Academies and Trust Unit support offer for 2011-12
Enhancing student success – what we can do for you
1 contents
conTEnTs 2
03 introducing the Academies and Trusts unit 04 How to contact us 05 supporting your needs 07 Building a programme for students 08 programme sessions support for the project and Extended project Qualification Employability and personal skills development sTEm subjects (science, Technology, Engineering, mathematics) creative schools Aspiration raising 31 Transition programmes Year 5 Year 6 Year 11 35 summer schools 37 Extended project Qualification resources 39 support for staff and Governors 40 safeguarding training 41 Additional information fees and charges prices service Level Agreements
3 AcAdEmiEs And TrusTs uniT
Introducing the Academies and Trusts Unit The University of Wolverhampton has a widely recognised reputation for widening participation, based on a proven track record of successful delivery of widening participation activities, as well as meeting key performance indicators in this area. The changing landscape of higher education presents new challenges to the University and, in response, to re-think its approach to widening participation and school engagement. National education policy has lead to changes which have resulted in new school structures in the shape of Academies, Trusts and, more recently, Free Schools and University Technical Colleges. These emerging structures give schools new opportunities but also represent significant challenges. With relevant experience and access to a wide variety of expertise and resources, the University of Wolverhampton is well placed to lead development and provide support.
Professor Sir Geoff Hampton Deputy Vice-Chancellor
Over the last two years, the University of Wolverhampton has developed a national reputation for its work with Academies and Trusts. This has led to an increase in requests for support. The Academies and Trusts Unit was therefore created to manage the University’s relationships and activities with these new school structures. Our mission is to enhance the student experience and make it one that leads to success – wherever you are in your learning journey. Welcome to the Academies and Trusts Unit. Be assured that you will be looked after by experts in the field. Whether it is support for your Academy Development Plan, student centred activities, staff CPD or governors’ training – we’ve got it covered. Prof Sir Geoff Hampton Deputy Vice-Chancellor, University of Wolverhampton
how to contact us 4
How to contact us For further information, or if you wish to discuss opportunities for collaboration, please contact: Academies and Trusts Unit University of Wolverhampton Wulfruna Street Wolverhampton WV1 1LY Tel: 01902 518429 Email: Web: Online shop:
5 supporTinG Your nEEds
Supporting your needs Here is the deal: the Academies and Trusts Unit can offer you support in a variety of ways. The diagram opposite highlights just some of the solutions that we can bring to what Academies tell us are some of the challenges they face. The solutions introduced are student-facing, focusing on the student experience and on improving students’ skills and learning success. If, having perused the offer in these pages, you can’t find anything that quite meets your needs, please get in touch and we will be more than happy to come up with a more bespoke offer.
supporTinG Your nEEds 6
Personal development and employability
Subject focused
Academic skills
Solutions Half and full day University campus visits Workshops and practical activities Guru lectures and presentations Summer Schools Teaching and Learning Resources Student Coaching and Mentoring Academies Development
The Academies and Trust Unit will broker the perfect solution for your needs, drawing upon the expertise within the University of Wolverhampton. Our knowledge through sponsoring academies as well as our wider support activities in this area, ensure that our solutions are highly relevant, constantly updated and of the highest quality. What sets our solutions apart is the link to higher education from other providers in this area. We want to raise aspirations and ease transition, ensuring that when students arrive at University they are wellequipped and prepared for success.
This is why we have developed those particular themes and topics. From our research with Academies and the wider pre-entry teacher we have identified a particular focus on STEM and Study Skills. Details on sessions can be found from page 8 to 28.You can either design a half or whole day programme within themes, or ‘pick and mix’ across a range of themes.
7 BuiLdinG A proGrAmmE
Building a programme for students This publication will provide you with all of the information you need in order to create themed solutions that meet your needs. Programmes can be structured in half-day; full-day and multiple day format, ie. summer school (residential or non-residential). Full day programme (up to 5 hours)
Half day programme (up to 3 hours)
Session 1
Session 1
Session 2
Session 2
Evaluation and finish
Session 3 Session 4 Evaluation and finish
Choice of sessions include; Subject support Guru lecture Campus tour Careers Academic skills Workshop Employability HE preparation session Each programme is split into one-hour blocks. Full or halfday programmes can be filled by selecting from the menu of sessions, (each lasting between one to four hours), that are outlined on subsequent pages. A programme starts with an introduction covering health and safety, aims and objectives and an explanation of the sessions. At the end of the programme participants will be asked to provide feedback and complete a form that evaluates the programme against its aims and objectives. A copy of the evaluation report is provided for you after the event. Shorter programmes may contain a break, while longer programmes will include time for both a break and lunch. Each session is priced per pupil or per session, further details are available on page 41.
proGrAmmE sEssions 8
Academic and Study Skills Development These sessions are offered on a ‘pick and mix’ basis allowing the creation of a bespoke programme that meets the needs of you and your learners. The sessions are delivered by the University’s own team of enthusiastic and experienced professional academic skills tutors. Pupils can expect to gain: • Greater confidence in their abilities and interpersonal skills • Better preparation for the challenges ahead in further and higher level study • Enhanced study skills relevant to future studies (eg. Extended Project) and progression to higher education • A chance to experience higher education.
9 proGrAmmE sEssions
Activity name
What is Academic Writing?
Capacity 15-30
Duration 2 hours
Price A
Activity description What is the academic environment? What is critical thinking, time management and understanding how to learn? In this session your students will learn essential strategies to improve their comprehension in reading and applying what they have read to their writing.
