August 29, 2016

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Back to School Issue MONDAY AUGUST 29, 2016 VOLUME 106 ISSUE 6

Defending the First Amendment since 1911

Alumni loyalty comes into question after t-shirt controversy By Bailey Buckingham @bcbuckingham News Editor Texas State’s allegiance to its alumni came under fire after a t-shirt design released by the bookstore was too close for comfort for a former Bobcat. Rio Rodriguez, owner of San Marvelous, created his business in 2011 to provide students with unique designs and clothing to support the city and university. As a student, Rodriguez made it a priority to promote Texas State pride. Fast forward to August 2016 and the question of Texas State’s loyalty to their alumni is one that current and former Bobcats are asking. The item in question was a t-shirt posted to the University Bookstore website that was eerily similar, if not identical, to the San Marvelous design that has been trademarked since Rodriguez opened his business. The front of the shirt read, “San Fabulous.” Rodriguez said this situation has been disappointing but this isn’t the first time his business has seen pushback from his alma mater. After being able to have a booth in the quad for two years, in 2014 the university informed Rodriguez of changing policies that would prohibit outside businesses access to campus. “This pretty much was targeted directly at San Marvelous, they didn’t want sales to be taken away from the bookstore,” Rodriguez said. “But, all we’re doing is promoting how great Texas State is.” In 2015, San Marvelous opened its doors on the square. Shortly after, the company partnered with the Bobcat Club to help raise

ous began sharing the post, along with their anger and disappointment. “This is pretty disappointing, coming from a university who knows better, embarrassing,” said Amanda Wilks in a Facebook comment on Rodriguez’ post. Friends of Rodriguez informed him of messages they sent directly to the bookstore voicing their disappointment. The University Bookstore General Manager responded to them saying they were sorry and the shirt had been taken down, Rodriguez said. “Either way good for you and good for the university realizing the issue and addressing it properly,” said Cameron Rynd in a Face-

book comment to Rodriguez. Rodriguez agreed with Rynd. However, the San Marvelous owner did not receive any form of communication from the university. “It’s not that i’m expecting a call, it’s just a courtesy,” Rodriguez said. John Root, auxiliary services director, said the design was made internally and the shirt was mistakenly overlooked before it went onto the website. He said they acknowledge this was a mistake and that is why the shirt was taken down immediately. “I really don’t even think they were on the floor yet, just online at that point,”

Root said. “But, they were taken down so quickly, I don’t think there were even tags on the t-shirts before it was brought to the director’s attention and taken down.” Root said decisions for designs are created through a variety of ways including student employees and sales representatives that come to the store, however in this instance, the design was created in-house. He said this situation should not happen again. San Marvelous was created to amplify not only the university but the students who inhabit the school and make the culture what it is today. “I felt that Texas State students are essentially the coolest students at any university, we have the best culture of people, everyone is laid back, very friendly,” Rodriguez said. “That’s why I identified it as San Marvelous.” Rodriguez was a fashion merchandising student with job prospects from around the country, but instead, he chose to stay and build a life and a brand in San Marcos that would be a marketing catalyst for the city and the university. The university has let Rodriguez know they will be allowing San Marvelous to have a presence in the quad this year and Rodriguez said he is thankful for this and hope to continue to find ways to work together. “In spite of all of this, I still want to find a win-win situation for San Marvelous and the university to be able to work together and help each other,” Rodriguez said. “Instead of viewing each other as competitors, we should view each other as an asset or as a teammate.”

scenes work that can be done, but when the senate session begins, we can bring to fruition all of that hard work we’ve put in all summer.” Vice President Samantha Martinez said she is excited to work with such a diverse and motivated group of senators. She said senators have already contacted her about adding resolutions to the first meetings agenda. “We will have so many different perspectives in the upcoming year and we look forward to encouraging students to reach out to a representative if they ever need anything,” Marti-

nez said. “We plan to reach out to various groups to increase our involvement on campus.” Connor Clegg, Student Government chief of staff, said he is impressed by the efforts made by Homann, Martinez and the cabinet throughout the summer to create quality legislation that will benefit everyone. “I look optimistically forward to an improved and enduring university environment for which we here at Student Government are laying the groundwork,” Clegg said. Homann said his overall goal for his term and the

upcoming year is for Student Government to be relevant. He is putting a priority on student engagement, transparency and hopes to change the culture of the organization. Through the initiatives they have been working on, Homann said if approved, it will be a great first step to becoming an impactful force on campus that will continue to make lasting, positive change. “Most importantly, I want students to know that we have their back and that we will represent them to the fullest this year,” Homann said.

Judith Gomez, history junior, shopping for clothes Aug. 25 at the San Marvelous store. Texas State almost sold shirts saying “San Fabulous,” which caused conflict with the brand. PHOTO BY BRANDON VALENCIA | STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER

membership numbers. The club had 9 members when San Marvelous began the partnership, that number increased to 616 members in one semester. “I’m a bobcat and it’s my responsibility to help out in anyway I can,” Rodriguez said. “Part of the agreement with Bobcat Club was for San Marvelous to be in the quad. After some pushback, administration agreed but gave us exclusions to follow.” This year, Rodriguez had been in talks with the university regarding the possibility of having San Marvelous shirts sold in the bookstore with the Bobcat logo on them. The marketing group for the bookstore

said the clothing company would need to pay $20,000 as a corporate sponsor to put the logo on San Marvelous shirts. Rodriguez said this was not in their budget right now, but he would like to have this option in the future. After two to three weeks of not hearing anything back from the representatives he spoke with, the San Fabulous shirt appeared on the bookstore’s website and it featured the Bobcat logo on the back of the shirt. Rodriguez started receiving messages and phone calls informing him of the t-shirt. After posting screen shots of the shirt on his Facebook page, students, alumni and supporters of San Marvel-


Student Government hopes to continue spring momentum By Bailey Buckingham News Editor @bcbuckingham After starting the new senate session in May with nine resolutions passed in one night, Student Government has been working all summer to ensure the momentum continues. While there are no official meetings during the summer, several senators have resolutions ready to be read on the floor at the first senate meeting on Aug. 29. President Andrew Homann has also been working with his cabinet all summer to produce resolutions that will be beneficial to all Bobcats. “I want Student Government to be relevant,” Homann said. “To engage with students and be transparent. Our administration hopes to step into the spotlight and change the culture of the organization.” One resolution Homann, his cabinet and members of the Supreme Court have been working on involves parking appeals for stu-

dents. Pending senate approval, the resolution would establish the Supreme Court as the new university parking appeals committee. With the fullest Supreme Court in recent years, Homann felt this resolution would be beneficial for the student body. “We felt as if students weren’t being adequately represented in this area,” Homann said. “By working with Parking Services, we will have this program up and running in the Fall.” A new town-hall program called Bobcats United is in the planning stages and will open a dialogue between the San Marcos Community, Bobcats and local law enforcement. Bobcats United: Where Black and Blue Lives Matter, the first town hall of the semester, will be on Sept. 12 and will be open to the public. This will give students, residents and local law enforcement an opportunity to meet each other in a neutral setting and participate in constructive discourse.

