Born international, still growing

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national research based multidisciplinary research multidisciplinary resear multidisciplinary international research based multidisciplinary internatio arch based multidisciplinary international international research based re based multidisciplinary international multidisciplinary international resea Universitymultidisciplina of Padova based research based 2012 multidisciplinary international national research based multidisciplinary international research based mu nary international research based multidisciplinary international multidis international international research based multidisciplinary internationa based research based multidisciplinary international multidisciplinary inter research based multidisciplinary international research based multidiscipli national research based research based multidisciplinary research based m plinary international research based based research based multidisciplinar tional multidisciplinary international research based multidisciplinary inte research based multidisciplinary international research based research ba sciplinary international multidisciplinary international international rese multidisciplinary international research based research based multidiscipli ternational multidisciplinary international research based multidisciplinar tional research based multidisciplinary international research based resea multidisciplinary research based multidisciplinary international research b tidisciplinary international research based multidisciplinary international based international research based based research based multidisciplinary tional multidisciplinary international research based multidisciplinary inte research based multidisciplinary international research based research ba sciplinary international multidisciplinary international international rese multidisciplinary international research based research based multidiscipli ternational multidisciplinary international research based multidisciplinar tional research based multidisciplinary international research based resea multidisciplinary research based multidisciplinary international research b tidisciplinary international research based multidisciplinary international based multidisciplinary international research based research based multid international multidisciplinary international research based research bas sciplinary invternational multidisciplinary international research based m plinary international research based multidisciplinary international resea research based research based multidisciplinary international research ba sciplinary international research based research b 1222 multidisciplinary international

born international still growing



born international

University of Padova

born international still growing



born international

At the University of Padova the past is not merely a distant memory, but a constant source of inspiration: our glorious past is the source not only of our traditions but of our motivation and our determination to innovate. Here in Padova, we continue that same tradition of freedom in scientific experimentation which brought here the most distinguished scholars and students of Europe and which led to some of the most important discoveries ever made in the fields of medicine and astronomy – discoveries which fully justify Padova’s reputation as the “nursery of arts”. The research and studies carried out here in Padova still make major contributions to the cultural growth and scientific progress of our times, and symbolise the unbroken tradition of dedication to knowledge that links those scholars who came before us with those of future generations. Investments in the field of teaching and research have established Padova in the top ranks of the national scale for teaching quality and scientific research: this has made Padova a hub for foreign scholars and students, who can attend international programmes in many disciplines. At the University of Padova, research, teaching and learning are closely related and, in a way, are different means to the same end. That end is to be protagonists in the life of our community, and ambassadors of our most fundamental values: passionate search for truth and freedom, to cultivate understanding and to compare experiences beyond all barriers and differences, without distinctions and without prejudices.

Giuseppe Zaccaria Rector University of Padova



university of padova at a glance




living in padova


department of Agronomy, Food, Natural Resources, Animals and the Environment


The University




department of Biology


department of Biomedical Sciences


The city


enjoying the world


International Relations at the University of Padova


department of Cardiac, Thoracic and Vascular Sciences


Bilateral Agreements


department of Chemical sciences





Joint Degrees


department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering

Other Initiatives


department of Comparative Biomedicine and Food Science







department of cultural heritage: archaeology and history of art, cinema and music

Excellence networks


focusing on Research






Strategic projects


International Research Projects


Research fields


Research highlights - a few samples


department of developmental psychology 60 and socialisation department of Economics and management 61 department of general psychology


department of geosciences


department of historical and geographic sciences and the ancient world


department of industrial engineering


department of information engineering


department of land, environment, agriculture and forestry


department of linguistic and literary studies


department of management and engineering 67

department of surgery, oncology and gastroenterology


department of women’s and children’s health


galilean school of higher education


improving multidisciplinarity


course organisation


Laurea 1st cycle degree courses


Laurea magistrale a ciclo unico single cycle degree courses


department of mathematics


department of medicine


department of molecular medicine


department of neurosciences

69 69

Laurea magistrale 2nd cycle degree courses


department of pharmaceutical and pharmacological sciences


Master universitari short specialisation degree-courses


department of philosophy, sociology, education and applied psychology


Scuole di specializzazione specialisation schools


department of physics and astronomy department of political and juridical sciences and international studies


dottorati di ricerca doctoral degrees


department of private law and critique of law


department of public, international and community law


department of statistical sciences


a budget of

Founded in

607 million 66

1222 12,000


graduates each year


thousand euro


University of Padova

experimental farm

1 university hospital

at a glance


1 veterinary hospital


13 sections outside Padova 6 born international



school of excellence

professors and researchers

2,265 technicians and administrative personnel



1st cycle degree courses

research and service centres





2nd cycle degree courses

thousand Euro a year for research



single cycle degree courses

doctorate candidates


14 halls of residence

1st and 2nd level Short specialisation degree courses


libraries: more than



million books specialisation schools

16 University canteens

5,208 study grants still growing


living in padova


born international

Defending freedom of thought became a distinctive feature which today lives on in the University motto: Universa Universis Patavina Libertas.

The University The University of Padova is one of Europe’s oldest and most prestigious seats of learning: it is a multidisciplinary university which aims to provide its students with both professional training and a solid cultural background. A qualification from the University of Padova is a symbol of having achieved an ambitious objective, one that is recognised and coveted by both students and employers alike. The University was established in 1222 after a group of students and teachers decided to come here from Bologna. They set up a free body of scholars, divided by place of origin

centuries, Padova became a workshop of ideas and home to figures who changed the cultural and scientific history of humanity. They included Andreas Vesalius, who founded modern anatomy, as well as Copernicus, and Galileo, who observed the skies here. Padova also vaunts the world’s first university botanical garden and permanent anatomy theatre, which was built by Girolamo Fabrici d’Acquapendente. William Harvey, who was the first to describe the circulation of the blood, studied in Padova, and in 1678 Elena Lucrezia Cornaro Piscopia was the first woman in the world to be awarded a university degree.

into nationes, in which students approved statutes, elected

The fall of the Serenissima Republic of Venice marked the

the rettore (rector, or chancellor) and chose their teachers,

beginning of a dark age. Padova fell under the rule of first

who were paid with money the students collected. Defending

the French and then the Austrians, passing through Italy’s

freedom of thought in study and teaching became a distinctive

tumultuous Risorgimento, which also shook the University.

feature which today lives on in the University motto: Universa

Between the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the University

Universis Patavina Libertas. The introduction of empirical and

expanded to include the Faculties of Engineering, Pharmacy,

experimental methods together with the teaching of theory

and Political Sciences, together with its traditional Faculties

marked the dawn of a golden age. In the 16th and 17th

of Law, Medical School, Arts and Philosophy, and Sciences.

still growing


The advent of Fascism curtailed the University’s values of free thought and cultural independence. Its professors swore allegiance to the regime, after which the approval of Italy’s racial laws and the expulsion of Jewish professors opened




one of the darkest periods in the University’s history. Rector Concetto Marchesi woke the University from its slumber and, at the height of the Nazi occupation, made a courageous appeal to the students to fight for the freedom of Italy. For its sacrifices in the name of Freedom, the University of Padova was awarded a gold medal for military valour, the only university to receive one. During the post-war period, the University opened Faculties of Education, Agricultural Sciences and Psychology, and, in the 1990s, Faculties of Veterinary Medicine, and Economics and Business Administration. In the 20th century, the University of Padova produced great literati such as Diego Valeri and Concetto Marchesi; engineers like Giuseppe Colombo, the “master of celestial mechanics”; mathematicians such as Tullio Levi Civita; the jurists Alfredo Rocco and Livio Paladin; the philosophers Luigi Stefanini and Enrico Opocher; and doctors like Vincenzo Gallucci, who carried out the


born international


Padova is at the heart of North-east Italy, the powerhouse behind one of Europe’s largest economic and industrial areas

The city Near the verdant Euganean Hills to the south and crisscrossed by waterways, Padova is a city which blends historical tradition and culture with burgeoning business and service industries. Its central position makes it perfect for reaching Venice and its beach resorts, the Dolomites, Lake Garda and the spa resorts of Abano and Montegrotto Terme.


Almost 500,000 tourists visit Padova each year to marvel


at its art and fine heritage of architecture and museums.


Its squares, porticoes and old cobbled streets tell the story




of a wealthy, beautiful Medieval town that was renowned for its art and culture.


Over the last few years, the city’s economy has expanded and its trade, logistics, infrastructure and large-scale distribution have grown together with its already welldeveloped network of small and medium-sized enterprises. Padova is at the heart of North-East Italy – the powerhouse

first heart transplant in Italy. The new millennium opened

behind one of Europe’s largest economic and industrial

with some important discoveries, particularly in medicine,

areas, with more than 7 million inhabitants and 600,000

biomedicine, engineering and aerospace technology.


still growing


enjoying the world


born international

enjoying the world

the University of Padova promotes culture founded on universal values such as human rights, peace, respect for the environment and international solidarity

International Relations at the University of Padova

Padova and of its long-standing traditions in the field of

If scientists were able to analyse the genome of a university,

Nowadays the University of Padova “promotes the furthering

they would be able to trace the gene of internationalisation of

of culture founded on universal values such as human

the University of Padova back to 40 distinguished students

rights, peace, respect for the environment and international

of past centuries.

solidarity” (Article 1 of its Statutes, 1995). The international

Indeed, a hall next to today’s Great Hall in Palazzo Bo is

dimension of the University is not only witnessed by many

dedicated to 40 ‘greats’ from all over Europe, portrayed

spontaneous activities, such as the countless research

on the walls surrounding a podium from which Galileo

cooperation projects individually promoted by teachers

once taught to a wide European audience. Here are the

and researchers and the teaching now offered to as many

portraits of authoritative scholars like William Harvey, who

as 1,500 regularly enrolled foreign students, but also by the

discovered the circulation of the blood; curious figures like

existence of several bilateral agreements of ‘traditional’ type,

Oliver Goldsmith, a wandering Irish poet and writer of the

extensive participation in European programmes for research

18th century; severe men like Francis Walsingham, famous

and education, cooperation with developing countries, and –

statesman in the service of Queen Elizabeth I and founder of

last, but not least – by committed participation in the project

the government’s secret services; and courageous men like

activities of the Coimbra Group (the network of historical

Michel de L’Hospital, collaborator of Catherine de Medicis,

European universities) as well as other excellence networks.


Queen of France, and champion of religious tolerance. Another scholar, Stefan Batory from Hungary, became Prince of Transylvania in 1571 and later King of Poland. The 40 portraits in this hall are emblematic of the University of

still growing 13

enjoying the world

The University of Padova has always been very active within the framework of the Erasmus programme and its participation goes back to the origins of the programme in 1987

Bilateral Agreements

established. Today, Padova has 1311 bilateral agreements

Internationalisation has always been an important priority

with more than 500 European universities in 33 countries.

for the University of Padova. With more than 100 bilateral

The ‘Erasmus Padova’ Association was acknowledged as

agreements, the University has established long-standing

the best in Europe at the Annual General Meeting of the

relationships with Higher Education Institutions all over the

Erasmus Associations held in Budapest in 2011. The mobility

world, not only in Europe but also in Africa, North and South

of students covers all partner universities; Spain, France and

America, Asia and the Middle East, aimed at encouraging

Germany remained the most frequently visited countries in

international exchanges of teaching and administrative

the last academic year. Most erasmus students come from

staff as well as students at all degree levels. These bilateral

Medical Sciences, Social Sciences, Engineering, Technology

agreements reflect various forms of cooperation, which also

and Languages.

include activities such as joint publications and exchange of information, to improve academic cooperation.

Other LLP projects: some examples Within the framework of the LLP of the European Union, the University of Padova has also participated in several projects

THE LLP PROGRAMME lifelong learning programme Erasmus Mobility The University of Padova has always been very active within the framework of the Erasmus programme and its participation goes back to the origins of the programme in 1987, when the first agreements for student exchange (Erasmus-ICPs) were


born international

in the last few years, including: Erasmus Intensive Programmes CGDMIP – Coimbra Group Development Master Intensive Programme; Cold War and Society - Eastern and Western Perspectives International Summer School in integrated rural road network re-engineering

enjoying the world

ISSEMT – International Summer School in Educating Music Teachers

EMQT – Erasmus Mobility Quality Tools (coordinated by University of Padova).

