Group Effort
We know who one prominent member of this group is (hint: you can find his photo elsewhere in this issue, and we’re not talking about the person at top, far left); but who are the rest of the members of this merry crew, gathered, apparently, in the Gross Anatomy Lab on the fourth floor of Given sometime in the late 90s or early aughts? Send your thoughts to eneuert@med.uvm.edu and we’ll include them in the next issue of Vermont Medicine.
F RO M T H E P R E V I O U S I S S U E So far, no one has come forward to claim to know the identity of either the rope swinger, or the group trying to catch him in last issue’s image from an old ropes course session during an Orientation Week many years ago. But we’re not giving up: send your best guesses to eneuert@med.uvm.edu and we’ll pass them along in the next issue.