Student Government wants to put a focus on the beautification of campus by creating an Adopt-a-Spot program. Pending senate approval, various organizations will be able to “adopt” a section of campus and assist with the upkeep in that area by cleaning trash and beautifying the space. Homann said he is confident these resolutions will pass because he has worked with his cabinet this summer to tie up every loose end in all of Student Government’s new program ideas. “We are incredibly confident that the senate will have no objection to passing our efforts so that the students will be better represented on campus,” Homann said. Homann hopes to hit the ground running with 4-5 resolutions introduced at the senate’s first meeting. “I am very much looking forward to senate meetings,” Homann said. “Summer is great- there are a lot of good opportunities for planning and behind-the-


The University Star

A4 | Monday, August 29, 2016

The University Star


New developments on Zika becomes worrisome for U.S. By Bailey Buckingham News Editor @bcbuckingham Zika has been a growing concern in the United States after the first localized transmissions were discovered in Miami, Florida which led to the virus crossing state lines and reaching Texas. Soon after the transmissions were discovered in Miami, two instances in Texas were reported, an infant girl in Harris County, Texas died from the virus and a man who returned from his vacation in Miami was diagnosed with Zika. Dr. Rodney E. Rohde, chair and professor of Clinical Laboratory Science and Associate Dean for Research in the College of Health Professionals, said Zika is spread primarily through the bite of an Aedes mosquito and the range of these mosquitos will keep the transmission

of the virus, at first, in the lower half of the U.S. “Eventually, it will move across the country,” Rohde said. “These mosquitos are aggressive daytime biters. They can also bite at night. And it has been shown that Zika can be passed from a pregnant woman to her fetus.” Rohde said infection during pregnancy has been related to birth defects and currently, there is no vaccine or medicine for Zika. The virus can be transmitted through mosquito bites, sex, blood transfusion, from mother to child and laboratory exposure. “However, it’s very important to remember that most people will not experience symptoms at all,” Rohde said. “Only about one in five people will have any symptoms at all, and in those people, flu-like symptoms can last several days to a week.”

Rohde said in his professional opinion, once a vector-borne disease like Zika is introduced to a specific region, there is no stopping its spread or transmission. He said the smart thing to do at this point is to educate people about the virus and spread awareness on protection measures. Dr. Rohde also stressed the need for proper perspective during this latest public health threat. According to the Hays County Health Department, to protect yourself from


Kickback like a Bobcat

Becca Maxam dives for the ball Aug. 27 at Sewell Park. PHOTO BY DARYL ONTIVEROS | STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER

By Kier Rouse Sports Reporter @KierRouse With the start of the fall semester fast approaching, San Marcos is being flooded with new students entering Texas State University. College students are being welcomed with Bobcat Spirit as they find their niche in the University community. A new semester means new opportunities to get integrated into the Bobcat family. Whether you decide to go Greek, join a club on campus or spend all of your free time at home watching Netflix, one activity that can bring the whole campus together is Texas State athletics. This fall will mark Texas State’s fifth year in the NCAA as a Division I University making this a great year to be a Bobcat fan. Bobcat athletics has high hopes this year as the University athletes have been hard at work training for seasonal games. In addition to the new up and coming talent, Texas State athletics has also brought some new talent to the coaching staff. Bobcat Football added new head football coach, Everett Withers to its roster earlier this year. Coach Withers wasted no time getting the football team into shape for their debut against University of Houston, September 24th in the first home game of the season. Getting together with your friends in the fall to attend a football game or in the spring to catch a Baseball tournament is a great way to unwind as the semester progresses. Each semester for a college student seems to get more and more difficult as time goes on. With the stress of all-nighters and studying to make the perfect grade, it is easy to lose touch with your school spirit. What better way to reconnect with your fellow students and friends then to attend a sporting event to let loose after a long week? No matter which sport gets you

excited to attend, Texas State has them all. From football and hockey to baseball and rugby, there is a sport for everyone. Aside from being the spectator, there’s a lot of ways to get in the game and stay in shape around campus. Staying active and healthy becomes a challenge for many college students as “making the grade” takes first priority. What many students don’t realize is that being healthy and achieving a happy life is just as important as keeping up your GPA. Texas State University realizes the steps needed to be taken to provide the best living environment for its students. One of these more beneficial steps that Texas State provides for its students is a free gym membership to the campus recreation center. This gives you the chance to work out virtually any time of the day when it fits your schedule. Not only does the University

push for its students to take advantage of this membership, but Texas State also offers a variety of campus Intermural sports for its students to get involved in. this is a perfect way to meet new people and be a part of a team while representing Texas State University. This fall semester, grab a friend or two and work to achieve a happy and healthy life. Attend sporting events this year. Grab a hot dog, ten of your closest friends and enjoy a game or two. Workout daily at the campus recreation center with your free membership to achieve your ideal health and fitness goals. Join an intermural sports team to meet new friends and have fun in your sport of choice. Be sure to stay connected with your school spirit event in times of stress. Lastly, remember, every day is a good day to be a Bobcat.

