January 28 2016

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Career Closet helps students achieve confidence in interview process DARYL ONTIVEROS MULTIMEDIA EDITOR Amber Alomran, alumna with a degree in nutrition, and Hunter Turk, electrical engineering senior, ride their bicycles Jan. 27 on a section of E. Hutchison St. which has no designated bicycle lane.

date cyclists by adding bike racks and designated lanes in the area. “I think that we have enough bike racks, but I am not sure that we have them in the right place,” Armbruster said. She said bicyclist groups came downtown and took pictures of people putting their bikes in the wrong place. “Basically, bikes were being put in rails and poles whereas, down the street, the new bike racks had no bikes on it,” Armbruster said. “I think while we do

Bobcats can save money and still manage to be sharply dressed for professional events with the help of a newly launched program called Career Closet. Career Services launched the program last fall and has been loaning business attire to students preparing for interviews, job fairs and internships. Students can borrow clothing for free, but must pay the price of dry cleaning before returning the clothes. The program was initiated by a diverse group of departments on campus. The Students In Free Enterprise Program at the McCoy College of Business Administration, the Fashion Merchandising Department and Career Services all came together to create Career Closet. “Through the support of various administrators, faculty members, staff, community leaders, students and alumni, the program was finally able

See BIKES, Page 2

See CLOSET, Page 2

Safer bicycling community headed to city By Clayton Kelley NEWS REPORTER @Claytonkelley

Traffic congestion is a rising issue as San Marcos continues to grow, and drivers are not the only affected party. San Marcos residents spoke out about the traffic problem at the Jan. 19 city council meeting. Texas State bicyclists chimed in about how congestion affects their travels as well. “Drivers just don’t give you enough room in the city,” said Joshua Harrison, exercise and sports science sophomore and frequent cycler. “I constantly feel like

every car that passes me is going to hit me with their side-view mirror.” Abby Gillfillan, San Marcos planning and development permit manager, said local officials adopted a comprehensive plan in 2013, which shows San Marcos’ future growth. “One of the big pieces of that comprehensive plan is that we wanted to be a more walkable and bike-able city,” Gillfillan said. “We really wanted to develop our alternative transportation network.” She said one of the plan’s main visions is to rewrite the city’s development code,

known as Code SMTX. Officials plan to take cyclists into greater consideration when implementing transportation planning, as outlined by the code. “In the past, our cross sections and our transportation planning only focused on cars as the main element of a cross section,” Gillfillan said. “Now, we’re trying to include everything from vehicles to pedestrians and bicyclists altogether sharing the roadway.” Code SMTX is set to be complete in the spring and has received input from officials and community think tanks since July 2014, Gillfil-

lan said. The Department of Planning and Development hopes to present the code at adoption and city council meetings in the later months of summer and early next fall. “We’re a really fast-growing community and people have responded pretty positively about this added accommodation to alternative transportation,” Gillfillan said. Samantha Armbruster, Main Street Program manager, said it is important for residents to remember that bicycling on downtown sidewalks is prohibited. Officials have worked to accommo-


By Bailey Buckingham NEWS REPORTER @bcbuckingham


Women’s Council of Central Texas Medical Beer and wine Center accepting grant applications are headed to By Madison Morriss SENIOR NEWS REPORTER @themorrisscode

Money is up for grabs for the local nonprofit health organizations looking to help the women and children of Hays County. The Women’s Council of Central Texas Medical Center is accepting grant applications until Feb. 15 at 5 p.m. to help serve local nonprofit health organizations that focus on meeting the needs of this demographic. “The council’s mission is to encourage women to strengthen and invest in the community by promoting programs and services that impact women and children in Hays County,” said Jerilyn Miller, CTMC foundation coordinator. Miller said any entity classified as a 501c3 nonprofit organization that serves women in Hays County is eligible to apply. The Women’s Council has funded 16 impact grants amounting to a total of $81,000 since the founding of the council in 2010. Hands of Hope, the HaysCaldwell Women’s Center, the Samaritan Center for Counseling and Pastoral

Care, Girls Empowerment Network and Society of St. Vincent de Paul are among past grant recipients. The Samaritan Center for Counseling and Pastoral Care is a nonprofit counseling and integrated medicine company. “We used that money to provide low cost counseling services for Hays County,”

said Cindy Long, chief operating officer at the Samaritan Center for Counseling and Pastoral Care. Miller said the focus for this year’s grant applicants include organizations that improve access to healthcare and education for women and children and also combat poverty and violence.