Microorganisms and traditional foods: partners or competitors? Opportunities for traditional food at the international markets Role of agriculture in territorial identity and competitiveness

Erasmus Academic Network STEPS-TWO by European Physics Education Network EUROPLAT Network (European Psychology Learning and Teaching) University Network for innovation in Guidance

of rural areas SCF-ASERCPI – Supercritical Fluids – Actual Strategies for energy and Resources Conservation by process Intensification The development of agri-food localised chains in European mountain areas Transnationalism in the Global City

Erasmus Structural Networks Erasmus Multilateral Projects

Leonardo da Vinci Leonardo da Vinci Mobility: Graduates for European society Leonardo da Vinci Transfer of Innovation: 1. SHOEcoll – Improving the Shoe Industry by means of the Clustering Method in order to gain Competitive Capacity in the International Market; 2. REBASING – REsearch-BASed competence





System: Transfer of e-learning quality innovation in mental health education; 4. "Il lavoratore di filiera" (filière workers)

INTENT – Integrating Telecollaborative Networks into University Foreign Language Education JOIMAN – Joint Degree Management and Administration Network: tackling current issues and facing future challenges

Jean Monnet – JM chair Globalisation, Intercultural Dialogue and Inclusiveness in the EU

still growing 15

key: 16

born international

countries having exchange and/or collaboration agreements with the university of Padova

enjoying the world

Joint Degrees Erasmus Mundus – action 1 The University of Padova has committed itself to implementing joint and double degree curricula in the last few years, with special attention to the Erasmus Mundus Programme. Padova participates in nine joint programmes at Master Level and four at doctoral level. Padova coordinates the EM Master Course in Sustainable Territorial Development-STeDE and hosts part of the coordination (Pedagogical Secretariat) of the EM Master Course in mathematics (Algant). These joint courses involve more than 50 universities and around 100 students every year. There are now more than 300 graduates within the framework of these programmes. Master level programmes

ALGANT - International Integrated Master course in Algebra, Geometry and Number Theory The ALGANT consortium consists of eight universities on four continents and offers a two-year world-class integrated master's course in pure mathematics, with strong emphasis on Algebra, Geometry and Number Theory. Université Bordeaux 1, France (coordinator) Universiteit Leiden, The Netherlands Université Paris-Sud (Paris 11), France Università di Milano, Italy Concordia University, Canada Chennai Mathematical Institute, India Stellenbosch University, South Africa Università di Padova, Italy

still growing 17

9 16 19

8 12 13 18 20 21 22

austria 11


1 3



10 14 15


26 28



25 7


27 5









34 35


38 46 47

24 29

36 39



40 43

42 bilateral agreements joint degrees cooperation with developing countries other


enjoying the world

1 Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz 2 Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck 3 technische universitÄt graz

croatia ˇ 4 Sveucilište u Rijeci ˇ 5 Sveucilište u Zadru ˇ ˇ 6 Sveucilište u Zagrebu 7 zavicajni muzej poreŠtine

france 8 AgroParisTech - École interne ENGREF 9 École Centrale de Lille 10 École Centrale de Lyon 11 École Centrale de Nantes 12 École centrale Paris 13 École Supérieure d'Électricité

14 Université Bordeaux 1 15 Université Bordeaux 3 - institut ausonius 16 Université de Lille 1 17 Université de nice sophia antipolis 18 Université de Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne 19 Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille 20 21 Université paris descartes (paris 5) 22 Université paris diderot (paris 7) 23 Université Paris-Sud (Paris 11)

italy 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

École franÇaise de rome ist. naz. di oceanografia e geofisica sperimentale Politecnico di Milano

ASTROMUNDUS - Astrophysics AstroMundus is a two-year Erasmus Mundus Master's Course in Astronomy and Astrophysics offered by a consortium of five partner universities in four countries: Austria, Italy, Germany and Serbia. Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck, Austria (coordinator) Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Germany Univerzitet u Beogradu, Serbia Università di Roma ‘Tor Vergata’, Italy Università di Padova, Italy

MBIO - Erasmus Mundus Master of bioethics Several eminent European universities and institutes (K.U. Leuven in Belgium, Nijmegen in The Netherlands, and Padova) have combined their efforts in the field of bioethics by developing

Università di Bologna

a one-year master programme focusing on all issues currently

Università di Milano

relevant to bioethics. This Master Course has been granted five ˇ more editions funded by the European Commission.

Università di Roma "Tor Vergata" Venice International University

portugal 31 Instituto Superior Técnico Lisboa 32 Universidade de Coimbra 33 Universidade de Évora 34 Universidade do Minho 35 Universidade do Porto


Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium (coordinator) Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, The Netherlands Università di Padova, Italy

MEDFOR – Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Course in Mediterranean Forestry and Natural Resources Management


agencia nacional de evaluacion de la calidad y accreditacion (aneca)


Consellería de Educación e Ordenación Universitaria de la Xunta de Galicia


Escola Tècnica Superior d'Enginyeria Industrial de Barcelona


Universidad Autonoma de Madrid


Universidad de Alicante

Mundus Master Course. It answers the demand from


Universidad de Deusto

the Mediterranean forestry community for a coordinated


Universidad de Granada


Universidad de Sevilla


Universidad de Valladolid

45 46

Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo


Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

Mediterranean Forestry and Natural Resources Management (MEDfOR) is a fully integrated two-year world-class Erasmus

approach towards developing reliable information and tools, based on sound science and a multidisciplinary approach,

Universitat de Barcelona

still growing 19

iceland 25




9 10 11



33 26

the 28 netherlands


united kingdom


14 34


35 36

31 27








4 3 5 6 8 1 2

22 19




23 16


enjoying the world

belgium 1 coimbra group 2 erasmus student network 3 europace ivzw 4 Katholieke Universiteit Leuven 5 Université de liegi 6 Université Libre de Bruxelles 7 Universiteit Antwerpen 8 Vrije Universiteit Brussel

denmark 9 Aarhus Universitet 10 Danmarks Tekniske Universitet 11 University of Copenhagen


to improve forest and natural resources management in the Mediterranean region. MEDfOR brings together the best expertise, human resources and facilities to educate the next generation of leaders in this important field. MEDfOR develops an innovative and integrated approach to graduate-level and specialisation programmes to provide students with advanced knowledge on domains which include: (i) assessment of the

12 Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg

effects of climate and land-use change on the functioning of

13 charitÉ - Universitäts medizin berlin 14 che consult

Mediterranean forest ecosystems; (ii) integration of the risk of

15 gottfried wilhelm leibniz Universität hannover

wildfires in planning Mediterranean forested landscapes; (iii)

16 Friedrich-Schiller - Universität Jena 17 Georg-August-Universität Göttingen

design of policy, and economic and institutional instruments

18 Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg

for sustainable provision of Mediterranean forest goods and

19 Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg 20 Technische Universität Dresden 21 Technische Universität München

services; iv) development of advanced decision-making

22 Universität Frankfurt am Main

MEDfOR provides study environments which excel both

23 Universität leipzig 24 Universität Siegen

professionally and culturally.

iceland 25 agricultural university of iceland

ireland 26 trinity college dublin

the netherlands 27 Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen 28 29 30 31 30

rijksuniversiteit groningen Universiteit Leiden Universiteit Twente Wageningen Universiteit


support tools for planning Mediterranean forest management.

Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal (Coordinator) Università di Padova, Italy Università della Tuscia, Italy Universidade Católica Portuguesa - PORTO Regional Centre, Portugal Universitat de Lleida, Spain Universitat de Valladolid, Spain Karadeniz Technical University, Turkey

32 Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

united kingdom 33 manchester metropolitan university 34 University of Cambridge 35 University of Hertfordshire - School of Pharmacy 36 University of oxford 37 University of Wales

SAMHC - Advanced Master in Structural Analysis of Monuments and Historical Constructions The objective of SAHC is to offer an advanced education programme on the engineering of conservation of structures, with a focus on architectural heritage. The programme lasts one academic year and is held on a rotating basis among

bilateral agreements joint degrees cooperation with developing countries other

partners, so each student follows coursework in one partner institution and works on dissertation in another. This Master

still growing 21


8 9 27




26 28 20

poland 16 21



6 7

czech republic


ukraine 33

slovakia 30 11 13





moldova 15

romania 24 29


serbia 5 1 2

albania4 3

10 32


turkey 31


enjoying the world

1 Universiteti ‘Aleksandër Moisiu’ Durrës 2 Universiteti Bujqësor i Tiranës 3 Universiteti Eqrem Çabej i Gjirokastrës 4 Universiteti i Korçë (Fan. S. Noli) 5 Universiteti i Shkodrës "Luigj Gurakuqi"

czech republic

Course has been granted five more editions funded by the


ceské vysoké ucení technické v Praze ˇ ˇ

European Commission.


Univerzita Karlova, Praha

finland 8 Åbo akademi 9 turun yliopisto - university of turku

greece 10 aristotle university of thessaloniki

hungary 11 Eotvos Lorand Tudomanyegyetem Budapest 12 kaposvÁr egyetem 13 Semmelweis Egyetem Budapest

latvia 14 latvijas universitate


Poland 16 politechnika warszawska 17 politechnika slaska 18 Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza 19 Uniwersytet Jagiellonski w Krakowie 20 Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika 21 Uniwersytet Warszawski

romania 22 universitatea alexandru ioan cuza 23 universitatea de medicina si farmacie “carol davila” 24 Universitatea Lucian Blaga din Sibiu 25 Universitatea TeChnica din Cluj-Napoca

russia (part 1) 26

international indipendent university of environmental and political science of penza

27 Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University 28 state pedagogical university of penza

serbia 29 Univerzitet u Beogradu

slovakia 30 Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave

turkey 31 adnan menderes university 32 Atatürk Üniversitesi - College of Agriculture

ukraine 33 V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University bilateral agreements joint degrees cooperation with developing countries other

Universidade do Minho, Portugal (coordinator) Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain Ceské vysoké učení technické v Praze, Czech Republic Università di Padova, Italy

STeDe - Erasmus Mundus Master in Sustainable Territorial Development The STeDe Master programme is coordinated by the University of Padova. This Master course offers excellent training for prospective experts, training professionals to help organisations acting in the territory (enterprises, local communities and civil organisations) to draft sustainable development policies for economic, social, environmental, international and intercultural management. Università di Padova, Italy (coordinator) Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium Université de Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, France Universidade Catolica Dom Bosco, Brazil

SUFONAMA - Master in Sustainable Forest and Nature Management The Sufonama Master is a two-year world-class integrated course aimed at qualifying graduates to deal with the enormous challenges in sustainable management of natural resources. It is organised by a consortium which includes five of the best European universities within the sector of forest and nature management. This Master course has been granted five more editions funded by the European Commission.

still growing 23


27 28





an ist 1 n a gh af

china 25 9 10

an ist k pa 26

22 24 23

21 18


11 13 17 20

nep al 12 19

15 2 3 4

sh lade bang






enjoying the world

afghanistan 1 University of Herat

bangladesh 2 Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology 3 BRAC University 4 University of Dhaka

china 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Guangzhou University Hubei University Liaoning University Sicass Shangai Institute of Ceramics sichuan university Southeast University

University of Wales, Bangor, United Kingdom Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Germany Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, Sweden Università di Padova, Italy

SUTROFOR - Sustainable Tropical Forestry Erasmus Mundus Masters Course This two-year world-class master programme prepares


qualified graduates to deal with the complex aspects of

Anna University Chennai birla institute of technology Chennai Mathematical Institute Indian Institute of Science Bangalore Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur Indian Institute of Technology Madras Indian Institute of Technology Rajasthan Jadavpur University Sri Ramaswamy Memorial University University of Delhi

contemporary tropical forestry. This Master Course has

nepal 22 Kathmandu University 23 pokhara University 24 Tribhuvan University

pakistan 25 COMSATS Institute of Information Technology 26 NED University of Engineering and Technology

russia (part 2) 27 28 29 30 31

Københavns Universitet, Denmark (coordinator)

Lomonosov Moscow State University Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry Novosibirsk State Technical University Samara State technical University Siberian federal university

been granted five more editions funded by the European Commission. Københavns Universitet, Denmark (coordinator) University of Wales, United Kingdom Technische Universität Dresden, Germany AgroParisTech - École interne ENGREF, France Università di Padova, Italy

TPTI - Techniques, Patrimoines, Territoires de l'Industrie: Histoire, Valorisation, Didactique The TPTI Erasmus Mundus Master offers a two-year training programme, designed for students or professionals wishing to develop methodology, theory and practical heritage. It focuses on both historical analysis and analysis of land and provides it with an extra dimension of pure research and action. Université de Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, France (coordinator)

bilateral agreements joint degrees cooperation with developing countries other

Universidade de Evora, Portugal Università di Padova, Italy

still growing 25

being international

11 titolo della pubblicazione

8 9 10


6 7

korea 4

12 13



the philippines



3 2

enjoying the world

australia 1 griffith university 2 university of melbourne

Doctoral Programmes:

3 university of new south wales

ALGANT-DOC - Algebra, Geometry and Number Theory Joint Doctorate

japan 4 Fukuoka University 5 Kochi University 6 Nagoya City University 7 Nagoya Institute of Technology 8 Tokyo University of Science 9 University of Tokyo 10 Waseda University

south korea 11 Hallym University

the philippines 12 Ateneo de Manila University 13 University of the Philippines Diliman

The ALGANT-DOC doctoral programme, set up by the ALGANT consortium, is a collaborative scheme creating ideal conditions for the production of high-level research in pure mathematics, leading to a double and/or joint doctoral degree, prepared under joint supervision at a minimum of two partner institutions. Université Bordeaux 1, France (coordinator) Universiteit Leiden, The Netherlands Université Paris-Sud (Paris 11), France Università di Milano, Italy Concordia University, Canada Chennai Mathematical Institute, India Università di Padova, Italy

EXTATIC – Erasmus Mundus Extreme-Ultraviolet and X-Ray Technology and Training for International Cooperation The purpose of this joint doctorate is to provide a new generation of graduate students with high-level training in Extreme-Ultraviolet (XUV) and X-ray science, togeher with all the scientific, technical and transferable skills necessary for thriving careers in a burgeoning area involving innovative technological development across a range of disciplines. This aim will be achieved by a unique combination of “hands-on” research training, industrial placements, courses and workshops on the scientific and bilateral agreements joint degrees cooperation with developing countries other

complementary “soft” skills facilitated by the academicindustrial composition of our network. Associated partners

still growing 27

being international

canada 2

1 13 24

29 19



30 16 22


15 26

18 27


United states of america 20




mexico 10

4 6 9 12

8 7




enjoying the world

canada 1 Concordia University


2 university of british columbia 3 University of West ontario

cuba 4

Instituto Politécnico José Antonio Echeverría

5 6

Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de las Villas Universidad de la Habana

in the USA (Purdue, Colorado) and China (Tongji-Shanghai) will provide co-supervision and placement opportunities, as will European industrial partners such as Silson (UK), Prevac (Poland), XENOCS and EPPRA (France), Rigaku Innovative Technologies (Czech Republic) and Bruker (Germany).


