February 22 2016

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FEBRUARY 22 , 2016 VOLUME 105 ISSUE 44


Defending the First Amendment since 1911




"Frisbee Dan" engages locals in a game of frisbee Feb. 8 at Sewell Park


Family Campaign fund kicks off to aid student scholarships By Cristina Carreon NEWS REPORTER @Ccarreon90

Texas State will kick off its annual Family Campaign scholarship project Feb. 29, for which faculty and staff are encouraged to donate. The fundraising initiative encourages university employees to contribute to projects for students and hopes to attract interest in higher education from outside investors. “When we can say we’ve given an ‘X’ percentage, and

you take that to an outside entity—a foundation, a corporation who might be wanting to invest in higher education, and (then) they see that a high percentage of faculty and staff are giving, they can see (faculty and staff) really care about where they work. They want it to get better,” said Jen Beck, director of Retention Management and Planning. Beck said she wants to secure a donation number the university can be proud of. Faculty and staff can choose from hundreds of

scholarship options, specific areas of research or groups of students in need. “Each year, the university reaches out to all faculty and staff through the campaign to allow them to make contributions to areas of campus that they’re interested in or connected with,” said Wesley Clark, University Advancement director of Annual Giving. Past categories have included alumni and family association scholarships. “I select some things that

I know the funds maybe go directly to a group of students I work with, but then, also maybe a particular scholarship I’m interested in or maybe just a general fund,” Beck said. “I tend to change mine every year, truthfully.” Last year, 2,196 faculty, staff and retirees participated in the Family Campaign, Clark said. Beck served as a team leader during last year's Family Campaign. “When we know (students) are leaving because they can’t


afford to be here, we think, ‘how can we help them stay here?’” Beck said. During the 2014-2015 academic year, three people from the Student Affairs division met with colleagues from every office in the department. “We talked about what higher education is really about, what is higher education really doing to develop students and what will help them create a stronger connection with the university, and (make them) want to be strong alumni,” Beck said.

“We teach people to give in order to help the community, and not just focus on yourself, your office, your program—the larger picture of what we’re trying to do at the university.” The event is continued through electronic sources, such as emails and videos to celebrate the final percentage of donations. The 2015 celebration of the fundraising period’s conclusion was held in the

See CAMPAIGN, Page 2


Dating apps influence hookup culture, professor says

Employee wellness program requests to be permanently funded

By Clayton Kelley SPECIAL TO THE STAR @Claytonkelley

By Rae Glassford SENIOR NEWS REPORTER @rae_maybe

In the age of technology, some millenials have abandoned old ways of dating and turned instead to mobile dating apps. Jessica James, journalism lecturer, wrote a thesis which included a case study on the psychological consequences of media applications such as Tinder. Her thesis will be a chapter in the book “Sex in the Digital Age” by Ashgate Publishing. “You start to use these devices and yeah, it’s awesome,” James said. “You can really meet a lot of people, but there’s always something in the back of your head that tells you the experience itself seems really artificial.” James said her chapter touches on the gameification of online dating and the resulting ethical implications. “You’re basing all your first impressions on somebody’s appearance,” James said. “So, how we are perceived in a digital environment is almost like a game piece on a board.” Her study consisted of a 30-question survey from 578 Texas State students. The results found men are more inclined to use dating applications for random hookups while women use it as a tool for seeking a romantic connection. Monika Rostvold, studio art senior, garnered attention

WellCats, Texas State’s employee wellness program, combats stress in the workplace and members are hoping to secure permanent funding from the university. Established in January 2015, WellCats offers group exercise and cooking classes, “Lunch-n’-Learn” nutrition lectures, health screenings and education courses. Lectures are televised to the Round Rock campus via video, said Lisa Lloyd, co-director of Total Wellness—an affiliated partner of WellCats. “We are already starting to see improvement,” Lloyd said. “We’re seeing reduced absenteeism. Employees involved are taking fewer sick days.” Lloyd hopes the program will improve health and staff retention. “A huge chunk of our lives is spent at work, and it’s hard to be healthy if our work environment isn’t conducive to health,” Lloyd said. The university has offered health-centric programs in the past, but none that have amounted to WellCats’ breadth and scale. “One option that existed prior to the comprehensive program was that employees have to pay a couple hundred dollars a semester to use the Rec Center, but wellness program participants are offered

