February 29 2016

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Defending the First Amendment since 1911



Spring Lake Dam.

NO SIMPLE TASK Civil War era Spring Lake Dam to be restored

By Rae Glassford NEWS REPORTER @rae_maybe

Spring Lake Dam, located near the former Aquarena Springs Park complex, appears deceptively sound, but the three historical floods the dam has endured over the past two years have raised serious questions about its structural integrity. “The dam was originally built during the Civil War era, primarily out of earth and timber, and recent flooding hasn’t improved anything,” said Eric Algoe, vice president for Finance & Support Services. “This

is a public safety issue as well as an environmental issue.” Repairing the dam is no simple task, and at this point, multiple organizations are involved including Edwards Aquifer Authority, Texas Parks & Wildlife, Federal Emergency Management Agency and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The first phase of restoration is expected to begin next semester. “A project like this requires close coordination with other entities,” Algoe said. “Many parties are at the table currently, holding an open discussion about how best to go about the

restoration. As the property owner, the university is overseeing this dialogue.” The city is involved, but to a lesser extent, Algoe said. A city representative attends all regular stakeholder meetings. Although the city technically has no direct responsibility regarding the project, there is a clear and obvious interest in public safety and maintaining river quality. “The first step of the process is identifying ways to ensure that the dam stands for the next hundred years, just as it has past hundred years,” Algoe said. “The university considers the project no less seriously

than it does its other responsibilities to repair and maintain campus facilities.” One of the chief concerns surrounding the project, other than the dam’s questionable structural stability, is construction will disrupt the delicate ecosystem of the San Marcos River. “Spring Lake Dam, especially the eastern spillway, is an incredibly environmentally sensitive area,” said Thomas Hardy, Chief Science Officer for the Meadows Center for Water & the Environment and biology professor. “The dam has always been leaky to begin with; it was constructed with lots of crevices, and


many of those crevices are occupied by endangered species, such as Texas wild rice and salamanders.” The structural repairs required include lining the dam’s backside with riprap (large boulders, roughly the size of a Volkswagen Beetle or smaller) to keep the dam from washing out on its downstream side. These boulders will hold the dam in place while more complicated and extensive work can be done to the dam’s front, Hardy said. “Any work done on the dam could potentially have some short-term impact on endangered species,” Hardy said. “But the repairs will

protect the dam long-term, and protecting the dam means protecting Spring Lake and its sources.” The long-term repairs will likely entail a multimillion-dollar project and additional studies and design work on the part of the university, Hardy said. It could be years away. “Measures to hold the dam in place have to be taken in a way that minimizes the impacts to our endangered species,” Hardy said. “What I proposed in my dialogue with the university was that our team go in with scuba diving gear



Professor hopes to bring a more liberal voice Community prepares for annual San Marcos River to Texas education Cleanup By Bri Watkins NEWS REPORTER @briwatkins17


Rebecca Bell-Metereau, English professor, is running for the Texas Board of Education as the only Democratic candidate to represent District 5 this election cycle. Bell-Metereau earned her Ph.D. at Indiana University and has taught at Texas State her entire career. She currently serves on Faculty Senate as cochair for the Environment and Sustainability Committee at Texas State. Originally running in 2010 and again in 2012, Bell-Metereau said she hopes to bring a balance to the board. District 5 incumbent Ken Mercer is Bell-Metereau’s main op-

SAM KING STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER Rebecca Bell-Metereau, English Professor, in her office Feb. 19.

position and she sees him

as someone who wants to

See REBECCA, Page 2

Community residents will join together in an effort to maintain the beauty of the San Marcos River at the annual river cleanup. Members of various groups and organizations will come together March 5 for an extensive cleanup, stretching approximately 90 miles. The San Marcos River Foundation, which aims to protect public access and preserve the river, organizes the cleanup. The foundation was established in 1985 when citizens realized the need for someone to represent the river. The San Marcos River, a rare ecosystem with many

threatened and endangered species, emerges out of the Edwards Aquifer, forming Spring Lake. The river is a gem San Martians adore and volunteer time to ensure it is properly maintained. Many clubs, organizations and people around the community will gather with one purpose in mind— to establish a healthy environment for a valuable part of San Marcos. Kristen Van Riper, geography resource and environmental studies junior (classification) and environmental conservancy organization member, said she has helped with the cleanup before and believes it’s important for the community.

See CLEANUP, Page 2

2 | Monday, February 29, 2016


The University Star

SPRING LAKE and manually move the endangered species out of the way of construction long enough for us to place the riprap. We can replant the wild rice further downstream.” The job is labor-intensive, but delicate. Hardy’s team at the Meadows Center has worked extensively in this field, but as of yet it is unclear whether the university will ask them to participate in the restoration, Hardy said.