Dublin City University, Ireland (Co-ordinating institution)


Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla

Czech Techinical University in Prague, Czech Republic


Comimsa - Corporación Mexicana de Investigación en Material

Rwth Aachen University, Germany

9 Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Hidalgo 10 Universidad de Guadalajara 11 Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Chiapas

University College Dublin, Ireland

12 Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Military University of Technology, Poland

united states of america 13 Boston University 14 Catholic University of America 15 Colorado State University 16 columbia university 17 emory university 18 harvard university 19 Iowa State University College of Veterinary Medicine 20 Oklahoma State University 21 Pennsylvania State University 22 purdue university 23 Texas A&M University 24 tufts university 25 University of Arkansas 26 university of california 27 university of connecticut 28 University of Michigan College of Business 29 University of Minnesota 30 Worcester Polytechnic Institute

University of Padova, Italy King’s College London, United Kingdom University of Southampton, United Kingdom

FUSION-DC - Eramsus Mundus International Doctoral College in Fusion Science and Engineering FUSION-DC is a three-year joint doctoral programme in nuclear fusion science and engineering, offered by a consortium of 20 European partner institutions from 8 EU countries: 7 academic degree-awarding full partners, 2 research institute full partners, and 11 associated partners (including ITER Organization, Fusion for Energy [F4E] and Fusion Education Network Association [FUSENET] and 9 non-EU associated members from the ITER partner countries (China, Japan, Russia, USA). FUSION-DC provides sustainable, integrated and coordinated training at doctoral level within the framework of a worldwide network of excellence in magnetic confinement fusion (MCF). University of Ghent, Belgium (Co-ordinating institution)

bilateral agreements joint degrees cooperation with developing countries other

Henri Poincarè University Nancy 1, France University of Stuttgart, Germany

still growing 29

honduras 9 10

11 12

guatemala 7 8

el salvador


13 14

20 22 21


3 1


ecuador 17

18 19


15 16


bolivia 5


enjoying the world

ecuador 1 Universidad de Guayaquil 2 Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo 3 Universidad Técnica de Manabí

bolivia 4 Universidad Autonóma Juan Misael Saracho 5

Universidad Mayor, Real, y Pontificia de San Francisco

Xavier de Chuquisaca 6 Universidad Pública de El Alto

el salvador 7 Universidad Centroamericana José Simeón Cañas 8 Universidad de el salvador

University of Padova, Italy Higher Technical Institute, Lisbon, Portugal Carlos III University of Madrid, Spain Complutense University of Madrid, Spain Irfm-cea Cadarache, France Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Garching and Greifswald, Germany

guatemala 9 Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala 10 Universidad Rafael Landívar

honduras 11 Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras 12 Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Moràzan

nicaragua 13 Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua – Managua 14 Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua – León

peru 15 Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Perú 16 Universidad nacional agraria la molina 17 Universidad Nacional de Amazonía Peruana 18 UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE TRUJILLO 19 UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL santiago antunez de mayolo

venezuela 20 UNIVERSIDAD CENTRAL DE VENEZUELA 21 Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado 22 Universidad Simón Bolívar

FONASO - Forest and Nature for Society In FONASO, the emphasis is on applied research. Doctoral candidates will therefore typically do fieldwork (in a wide sense) and are encouraged, starting already in the project formulation phase, to carry out fieldwork in connection with stays at Associate Partners, who may contribute with hosting and co-supervision functions. Københavns Universitet, Denmark (coordinator) University of Wales, United Kingdom Technische Universität Dresden, Germany Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Germany AgroParisTech - École interne ENGREF, France Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, Sweden Università di Padova, Italy

bilateral agreements joint degrees cooperation with developing countries other

still growing 31



24 29 22


33 18 26


pa ra gu ay






25 39 47





45 44 42 41



23 24 17 31


13 7

1 4 5 6 11 14

27 36



2 9


20 30 15

38 ur ug ua y 48 49



born international

bilateral agreements joint degrees cooperation with developing countries other

argentina 1 Universidad de Buenos Aires

enjoying the world

2 Universidad Nacional de Catamarca 3 Universidad Nacional de Córdoba 4 Universidad Nacional de la Plata 5 UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE MAR DEL PLATA 6 Universidad Nacional de Quilmes 7 Universidad Nacional de Rosario 8 Universidad Nacional de Salta 9 Universidad Nacional de San Luis 10 Universidad Nacional de Tucuman 11

Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires

12 Universidad Nacional del Comahue 13 Universidad Nacional del Litoral 14 Universidad Tecnologica Nacional

brazil 15 PONTIFÍCIA UNIVERSIDADE CATÓLICA DO RIO GRANDE DO SUL 16 PONTIFÍCIA UNIVIVERSIDADE CATÓLICA DO PARANÁ 17 SATC - Associação Beneficente da Indústria Carbonífera de Santa Catarina 18 UNEB UNIVERSIDADE DO ESTADO DA BAHIA 19 Universidade CatÓlica Dom Bosco 20 Universidade de Caxias do Sul 21 UNIVERSIDADE DE PASSO FUNDO 22 UNIVERSIDADE DE PERNAMBUCO 23 Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina 24 Universidade Estadual da Paraíba 25 Universidade Estadual Paulista 26 Universidade Federal de Bahia 27 Universidade Federal de Goiás 28 Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais

Other Initiatives Besides Erasmus Mundus, the University of Padova encourages other initiatives aimed at joint or double degrees and guarantees ad hoc scholarships for students participating in these programmes. Some examples are the double degree programmes in Philology at the University of Stendhal Grenoble 3, European Studies at the University of Krakow, Philosophy at the University of Jena, Molecular Biology at the French Universities of Paris V and Paris VII, and Business and Management at the Manchester Metropolitan University. Among double degree programmes, an example of excellence is TIME – Top Industrial Managers for Europe, a network of 55 leading Engineering Schools and Faculties and Technical Universities which, through a system of voluntary bilateral agreements between its members, offers promotion and recognition of academic excellence and relevance to the

29 universidade federal de paraiba 30 universidade federal de pelotas 31 UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DE SANTA CATARINA - FLORIANÓPOLIS

international labour market in the form of double degrees in

32 Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

promotes high-quality engineering education and produces

33 Universidade Federal de Sergipe 34 Universidade Federal do Paraná

graduates who are able to work trans-nationally and in trans-

35 Universidade Federal do Piauí 36 universidade federal do rio de janeiro

cultural environments. Until now, the University of Padova

37 universidade federal de uberlandia 38 unitrabalho 39 USP UNIVERSIDADE DE SAO PAULO

chile 40 Universidad Arturo Prat 41 Universidad catÓlica del Maule 42 universidad de chile 43 Universidad de ConcepciÓn 44 Universidad de Santiago de Chile 45 universidad diego portales

paraguay 46 Universidad Nacional de Asunción 47 Universidad Nacional del Este

uruguay 48 Universidad Católica del Uruguay 49 Universidad de la República

engineering and related fields. Through these activities, TIME

has signed double degree agreements within the framework of the TIME network with the following institutions: Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, Denmark Ecole Centrale de Paris, France Ecole Centrale de Lille, France Ecole Centrale de Nantes, France Ecole Centrale de Lyon, France Escola Tècnica Superior d'Enginyeria Industrial de Barcelona, Spain Instituto Superior Técnico Lisboa, Portugal

still growing 33

being international

tunisia 11

enjoying the world









burkina faso 2



ethiopia 3


south africa 9


born international


enjoying the world

algeria 1 Université Mohamed Khider Biskra (UMKB)

burkina faso 2 UniversitÉ de Ouagadougou


EU PROGRAMMES: SOME EXAMPLES The University of Padova also participates in several European programmes supported by the European Commission.

3 ecole nationale supÉrieure des travaux publics de yaounde egypt 4 egyptian national authority for remote sensing and space sciences

ethiopia 5 Addis Ababa University 6 Aksum University

senegal 7 Université Gaston Berger de Saint-Louis

south africa 8 University of KwaZulu-Natal 9 University Of Stellenbosch

sudan 10 University Of Khartoum

tunisia 11

UniversitÉ Of Sfax – Engineering School of Sfax

EMQT - Erasmus Mobility Quality Tools One success is the EMQT project, an Erasmus Structural Network whose general aim is to identify organisational models, good practice, and benchmarking procedures and related indicators, which should characterise the quality of students’ exchange mobility. On this basis, the project aims at defining an MQTB-Mobility Quality Tool Box and at developing guidelines for various ‘Quality patterns or profiles’, where a given institution can position itself, and for mechanisms of accountability and external validation. Università di Padova, Italy (coordinator) Università di Bologna, Italy Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, Austria Universidad de Deusto, Spain Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece CHE Consult - Centre for Higher Education, Germany Erasmus Student Network, Belgium Coimbra Group, Belgium Åbo Akademi, Finland Aarhus Universitet, Denmark

bilateral agreements joint degrees cooperation with developing countries other

Universidad de Granada, Spain Université Paris-Sud 11, France

still growing 35

enjoying the world

EuroPACE ivzw, Belgium

St Petersburg State Electrotechnical University, Samara State

Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza, Romania

University, Siberian Federal University, Silesian University of Technology, University of Latvia, University of Padova.

Universität Leipzig, Germany

Other TEMPUS projects in which the University of Padova is

Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Germany

involved are the following:

Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Germany Agencia Nacional de Evaluación de la Calidad y Acreditación (ANECA), Spain

TUNING RUSSIA (coordinated by the University of Deusto; see also “Tuning projects”) SUFAREL – Qualification framework for sustainable

Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

forestry and lifelong learning (coordinated by University

Turun Yliopisto - University of Turku, Finland

of Helsinki)

LMPSM psychologie

TEMPUS programme







en des

publics migrants en Russie, Ukraine et au Kazakhstan Padova is also active within the framework of the TEMPUS programme, and participates in the following projects:

(coordinated by University of Iasi)

RUCAS - Reorient University Curricula to Address Sustainability Launched in October 2010, the project has a three-year ‘Education Sustainable Development’ in higher education in


developing countries (Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon) with the help

Erasmus Mundus – Action 2

of developed countries (France, Ireland, Italy, Sweden).

Attention to developing countries has risen considerably

duration. The main goal of RUCAS is to contribute to

PhD Education in Energy Efficient Electrotechnologies at Russian Universities


The project aims at developing new PhD curricula

programme designed to foster institutional cooperation in



the field of higher education between the European Union

new teaching plans, updating laboratories in Russian

and developing countries, through a mobility scheme

partner universities, offering training for young teachers

addressing student and academic exchanges for studying,

in Russia, and promoting PhD students' mobility. The

teaching, training and research.

project of


thanks to Erasmus Mundus Action 2 (former External








born international









Participating countries are grouped together in geographical



areas called lots. Each project is coordinated by a European

enjoying the world

University and offers scholarships for the targeted mobilities from and to that geographical area.

European Partners Università di Padova, Italy (coordinator)

Until now, the University of Padova has been involved in 12 successful projects and is currently coordinating two of them (artess and BAPE). These projects have enabled the University of Padova to expand its network of international

Aarhus Universitet, Denmark Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna, Italy Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal Universidad de Granada, Spain

relationships to Asia and Latin America.