KAYLIN KING STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER Some professors are doing academic research, one has focused their research on the app Tinder.

when she did a performance art piece about hook-up culture. She laid on a table outside the LBJ Student Center cafeteria and covered herself with fast-food. “When it comes to talking to people, girls tend to want more of an emotional connection,” Rostvold said. “Women are also more selective than guys.” The performance was meant to represent how apps can create hook-up culture, she said. “It becomes a human marketplace,” James said. “People seem to treat it like buying a car or shopping for certain brands.”

Rostvold said she has only met up with one person on Tinder and found he looked nothing like the pictures he displayed. “It was so bizarre because he was a completely different person than what he looked like on his profile,” Rostvold said. “It was almost like I was being catfished.” Tinder can create a lot of false expectations and pressure, she said. “We’re more than just one damn photo,” James said. “It’s a lot of pressure because everyone wants to look their best on Tinder and it can be hard to match that photo you have on Tinder when you

meet them in person.” Taryn Olivas, biochemistry senior, said whether or not someone is looking for a romantic or physical connection, dating apps can be a good way to meet and connect with newer people. “When you want to date someone, physical attraction is a big deal,” Olivas said. “Even though people think Tinder can be a little bit shallow, it is an easy way to meet new people.” Olivas said it is always important to communicate on Tinder what your objective is, whether you are looking

See TINDER, Page 2

subsidies,” said Janet Bezner, physical therapy associate professor. The program subsidizes Recreation Center membership up to $25 per semester, Lloyd said. “The university also has a policy that affords every employee 30 minutes of wellness time a day, which allows them to participate in wellness activities,” Bezner said. The addition of paid “wellness time” to employees’ lunch hours has been university policy since 1985, Lloyd said. “We wanted to upgrade what we offered, so that we could have a much wider focus and offer more services,” said John McBride, assistant vice president of Human Resources. “We funded the pilot program using money left over from the days when we were self-insured back in the 1990s.” Money refunded to the university by a partner company at the end of the selfinsurance period could only be used for promotion of the staff, McBride said. “We have been holding this money all these years, waiting for the right opportunity to use it,” McBride said. There is enough funding to allow the program to run for two years, but the allotted money will be gone in August, McBride said. Therefore, the university has been asked to fund the program

See WELLNESS, Page 2

2 | Thursday, February 18, 2016


The University Star


from front

Reed Brantley Parr Room on the 11th floor of the J.C. Kellam Building. The event featured hors d'oeuvres, speakers and a raffle drawing for different items such as football game suite seats, use of Campus Recreation and a prize through Total Wellness, Beck said.

“It’s something we have as resources that we can share out, but also help our faculty and staff get exposed to a new part of campus, like going to a Performing Arts event,” Beck said. Faculty and staff established the fund in 2012. Award amounts are typically between


Anna Herod, News Editor @annaleemurphy starnews@txstate.edu

UniversityStar.com @universitystar

$15,000 and $20,000 each year, with 44 recipients since its inception, said Kimberly Garrett, University Advancement associate director of Endowment Services. The scholarship criteria are based on financial need. It is not a competitive scholarship, although, considered appli-

cants must have a 2.5 GPA or better, Garrett said. “We are really fortunate to have faculty and staff who are incredibly generous and who are highly dedicated to the students here. So, we tried to put in place a program that makes it easy for people to participate and get involved,”

from front

for a long-term commitment or a hookup. “If you actually take the time to talk to people on Tinder, you can tell pretty quickly who is looking for what,” Olivas said. “It takes a lot of patience because everyone wants different things.” James said some dating apps are not always superficial and based on looks. Apps like Meetup match people based on their personal interest rather than pictures.

