1 minute read

President’s Board

From the left: Peter Leibfried, Ulrich Schmid, Bruno Hensler, Thomas Zellweger, Hildegard Kölliker, Bernhard Ehrenzeller, Marc Meyer, Urs Fueglistaller

The President’s Board manages the University of St.Gallen (HSG). Prof. Dr. Bernhard Ehrenzeller is the President. Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schmid is Vice-President for External Relations, Prof. Dr. Peter Leibfried is VicePresident for Studies & Academic Affairs, Prof. Dr. Thomas Zellweger is Vice-President for Research & Faculty, and Prof. Dr. Urs Fueglistaller is Vice-President for Institutes & Executive Education.

The University Statutes stipulate that besides the President, the President’s Board consists of the Vice-Presidents and the Secretary General, the Director of Administration and the Dean of Studies & Academic Affairs. The President may co-opt further members of the University. At present, these are the Dean of Research & Faculty, the Dean of External Relations and the Head of Communication.

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