Dr. Rohde of Texas State’s College of Health Professions checks slides in a microscope in his lab on campus Friday, Aug. 19. PHOTO BY SAM KING | STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER

Zika you should: Drain all free standing water. Mosquitoes can lay eggs in less water than fills a bottle cap Dress in long sleeves and long pants so they can’t bite you as easily. Defend using EPA-approved repellents such as DEET, picaridin or oil of lemon eucalyptus. In June, Senate Democrats blocked a federal spending bill loaded with non-public health add-ons that would have provided $1.1 billion to fight back against Zika. In a political back-and-forth, both parties blamed each other for the blocking of the bill. Lack of overall dedicated funding for public health is an issue, Rohde said. While people can be upset about Congress blocking the Zika Bill, the issue goes much deeper than that, he said. “Public health always gets a cut and we have knee jerk policy versus on-going, preventative policy,” Rohde said. “Prevention is cheaper in the long run rather than throwing money at any major or even minor outbreak or public issue in general.” Prior to the localized transmission reports in the U.S., regulations on blood donations were made strict-

er especially for those who had traveled to Latin American countries infected with Zika. Julie Vera, corporate communications and public relations strategist for South Texas Blood and Tissue Center, owned by BioBridge, said STBTC is fortunate because they were one of the first blood centers in the nation to start testing donations in July for Zika virus. For STBTC, those who have traveled to Zika-affected areas such as Mexico, the Caribbean, South/Central America and now Miami, cannot donate blood for 28 days after their return to the U.S. Those who had sexual contact with someone who has traveled to a Zika-affected area is asked to postpone donation for 28 days as well. The FDA requires donors to sign a consent form for their blood to be tested for Zika because the test is so new, Vera said. In the event of local transmission blood donations could not be collected from donors who do not sign the Zika virus test consent form. “We’re asking our donors to please consider giving consent,” Vera said. “It helps make the blood supply safer for everyone.”

Local Transmission of the Zika virus has the potential to significantly impact the blood supply, Vera said. “The blood center in the Miami-Dade area, for instance, was told by the FDA to stop collecting blood in the wake of the outbreak there,” Vera said. “However, STBTC expects to mitigate the effect on our blood supply because we are testing for Zika.” Researchers are currently working on several things in the way of cures and/ or prevention, Rohde said. Vaccines are being developed by a number of research groups which are showing promise. However, it can take years for vaccines to be tested properly and given approval, he said. Medical laboratory, public health and healthcare professionals are the backbone that serve us in times of an outbreak and in the times when all things are quiet, Rohde said. Everyone must support these professionals with ongoing, purposeful and eternal public health funding and personnel, he said. “Truly, prevention is worth a pound of cure. And so is education,” Rohde said.

The University Star


Monday, August 29, 2016 | A5

Back to School Fashion

By Trista Castillo Lifestyle Reporter @tristaaaaa It’s that time of year again back to school shopping. Be comfortable and stylish with these wardrobe essentials.


From denim jackets to mini skirts, denim is the hot trend this mid season. Elizabeth Wright, fashion merchandising sophomore, said her denim mini skirt is a staple to her closet this season. “Denim skirts are a must this year,” said Wright. “I prefer to pair mine with a stylish crop top or even just a just a plain white tee and a pair of sandals or white converse.” Another fashion piece classic to keep in mind this season is – a denim jacket. Selena Torres, public relations senior and president of fashion nation, said artist Kanye West is to thank for the revival of the denim jacket. “I see a lot of men and women wearing that (denim jacket) during the fall,” said Torres. “Also I see a lot of men rocking the bedazzled ones just like Kanye West did at the met gala.”

Warmer tones

As the temperatures begin to drop, warmer toned


apparel such as deep reds and yellows are taking over clothing stores. Miranda Ramos, fashion merchandising junior, said warmed tones will be seen throughout summer fashion until it gets cooler. “I think there are going to be a lot of clothes of for cooler weather, but in the tones maroon and mustard and deep blues,” said Ramos. “However, since we live in Texas it will be in the form of tank tops and shorts.” Briana Trevin, public relations major and fashion blogger, said fashion trends tend to always make comebacks through the years. Torres said trends from the seventies are presently some of the most popular trends. “I think more rustic oranges and mustard yellows are bringing back a seventies vibe,” Torres said. “I think this is perfect for coming into fall. I also think that a lot of fall colors could be summer colors.”

Lazy Chic

The temptation to pull on your favorite pair of sweat pants every day is an internal battle we all experience, but the sake of comfortability doesn’t have to be comprised with fashion. Trevino said accessories can help your you dress up any outfit.

“You just have to go with the seasons and see what will look the best,” Trevino said. “Dressing up your lazy look with some accessories or switching up your sweats with jeans could go a long way.” Pairing the same brand of clothing can make you look put together without having to go the extra mile, said Torres “I always say if you do your hair and make up it doesn’t matter what you wear,” Torres said. “Some people will dress with the same name brand like an adidas top and sweats to look put together.”


A nineties trend that wasn’t yet done has made a comeback – neck chokers. “Whether it’s a black choker, string chocker, or chain choker it will pair nicely with almost every outfit,” Ramos said. Another accessory on trend is the ‘Dad Hat’. The ‘Dad Hat’ is embroidered with different words and phrases. Torres said they are a way to be comfortable and trendy at the same time.

unisex and affordable. “On any college campus, Chaco’s are going to be present for all genders,” Wright said. “They’re comfortable and functional.” Trevino said a lace up sandal is a way to feel more dressed up for a night out to the town or a special occasion. “A really cute trend that is going around is the lace up sandal which ends right on your calf area,” said Trevino


Comfortable and casual and perfect for the Texas heat – slip on sandals. Wright said the go to sandal for college students are


How to make the best out of your dorm room By Vanessa Bell Lifestyle Reporter @vanessayvebell Student housing may not always be the most aesthetically pleasing but a few personal touches can make a new dorm room or apartment feel just like home. Use your favorite hobby to express yourself through your new room. A bookshelf filled with your favorite books, video games, or gaming system can show visitors your interests. For the music lovers, hanging up record vinyl’s can be a neat way to add some personal style to a dorm room. Recycle old concert tickets, merchandise from shows, or signed posters and use them as wall décor to display some of your favorite concerts. Display your school pride by displaying large flags or banners across your dorm wall. During the first few weeks of classes vendors can be found around campus selling posters, tapestries and other novelties such as vinyl covers to spruce up a dull dorm. Brianna Bell, biology sophomore, said choosing decorations that cater to your individual taste is key to making a new room feel more like your own. “Always pay attention to detail,” Bell said. “Otherwise you may not feel comfortable.” David Torres, athletic training freshman, said picking out a comforter or a color palette can be a starting point for choosing a theme of a room. “I don’t necessarily have a decorative plan for my room but I do have somewhat of a color scheme.” Torres said. Bell said adding hanging up pictures of friends and family can add a personal touch to and aesthetic appeal to a dorm room. “Photos of family and friends are necessary to make your dorm feel more like you’re at home,” Bell said. “It’s a way of adding sentimental value to your dorm.”