However, this does not equate to romance. “Just because that person is hot or you have similar interest with them does not mean there is an emotional connection there,” Rostvold said. Rostvold said talking to people on Tinder or texting someone constantly derails interpersonal communication skills. “I prefer talking to people in person more because there’s a natural flow of conversation


from front

permanently. “We feel there is enough evidence that employees like and use the program, and we have data from employees justifying its continuation,” Bezner said. “This is a good use of money to enhance wellness services.” The likelihood of WellCats being funded comes down to a matter of priorities, McBride said. “If the wellness program is funded, something else won’t be, and vice-versa,” McBride said. “We are competing with

the priorities of the university for funding.” McBride estimates Human Resources will answer the funding question in May or June when the university conducts its annual salary review and creates the following year’s budget.“Our goal is to help people be less sedentary at work, to decrease stress and increase productivity and longevity,” McBride said. “We want to help get people healthier and be more productive.” Employee use of the

Clark said. Gifts can be used for tuition assistance, studying abroad, departmental research, student organizations and other areas of need. “It helps our colleagues across campus do better jobs and others look and think, ‘why do these people want

to give back? We’re all working hard to earn our money. Why are they giving it back to, in essence, their employer?’” Beck said. “It’s because we care about what’s happening here.”

Strange, but informative. that develops,” Rostvold said. James said if applications like Tinder become more prevalent in the mainstream, they can have an effect on younger people’s ego for the future. “If people grow up thinking that meeting on Tinder is normal, it’s going to do so much to make people more superficial and objectified than they ever should be,” James said.

wellness program has been tracked extensively, and over 500 staff members utilize its services, Bezner said. “The goal is to create a culture of health—a culture that supports health here on campus,” Lloyd said. “We’re trying to begin a chain of positive behavior changes at the workplace. We’re trying to change what people eat (and) what’s available to them. What we’re going for is collective benefit through human resources.” CASSANDRIA ALVARADO STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER Texas State students prepare to warm up for a group exercise class ar the Student Recreation Center Feb. 4

It’s good medicine! The Student Publications Board of the Texas State School of Journalism and Mass Communication is conducting an all-campus open petitioning process to select a student as Editor-in-Chief of The University Star. Term begins one week following the final issue of 2016 Spring Semester publication schedule. Applicants must be available to serve the entire term of the appointment. Each applicant is asked to complete a written petition, which is subsequently screened by members of the student publications board. The board will interview qualified candidates for the position. The student publications board includes the journalism sequence coordinator in the School of Journalism and Mass Communications, the assistant director of the School of Journalism and Mass Communication and a member of the print medium who is selected by the director of student publications. The director of student publications and the current editor-in-chief serve as ex-officio members for the committee.

Minimum Qualifications

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To qualify, applicants must be enrolled in at least 12 credit hours each semester during the term office. Students graduating in the final semester of the appointment (Spring 2017) may be enrolled in fewer hours as long as they meet graduation requirements. Applicants must have worked in a professional editorial environment, or have served as a section editor at a university student newspaper. Students of all majors and classifications, including graduate students, may petition for the position. Applicants must be in good academic standing with the university when submitting an application. Applicants must maintain a 2.5 semester and overall grade point average during their time of appointment. A student who falls below the 2.5 grade point grade semester average will forfeit the office even though he/she maintains an overall 2.5 grade point average.

The University Star Mission The editor is the primary student editorial administrator for The University Star and has authority in all personnel matters and makes the final decision regarding news, sports, feature, photo, Web and opinion content. The editor determines daily operation guidelines, provides a role model for professional behavior, delegates operational authority and fulfills policies and procedures as determined by the student publications board and faculty adviser. The editor oversees meetings and handles personnel problems, evaluates all copy and artwork for each publication. The editor-in-chief is responsible for hiring, properly training and supervising all members of the editorial board. The editor-in-chief promotes relations between the publication, the community and campus organizations. The

editor-in-chief is also the voice of the publication with the community.

