April 7 2016

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Student Undergraduate Research Fund underutilized By Rae Glassford SENIOR NEWS REPORTER @rae_maybe


Texas State is one of three schools with the highest increase in tuition rates.

Texas State has experienced an ‘above average’ tuition increase since 2003 By Brigeda Hernandez NEWS REPORTER @brigeda_h

Texas State, along with the University of Texas at Austin and Texas A&M University, have seen an aboveaverage increase in tuition since 2003, according to a report by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. With student debt over $1.3 trillion nationwide,

Sen. Charles Schwertner, R-Georgetown says concerns for an affordable education have never been higher. In 2003, the Texas Legislature shifted its role in setting tuition fees to the universities themselves. State Sen. Rodney Ellis, D-Houston, said this was because of revenue shortfalls and anti-investment attitudes. “You’re forestalling your life as an adult when you

have that much debt coming out at age 22, 23,” Schwertner said. “It’s wrong for that student, it’s wrong for families that have to bear that burden and it’s wrong for the economy of Texas and the economy of this nation that we’re not addressing this problem.” During the 2008-2009 academic year, the cost of tuition and fees for a fulltime undergraduate resident student at Texas State

was $3,497. In the 2014-15 school year, the amount increased to $4,758.20, according to the Student Business Services website. Eric Algoe, vice president of finance and support services, said the main reason tuition has consistently increased is due to dwindling state funds. In the past five years, per-

centage increases have not spiked at Texas State, Algoe said. He said appropriations such as income taxes, property taxes and corporate taxes have been steadily decreasing across the country for the past decade. As funds diminish, schools have to find a way to compensate.

See TUITION, Page 2

Since its beginning in 2011, the Student Undergraduate Research Fund has been used by students to do everything from staging original theatrical productions to researching whether acorn oil could be used as a commercial product. However, despite the diversity of its possible applications, the S.U.R.F. money is not being utilized to its full potential, as applicants for the 30-40 grants offered by the program have been sparse this year. “Thus far, we’ve only given out 14 grants for the 2015-2016 academic year,” said Heather Galloway, dean of the Honors College. “The last deadline to apply is April 25. There’s still money available.” The apparent lack of awareness of the program among the student body has resulted in an absence of variation in student applications.

See RESEARCH, Page 2


Faculty Senators discuss campus carry regulations By Lesly De Leon ASSISTANT NEWS EDITOR

Faculty senators discussed the campus carry regulations concerning the carveout zones for disciplinary actions. The task force is currently seeking feedback from deans and faculty about the specifics of establishing carve-out zones for disciplinary action. There is no definition of disciplinary action, said Mi-

chel Conroy, senate chair. The task force is working to form a definition. State law requires signage in all areas declared carve-out zones, Conroy said. Temporary signage would be required in provisional areas used to issue disciplinary actions. Emily Payne, curriculum and instruction senator, said most formal disciplinary meetings are held on the fifth floor of the LBJ Student Center. However,

discussion about student violations of the honor code often begin in professors’ offices. “That’s not where those discussions begin,” Payne said. “My concern is where in the process do you start getting concerned about having a place gun free.” Faculty might want a room in its college’s building for meetings concerning disciplinary actions and perhaps have someone present at the meeting or

outside the meeting, Conroy said. “That’s a discussion for the faculty,” Conroy said. The discussions between faculty and students should be non-adversarial, but that can be difficult when the student is being accused of violating the honor code, said Shirley Ogletree, psychology senator. Scott Bowman, criminal justice senator, said he would be more worried about meetings between


San Marcos Police launch ‘Lock it or Lose It’ campaign By Tommy Murphy SPECIAL TO THE STAR

In response to a recent streak of car burglaries, the San Marcos Police Department launched a “Lock it or Lose it” campaign to remind residents to protect themselves from being victimized. The campaign focuses on how to prevent car burglaries and gives tips for residents to follow in order to minimize their chances of being burglarized. San Marcos residents reported 55 incidents of car burglaries in March. According to city officials, this figure is up from 15 reports made in March 2015, and 25 in March 2014. Commander Kelly Earnest of SMPD said the rise in theft led officers to create the campaign. “We feel as if there are things potential victims can do to make it more difficult for criminals to take

