to our promise University of Wisconsin-Parkside
Path to Our Promise The University of Wisconsin-Parkside has been, and will continue to be, the place where ideas are born, challenged, and changed and a learning community that enriches minds, changes lives, and brightens the future. The University of Wisconsin-Parkside Promise builds upon the successes of our past and looks to the future. In the last three years, we worked together to achieve success through our strategic directions, goals, and action plans. We made progress in the following areas: Student Success; Enrollment Management; Academic Excellence and Rigor; Diversity and Inclusiveness; Community Engagement; and Creating a Dynamic Campus Culture. By creating the plan and systematically aligning our goals, action steps, and resources to support the strategic planning process, and creating appropriate accountability measures to monitor our progress towards success, the campus created a culture of planning. We strengthened our campus and communities; focused on continued excellence in teaching, learning, and research; and improved the success of our students. We delivered on the UW-Parkside Promise while living our core values through our Hallmarks: Academic Excellence, Student Success, Diversity and Inclusiveness, and Community Engagement.
and the world. The plan has guided the institution and helped the institution to know what it should do to be successful in achieving its goals. The plan also provided the foundation for strategic investment of funds for initiatives that serve the entire institution and demonstrate that the institution is outwardly focused and engaged with its students, faculty, staff and community. The UW-Parkside Promise provided a map for the future, helped the institution to achieve its goals in a fiscally constrained environment, and use its funds strategically to ensure its students received a high-quality education at an affordable price. Through the campuses’ shared vision illustrated through the strategic plan, UW-Parkside is stronger, and ready to meet the future. Through the strategic planning process, the campus demonstrated its commitment to its mission and to its constituencies and was an effective steward of its funds.
“In preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable.” — Dwight Eisenhower
Together, we are traveling the path to success.
What is the Strategic Planning? Strategic planning provides the platform for achieving the campuses’ goals through the execution of a shared vision. Through the process of creating and implementing a strategic plan, the campus is able to focus on what is most important and express its institutional intent for serving its constituencies. It also provides a vision for the future that supports the campuses’ goals. Through the plan, the campus identifies its vision, identifies its constraints, and then develops a plan to achieve the vision within the constraints. The UW-Parkside Promise is an ambitious plan to achieve UW-Parkside’s mission and increase its contribution to its community, the State of Wisconsin, 2
The UW-Parkside campus as seen from the west side Rita entrance, 2012.
Our Vision The University of Wisconsin-Parkside is a dynamic learning community grounded in academic excellence and focused on student success, diversity, inclusiveness and community engagement. The campus will be a premier comprehensive public institution and a destination of choice, serving as a focal point of local, regional and global progress.
• Provide and share in cultural and intellectual activities in partnership with our local and regional communities.
Our Vision is how we live our Mission, which is: The University of Wisconsin-Parkside is committed to high-quality educational programs, creative and scholarly activities, and services responsive to its diverse student population, and its local, national and global communities.
To fulfill this mission, the University of Wisconsin-Parkside will: Offer high-quality academic programs rooted in the tradition of a liberal education in the arts, sciences and professions, responsive to the occupational, civic and cultural needs of the region, and actively seek the continued input of all stake-holders. • Generate, disseminate and apply knowledge through research, professional and creative activity that benefits communities throughout the region and the world.
Spring Commencement Ceremony, 2013
• Attract and retain a diverse and multicultural population of students, faculty, and staff. • Foster a teaching and learning community that provides opportunities for collaborative faculty, student, and staff interaction in support of excellence. • Utilize technology creatively and effectively in courses, programs, and services.
“A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history.”
• Prepare students to be successful in their professional, civic, and personal lives.
— Mahatma Gandhi
• Provide programs that meet the intellectual and cultural needs of people throughout their lives. 3
Strategic 1
Student Success
Optimal Enrollment
Academic Rigor
An integrated approach to student success achieved by setting clear expectations and articulating measurable standards for excellence beginning with the first year.
A strategic, data driven approach to enrollment that utilizes intentional strategies and tactics to achieve optimal enrollment through progressive recruitment, matriculation and retention efforts, thereby supporting the vision and the academic missions of the university and enhancing student learning and student success.
A rigorous academic experience marked by high quality teaching, research and creative activity that prepares students to become responsible and engaged local and global citizens.