Université Pierre Mendès France Grenoble II, France Friedrich-Schiller-Universtität Jena, Germany

ARTESS – Argentina Towards Europe for Social Sciences ARTESS





Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium from

Argentina to Europe for doctoral, post-doctoral and personnel (both academic and administrative) levels, in the fields of

Universidad de Salamanca, Spain Argentinean Partners

Social Sciences and Public Administration. The proposal

Universidad Nacional de Catamarca

foresees awarding 64 scholarships promoting capacity-

Universidad Nacional del Comahue

building through mobility flows, not only for researchers and

Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

the academic community, but also for Argentinean nationals

Universidad Nacional de Cuyo

employed in private and public institutions. The scholarships will offer important opportunities for upgrading and reinforcing capacities on matters which are on the agenda of many

Universidad Nacional de La Plata Universidad Nacional del Litoral

Argentinean institutions, both public and private. ARTESS

Universidad Nacional del Nordeste

Project is integrated in a cooperation scenario which already

Universidad Nacional de Quilmes

sees its partners working together at several levels. The whole

Universidad Nacional del Sur

project will improve Argentinean universities’ capacity for

EU and international dialogue, thus facilitating partnership agreements between European and Argentinian universities to implement double and joint diplomas. The association of

BAPE - Bolivia, Argentina, Peru and Europe

Argentinian universities will enhance national/international

The main objectives of the project are: to develop higher

cooperation and lead to the creation of stronger networks, far

education teaching and learning capacities of developing

beyond the consortium. This will help create an environment

countries and regions in areas of policy and practice closely

suitable for making the project sustainable.

linked to their development priorities; to bridge the gap

The Consortium is coordinated by the University of Padova.

between developing and developed countries, including

still growing 37

enjoying the world

poverty reduction aspects; to promote cooperation between

Universidad Nacional de Catamarca, Argentina

sending and hosting institutions, mutually enriching the

Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina

educational environment of both; to share responsibility and accountability for joint efforts in partnership by facilitating transfer of know-how and good practice; and to enable talented students to benefit linguistically, culturally and educationally from the experience of pursuing academic studies in another country. This will contribute to combating poverty by investing in people and developing a pool of well-qualified, open-minded and internationally experienced young people as future professionals and leaders, capable of responding to the challenges of the new Global Knowledge

Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Argentina Universidad Nacional de Salta, Argentina Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Perú, Peru Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, Peru Universidad Nacional de Amazonía Peruana, Peru

EADIC 2 project (following to EADIC 1)

Society and of improving governance.

This is a mobility scheme within the consortium of EU

The Consortium is coordinated by the University of Padova.

and Argentinean partner universities. The project offers

European Partners Università di Padova, Italy (coordinator)

scholarships for Argentinean citizens to spend a period of study, research or teaching in Europe at PhD, post doc and Academic/Administrative Staff levels.

Universitat de Barcelona, Spain

The overall objective of EADIC 2 is to provide opportunities to

Université de Bordeaux 1, France

upgrade and reinforce the capacities of scholars and Higher

Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal

Education Institutions (HEIs) staff about issues which are

Universidad de Granada, Spain Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, Austria,

important to the economic and social agenda of Argentinean development.






cooperation in strategic fields such as: natural resources

Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Germany


Universiteit Leiden, The Netherlands

renewable energies; hydraulic and bio-engineering; climate

Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium

change and ICT development.

Latin American Partners Universidad Autonóma Juan Misael Saracho, Bolivia Universidad Mayor, Real, y Pontificia de San Francisco Xavier de Chuquisaca, Bolivia Universidad Pública de El Alto, Bolivia


Universidad Nacional de la Plata, Argentina

born international




The Consortium is coordinated by the University of Bologna (Italy). European Partner Universities: Università di Bologna, Italy (coordinator) Università di Padova, Italy Universiteit Antwerpen, Belgium

enjoying the world

Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium

involve Asian partners from Bangladesh, India, Nepal,

Université de Lille 1, France

Pakistan and the Philippines, and European partners from

Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, Austria

France, Germany, Italy, Poland, The Netherlands, Portugal

Universidad de Valladolid, Spain

and Romania.

Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Germany

The Consortium is coordinated by the University of Nice –

Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal

Sophia Antipolis (France).

Universidad de Granada, Spain Latin America Partners

European Partner Universities Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis, France (coordinator)

Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina

Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, Germany

Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de

Università di Padova, Italy

Buenos Aires, Argentina Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, Argentina Universidad Nacional de San Luis, Argentina Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, Argentina Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina Universidad Nacional del Comahue, Argentina Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Argentina Universidad Nacional de Salta, Argentina Universidad Tecnologica Nacional, Argentina

Universiteit Twente, The Netherlands Uniwersytet Warszawski, Poland Universidade de Èvora, Portugal Universitatea Lucian Blaga din Sibiu, Romania University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain Middle East Technical University, Turkey Asian Partner Universities University of Dhaka, Bangladesh Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology, Bangladesh

EMMA project The project is aimed at funding Asia to Europe individual mobility flows of academics from partner countries. Awardees are undergraduate, master, PhD and post-doc students, and staff from Asian partner countries. This is a great opportunity for students and staff from Asian partner universities to study for one semester, one year or more in a European partner university. The University of Padova participates in EMMA West Lot 12, following EMMA West Lot 11 (selected in 2010) and

BRAC University, Bangladesh Kathmandu University, Nepal NED University of Engineering and Technology, Pakistan COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Pakistan Fatima Jinnah Women University, Pakistan Royal University of Phnom Penh, Cambodia Jadavpur University, India University of the Philippines Diliman, The Philippines Ateneo de Manila University, The Philippines

EMMA Lot Asia Regional 2 (selected in 2008). These projects

still growing 39

enjoying the world

ÁNIMO, ¡CHÉVERE! – Academic Network for International Mobility Ánimo, ¡Chévere! is an academic network of ten universities from Chile, Cuba, Ecuador and Venezuela, and ten European universities. It allows students, post-doctoral fellows and academic staff to gain valuable experience, knowledge and contacts abroad. Some Central and South American students will even have the opportunity to return to their home countries with master or doctoral degrees. Ánimo, ¡Chévere! focuses on regional needs in Latin America and on the development of specific areas such as agricultural sciences,

Latin American Partners Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Chile Universidad Arturo Prat, Chile Universidad de la Habana, Cuba Instituto Politécnico José Antonio Echeverría, Cuba Universidad Central ‘Marta Abreu’ de las Villas, Cuba Universidad de Guayaquil, Ecuador Universidad Técnica de Manabí, Ecuador Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo, Ecuador Universidad Simón Bolívar, Venezuela Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado, Venezuela

architecture, urban and regional planning, education, teacher training, engineering, technology, geography, geology,

natural sciences and social sciences. Ánimo, ¡Chévere! also provides improved education and training opportunities for vulnerable groups and socio-economically disadvantaged

MEXICO 20 (following Mexico 18) - El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico y Nicaragua

students, and promotes equal access to higher education

The main objective of the project is to establish long-

for students from less developed regions.

standing cooperation with several key universities in the

The Consortium is coordinated by the University of Granada

participating Latin American countries – El Salvador,


Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico and Nicaragua – and high-

European Partners Universidad de Granada, Spain (coordinator) Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, Austria Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium Aarhus Universitet, Denmark Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Germany Università di Bologna, Italy Università di Padova, Italy

level universities from EU countries – France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal and Spain. Cooperation should be instrumental in contributing to the identified country's needs and constraints, especially social cohesion and sustainable development. The Consortium is coordinated by the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (The Netherlands). European Partners

Uniwersytet Jagiellonski w Krakowie, Poland

Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, The Netherlands (coordinator)

University of Cambridge, United Kingdom

Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille, France

Universitat de Barcelona, Spain

Technische Universität München, Germany Universidade de Porto, Portugal


born international

enjoying the world

Università di Padova, Italy

technology, as well as medical, natural and social sciences.

Universidad de Deusto, Spain

Monesia also provides improved education and training

Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain

opportunities for vulnerable groups and socio-economically

Latin America Partners Universidad de El Salvador, El Salvador Universidad Centroamericana Jose Simeón Cañas, El

Salvador Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala, Guatemala

higher education for students from less developed regions. The Consortium is coordinated by the University of Granada (Spain). European Partners:

University Rafael Landívar, Guatemala

Universidad de Granada, Spain (coordinator)

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras, Honduras

Universidad de Deusto, Spain

Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán,

Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, Austria


Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Chiapas, Mexico

Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, Mexico

Università di Bologna, Italy

Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Hidalgo, Mexico Universidad de Guadalajara, Mexico Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua –

disadvantaged students, and promotes equal access to

Managua, Nicaragua Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua – León,


Università di Padova, Italy Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal Universiteit Leiden, The Netherlands Wageningen Universiteit, The Netherlands Latin American Partners: Universidade Federal de Goiás, Brazil Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil Universidade Estadual da Paraíba, Brazil Universidade Federal do Piauí, Brazil

MONESIA - Mobility Network Europe Southamerica: an Institutional Approach Monesia is an academic mobility network between Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay on one hand and Europe on the other. The project allows students, post-doctoral fellows and academic staff to gain valuable experience, knowledge and contacts abroad. It focuses on regional needs in South America and on the development of specific areas such as

Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Brazil Universidade Federal de Sergipe, Brazil Universidad Nacional de Asunción, Paraguay Universidad Nacional del Este, Paraguay Universidad Católica del Uruguay, Uruguay Universidad de la República, Uruguay

agriculture, education, teacher training, engineering and

still growing 41

enjoying the world

WILL POWER - Window India Learning Link Power

the following subject areas: architecture, urban and regional

The WILL Power programme aims at strengthening the

planning, business studies and management sciences,

existing network of cooperation among Indian and European

education, teacher training, engineering, technology, natural

institutions by expanding their experience in exchanges

sciences and social sciences.

between students (at undergraduate, master, doctoral and

post-doctoral levels) and staff. This programme is coordinated by the Ecole Centrale de Nantes (France) and involves 17 partner institutions. European Partners:

The EDULINK programme Besides cooperation within the framework of Erasmus Mundus - Action 2 programme, the University of Padova has

École Centrale Nantes, France (coordinator)

participated in the EDULINK programme, which supports

Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium

cooperative projects between HEIs in the African Caribbean

École Centrale Paris, France

and Pacific Group of States and in the 15 EU Member States

École supérieure d’électricité – Supélec, France

which are signatories to the 9th European Development Fund

Technische Universität München, Germany

(EDF). Within this framework, Padova has coordinated the

Politecnico di Milano, Italy

“African Universities International Dimension Strengthening-

Università di Padova, Italy

AUDIS” project, aimed at helping African universities to

Politechnika Warszawska, Poland

develop the international dimension of their university

Universidad de Sevilla, Spain

administrations. AUDIS can count on a strong network of

Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain

12 African and two European universities, one association

Indian institutions: Indian Institute of Science Bangalore, India Anna University Chennai, India University of Delhi, India Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, India Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India Indian Institute of Technology Rajasthan, India

of European universities, and various African and European associates.

Tuning Projects Tuning is a project to link the political objectives of the Bologna Process and at a later stage the Lisbon Strategy to the higher educational sector. Over time, Tuning has developed into a Process, an approach to (re-)designing, developing, implementing, evaluating and enhancing highquality first-, second- and third-cycle degree programmes.


The TIME (Top Industrial Managers for Europe) network also

The Tuning outcomes and its tools are presented in a range

takes an active part in the project as an associate member.

of Tuning publications, which institutions and their academics

The project will contribute to increasing human capital in

are invited to test and use in their own setting. The Tuning

born international

enjoying the world

approach has been developed by and is aimed at Higher

is mainly aimed at enabling scholars to undertake research

Education Institutions.

projects in the same field in which they are engaged in their

Padova has participated in phases I, II, III and IV of Tuning

home institution and at helping them to establish academic

Europe in the subject areas of history and physics, in Tuning

and research contacts. The number of candidates who apply

America Latina (physics) and in a feasibility project for Tuning

every year for a scholarship at the University of Padova for

Africa together with other Coimbra Group universities in the

each of the three programmes is steadily increasing.

framework of long-standing interest in African, Caribbean and Pacific countries. The University of Padova is also taking part in a Tempus Project called Tuning Russia in the subject areas of environmental engineering and social work. An offshoot of the involvement in Tuning projects has been participation in the CORE II project, which explains how to define a university degree course in terms of learning outcomes and competences.

Excellence networks A prestigious partnership in which the University of Padova fruitfully participates is the EIUC–European Interuniversity Centre for Human Rights and Democratisation, based in Venice and – now – directly funded by the European Parliament and supported by the Veneto Region and the City of Venice. The corresponding network was started in 1997

Coimbra Group Scholarship Programmes The University of Padova is also participating in the three Scholarship Programmes which the Coimbra Group has been offering in the last few years to young professors and/or researchers from specific geographical areas, which have enjoyed considerable popularity among the target groups: Scholarship Programme for Young African Researchers Scholarship Programme for Young Professors and Researchers from Latin American Universities Scholarship Programme for Young Researchers from

after a suggestion from the European Commission, on the initiative of the University of Padova, in close coordination with the University of Deusto. The network was later extended to include nearly 40 partner institutions. In more recent years, the University of Padova has especially supported EIUC, following the development of the administrative procedures required to confer joint degrees on graduates of the European Master’s Degree in Human Rights and Democratisation. Lastly, a smaller but precious network, named Triangulum, again started on the initiative of the University of Padova, favours






Universities of Innsbruck, Freiburg im Breisgau and Padova.