your stuff,” Earnest said. “If you think about your vehicle, it really is just a glass display case on wheels. If you can see something as a thief, you are more inclined to take it.” Darrin Andrew Martin, who was killed Sunday in an Austin officer-involved shooting, was a suspect in recent San Marcos vehicle burglaries, police said. An exchange of gunfire between Darrin Andrew Martin and an Austin police officer Sunday ultimately led to the suspect’s death. The confrontation began after a security guard caught Martin burglarizing vehicles in downtown Austin. Police found the keys to a vehicle reported stolen from the 1700 block of Mill Street in San Marcos in Martin’s possession. According to San Marcos officials, Martin is the man in the video stills released Monday by the city’s social

media accounts. Martin is suspected in two credit card abuse cases after the cards were stolen out of vehicles and used at Wal-Mart shortly after. Approximately 30 burglaries in San Marcos match crimes officers say Martin was involved in, including the theft of credit cards, cash, weapons and other items from unlocked vehicles. Although one suspect was identified, Earnest said there are more burglars in the area who have yet to be caught. Car break-ins are usually a result of thieves seeing something valuable or hints the presence of possible valuables in plain sight. It takes a person less than 30 seconds to break into a car, grab what is in plain view and get away, she said. Officer Sue Taylor, with the University Police Department, said it is crucial for people to get out of a

“small-town mindset” and realize it is not safe to leave anything unlocked. Earnest said what is most disturbing about these burglaries is some of them involve firearms. “It is always a dangerous thing when you are trusted with a firearm and you let it be stolen,” Earnest said. “These weapons can be used in other crimes, sold or given to other criminals.” Firearm owners should be responsible and take precautions to keep their weapons out of criminals’ hands, she said. “The last thing I would want is for someone to steal my gun and use it in a crime or in a murder,” Taylor said. “I would feel terrible about that, especially if I wasn’t doing everything in my power to keep my weapon secure.”

faculty and students in graduate or doctoral programs who are being removed from the program than meeting with a student accused of cheating or plagiarism. “What happens when a student breaks the rule?” said Susan Weill, journalism senator. “We need to let the students know what happens if they get caught with a gun in an area? Do they get kicked out of school? Do they get fined

$15? What are the consequences going to be? I haven’t seen anything about that.” Conroy said task force members are now in the operational phase and currently considering consequences. Members are evaluating the student handbook and the faculty handbook to make needed revisions.


City schedules town hall meetings to address flood recovery By Brigeda Hernandez SENIOR NEWS REPORTER @brigeda_h

City officials plan to address flood recovery at town hall meetings April 12 and 16 after two disasters devastated San Mar-

opportunity to provide feedback on how to best prepare the community for potential flooding in the future. In December, city officials travelled to Washington D.C. where they met with the U.S. Department

MADISON MORRISS STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER The 2015 Memorial Day weekend and Halloween floods damaged several areas of Central Texas, including the Purgatory Creek hiking trails.

cos and much of the Hill Country last year. Citizens will have an

of Housing and Urban De-

See RECOVERY, Page 2

2 | Thursday, April 7, 2016


The University Star Anna Herod, News Editor @annaleemurphy starnews@txstate.edu

UniversityStar.com @universitystar

from front

“I think when most people hear about tuition increases, the assumption is that we’re on a spending spree,” Algoe said. “And (they think the) reason we need more money is because we spend more.” Algoe said universities have to consider inflation, as goods and services will cost more next year than they did the previous year.

RECOVERY, velopment. The team had plans to return in March, but discovered they would be receiving a $25 million Community Development Block Grant just a week before departing. “It’s almost unheard of to get that kind of allocation,” said Councilman John Thomaides, Place 3. “We’d had our fingers crossed, but very unexpected.” However, it could take several months to a year before the money is made available. The upcoming meetings are part of several requirements the city must follow in order to use the allocated funds. “What we’re trying to do with these grants—what it’s really intended for, is resiliency,” said Kristi Wyatt, director of communications and intergovernmental relations for San Marcos. “The idea is to create projects that will prevent this from happening again.” The first meeting will take place at Hill Country Church from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., and the second gathering will occur from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. at Fire Station 5. Wyatt said both locations are near areas that flooded in the Memorial Day weekend and Hallow-