Elizabeth Wermeling, singing a solo with Voices of Parkside, 2013
Directions 4
Inclusivity & Diversity
Campus Culture
Community Engagement
Permeates all policies, procedures, programs, services, decisions and student, faculty and staff experiences.
Create a campus culture and climate that is a welcome environment for learning, reflective of our core values and high standards of collegiality and service to others both internally and externally.
A nationally recognized hallmark of distinction for UW-Parkside embedded in an institutional commitment fostering civic-minded students, alumni, staff and faculty who provide scholarship, leadership, resources and services to the local and global community.
Student Success
SMART Goals 2010
Highlights 2010–2013
1. Develop an operational definition of “college readiness” and “academic success” 2. Promote college readiness and academic success through programs and services targeting students needs 3. Create a comprehensive and seamless response to address factors that are important for academic success and students progress toward degree 4. Create an integrated and holistic model of student development through curricular and co-curricular programs that support students intellectual, civic and personal growth
Spring Commencement Graduates, 2012
The goal for student success was to promote college readiness and create an environment at UW-Parkside that supports student success. Through the efforts of the individuals responsible for the strategic goal Student Success, several important initiatives were accomplished. The Developmental Mathematics initiative had a success rate of 67.8%. In Spring 2013, 177 students enrolled in ACSK A015. By the conclusion of ACSK A016, a total of 120 students completed all the course proficiencies and are thus prepared to take either MATH 102 or MATH 111 in Fall 2013. An early-alert system was created to help identify students’ progress and provide assistance to maximize each student’s likelihood of success in the first year of college. In addition, through the efforts of the student success team, technology systems were enhanced to provide students with just-in-time information on their academic progress. The system enhancement through the Degree Audit Reporting System (DARS) provides students with timely information they can use to effectively monitor their progress, identify their next steps, and achieve their academic goals during their college career.
Student Organization Fair, Fall 2011
Optimal Enrollment
SMART Goals 2010
Highlights 2010–2013
1. Establish an integrative, data-driven approach to enrollment management (EM) that is responsive to the changing needs of the institution and the community 2. Implement the “integrated marketing plan” currently being developed by the Integrated Marketing Team (IMT) 3. Develop and expand academic programs which will directly increase enrollment in the University by developing and marketing programs which are in high demand in the market place 4. Create and implement a strategic, holistic approach for the University to engage with PK-12 school districts to improve college readiness and thereby increase educational attainment
A major achievement within the enrollment management strategic direction was the creation of the Office of Enrollment Management. The new office combines previously independent departments to create a single, seamless point of entry for prospective and current students to ensure they have the information and support they need to be successful. In addition, the new Office of Enrollment Management created an integrated marketing plan to help the university target its recruitment efforts to be good financial stewards. In addition, the university launched several targeted recruitment events including an open house conducted entirely in Spanish, and a recruitment event on behalf of the College of Arts and Humanities that included providing scholarships to qualifying students. The enrollment management strategic direction is also currently undertaking an initiative to complete a Strategic Enrollment Plan to refine and enhance the university’s efforts to identify qualified students and help them be successful as students at UW-Parkside. 7
Academic Rigor
SMART Goals 2010
Highlights 2010–2013
1. Enhance and expand the environment for educational attainment 2. Internationalize/globalize the campus 3. Transform the general education program from the current stage of assessment to a vibrant, selfsustaining general education community with embedded processes for continuous improvement based on assessment findings and best practices 4. Promote research opportunities 5. Enhance, expand and evaluate our degree programs and programs that will meet the needs of our business communities
The major achievement of the rigorous academic experience strategic direction is the completion of the university’s Academic Plan. The university’s Academic Plan will move the university forward toward the single goal of achieving academic excellence and distinction and to guide planning to ensure the university provides its students with a rich experience in the classroom and well beyond to help them cross the finish line at graduation. The other notable achievement in providing a rigorous academic experience is the university’s creation of a four college model, which is designed to enhance the university’s academic distinction, provide students with opportunities to engage with the faculty through research, community-based learning, and innovative programs, support the development of new programs that address the emerging needs of the students and the region, and foster interdisciplinary programs and initiatives to enhance the academic experience.