, from front

“The university is taking this project very seriously,” Hardy said. “They are taking the safety of the dam at same level of seriousness as they are endangered species. They are going slowly and carefully, with an impressive level of commitment.” Another factor in the restoration project is how to appropriately accommodate the community in plans for the dam’s future. “We are working together

to make recommendations of various ways to present restoration that will benefit recreational users,” said Steve Lightfoot, spokesperson for Texas Parks & Wildlife. “We are here to ensure that the project maximizes usage. We are considering creating paddling trails from the existing ones upstream extended down to Palmetto State Park, as well as additional bank access for fishing and for launching paddle crafts.”

An engineering firm is currently conducting a study to help decide how to best accomplish the repairs, but there is no official cost estimate for the project yet, Algoe said. Short-term repairs to take place over the course of the next few months are likely to cost roughly $2 million, but the long-term repairs intended to ensure the dam stands for the next century could total up to $5 million, Algoe said.

“We’ve had a regular maintenance review process for the dam for many years,” Algoe said. “The university has been vigilantly monitoring the state of the dam, and has observed more and more water seeping through. The university feels that it is time to renovate and repair the structure, but it’s nothing to be alarmed about.”


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, from front

“insert his extreme views into the education system.” If elected into office, Bell-Metereau said she would like to select “more appropriate” school textbooks. Bell-Metereau said she feels she can accomplish goals at schools because of her own experiences in


Anna Herod, News Editor @annaleemurphy starnews@txstate.edu

UniversityStar.com @universitystar

education. Constructing a well-rounded curriculum flexible for teachers and encouraging collaboration over competition are two of the goals she hopes to achieve. “(Bell-Metereau is a) champion of the rights of parents and students and the partnership they have

with classroom teachers,” Mercer said. Bell-Metereau said her background provides an advantage over Mercer. “Education is something that I’ve really devoted my life to,” Bell-Metereau said. As a candidate, Bell-Metereau said she can empathize with teachers because

she has taken on that role in the classroom herself. “I think we need to make it easier for teachers to pick what they’re passionate about and share their ideas with each other,” Bell-Metereau said. Elizabeth SkerpanWheeler, Texas Faculty Association president and

English professor, supports Bell-Metereau’s candidacy for office. The two have been teaching together since they both arrived at Texas State 30 years ago, and SkerpanWheeler was one of the first people to encourage Bell-Metereau to run. “I respect her ability as

a public servant,” SkerpanWheeler said. “I thought that she would be a very good candidate. She is a person who really likes getting consensus. She has a lot of respect for other people’s views.”

, from front

“We are volunteering for the river cleanup because the organization is dedicated to sustaining the unique and beautiful environment that we get to call home,” Van Riper said. Volunteering for the cleanup affects the environment in tremendous ways and demonstrates the importance of maintaining a clean, healthy life for the river ecosystem. “I think that the river cleanup is necessary in order to maintain a high quality and sanitary river system,” Van Riper said. “I find beauty in advocating for sustainability and encouraging good habits regarding the way my peers treat our earth.” Taylor Lankford, management junior, said cleaning around the river helps maintain a healthy system, but removing hazardous

life inside the river is also beneficial. Lankford is involved in the spearfishing team through Atlas Environmental, which focuses on protecting the Edwards Aquifer from the invasive species feeding on Texas wild rice. “The reason it’s so important to protect the Texas State (wild rice) is because San Marcos is the only place you can find it,” Lankford said. Texas State students and city residents involved in the cleanup will learn the importance of protecting the river. Gigi Mederos, owner of the downtown art studio Rio Claro, said she named her studio after the San Marcos River. She moved to Texas without intending to settle in San Marcos, but stumbling upon the river

immediately made her fall in love. “What really captured my heart was the blind salamander,” Mederos said. “It is my connection through which I identify myself. I am here to protect my precious salamander, and there is no way I could ever leave.” Mederos said she sees so much value in the river’s life. Everything speaks to her heart. She finds peace flowing through the beauty of the clear water when things are bad. She decided to help her beloved river by designing “The Sacred Scarf,” which solely tells the story of the meaning of the river through its artwork. Citizens can embrace the beauty of the river together at the San Marcos River Cleanup.





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RUSSELL REED STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER Trash laying on the sidewalk Feb. 22 at Sewell Park.

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The University Star

Monday, February 29, 2016 | 3


Carlie Porterfield, Lifestyle Editor @reporterfield starlifestyle@txstate.edu

UniversityStar.com @universitystar

Fresh faced 3 face masks for Bobcats

Face masks have been a fun sleepover staple since your grandmother was a teenager, but today’s formulas pack a real punch and are an incredible asset to any skincare regimen. By Carlie Porterfield LIFESTYLE EDITOR @reporterfield

Using a face mask a few times a week keeps skin fresh by drawing out impurities and treating issues like clogged pores or hyperpigmentation. Many find it’s a relaxing way to unwind after a long day.