Approximately 70 women serve on the Women’s Council, but the leaders are always looking for new donors, Miller said. “We are really trying to get over 100 women,” said Joanne Smith, founding member and Vice President of Student Affairs at Texas State University. “We’re try-

See CTMC, Page 2

—COURTESY OF THE WOMEN’S COUNCIL OF CENTRAL TEXAS MEDICAL CENTER The Women’s Council of CTMC at their most recent member luncheon. On Jan. 29, the council is holding a luncheon at the Cottage Kitchen.

Bobcat Ballpark By Kelsey Bradshaw EDITOR-IN-CHIEF @kbrad5

After the success of universities before it, Texas State is trying something next month— selling beer and wine at baseball and softball games. Beer and wine will be made available at Bobcat Ballpark starting Feb. 12 when softball opens the season against Abilene Christian, said Matt Flores, university spokesman. Baseball fans will be able to purchase their beverages Feb. 19 when baseball plays against Washington State. Beer and wine will be served in plastic bottles for $6 and $8, respectively. Larry Teis, athletics director, stated in a university news release that almost all the universities in the Sun Belt Conference and many Division I universities sell alcohol at athletic events. The University of Texas at Austin, Texas State’s I-35 neighbor, began selling beer and wine last summer after the idea

was supported by President Greg Fenves. As of October, there had been no increase in the number of arrests at UT football games, something many were worried would happen when the sale of beer and wine got approved. After the first football season selling beer and wine, UT was able to sell $1.8 million worth of alcohol. Only time will tell if alcohol at Bobcat sporting events will increase rowdiness at games leading to arrests or how much money the new concession item will bring in. Concrete plans to continue the alcohol sales into other sport seasons, like football or soccer, have yet to be decided. After the baseball and softball seasons end, university officials plan to evaluate the new service and determine plans for the future, Flores said. “This is an added service for our fans to enhance their stadium experience,” said Larry Teis, athletics director, in a university news release.

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2 | Thursday, January 28, 2016


The University Star Anna Herod, News Editor @annaleemurphy starnews@txstate.edu

UniversityStar.com @universitystar

from front

have more amenities out there, maybe the bicyclists and the engaged community around this initiative could better educate us and guide where those amenities are put.” Armbruster said once adjustments are made, businesses in the downtown area


could benefit and visitors could have better alternative transportation experiences. Harrison said Texas State is not a biker-friendly campus. “The campus is full of steps and it seems like a lot of the wheelchair ramps are not safe for bikers to ride in,”

Harrison said. According to Texas State Bicycling Laws and Rules, bikers must yield to pedestrians and give an audible signal before overtaking them. Harrison said it is important for students to be aware of those biking in designated areas on campus, so someone doesn’t

get hurt. “The campus is already crowded as it is, and everybody walks around with their damn headphones in,” Harrison said. “I’ve tried ringing my bell and letting pedestrians know that I am riding by, but nine times out of 10, they can’t hear you anyway.”


from front

The rules also state students are to dismount their bikes and walk them in safety zones, such as the area west to east from the LBJ Student Center to Old Main. “We’ve had many complaints that bicyclists move a little too fast from these high populated areas,” said

Daniel Benitez, University Police Department captain. “I’ve seen many accidents between bikers and pedestrians on campus because they are not abiding by the rules and regulations.”

from front

ing to get so many women on the council because that just means more money to be allocated to the nonprofits.” Miller said members of the Women’s Council of the CTMC are required to donate $250 each year, but the level of engagement is up to those who join. Money raised by the council also goes to anything from efforts to secure equipment for the Women’s Center or providing car seats for the children of underprivileged women.

“Because (the organization) relates to women and children, those issues, that’s always something that has been important to me,” Smith said. “I felt like I wanted to be able to give back.” Smith served as the co-chair of The Women’s Council Grants Committee, helping making a decision on how much the council could allocate to the non-profit organizations. “Being on the Grants Committee, you have an opportunity to impact some

of the programs that are going on in San Marcos,” Smith said. Half of the money funded by the Women’s Council goes to the CTMC, allowing the medical center to meet the needs of the women and children. “It was just the idea of being able to have an organization that gives grants to other nonprofits in San Marcos that help women and children that attracted me,” Smith said.

BEN KAILING STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER Career Closet is a resource provided to students by Career Services where students can borow business attire to prepare for professional events.

to launch in September 2015,” said Emily Trepanier, career advisor. Over the course of the past semester, approximately 70 students have used Career Closet’s services to prepare for upcoming interviews and other professional events, said Lilly Montalvo, career advisor. In order to rent the clothing, students must first have an active Jobs4Cats account and be currently enrolled. “Students are allowed five business days to return items, and they must return items dry-cleaned with a receipt,” Montalvo said.

