Project Osito
Project Osito
Through IFS, youth from University Settlement in New York and Comunidad CamurĂ Grande in Venezuela are participating in Project Osito - a cultural exchang facilitated by two special teddy bears!
“I feel safe with Cesar. He is a good bear and watches over me when I sleep.”- Jikira, Beacon student
The Beacon participants were very excited to meet Cesar, the bear from Comunidad CamurĂ Grande, for the first time!
Cesar, the Venezuelan bear, makes friends with Bobby, the New Yorker, at Comunidad CamurĂ Grande.
Students at Comunidad CamurĂ Grande use technology and social media to communicate in English.
Even though Cesar didn’t get to dress up, he was still included in the Halloween celebrations at the Beacon!
The Beacon students loved spending quality time with Cesar the Bear during Thanksgiving and even made festive holiday crafts.
The students of Comunidad CamurĂ Grande enjoyed some quality time with Cesar, the Venezuelan bear, as well as Bobby, the American bear.
“I love taking Bobby to eat arepas with me and my family, I want to teach him everything about Venezuela.� - Florangel
“We are getting to know people from different communities even if they are far away.� - Julian
Bobby the bear joined youth at Comunidad Camurà Grande as they celebrated the community center’s 11th anniversary with surfing, dancing, volleyball, and a 5K family walk!
“We are a group working together on a common project and learning about each other.� - Kaylee
A tour of Downtown Manhattan! The Beacon group proudly posed with Cesar the bear at their new school home at PS 119.
“Project Osito means a lot to me because I really like meeting new people and I also love Teddy Bears!� - Narissa