3 minute read
Social Justice Advocates
All residents are welcome and invited to hang out in the Housing & Residential Education Equity Lounge (E.L.) and Equity Living Room (ELR). The EL and ELR are safe places for students from marginalized communities to thrive. The EL and ELR have a comfortable lounger and are staffed by Social Justice Advocates (SJAs) and a Residential Education Coordinator (REC). The SJAs and the REC are a team of students and full-time staff committed to educating students on Social Justice issues and topics while also having fun! The EL is located on the ground floor of Benchmark 820 and the ELR is located in Kahlert Village. Learn more at housing.utah.edu/living-the-u/ equity.
The Social Justice Advocates in Housing & Residential Education seek to help students from underrepresented populations at the U find and build community and visibility. They do this through holding Equity Lounge and Living Room hours, hosting educational and community-building events, and reaching out to students. Underrepresented populations can include students from a variety of different racial, ethnic, and national backgrounds, LGBTQIA+ people, first-generation college students, etc.
Equity Lounge
Location: Ground floor of Benchmark 820 in Heritage Commons
Equity Living Room
Location: Main lobby of Kahlert Village
Equity Lounge and Living Room Hours
Sunday: 3-11 p.m.
Monday: 3-11 p.m.
Tuesday: 3-11 p.m.
Wednesday: 3-11 p.m.
Thursday: 3-11 p.m.
Friday: Closed
Saturday: Closed
Follow the Residence Hall Association and Social Justice Advocates on Instagram or visit housing.utah.edu/get-involved/
RHA: @uofu.RHA
SJA: @uofusja
You can make an impact right from your own home. The Residence Hall Association is the premier student organization in Housing & Residential Education and provides numerous opportunities to get involved. First-year students are highly encouraged to get connected with RHA, where you’ll develop leadership skills and make a difference on campus. Many of the events and activities during opening weekend and throughout the year are hosted by students just like you.
• Campus Events Board - This board hosts special events aimed at engaging residents and connecting them withing the greater residential community while building on the spirit of RHA and campus traditions. Interested in building stronger community? Campus Events Board is for you!
• Salt Lake Events Board - SLEB connects residents with amazing off-campus activities and events available to students as members of the Salt Lake community. On this board, you will be able to help your fellow residents explore and enjoy our beautiful city!
• Resident Relations - This board works to serve as the voice and support of residents while developing leadership within the residence halls. If you are looking to help residents grow their skills and relationships, Resident Relations is the board for you!
• Community Council - Any student who lives on campus has the opportunity to build their leadership skills within RHA through joining their community’s Community Council. Community Council is an opportunity to advocate for the students who live in your halls and be a leader on campus. The positions available are President, Marketing and Outreach Liaison, Treasurer, Salt Lake Events Liaison, and Campus Events Liaison. Application will open up at the start of the Fall semester.
• Marketing and Outreach - Marketing and outreach works closely with all the other boards to help with advertising RHA Facebook and Instagram pages. If you like promotion and social media, this board could be perfect for you!
Before Moving In
• Select your arrival time in Housing U by July 24.
• Plan out what you’re bringing to campus. You are only allowed to bring one car on move-in day, so we recommend prioritizing the items on our packing list. Pro-tip: check in with your roommates to see what everyone else will bring.
• Move-in occurs over multiple days. You are assigned a move-in time on either August 15, 16, 17, or 18. Move-in information is shared in June.
Drive to your area’s unloading zone to unload your car. We’ll have volunteers available onsite to help you unpack as well as dollies and carts to help move your items. Note: Label your items to keep track of them.
We’re so excited to have you on campus! Here’s what to expect on your first day:
If you’re driving to campus, please arrive in one car at your move-in time. Suggested parking routes and maps to your unloading zone will be available on our move-in page to help you plan your arrival. Visit housing.utah.edu/movingin-out/moving-in
Check in at our centralized location, pick up your room key, and drop off your items.
Move your car to your designated parking location and shuttle back.
Mandatory community meetings. More information will be communicated along with your move-in time.
Unpack your room, settle in, and then join us for move in weekend events! More information will be shared in August