Career Closet is stocked full of clothing donated from local stores, administrators, community leaders, faculty, staff, alumni and students. All of the donated clothing is sifted through to ensure that it is business-appropriate, and apparel that doesn’t get selected is then donated to Goodwill. The closet is decorated like an at-home wardrobe, making students feel comfortable as they look for professional attire to borrow. Everything is organized by size, and closet assistants help students find the right outfit to borrow. “The purpose of this pro-

Will Conley PRECINCT 3 HAYS COUNTY COMMISSIONER INCUMBENT The Texas primary elections are quickly approaching. The University Star spoke with Precinct 3 Hays County Commissioner incumbent Will Conley to discuss his campaign. Born: November 7, 1976 Occupation: Small business owner, Precinct 3 Hays County Commissioner Education: B.S. political science and business from Texas State University. Anna Herod: Where do you call home and why? WC: Home is the Wimberley Valley and the Hays County area. I’ve lived here since I attended school at Texas State in the mid-nineties. This is where all my family lives and where I’ve invested all my money and my businesses and my time in the community. AH: Why did you decide to run for public office?

WC: I really enjoy serving the citizens of this county and Hays County is an exciting place going through a lot of change. It’s a great place to live. We have high quality of life and just a wonderful community. I really believe that I’ve served the community well and would like the opportunity to continue to serve to lead us into the next evolution of our everchanging county and region. I’m very involved on all of the major issues. I’ve created and designed and led on most major issues in Hays County in the last 10 years. I think we’ve been very successful and I’d like to continue that work. AH: In your opinion, what are the biggest issues Hays County faces, and, if elected, how would you tackle these issues? WC: The biggest issues, overall, are in relation to growth and the pros and

In the Mercantile Building

gram is to ensure students approach their interviews and career fairs prepared, professional and with confidence,” Montalvo said. Haylee Duke, advertising senior, said the existence of the program shows that Texas State officials care about students’ success in the job market. “I believe Career Closet is a wonderful idea, and it shows that Texas State isn’t here just for you to get a degree, but to also help you get a job after you graduate,” Duke said.

the cons that come along with that. (The) challenges are to try to maintain our levels of public safety and maintaining our overall quality of life, and developing a plan and the infrastructure in order to properly balance and maintain all of the things we love about Hays County and our region as we continue to grow. I have the experience and the knowledge in being very successful in leading the county in those efforts and will continue to do so if I get the opportunity to serve the citizens of Hays County. First and foremost, we are really starting our long-term recovery efforts from the Memorial Day flood and the October flood. So, I led that recovery effort on behalf of Hays County in Precinct 3. I think we were very successful, but now we are going into a long-term recovery phase which will include continuing to help citizens get back on their feet and restoring our river and ensuring that we are doing everything possible to improve our emergency communication and responses and to look for areas in which we can perhaps build more infrastructure to help mitigate some of the impacts of these flash floods that raged through Precinct 3, and through all of Hays County. We are addressing this in many different partnerships, both private and public. That’s first and fore-

most what’s on my mind and what I want to contribute. I want to continue our school safety programs that have started to be adopted and recognized across the region and state as some of the best in the state, and quite frankly, as a model for the nation. The No. 1 priority for me in Precinct 3 and in Hays County is to build on that success and continue to make our schools the safest environment they possibly can for our kids and for our teachers. I want to be there to help defend my constituents when outside interests try to take advantage of the community like they did this past year in the water grab that was going on in Precinct 3. I successfully led that effort and was able to bring that project and others under the appropriate local regulations in order to preserve and protect our environment and constituents’ wells and their private property rights. So, I have a long-standing record of being able to get the job done as we’ve gone through some of our most challenging steps over the last 10 years. We’re going to have another challenging 10 years ahead of us, so I’m going to do my best to continue to lead in those efforts and protect the people I represent. AH: Why should Hays County residents vote to elect you?

Across from Gruene Hall


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WC: First and foremost, I have a proven record. I know this community. County officials are some of the only full-time officials in the state of Texas. So, we’re just not up on a dais-creating policy. We are actually managing and operating government on a day-to-day basis. I have a long-standing record of doing that very well, very efficiently and effectively and putting together the coalitions and the partnerships that are needed in order to continue to improve our quality of life and to maintain our way of living. If given the opportunity, I will continue that record of success in my next term serving the citizens of Precinct 3 and Hays County.