The decision between cutting back on services for students or offsetting losses with increased tuition is not always an easy one to make. This generation has seen increases in tuition because the general taxpaying population is paying less while students pay more, Algoe said. Multiple factors can account for why one universi-

ty may have a higher tuition increase than others. Algoe said the growth or shrinkage of a student population is a driving force, as well as whether or not the school is trying to achieve a higher research status. It can also depend on other funding channels. Texas lawmakers are trying to come together and give tuition-setting author-

ity back to the legislature. “This is one issue it appears has united many Democrats and Republicans,” Ellis stated in an email. “Tuition deregulation has backfired, and now we have seen the cost of public higher education more than double since 2003.” Ellis introduced Senate Bill 255 in the last legisla-


from front een floods, which is why they were chosen. Wyatt said 800 residents were affected in May. The number of victims rose to over 1,000 during the October flood, and some were hit twice. City officials want to hear from citizens with unmet needs regarding flood recovery. Wyatt said the Blanco River Regional Recovery Team will attend the meetings to discuss services they provide such as emotional support and volunteers. “What we hope is that there is two-way communication,” Thomaides said. “Not just the city to the residents, but residents to the city. What I hope is the residents walk away from this knowing how committed the city is to fixing it forever.” Meetings will be streamed live on the San Marcos website, allowing those who cannot attend to ask questions online. Wyatt said plans to minimize future water damage include buyouts. New construction would not be allowed in certain neighborhoods, lifting homes so they are out of harm’s way and working to change the flow of the river. Thomaides said there

is a proposed engineering project that would create a bypass channel for the Blanco River, allowing some of the water to flow through different routes when necessary. Although a great amount of work has been done to repair the damages caused by the 2015 floods, Hays County residents are still feeling the effects. “I would tell you that a lot of the community is still suffering from (posttraumatic stress disorder),” said Richard Duggan, Wimberley resident. “I think it’s going to be a very long time before they heal.” Duggan’s home was not severely damaged, but he said neighbors close by saw eight feet of water in their homes. Although they had certification stating they were above the floodplain, many had to evacuate and rebuild their properties. In the Memorial Day weekend flood, 400 homes were damaged or completely destroyed along with 12,000 cypress trees, Duggan said. “The community responded better than any (the Federal Emergency Management Agency) had seen,” Duggan said.

“We receive lots of applications from a narrow range of departments, such as engineering, physical science, biology, etc.,” said Mike Blanda, assistant vice president for Research & Federal Relations. Blanda said officials want those majors to apply for money from the fund, but also want to see an increase of applications from art, business administration, agriculture students and any other major. “S.U.R.F. is open to all disciplines, so we would like to see a well-rounded representation of everything the university has to offer,” Blanda said. Some university officials have speculated the lack of awareness of the program in the student body could be attributed to the unexpected death of John Hood, who played an integral role in launching the program. “He was a true champion of the program, and his passing is part of the reason why I believe general awareness of the program is not as high as it should be,” Blanda said. “I had an idea for an undergrad research program for years, but it was John who helped the Honors College launch it and make it a reality.” Hood was instrumental in organizing the S.U.R.F. program in its infancy. His

tive session, which he said would have capped tuition at the amount charged during the 2015-2016 school year and returned regulatory authority to set tuition rates to the legislature. “I wanted a commonsense way to slow down the incredible growth in tuition over the past 13 years,” he said. Schwertner also intro-

duced a bill that would keep tuition increases in check. The bill would have allowed tuition and fees to increase only at the rate of inflation and it would have given students some certainty. Both senators’ bills failed. “It can be changed. It should be changed,” Schwertner said. “And I’m going to keep fighting for it.”

from front interest in the program began when he was employed as the undergraduate research coordinator for the Honors College, Galloway said. The S.U.R.F. program began with a grant Hood and Galloway submitted to an outside private foundation called Mind Science, which showed an interest in cognitive and neurological aspects of research. By now, the program has grown to include financial support from the Provost’s Office, which supports worthy projects from all disciplines, as well as from the Office for Research and Federal Relations. Other contributions come from sources including the 3-M Foundation, which has made an additional donation for a small endowment of $25,000 to help fund student research, Galloway said. Additionally, the individual colleges all contribute funding, though theirs is restricted to students from their college. “Currently, the funding rate for proposals is relatively high because the submission rate is low,” Blanda said. He said the S.U.R.F. program has the potential to add great value to a student’s educational experience at Texas State. “It offers opportunities to work in a team setting and mentor situation, gives students the chance to work on relevant projects and problems specific to their majors, and gives firsthand experience in what it takes to conduct funded research,” Blanda said. Although S.U.R.F. proposals are submitted to and processed by the Honors College, students are not required to belong to the college in order to receive funding. “It’s simply for those who need a way to pay expenses related to their research,” Galloway said. According to the limitations of the S.U.R.F. fund, travel to conduct research is covered. However, travel to conferences in order to present any findings is not. One former student used the money to partially fund