Key words Study Skills Key Stages 4 & 5 Levels 1 - 3
Activity name
Price A
How to reference information sources
Capacity 15-30
Duration 2 hours
Activity description One of the characteristics of academic writing is the referencing required. Referencing illustrates that the writer has read sources and is including them in their writing. This session is a step by step guide to perfecting in-text referencing and writing a bibliography.
Key words Study Skills Key Stages 4 & 5 Levels 1 - 3
Activity name
Price A
How to structure written work effectively
Capacity 15-30
Duration 2 hours
Activity description Strong, clear writing must have structure. This session will help your students work out a sequence of points for their written work, making the appropriate links from one point to the next and working on the logical sequence of the text. Activity name
How to support ideas and opinions with facts
Capacity 15-30
Duration 2 hours
Key words Study Skills Key Stages 4 & 5 Levels 1 - 3 Price A
Activity description Academic writing normally requires that ideas and opinions are supported with facts, statistics, quotations and other types of information. There are three main ways of doing this, by quoting, paraphrasing and summary writing. This session will help your students correctly use these three tools in their academic writing.
Key words Study Skills Key Stages 4 & 5 Levels 1 - 3
Activity name
Price A
Demystifying grammar – a guide to improved writing
Capacity 15-30
Duration 2 hours
Activity description Nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs; what are they and how are they used? This session intends to take the mystery out of grammar with clear definitions of terms, explanations and examples of ‘rules’. As a hallmark of a good academic style, good grammar will help your students improve their writing.
Key words Study Skills Key Stages 4 & 5 Levels 1 - 3
Activity name
Price A
Exam styles and techniques
Capacity 15-30
Duration 1 hour
Activity description This presentation introduces students to the exam styles and techniques encountered in higher education.
Key words Study Skills Key Stages 4 & 5 Levels 1 - 3
proGrAmmE sEssions 10
Activity name
Project planning and information gathering
Capacity 15-30
Duration 3 hours
Price B
Activity description Session covers: - How to plan and develop your project - Using libraries and learning centres effectively (including practical activity in the university’s Learning Centre) - Gathering data: questionnaires and focus groups (with practical activity in questionnaire development)
Key words Study Skills Key Stages 4 & 5 Levels 1 - 3
Activity name
Price A
Evaluating and presenting evidence
Capacity 15-30
Duration 2 hours
Activity description Session covers: - Evaluating evidence - Analysing and presenting numerical data - Writing to purpose Activity name
Critical thinking
Key words Study Skills Key Stages 4 & 5 Levels 1 - 3 Capacity 15-30
Duration 1 hour
Activity description Presentation and practical session encouraging students to gain experience of debating a topic of general interest and in thinking critically Activity name
Lecture note-taking
Capacity 15-30
Duration 1 hour
Activity description Students practise note-taking in a specimen lecture, followed by group and plenary discussions of outcomes to develop guidelines on note-taking
Price A Key words Study Skills Key Stages 4 & 5 Levels 1 - 3 Price A Key words Study Skills Key Stages 4 & 5 Levels 1 - 3
11 supporT
Support for the project and Extended Project Qualification The University of Wolverhampton values the range of skills that the diploma project (level 2) and Extended Project (level 3) qualification help to develop in pupils. Particularly for those that wish to progress onto University, the project offers the opportunity to experience the self-directed learning style which is a characteristic of higher-level study.
Therefore we are pleased to offer the Project Support Programme. A structured sequence of sessions timetabled to suit the needs of the pupils that can be delivered either at the school/college or on a university campus. These sessions are offered on a ‘pick and mix’ basis allowing the creation of a bespoke programme that meets the needs of your learners. The sessions are delivered by the University’s own team of enthusiastic and experienced professional academic skills tutors.
for details of our online resources in support of student skills development for the EpQ, please refer to page 37.
supporT 12
Activity name
Select and focus
Capacity 15-30
Duration 2 hours
Activity description Where do I start? Choosing a topic, selecting a title, defining objectives. Activity name
Step by step planning
Key words Study Skills Key Stages 4 & 5 Capacity 15-30
Duration 2 hours
Activity description How should I plan? What are the stages? How long will it take to complete each stage? Project planning, scoping and timescales. Activity name
Finding and using information
Capacity 15-30
Presenting your findings
Capacity 15-30
Price A Key words Study Skills Key Stages 4 & 5
Duration 2 hours
Activity description How do I gather information? How can I learn to be critical? A guide to useful sources, reading, note taking and finding the facts you need. Data and information collection, research methods, reading skills, analysing and presenting data, validity of source material, identifying bias, making effective notes. Activity name
Price A
Duration 2 hours
Price A Key words Study Skills Key Stages 4 & 5
Price A
Activity description How do I show what I have found out? Effective ways to present project work in academic, clear, and interesting ways. Conducting a literature review, evidencing work, bibliographies, referencing, bringing a project to life, PowerPoint and presenting skills.
Key words Study Skills Key Stages 4 & 5
Activity name
Price A
Watch your language
Capacity 15-30
Duration 2 hours
Activity description How do I write up my project? Being clear and writing with authority. Academic writing skills, tone, formality, vocabulary, meeting the needs of a specific audience Activity name
Ending and reflecting Activity description Looking back on your work and looking forward as a learner Evaluating the project, reflecting on personal skills.