Yuji Aihara, psychology junior, said he plans to keep his new room simple but will be add personal photographs. “I plan on getting a new camera this semester,” Aihara said. “I won’t put up curtains or a rug in my room but I’ll add photos.” Bell said she spent the summer collecting as mem-

ories as she could through photographs. “Over the summer, my friends and I would spend a lot of time together and we wanted to capture our memories.” Bell said. “We would go into photo booths to keep the memories for each of us.”


B1 | Wednsday, July 6, 2016

The University Star

OPINIONS @universitystar

Mikala Everett, Opinions Editor @mikala_maquella

Arm yourself with knowledge about Campus Carry Main Point It’s no secret Texas’ campus carry bill came into effect August 1, 2016. Under the new law, licensed gun owners will be allowed to carry concealed handguns in most buildings and common areas on campus. Regardless of which side of the debate you fall on, educating yourself about campus carry is one of the most important things you can do this semester. Campus presidents have the ability to declare certain areas on campus “no-carry zones” and it is

this power that has sparked contentious debate on where handguns should be carried. University of Texas professors, Mia Carter, Jennifer Glass and Lisa Moore, sued UT and the state in July to momentarily block the implementation of campus carry. However, the federal judge presiding over the case denied the educators attempt to impede the law. The professors claimed they should have the right to prevent students from carrying handguns into classrooms, especially if it creates an uncomfort-

able environment for other students. To no surprise, campus carry has had huge backlash, especially at UT. The University of Texas at Austin is home to the nation’s first campus mass shooting. On August 1, 1966, Charles Whitman fired shots at students from the school’s clock tower and left 16 people dead. On the anniversary of one the most tragic days in Texas history, exactly 50 years later, lawmakers passed the campus carry bill. To combat a prospec-

tive shooting, Texas State University has implemented several Campus Carry rules. Concealed weapons are prohibited in areas providing services or events for minors, health care, competitive sporting and UIL events, official residence or governmental events and areas used for disciplinary, legal compliance and counseling. If a student is found with a weapon in these areas, they are subject to disciplinary action enforced by the Student Justice in the Dean of Students Office. Carrying a concealed

weapon in a prohibited area can trigger a ripple of negative effects that may affect your future in school and potential job opportunities. Don’t get kicked out of school for not following the rules. If you do not own a handgun, have no desire to own one or vehemently oppose campus carry, it is of the utmost significance you know your rights. Whatever side of the debate you fall on the only way to make sure you are following the law as a concealed carrier, a protestor, or a passerby is to be

informed and educated on what you can and can’t do and where. Texas State has a web page specifically for campus carry,, where you can find everything you need to know to be an informed citizen. Before you carry, before you protest, before you even step foot on campus, make sure you know what campus carry actually means for you.

The Main Point is the opinion of the newspaper’s editorial board. Columns are the opinions of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the full staff, Texas State University Student Media, the School of Journalism and Mass Communication or Texas State University.

Making the most of a major decision By Bridgett Reneau @bridgelynnn Opinions Columnist It can be precarious to pursue what you love. Many college students feel it is too risky to declare a major based solely on passion. Instead, many find themselves choosing an area of study based on the job offers they may receive upon graduation, the standards set by their parents or the prestige of declaring one particular field over another. Real life is the problem in this situation because it scares people into making decisions they would not normally make. I am not saying everyone should throw caution to the wind and only do things they like—any area of study will require some form of sacrifice. However, if someone declares a major in BioChemistry when they really love fashion design, that person might be sacrificing an important four years of their life for something of no real interest to them. Ultimately, people should work to combine their

passions with rationality, choosing a subject of study they love which will also eventually allow them to live a desired life. Sometimes, this may seem like it cannot be done. People might feel like the things they are passionate about are not profitable, but this is not true. It may take a little more time and effort, but there are usually creative ways for people to pursue what they are passionate about. Lack of enthusiasm in choosing a major only attests to the absence of value many students place on education. More often than not, people see college as simply a means to an end, not as a place where their minds can be opened to a plethora of knowledge. Rather than viewing college as only a strange stomping ground, where people are forced to complete assignments and sit in lectures, imagine each individual focusing on and studying the things they enjoyed. Instead of declaring their majors solely based on benefits, people might choose what to study based on interest level. People

might choose to be excited about how much they want to learn about a particular subject or how it could help others in the future. C.S. Lewis said, “Education without values, as useful as it is, seems rather to make man a more clever devil.” Students ought to place value on the subjects they study and pursue them with integrity, purpose and passion. To select a major simply “just because”— because it sounds, looks or seems good—is not enough. We must choose our educational path based on values, and pursue it with direction and determination, not with blatant apathy and indifference. The world is in need of passionate people. We have enough successful people who have claimed to have “made it.” We need more people who truly care about the work they choose to do and students who are enthusiastic about their educational path. Do what you love and not what you are told to do. -Bridgett Reneau is a psychology junior