Eastern Neighbouring Countries

Activities gradually shifted from annual meetings to the

The universities of the Coimbra Group participating in these

organisation of a permanent joint educational offer (mainly in

programmes offer short-term visits to young researchers from

the biomedical field at post-graduate level).

HEIs located in the above geographic areas. The programme

still growing 43

focusing on Research

focusing on research

A particular effort is being made to enhance collaboration between university research groups and industry

The University of Padova fosters an environment which


facilitates top-quality scholarship and research, providing

The first-ever report issued by the Italian Research

leadership in setting research goals for the University,

Assessment Committee ranked the University of Padova as

developing and implementing strategies for achieving

highest among leading Italian universities for the quality of

them, capitalising on the interdisciplinary strength of

its research results.

University research centres, and ensuring that the research infrastructure is robust and responsive to the expanding and ever-changing needs of researchers. A particular effort is being made to enhance collaboration between university research groups and industry, with special emphasis on small and medium enterprises in North-East Italy.

Twenty panels of evaluators, 25% of whom come from foreign






monographs, patents, works and publications presented by 77 universities, 12 public bodies and 13 private research institutes from all over Italy, before awarding the University of Padova a vote of excellence in 12 out of the 20 disciplines

Specific actions are implemented through a set of

and scientific areas covered. According to the number of

programmes providing financial support for:

citations of articles and publications by its researchers

University-funded research projects

(source: ISI), the University of Padova ranks among the top

Strategic projects strengthening existing excellence

three Italian universities for:

Matching funds for research projects co-financed by the Ministry of Education and Research (MIUR) Purchase of new scientific instrumentation or replacement

total impact index productivity index presence index

of obsolete equipment.

still growing 45

focusing on research


to serve as reference centres for research work in Italy and

True to its traditions, the University of Padova considers

abroad. Sixty-nine projects were proposed and 10 were

research fundamental and continues to invest as much

selected, one related to the social sciences and humanities,

of its resources as possible in research activities. In the last

five to mathematics and the physical sciences, information

year, funds allocated amounted to € 81,748,000. Of these,

and communications, engineering, and earth sciences, and

€ 31,100,000 come directly from the University’s budget,

three to life sciences; one is interdisciplinary and spans all

€ 10,228,000 in equal proportions from the Italian Government

three fields of research.

and the Veneto Region, and € 8,173,000 from the European Union. More than 39% of the total budget for research comes from other public and private organisations, i.e., € 12,261,000 from income deriving from research, consulting and training activities, and € 19,986,000 from research agreements.

International Research Projects International research at the University of Padova has achieved great successes over the last few years, particularly within respect to European funding.


Strategic projects

The University of Padova manages more than 150 European

The University of Padova has been one of the few universities

research projects. Most of them (130) are funded within

in Italy to have launched a ‘strategic projects’ scheme

7th Framework Programme, the most important European

(in 2008), financed with € 10 million. The purpose of this

research programme. Almost all departments are involved

scheme is to consolidate and sustain scientific activities of

and the European contribution is estimated at around € 32

excellence at the University, supporting projects designed

million. In addition to FP7 projects, the University of Padova

born international

focusing on research

more than 39% of the total budget for research comes from other public and private organisations

has obtained funds from research programmes (EU and

and humanistic areas. The great variety of projects financed

non-EU) which involve researchers not only from medical

by research programmes indicates the University’s excellent

and technological backgrounds but also from legal, social

resources in most scientific areas.

sources of funding for research

Italian government and Regional Authority 12.5%

European Union 10% contracted-out work 15%

University of padova 38%

research agreements 24.5%

still growing 47

focusing on research

performance of university of padova within 7th Framework programme distribution of the financial contribution

capacities 8% cooperation 63% people 9%

ideas 16%

euratom 0.1% JTI - joint technlogy initiatives 4%

performance of university of padova in each programme

funded under negotiation total


born international























5 82



focusing on research

research fields (european research council peer review panel structure) SOCIAL SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES ECONOMICS AND STATISTICS

Department of Economics and management Department of Statistical Sciences


Department of Philosophy, sociology, education and applied psychology Department of Historical and geographic sciences and the ancient world Department of Private law and critique of law

LAW Department of Public, international and community law Department of Political and juridical sciences and international studies


Department of cultural heritage: archaeology and history of art, cinema and music Department of linguistic and literary studies


Department of Philosophy, sociology, education and applied psychology Department of Political and juridical sciences and international studies


Department of Chemical Sciences


Department of civil, environmental and architectural engineering


Department of Geosciences


Department of Industrial engineering Department of management and engineering

still growing 49

focusing on research


Department of Information Engineering


Department of Mathematics


Department of Physics and Astronomy


Department of Agronomy, food, natural resources, animals and the environment Department of Comparative biomedicine and food science Department of Animal medicine, production and health Department of Land, environment, agriculture and forestry Department of Biology


Department of Molecular medicine Department of Biomedical sciences Department of medicine Department of Molecular medicine Department of neurosciences


Department of women’s and children’s health Department of Cardiac, thoracic and vascular sciences Department of surgery, oncology and gastroenterology


Department of Pharmaceutical and pharmacological Sciences Department of Philosophy, sociology, education and applied psychology


Department of General Psychology Department of developmental psychology and socialisation


born international

focusing on research

still growing 51

Flint fragments give new date to earliest settlements in northern Europe

Gold yields a new anti-carcinogen

A method for avoiding hyperacute rejection

A new family of chemotherapeutic drugs has

A test to identify the antigen alpha-gal, responsible for hyperacute rejection reactions in animal soft tissues, has become available for the first time. In future, a new technique will allow the antigen to be eliminated from several types of animal tissues, thus making them suitable for use in humans. This may lead, for instance, to the

been identified, with greater anti-carcinogenic

The study of 32 fragments of hand-

activity and lower toxicity than drugs in current

carved flint found in Suffolk has placed

use. Some gold compounds used in research

the date of the first human settlements

have revealed in vitro anti-carcinogenic activity

in northern Europe two hundred thou-

up to 100,000 times stronger than that of

sand years earlier than previously belie-

presently used medications, and are capable

ved. The research involved fifteen of the

of reducing the resistance and insensitivity of

world’s top geologists, palaeontologists

cells to chemotherapeutic agents.

preparation of truly 'tailored' cardiac valves.

and anthropologists. The results clearly call for a re-think of the history of early

research highlights

human settlements in Europe.

a few samples Saving Venice with seawater In future, Venice could be safeguarded by injecting

Rosetta probe meets asteroid Lutetia

Even fish know how to count

seawater under the lagoon, at a depth of 600-800 m.

On July 10 2010, the European Rosetta probe

It appears that even fish

Working in synergy with 'MOSE', the mobile barrier system

flew over the asteroid Lutetia on its way to the


which will defend the Lagoon of Venice from floodwaters,

comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, taking

two quantities of objects

seawater injections would immediately reduce the

a series of high-definition photographs with

or signs in much the same

phenomenon of 'high water' in the city and provide further

the novel OSIRIS imaging system. This was


protection against risks related to rising sea levels due to

a very important fly-by, partly because, to


global warming.

date, Lutetia is also the largest asteroid to

that the foundations for the

have been visited by a probe from Earth.

sophisticated mathematical



human findings


How an earthquake works

Quantum physics and nanotechnology



Innovative Devices, will exploit plasmons (phenomena in quantum



physics) to achieve new types of extremely sensitive sensors, capable of




recording the presence of even just a few molecules of a given substance.


This may have a particularly important influence on industrial design in

findings, deep

to the





plates is capable of melting rock



SPLENDID, or Surface PLasmonics for Enhanced Nano Detectors and

the future, especially in the field of biomedical and foodstuff analyses.


beings. suggest



humans may go back a very long way indeed - even to a time before animal life diverged into fish and landdwelling



event which took place more than 400 million years ago.


reactions which have a globally

The essence of photosynthesis is artificially reproduced

These observations also shed

For at least two billion years, Nature has used water and sunlight to produce the energy needed to drive

new light on the extraordinary

chlorophyll photosynthesis. Researchers have finally isolated a synthetic catalyst capable of functioning when

displacements and dimensions of

activated by light in an aqueous environment, exploiting ruthenium atoms on a surface consisting of carbon

the Sendai/Tohoku earthquake.

nanotubes. This discovery marks a major turning point in research on systems capable of implementing


lubrifying effect on large faults.

born international

artificial photosynthesis, with a view to the production of hydrogen.

LHC: a new window into the inexhaustible wealth of nature (LHC), the particle accelerator at CERN near Geneva. Physicists use the LHC to study the smallest known

A more effective method for producing polymers

particles, the fundamental building blocks of all things. It can revolutionise our knowledge of nature, from

A new method has been devised for

the minuscule world deep within atoms to the vastness of the whole Universe. Physicists from the University

producing polymers by reactivating

of Padova and the Italian Institute for Nuclear Physics are deeply involved in this extraordinary challenge.

catalysts using electrical energy.

Essential progress in our understanding of the Universe is in sight, thanks to the Large Hadron Collider

Advantages are that fewer residues are left in the polymer compound,

A luxury Roman home emerges from spa resort Excavations by researchers from Padova in an area of more than 13,000 sq.m. on the Via Neroniana in Montegrotto Terme (part of the spa resort a few miles outside the city), has brought to light the remains of a very large and beautifully decorated home dating from the early 1st century AD.

and the amount of catalyst needed is drastically reduced, with greater savings and less pollution.

High alcohol consumption and cell ageing

Researchers at the University of Padova are involved in thousands of studies every year, some of which have particularly attracted the attention of the general public.

All the cells in our body are equipped with a true biological clock, represented by telomeres, which are sequences of DNA occurring in the terminal regions of the chromosomes which become shorter as we grow

A step forward in epilepsy

older. Research has revealed the effects of excessive

Today, approximately 3% of the world's

Early results of Herschel and Planck missions

population suffer from epilepsy, and a

The Herschel Space Observatory

significant proportion fail to respond to

and Planck satellites were placed

drugs currently in use. For the first time,

in orbit by the European Space

research has now identified astrocytes –

Agency during a spectacular joint

cells distributed in a mosaic which physically


anchor neurons and guarantee their blood

measurements of unprecedented

supply – as one of the cofactors triggering

accuracy of the cosmic microwave

the disorder, thus providing a new target for

background radiation permeating

the development of innovative therapies.

the Universe, a remnant of the Big

prevention and treatment




alcohol consumption on this telomere shortening process, with various related risks to our health, from


Bang. The Herschel Observatory is the first 4-metre telescope to be

Viruses and DNA: secrets of the infection process revealed

sent into space and will observe the remoter parts of the Universe in the infrared part of the electromagnetic spectrum.

a higher incidence of cancers to early ageing.

Bringing a star to Earth In the frame of the European Thermonuclear Fusion programme, physicists and engineers of the University are working, together with CNR, ENEA and INFN, on an ambitious goal: producing energy from the processes which power our Sun and all the other stars. In the CNR Research Area, just outside Padova, 130 scientists and technicians, and about 30 students at various levels, are carrying out experiments on hot plasmas, at temperatures of up to 15 million degrees, in support to the ITER international project.

A new model of the spatial organisation of DNA in viruses has been proposed, which explains how DNA is packaged and solves the enigma of topological 'plugs'. Applications in the biomedical field are of great potential interest and include the possibility of greatly delaying infection processes, rendering them ineffectual.

The Abruzzo earthquake: engineers from Padova save art treasures Engineers from the University of Padova were in the forefront in coping with the emergency after the earthquake in L’Aquila in 2009. They have been operating on two fronts: first documenting details of all the historical and artistic buildings damaged by the quake and assessing the damage, and then taking action to make the buildings safe.

still growing




department of Agronomy, Food, Natural Resources, Animals and the Environment

DAFNAE works to combine innovative teaching and up-to-date research with its advanced laboratories and experimental farm at Agripolis, a modern university campus devoted to educational and research activites at excellent levels.

Dipartimento agronomia animali alimenti risorse naturali e ambiente (dafnae) Agripolis Viale dell’Università 16 35020 Legnaro (Pd) tel. +39 0498272664 fax +39 0498272633

The mission of DAFNAE is to promote the quality of human life, the competitiveness of the agrifood sector, and the sustainable use of biotic and abiotic natural resources, through the production and dissemination of knowledge of the management and improvement of plants, animals, soil and microorganisms. Efforts focus on the production of high-quality food and biomass, ensuring the preservation of ecological systems, of plants and animal health, and enhancement of crop environments and biodiversity.