AH: Why should voters choose you over your opponent, Rob Roark? WC: It’s my proven track record. In a time where there are a lot of challenges before Hays County, I have a proven track record of not only leading on those efforts, but on successfully following through in bringing those projects or legislation or policies to fruition—from concept to development. I think my opponent is a fine citizen in our community, but I think I am, by far, the most qualified and the most proven person to fill that seat and to represent and to lead Precinct 3 and Hays County.

Strange, but informative.

The University Star

Thursday, January 28, 2016 | 3


Carlie Porterfield, Lifestyle Editor @reporterfield starlifestyle@txstate.edu

UniversityStar.com @universitystar



Chloe Scarborough riding a camel Nov. 29, 2015 in Morocco.


Thousands of college students study abroad each year, but one Bobcat is going to the extreme by spending three consecutive semesters taking classes in foreign countries. Chloe Scarborough, anthropology junior, spent her first semester abroad in Chiang Mai, Thailand, followed by time in Granada, Spain. She is currently enrolled in classes in Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic. Her love for traveling began after a mission trip to El Salvador, Scarborough said. “I knew it was my calling to travel and help people,� she said. “(To) learn (about) other cultures and speak different languages. It was all just so eye-opening, and I never really wanted to stop.� Fear and nerves came with the preparation of her first study abroad trip to Thailand, Scarborough said. After

growing up in Austin and starting college close to home at Texas State, she had never gone longer than two weeks without seeing her parents. She was scared, but knew going abroad would be a good experience for her. “I knew it was going to be hard,� Scarborough said. “And the main reason why I pushed myself, especially (to go to) Thailand, was that I just wanted to see what kind of person I could become.� Scarborough said she gained a new sense of self. “Along with all of the difficulties, I had the most incredible experiences of my life,� Scarborough said. “I had moments where I felt freer than I had ever felt, where I felt independent. That confidence in myself and everything, I just felt accomplished. It’s addicting.� Ciara Titus, a friend of Scarborough’s who also studied abroad in Spain, said homesickness can become difficult to manage when

studying abroad. “I’ve been telling people it has been one of the best experiences of my life, but not because every moment was just amazing and great,� Titus said. “There were definitely some hard times, but Chloe was amazing on helping me get through that, since she had been through it already.� Scarborough said living in a foreign country can be difficult at first, but the experience allowed her to become more vulnerable and fully understand the culture. “I realize when you put yourself out there and find yourself in situations that are out of regular life, you get out of that routine, and you get out of the sense of safety,� she said. “In the United States, it’s easy to stay quiet, but studying abroad, you’re forced to ask for help.� Scarborough had an experience that transcended cultural barriers when meeting a local in Thailand, she said. “I started pointing at his

tattoos, and he told me how he went to prison to fight for his rights,� Scarborough said. “Like a story you’d hear here in America. Then I showed him my tattoos. We played this game with toothpicks and language didn’t matter, culture didn’t matter, it was just two human beings connecting.� Titus said another perk of studying abroad is the friendships you gain. “There are some girls I met my first month there, and we may not talk as much, but I think we mutually know that we had some of the best moments of our lives together,� Titus said. “I’ll always appreciate those girls, even if we’re not talking anymore. Just laughing together, and being wild and making mistakes and fixing those mistakes.� Besides credit hours and education, students who study abroad gain skills that will be applicable for the rest of their lives, said Ila Mar, Study Abroad representative.

“Studying abroad also allows you to learn a lot of skills that you really didn’t think about before going abroad,� Mar said. “It allows you to kind of think outside the box. You really learn how to think on your feet and handle any situation that comes your way.� Scarborough herself was placed in one unimaginable situation. She was in Paris the night of Nov. 13, 2015, when over 100 people were killed by coordinated terrorist attacks throughout the city. Her hostel was only 10 minutes away from the Bataclan, the Parisian theatre where 89 people died. “I felt more part of the world than I had ever felt before,� Scarborough said. “Because anytime you hear something happens in the world, you just think ‘Damn, that sucks,’ but being there in it, you just realize there is no separation (between people).� Scarborough stayed in her

hostel that night instead of going sightseeing, and the remainder of her stay in France’s capital city wasn’t the typical Parisian weekend, she said. “Everything was closed,â€? Scarborough said. “We walked out in the morning and the streets were just empty, and (we saw) security with giant guns. It was just creepy. You could just feel (the tension) in the air. Just walking around was exceptionally dismal.â€? Scarborough said she would recommend studying abroad to any Bobcat. “I feel like there are a lot of clichĂŠs,â€? Scarborough said. “Like yeah, I became so much more confident and so much more independent. All of those clichĂŠs are definitely true, but I’ve learned things about myself that I don’t know I could have learned any other way. I would do it again, and I’d tell anyone to just do it.â€?