Term of Office Term of office begins following the final publication of the Spring 2016 semester and runs through Spring 2017 semester. Applicants must be able to serve the entire term of office in order to be considered for the position A salary is paid during the term of office.

Petitioning Process Applications for the position will be due by noon, Wednesday, March 30 to the Director of Student Publications, Trinity Building, Room 107. People interested in petitioning should sign a candidacy list in Trinity, Room 107 and acquire an information package. Qualified applicants will be notified and interviews will be scheduled beginning April 4. Selection of the editor-in-chief will be made shortly after interviews have been completed. Formal assumption of duties will begin one week after the final newspaper of the Spring Semester is published.

Petitioning Deadlines Applications for the position will be due by noon, Wednesday April 1 to the Director of Student Publications, Trinity Building, Room 107. People interested in petitioning should sign a candidacy list in Trinity, Room 107 and acquire an information package. Qualified applicants will be notified and interviews will be scheduled beginning April 13. Selection of the editor-in-chief will be made shortly after interviews have been completed for the position. Formal assumption of duties will begin one week after the final newspaper of the Spring Semester is published. PACKETS AVAILABLE: March 2, noon; Trinity, Room 107 INTERVIEWS Will be scheduled beginning April 4

The University Star

Monay, February 22, 2016 | 3


Carlie Porterfield, Lifestyle Editor @reporterfield starlifestyle@txstate.edu

UniversityStar.com @universitystar

from front

Frisbee Dan: the man, the myth, the legend By Tiffany Goulart LIFESTYLE REPORTER

Frisbee Dan, a Texas State icon, can nearly always be seen when he hits up Sewell Park in his famous shortshorts. Since 1990, students and San Martians alike have become familiar with the sight of Frisbee Dan performing incredible freestyle throws, as well as enjoying lessons on the proper way to throw a flying disc. Dan Barry, also known as Frisbee Dan, came to Texas from Ohio in 1986 a year after he suffered from a severe head injury in an accident, he said. His life in San Marcos started with four years at ResCare Premier, a rehabilitation center for people with brain injuries and other neurological disorders. After completing his rehabilitation, Dan stayed at the center as a staff member for eight years and now owns his own landscaping company. After his injury, Barry lost all peripheral vision on his right side. Because of this he only throws freestyle and has become very good at it, he said. Barry has developed muscle memory from playing Frisbee. When preparing to throw, his body automatically knows what to do and he no longer gets sore. “It took years of confidence for me to get this good at throwing,” Barry said. “It is important that I got good at Frisbee because if you do not get really good at something, you will end up quitting.” When throwing, Barry decides where he wants the Frisbee to go so it does not just land wherever. Some of the tricks he can perform include skipping it on the ground and throwing it without looking. Since he plays at Sewell


Park, the Frisbee often lands in the river. Barry has placed river reeds around the park so he can fish the Frisbee out of the water without having to jump in.

tention of students who are across the river by whistling at them. Ke-Lai Punchard, criminal justice freshman, spends a lot of time at

“It is important that I got good at Frisbee because if you do not get really good at something, you will end up quitting.” —FRISBEE DAN

Barry likes to throw long distance and will get the at-

Sewell and sees Barry there often. “I actually did not know

who Dan was before I met him at Sewell, but a lot of people do,” Punchard said. “Since I have met him, we have thrown the Frisbee around a couple times.” Barry has given many impromptu Frisbee-throwing lessons to eager students over the years. For someone learning to throw, it is important to throw low and from the side while aiming up. Barry’s advice for new throwers is to not think about the Frisbee too much and to just throw it. “99 percent of control is in the wrist,” Barry said. “It’s important to snap your wrist and flick your arm