Dipartimento di Medicina Animale, Produzioni e Salute (maps)

The mission of the Department is to maintain high-quality veterinary care for both pets and farmed animals, together with constant improvement and upgrading of the theoretical and practical knowledge of veterinarians, working as clinicians as

Agripolis Viale dell’Università 35020 Legnaro (Pd) tel. +39 049.8272592 fax +39 049-8272954

well as experts in animal husbandry, food science and public health. Veterinarians play an essential role in our society: they not only care for animals, but also work to protect human health from the threat of diseases transmitted by live animals, and to control the quality and safety of animal foodstuffs. The Department also has a Veterinary Teaching Hospital, a very important tool for providing good care for animal patients and also for training veterinary students and encouraging clinical research in pet medicine.

still growing 55


department of Biology

The scientific aims of the research carried out in the Department encompass most of the fields of modern biology at various levels of organisation, from molecules to organisms and ecosystems in a evolutionary perspective. Many model organisms are used in the research programmes, involving a wide range of microorganisms, invertebrates, insects and small vertebrates. Experimental approaches make use of a rich collection of instruments and research facilities. Diversification in research is reflected in the variety of teaching courses organised by the Department: five 1st-level courses and seven 2nd-level courses in Biology, Molecular and Biomedical Biology, Biotechnology, Natural Sciences, and Marine and Evolutionary Biology. The Department is also responsible for the PhD School in Biosciences and Biotechnology.

department of Biomedical Sciences

Dipartimento di biologia Department of Biology Via U. Bassi 58/b 35121 Padova, Italy tel. +39 049.8276178 fax +39 049.8072213 Marine Biology Building Palazzo Grassi, Riva Canal Vena 1281 30015 Chioggia (Venice), Italy tel. - fax +39 041.5501272 Hydrobiological Station “U. D’Ancona” Sestriere Canali 3 30015 Chioggia (VE) tel +39 041.400051

Dipartimento di scienze biomediche (Dsb) Via G. Colombo 3 35121 Padova tel. +39 049.8276047 fax +39 049.8276049

The scientific activity of the Department is undertaken in collaboration with many Italian and international institutions. Research is concentrated on diverse and complementary aspects of cellular and molecular biology, physiology, molecular pathology and experimental pharmacology, with implications for genetic and degenerative diseases, inflammatory processes and tumours. Scientific work is financed by institutional funds (MIUR, CNR, ASI, European Community) private foundations (AIRC, Telethon, etc.), international institutions (NIH, HSF) and private companies.


born international


department of Cardiac, Thoracic and Vascular Sciences

Dipartimento di Scienze Cardiologiche, Toraciche e Vascolari

Cardiovascular and respiratory diseases are major causes of mortality and

Via Giustiniani 2 35128 Padova tel. +39 049.8214393 - 2527 fax +39 049.8218764

morbidity worldwide. The mission of the Department of Cardiac, Thoracic and Vascular Sciences is to foster knowledge of all aspects of heart, lung and vascular diseases. The personnel is committed to providing accurate diagnoses and optimal care for patients, promoting teaching at both undergraduate and specialisation levels and developing innovative research programmes. The Department encompasses many complementary areas, closely integrated with each other: cardiology; pneumology; internal medicine, with particular focus on thromboembolic and vascular diseases; environmental health medicine; lung and heart diseases; cardiac surgery; thoracic surgery; vascular-endovascular surgery; paediatric-congenital cardiac surgery; and statistics.

department of Chemical sciences

Dipartimento di Scienze chimiche Via Marzolo 1 35131 Padova tel. +39 049.8275285 fax +39 049.8275135

The Department is one of the largest in the University. It is responsible for academic courses in the area of chemistry, at all levels including doctorates. The Department has a very important chemistry library, and many wellequipped laboratories, together with facilities and instrumentation devoted to basic and applied research in the various branches of chemistry.

still growing 57


department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering

Dipartimento di ingegneria civile, edile e ambientale (ICEA)

Research and teaching at the Department deal with applied science in the fields

Via Marzolo 9 35131 Padova tel. +39 049.8275586 fax. +39 049.8275604

of artificial and natural environments. The focus is on technological innovation and advances in basic knowledge through theoretical, experimental and computational approaches, with the development of mathematical and numerical models. Research, with laboratories, and graduate education programmes, include: structural analysis and design; mechanics of structures and heterogeneous materials; water resources, riverine, estuarine and coastal dynamics; land protection; soil mechanics; environmental impact of infrastructures and waste management; planning and performance of transportation systems, roads, railways, airport design and maintenance; architectural design and urban planning; building technologies; restoration; history of architecture; remote sensing.

department of Comparative Biomedicine and Food Science

Dipartimento di biomedicina comparata e alimentazione (BCA)

The mission of the Department is to pursue excellence in research and education within all disciplines pertaining to veterinary medicine. Its aim is to develop basic and applied science, and its main research topics cover: basic science

Agripolis Viale dell’Università 16 35020 Legnaro (PD) tel +39 049.8272600-2601 fax +39 049.8272604

applied to veterinary medicine; intra-specific genetic polymorphism in species of veterinary and production interest; food safety and food quality in relation to consumer health and pathology and comparative medicine. The staff is composed of 42 professors and researchers, 23 technicians and administrative employees, 15 PhD students and 14 research fellows. Laboratories and facilities are fully equipped for teaching and research activities. Services are also available as support to animal owners and veterinarians.

still growing 59


department of cultural heritage: archaeology and history of art, cinema and music

The Department promotes the development of competences allowing deeper knowledge of the complexity of Italy’s cultural heritage and all forms of interaction

Dipartimento dei beni culturali: archeologia storia dell’arte, del cinema e della musica (DBC) Piazza Capitaniato 7 35139 Padova tel +39 049.8274673 fax +39 049.8274670

with disciplinary areas linked to similar research frameworks. It thus promotes scientific, technological and IT competences for the study, protection, conservation, restoration, and enhancement of the cultural heritage, and at making this vast cultural “asset” properly known and appreciated. Another aim is to develop research lines in an international perspective, in order to exploit resources by collaborating with other institutions in Italy. Teaching is based on the concept of the cultural heritage as an encompassing expression of societies, both past and present.

department of developmental psychology and socialisation

Dipartimento di psicologia dello sviluppo e della socializzazione Via Venezia 8 35131 Padova tel. +39 049.8276539 - 6507 fax +39 049.8276511

Research projects conducted within the Department include basic, applied and clinical research, in the following key areas: neo-natal development; psychology of language and literacy; psychology and neuropsychology of cognitive processes; cognition and social relations; psychology of emotions; dynamic psychology and psychopathology; parenting; health and community psychology; instructional psychology; learning disabilities; assessment and counselling.


born international


department of Economics and management

Dipartimento di scienze economiche e aziendali “marco fanno�

The Department of Economics and Management was established in the 1990s.

Via del Santo 33 35123 Padova tel. +39 049.8274210 fax +39 049.8274211

It has 73 members covering a broad range of research areas: accounting, corporate finance, econometrics, banking and finance, industrial organization, macro-economics, management, micro-economics, organization studies and economic history. Members of the Department have published in leading journals such as American Economic Review, Strategic Management Journal, The Economic Journal, Research Policy, Contemporary Accounting Research, and others. The Department has a PhD program mein economics and management, attracting students from all over the world. Since its foundation, the Department has developed scientific relations with other Italian and foreign universities, research institutes and top international researchers, as recently testified by the programme of the Research Visiting Senior Fellowship.

department of general psychology

Dipartimento di psicologia generale Via Venezia 8 35131 Padova tel. +39 049.8276587 fax +39 049.8276600

The long-standing tradition of the Department in experimental psychology has developed through interdisciplinary contacts with specialists in cognitive sciences, neuroscience, information engineering, physiology and biology. The Department’s key areas of research are clinical and health psychology, cognitive, behavioral and affective neurosciences (including neuropsychology and psychophysiology), experimental and cognitive psychology, comparative and evolutionary psychology, ergonomics, human factors, psychophysics, and quantitative and mathematical psychology.

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department of geosciences

dipartimento di geoscienze Via Gradenigo 6 35131 Padova tel. +39 049.8279112 fax +39 049.8279134

The Department covers a wide range of disciplines in basic and applied geosciences (palaeontology and palaeoclimatology, sedimentology and stratigraphy, structure and tectonics, physical geography and geomorphology, applied geology, mineralogy, petrology, geophysics). The mission of the Department is to increase knowledge of the Earth and to prepare students at all levels to succeed in industry, government, business and academe.

department of historical and geographic sciences and the ancient world

Dipartimento di scienze storiche geografiche e dell’antichità (dissgea)

The Department carries out research and teaching, ranging from the reigns of the third millenium B.C. and the Greek and Latin civilisations until the contemporary world, with particular focus on the following: history of institutions and political, social and religious movements in the Mediterranean, European and world

Via del Vescovado 30 35141Padova tel. +39 049 8278501 fax +39 049 8278502

contexts; history of culture; global/world history; history of Venice and the Veneto region; history and geography of economic territories and systems; and history, enhancement and management of industrial heritage. It hosts interuniversity centres and cooperates with both Italian and foreign universities within a perspective of research/study (Master Erasmus Mundus and post-graduate levels) and of direct links between higher education and research (School of Historical, Geographic and Anthropological Sciences).

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department of industrial engineering

The Department promotes and manages scientific and technological research projects in all fields of industrial engineering, including aerospace engineering,

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale (dii) Via Gradenigo 6/a 35131 Padova tel. +39 049.8277500 - 7501 fax +39 049.8277599

chemical and process engineering, electrical engineering, energy engineering, and materials and mechanical engineering, as well as industrial technology transfer initiatives. All the Department’s activities aim at reaching international levels of research excellence by an interdisciplinary approach. International cooperation with top universities and research centres is actively fostered. The Department is also responsible for teaching activities at BS, MS and PhD levels, covering all curricula in industrial engineering related to the above-mentioned areas of research. An increasing number of courses is offered in English, in order to facilitate the access of foreign students.

department of information engineering

Dipartimento di ingegneria dell’informazione (dei)

The Department’s teaching and research activities primarily concern the area of Information Engineering, which includes the following disciplines: applied optics, bioengineering, computer science, electronics, operational research, systems

Via Gradenigo 6/b 35131 Padova tel. +39 049.8277600 fax +39 049.8277699

and control theory, and telecommunications. The Department coordinates 9 first- and second-level degree programmes and a doctoral school, providing students with 15 laboratories (hosting over 150 workstations), free WiFi access, and an open-shelf library. Faculty (about 100) and research personnel (about 150, comprising graduate students, post-doctoral fellows and research associates) work in about 50 research groups and 45 research laboratories, with an impressive record of publications and collaborations with research institutions and companies worldwide. The Department’s faculty comprises 6 IEEE Fellows.


born international


department of land, environment, agriculture and forestry The Department is dedicated to the understanding, effective management and sustainable use of renewable agricultural and forest resources through a distinctive tradition of core-discipline excellence, interdisciplinary collaborations and international partnerships. The disciplinary focus is broad in scope,

Dipartimento di territorio e sistemi agro-forestali - tesaf Agripolis Viale dell’Università 16 35020 Legnaro (PD) tel. +39 049.8272728 +39 049.8272770 fax +39 049.8272750

ranging from individual organisms to natural and managed ecosystems, from wilderness to agricultural and landscape-based systems, from local to international environments, and from resource preservation to utilization. The Department reflects a diversity of disciplines, including ecology and silviculture; phytopathology; appraisal and law; land, agriculture, food and forestry economics and policy; hydrology; soil conservation and water resources management; agricultural and forest engineering; remote sensing and GIS.

department of linguistic and literary studies

Dipartimento di Studi linguistici letterari (dissl)

The Department carries out research into the linguistic, philological and literary aspects of communication. It builds on consolidated research into national

Via Beato Pellegrino 1 35137 Padova tel. +39 049.8274800 fax +39 049.8274801

and international linguistic and literary traditions, both diachronically and synchronically, but is also open to innovative and interdisciplinary methods for exploring new fields, such as intercultural, genre, post-colonial, translation, media and corpus-based studies, and on-line teaching. It combines research and teaching to provide courses on 15 foreign languages (including 13 European Union languages) and on the respective literatures and cultures. The Department is also interested in local Italian traditions, as demonstrated by its research into linguistic, literary and social phenomena of the Veneto Region.

still growing 65


department of management and engineering

The Department’s activities cover the engineering, technological and economic competences needed to develop new products, materials, and production

Dipartimento di tecnica e gestione dei sistemi industriali (DTG) Stradella S.Nicola 3 36100 Vicenza tel. +39 0444.998701 fax +39 0444.998888

processes favouring technical management and economic profitability. Basic knowledge areas include industrial design and innovation; product, production, and materials development; micro- and nano-technology; energy, and organisation and management. The Department is involved in the teaching programme of the School of Engineering and the master degree programmes in engineering and management, product innovation, and mechatronics. It also hosts two PhD programmes (engineering and management and mechanical design and mechatronics).

department of mathematics

Dipartimento di matematica Via Trieste 63 35121 Padova tel. +39 049.8271200 fax +39 049.8271499

The Department has a long-standing and distinguished research tradition in a wide variety of topics in pure and applied mathematics and computer science. The School offers bachelor and master degree curricula in those subjects, with international programmes. The staff cover most of the mathematics required for engineering, economics, statistics and other scientific curricula. The Department, jointly with other Italian and foreign universities, also hosts PhD programmes in pure and applied mathematics and computer science.

still growing 67


department of medicine The mission of the Department of Medicine is to educate medical students, graduate students, and post-doctoral fellows to the highest professional standards; to identify pathophysiological mechanisms, and to prevent and treat diseases. The Department supports staff members involved in both basic science and healthcare delivery.