Open carry on local party buses banned across the board By Stacee Collins LIFESTYLE REPORTER @stvcee

Party buses are one of the key nightlife entertainment sources for college students, but the newly enacted open carry law poses a dilemma for the industry across Texas. As of Jan. 1, licensed handgun owners in Texas are allowed to openly carry their firearms in shoulder or belt holsters. Licensed owners can carry on private property, except for when a 30.07 sign banning open carry or 30.06 sign banning concealed carry is displayed. If a business wants to ban all firearms on the property, both signs must be displayed. Lonestar Party Buses is a San Marcos-based company that also serves customers in

the New Braunfels, Austin and San Antonio areas. Owner Corey Mangone said he would not allow open carry at his business. “Alcohol and guns don’t mix,� Mangone said. “That would be the main reason (to ban guns on party buses).� Party Bus San Marcos Texas is a local company that offers rentals on limousines and other automobiles. Sarah Nadeau, co-owner, said she wouldn’t allow open carry and thinks there won’t be any consequences for her company because of this. “I don’t think (banning open carry) would have any negative effects on the company,� Nadeau said. “I think for the same reason as the bars not allowing weapons— it’s kind of the same idea.� Five Star Entourage Entertainment & Party Bus Co.

is a San Martian business specializing in trips to Sixth Street, birthday parties and concerts. Vincent Jurado, co-founder and CEO, said he would not support open carry at his business if alcohol were involved. “We will not allow open carry on our buses,� Jurado said. “Our clients’ safety is our number one priority and our buses are not the appropriate environment for anyone to be carrying a weapon, particularly when alcohol is present.� Some Texas State students agree with the open carry ban on party buses. “It seems like it would be dangerous. It’s a hazard for other people,� said Brooke Phillips, journalism sophomore. “Party buses can get out of hand and rowdy. Es-

pecially if fights break out on party buses, it’s not a good idea because, obviously, it would be easy to take out a gun and try to shoot someone when you’re all riled up.� Colton Schwartz, management sophomore, said he would oppose open carry on party buses. “You’re not in the right mind to be carrying a weapon,� Schwartz said. “Say you’re at a party and someone has a gun—a lot of accidents are caused by people drinking and messing with a gun. It would be a horrible idea to include open carry on a party bus.� Considering local party bus company owners and Texas State students seem see eye-to-eye on this issue, San Marcos residents shouldn’t have to worry about open carry in the party bus industry.

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4 | Thursday, January 28, 2016

The University Star


Brandon Sams, Opinions Editor @TheBrandonSams staropinions@txstate.edu

UniversityStar.com @universitystar


‘Making a Murderer’ and the failing of the criminal justice system


The criminal justice system is in desperate need of reformation. A checks and balances system is necessary when the job and success of a person is contingent upon the conviction of another. Given the parameters, unethical practices are bound to sprout to ensure the conviction of a supposed criminal. Justice means nothing when wagered against a price tag. On Dec. 18, 2015, Netflix released Making a Murderer, a miniseries examining the 2007 case of convicted murderer and rapist Steven Avery. The documentary raises ques-

tions about the logistics of his convictions, effectively rallying amateur investigators. Making a Murderer is a series specifically designed to push a certain narrative bound by no rules or procedures other than those of its makers. It is an effective, yet thinly deceptive form of propaganda. Reforming the criminal justice system is a civil rights issue, but consider why there’s hoopla over this case particular case. People are focused too much on releasing this singular white man in response to a great piece

of spin journalism fed to them through a documentary with a clear narrative. Apply the focus where it is most needed: restructuring a criminal justice system all too often based on racist and classist structures of oppression. For instance, black men receive 20 percent longer sentences for similar offenses compared to their white counterparts. Sixty percent of people in prison are racial or ethnic minorities, a majority of which is for nonviolent drug and immigration offenses. The entire system has failed millions over the course