The Final Stretch— words for our seniors By ToVachea Nealy @vachea_ Opinions Columnist The upcoming school year will be the final stretch for some students at Texas State. Many students will be graduating at the end of the fall and spring semesters. Some will leave with a bachelor’s degree and others will finish their doctorate’s or master’s. They have neared the end of a journey many of us at Texas State strive to complete. Upon completing these last four years, you may have finally found your passion. Many college students have no idea what they want to study or do after graduation. The trials students face throughout college help to find the one thing they really want to do. Seniors, it may have taken a couple of missteps and degree changes, but you have finally made it. Since your arrival as freshmen, you have learned many lessons. Some of which came from mistakes you made while others came with time. The levels of personal growth you achieved are something to be extremely proud of. Passing tests and turning

in assignments in the nick of time, gradually built your confidence as a student. As a freshman, you are nervous and insecure. You have vague ideas of the future but are unsure of how to get there. However, through trial and error, you have grown into an adult capable of handling anything life tries to throw. Seniors, college really is the best time of your life. You’ve met new people. You’ve forged relationships with professors and students who have had a great impact on who you are. It’s sad to leave them behind, but those connections will always be a part of your college experience. It may seem intimidating to go out into the real world, but you are ready. You have passed all the tests, finished all the projects and endured internships. You have dealt with annoying roommates and fights with friends. You have what it takes to, not only survive adulthood, but thrive in the real world. You can finally make your dreams a reality. School is only a chapter of your life. It may have been a long and arduous read at times, but it is an

important chapter to your overall growth. As graduation approaches, know you have what it takes to succeed. “Slow down and don’t rush the process,” Lindsay Escalante, public administration alumna, advised. “Take your time and realize that this time in your life will go by very fast. It might seem long now but before you know it you’ll be the one who is standing on stage ready to cross the line and be finished with school. So enjoy time you have now. Enjoy this time you have with your friends because before you know it it’ll be gone. You might not know what you want to do now but trust the process. College helps you find what you want to do. It might not happen through you taking all of your classes, but through building relationships with professors and your fellow students. Trust yourself and enjoy the time you have now because soon it’ll be your turn to walk across the stage.” Seniors, good luck with your final classes and make us proud.

Vaccinations, a must for back to school By Greg Williams Op-Ed As summer of 2016 draws to a close, backyard bar-b-qs with friends, and cherished family vacations become forever anchored in our memories. Those care-free summer days are replaced by early nights, even earlier mornings, and making sure mom, dad, and your best buddy are scheduled for move-in day. For some, the beginning of the school year can be an exciting build-up, for others, an overwhelming hodgepodge of attempting to get responsibilities taken care of. In either case, a list can help to ensure nothing is missed. Clothes? Check. School supplies? Check. FAFSA completed? Check. Care package? Check. A little extra cash? Check. Vaccinations? Why in the world

would vaccinations cross your mind when making sure your child is ready for classes to begin? The health and safety of our children is every parent’s top priority, yet many of us fail our responsibilities by taking for granted our children’s vaccinations are current, and in my case, totally oblivious of the necessity. I did not know, and as a result of my passiveness, my son died from bacterial meningitis, a vaccine preventable disease. Meningococcal disease, or meningitis, is a potentially dangerous bacterial illness that can cause loss of limbs, deafness and even death. The disease is alarming because patients can often go from having flulike symptoms to the worse effects in a few short hours. Meningitis can kill within 24 hours, or it can slowly progress over a month.

The University Star Editor-in-Chief..................................................Emily Sharp, Managing Editor...........................Brandon Sams, News Editor............................................Bailey Buckingham, Sports Editor.........................................Autumn Anderson, Lifestyle Editor......................................Denise Cervantes, Opinions Editor........................................Mikala Everett, Multimedia Editor................................Lara Dietrich, Copy Desk Chief.....................................Claire Abshire,

Anyone can get meningitis, but it is most common in infants and people 16-21 years old. My son is the partial namesake of the Jamie Schanbaum and Nicolis Williams Act, a law that requires all first-time college students to be vaccinated against bacterial meningitis. I’m honored and highly appreciative of everyone associated with passing this law, but I miss him every day, and the guilt from my ignorance will haunt me until my dying day. After returning to his beloved Texas A&M from the 2011 winter break, my son was suddenly stricken ill with flu-like symptoms. After admittance to the local hospital, he was diagnosed with bacterial meningitis and immediately placed on life support. Within just a matter of hours, my son went from very healthy

and vibrant, to having no brain activity at all. For 3 agonizing days, we tried every possible treatment, but none were successful. We had no choice, and reluctantly discontinued life support efforts; he died soon afterwards. It is believed Nicolis contracted stain B which represents approximately 50% of all meningitis cases in persons 17 to 22 years of age in the US. As college students, you find yourselves in a unique place in life. You are no longer children, and it is in these days you will begin to take claim of who you are, and who you want to be. We as parents have attempted our best efforts in directing our children in a safe, meaningful way, and you are finally at an age where you can use all of the advice, that for so long seemingly went in

one ear, and out the other. You heard us all along. You would not have made it this far if you hadn’t. You live in an age where you can access more knowledge and information about your world than we could have ever imagined a generation ago. You are young adults, and as much as we want to, we cannot protect our children from every conceivable danger in this world. Sadly, losing Nicolis was a reminder of this. I am heartbroken to have had my son taken from me. So, I write to you today to emphasize you can protect yourselves. Vaccinations offer the best protection of preventing many infectious diseases and perhaps even death. The worst of all human experiences is the death of a child. The relentless and unbearable pain is compounded when discovering

the death could have been prevented by an available and preventative measure. I ask, please remember Nicolis when you are at the medical center, or your doctor’s office. Ask questions, take responsibility in your health, and prevent what is preventable. Please Get Vaccinated. Greg Williams is a devoted parent who lost his son to bacterial meningitis in 2011. After his loss, he worked tirelessly with the 82nd Texas Legislature in modifying the meningitis law to include all students and not just the dorm residents. His sole purpose in life is to educate parents and college students of the meningitis threat.

Trinity Building Texas State University San Marcos, TX 78666

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Design Editor...........................................Jessica Strickland, Engagement Editor..................................Jeffrey Bradshaw, Account Executive................................................Hanna Katz, Account Executive......................................Morgan Knowles, Account Executive................................Angelica M. Espinoza, Media Specialist................................................Dillan Thomson, Advertising Coordinator...................................Kelsey Nuckolls, Publications Coordinator..........................................Linda Allen, Publications Director.................................Bob Bajackson,

The University Star is the student newspaper of Texas State University and is published every Monday and Thursday of the spring and fall and every other Wednesday in the summer semesters. It is distributed on campus and throughout San Marcos at 8 a.m. on publication days with a distribution of 6,000. Printing and distribution is by the New Braunfels Herald-Zeitung. Copyright Thursday, April 21, 2016. All copy, photographs and graphics appearing in The University Star are the exclusive property of The University Star and may not be reproduced without the expressed written consent of the editor in chief. The first five issues of each edition of the paper are free. Additional copies of the paper can be purchased at 50¢ per copy. Contact The University Star office at (512) 245-3487 to purchase additional copies.