quickly.” The discs that Barry uses are made with a softer plastic than those in Ultimate Frisbee. The lighter weight allows the thrower get more distance with less effort. Dan Barry has made a name for himself here in San Marcos. People of all ages recognize him around town and often know exactly who he is when they spend time at Sewell. Errol Nirider, manufacturing engineering freshman, recently played Frisbee with Frisbee Dan for the first time. “I do not spend much time at Sewell, so I had

never played Frisbee with him before,” Nirider said. “But I had heard of him before today and knew exactly who he was when he started throwing the Frisbee to me.” Texas State students and San Martians can even buy flying discs from Frisbee Dan. The Frisbees that he sells come in a variety of colors and feature many different logos. For those interested in learning more, there are Frisbee Dan Facebook, Twitter and YouTube accounts, although he does not personally run any of them.



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4 | Monday, February 22, 2016

The University Star


Brandon Sams, Opinions Editor @TheBrandonSams staropinions@txstate.edu

UniversityStar.com @universitystar


New era of Student Government is on the horizon With the clear and evident ineffectiveness of previous administrations, the student body at Texas State is hoping change is on the horizon with this new Student Government election. In a scathingly analytical column, the Editor-inChief of The University Star perfectly outlined the issues regarding Student Government. One of her main critiques was the lack of impactful legislation. Throughout the 2014 to 2015 academic year, the organization only passed 13 pieces of legislation, nine of which addressed nothing but their own personal affairs. It is safe to say they have left people wanting more, but they are not solely to blame. Government is a reflection of its constituency. Student Government is a less than stellar representative body for the Bobcats because students continue to show disinterest. If the people do not care about the internal affairs and external consequences of their government, the constituents are allowed to run amok. Instead of being a voice for students, the Student Government is

allowed to be nothing more than a voice for itself. And when that happens, legislation allocating money for organization Polos is sure to follow. More importantly, those kinds of internal expenditures are sure to go unnoticed. In 2014, only 2.9 percent of the student body casted a ballot in the Student Government elections. Due to historically low voter turnout rates and general lack of interest, perhaps Student Government thought they could dilly-dally with the student body. The turnout is so poor that here at The University Star a few years back, the higher ups jokingly wrote in one of the editors on their ballots. After the votes were counted, the editor won a senator position on Student Government. While all in good fun, that moment illustrated just how malleable the system is, which can be a good thing in the right hands. Clearly student voices can be heard. If that kind of energy was directed in a more productive manner, as opposed to satirical, the real change can come.

And real change is something Bobcats need in their government. However, students have to care. The system is not broken, but the spirit of Bobcat civic duty is. Developing better mindsets and reforming the attitude of the student body would lead to a very different, more effective governing body. The easiest and most profound way to get government working for the people is to hold them accountable. Once the indifference of the populace changes, the government can do its job better. It is the purest form of the cause and effect theory everyone is told in elementary school. Student Government elections are from Feb. 22 through Feb. 25, and the process is simple. No ballots are required; voting is as simple as logging in and choosing a candidate. Bobcats need change. It is time to shift the focus from attendance at lackluster sporting events, to something more tangible to the average student. It is time to usher in a new, better era of Student Government.

The Main Point is the opinion of the newspaper’s editorial board. Columns are the opinions of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the full staff, Texas State University Student Media, the School of Journalism and Mass Communication or Texas State University. NINITTE SOLIS STAR ILLUSTRATOR


Black History Month: An ode to black beauty

By Mikala Everett OPINIONS COLUMNIST @mikala_maquella

Every now and then, we are lucky enough to stumble across moments of true beauty, and I experience this every time I attend a black event, party or church service—we’re just so damn beautiful. Melanin can range from

the palest of the pale—skin that shines like pure moonlight—to an ebony so pure and untainted it appears smooth to the touch. Our skin tones are so beautiful and delicious-looking that others cannot help but compare them to sweets. This is for you my chocolate sisters, toffee brothers and honey-colored cousins. You are beyond beautiful. Hair that coils up toward the heavens is one of the most mystical and divine powers of the black folk. The ability to channel our hair into our personalities and aspirations is something to be admired. Box braids, weaves, relaxers and natural hair are just a few of the many hairstyles at our fingertips. There is no end to the