The bench should not lean one way

of the decades—not just someone who had the honor of being the face for a Netflix documentary. Viewers should be careful not to lose sight of the big picture. Americans are entitled to a fair justice system, but that’s not always the case. According to a report from the Center for Prosecutor Integrity, just 63 out of 3,625 instances of identifiable misconduct resulted in public sanctions and consequences. Of those 63 cases, only 14 resulted in suspension or disbarring of the prosecutor. In short, 99 percent of prosecutors identified as using unethical terms in their quest for a conviction are still working in the field of justice. The irony is almost laughable. Prosecutorial misconduct is a major component in the fight for equitable justice and a truly balanced system of criminal justice. Making a Murderer was an introduction for some into a larger, more meaningful conversation about the ways our systems can fail the very people they are designed to protect. Even when misconduct occurs in the conviction process, only 2 percent of the people identified to be responsible are held accountable for their actions. It is quite the misnomer. The justice system doles out consequences for some petty “criminal,” yet refuses to so much as bat an eye at the people intentionally maligning the judicial process in pursuit of a bonus or job promotion. The entire system needs to be indicted for allowing crooked prosecutors, backdoor judges and faulty testifiers to ruin the lives of thousands annually with impunity. Perhaps this will lead to a more conscious populace who cares about those who we, as a society, lock away. It may have taken a white man to do it, but humanizing alleged criminals is a great step toward a more compassionate society.

The Main Point is the opinion of the newspaper’s editorial board. Columns are the opinions of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the full staff, Texas State University Student Media, the School of Journalism and Mass Communication or Texas State University.

Jeffrey Bradshaw ASSISTANT OPINIONS EDITOR @jeffbrad12

Sometimes democracy extends a little too far. In Texas, we have the burden of electing all state judges to the bench. This poses a major problem for judicial branch operation. The people of Texas should not have the power to elect judges. Instead, judges should be appointed by the governor and confirmed by the State Senate to remove some of the implications of partial politics and the hectic nature of the campaign trail. It might sound weird to want to take away power from the people and give it to a single person, but in all honesty, it’s not. I would love for the people to be able to vote on every decision in government. Unfortunately, that would be highly inefficient. One of the major problems that arises from voting is the need for campaigning. Judges must campaign if they want to keep their seat. This means taking time to attend events, go to fundraisers and meet with voters. This would all be well and good if they did not have very important judgments to make. Judges’ role in the judicial process is pretty straightforward. They must interpret the law and judge whether or not someone or something broke it. While one can interpret the law in a conservative or liberal filter, judges are supposed to be unbiased and merely pass judgments based on the law itself and not personal opinions. Judges want to keep their jobs, naturally. They shouldn’t have to fight for it through partisan

politics. The unbiased mandate they uphold gets a little harder to stick to when judges have a base of voters who will only elect them based on consistency with their beliefs. Unlike state representatives or state senators, being unbiased is the biggest part of a judge’s job and being beholden to the masses gets in the way of that. Imagine if we elected the Supreme Court of the United States. With this most recent election, it would be safe to assume there would be a conservative majority. I find it hard to believe a conservative Supreme Court, always thinking about reelection, would have made the same decision on same-sex marriage the current court did. Right now, the Texas Supreme Court is made up entirely of Republicans. This is a problem because not everything Republican is right. Now, I’m a big liberal, but it scares me to think there would ever be a liberal majority on any multimembered court as well. Allowing the governor to appoint all judges, like they do if there is a vacancy, with Senate confirmation, is the only way to solve this problem. For one, the governor is elected and not some random schmuck from the street. Secondly, the Senate would have to confirm the governor’s nominee, which is another elected body. In a sense, the people are electing the judges, but in a less egregious way. Unlike the legislative and executive branches of government, the judicial branch is not supposed to be representative. The branch is merely there to interpret the law. Unfortunately, that requires a human brain; therefore, we need actual people to do the job. Judges must be free to judge without fear of losing their jobs. Passing good judgments should be at the forefront of their minds—not job security. —Jeffrey Bradshaw is a political science junior


Terrorists finally subdued in Oregon after 26-day occupation

Brandon Sams OPINIONS EDITOR @TheBrandonSams

Earlier this month armed militiamen forcibly occupied federal land on the outskirts of Oregon known as Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. It took law enforcement 26 days to so much as attempt an arrest.