Capacity 15-30
Key words Study Skills Key Stages 4 & 5 Duration 2 hours
Price A Key words Study Skills Key Stages 4 & 5
13 EmpLoYABiLiTY
Employability personal skills development The activities are designed to stimulate, give a better understanding of the world of work and higher education, and prepare pupils for the future. They include a group task plus a series of workshops and self-directed study. Pupils will develop the personal, learning and thinking skills needed to progress into employment or higher education. Pupils will study on a university campus, have access to the latest facilities and be supported throughout by university staff. Pupils can expect to gain: • Greater confidence in their abilities and interpersonal skills • Better preparation for the challenges ahead in study and employment • Better knowledge of an employment sector and greater understanding of the relevance of studies to the world of work • A chance to experience higher education.
Employability 14
15 EmpLoYABiLiTY
Activity name
Capacity 15-30
Duration 2 hours
Price A
Activity description What is assertiveness and why is it important in the work environment? Students will learn how to identify assertive, aggressive and passive behaviour. They will consider the advantages of assertive behaviour through case studies and take part in practical exercises to practise assertive responses.
Key words Careers, PSHE Key Stages 4 & 5 Levels 2 & 3
Activity name
Price A
Written applications
Capacity 15-30
Duration 2 hours
Activity description Marketing yourself through your CV and Application Forms. Students will examine the language, layout and content of effective CVs and application forms. They will then take part in practical exercises to develop their own applications. Activity name
Interview skills
Capacity 15-30
Key words Careers, PSHE Key Stages 4 & 5 Levels 2 & 3 Duration 2 hours
Activity description Making a good impression at interview. In this session students will explore: Why employers interview and what they are looking for. Preparation of answers to typical questions. The non-verbal aspects of interview performance, e.g. body language, what to wear. Role-play activities to practise aspects of the interview process. Activity name
Presentation skills
Capacity 15-30
Key words Careers, PSHE Key Stages 4 & 5 Levels 2 & 3
Duration 2 hours
Activity description This workshop consists of two elements: 1) Making presentations as part of a selection process for work or university course. Tips on how to plan and prepare the talk and materials; 2) Examination of non-verbal aspects of giving a presentation. Advice on how to grab the audience’s interest and involvement. Activity name
Careers in‌subject and/or industry
Capacity 15-30
Price A
Duration 1 hour
Activity description These sessions will provide the student with the opportunity to gain an insight into the relationship between HE courses and graduate routes and careers in particular subject areas. The student will gain an understanding of the nature and scope of the sectors and the employment opportunities which exist within them.
Price A Key words Careers, PSHE Key Stages 4 & 5 Levels 2 & 3
Price A Key words Careers, PSHE Key Stages 4 & 5 Levels 2 & 3
EmpLoYABiLiTY 16
Activity name
Creating a Personal Development Plan
Capacity 15-30
Duration 1 hours
Price A
Activity description Practical session encouraging students to exercise reflective skills in relation to their personal development and develop a PDP relevant to their individual needs and interests.
Key words Careers, PSHE Key Stages 4 & 5 Levels 2 & 3
Activity name
Price A
Working in teams
Capacity 15-30
Duration 2 hours
Activity description Session aims to develop students’ effective team working skills through a presentation and practical exercise
Key words PSHE, PLTS Key Stages 4 & 5 Levels 2 & 3
Activity name
Price A
Effective communication
Capacity 15-30
Duration 2 hours
Activity description This session encourages students to understand the role of communications in organisations, followed by a workshop on effective PowerPoint presentations, including a practical activity – delivering a PowerPoint presentation on an advertising campaign
Key words PSHE, PLTS Key Stages 4 & 5 Levels 2 & 3
Activity name
Price A
Time management
Capacity 15-30
Duration 1 hour
Activity description A workshop in which students are given strategies to develop effective time management.
Activity name
Commercial awareness
Capacity 15-30
Key words PSHE, PLTS Key Stages 4 & 5 Levels 2 & 3 Duration 2 hours
Price A
Activity description In this workshop students will develop a better understanding of how organisations work, including a practical activity in carrying out a SWOT (Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities, Threats) analysis.
Key words PSHE, PLTS Key Stages 4 & 5 Levels 2 & 3
Activity name
Price A
Planning and organisation
Capacity 15-30
Duration 2 hours
Activity description This session encourages students to understand the skills required in commercial project planning and gain practical experience of project planning.
Key words Careers, PSHE Key Stages 4 & 5 Levels 2 & 3
17 Employability
EmpLoYABiLiTY 18
Activity name
Group problem-solving and presentations
Capacity 15-30
Duration 3 hours
Activity description Students undertake a group research activity with choice of topic (researching Students’ Union, Student Gateway, Learning Services), followed by: Developing a group presentation on research findings – contribution to a ‘Freshers Guide’ on student support, followed by: Group presentations and critique of other groups’ presentations Activity name
Marketing your school/college/academy
Capacity 15-30
Duration 2 hours
Activity description To introduce students to the concept of marketing with a particular focus on: i) Product evaluation; ii) Audience identification; iii) Persuasive Writing To encourage students to identify the potential customer base for their school/college/ academy and consider the needs/desires of that audience in relation to the services that the institution will offer. To encourage students to critically evaluate the institution in terms of the aforementioned customer needs criteria. To encourage students to think creatively and work together as a team to produce a marketing tool to promote their institution. Through the production of the marketing material students will be introduced to the concept of rhetoric and the importance of words/images involved in the construction of persuasive marketing tools.