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B2 | Monday, August 29, 2016

The University Star


Bobcat professor hopes to return to San Marcos City Council By Bailey Buckingham @bcbuckingham News Editor After years of teaching his craft, one Texas State professor is stepping out of the classroom to run for San Marcos City Council for his third time. Ed Mihalkanin, political science associate professor, is hoping to reclaim a seat on city council after leaving his position in 2006. Mihalkanin is running for Place 3 which will have a one-year term due to John Thomaides vacating the seat to run for Mayor of San Marcos. According to his campaign’s Facebook, he served on San Marcos City Council

from 1996-2000, then from 2000-2006 and has been a resident since 1990. He is currently the founding officer of the LBJ Museum and puts a priority on the continued economic development of downtown San Marcos. The decision to run again for city council is rooted in his worry over issues facing the city, Mihalkanin said. After several people asked him to consider running again, he felt his decision to run was validated. Mihalkanin said he does not feel he has any advantage because he is a professor and interacts with the biggest subpopulation of the city- Texas State students. “A lot of people, still to-

day, view the university with suspicion and even though professors have nothing to do with the university administration, people think that way. I’m not here to represent the school- if I’m elected, I’m running to serve all of San Marcos,” Mihalkanin said. Having a professor involved with local politics can be inspirational for students who have been taught by Mihalkanin. With his vast knowledge of political science and his history as a candidate, Mihalkanin can provide students with real life scenarios that local politicians and entities face. “I’m supportive of his candidacy and his leadership, Arredondo said. “In a time when students are

often characterized as a burden, it’s nice to know we have a candidate that not only makes a living at Texas State but also sees the potential in students instead of disregarding them,” said Miguel Arredondo, San Marcos ISD trustee and public administration senior. Single-family housing is a key topic of Mihalkanin’s campaign because he feels the number of these types of homes is inadequate in San Marcos. “My parents did not work in the town I grew up in, but that did not mean they were any less committed to the community,” Mihalkanin said. “I think we need to recognize that it probably would be better to have

Ed Mihalkanin, political science professor and Place 3 City Council candidate, speaks to visitors Aug. 27 at the LBJ museum in San Marcos. PHOTO BY JOSHUA CASTELLANO-DAVILLA | STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER

someone live here and have a commitment to the town and work somewhere else, rather than the reverse.” The continual increase in property taxes in Austin has led to residents seeking out communities surrounding Austin and Mihalkanin thinks San Marcos should be able to take advantage of this opportunity and provide the type of affordable housing these people are looking for. “We have a great oppor-

tunity to add new homes, new jobs and new businesses to our community,” Mihalkanin said in a Facebook statement. “Let us act as good stewards so we leave San Marcos better than it already is.” If Mihalkanin will win is unclear until the ballots are counted, but whether he is teaching in the classroom or running for office, Mihalkanin continues to put San Marcos at the top of his priority list.

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B4 | Monday, August 29, 2016

The University Star


Six ways to get a full body workout using the Alkek library stairs By Trista Castillo @tristaaaaa Lifestyle Reporter We all can agree the staircase in front of the Albert. B Alkek Library is a workout by itself. Unleash your inner Rocky Balboa and get fit with these stair workouts. Tour De Quad Start at the top of Alkek, running down the stairs— carefully. Then, make your way down the Quad with a light jog. After the jog, sprint up the Old Main stairs and down again, returning to the start and completing the tour de quad.

By speeding up and slowing down at intervals, you can burn more fat and build endurance. Stair Sprints Sprinting up and down the stairs will tone the gluteal and thigh muscles. This high intensity workout will help break a sweat and burn calories. Choose two to four sets of stairs to sprint up and down. Run up and down five times without resting in between. Stair Pushups Decline and incline stair pushups are a way to work out the core and arms. Decline pushups consists

of your feet on the stair steps and your hands on the ground. In this push-up position you can do as many sets and repetitions you like. Adjust your legs at a higher position for stronger intensity Incline push-ups are similar but reversed. Adjust your hands on the stairs and your feet on the ground for an incline push-up. Squat Jumps Choose two to four sets of stairs to jump on. Jump squat all the way up the stairs and run back down five times. Squeeze your thighs and squat at a 90-degree angle, keeping balance throughout

Lauren Karns, marketing junior, does lunges Aug. 10 on the Alkek stairs

this exercise. If you are feeling daring, ditch the two to four sets of staircases and go for the whole Alkek stair case twice. Alternating Lunges Skip a step with this one and alternate legs with each lunge. Make sure you have plenty of balance coming


from your core. Keep count on the way up depending on how many repetitions you want to do. Once you finish luging up the stairs, run back down. Bunny Hops A way to strengthen calves is to bunny hop all the way up the Alkek stairs.

You don’t have to carry a basket or wear ears, but by hopping up and running down the stairs you will increase calf muscle. Remember you can always modify these workouts to your pace. Pay attention to your surroundings and be cautious.



How to take advantage of your Texas State ID card By Stacee Collins @stvcee Assistant Lifestyle Editor Eating and shopping on campus can become routine, and a change can always be refreshing. Luckily, Bobcat Bucks come in handy at a wide variety of off-campus locations. A freshman Bobcat will receive his or her Student ID, otherwise known as the BobcatCard. The card has many features, and students seeking to shop off campus can activate Bobcat Bucks. According to the Texas State website, Bobcat Bucks is described as a prepaid declining-balance debit account managed by the university. However, Bobcat Bucks are not to be confused with Dining Dollars in the meal plan. Dining Dollars cannot be used off campus,; whereas, Bobcat Bucks are accepted at all participating merchants on and off campus. Here are some participating off-campus spots to chow down at after a long morning of classes. Firehouse Subs Stop by Firehouse Subs on 2586 IH 35 S. to grab a firehouse meatball or turkey cranberry sub after an intense Philosophy lecture.

Fazoli’s Craving quick Italian food? Go to 927 Highway 80 to get a taste of Italy from the drive-thru.

