
Professional Email Correspondence Communica on has become more casual and is instantly available in this me of e-mail, tex ng and twee ng, but communica ng professionally in this environment can be tricky. When u lizing email for professional ma ers it is important to keep in mind that you are not having a casual conversa on with a friend. There are guidelines to follow when communica ng via tradi onal mail, and the same basic rules apply to e-mail as well. Subject line: It is important to fill in the subject line with something relevant to the body of the email. A subject that is too vague may cause your email to get put to the bo om of the priority list, or even deleted. Saluta on: This gree ng should follow the same rules as tradi onal wri ng. The level of formality will vary depending on the person with whom you are communica ng. For example, when you email a professor or supervisor, you may want to say “Dear Dr. Smith,” but if you are e-mailing with a friend you could say “Hi Ka e.” Body: Typically e-mail is shorter and is sent more frequently than tradi onally wri en correspondence. Get to the point of your message quickly and clearly. Remember that it is difficult to discern emo ons through e-mail, so it may be best to omit joking or innuendo as they can easily be misinterpreted. Signature: When communica ng on the professional level you should end your correspondence tradi onally using a close such as “Sincerely,” followed by your name and contact informa on. When you finish wri ng an e-mail it is important that you re-read it to check for clarity and then carefully proofread. Always use the spell check feature on your computer, but remember that it only catches misspelled words, not misused words. Remember that any me you communicate with a professor or employer you are giving that person an indica on about your level of professionalism. Make a good impression each and every me you communicate.
Finances Graduate school is a valuable investment in your future. You ghtened your belt, ate some ramen noodles and managed to survive school. Now you will have a real paycheck coming in, but how do you mange your newfound wealth? Gross Income vs. Net Income: Keep in mind that the amount you were offered on paper is not the amount you will actually bring home each week. Deducons for benefits and various taxes can take a chunk out of your paycheck and you will need to plan accordingly.
Con nue the Student Lifestyle: Keep your old car for a li le longer, share an apartment with a roommate or two and con nue to cook meals at home. This will allow you to use your extra funds to start an emergency savings account and focus on paying down credit card or student loan debt. Create a Budget: It will be temp ng to blow your en re paycheck on the luxuries you sacrificed while in school, but it is important to be wise with your spending. By crea ng a budget, you can allocate money for necessi es such as food and rent, as well as a li le splurge money so you don’t feel deprived. Priori ze your Finances: Start with pu ng aside some money in a savings account. Then get to work paying off your debts, smallest to largest. Next, build up a larger emergency fund, usually about 3 to 6 months of living expenses. Then focus on fully funding your re rement accounts such as 401k or Roth IRA. Consider Insurance: There are many op ons out there for insurance. Basic health insurance is a necessity, but what about short term disability, long term disability, renters or homeowners insurance and life insurance? Inves gate all your op ons and choose the best products to meet your needs.
Thank you to all of our vendors and adver sers that con nually support and recruit our students. We appreciate your support of USA and our graduates!