Price B Key words Study Skills, PLTS Key Stages 4 & 5 Levels 2 & 3
Price A Key words Business, Marketing Key Stages 4 & 5 Levels 2 & 3
19 sTEm
Subject support STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) These sessions are designed to support schools and colleges in the delivery of STEM subjects – Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. Examples include a Maths Workshops; an Engineering Challenge, and Careers in Science, a chance for students to find out more about courses and careers beyond sixth form. Larger programmes may be developed for National Science and Engineering Week.
The aims of these sessions are to provide an opportunity for students to: • Develop their skills in and understanding of STEM subjects • Use industry-standard facilities in science and engineering • Gain a better understanding of careers leading from STEM subjects and appropriate HE routes
SCIENCE Activity name
Careers in Science
Capacity 10-30
Duration 1 hour
Activity description A talk about the wide diversity of careers available to those who have studied science to degree or HND level. The talk will also focus on specific routes to those careers. Activity name
Introduction to cardiovascular and respiratory physiology (Level 2)
Capacity 15-24
Duration 3 hours
Activity description This workshop considers the vital roles that the cardiovascular and respiratory systems play in our daily activities. Students will look at the structure of the heart using our life size anatomical model, consider the events involved in each heart beat and record their own Electrocardiogram (ECG).
Price A Key words Science Key Stages 4 & 5 Levels 2 - 3 Price C
Key words Diploma (SAL) Science (Biology) PE Key Stage 4 Level 2
sTEm 20
Activity name
Investigating the cardiovascular system (Level 3)
Capacity 15-24
Duration 3 hours
Price C
Activity description This workshop allows students to investigate the function of the cardiovascular system in health and disease. Students will be introduced to our life-size patient simulator who looks and acts like a real patient! This will be used to introduce students to ways in which the cardiovascular system can be investigated medically and gain an appreciation of how these investigations can be used to diagnose what is wrong with a patient showing signs of common cardiovascular diseases.
Key words Diploma (SAL) Science (Biology) PE Key Stages 4 & 5 Level 3
Activity name
Price C
Investigating the respiratory system (Level 3)
Capacity 15-24
Duration 3 hours
Activity description This workshop allows the student to consider the role that the respiratory system undertakes in providing oxygen to support the activities of our body. Students will have the opportunity to take measurements from their own respiratory systems, using spirometry and a vitalograph to assess the speed at which air is moved out of the lungs.
Activity name
Forensic Science Workshops
Capacity 15-24
Duration 1 hour
Key words Diploma (SAL) Science (Biology) PE Key Stages 4 & 5 Level 3 Price B
Activity description We offer practical workshops exploring a wide variety of aspects of forensic science including analysis of fingerprints, blood splatter, DNA, ballistics and what physical anthropology - looking at people’s bones - can tell us.
Key words Science Key Stages 3 & 4 Levels 1 & 2
Activity name
Price A
Capacity 15-50
Duration 1 hour
Activity description A fun way of testing your students’ knowledge of the environment and environmental issues facing the world today. Students can test their own level of knowledge or compete in a team against other teams. Activity name
Doing and Presenting Science Research
Capacity 15-24
Duration 2 hours
Activity description A practical activity in environmental science designed to introduce year 8 and 9 students to the methods of carrying out a piece of scientific research. The session introduces the concepts of hypothesis formulation and testing, sampling using specialist equipment, and simple statistical ways of evaluating results. Sessions for older students are in preparation – please enquire.
Key words Key Stages 3 & 4 Levels 1 & 2 Price B Key words Science Key Stages 3 - 5 Levels 1 - 3
21 sTEm
TECHNOLOGY Activity name
3D modelling for urban spaces
Capacity 15-24
Duration 3 hours
Activity description The session will commence with an introduction to Sketchup 3D modelling and how this can be used to visualise the planning of urban spaces and how Google Earth can be used to view a local region. Students will then use the Sketchup software to create 3D models of the urban environment. Activity name
Introduction to Google SketchUp
Capacity 15-24
Duration 3 hours
Activity description This is a beginner’s “hands-on” introduction to using SketchUp version 7. This introductory course is aimed at trainees (including teachers) with little or no 3 dimensional drawing or SketchUp experience, but who want to start to create 3 dimensional models using SketchUp. As a result of the activity, students will be able to construct complex shapes using the basic shape elements contained within SketchUp. This is the first step toward creating models for inclusion in Google Earth. Sessions can be tailored for teachers only, pupils only or both learning together. Activity name
Software training
Capacity 15-24
Duration 4 hours
Activity description The University can also provide further training sessions for the following software that may be used in the Design and Technology and Creative and Media Curriculum: Introduction to Kerkythea, Solid Edge Free 2D and DESI-III. Other Commercial Software Courses available; AutoCAD 2D; AutoCAD 3D AutoCAD Architecture and Solid Works The above commercial software training can be offered from Beginner to Expert levels. Sessions can be tailored for teachers only, pupils only or both learning together. Activity name
Capacity 15-30
Activity description This is a programming activity where you get to create your own automated attack unit.