a research trip to Iceland. Another used it to fly to Romania in order to study post-Communist redevelopment. “If you look at which departments are represented by the current grants, they’re very science-heavy,” Galloway said. “One of the things we’d like to see is a broad range of students from a wide variety of disciplines engaging in research and applying for these grants.” Although each grant is limited to a $1,000 maximum, the money can be used to do almost anything. For istance, if a student uses the grant to buy equipment they may need for their research, the equipment belongs to the school after the end of the student’s research. After the research is completed, the equipment can be used at the convenience of other students who may need to conduct similar research in the future. Even so, the lack of student awareness regarding S.U.R.F. has prompted faculty and administration to re-strategize and invent new ways of publicizing the program. “There are number of things that we can do to increase participation,” said Ron Haas, a history professor involved in the Honors College. “We need to work on fostering a community of involvement—research is a social practice; it’s more than just sitting alone at a desk. We need centralized ways to inform students of the opportunities available to them.” Poster campaigns have been used in the past, Galloway said, but none have been launched this year. Blanda proposed S.U.R.F. should be discussed during orientation so students will be aware of the program from the moment they enroll. “It’s this incredible mechanism for undergrads to participate in a research enterprise,” Blanda said. “This culture of discovery and learning we’re nurturing here at Texas State should cover all aspects of the academy.”

ANTONIO REYES STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER The Ingram School of Engineering continues to do research in the labs of Roy F. Mitte.

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The University Star

Thursday, April 7, 2016 | 3


Carlie Porterfield, Lifestyle Editor @reporterfield starlifestyle@txstate.edu

UniversityStar.com @universitystar


Pastel hair, don’t care By Taeler Kallmerton LIFESTYLE REPORTER

Hair trends seem to change as fast as the weather does in Texas. Walking through the Quad, Bobcats may see fellow students with hair colors that aren’t exactly natural. Hues of pink, blue and sometimes green can be seen atop Bobcats’ heads while one walks through campus. But achieving the the multi-color look takes careful decision-making. While going to a salon will make the hair dyeing process easier, it is not always an affordable option for everyone. Megan Miller, international studies sophomore with pink locks, said it’s important to keep the health of your hair in mind. “First, do research. You need to know what the color will fade to and what exactly you’re about to put into your hair,” she said. Miller said over-bleaching is the most common mistake people make when dyeing their own hair at home. “You have to be careful with bleach. It can ruin your hair,” Miller said. “I set a timer. If you leave it in too long, it will start to feel itchy and hot.” Hair dye gets a bad reputation for being damaging to hair. Lynn Tran, greenhaired mathematics freshman, said you can keep hair both healthy and multicolored with a little TLC. “My hair is dryer, because I bleached it because


Zachary Bond, journalism sophomore, shows off what he calls his “mermaid hair” out in San Marcos.

my hair is naturally black. But it’s all about aftercare,” Tran said. “You have to nourish it.” Tran said maintaining hair health is all about adding moisturizing oils instead of washing it too often.

“You can leave some coconut oil in your hair as long as you can, and wash it out with soap,” Tran said. “Just keep it in for two hours, read a book or do some yoga and then wash it out.” Tran said the most im-

portant thing to have when dyeing hair is patience. “People want immediate satisfaction, and if they want purple hair, they want it now,” Tran said. “But you have to figure out how to do it in the least damaging way for your hair.”

Trying something new can be exciting and scary at the same time. Miller said dyeing her hair pink was worth it. “‘It’s just hair, it will grow back’ was always my philosophy,” Miller said. “I will keep my pink hair for

as long as I can. I'm pretty sure once I'm retired, I will dye my hair again.” Hair dye virgins, pick a color that is comfortable and do not forget to use protection, like a timer, when bleaching hair.