beautiful complexity and uniqueness of black hair. You are beyond beautiful. The curves, or sometimes lack thereof, that black women are born with are marvelous. Every aspect of our bodies reflects continuity in the circle of life—the curve of an ample bosom or the fullness of lips—cannot be contained, much like our spirit. You are beyond beautiful. There are so many variations to black beauty, that we are each our own archetype. Some of us may choose to embrace our natural state, to commune with nature and the beauty of being human. Others may choose to embrace the hardness, loyalty and fierceness that comes with being black in America—

and boy do they rock it well. From the bouncin’ and behavin’ sister with relaxed strands to the Erykah Badu-inspired soul goddess, there is nothing more beautiful to me than a group of black people coming together in fellowship. No one will understand the inner struggle of trying to accept beauty amongst the blonde hair, blue-eyed masses. My hair is short and coily, not long and flowing. My eyes are brown, not blue or green. My nose is not small and slopeshaped, but flat and wide like the Nile River. I don’t wear a size two, no matter how much I wish. My skin is honey-colored and kissed by the sun,

whether I want it to be or not, and there is unspeakable beauty in the genes of the motherland painted across my body. So when I attend a black event, and am in fellowship with people that look like me and experience things that I do, it means so much to have someone turn and say, “You are beyond beautiful.” To my fellow black folk, I look like you and you look like me, even though we don’t resemble each other at all. It is up to us to recognize the beauty in our brothers and sisters because our features are often seen as parts that can be cut and pasted onto

A February

Black History Month Column Series

others. My brother, you are more than your muscles and your brawn. My sister, you are more than your hips and your thighs. We are beyond beautiful, inside and out. ­—Mikala Everett is a mass communications sophomore


The Mormon Church does not practice hate

By Monique Guerrero SENIOR OPINIONS COLUMNIST @peachy_monique

In a Jan. 29 column by the University Star, it was insinuated that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints was attempting to divide same-sex families due to a section added to

their handbook. However, the idea is false. The controversial section states a child of a parent in a same-gender relationship may not receive a name or blessing from the faith. Many individuals have understandably interpreted this policy in a negative light, as same-sex couples have a long history of being discriminated against. However, the main purpose of this policy was not to insinuate hatred toward the gay community, but to reaffirm where the Church stands on same-sex marriage and protect children from possible conflict with their parents.

The University Star Editor-in-Chief...........................................Kelsey Bradshaw, stareditor@txstate.edu Letters................................................................................universitystar@txstate.edu News Editor........................................................Anna Herod, starnews@txstate.edu Sports Editor..............................................Paul Livengood, starsports@txstate.edu Lifestyle Editor......................................Carlie Porterfield, starlifestyle@txstate.edu Opinions Editor..........................................Brandon Sams, staropinion@txstate.edu Multimedia Editor..............................Daryl Ontiveros, starmultimedia@txstate.edu Copy Desk Chief....................................Abby Marshall, starcopychief@txstate.edu

According to Elder D. Todd Christofferson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles: “We don't want the child to have to deal with issues that might arise where the parents feel one way and the expectations of the Church are very different.” The enforcement of the new policy is a matter of love and protection for children. The Mormon Church is not here to encourage conflict, but to prevent it. As for the controversial aspect of the policy, the LDS Church does not have to conform to the standards of the world. Church

and state are separate entities, as are faith and politics. As Elder Christofferson insinuated, the separation of politics and faith is practiced throughout the religion. Religious ideas of right and wrong do not change, though the law may sway with popular opinion. A church would be hypocritical if it conformed to the standards of the general world. In order to remain as consistent as its savior, it has to uphold the laws handed down to it. Yet, being true to one’s faith does not require disrespect or harm to others.

