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Financial Times Ranking

HSG's ranking results

The international business newspaper Financial Times published its 2020 Business School Ranking in London. The University of St.Gallen was in seventh place and was thus one of Europe's ten leading business universities (2019: fourth place). At the same time, the Wirtschaftswoche published its latest ranking of management faculties in the German-speaking area. As in 2019, HSG and its School of Management came first.

The European Business School Ranking consolidates the four individual rankings which the Financial Times publishes in the course of one year and mirrors the all-round strength of a university. In the individual European rankings for 2020, the HSG's Master in Strategy and International Management came first (for the tenth consecutive time, also worldwide), and was in 18th place with its full-time MBA in the executive education ranking and in 20th place with its Executive MBA (EMBA).

HSG best-placed public university

“The consistent aspiration to provide education at the highest international level has always been a priority for the University of St.Gallen,” says HSG President Prof. Dr. Bernhard Ehrenzeller. This is reflected, among other things, in this ranking result. “We may also be proud of being the best-placed public university in this ranking of the Financial Times”.

Three of the four individual rankings that are aggregated in the European Business School Ranking concern executive education programmes. This is why Prof. Dr. Winfried Ruigrok, Dean of the Executive School of Management, Technology & Law (ES-HSG) and the President's Delegate for University Development and Executive Education, is particularly pleased with this renewed top-ten result in the ranking of the Financial Times. “The continued development and updating of our programme portfolio and our learning contents enable us to be internationally competitive among the best MBA, EMBA and executive education programmes,” said Winfried Ruigrok.

First place in the 2020 ranking of the Financial Times is HEC Paris, and the runner-up is the London Business School. HSG is the best-ranked university in Switzerland and the German-speaking area. It has repeatedly been ranked among the top ten ever since 2013, so far always between places 4 and 7.

Meanwhile, the German Wirtschaftswoche has published its latest ranking of the management faculties of the Germanspeaking area. In this ranking, the University of St.Gallen again comes first with its School of Management in 2020. It is followed by the Technical University of Munich in 2nd place and the Vienna University of Economics and Business in 3rd place.

Financial Times Ranking 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 European Business Schools 5 th 4 th 4 th 4 th 7 th

Master in Management 1st (SIM) / n.a. (CEMS) 1st (SIM) / 9 th (CEMS) 1st (SIM) / 9 th (CEMS) 1st (SIM) / 8 th (CEMS) 1thst (SIM) / 9 th (CEMS)

Master in Finance

7th 9 th 6 th n. a.


Executive Education

17 th 16 th 15 th 16 th 18 th

Fulltime MBA

21 st 19 th 15 th 17 th 18 th

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