Texas State hosts study abroad in Cuba for a unique experience By Vivian Medina LIFESTYLE REPORTER @vjmedina6

Cuba and its travel regulations have been all over the news recently in the wake of President Barack Obama’s historic trip. Many students and faculty may not know Texas State has had a study abroad program in Havana for years. Since the lifting of the embargo against Cuba, travel regulations to the island have eased. However, going to Cuba for educational purposes has been legal for years. A study abroad program at Texas State encourages students to take advantage of the once-in-alifetime opportunity. The study abroad program in Cuba is faculty-led and offered only during the summer, with one week of instruction on campus and two weeks in Cuba. Only geography courses are taught during the trip, but anyone outside of the major is still welcome to apply. The program is directed by geography associate professor Sarah Blue, who dreamed of taking students to Cuba for years. She took

the first group of students in 2013 and another in 2015. “I pretty much do it every other year, but there was a demand for it because Cuba is so popular right now, so I decided to do it two years in a row,” Blue said. During George W. Bush’s presidency, educational trips to Cuba were banned. In 2011, however, the Obama administration allowed academic travel to Cuba. In 2015, diplomatic relationships between the U.S. and Cuba were restored. Licenses are now available to permit Americans into Cuba for family visits, humanitarian projects and to work as journalists. Blue said the attention on Cuba will hopefully help diminish the misconception some people have about the country and ultimately increase students’ interest in visiting. “A lot of parents think it is really scary, but Cuba is actually one of the safest countries you can go to,” Blue said. “I think President Obama’s recent visit to Cuba will help some of that misinformation go

away and create a greater demand to visit.” Jon Wiesner, geographic information science masters student, went to Cuba in 2015 with Blue. He said the opportunity to visit a “forbidden” country legally was one of the motivations behind his choice to study abroad in Cuba. “To visit Cuba was kind of a taboo growing up,” Wiesner said. “Cuba is so close and it seems so attainable, but it is so far away mentally.” Wiesner wanted to experience the culture of Cuba firsthand instead of listening to what other people had to say about the country. “I have just been in one political ideology my whole life, and I wanted to experience something different just to compare,” Wiesner said. “You only hear the negative side when you’re sitting on the other side of the fence.” Blue said she has family living in Cuba, which gives students a chance to personally meet with the locals and ask one-on-one questions. “Cubans are very warm

and friendly, and the students have an excellent time because they make friends with the natives,” Blue said. “It’s not like we are on a bus looking and pointing things out, but we are actually interacting.” Alyse Ramirez, geographic information science senior, went on the 2015 trip and said she learned things through her interaction with the natives she wouldn’t have been exposed to in a classroom. “I was surprised to see how welcoming the Cubans were of Americans,” Ramirez said. “I really thought that they were going to have an issue or an underlining anger, but they were very friendly.” Ramirez believes Cuba is a good place to study because the new environment aids students in distinguishing the differences between the country and the United States. “It is an experience that not a lot of other students could say they have had,” Ramirez said. “I think especially for environmental and geography students, it is interesting to see the

practices they use because it is very different from what we are used to.” Because of the embargo, Blue said there are no American companies in the country—meaning there are no corporations like McDonalds or Starbucks. She believes this makes Cuba very unique. “College students are at




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a point where they are trying to figure out what kind of difference they want to make in the world, and going to a country that does things differently really makes you think,” Blue said. “It opens up your mind, and that is why I think it makes Cuba especially interesting.”

4 | Thursday, April 7, 2016

The University Star


Brandon Sams, Opinions Editor @TheBrandonSams staropinion@txstate.edu

UniversityStar.com @universitystar


Mermaid branding is the help San Marcos needs Look at this town, isn’t it neat? Wouldn’t you say our image needs to be complete? The adoption of image branding is vital toward the success of any city. Thus, San Marcos’ decision to go with a mermaid marque might just be the savior this town needs to counter economic instability and poverty. Outside of the confines of Texas State University is a neglected, embattled community in need of real socioeconomic assistance. According to recent census reports, approximately 37 percent of San Marcos residents live in poverty. From 2010-2014 the median household income for the city was $27,261, almost half of the national average. Solutions to this fiscal gloom are needed. As silly as it may sound, mermaid branding is one of many answers to alleviating at least portions of this economic disparity. City branding is what economists and officials use to morph a town from a simple location into something more desirable: a destination. Turning San Marcos into a place where people want to live is sure to bring business opportunities and tourism, which

will increase employment opportunities and citywide revenue by proxy. Identity is important, and donning the mantle of the mermaid city will do nothing but help the city secure sustainability and brand image into the near future. Its step one into a complete urban redesign that will create a more economically stable city. Imperative in this branding is the mitigation of gentrification. It is up to officials to assure that residents will reap the benefits of this kind of branding, instead of being placeholders for the rich and powerful gentrifiers who will inevitably want to migrate to mermaid land. Austin, New York City and San Francisco are popular examples of successful city brands. They did not organically just become petri dishes for trends, desirability and residential migration. Their brands were a concerted effort, over decades, by city officials. San Marcos will not be New York, but it can carve out its own niche. Cities have to compete against one another for the attention of potential residents, employers, tourists and resources. By deli-