Duration 2 hours
Price B Key words Diploma (CBE) D&T, IT Key Stages 4 & 5 Levels 2 & 3 Price C Key words Diploma (CBE, Eng, MPD, IT) D&T, IT Key Stages 4 & 5 Levels 2 & 3 Staff CPD Price C Key words Diploma (CBE, Eng, MPD, IT) D&T, IT Key Stages 4 & 5 Levels 2 & 3 Staff CPD Price B Key words Diploma (CM, IT) IT Key Stages 3 – 5 Levels 1 - 3
23 sTEm
ENGINEERING Activity name
Careers in Mechanical, Automotive or Electronic Engineering
Capacity 10-30
Duration 1 hour each
Price A
Activity description These sessions will provide an insight into Engineering Design and the career opportunities that exist via the graduate route
Key words Diploma (Eng, MPD) Key Stages 4 & 5
Activity name
Price C
Building an aircraft wing
Capacity 10-20
Duration 3 hours
Activity description This session begins with a presentation on what careers are available in Engineering and the qualifications needed for these. This will be followed by a workshop that involves students making a model of an aeroplane with simple materials such as paper, sticks and glue.
Activity name
Building a straw tower
Capacity 15-20
Duration 3 hours
Activity description Students will be given a brief presentation about Civil Engineering as a career and HE opportunities available at the University. Students will then be divided into groups for the workshop which will be conducted in a specialist Construction lab. The competition to build a tower from drinking straws will require the tower to be a maximum of 400mm in height and capable of holding 150ml of water. The tower which can hold the maximum volume will win depending upon the weight of the tower.
Key words Diploma (CBE, Eng, MPD) D&T Key Stages 3 & 4 Levels 1 - 3 Price C Key words Diploma (CBE, Eng, MPD) D&T Key Stages 3 & 4 Levels 1 - 3
sTEm 24
MATHS Activity name
Pop Maths Quiz
Capacity 20-100
Duration 2 hours
Price A
Activity description ThePop Maths Quiz is run in a traditional pub quiz style, with teams trying to solve maths questions (there are normally around 100 entrants). The Quiz lasts around an hour with prizes awarded at the end and is usually followed by a public lecture for parents and pupils.
Key words Diploma (CM, IT) Maths, IT Functional Skills Key Stages 3 & 4 Levels 1 - 3
Activity name
Price A
Hands on Maths activities
Capacity 15-30
Duration 1 hour
Activity description With over 350 Maths activities, starting with those suitable for Year 1 and reaching up to Year 13, these sessions are suitable for pupils from all key stages. The aim is to promote the exploration, and mathematical discussion, of the problems encountered, as well as just solving them. The activities will provide a brief experience of some elements of what practicing mathematicians do in real-life. These include: - problem solving - insight development - ideas exploration - solution achievement - discussion with colleagues - outcome interpretation All this takes place in a non-confrontational and non-competitive setting encompassing both challenge and enjoyment.
Key words Diploma (CM, IT) Maths, IT Functional Skills Key Stages 1 - 5 Levels 1 - 3
25 crEATiVE scHooLs
Creative schools We offer schools the opportunity to construct a creative offering with the University of Wolverhampton that supports and enhances the school’s curriculum: -
Workshops and Masterclasses in half or full-day formats Postgraduate Artists in Residence Scheme Visits and/or participation in University Shows Tailor-made talks and lectures for staff and students Attendance at ‘Guru’ Lectures at the University Workshops
Activity name
Animation – stop-go and Maya
Half-day or full day workshops can be offered to schools, including but not restricted to the following options. (NB. sessions can also be included which explore themes including employability, HE awareness, raising aspirations and attainment alongside the subject-specific offering).
Capacity 15-20
Duration 2 hours
Price C
Activity description The workshop explores a range of stop motion techniques using simple puppets and under the camera digital capture. The opportunity in the workshop is to experiment with and a range of media (puppet and claymation) to produce a short animation.
Key words Diploma (CM, IT) Art Key Stages 3 – 5 Levels 1 - 3
Activity name
Price A
Web design
Capacity 15-25
Duration 2 hours
Activity description Web Design – Using html and Java Script to create personalised web pages, using multimedia web technologies (video, music, images). Can be delivered to different age groups. Levels of difficulty can be changed.
Activity name
Mat-ex (material experimentation)
Capacity 15-25
Duration 2 hours
Activity description Mat – Ex is a flexible workshop where students are given the opportunity to design and build conceptual innovations to meet a tailored design brief (brief can be provided to aid other studies or set at random by deliverer). Students are challenged to work in teams to produce a model using materials common to professional design practice. Objectives: To understand and show proficiency of hand sketching and prototype modelling; To contribute creatively to a group and to openly discuss and share design opinion.
Key words Diploma (CM, IT) Art, IT Key Stages 3 – 5 Levels 1 – 3 Price B Key words Diploma (CM, MPD) Art / Design Key Stages 3 & 4 Levels 1 & 2
27 crEATiVE scHooLs
Activity name
The complex nature of footwear
Capacity 15-25
Duration 2 hours
Activity description How to communicate ideas without using words. This workshop introduces students to the core, everyday skills used throughout the creativity industries and challenges students to communicate their original ideas in both 2D and 3D mediums. Objectives: To understand and show proficiency of hand sketching and prototype modelling; To contribute creatively to a group and to openly discuss and share design opinion. Activity name
2D animation
Capacity 15-25
Duration 3 hours
Price B Key words Diploma (CM, MPD) Art / Design Key Stages 3 & 4 Levels 1 & 2 Price B
Activity description Using Toon Boom Studio 2D animation software, students will learn how to animate a ball rolling across a simple terrain. Students will also develop an understanding of how to use the software to create a traditional cut out style animation using templates. To understand the principles of movement, action, within animation.
Key words Diploma (CM, IT) Art, Design, IT Key Stages 3 – 5 Levels 1 - 3
Activity name
Price C
‘A bridge too far’ or ‘Why we don’t fall through the floor!’