Queen Helene Masque Mint Julep

$3.99 at walgreens.com You’ve probably seen this cult classic in a bathroom sink at one point or another. Best for oily skin, this minty mask was developed to rinse away congestion and diminish the appearance of large pores. To use, simply apply the claybased formula to your cleansed face and neck. After it hardens about 15 minutes later, remove with a damp washcloth. Fans of the mask say they feel clean and refreshed afterwards, but critics report a strong mint fragrance that may not be for everyone.

Lush Catastrophe Cosmetic

$7.95 at lushusa.com

This blueberry-scented concoction is great for those with sensitive skin or rosacea. Packed with soothing calamine powder and chamomile, it calms an anxious, red complexion without being too drying. It’s also filled with real bits of blueberries! This mask is so fresh that it must be refrigerated and is only good for about three weeks. It’s also vegan! Application is similar to that of the Queen Helene Masque Mint Julep, but Catastrophe Cosmetic dries relatively quickly compared to other clay-based masks.

Indeed Labs $29.99 at beautyheaven.com.au Hydraluron Moisture Boosting Mask These sheet masks are hard to find stateside, but if you manage to get your hands on them, prepare to be moisturized beyond your wildest dreams. The serum that coats the mask features hyaluronic acid to revive tired, dehydrated skin. After using one of these sheets, your skin will feel plump and radiant. Because the masks are sheets that you simply lay on your face and are packaged individually, they’re great for anyone who travels but keeps up their skincare regime. The only downside is the price and the fact that sheet masks can look a little silly

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4 | Monday, February 29, 2016

The University Star


Brandon Sams, Opinions Editor @TheBrandonSams staropinion@txstate.edu

UniversityStar.com @universitystar


#FreeKesha and dismantle rape culture Pop star Kesha has been embroiled in a legal affair after refusing to work with her alleged rapist, Lukasz Gottwald, sobriquet Dr. Luke, outlined under her contract with Sony Music. Kesha sought to halt her recording contract until litigation, filed in the fall of 2014, with Gottwald was resolved and accused him of sexual assault and emotional manipulation among other things. But an injunction held last week shattered her dreams of a smooth break and photos of a sobbing Kesha made the rounds on international media outlets To show solidarity, supporters took to social media using #FreeKesha. Kesha’s predicament is an unfortunate, but all too common phenomenon; it’s called rape culture. To keep it short, rape culture is a society that houses systems which creatively collude to further a victim’s trauma and distress, and it is one that needs to change. For instance, critics say if Kesha were to succumb to a cross-examination, then perhaps the results would be different. However, what they fail to realize is the damage and mental duress inherent in forcing a woman to not only relive her rape, but also be questioned about its validity and specifics. Granted, given the current structure the judge’s hands were tied in balancing the legal facts

of the case and the social repercussions of forcing a woman to work with her abuser. If anything has been made clear, it’s that the system needs to be changed. Essentially the judge argued that the terms of a contract, which granted are legally binding, is more important than the sanity of a woman. While false rape claims are thrown around, specifically women speak about their experiences; individuals who regurgitate those talking points are ignorant of the facts. Only about 2 to 8 percent of rapes are found to be false claims. The likelihood that Kesha’s claims are some elaborate ploy to get out of her contract is very slim. More importantly, if this fiasco were an attempt to get out of a contract, she would not have divorced herself from the music for the past four years. Clearly there is some kind of deeprooted pain and instead of playing the contrarian, people should listen. After the injunction, Dr. Luke was caught deleting potentially incriminating pictures from his Twitter of a sleeping Kesha with the caption “Damn my artists work hard.” While not the kind of evidence to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, it is damning. Kesha’s sorrow and injustice has sparked a debate and conversation about sexism and the cult of rape allowed to fester in contemporary Ameri-

can culture. It also shone light on a topic not many discuss in these conversations—the silent half, men. Female celebrities came out in support of Kesha from Brandy and Adele to Demi Lovato and Lady Gaga, but the same amount of fervor was not felt from their male counterparts. Battling rape culture benefits everyone, not just women. It is time society dispelled the notion that only women must stand in solidarity with female victims of abuse and sexual violence. Instead of chastising Taylor Swift for “only” donating $250,000 to fund Kesha’s legal fees, there needs to be thinkpieces and celebrity tweets chastising Justin Bieber, Jay-Z or Justin Timberlake for remaining silent. Where is the male outrage? More importantly, why is the absence of male voices not only expected, but also tolerated. Dismantling and reforming cultural phenomenon will take a concerted effort by all parties. Abuse and sexual violence is not exclusive to women, men experience them as well. Then again, even if they were exclusive to the female populace, allies are important in this fight for justice. If students take away nothing from the editorial then take away this: when women speak, about their experiences, believe them.