Dipartimento di medicina (DIMED) Via Giustiniani 2 35128 Padova tel. + 39 049.8212927 fax. + 39 049.8211886

Divisions include pathology, laboratory medicine, pharmacology, anesthesiology, internal medicine, geriatric medicine, radiology, nuclear medicine, dermatology, exercise physiology, nephrology, hepatology, endocrinology and metabolism, haematology, rheumatology, and nutrition. The main focal areas are medical education, basic research, and clinical investigation. The Department is home to 103 full-time faculty members, 60 MD students, 445 PhD students. In 2011, Department members received nearly 4 million euro in funding from both national and international public and private institutions. It has 15 units able to provide extensive MD and PhD programmes in the fields of academic and basic science.

department of molecular medicine

Dipartimento di medicina molecolare

The work of the Department involves various fields which all converge on the study of biology and human pathology. The Department comprises personnel with reciprocal competences in biochemistry, biophysics, microbiology, virology, tissue, cell and molecular biology, environmental and forensic toxicology,

Via Gabelli 63 35121 Padova tel. +39 049.8272350 - 2362 +39 049.8211325 fax +39 049.8272355 +39 049.8211997

infectivology and clinical medicine, chemotherapy, epidemiology, public health, and occupational medicine. Cultural contiguity among these areas derives from integration between biomedicine and evidence-based medicine. Cultural contents stand out for their complementarity, with a central theme in advanced analytics and precise computational analysis. The Department also works on advanced chemical and biochemical analyses and expects growing interest in bio- and nanotechnologies and other “–omic� technologies.


born international


department of neurosciences

Dipartimento di neuroscienze (npsrr) Via Giustiniani 5 35128 Padova tel. +39 049.8213989 fax +39 049.8218962

The acronym of the Department comprises its various disciplines, i.e., neurology and neurosurgery, psychiatry, psychobiology, ophthalmology, ent and audiology, maxillo-facial, plastic and reconstructive surgery, dentistry, and physical and rehabilitative medicine. Study of the functions and diseases of the central nervous system is essential to the primary cultural, formative and scientific mission of the Department, as the term Neurosciences implies. Study of sensory functions and pathology, as well as inherent reconstructive and rehabilitative aspects, represent a modern multidisciplinary view, in analogy to the internationally recognised model of KopfKlinik.

department of pharmaceutical and pharmacological sciences

Dipartimento di scienze del farmaco (dsf)

The new Department stems from the merging of the previous Departments of Pharmaceutical Sciences and of Pharmacology and Anaesthesiology, which

Via Marzolo 5 35131 Padova tel. +39 049.8275357 tax +39 049.8275366

have always represented the reference structures for research and teaching focusing on the worlds of medical drugs. The main disciplines include pharmaceutical chemistry and technology, pharmacology and toxicology, integrated by solid experience in chemistry, biochemistry and cell biology, in addition to pharmaceutical and medical bio/nanotechnology. The staff includes 60 researchers/professors, over 40 technicians and about 100 young researchers under training, including PhD students and post-doctoral fellows. In addition, the research laboratories host 100 more students working experimentally on their master theses.

still growing 69


department of philosophy, sociology, education and applied psychology

The Department brings together scholars from various fields with the aim of developing interdisciplinary analyses of human experience in social contexts. Research


mainly cover inter-cultural problems, analysis of social,

Dipartimento di filosofia, pedagogia e psicologia applicata (fisppa) Piazza Capitaniato 3 35139 Padova tel. +39 049.8274534 fax +39 049.8274719

educational and psychological processes, and individual choices and practices in sociocultural and historical contexts, with due consideration of basic underlying values. Recognising the importance of merging forms of knowledge, the Department values its disciplinary traditions, and promotes theoretical and empirical research spanning from individual to societal concerns. It also coordinates several degree courses, PhD programmes, specialised courses and masters.

department of physics and astronomy

Dipartimento di fisica e astronomia “galileo galilei�

The mission of the Department ranges from teaching to the most advanced research. The centuries-old tradition initiated with Copernicus and Galileo continues today, with involvement in research projects at the highest international

Via Marzolo 8 35131 Padova tel. +39 049.8277088 fax +39 049/8277102

competitiveness in fundamental physics, applied physics and astronomy. The Department is one of the most important research centres for physics and astronomy in Italy. It hosts a section of the Italian Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN) and a unit of the Italian Interuniversity Consortium for the Physical Sciences of Matter (CNISM), and cooperates with the Paduan Astronomical Observatory of the Italian Institute for Astrophysics (INAF). In collaboration with INAF, the Department runs the Asiago Astrophysical Observatory, where a variety of instruments are available for research and student training.

still growing 71


department of political and juridical sciences and international studies The Department is the result of the union of the Departments of Comparative Law, International Studies, and Historical and Political Studies, and a group of professors from the Department of Sociology. It aims at safeguarding some essential aspects of the approach to science and teaching in Italian universities,

Dipartimento di Scienze politiche, giuridiche e studi internazionali (SPGI) Via del Santo 28, Via del Santo 77 35122 Padova tel. 049.8274005 fax 049.8274007

and offers cultural and educational projects with several important new features. It has the authority and efficacy to affirm itself in both national and international ambits, by means of studies in the fields of law, philosophy, languages, political science, sociology and history. The Department is founded on the substantial scientific and educational legacy inherited from the Faculty of Political Sciences. It has many three-year and second-cycle degree courses, and post-graduate training structures (research doctorates, masters, etc.).

department of private law and critique of law

Dipartimento di diritto privato e critica del diritto (DDPCD)

The integration of the disciplines now joined and linked together under the heading

Via VIII Febbraio 2 35122 Padova tel. 049 8273394 - 3420 fax 049/8273399

of the new Department, finds its raison d’être in the legal tradition of Western law, whose founding categories have been shaping and developed after Roman Law. Furthermore, Legal Theory and Jurisprudence, along with their methodological approach, are entrusted with the analysis of the ultimate principles of law and with the critical assessment of their respective determinations. As to the teaching curriculum, special significance has been attached to the selection of the first year classes, such as Private Law, Roman Lawand Legal Philosophy: together, they concur to students’ legal “alphabetization”. Civil Law and Commercial Law (including Corporate Law and Securities Law) and – due to its markedly specialized traits – Labour law, represent the additional core of the law courses: together, they interact towards the education of students with respect to each of the different areas of legal professionalism.


born international


department of public, international and community law

Dipartimento di diritto pubblico, internazionale e comunitario Public Internal Law Via VIII Febbraio 2 35122 Padova tel. +39 049.8273355 fax +39 049.8273374 International and Community law Via Anghinoni 3 35122 Padova tel. +39 049.8273666 fax +39 049.8273665

The Department hosts researchers working on six fields of law: constitutional

law, administrative law, civil procedures, criminal law and procedure, tax law, and international and European law. It has a very large library which also includes ancient works in the above subjects.

department of statistical sciences

Dipartimento di Scienze statistiche

The Department of Statistical Sciences was established in early 1984 and was the successor to the Institute of Statistics, the prestigious institution founded

Via Battisti 241 35121 Padova tel 049 8274168 fax 049 8274170

by Corrado Gini in 1913. The Department currently has 14 full professors, 16 associate professors and 13 assistant professors, working on both methodological and applied matters. The staff is composed of 19 members. Since 2009, the Department has received about â‚Ź 1 million for research purposes. It has an international research profile, as revealed by many publications in major international journals. Since 1984, the Department has offered a PhD programme in Statistics and, since 1994, also in Statistics Applied to Economic and Social Sciences. There are currently 21 PhD students enrolled in the School in Statistics, coming from all over the world.

still growing 73


department of surgery, oncology and gastroenterology

The main aim of this new Department is to integrate clinical and basic research

Dipartimento di Scienze chirurgiche, oncologiche e gastroenterologiche (discoG) Clinica Chirurgica II Via Giustiniani 2 35124 Padova tel. +39 049.8215807 fax +39 049.8215767

with teaching of both undergraduates and post-graduates within the School of Medicine. Clinical and preclinical research lines are thus shared among the various units of the Department, which are routinely involved in diagnostic and therapeutic management of patients referred to the University Hospital of Padova. The Department also has the following main research and teaching fields: surgery (oncology, abdominal transplants, geriatrics, endocrinology, urology, orthopaedics), oncology and immunology, and gastroenterology.

department of women’s and children’s health

Dipartimento di Salute della Donna e del Bambino (sdb) Via Giustiniani 3 35128 Padova tel. +39 049.8213505 fax +39 049.8213502

The Department has several subsections which work in coordination for teaching, research and assistance. The Department promotes the health of women and children by an integrated approach on the part of research groups and SSD of excellent quality, at Italian and international level. In particular, the Department promotes the health of newborn babies, children and adolescents, carries out research and clinical work in genetics; promotes the health of women in adolescence, pregnancy, adult age and old age, and trains future generations of specialised doctors and other healthcare professionals.


born international

galilean school of higher education

The Scuola Galileiana di Studi Superiori (Galilean School of Higher Education) is a school of excellence which combines traditional university education with a series of special in-house courses comprising seminars and lectures by visiting professors of international fame. Divided into two categories, Moral Sciences and Natural Sciences, the Scuola Galileiana di Studi Superiori illustrates the techniques and methods used for scientific research, and then affords students a deeper insight into the field. Only 24 students are admitted each year. They are, however, guaranteed free board and lodging, a place on two foreign language courses, plus personal tutoring to help them plan their university careers. Admission to the Scuola Galileiana di Studi Superiori is subjected to passing an entrance examination. If accepted, students are then required to maintain a high average for their entire degree course.

Scuola Galileiana di Studi Superiori Via Prati 19 35122 Padova tel. + 39 049.8278938 - 8969 fax + 39 049.8278940

improving multidisciplinarity

improving multidisciplinarity

The reform enables students to personalise their own university career according to their cultural and professional expectations

Course organisation

professions, and to 2nd cycle degree courses. Graduates are

The “3+2” university reform has changed the traditional

awarded the qualification of dottore.

framework of Italian university qualifications and now

The corresponding qualification, not only in English-speaking

prospective undergraduates have a wider range of degree

countries, but now also in the whole area of the Bologna

courses to choose from. The reform enables students

Process, is Bachelor’s level degree.

to personalise their own university career according to their cultural and professional expectations. This course organisation, according to the ECTS (European Credit Transfer






Second cycle Laurea magistrale

“credit” as the unit of measurement which defines the

2nd cycle degree

student workload, including time spent attending lectures,

This qualification is open to graduates with a 1st cycle or

seminars, independent study, examinations, etc. One credit

foreign equivalent degree and requires a further 120 credits,

corresponds to 25 hours of study.

which can be accumulated over an average of two years. Previous specific curricula in the first cycle are required for

First cycle Laurea 1st cycle degree This degree gives students basic theoretical preparation

admission. The 2nd cycle aims at providing students with an advanced level of education for highly qualified work in specific areas. Graduates are awarded the qualification of dottore magistrale. The laurea magistrale grants access to

and an adequate command of general scientific methods

competitions for the Italian civil service, state-regulated

and contents, in addition to the acquisition of specific

and non-state-regulated professions, research doctorate

professional know-how. It requires 180 credits, which can

programmes and all other degree courses of the 3rd cycle.

generally be accumulated within three years. The laurea

The corresponding qualification, not only in English-speaking

(1st cycle degree) grants access to competitions for the

countries but now also in the whole area of the Bologna

Italian civil service, state-regulated and non-state-regulated

Process, is Master’s level degree.

still growing 77

improving multidisciplinarity

Laurea magistrale a ciclo unico

speaking countries but also in the whole area of the Bologna

Single cycle degree

Process – corresponds to the Italian laurea magistrale.

This degree course runs as a single cycle; the degree is awarded at the end of five or six years and requires 300-360 credits. These courses are one-tier degree courses, without intermediate exit, and are in alternative to the two-tier degree course scheme. They are usually adopted in order to prepare for EU regulated professions (e.g., medicine and surgery, veterinary medicine, pharmacology). The laurea magistrale a ciclo unico grants access to competitions for the Italian civil service, state-regulated and non-state-regulated professions, research doctorate programmes and all other degree courses of the 3rd cycle. Graduates are awarded the qualification of dottore magistrale.

Third cycle Dottorato di ricerca Doctoral degree This doctorate confers the skills required to undertake research in universities as well as within the private and public sectors. Applicants must be in possession of a 2nd cycle degree (laurea magistrale or laurea magistrale a ciclo unico). They are also required to pass an entrance examination. The whole degree course generally lasts three years, and corresponds to the Doctorate in English-speaking countries.

Master universitario 1° livello


1st level short specialisation degree

Scuole di specializzazione

These courses lead to an out-of-mainstream university

Specialisation schools

qualification; they can be accessed after a 1st cycle degree

These schools enable graduates to practice chosen

course or a comparable foreign degree. They last at least

professions and to use the title of specialista (specialist).

one year and involve the acquisition of at least 60 credits.