The question is: why? In simple terms, the intersectionality of white privilege and male prerogative grant specific people the confidence and ability to act in ways counter to generally understood norms. The terrorists, or as the media calls them, “militiamen,” in Oregon felt invincible, as they expected the system to always work to procure their bodies and beliefs. This caused them to lash out in dominating and self-centered fits of rage and entitlement. This is known as rancorous politics. When the system does not specifically serve a group the way the group feels it ought to, it feels maligned or cheated. And, in the case of the

The University Star Editor-in-Chief...........................................Kelsey Bradshaw, stareditor@txstate.edu Letters................................................................................universitystar@txstate.edu News Editor........................................................Anna Herod, starnews@txstate.edu Sports Editor..............................................Paul Livengood, starsports@txstate.edu Lifestyle Editor......................................Carlie Porterfield, starlifestyle@txstate.edu Opinions Editor..........................................Brandon Sams, staropinion@txstate.edu Multimedia Editor..............................Daryl Ontiveros, starmultimedia@txstate.edu Copy Desk Chief....................................Abby Marshall, starcopychief@txstate.edu

Bundy boys, terrorists are born. Thankfully, the occupation has come to an end. Late Tuesday night a violent confrontation ensued between the Oregon terrorist occupiers and state and federal law enforcement agents ending in the arrest of eight occupiers and the death of another. The men are now facing federal felony charges of conspiracy, which could lead to a maximum of five years in prison. Justice was served. The end. Right? Not necessarily. Many questions are still left unanswered. For instance, when black and brown people walk the streets protesting the

illegal execution of men, women and children, they are often met with threats, tear gas and arrest for simply invoking their First Amendment freedoms. Yet the reaction to the Oregon terrorists is quite different. These hypocrites exalt the law as if it is immutable and unchangeable, yet deride the government as the impetus for all the woes of society. The cognitive dissonance and simultaneous reliance on two contradictory ideas is apparent and the racism is palpable. Patience is a virtue and there is integrity in restraint. When these things are not applied equally or equitably however, there’s a problem. These men were given 26 days to make

themselves at home—literally. They were allowed to freely leave, pick up goods from the post office and come back to the wildlife refuge. Let’s play role reversal. A group of armed Muslims come together and forcibly take over federal land. It would take law enforcement agents maybe a day at most to kill them all. The media would be painting this as another attack by radical Islam and conservative outlets would be vicious. Easily. For some reason, when a bunch of white Christians do this, they’re called patriots and are allowed to talk to the sheriff and receive packages, though

mostly filled with dildos. The principle of the matter remains: there’s a difference here. No one’s saying it’s bad to apply restraint and be less violent in approaches to perceived criminality. Perhaps law enforcement and media pundits could apply that same kind of humanity to everyone—not just the select few who most mirror the American archetype. Try remembering that one anthemic clause: “liberty and justice for all.”

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Design Editor...........................................Lauren Huston, stardesign@txstate.edu Web Editor........................................................Emily Sharp, starweb@txstate.edu Account Executive............................................Hanna Katz, starad2@txstate.edu Account Executive.................................Morgan Knowles, starad4@txstate.edu Account Executive..........................Angelica M. Espinoza, starad5@txstate.edu Media Specialist.............................................Dillan Thomson, djt48@txstate.edu Advertising Coordinator...............................Kelsey Nuckolls, kjn16@txstate.edu Publications Coordinator........................................Linda Allen, la06@txstate.edu Publications Director...........................Bob Bajackson, stardirector@txstate.edu

—Brandon Sams is a journalism junior

The University Star is the student newspaper of Texas State University and is published every Monday and Thursday of the spring and fall and every other Wednesday in the summer semesters. It is distributed on campus and throughout San Marcos at 8 a.m. on publication days with a distribution of 6,000. Printing and distribution is by the New Braunfels Herald-Zeitung. Copyright Thursday, January 28, 2016. All copy, photographs and graphics appearing in The University Star are the exclusive property of The University Star and may not be reproduced without the expressed written consent of the editor in chief. The first five issues of each edition of the paper are free. Additional copies of the paper can be purchased at 50¢ per copy. Contact The University Star office at (512) 245-3487 to purchase additional copies.

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The University Star


Thursday, January 28, 2016 | 5 Paul Livengood, Sports Editor @IAmLivengood starsports@txstate.edu

UniversityStar.com @universitystar



As winter break comes to an end, returning for the spring semester means hitting the books hard again. However, for one college student, the plan includes hitting baseballs to put his dreams in full swing. Granger Studdard, junior outfielder/infielder, has been playing baseball at Texas State for two years now, but his love for the game began in the fourth grade. Studdard knew baseball was his passion when he was first introduced to the sport by his neighbor, who was a coach back then. At a young age, Studdard had dreams of becoming a professional baseball player. Now, as a junior in college, his dreams are not too far away. Many college baseball players choose to pursue playing Major League Baseball after their junior year, a route Studdard hopes to follow. However, the road to the big leagues is not easy. “I’ve learned how hard the