The Main Point is the opinion of the newspaper’s editorial board. Columns are the opinions of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the full staff, Texas State University Student Media, the School of Journalism and Mass Communication or Texas State University.



Abstinence is important to complete sex education

The convincing case for ‘White History Month’

By Monique Guerrero @peachy_monique SENIOR OPINIONS COLUMNIST

Abstinence is just as valuable in sexual education as safe sex. For his proposed 2017 budget, President Barack Obama cut federal funding for abstinence-only programs granted by the Department of Health and Human Services. While understandable, America should not be so quick to write off abstinence as ineffective sexual education. The main purpose of educating is to provide all possible options, knowledge, pros and cons about any topic having to do with sex or the biology of a human being. Whether or not youth decide to engage in sexual activity is uncontrollable by anyone but himself or herself, thus it would make sense to present every option with equal importance. Abstinence is no different, as the purpose of the practice is to insure protection from sexually transmitted diseases and unplanned pregnancy, just like condoms and contraceptives. Youth should have access to education for every possible beneficial option regarding their sexual health. The only problem with the topic of abstinence is when it is presented as the only viable, ethical or

safe way in dealing with sexuality. Ultimatums in teaching do not offer room for a student to openly express his or her own preferences. For this reason, abstinence-only education is not as effective as comprehensive sex education. Studies have shown that it has not been significantly successful in delaying the initiation of sexual activity or teen pregnancy. The only way sex education can be effective is if the facts of sex and chastity are presented in a balanced and unbiased manner. All education is meant to enlighten, after all. However, even though abstinence–only classes are not as successful, the idea of self-discipline should not be considered old news. A few points of abstinence classes may also be worthy of use in general sex education. For example, according to Section 510(b) of Title V of the Social Security Act, one of the eight points of abstinenceonly classes is to “teach young people how to reject sexual advances and how alcohol and drug use increase vulnerability to sexual advances.” This lesson could potentially influence youth to avoid situations harmful to their health, such as being coerced into sexual activity without consent.

The University Star Editor-in-Chief...........................................Kelsey Bradshaw, stareditor@txstate.edu Letters................................................................................universitystar@txstate.edu News Editor........................................................Anna Herod, starnews@txstate.edu Sports Editor..............................................Paul Livengood, starsports@txstate.edu Lifestyle Editor......................................Carlie Porterfield, starlifestyle@txstate.edu Opinions Editor..........................................Brandon Sams, staropinion@txstate.edu Multimedia Editor..............................Daryl Ontiveros, starmultimedia@txstate.edu Copy Desk Chief....................................Abby Marshall, starcopychief@txstate.edu

In addition, a notable part of the curriculum encourages self-sufficiency before engaging in sexual activity. Youth should be taught to value their own well-being over their sexual desires. Abstinence, for obvious reasons, is completely effective in preventing pregnancy—one hundred percent, to be exact. There are no hormonal or medical side effects, costs or risks associated with sexual activity that could befall an abstinent youth. On the other hand, sexually active teens are more likely to encounter depression and commit suicide, especially after breakups with their partners. Although some teens may practice safe sex, there are no special condoms or contraceptives to protect a person’s mental health. Despite how beneficial abstinence may be for youth, however, they are free to decide whether or not to be chaste. If abstinence was presented to students as an option instead of shoving opinions down their throats, then no doubt the practice would be more influential. For the sake of today’s youth, abstinence and safe sex education should go hand in hand. —Monique Guerrero is a Physics freshman

By Jeffrey Bradshaw ASSISTANT OPINIONS EDITOR @jeffbrad12

As February is dwindling down and Black History Month is coming to an end, the echoing cries of white people wanting a month becomes unbearable. It is exhausting, but perhaps necessary. American society often glances over major events in black history, so designating February as Black History Month gives us a chance to better educate ourselves. Of course, any time someone mentions how black people, or any non-white people, were and are treated differently, opposition is sure to follow. During this particular month the opposition states there should also be a White History Month, but conveniently glossed over is how it’s already taught thoroughly. Most, if not all schools have a white history class; however, it is usually simply called history. This history is idealized and topics like slavery or native genocide are barely studied. This being said, America should have a White History Month solely focusing on the racist atrocities committed by people of European descent in this country.