As long as harm is not inflicted upon others, and respect is given to all mankind, the same respect should be given to the standards of a church. The gospel of Jesus Christ, although firm and unchanging, is one of love and inclusion. The doors of the LDS church are not closed to anyone and salvation is not exclusive. According to a scripture derived from the Book of Mormon 2 Nephi 2:4, “…for the Spirit is the same yesterday, today, and forever…And salvation is free.” The policy of the LDS church is not a practice of

hate, but of concern for the well-being of children. Members of the faith cannot deny anyone salvation, as it is not their desire, nor in their power. True faith and church values are practiced peacefully, and love is one of the greatest commandments of the Mormon Church. As it says in John 13:34, “A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.” All lives are precious. --Monique is a Physics freshmen

601 University Drive Trinity Building, Room 101 San Marcos, TX 78666

Phone: (512) 245-3487 Fax: (512) 245-3708

Design Editor...........................................Lauren Huston, stardesign@txstate.edu Web Editor........................................................Emily Sharp, starweb@txstate.edu Account Executive............................................Hanna Katz, starad2@txstate.edu Account Executive.................................Morgan Knowles, starad4@txstate.edu Account Executive..........................Angelica M. Espinoza, starad5@txstate.edu Media Specialist.............................................Dillan Thomson, djt48@txstate.edu Advertising Coordinator...............................Kelsey Nuckolls, kjn16@txstate.edu Publications Coordinator........................................Linda Allen, la06@txstate.edu Publications Director...........................Bob Bajackson, stardirector@txstate.edu

The University Star is the student newspaper of Texas State University and is published every Monday and Thursday of the spring and fall and every other Wednesday in the summer semesters. It is distributed on campus and throughout San Marcos at 8 a.m. on publication days with a distribution of 6,000. Printing and distribution is by the New Braunfels Herald-Zeitung. Copyright Monday, February 22, 2016. All copy, photographs and graphics appearing in The University Star are the exclusive property of The University Star and may not be reproduced without the expressed written consent of the editor in chief. The first five issues of each edition of the paper are free. Additional copies of the paper can be purchased at 50¢ per copy. Contact The University Star office at (512) 245-3487 to purchase additional copies.

Visit The Star at www.UniversityStar.com

The University Star

Monday, February 22, 2016 | 5


Paul Livengood, Sports Editor @IAmLivengood starsports@txstate.edu

UniversityStar.com @universitystar



RW: I don’t know if I have TM: What is your dream va-

By Thomas Mejia SPORTS REPORTER @ThomasMejia79

Thomas Mejia: What is your

proudest coaching moment? Ricci Woodard: I don’t know if I can come up with a proudest moment. You know, I have been here for 16 years and I have a lot of moments that are at the top of the list for me. TM: Who is your favorite athlete? RW: I will have to go with Michael Jordan, because of the adversity he went through to get where he is today. TM: Which is the best team you have coached? RW: I will have to go with my very first year here. We were 54-12 and it was a group of young ladies who just bought into my philosophy and it payed off right away. TM: What is your favorite memory as a softball player?

one, to be honest. I couldn’t come up with one that could be my favorite. TM : What motivates you today? RW: To figure what is going to make each individual player the best they could be. TM: Who did you look up to in your youth? RW: My oldest brother. TM: What did you want to be when you were growing up? RW: A truck driver, because I thought it was pretty cool that you can get in your truck and drive around the whole country, go at your own pace (and) stop where you want to stop. TM: What’s your favorite holiday? RW: I would have to go with Christmas. TM: What do you do in your free time? RW: I have two kids, so, I’m a mom.

cation? RW: A trip to Australia TM: What is the best advice you have given someone? RW: Just to stay positive. You know, there is always a positive to every situation, so find the positive and move forward. Don’t look at the problem, but what the solution is to the problem. TM: If not softball, what sport would you have coached for? RW: Basketball. TM: How do you want to be remembered? RW: Someone that helped players grow to their potential, both on and off the field. TM: What are you looking forward to this season? RW: Just watching this team continue to mature and get better. I can’t wait to see where we finish in May because I think we are just going to continue to get better and better.





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