Chancellor Ford presents Assessment Award to Suresh Chalasani, Professor of Management Information Systems, 2013
Diwali Banquet, Indian theme “Festival of Lights”, Fall 2011
Diversity and Inclusiveness
SMART Goals 2010
Highlights 2010–2013
1. To strengthen our workforce, we will affirmatively strive to increase and retain the diversity of the UW-Parkside faculty, staff, and administrators 2. To create a campus climate in which individuals are respectful, aware, and appreciative of inclusiveness and diversity 3. To improve retention from first to second year and to increase graduation rates for all underrepresented minority students and low income students 4. To increase the level of inclusivity underrepresented students across majors
5. To increase the number of courses that infuse the principles of diversity/inclusiveness and universal design as outlined in the UW System Liberal Education Initiative
The university’s commitment was enhanced through the hiring of a Senior Diversity Officer to lead the university’s efforts to enhance and expand its programs and services that foster inclusiveness and diversity across campus. Through the new office created by the Senior Diversity Officer, the campus has a new diversity resource library, and a competitive program to identify and acknowledge the work of leaders who foster diversity on the campus. Entitled the IDEA (Inclusiveness, Diversity, Equity, and Accountability) champions, the award recognizes those individuals who dedicate themselves to making UW-Parkside a community where inclusion, diversity, equity, and accountability are embraced, trusted and valued.
Campus Culture
SMART Goals 2010
Highlights 2010–2013
1. Develop an atmosphere that helps individuals understand and communicate their responsibilities within a university community that promotes accountability 2. Effectively use technology to enhance the campus climate 3. Establish a culture and climate of access on campus for students and the community
Alvaro Garcia, Associate Professor of Music, Director of Orchestral Studies and Conducting, 2009
Spring Commencement Ceremony, 2013
To enhance campus culture, the university has developed SafeZone training to provide heterosexual allies an opportunity to learn how to be supportive of those who identify as lesbian, gay, transgender, queer, or questioning (LGBTQ). In addition, the Inclusive Excellence Committee has convened a sub-committee to examine the Campus Climate Study and identify issues and recommend actions regarding diversity to the Inclusive Excellence Committee in order to promote a more inclusive campus community. In addition, the campus has launched a new Human Resources System (HRS) to improve the campuses’ technology infrastructure for employees of the university. In the spirit of transparency, the university also launched an integrated resource planning process designed to provide the campus with an understanding of the budget process and link the resource allocation process with the goals of the strategic plan. Through the integrated resource planning process, the campus had the opportunity to engage in the planning process with recommendations for funding emanating from the Advisory Planning Group (APG), which included representatives of the administration and faculty governance.
Hunger Clean-Up/Earth Day, Spring 2012
Community Engagement
SMART Goals 2010
Highlights 2010–2013
1. Ensure that community engagement and community-based scholarship are fully institutionalized within the University, and invest in developing and strengthening relationships to build good will, community development, and social and economic capital for the University, Southeastern Wisconsin and beyond 2. Provide opportunities for community development and continuing education through access to campus-wide offerings, and by addressing compelling needs in the areas of teacher training, workforce development, casemanagement, and nonprofit management and/or other local and global community priorities 3. Leverage UW-Parkside’s connections to University of Wisconsin System resources and expertise to enhance community outreach and service 4. Educate students to be community leaders and engaged local and global citizens 5. Strengthen relationships with alumni, regional businesses, community, and university partners to increase fundraising for the university
UW-Parkside continues to demonstrate excellence in community engagement. During the three years of the strategic plan, the university continued to receive President’s Community Service National Honor Roll for excellence in its programs and services to its community. The university also hosts six Americorps VISTAs who are placed in local community organizations to provide support for economic development and job growth. Also, in support of the university’s goal to support the economic development of the community, the university’s Center for Community Partnerships (CCP) obtained a grant to deliver programs that built capacity in over 80 nonprofits by providing training to 2,848 individuals and $1.2 million in financial support. The university also launched three new noncredit certificate programs: Nonprofit Leadership, Workforce Development Professionals, and Mentoring Professionals. In addition, the university actively engaged with the community through its Mentor Kenosha Racine initiative which has over 550 mentors participating in one of the 10 currently certified youth mentor programs in Kenosha and Racine.
Prepared by: Office of Institutional Effectiveness, (262)595-2675 Published by: University of Wisconsin-Parkside October 2013 12