Art Foundations Studio Summary

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8 studios / 8 weeks each

Each of these required half-semester courses may be taken in any order, in any combination, in either Fall or Spring semester.


ART 2201

This Foundations course, required of all BFA majors in Studio Art, introduces students to the basic principles of time, storytelling, fourdimensional studio practices and community engagement, as related to the visual arts. Students will use critical thinking and creative problem solving to explore art as a form of action through narrative, duration, tempo, intensity, social practice and context.


ART 2202

This Foundations course, required of all BFA majors in Studio Art, introduces students to fundamental 3-D design. It does so through beginning explorations into materials and process, as well as tools and construction methods. Projects focus on 3-D formal applications of line, plane, form, and space, with investigations of positive/negative, interior/ exterior, volume/mass, multiple/repetition, scale, color/surface, texture, etc.


ART 2203

This Foundations course, required of all BFA majors in Studio Art, introduces students to the basic principles and elements of design and composition using a variety of basic printmaking techniques including monoprints, collagraphs and relief prints.


ART 2204

This Foundations course, required of all BFA majors in Studio Art, introduces students to the elements and principals of design through painting. Color theory, the application of color and use of materials will be the focus. Projects will lead students through a series of 2D color projects that encourage independent decision-making, analysis, and effective use of terminology.


ART 2205

This Foundations course, required of all BFA majors in Studio Art, introduces students to the principals and elements of design through drawing. A range of monochromatic drawing media will be used, to include; graphite pencil, charcoal, and ink. Beginning drawing skills will be taught and used through a series of projects that focus on independent decision-making, analysis and the effective use of terminology throughout the course.


ART 2206

This Foundations course, required of all BFA majors in Studio Art, introduces students to basic 2D visual design principles and vocabulary through the use of common digital creation tools. It exposes students to the methods, techniques, and technical skills involved with integrating the computer as a valuable tool in the process of creating art, design, and graphic communication.


ART 2207

This Foundations course, required of all BFA majors in Studio Art, teaches basic design and foundational art principles through a use of the camera. Students will learn the visual vocabularies of shape/form, texture, value, unity/variety, perspective, figure/ground, color and time translated into two-dimensions and begin to understand the conceptual possibilities of photographic images.


ART 2208

This Foundations course, required of all BFA majors in Studio Art, introduces students to fundamental 3-D design through the use of clay. Assignments explore visual organization using scale, multiples/repetition, pattern, actual and visual texture, and spatial perception. The practical and conceptual aspects of the sense of touch will be explored. Emphasis will also be placed on understanding how materials and process affect the development of visual art.


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