Capacity 12-16
Duration 3 hours
Activity description Students will use ‘unusual’ materials to design and make a structure that will explore the fundamental principles of design related to the world around them. They will work in teams to design and make a structure using drawing, basic making skills and good communication skills to solve a given task.
Activity name
T- shirt printing
Capacity 12-16
Duration 3 hours
Activity description Pupils will learn to prepare and apply a printed design to plain t-shirts. Pupils will learn the basics of screen printing to fabric.
Key words Diploma (MPD) Art, Design, DT Key Stage 4 Level 1 & 2 Price C Key words Diploma (CM) Art, Design, DT Key Stages 2 – 5 Levels 1 – 3
crEATiVE scHooLs 28
Activity name
Sand casting
Capacity 12-14
Duration 3 hours
Activity description Glass casting using sand moulds which are made by impressing three-dimensional objects and models into the moulding sand or by taking impressions from them in resin sand. Understanding the principles and technique of hot glass casting. Activity name
Ceramics: surface pattern decoration
Capacity 12-14
Duration 3 hours
Activity description In this activity students will explore the techniques of decorating ceramic tiles.
Other workshops which have been offered to school groups include felt-making and Blue and Green Screen. Workshops in a range of practical subjects may also be offered by our Postgraduate Art Practitioners and external arts partners. Also available – workshops that explore context and theory underpinning art practice which can support the school curriculum, encourage critical thinking and reflection, and prepare students for the demands of HE study.
Postgraduate Artist in Residence Scheme Our trained and CRB cleared Postgraduate Artists in Residence can develop and deliver workshops in-school. This programme accommodates a sustained relationship with schools, staff and the artist to develop new creative skills in students. The programme can be related to a specific school theme (eg. health or recycling), the creative curriculum or can be developed in liaison with your chosen artist. Artists are recruited from a number of discipline areas including, but not restricted to: glass, ceramics, textiles, fine art and photography. Visits and/or participation in School of Art & Design Shows
Price C Key words Diploma (CM) Art, Design Key Stages 4 & 5 Price C Key words Diploma (CM) Art, Design Key Stages 3 & 4
Schools are invited to attend the Graduate and MA Shows at the University and a visit package can be built around this which may include workshops or talks delivered by our student artists. Separate shows at the School of Art & Design are held for schools participating in the Postgraduate Artist in Residence Scheme and the Design and Technology Network.
Tailor-made talks by staff and students A programme of lectures can be delivered by University staff and students about their own practice or University study in specific Arts disciplines.
Guru and guest lectures The School of Art and Design is committed to providing opportunities for guests and Honorary Graduates to develop lectures that stimulate, inspire and inform our students and these can be made available to school visits. Participating Honorary Degree awardees include: Goldie, Wayne Hemmingway and Barbara Hulanicki (Biba).
29 AspirATion rAisinG
Aspiration raising The following sessions are ideal for those pupils thinking about progressing into higher education. Particularly suitable for sixth form students, they may also be considered for younger pupils as part of a programme aimed at raising awareness of, and aspirations for, University-level study.
Activity name
Student life workshop
Capacity 10-25
Duration 1 hour each
Key words PSHE Key Stages 2 – 5 Levels 1 - 3
Activity description Group work with current University students. Activities could include: - University jargon-buster - Interviewing a University student - Courses / careers links - Budgeting: planning a weekly budget - Timetabling: planning a weekly student timetable
Activity name
Campus tours
Price A
Capacity 10-25
Duration 1 hour
Activity description A flexible tour of central facilities that can include: IT facilities, Learning Centre, Students Union, teaching facilities. Optional extras: student accommodation (all campuses), Arena Theatre (City Campus), Sports Centre (Walsall Campus)
Price A Key words PSHE Key Stages 2 – 5 Levels 1 - 3
AspirATion rAisinG 30
Activity name
Generic presentations and workshops
Capacity 10-25
Duration 1 hour each
Key words PSHE Key Stages 4 & 5 Levels 2 - 3
Activity description Topics covered include: - Is HE For Me? - Choosing a University & Course - Finances of University Study - Budgeting - Writing Personal Statements - Preparing to Start University Activity name
Why go to university?
Price A
Capacity 10-25
Duration 1 hour
Activity description This interactive session explores the reasons why people go to University, their hopes and fears and the skills needed for, and developed further by, Higher Education. Pupils will be asked to work on tasks individually and in groups. The session also looks at knowledge transfer, comparing what happens at school with University.
Price A Key words PSHE Key Stage 4 & 5 Levels 2 & 3
31 TrAnsiTion proGrAmmEs
Transition programmes Year 5 programme
Year 6 programme
This one-day programme is aimed at pupils from primary feeder schools and aims to introduce the participants to the idea of moving to a new school and making new friends. This is achieved by splitting the pupils into groups and taking them through a range of fun practical workshops and activities.
This programme is designed to help Year 6 pupils prepare for transition to their new school or Academy.
Examples of activities run in previous programmes include: • • • •
Art Dance Spanish Japanese
Pupils will get to take part in a variety of activities, make new friends, meet the teachers and engage with students and staff from the University. Price band B.