Admission usually requires students to obtain a specific laurea

The corresponding qualification does not give access to 2nd

magistrale or laurea magistrale a ciclo unico (or a comparable

or 3rd cycles. The latter degree course is also clearly different

foreign degree) and to pass a selective examination. Course

from the usual master degree, which – not only in English-

length varies in relation to subject fields. They are devised to

born international

Tertiary education in Italy




(post-graduate 3rd cycle: specialisation degree, 1-5 years)

(post-graduate 3rd cycle: doctoral degree, 3 years)

(post-graduate 2nd level short specialisation degree, 1+ years)


LAUREA MAGISTRALE (2nd cycle degree, 2 years)

LAUREA (single cycle degree, 5-6 years)

MASTER UNIVERSITARIO 1째 LIVELLO (1st level short specialisation degree, 1+ years)

(1st cycle degree, 3 years)

SCUOLA SECONDARIA DI 2째 GRADO (Upper secondary education, 5 years)

SCUOLA SECONDARIA DI 1째 GRADO (Lower secondary education, 3 years)

SCUOLA PRIMARIA (Primary education, 5 years)

UNIVERSITY MAINSTREAM EDUCATION 1st and 2nd cycle degrees single cycle degree 3rd cycle degree

PROFESSIONAL TRAINING 3rd cycle professionally oriented specialisation degree LIFE-LONG LEARNING Lifelong learning specialisation degree still growing

N.B. Bold face in each box is Italian legal name.


improving multidisciplinarity

provide students with knowledge and abilities required for highly qualified the professions (e.g., cardiology, oncology). Master universitario 2° livello 2nd level short specialisation degree These courses lead to an out-of-mainstream university qualification and can be accessed after a 2nd cycle degree course, single cycle degree course or comparable foreign degree. They consist in quite advanced scientific courses or studies in life-long learning programmes, last at least one year, and involve the acquisition of at least 60 credits. This degree-course is therefore clearly different from the usual master degree, which – not only in English-speaking countries but also in the whole area of the Bologna Process – corresponds to the Italian laurea magistrale.


born international

improving multidisciplinarity

Laurea 1st cycle degree courses Aerospace engineering Agricultural science and technology Animal science and technology Applied pharmaceutical science Archaeology Arts and humanities Astronomy Audioprosthetic techniques  Biology Biomedical engineering Biomedical laboratory techniques Biotechnology Chemical and materials engineering Chemistry Childhood and pre-adolescence teacher training sciences (distance learning) Childhood neuro and psycomotricity Civil engineering Cognitive psychology and psychobiology Communication Computer engineering Computer science Cultural tourism planning and management Dental hygiene Developmental and educational psychology Dietetics Economic law and governance Economics and management Educational sciences (Curricula in Training and development of human resources and in Educational science) Educational sciences (Curricula in Early Education and in Social education and cultural animation) Electronic engineering

Employment consultancy Energy engineering Engineering and management Environment and workplace prevention techniques Environmental and land planning engineering Environmental sciences and technology Food science and technology Forestry and environmental technology Geological science Health assistance History History and conservation of the artistic and cultural heritage Human movement sciences Imaging and radiotherapy techniques Industrial chemistry Information engineering International economics Land and landscape restoration and enhancement Linguistic and cultural mediation Materials science Mathematics Mechanic and mechatronic engineering Mechanical engineering Midwifery Modern languages and literatures Molecular biology Natural science Neurophysiopathology Nursing Occupational therapy Optics and optometry Orthoptics and ophthalmic assistance Paediatric nursing Philosophy Physics

still growing 81

improving multidisciplinarity

Physiotherapy Political sciences, international relations, human rights Political sciences, international studies, public administration Professional education Psychology of personality and interpersonal relationships Psychological sciences and techniques (e-learning) Safety and hygiene of food products Science and culture of gastronomy and catering Social and work psychology Social work (qualifying for welfare officers) Sociological sciences Speech and language therapy Statistics and information technologies Statistics and management Statistics, economics and finance Visual and performing arts Viticulture and enology science and technology Inter-University

Laurea magistrale 2nd cycle degree courses Aerospace engineering Agricultural science and technology Animal science and technology Archaeological sciences Astronomy Automation engineering Bioengineering Biotechnology applied to food security and nutrition Business administration Chemical and process engineering Chemistry Civil engineering Classical languages and literatures and ancient history Clinical dynamic psychology Clinical psychology Community psychology

Inter-university courses organised with faculty members of other universities

Computer engineering

Italian language and culture for foreigners (e-learning)

Developmental and educational psychology

Computer science Economics and finance Electrical engineering Electronic engineering

Laurea magistrale a ciclo unico Single cycle degree courses

Energy engineering Engineering and management Environmental engineering (in English)

Building engineering and architecture (5 years)

European and American languages and literatures

Chemistry and pharmaceutical techniques (5 years)

European studies

Law and jurisprudence (5 years)

Evolutionary biology

Medicine and surgery (6 years)

Experimental psychology and cognitive sciences

Pharmacy (5 years)

Food science and technology

Primary teacher education (4 years)

Forestry and environmental sciences

School of dentistry (6 years)

Geology and technical geology

Veterinary Medicine (5 years)


born international

improving multidisciplinarity

Government sciences and public policies

Product innovation engineering

Health professions of technical sciences (diagnostics)

Sciences of social work

Health professions of rehabilitation sciences

Social, work and communication psychology

Historical sciences


History of art

Statistical sciences

Industrial biotechnology

Strategies in communication

Industrial chemistry

Telecommunication engineering

Institutions and politics of human rights and peace

Theatre, film, television and media studies

International economics International politics and diplomacy Land and environment science and technology Law and economics Linguistics Local development (in English) Management of educational services Marine biology Materials engineering Materials science Mathematics Mechanical engineering Mechatronic engineering Media education and e-learning theory and methodology (e-learning) Medical biotechnologies Modern languages for international communication and cooperation Modern philology Molecular biology Natural science Neuroscience and neuropsychological rehabilitation


inter-university courses organised with faculty members of other universities

Clinical Engineering (University of Padova, University of Trieste) Historical sciences (University of Padova, Universidade de èvora, Université Panthéon-Sorbonne) History and management of archival and bibliographic heritage (University of Padova, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice) Lifelong education sciences (University of Padova, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice) Local development (Erasmus mundus master degree sustainable teritorial development) (University of Padova, Universidade Catolica Dom Bosco, Université Panthéon-Sorbonne, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven) Modern Philology (University of Padova, Université Stendhal, Grenoble 3) Music and performing arts (University of Padova, Ca' Foscari University of Venice) Religious studies (University of Padova, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice) Viticulture, enology and wine-making marketing (University of Padova, University of Udine, University of Verona)

Nursing and midwifery sciences Pedagogical sciences Pharmaceutical biotechnologies Philosophical sciences Physics Preventive and adapted physical activity

still growing 83

improving multidisciplinarity

Master universitari Short specialisation degree-courses Level


Aesthetic plastic surgery


Aesthetic rehabilitation with fixed and removable prosthodontics: traditional methods and advanced systems


Aesthetics of oral and perioral tissues in dentistry


Basic and advanced electrophysiology


Business and management - MBM: industry-specific fragrance and cosmetic sector; industry-specific food services sector


Cardiovascular pathology


Child life: protection of children and their “existential needs� in hospital


Clinical neuropsychology


Community nutrition and nutrition education - NUTRICEA


Death studies & the end of life for the intervention of support and the accompanying


Diagnosis and surgical treatment of congenital heart diseases in paediatric and adult age


Diagnostic and therapeutic oncological endoscopy


Disability, institutional and social inclusion


Drainage and irrigation


Endo-urological treatment of lithiasis and urothelial tumours of upper urinary tract




European integration: EU policy and planning


Food quality and safety


Forensic psychopathology and neuropsychology


Functional assessment and prescription of physical activity in medicine


Geriatric psychology


Governance of local tourism resources


Governance of sustainable development


Healthcare for ostomates and incontinent patients


Health Technology Assessment – HTA: evaluation of healthcare technologies


born international

Hepatology: disease of liver and biliary ducts


Human resources evaluation, training and development. Organisation analysis, intervention and risk prevention


Innovation and project management


Intercultural studies


International commerce - MASCI


Islam in Europe


Management for healthcare professions


Manual therapies and musculoskeletal rehabilitation


Medical and surgical treatment of obesity


Music therapy


Neuromuscular diseases


New technologies in surgical treatment of heart disease


Nursing case management


Osteointegrated implantology


Pain therapy and palliative treatment


Perinatal medicine and neonatal intensive care


Psychodiagnosis and intervention: theories and techniques of psychodynamic assessment in developmental and adult ages


Psychopathology of learning disabilities


Reproductive medicine and biology


Science communication


Science, technology and society: analysing and managing techno-scientific processes in social contexts


Sedation and emergency odontology


Specialised paediatrics: 1) paediatric cardiology 2) paediatric gastroenterology 3) paediatric neurology and clinical neurophysiology 4) paediatric rheumatology 5) paediatric oncohaematology 6) paediatric pneumology and allergies 7) hereditary metabolic diseases 8) paediatric diabetology 9) paediatric nephrology


Strategic environmental management


Surface treatments for industrial applications


Teaching and management for schools


Teaching Italian as a second language


improving multidisciplinarity

TMJ function approach





Cardiac surgery Clinical biochemistry

Transition to parenthood and child development: preventive and psychotherapeutic interventions


Clinical pathology

Vascular medicine


Clinical psychology

Vascular neurosonology


Community medicine

Youth and participatory policies


Dermatology and venereology Diseases of cardiovascular apparatus



Chemical engineering: water treatment and renewable sources of energy


Critical criminology, crime prevention and social safety


Industrial heritage conservation, management and enhancement


Mediation as an operational tool within family, penal, community, civil and commercial environments


REACH: registration, evaluation, authorisation and restriction of chemical substances (EC 1907/2006)


Training and careers professionals


Diseases of respiratory tract Emergency medicine Endocrinology and metabolic diseases Gastroenterology General surgery Geriatrics Gynaecology and obstetrics Haematology Health psychology Historical and artistic heritage Hospital pharmacy Infectious diseases

International European master's degree in human rights and democratisation - E.MA


Erasmus Mundus Master of Bioethics


Inspection of food of animal origin Internal medicine Legal medicine Legal professions Life-cycle psychology Maxillofacial surgery

Scuole di specializzazione Specialisation schools

Medical genetics Medical pharmacology Medical toxicology

Allergology and clinical immunology Anaesthesia and intensive care Anatomic pathology Animal health, breeding and the livestock industry Archeological heritage Audiology and phoniatrics

Microbiology and virology Nephrology Neurology Neuropsychology Neurosurgery Nuclear medicine

still growing 85

improving multidisciplinarity

Nutritional sciences

Developmental medicine and planning sciences

Occupational medicine

Earth sciences


Economics and management


Historical, geographical and religious-historical studies

Orthognatodontics Orthopaedics and traumatology

History and criticism of artistic and musical heritage and of performing arts


Industrial engineering

Paediatric neuropsychiatry

Information engineering

Paediatric surgery

International law, private and labour law



Physical and rehabilitation medicine

Linguistic, philological and literary sciences

Physics for medicine

Management engineering and real estate appraisal

Plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery

Materials engineering and science

Preventive medicine and hygiene

Mathematical sciences


Medical, clinical and experimental sciences

Public health statistics and biometrics

Molecular sciences

Radio diagnosis

Oncology and surgical oncology


Paedagogical, educational and instructional sciences

Rearing, hygiene, pathology and control of aquatic species

Pharmacological sciences



Spa medicine

Product innovation and mechatronic engineering

Sports medicine


Thoracic surgery

Psychological sciences


Regeneration biology and medicine

Vascular surgery

Social sciences: interactions, communication and cultural constructions

dottorati di ricerca doctoral degrees Doctoral Schools Animal and food sciences

Space measurement, sciences and technologies Statistical sciences Study and preservation of the archaeological and architectonical heritage Territory, environment, resources and health Veterinary sciences

Astronomy Biomedicine

International Doctorates

Biosciences and biotechnologies

Arterial hypertension and vascular biology

Civil and environmental engineering sciences

Fusion science and engineering

Crop sciences


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improving multidisciplinarity

still growing 87

born international still growing Curators Claudia Culòs, Luisa Mazzarolli, Daniele Mont d’Arpizio Publishing and editing Anna Cortelazzo, Fiorella De Gobbi, Marta Guidolin, Valentina Masotto, Sara Pittarello, Silvia Preciso, Roberta Rasa Graphic design Claudia Culòs Translations Centrolingue Srl, Padova; Gabriel Walton Editing coordinator Gabriel Walton Photography Massimo Pistore Stock Exchange Image Bank

© 2012 Padova University Press Università degli Studi di Padova Via 8 Febbraio 2, Padova

The information contained herein was valid on February 15 2012, but may be subject to change. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing of the publishers. Printed in March 2012 for Padova University Press by Grafiche Nuova Jolly, Rubano (PD).


born international

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