This month can be filled with public service announcements on how the United States locked up Japanese-Americans during World War II, breaking numerous laws and violating numerous rights of these citizens. The government failed to lock up any Germans or Italians, and shockingly this act was fairly racist. Also, remember how America deported thousands of citizens because they were of Mexican descent? Neither do I. Mass Mexican deportation conveniently was left out of my history class. America needs a White History Month because the blatantly racist brutalities committed by white people are casually left out of core curriculum. The whole idea behind Black History Month is to focus the national gaze upon aspects of history people are not usually taught in schools. The negative aspects of American history are not taught in school; therefore, a White History Month is necessary. We can use this month to learn about both largescale and small-scale racism in this country. For example, we as a country can discuss how so many trials in the South purposely took place with all

white juries. These juries were used to ensure a not guilty verdict for obviously guilty white defendants, like in the case of Emmitt Till. We can also learn about current racism in the denial of mortgages to qualified people who happen to not be white. Yet another aspect of systemic racism I did not learn about until perusing Tumblr. White History Month shouldn’t be a month full of white-bashing, but instead a reflection of how far this country has come and still needs to go. Unfortunately, most schools in the United States do not acknowledge, let alone teach the aforementioned atrocities. School would have to be all year long in order to teach even a portion of the facts left out of typical history classes, which is why we need a White History Month. So we can focus the national gaze upon the bad history of white people, which is lacking from our education system. The saying goes, “learn from your mistakes.” However, if people never learn what those mistakes are, they can’t learn from them. –Jeffrey Bradshaw is a political science junior 601 University Drive Trinity Building, Room 101 San Marcos, TX 78666

Phone: (512) 245-3487 Fax: (512) 245-3708

Design Editor...........................................Lauren Huston, stardesign@txstate.edu Web Editor........................................................Emily Sharp, starweb@txstate.edu Account Executive............................................Hanna Katz, starad2@txstate.edu Account Executive.................................Morgan Knowles, starad4@txstate.edu Account Executive..........................Angelica M. Espinoza, starad5@txstate.edu Media Specialist.............................................Dillan Thomson, djt48@txstate.edu Advertising Coordinator...............................Kelsey Nuckolls, kjn16@txstate.edu Publications Coordinator........................................Linda Allen, la06@txstate.edu Publications Director...........................Bob Bajackson, stardirector@txstate.edu

The University Star is the student newspaper of Texas State University and is published every Monday and Thursday of the spring and fall and every other Wednesday in the summer semesters. It is distributed on campus and throughout San Marcos at 8 a.m. on publication days with a distribution of 6,000. Printing and distribution is by the New Braunfels Herald-Zeitung. Copyright Monday, February 29, 2016. All copy, photographs and graphics appearing in The University Star are the exclusive property of The University Star and may not be reproduced without the expressed written consent of the editor in chief. The first five issues of each edition of the paper are free. Additional copies of the paper can be purchased at 50¢ per copy. Contact The University Star office at (512) 245-3487 to purchase additional copies.

Visit The Star at www.UniversityStar.com

Monday, February 29, 2016 | 5

The University Star


Carlie Porterfield, Lifestyle Editor @reporterfield starlifestyle@txstate.edu

UniversityStar.com @universitystar


Bobcats need more cat naps By Brandon Gamez LIFESTYLE REPORTER

Sleep is something needed in order to function normally in life, but with homework to complete and tests to study for, college students are finding it difficult to prioritize. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the recommended amount of sleep adults should receive each night is seven to eight hours. Jade Rocha, recreational administration junior, says she usually sleeps eight to nine hours each night during the weekends and around seven hours each weeknight. "During the week I at least try to get 7 (hours of sleep), but if I have a test the next day I usually just sleep 4-to5 hours, especially if I'm feeling uneasy about the test,” Rocha said. Rocha said it is more difficult for her to be productive in class when she doesn’t sleep as much. "I usually don't care about the things I'm doing that day," Rocha said. "I'm anticipating going home the entire day. I just want to sleep." Yesenia Rios, international relations senior, said she can relate and gets around five hours of sleep each night. She also finds it difficult to function normally at school after a night lacking sleep. “If I don’t sleep a lot, the next day I fall asleep everywhere,” Rios said. Both students say the way


Emily Soto, undeclared freshmen, rests her eyes Feb. 25 in the Quad.

they try to catch up on sleep is by taking naps several times a week. “I take a nap right after school,” said Rios, “They’re usually around 30 minutes long.” While Rios and Rocha keep sleep high on their priority lists, one student would rather sleep less and study

more. Trey Gonzales, fashion merchandising sophomore, says sleep is very low on his priority list. "I know the suggested amount is eight hours, but I’m pretty sure I never do that,” Gonzales said. Despite not getting the suggested amount of sleep,

Gonzales says he isn’t negatively affected during the day at school. In fact, he says he experiences the exact opposite. "If I don't sleep for a long period of time I feel more awake," he said. "I can enhance (being productive) with Redbull or coffee." For most students, priori-

tizing sleep can be challenging and some can relate, drifting off during class and counting down the hours until naptime. Sleep is necessary for anyone trying to function normally in society, but for students it can be even more detrimental to miss out on rest. Not sleeping typically

causes drowsiness the next day and the inability to focus on the tasks at hand. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, anyone who finds their sleeping habits interfere with daily life should seek evaluation and treatment from a health professional.