game of baseball really is,” Studdard said. “Baseball is a game you’ve got to work at every day to get better. I’ve learned that you’ve got to put all your time into it if you want to be good at it.” During baseball season, Studdard puts in about 36 hours of his time between going to practice, working out at the gym and taking pitches in the batting cage. Ever since he started playing, Studdard has put ample time and effort into his beloved sport—especially in his past couple years as a Bobcat. Studdard lives the ultimate “student-athlete” lifestyle: full-time student with a fulltime job as a baseball player. “The advice I have is when the going gets tough, don’t get down on yourself,” Studdard said. “Getting in slumps is just part of baseball, and you just have to work through it. You can’t get too low and try to change everything.” Despite the demanding lifestyle, Studdard does not let hardship stand in the way of his ultimate goal. “Historically, what he’s done in the two years he’s been here, is he’s delivered

in big moments and other guys see that,” Coach Ty Harrington said. “There’s a lot of things about him as a person that are tremendous. He’s a good worker, and he likes the process of working to become better.” While Studdard plays baseball throughout the season for Texas State, he continues practicing his game during the summer when he’s away from. Over the past two summers, Studdard has played on a baseball team in California called the Santa Barbara Foresters. Although he loves baseball anywhere, playing for the Foresters allows him to enjoy the game a little bit more. “College baseball is more exciting, like playing a bunch of big name schools,” Studdard said. “But summer ball is a lot less stressful, because for me, I’m living in California right on the beach, and I was just having a good time.” With the MLB draft quickly approaching, the upcoming spring season is crucial. “This season I want to work the most on being more consistent,” Studdard said.


“This season is just putting everything that I’ve done for the past two years together to have an awesome season. I think we have a real good team this year and I’m excited to see what we can do.” This season could potentially be Studdard’s last as a Bobcat, and while Har-

rington is sad about losing Studdard on the team, he’s excited to see where the athlete’s future will go. “He’s not afraid to work,” Harrington said. “He has the opportunity to achieve because he puts so much time and work in.” Studdard continues to

play at the Bobcat Ballpark in front of 2,000 Texas State fans, but his dream of playing in front of a crowd of 50,000 could be just around the corner.



Finding a place to call home was easy for Paige Williams, junior pitcher, as her journey took her to Texas State. Williams began her collegiate career at Temple College, earning an overall record of 48-19 in two seasons. Williams first crossed paths with the Texas State program in fall 2015 when Temple played the Bobcats. Cat Osterman, assistant coach, loved what she saw from Williams and was determined to bring her to San Marcos.

“We played Texas State in the fall, and that was when I got recruited,” Williams said. “I saw Coach Osterman on the staff and my current coach at the time, Kristen Zaleski, also played ball here. It just really made me want to come here.” Williams’ decision to become a Bobcat was also influenced by the support system the university offered. With the help of the encouraging coaching staff and her teammates, Williams’ transition was smooth. Having players who all want to win is one element of success, but it also takes

time when a new group takes the field And time was all the Bobcats needed last semester. “At the beginning, it was a struggle because we had a lot of new people,” Williams said. “But, by the end of the fall, we all meshed really well and developed very good chemistry that is going to help us out this season.” Williams is ready to help the team in any way possible—whether she’s in the pitching circle or playing defense at third base. Becoming a Division I athlete was never on Williams’ agenda, but it is an oppor-

tunity she does not regret taking. “I first realized it when Coach Osterman told me she wanted me to play for her and that I was good enough to become a Division I athlete,” Williams said. Finding motivation was not hard for Williams because the Bobcat team brought out the best in her. “I have eight girls behind me. We all have one goal and we all want to achieve that one goal together.” Williams said. The amount of trust Williams has in her team shows how the players have grown

together since August. Texas State also recruited the junior pitcher’s younger sister, Erin Williams. The sisters’ parents were also ecstatic about Erin’s recruitment. “You don’t really have two sisters that play Division I sports,” Paige said. “It is also very easy for them to come watch us because our seasons happen at the same time.” The parents have always been supportive of Paige, and when they discovered Erin’s scholarship to attend Texas State, they encouraged the sisters to take advantage of the opportunities they

earned. As a pitcher, the game is literally in your hands—one pitch can change the entire game. The coaching system that brought her here is still encouraging her along, though. “Coach Osterman and Coach Woodard always tell me to stay positive and to believe in myself,” Paige Williams said. “I really take that to heart and try to do that.” From Temple College player to Texas State starting pitcher, this Division I athlete is ready to make the Bobcat organization proud.



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