cately molding a perfectly unique mermaid brand San Marcos can guarantee population progress and economic prosperity not yet realized. San Marcos capitalizing on the river makes sense—it is arguably that most recognizable aspect of the city. While the river is home to some

endangered species, Texas wild rice doesn’t have the same je ne sais quoi as the ancient aquatic creatures of legend. They’re beloved, readily recognizable and fantastical. Being known as the city of mermaids, and more importantly adhering to the brand, is sure to highlight San Marcos as a desirable residential

area. Who doesn’t love mermaids, or at least have some kind of nostalgic appreciation for them? In contemporary society, movement is everything. From people to ideas and capital, the world is constantly in motion. In order to be a worthy competitor San Marcos has to place by the rules of the game, and

those roles include the sale of self. Mermaids might just be the city’s saving grace. So before people riot about city council allocating $55,070 toward the erection of 10 mermaid statues, realize that as silly as it sounds, it is the epitome of utilitarianism— for the greater good.

The Main Point is the opinion of the newspaper’s editorial board. Columns are the opinions of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the full staff, Texas State University Student Media, the School of Journalism and Mass Communication or Texas State University.



Dismantling double-standards and celebrating womanhood

How the film industry set women up for romantic failure

By Bridgett Reneau @bridgelynnn OPINIONS COLUMNIST

Being a woman is not easy. Perhaps the phrase sounds like a trite declaration spouted from the mouths of angst-filled feminists, but the underlying reality is inarguable: for eras, women have been ceaselessly oppressed. Of course, as the typical misogynist will surely dare to audaciously interject, life for females has improved over the years. This is true in a sense. No longer are women restricted to strive for simple lives of housewifery and neighborhood gossip. Looking around everyday, it is beautiful to see women reaching success in numerous ways: running for office, playing sports, becoming entrepreneurs and working to redefine gender stereotypes. But look a little closer in the same places, and it is also all too common to witness women who are incapable of truly fulfilling their potential because they are caught in the social divide between who they are and what an ideal female should be. They are held stagnant by the shrewd and cynical side of society which continues to ensure women in so many ways, they are still not enough. Of course, no one outright says this, but it is implied in a myriad of situ-

ations. The most abhorrent of these situations is the idea women cannot desire a fulfilling domestic life alongside a distinguished career path. Women are taught they must choose between success and femininity, and that the two do not and cannot coincide. A woman can either desire marriage and a happy relationship, or she can pursue her individual aspirations at the expense of the former. It cannot be ignored that in the same vein, men seem to have respect for ambitious women solely in theory. The idea of a female who is intent upon achievement seems initially interesting to them, but many men are displeased when they come to terms with the reality. No longer are the men exalted on the throne at the top of the metaphorical food chain— instead, they are forced to share their spot with women who dare to ask, “Why not me?” Virginia Woolf wrote, “As long as she thinks of a man, nobody objects to a woman thinking.” Although many may claim these words do not ring as loudly as they did when written in 1928, the phrase still resonates with definitive truth for women all over the world. To imagine the horrific plights of women in lessdeveloped countries only exemplifies the need for ladies in more fortunate

The University Star Editor-in-Chief...........................................Kelsey Bradshaw, stareditor@txstate.edu Letters................................................................................universitystar@txstate.edu News Editor........................................................Anna Herod, starnews@txstate.edu Sports Editor..............................................Paul Livengood, starsports@txstate.edu Lifestyle Editor......................................Carlie Porterfield, starlifestyle@txstate.edu Opinions Editor..........................................Brandon Sams, staropinion@txstate.edu Multimedia Editor..............................Daryl Ontiveros, starmultimedia@txstate.edu Copy Desk Chief.................................Abigail Marshall, starcopychief@txstate.edu

circumstances to declare their power. This power isn’t found in a man, a relationship or even a career. Instead, it is the attitude of each woman to choose to honor who she truly is—whatever that may be. The act of a woman defining herself individually is imperative for the success of all. The ideas and perspectives strong, confident women project into society are unique and valuable, as they ultimately derive from a vantage point that has witnessed firsthand the atrocities of gendered subjugation. The recognition of how women are still suppressed in society is a call to action for men as well. Men need to realize their own manhood does not somehow lessen in value by simply acknowledging women are equally as adequate as they are. Only when women are truly appreciated for the exclusive viewpoints they offer will humanity be able to function wholly. Women must not be defined by society’s perception of their purposes. Instead, each woman and man must courageously work to ensure that femininity becomes something universally celebrated and esteemed just as much as masculinity. —Bridgett Reneau is a psychology sophomore