Students share Spring Break plans By Stacee Collins LIFESTYLE REPORTER @stvcee

Spring Break is a time for college students to relax, have fun and put schoolwork on hold. Whether people are going on family vacations or taking trips to the hottest beaches, there are countless ways students can make this year’s break one to remember. Audrey Ziari, psychology sophomore, said she and some sorority sisters are traveling to Gulf Shores, Alabama—a Spring Break hot spot. “We’re going the Sunday after we get out of school,” Ziari said. “We have our hotel booked. None of us have ever been to Gulf Shores, so I guess we’ll figure it out when we get there.” Ziari said she is excited to go to the beach and have a vacation with friends. In addition, getting a break from stressful classes and homework is something she looks forward to. “I think this semester’s going to be pretty hard, so honestly, I’m most excited for having a break,” Ziari said. “My classes are really

ANTONIO REYES STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER Students spending their day at Sewell Park Feb 20.

hard, and it will be nice to just have a week to do nothing.” Gregory Vincent, accounting junior, said he is also going to Gulf Shores for Spring Break. “I’ve never been to the beach for Spring Break,” Vincent said. “I’ve always been skiing or something like that.”

Vincent said he is taking the beach trip with his Alpha Tau Omega pledge brothers. “I’m most excited to hangout with all the people I’ve been going to school with at a fun area,” Vincent said. “A week off is needed.” Marissa Muckleroy, english freshman, is taking a

family vacation to Big Bend National Park over the break. “We love that part of Texas. We’ve been there a couple times since I was little,” Muckleroy said. “We just wanted to go for Spring Break since it’s probably the only time we have to take a vacation for this year.”

They plan to go hiking at the park and eat at Penny’s, their favorite diner. “I’m most excited to just spend time with my friends and family in a place that I love,” Muckleroy said. “It’s my favorite part of Texas, probably.” Muckleroy said the family plans to visit Terlingua, a ghost town renovated into a tourist area so visitors can check out old ruins and the cemetery. “I think it’s good to have that break from school, since it’s kind of at the end of our school year and everyone’s getting stressed out,” Muckleroy said. “I think everyone needs that break to get themselves together.” Mackenzie Hensley, interdisciplinary studies freshman, is going to South by Southwest, Austin’s annual film and music festival. “I’ve been to SXSW every year,” Hensley said. “This year, I’m going all week just because it’s a fun time. South By is another big thing we have in Austin. Being from Austin, it’s just something I’ve heard of every year.”

Hensley said she has multiple activities planned for her trip. “We’re going to see some of the bands that are playing,” Hensley said. “Some of the bigger names are going to be Crystal Castes, Alex G and Ron Pope. Some of these bands are from all over the world. It’s fun to see who is out there and who you’ve never heard of.” Hensley said the group will watch a few films. “The films play the 11th through the 19th and the music is the 15th through the 20th,” Hensley said. “It’s nice because you can go see some films and not worry about missing a concert.” Hensley said Spring Break is an introduction to summer because everyone’s looking forward to getting a longer break from classes. “It’s kind of a preview to summer, so I think it’s important that we have this week to relax and clear our heads,” Hensley said. “It’s a nice stress reliever and a good way to have fun but not get too unfocused.”

6 | Monday, February 29, 2016


The University Star Paul Livengood, Sports Editor @IamLivengood starsports@txstate.edu

UniversityStar.com @universitystar


Get To Know: Coach Cat Osterman By: Thomas Mejia SPORTS REPORTER @ThomasMejia79

Thomas Mejia: How did it feel to play in the Olympics? Cat Osterman: The Olympics is the pedestal of our sport. It is the most exciting thing that you can be a part of. TM: What is your proudest accomplishment? CO: Winning a gold medal at the Olympics. You can’t do anything better than that. TM: While playing, what motivated you? CO: I have always been a competitive individual. I have always wanted to be the best I can be every single day. Every day, I tried to go out and (do) better (than) myself the day before. TM: What motivates you today? CO: It’s the same thing—just trying to figure out how to be

better than the day before. For me now, it’s like, ‘how can I make my pitchers and players better than what they were a day before?’ TM: What is the best advice you give to players? CO: Perfection can never be obtainable and you have to be able accept that. TM: Who is your favorite athlete? CO: I grew up watching the Astros, so I guess I would have to say Craig Biggio and I think he just played the game right all the way through his career. He gave it his all every single day. TM: If not softball, what other sport would you have played? CO: Basketball. I played that my entire career until I went to college. TM: What’s your favorite food?

