Continuing Education 2019-2020

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Reach New Creative and Professional Heights Certificate Programs

Enrichment Classes

Build your expertise in the area of your choice through a series of curated courses.

Our credit and noncredit offerings boost your life, work and self-expression. Master a familiar medium or explore a new one in classes designed to fit your schedule.

If you are looking to re-skill, build a new specialty or launch a freelance business, you’re a great candidate for UArts’ certificate programs. Each carefully designed experience can be completed in one year. You can also stack programs to build your skills in multiple areas. Program curriculum is supplemented with opportunities to develop your professional network, including site visits and special topic presentations with industry experts.

Whether you want to tackle an item on your bucket list, like mastering your digital camera settings, or are poised to take the creative reins of your career, UArts courses can get you there. Take any credit or noncredit classes in this brochure for personal or professional enrichment, often without prior experience.

CHOOSE FROM THESE PROGRAM AREAS: + Graphic Design + Digital Photography + Front-End Web Development with JavaScript

Stop Talking, Start Making

+ Web Design + UX Design

Opening the Doors to Technology

By Caitlin Perkins, Director, Continuing Education I regularly meet adults who have not drawn since grade school yet harbor a secret desire to return, pencil in hand, to the drawing board. Or, they explain, “I used to paint, but haven’t in years.” My response is, “You can’t learn to draw or paint by talking about it.” A number of times I’ve been saddened to hear someone say, “But I can’t even draw a straight line!” Straight lines are overrated. Energetic, meandering lines drawn with passion are much more interesting. As Paul Klee put it, “A drawing is simply a line going for a walk.” I see drawing as the root of everything. Basic drawing principles like composition, negative space and proportion can be used for all other visual art media and practices. Drawing teaches you to see better, developing your ability to truly observe the world around you. Drawing is a visual language, one in which the syntax is built from mark making, gesture and line.

“ W hen I see a white piece of paper, I feel I’ve got to draw. And drawing, for me, is the beginning of everything. ”

+ Social Media Marketing


I believe everyone is capable of learning how to make art and developing their own creative style. If perhaps there are other ways you wish to express yourself, like storytelling—do it! Explore a writing course and put pen to the page to draft your memoir or your first poem. Maybe you prefer to be behind the lens—pick up the camera and make your first short film. Regardless of the medium that inspires you, our faculty will welcome you, ready to guide and encourage you to become a maker.

Our New Front-End Development Certificate Program JavaScript is, quite simply, one of the most widely used and versatile programming languages. It’s the code behind nearly every website we visit. And its influence has only grown since the early 2000s—even as other technologies have moved to the margins. That was the thinking behind the creation of the brand-new JavaScript certificate program at University of the Arts. Launching in January 2020, this year-long, trimester program is the latest addition to a popular lineup of professionally oriented technology certificates that includes UX Design— UArts’ most-subscribed program—as well as Web Design and Front-End Web Development with JavaScript. Caitlin Perkins, Director of Continuing Education at UArts, spearheaded the new certificate program after realizing that career-minded students had a desire to go further in web development—and that more advanced JavaScript skills were in demand for a growing array of creative roles. Her thinking fits into the long UArts tradition of training students in the practical skills they need for contemporary careers. UArts Continuing Education particularly caters to professionals in transition or those seeking advancement in their fields. Just a few years ago, JavaScript was considered a tool specifically for computer programmers and software engineers. But today it’s much more versatile. The programming language has expanded to include spinoff JavaScript environments such as Node.js, which means that JavaScript is the only programming language that can be executed both within the browser and on the client (server) side. Programming with JavaScript has become increasingly fundamental for the work undertaken by design and media workers. Coding is gaining currency as a creative form in its own right. JavaScript is in particularly strong demand in Philadelphia, a metro area with a diversified and creative economy that includes myriad nonprofit organizations, arts and educational institutions, and startup companies.

The new JavaScript certificate program is designed to build on prior coding knowledge— whether through a previous UArts web sequence or learned separately—taking students to the next level and graduating versatile web developers. “This curated program will dive deep into pure JavaScript,” says Oggi Danailov, a Philadelphia software engineer and technology instructor who developed the course sequence as Digital Technology Coordinator for UArts Continuing Education. “The main goal for the students will be to learn as thoroughly as possible the syntax of JavaScript and its fundamental logic as a primary programming language,” he continues. “In other words, we will not simply code; we will also make sure we understand the language itself.” Danailov explains that though an entire career can be built on knowledge of JavaScript, the versatile programming language is also the ideal foundation for learning other languages and frameworks. He knows this from direct experience: For several years, he taught JavaScript and a variety of coding tools at an intensive web development bootcamp. After watching cohorts of students arrive as novices and go on to pursue successful programming careers, Danailov recognized the critical importance of JavaScript competence. By all indications, this relevance will only continue to grow. In 2016, according to the Bureau of National Statistics, there were 1.3 million Americans working in the computer programming field. By 2026, the Bureau expects that number to rise by 24 percent—a much faster rate than those of other fields. Demand will continue to increase for workers who can incorporate coding into their skill set—and that’s where UArts’ JavaScript certificate program comes in.

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