By Jessica King @JessCheyKing OPINIONS COLUMNIST

If only men were mind readers who truly understood everything women wanted and felt. What a dream! Unfortunately, that’s not the case despite how the film industry has coerced women into expecting otherwise. It all started when youngsters watched the latest Disney princess film for the umpteenth time. Much of Disney’s films follow the same guidelines—there’s a girl with one or both parents missing (generally), who lives some poor, sad life and is basically the victim. Suddenly, the perfect man, Mr. Prince Charming, comes in to save the day! Sounds like a wonderful story that could warm any girl’s heart. However, there are so many problems with scenarios like this that are often found across the board in the film industry. In the Disney example, the women often accept their unfortunate lives and never bother to change things for the better. Instead, they keep an eye out for true love with the hopes of a better, happier life. Also, the “princes” tend to be fabulously wealthy. What does this teach

young girls? Accept the life you’re given and pray a young, rich man comes in and saves the day. Once that happens, life will be peachy. But let’s look at other movies with unrealistic expectations for romance, such as The Notebook or A Walk to Remember. The Notebook is about an elderly husband who valiantly tries to revive his wife’s memory for even a few minutes by rereading a book on their lives together. At the very end, they decide to die in each other’s arms after the wife temporarily regains her memory despite the odds. Well, that’s very realistic. Although it is immensely romantic and full of warm fuzzy feelings, too many movies portray romance like this. If this is all women see, eventually this is what they will expect in a real relationship. But when it doesn’t live up to a woman’s idealisms, she tends to move on. Not everyone is like that and this may come off as a bit extreme, but let’s be real. It’s a rather common thought process. I have caught myself wishing and looking for someone who knew the right thing to say—the big, rough guy with a good heart under the surface who will bring me flowers and give me endearing affection. In

addition to this, he will soften old hurts and shield me from new ones. But that’s not how things work. Many women will get some traits they are looking for, but few get it all. It’s a matter of compromise and looking at the person as a whole and not through Nicholas Sparks goggles. Also ladies, men can’t read women’s minds nor do they tend to have the right thing to say on hand. So be patient and don’t get angry or act like he doesn’t care just because he’s not Ryan Gosling. There is nothing wrong with having dreams and romantic ideologies, so long as they are kept within reason and do not take over one’s love life. So ladies, do yourself a favor and quell a few of your romantic expectations. Remember men are human, not magical creatures coming to save the average woman from a life of turmoil. Be like Mulan: do you and just happen to find love on the way. There’s nothing greater than a relationship where two people love themselves enough to be able to love each other. —Jessica King is a psychology senior

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The University Star is the student newspaper of Texas State University and is published every Monday and Thursday of the spring and fall and every other Wednesday in the summer semesters. It is distributed on campus and throughout San Marcos at 8 a.m. on publication days with a distribution of 6,000. Printing and distribution is by the New Braunfels Herald-Zeitung. Copyright Thursday, April 7, 2016. All copy, photographs and graphics appearing in The University Star are the exclusive property of The University Star and may not be reproduced without the expressed written consent of the editor in chief. The first five issues of each edition of the paper are free. Additional copies of the paper can be purchased at 50¢ per copy. Contact The University Star office at (512) 245-3487 to purchase additional copies.

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The University Star

Thursday, April 7, 2016 | 5


Paul Livengood, Sports Editor @IAmLivengood starsports@txstate.edu

UniversityStar.com @universitystar


Notebook: Texas State 4, Texas A&M-Corpus Christi 1 By Kier Rouse SPORTS REPORTER @KierRouse