CO: Oreos.

Eleven and 8 Seconds.

TM: Who is your favorite music artist? CO: I don’t really have a favorite artist but I love country music.

TM: What’s your favorite holiday? CO: Thanksgiving and Christmas. Any time I get to see my family it is a good holiday.

TM: What is your dream vacation? CO: Going back to Greece. I got to go there playing in the Olympics, but didn’t get to see the country. TM: What did you want to be growing up? CO: I have always wanted to be a coach. TM: Who did you look up to growing up? CO: I looked up to my dad. He taught me a lot about hard work and work ethic, and I’m very similar to him. TM: What is your favorite movie? CO: I don’t know if I have a favorite, but I like Ocean’s

TM: What do you do in your free time? CO: Well, there’s not a lot of it, but I read a lot and I have two dogs that I love to play with. TM: Is there a former coach of yours that impacted you? CO: Yes actually, coach Ken Eriksen (Head softball coach for University of South Florida). We play them in two weeks. I met him at a very early age. He was my coach on the national team as well, but he has been like a second father to me throughout my entire career and I owe a lot to him in both my development as a person and a player.




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JOSHUA CASTELLANO STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER Assistant Softball Coach Cat Osterman at practice Feb. 24.

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The Student Publications Board of the Texas State School of Journalism and Mass Communication is conducting an all-campus open petitioning process to select a student as Editor-in-Chief of The University Star. Term begins one week following the final issue of 2016 Spring Semester publication schedule. Applicants must be available to serve the entire term of the appointment. Each applicant is asked to complete a written petition, which is subsequently screened by members of the student publications board. The board will interview qualified candidates for the position. The board consists of the director of the School of Journalism and Mass Communication, assistant director of the School of Journalism and Mass Communication, the journalism sequence coordinator and a member of the print medium, who is appointed by the director of Student Publications. The director of student publications and the current editor-in-chief serve as ex-officio members for the committee.

Minimum Qualifications To qualify, applicants must be enrolled in at least 12 credit hours each semester during the term office. Students graduating in the final semester of the appointment (Spring 2017) may be enrolled in fewer hours as long as they meet graduation requirements. Applicants must have worked in a professional editorial environment, or have served as a section editor at a university student newspaper. Students of all majors and classifications, including graduate students, may petition for the position. Applicants must be in good academic standing with the university when submitting an application. Applicants must maintain a 2.5 semester and overall grade point average during their time of appointment. A student who falls below the 2.5 grade point grade semester average will forfeit the office even though he/she maintains an overall 2.5 grade point average.


The University Star Mission





The editor is the primary student editorial administrator for The University Star and has authority in all personnel matters and makes the final decision regarding news, sports, feature, photo, Web and opinion content. The editor determines daily operation guidelines, provides a role model for professional behavior, delegates operational authority and fulfills policies and procedures as determined by the student publications board and faculty adviser. The editor oversees meetings and handles personnel problems, evaluates all copy and artwork for the print and online product. The editor-in-chief is responsible for hiring, properly training and supervising all members of the editorial board. The editor-in-chief promotes relations between the publication, the community and campus

organizations. The editor-in-chief is also the voice of the publication with the community.

Term of Office Term of office begins following the final publication of the Spring 2016 semester and runs through the Spring 2017 semester. Applicants must be able to serve the entire term of office in order to be considered for the position. A salary is paid during the term of office.

Petitioning Process Applications for the position will be due by noon, Wednesday, March 30 to the Director of Student Publications, Trinity Building, Room 107. People interested in petitioning should sign a candidacy list in Trinity, Room 107 and acquire an information package. Qualified applicants will be notified and interviews will be scheduled beginning April 4. Selection of the editor-in-chief will be made shortly after interviews have been completed. Formal assumption of duties will begin one week after the final newspaper of the Spring Semester is published.

Petitioning Deadlines Applications for the position will be due by noon, Wednesday March 30 to the Director of Student Publications, Trinity Building, Room 107. People interested in petitioning should sign a candidacy list in Trinity, Room 107 and acquire an information package. Qualified applicants will be notified and interviews will be scheduled beginning April 4. Selection of the editor-in-chief will be made shortly after interviews have been completed for the position. Formal assumption of duties will begin one week after the final newspaper of the Spring Semester is published. PACKETS AVAILABLE: March 2, noon; Trinity, Room 107 INTERVIEWS Will be scheduled beginning April 4