Los Cucos Mexican Café Head on over to 1617 Aquarena Springs Drive to munch into stuffed avocados, chimichangas or fajitas.

Thai Thai Café

Smoothie King If you’re in need of an energy booster for the 8 a.m. class you regret signing up for, stop by 301 N. Guadalupe for a blueberry heaven or acai adventure smoothie.

Jack in the Box When it’s 2 a.m. and you’re craving curly fries, head over to 343 N. LBJ Drive to put your Bobcat Bucks to use.

Zookas Ultimate Burritos Sometimes all you need in life is a tasty burrito. Stop by 312A University Drive to chew into a veggie, chicken or steak burrito.

Grins Restaurant Travel to 802 N. LBJ Drive to try world famous hamburgers and choose from a diverse vegetarian menu. Put your Bobcat Bucks to use at any of these locations, and eat em’ up! In addition, Bobcat Bucks can be used at different retail, entertainment and salon businesses. Here are a few:

Texas Ski Ranch Make the trip to New Braunfels to use Bobcat Bucks at the 70-acre action sports paradise. Participate in wakeboarding and cable systems at 6700 IH 35 N.

CVS Pharmacy When you need to fill a prescription or buy some candy for a movie night, use Bobcat Bucks at 310 N. Edward Gary St.

Branch out with traditional Thai curry and noodle dishes at 829 North LBJ Drive.

Barefoot Campus Outfitter

Pluckers Wing Bar

When the newest Comfort Colors tee is released, head over to 700 N. LBJ Dr. to pick up the latest college fashions.

MunchGrub on boneless wings and waffle fries at the perfect hangout spot in San Marcos. Cruise over to 105 IH 35 N. to use Bobcat Bucks.

Pizza Hut Late night studying calls for a large pepperoni pizza, so order from 900 Bugg Lane.

Sac ‘n’ Pac If you need to fill up the gas tank before heading home for the weekend, stop by one of five San Marcos locations to use Bobcat Bucks.

Sports Clips In need of an affordable haircut? Sit in at 301 N. Guadalupe St. to impress your crush from Algebra class.

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The University Star

Monday, August 29, 2016 | B5


Excitement across the board for 2016 By Ryder Burke @ryderburke Sports Reporter

jor fall sports. Head coaches Everett Withers, Karen Chisum and Kat Conner, of football, volleyball and soccer, respectively, are ready to hit the ground running. Be-

As summer comes to a close, so do the final preparations of Texas State’s ma-

tween the three of them are over ninety years of coaching experience and each have expressed excitement for this season like none before. When asked what sepa-

rates this team from previous years, Coach Chisum said, “team chemistry… we are talented but when you add the love that they have for each other, the intangibles, that is what is going to carry us through the season and bring success come conference play.” Texas state volleyball opened up with a loss against the powerhouse Ohio State Buckeyes on Friday, August 26th but followed it with a commanding 3-1 victory over North Texas the next day. The Baylor Bears come to San Marcos to face the Bobcats on Tuesday, August 30th. Coach Conner has built a legacy out of the women’s soccer program since it’s founding in 1999; acquiring nine team championships with an overall conference win percentage of .684.

She emphasized how much the senior captains have stepped up as leaders this past off season, “raising standards, pulling teammates aside, demanding and commanding what is expected,” Conner described it as, “fearless leadership”. She was most excited for the players taking responsibility in owning their culture; “young women stepping up, setting examples for years to come”. After starting 2-0-1, the Bobcats received their first loss of 2016 in Lake Charles, Louisiana against McNeese State. They face University of Houston, at home, on Sunday, August 28th. It is Coach Withers’ first year at Texas State and he is adamant about not settling or being complacent with the football team’s progress through the offseason thus

far and remains realistic in what the team still needs, “we have definitely gained a level of competiveness in practice, however what we lack is competitive depth… The level of attention to detail has increased but we are not where we need to be yet.” Withers’ professionalism and high standards will prove beneficial in laying the foundation of Texas State football’s new culture. He is settling for nothing short of greatness and we will see this reflect on the team and town alike. Whether fighting to continue a lasting legacy, or attempting to build a brand new one, there is much excitement between these three sports and the veteran coaches leading them into battle.


Five D.I.Y. planners for the upcoming semester By Vivian Medina @vjmedina6 Lifestyle Reporter

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Looking for the perfect planner for college can be stressful, especially if you’re trying to find one that accommodates your class schedule, has a stylish look and is inexpensive. Finding a planner that fits all of the above criteria may seem like an unachievable mission. Instead, look into creating your own personalized agenda. According to, maintaining a planner can help reduce anxiety. A planner can help you avoid procrastination and keep you from feeling overwhelmed during the school year. Keep track of short-term goals and long-term goals through your personalized planner. According, to, setting goals can help begin a recovery plan to reduce stress and anxiety. Here a few ideas to help get you started on the road to a successful year:


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For those who live with a flexible schedule and constant change, the sticky note planner allows for instant modification to fit into your busy day-to-day life. What you will need:


On the banks of the Guadalupe

Sticky note planner

Microsoft Word Cardstock Variety of sticky notes Starting with a blank word document, change the orientation to landscape and make a table that has 8 columns for each day of the week and a spot for labels and at least 5 rows, depending on how many classes you’re tackling this semester. Measure the length and height of your sticky notes and then alter the size of the rows and columns to fit the size of your notes. Label the days of the week in the first row and then label the first column with the names of your classes. Print copies of the document on cardstock or any durable paper and handwrite the month and week. Complete the planner by adding the sticky notes and start filling them with your goals, errands and schedule.

Whiteboard planner If you prefer a larger visual aid to help you plan out the week, the whiteboard planner may be the way to go.


With such a large space to work with, the possibilities of customizing your goals are endless. What you will need: Whiteboard Wet erase markers Ruler Dry erase markers Using a wet erase marker and a ruler, draw a similar layout to the sticky note planner. Since the whiteboard is much bigger, you are able to add more features and details to the planner. Once you have finished outlining, fill in the whiteboard with the dry erase markers and start writing your to do list, homework assignments and much more.