WHAT THE WIN MEANS This win means the Bobcats have successfully upped their overall record to 20-10 for the season. Texas State is that much closer to the conference playoffs with a Sun Belt record of 9-3. With this win under their belt, the Bobcats keep their confidence as they enter this weekend’s triple header tournament starting Friday at 6 p.m. against University of Nevada. WHY THEY WON Today’s win came from the Bobcats’ offense in the batter’s box. Throughout the game, Texas State stayed consistently with hits, averaging two to three an inning. The Bobcats also executed a 6-4-3 double play against the Islanders in the top of the eighth. The Bobcats showed off their discipline and proved they can perform just as well on defense as they can on offence. TURNING POINT The turning point occurred in the bottom of the fourth. After three scoreless innings, the Bobcats picked up speed. Tanner Hill, senior catcher/

infielder, started it off for the Bobcats with the first run bringing the score 1-0. Jared Huber, sophomore catcher/infielder, and Nick Perez, freshman infielder/ right-handed pitcher followed suit and scored two runs combined. The fourth inning ended 3-0 against the Islanders. GOOD The batting was consistent and heavy hitters like Jonathan Ortega, freshman second baseman, kept the Bobcats in a steady lead against Texas A&MCorpus Christi. Another highlight of tonight’s game came from the defense with Joe Powell on the mound, striking out the side in the top of the eighth. BAD In this game, I would have to say there wasn’t anything of not that the Bobcats lacked on. Despite having a late start and going three scoreless innings against the Islanders, the Bobcats proved to play strong once their momentum started to kick in. UGLY Honestly, I can’t find any ugly in this game against Texas A&M- Corpus Christi. The Bobcats were solid overall and did not give up

unnecessary runs or hits. SPOTLIGHT PLAYER Yet again, the player to watch is Ortega. Ortega has been leading the Bobcats in hits, with 45 so far, as well as at bats, with a total of 128 so far this season. With a batting average of .352, Ortega has been a solid hitter for Texas State. He has proven himself very consistent in his swings and is still on top as the one to watch. Ortega went threefor-five for the Bobcats and scored one of the four runs in the game against Texas A&M-Corpus Christi. WHAT THEY SAID Head Coach Ty Harrington speaks highly of his third and final relief pitcher of the night, Joe Powell. “We did a good job about playing defense behind him,” Harrington said. “I was proud of his adversity.” WHAT’S NEXT


Bobcats snap fourgame losing streak with win against Houston Baptist By Thomas Mejia SPORTS REPORTER @ThomasMejia79

The Texas State softball team caught up to its winning ways and defeated Houston Baptist 2-1 Wednesday night. However, the Huskies got on the board early in the game. Shay Orsak, senior second and third baseman, hit a home run off of Randi Rupp, sophomore pitcher, to right center field to give Houston Baptist a 1-0 lead to start off the game. It was the sixteenth home run Rupp has given up this season. After giving up the lead in the first inning, Rupp shut out the Huskies for the rest of the game and limited their offense to four hits. Rupp got her 200th strikeout in the bottom of the sixth inning and finished with a stat line of 5.1 innings pitched, five hits, one earned run, two walks and nine strikeouts.

Offensively, Texas State had opportunities to score but were unable to take advantage. Jaelyn Young, sophomore catcher, hit a leadoff double for the Bobcats in the top of the second inning. After advancing to third on a sacrifice bunt, Young was in scoring position with one out and Texas State could not bring her home. In the top of the third inning, Taylor Webb, sophomore utility, hit a two-out double to put runners on third and second base. Corrina Liscano, junior third baseman, was up next to bat for Texas State, but struck out swinging. In the sixth inning, the Bobcats got hits going as Liscano hit a single to get on base. With two outs, Sara Rupp, sophomore catcher, hit an RBI double to bring in Liscano and tie the game at 1-1. Houston Baptist tried to get the run back and put Sara Rupp in a jam. The

Huskies had runners on first and second base with one out. Quincy Charleston, junior pitcher, came in relief for Sara Rupp to get Texas State out of the inning. Liscano turned a double play to get the Bobcats out of the inning. Braegan Hamilton, sophomore outfielder, started off the top of the seventh inning with a double to put her in scoring position for Texas State. Kimberlin Naivar, junior first baseman and outfielder, hit an infield single to put runners on the corners with one out for Ariel Ortiz, sophomore shortstop. Ortiz delivered a sacrifice pop up to left field while Hamilton scored to give the Bobcats a 2-1 heading in the bottom of the seventh inning. Charleston took care of business and stroke out all three batters to secure the win for Texas State. The Bobcats improved to a 2415 overall record.

Up next for the Bobcats is a triple header weekend against University of Nevada. The Bobcats will take on the Nevada Wolf Pack at the Bobcat Ballpark starting Friday at 6 p.m. Saturday’s game will begin at 3 p.m. and Sunday’s closer will start off at 1 p.m.







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