Monday, February 29, 2016 | 7

The University Star


Paul Livengood, Sports Editor @IamLivengood starsports@txstate.edu

UniversityStar.com @universitystar



Leaders are all about selflessness. Whether they talk about sports, politicians or any kind of leader, it all starts with the willingness to be selfless. Being called a leader should not be taken for granted. It should be seen as an honor. Bobby Conley, junior guard, is a leader for the Texas State Bobcats basketball team. Conley is someone the team looks up to. Growing up in Massillon, Ohio, Conley was always into sports. He always had someone in his family showing him the way of sports, especially basketball. Conley has uncles who played basketball throughout his life, including college and overseas. “My uncles played college ball,” Conley said. “One of them plays professionally, and that’s what got me into it.” Coming from a small town, Conley gained inspiration to pursue his dream of playing basketball from his mother and uncles. “My mother is definitely my inspiration,” Conley said. “I see how hard she works for me, and how hard she worked to get to where she is right now. It makes me work harder.” Conley had some difficulty getting attention from college recruits despite his work ethic in high school. During his senior year, he fractured his left wrist, and was limited to play in only nine games. He was

however, given an All-State honorable mention. Conley averaged 17 points, seven assists and six rebounds per game. “I had a lot of trouble,” Conley said. “I wasn’t heavily recruited at all.” Conley received offers from some D3 schools, but nothing he really wanted. He went to prep school following his senior year, which wasn’t a fit for him either. Conley refused to quit and give up his dream of playing basketball even after not getting any offers from a D1 or even a D2 school, because it’s the game he loves. Conley did nothing but persevere. He could have given up on basketball and moved onto something else, but it wasn’t a choice for Conley. After prep school didn’t work out for him, Conley went to Palm Beach State, a Florida junior college. While at Palm Beach State, he averaged 11 points and four assists per game. He shot 43.5 percent from the field. He was also ranked defensively in the top 100 among all junior college players with 53 steals. “The coaches said he was one of a kind,” Assistant Coach Rob Flaska said. “One of the coaches at Palm Beach said that there weren’t enough Bobby Conley’s out there anymore.” Conley put in hard work for two years before even getting looks from places like Cleveland State and interest from LouisianaLafayette.

After recruitment by Cleveland State, Conley went on a visit and was planning to transfer there, but the plans fell through. Not disgruntled, Conley made it his goal to get attention from a D1 school, by any means necessary. Assistant Coach Rob Flaska, one of the recruiters for Texas State basketball, went to a couple games Conley played his sophomore year. For Conley, it was the chance to show a recruiting coach he was worthy of playing for a D1 school and willingly able to improve on his game. Conley did not hesitate to show Flaska his skill. The game Flaska went to watch was against University of Central Florida. Conley put everything he had on the floor, and impressed Flaska with 26 points, five rebounds and six assists. Flaska was so impressed; he invited Conley to visit Texas State. Conley felt right at home as soon as he got to San Marcos. “He loved it when he came here,” Flaska said. “He flat out loved it.” After experiencing everything Texas State had to offer, Conley was sold on the idea of being a Bobcat. Especially since he and Head Coach Danny Kaspar got along from the start. “Coach Kaspar did a really good job of developing a relationship with him,” Flaska said. “He was Coach’s kind of guy.” Conley transferred to Texas State two years after starting at Palm Beach

DARYL ONTIVEROS MULTIMEDIA EDITOR Bobby Conley, junior guard, dribbling the basketball Feb. 20 inside Strahan Colliseum.

State. As soon as he got to Texas State, Conley worked to gain the respect of his teammates and coaches. He is always willing to put in the work to get better, and does whatever it takes in order to make the people around him improve on and off the court. “He brings energy every day,” Flaska said. During his first year with the Bobcats, Conley had some struggles. Learning the system of a D1 school has proven to be a challenging task. Yet he has been up to it, as his coaches have seen major improvement. “He’s still going through the adjustment process this year,” Flaska said, “Trying

to figure out where he fits in and what he can do on and off the floor.” Conley has the special ability to play different positions like running the point or staying on the wing and being a shooter. He prides himself on being a selfless guy, which has shown since transferring. Conley is always one of the first guys to get to the gym and the last to leave. Conley’s work ethic shows how much he cares about improving his game for his teammates and coaches. “Nobody puts more work time in the gym than Bobby,” Flaska said. “I’ve gotten that from a number of sources on our team.”

For the remainder of this year, Conley is determined to help his team get into the Sun Belt Conference tournament at the start of March, and willing to do whatever it takes. “We’re finally starting to buy into the system,” Conley said. “We’re getting the chemistry together and I think we’ll finish this season on a good note.” Conley’s determination and perseverance have finally paid off for him, as he is one of the Bobcats’ highly regarded players. He has the work ethic to do whatever it takes for his team to succeed. Nobody can deny that Conley’s hard work paid off.

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