Binder planner The binder planner is a space saver and a great organization system that fits right in your backpack. Carry your notes, homework and planner all in one place.

inexpensive option, find a customizable planner template online. What you will need: Cardstock Hole punch Binder Search for printable planners online that cater to college students. Once you find the perfect one for you, double check the size of the printable to make sure the paper you are using is the correct fit. Use durable paper and make enough copies to last for several months. Hole punch your templates and place them all in one binder. Personalize the planner with colored pens and sticky notes.

Syllabus planner Instead of leaving your syllabus at the bottom of your backpack for the rest of the semester, use your syllabi as a template for your planner.

What you will need:

What you will need:

Binder Dividers Notebook paper Paper calendar

Microsoft Word Syllabus for each class Cardstock

Label the tabs with relevant topics such as to-do list, study guides, projects, reading assignments, syllabus and resources. At the front of each divider, tape a monthly calendar that you made yourself or found online. On the calendar, write in important and/or small dates that is related to the tabs. For example, if the tab contains study guides, write down the dates of the exams that is coming up for that month. Continue to fill up calendar with dates and mark off the square once the day has passed. At the beginning of each month, replace with blank calendar.

Printable planner

If you’re new to using planners and want a simple

A syllabus is usually broken up into different categories such as grading, attendance, extra credit, projects and important days. Make a table for each category on the syllabus. Customize each category to your preference. For example, if the syllabus says you are allowed 4 absences. Make a table that is labeled “absences” and has 4 rows. Every time you are absent, fill in each row with the date and reason to keep track of your attendance. Make a table for every category that a syllabus has and make a new document for each class. Print out the documents on durable paper and keep the files together in a folder.

B6 | Monday, August 29, 2016

The University Star


Additional options when voting in elections By Bri Watkins @briwatkins17 Assistant News Editor With November elections quickly approaching, Texas voters will now have additional options when presenting IDs at the polls. Texas Secretary of State Carlos H. Cascos announced August 10 that “Texas voters who cannot obtain one of the seven forms of approved photo ID will have additional op-

tions when casting their ballots.” His agency is currently working to make sure Texans are aware of the implemented changes for the fall election, he said. While casting a ballot, there are typically seven forms of approved photo IDs that voter will choose from. The options consist of: Texas driver license issued by the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS)

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the polls providing reason why the voter is unable to obtain one of forms while also contributing supporting documentation. There are various options of providing supporting documentations. Voter’s can supply documentation by: An original certified birth certificate A valid voter registration certificate Supplying a copy one of the following: a current utility bill, bank statement, government check, or paycheck, or other government document that shows the


name and address of the voter If a voter meets these requirements, they will be qualified to cast a ballot. There are exemptions for particular voters to show approved photo IDs at the polls. Voters with a disability may continue to apply with the county registrar for a permanent exemption,

while voters who express religious objections to being photographed or if natural disasters has vacated a voter’s ability to provide an approved photo ID may apply for temporary exemption. Voting for the fall elections begin October 24 and ends November 4. Election Day will be held November 8.


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Texas Election Identification Certificate issued by DPS Texas personal identification card issued by DPS Texas license to carry a handgun issued by DPS United States military identification card containing the person’s photograph United States citizenship certificate containing the person’s photograph United States passport The additional changes that have been made allows a voter who is unable to acquire one of the seven forms of approved photo ID to sign a declaration at

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By JeriLynn Thorpe @jerilynnthorpe News Reporter The new website,, launched this summer to help match people in drug and alcohol recovery or people choosing to live sober, with a likeminded, sober roommate. Creator of My Sober Roommate, Jesse Sandler, said he was motivated to curate an outlet to help his clients move out of their toxic living environments. As an addiction therapist, Sandler said when he would meet with his clients and search together on the internet for a website like this, there was nothing out there. He decided to create MSR, which launched June 5 and is available nationwide. “As of now we have about a 1000 people on the website, which is pretty cool,” Sandler said. “We are seeing that mostly the demographic is people from the 18-30 and the 40 plus age range.” After creating a profile on MSR, users will answer a few questions such as gender, age, length of sobriety and desired living location, along with a short about me and photos. From here,

users are able to message other people in the area through the website. “It’s important for someone in recovery to live with a sober roommate because it helps you stay on track and accountable,” said Sandler. “In the beginning stages of recovery, living alone is potentially dangerous because isolation sort of breeds addiction. The more you feel alone, the more likely you are to fall back into old patterns.” Texas State student and Youth Recovery Coordinator at Hays Caldwell Council on Drug and Alcohol Abuse, Tayler McGill, has been in recovery for 29 months. McGill said people in recovery want roommates who are going to support them. “I think (MSR) is awesome. It’s so important because you want someone that shares the same values as you do,” said McGill. “You want someone who is really going to balance you and keep you stable.” McGill was motivated to move home because her friends at Texas State partied. It was harder to find a roommate who shared the same values, she said.

“For me personally, I was at Texas State and had new roommates who would influence me to do bad things – to use drugs, party, etcetera. For someone who is in recovery and trying to stay sober, they want roommates who are going to help them out,” said McGill. “They won’t have to feel tempted to do negative things, to go to parties. You know, the college norm. But that doesn’t have to be the college cliché.” Currently, McGill is working with the youth, helping them share their stories with others and make a difference. McGill said it is far more common than people realize for young people to be in recovery. “For incoming freshman, I think it would be awesome to be paired with someone who is like-minded, and someone that says ‘hey, I’m in recovery too, and it’s ok’,” said McGill. Director of the intensive outpatient program at the addiction treatment center, Right Step in San Marcos, Robert Kidd, said the only other option for living with sober roommates are sober living houses, and there are only two in San Marcos.

Kidd said this has created a problem for the people in recovery he works with. “I struggle with it now because a quarter of my clientele are university students. When you’re young, the biggest thing is being able to accept the fact that you have an addiction, but two, the environment,” Kidd said. “You’ve got to change everything, from people, places to things. But you can’t change college. It’s really difficult for them to find places to live because they are going to college and all of their roommates are using or partying on the weekends, and it’s a really unsafe environment for them to live in. (MSR) is monumental. Even for graduate students.” MSR is free service that allows users to find a room, or fill a room, anonymously. The information inputted into the site will never be shared with outside parties. As MSR is a growing website, some areas may not be listed. Users or inquirers may contact them with questions or request to add a new area onto the site at,

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