The programme consists of a full school day of activities on the two campuses of the Academy, a full day on a University of Wolverhampton campus, plus a parents’ evening following the two days. The programme will be preceded by a two-hour training session for Student Ambassadors from the two Academy schools and the University of Wolverhampton, to prepare them for supporting the Transition Programme. Aims and objectives • To help Year 6 pupils find out about the new Academy to which they will be going in Year 7 and know what to expect. • To allow pupils to explore appropriately targeted fun activities that help with confidence-building, communication and team-working. • To remove barriers around making new friends and mixing with children from other schools. • To provide pupils with a light introduction to University. • To enhance the communication and supportive skills of Academy students and University students. • To give an opportunity for parents to become familiar with the Academy and talk to staff. Price band C.
Transition Programmes 32
33 TrAnsiTion proGrAmmEs
Year 11 programme This programme is designed to prepare students for successful transition to level 3 from a personal and academic skills perspective. A combination of practical group workshops and sessions which focus on developing individual plans form a varied programme which will be fun, interactive and practical. The proposals are based on the latest research in the area of transition across educational phases and sectors and benefit from being mapped into progression beyond the specifics of the transition day. Aims • To develop an understanding of the different expectations of level 3 learning and prepare students to develop independent and collaborative learning skills. • Develop confidence in workshops that foster an understanding of communication, time management and leadership skills through group work. • To prepare students for the academic expectations of the level 3 curriculum and beyond, providing them with skills, strategies and tools to support their own personal and learning development. • To introduce students to University electronic collections and resources to support and enhance their work. Learning outcomes • An understanding of the expectations of studying at level 3 and the academic skills required. • An individual audit of skills for level 3 success and a personal action plan for skills which need further development. • Registration as a Junior Associate Student at the University and training to help students identify electronic collections and resources to support their own studies (eg. study guides, skills4learning software). Development of time management, communication, teamwork and planning skills of benefit in Sixth Form and in further and higher education. Price band C.
Transition Programmes 34
35 summEr scHooLs
Summer schools Summer schools are an excellent opportunity for pupils to receive an extended ‘real life’ experience of University. Typically lasting three days, available as residential or non-residential courses, summer schools can be themed to support the school specialism, used as an aid to transition, or used to run a mini-project. Summer Schools are available for 2 or 3 days, residential or non-residential.
Summer schools are located on a University campus and supported by University staff and students. Residential programmes will include an extended day, evening activities, overnight accommodation in student Halls of Residence, breakfast, lunch and dinner. An example three day programme for Year 11/12 pupils is provided adjacent;
summEr scHooLs 36
Wake up calls
Wake up calls
Breakfast (Refectory)
Breakfast (Refectory)
8.00am 8.30am 9.00am
Arrival at Halls of Residence/ Registration and settle into bedroom
9.30am 10.00am
Break (10.20-10.40)
Introduction to programme and Pebblepad
12.30pm 13.00pm
Group A Activity 1
Group B Activity 1
13.30pm 14.00pm
Group B Information gathering
Group A Activity 2 / Break 15:15
Group A Activity 3
Lunch Group A Information gathering
Activity 4
Group B Information gathering
Group B Activity 3
Lunch Poster display Evaluation and Feedback
Group B Activity 1 / Break 15:15 Break
Break Return to Halls of Residence / Personal Time
15.00pm 15.30pm
Finding out information
How to present your ideas
information gathering for project
Information gathering for project and poster preparation
Return to Halls of Residence / Personal Time
Return to Halls of Residence / Personal Time
Travel to Zorba’s
Travel to Zorba’s
Evening Activity Zorba’s Greek Restaurant
Evening Activity Zorba’s Greek Restaurant
Return to Halls of Residence
Return to Halls of Residence
Night Management
Night Management
Poster preparation
UTC Staff Introduction and Icebreaker
10.30am 11.00am
Group A Activity 3
Departure from Halls of Residence
17.00pm 17.30pm
19.30pm 20.00pm 20.30pm 21.00pm 21.30pm
price band d. residential: £190 per pupil / non-residential £110 per pupil. (prices subject to change)
37 Qualification Resources
Extended Project Qualification resources
QuALificATion rEsourcEs 38
Mastering and managing your Extended Project In response to increasing interest in the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ), the University of Wolverhampton has created a suite of highly interactive online support resources. Through these resources we bring access to expertise from the higher education sector in the crucial area of academic literacy development. These resources will help students become successful independent learners, able to plan, access resources and create high quality academic work. This is an ideal way of preparing them not only for successful study at university level, but also to equip them with the effective life skills associated with autonomous learning. The Distance Learning Toolkit which supports both the delivery and learning of the EPQ consists of these components: 1. Self-standing parcels which are thematically linked into the assessment outcomes for all Awarding Bodies’ specifications: AQA, Edexcel, OCR. 2. A reflective online journal which, as an e-portfolio, acts as both a reflective tool and repository for students’ work. 3. Asynchronous electronic University tutor support through the online journal and access to designated surgery slots. 4. A portfolio of online guest lectures on a variety of specialist themes. 5. Access to a range of the University of Wolverhampton’s resources. The resources are accessed through an online, passwordprotected platform to which teachers and students have access. The resources are available in a range of combinations which provide flexibility and ensure tailored packages of support.
Complete package, £29.99 per student for orders of up to 15 students* • • • • • • •
Contains everything you need to deliver the EPQ. All parcels listed below. FREE teacher notes and additional resources. Junior Associate Student Status for students, entitling them to structured use of academic resources at the University of Wolverhampton. Parcels embedded in e-portfolio, adding reflective journal component. Resources are web-based and can therefore be accessed any place, any time. Resources can be linked into institutional Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs).
* discounts are available for orders over 15, reducing the cost per student. Range of individual parcels, £5 each The following two parcels are included with each purchase; • •
Introduction to the EPQ How to use this resource
Discounts are available for schools wishing to buy bulk quantities of any individual learning parcel - please speak to our customer services manager. 1. How to reflect in an academic context 2. How Information Technology can help 3. How to plan the project effectively 4. How to find and use information 5. How to consider research ethics 6. How to gather new information 7. How to reference correctly (and what not to do!) 8. How to write academically 9. How to do the EPQ presentation 10. Reflecting and moving forward
39 supporT for sTAff And GoVErnors
Support for staff and Governors Professional development in creative subjects Accredited development: 5 credit modules Introduction to Photoshop An introduction to the basic tools and manipulation techniques of Adobe Photoshop including; tool setup and customising the workspace, basic corrections (healing brush, clone stamp etc.) working with selections and layers. Introduction to Illustrator An introduction to the basic tools and techniques of Adobe Illustrator including; selection, aligning, drawing, creating Shapes, colour, painting and producing artwork for print. Introduction to Indesign An introduction to the basic desktop publishing using Adobe Indesign including; text and text boxes, frames, styles, placing images and exporting work for publishing. Postgraduate Module in Creative Practice which can contribute to MA level Awards AD4060 Professional Practice This module will provide an opportunity for you to fully develop professional skills needed in presenting your work and to engage with the professional sphere. The module will give you the opportunity to gain studio based or industrial experience in an area related to your studio practice. You will self-negotiate a placement or live project of your choice. This can include portfolio review, writing a teaching programme, workshops, planning a public exhibition or delivery of practice in any other professional context. You will be encouraged to collaborate/ negotiate with professionals to gain industrial experience.
Other CPD support for teachers • Support with planning and executing a creative curriculum. • Exploring new media and viral technologies. • Mapping of Arts based PGCE attainment (or similar) to Postgraduate Diplomas. The School of Art & Design is happy to discuss and develop creative CPD opportunities to meet staff needs for viable cohorts
sAfEGuArdinG TrAininG 40
Safeguarding training In response to increasing interest from academies, schools and other education providers, the University of Wolverhampton has created a programme of supportive training services to help you manage safeguarding issues for your Governing Body, Senior Leadership Teams and for all staff working with children and vulnerable adults. We offer a package of training services designed to meet the new Ofsted inspection framework. A bespoke service is also available to match your exact needs.
Governing Body Safeguarding Service Training Academies must have an up-to-date child protection / safeguarding policy in place which has been agreed by the Governing Body and is reviewed annually. The training service covers the following aspects of safeguarding: • Recent developments in child protection legal obligations and Ofsted. • Vetting, barring and safer recruitment. • Management of allegations against staff. • Academy security.
Senior Leadership Team Safeguarding Training • Safer recruitment, vetting and barring guidance. • CRB checks / ISA registration / continuation checks. • Checking identity, qualifications, references, career history.
• • • • • • •
Handling allegations against staff. Whistle blowing. Disciplinary / Misconduct. Elements of safer practice. Legal duties to refer and when to refer. Record keeping for safeguarding. The role and responsibilities of the Designated Senior Person (DSP).
Safeguarding training for teaching and non- teaching members of staff • • • • • • • • • •
Pupil health and safety. Bullying and racist abuse / harassment and discrimination. Use of physical intervention. Meeting the needs of pupils with medical conditions. Educational visits. Internet safety. School security. Elements of safer practice. Legal duties to refer and when to refer. Whistle blowing.
Price band D. £550 per three hour delivery session for up to 25 staff, delivered on Academy premises at your convenience.
41 AddiTionAL informATion
Additional information Fees and charges
Summer schools
There will a charge to cover the costs of delivering and organising the agreed programme or activity. The costs will be agreed beforehand and confirmed within the Service Level Agreement (if applicable). An invoice will be sent to the named contact and should be paid in accordance with the University’s financial regulations. Non attendance without appropriate notice will incur a charge even if the programme was offered at no cost to the customer.
Two day non-residential £70 Two day residential £130 Three-day non-residential course: £110 per student Three-day residential course: £190 per student
Prices Banded sessions The price of each session is banded either A to D to reflect the type of activity and corresponding costs associated with delivery. The variation in price is due to the length of the activity, number/type of staff needed to deliver and/or the cost of materials involved. The price includes a Certificate of Participation for each pupil. Band A: £10 per student Band B: £15 per student Band C: £20 per student Band D: priced per session The price does not include refreshments or lunch. If you would like these to be provided then please add £1.20 per pupil for a drink and £4.50 per pupil for lunch (including a drink).
based on 50 pupils attending prices subject to change
Service Level Agreements In most circumstances schools wishing to enroll students on our programmes will be expected to enter into a Service Level Agreement with the University of Wolverhampton. This document sets out the programme, principal obligations and entitlements between the parties and fees payable. It is signed by an authorised person at the school and the Academies and Trusts Unit.
Prices for CPD, Governors Training and consultancy are competitive and will be negotiated on a case by case basis.
Disclaimer The University of Wolverhampton can accept no liability for the accuracy or otherwise of statements in these publications. It is a general guide and there may be changes following publication, which affect the contents. Courses and modules may be altered or withdrawn without notice. Before accepting any place offered on a course, prospective students should be aware that the provision of education services by the University of Wolverhampton is subject to written terms and conditions of contract set out in full on the University’s website at
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