November 8, 2016

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Transparency in police shooting: Two Texas State faculty member’s fight By Rae Glassford Assistant News Editor @rae_maybe Police violence has been the subject of national anxiety for some time now, due in part to the fact only 2

“After that incident, we started hearing all the TV pundits saying that we don’t have any way of knowing how many people officers shoot and kill every year—my response being, why don’t

Williams began crossreferencing that list with all open-source articles they could find, including televised news reports, newspaper clippings, and online resources. This comparison eventually

“There’s some roughly 50 thousand reporters in this country,” Williams said. “If an officer shoots and kills somebody, there’s a chance that at least one of those reporters has written a

yielded a 27 percent disparity between reported fatalities and actual fatalities. “The numbers don’t stack up well at all,” Williams said. “The federal programs are collecting information on a little more than half of the shootings that have occurred over the past several years. California is collecting about 70 percent, and Texas is collecting about 75 percent.” The first step in the research process was arduous, Bowman said. Before they could move on to statistical analysis, Williams and Bowman had to sift through the internet to find what they were looking for: deceased persons whose names did not appear in any official state or federal database.

story about it.” T h e results of the study have chilling implications. Texas and California are the only states that are required to report police shooting deaths, so to find out that they are missing at least 27 percent of their data was deeply disconcerting. Williams’ interest in this avenue of research is professional as well as scholarly, as he is a former SMPD Chief of Police. In the wake of a spate of fatal police shootings

that has plagued the nation in recent years, local police departments across the U.S. have scrambled to find ways to reconnect with the public they serve. Sergeant Rolando Bel-


states out of fifty are legally bound to report fatal police shootings. But last year, two Texas State professors decided to create change. Scott Bowman and Howard Williams, members of the department of criminal justice, have recently completed the first phase in an ongoing study, wherein their goal has been to determine the frequency with which police-related shooting deaths are not reported. “The Federal government lacks the authority to mandate states report this data,” Williams said. “Texas and California, on the other hand, both have statutes that require any custody-related death be reported to the Attorney General’s Office, essentially.” Williams has been conducting research in arrest-related custody deaths for some time, but this particular project evolved shortly after the 2014 shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri.

we know?” Williams said. “So I just decided, I want to know how many, and I started counting.” In the case of the National Vital Statistics Service, it is mandatory that police departments report deaths, but only if a shooting involving an officer has been recorded as the official cause of death on the victim’s death certificate. That leaves only two states mandated to collect and report shooting data, and the other 48 lack any accountability measures. “Often, if someone is shot and killed, that’s all it says on the death certificate—the fact that a policeman did the shooting will be omitted,” Williams said. All reported data is collected by the Attorney General, whose office is required to disseminate that information. Therefore, there is a list of reported officer-related shootings on public record. Bowman and

mares of UPD said the department regularly hosts events like ‘Chat with the Chief ’ and ‘Coffee with a Cop’, where students are encouraged to discuss safety concerns with law enforcement directly. These events are meant to help officers connect with the student body on a personal level, as well as to combat rising tension between civilians and law enforcement officials.“What little in-

teractions with UPD I’ve had, have been very civil,” said Brent Hearn, theater sophomore. “But I’m a straight-looking white male, and I am aware of the bias in favor of me. Honestly, it’s scary that people can get away with more things if they look like me.” The paper detailing the results of the study, entitled The Limitations of Government Databases for Analyzing Fatal Officer-Involved Shootings in the United States, has been published in the Criminal Justice Policy Review, a quarterly

academic journal. “If we want to find ways to prevent or minimize police shootings, then we need to have data on what’s actually going on,” Williams said. “As it stands right now, any assumption we make about these cases can only be half-right, because we’re only collecting half of the relevant information. If we really want to be earnest about trying to reduce the number of shootings, we need complete data.”


Common Experience pays tribute to black WWII heroes By Rae Glassford Assistant News Editor @rae_maybe On Nov. 3, a lecture hall in the Hines Academic Center filled with students, many of whom were in uniform. Veterans, current members of the armed forces and civilians came out to hear journalist and author Linda Hervieux discuss her recently published book, “Forgotten: The Untold Story of D-Day’s Black Heroes, at Hom e and at War.” “I am honored to be speaking to you today,” Hervieux began. This was the first time she had delivered her presentation to an ROTC group, she said. As an expatriate from Massachusetts currently living in France, Hervieux has written for a number of newspapers and journals, including The New York Times and The International Herald Tribune. “We Americans are told to remember our history, but not all of it,” Hervieux said, in reference

to the erasure of black history from the mainstream American school system. “We are implored to remember the Alamo, but not the war of attrition waged against African Americans during the Jim Crow era. Kids learn about Paul Revere, but not Crispus Attucks.” Part of that forgotten history revolves around the events of June 6, 1944, when nearly 2,000 African-American soldiers landed on the beaches of Normandy. “There are many who consider D-Day to be one of the most momentous days of the 20th century,” Hervieux said. “I would argue that to exclude such a significant portion of those involved does a disservice to the American people.” Like her book, Hervieux’s presentation focused on the 320th Barrage Balloon Battalion, the only African-American combat unit present during the D-Day landings. “At the time, there were two armies in America: black and white,” Her-

vieux said. “They required separate transportation, separate barracks, separate mess halls…it was an incredibly inefficient way to operate. These soldiers were told they were fighting for freedom…the freedom of a country where they were treated like secondclass citizens.” One soldier was Waverly Bernard “Woody” Woodson Jr., a promising pre-med student who enlisted at the earliest opportunity, rather than wait to be drafted. Initially trained as an anti-aircraft artillery officer, Woodson was reassigned to train as a medic because he was ineligible for promotion due to the color of his skin. When the Allied invasion of Normandy came, Woodson collapsed after providing medical aid to fellow soldiers for a period of no less than thirty hours while wounded. For this feat, he received a Purple Heart, a belated Bronze Star and a nomination for the Congressional Medal of Honor – an award which was

instead given to a white medic who performed a similar feat, without having sustained any wounds. For many members of the audience (military personnel and civilians alike), the contents of Hervieux’s presentation were shocking. Her mention that German POWs held in United States internment camps typically received better treatment from white Americans than black Allied soldiers elicited a raised eyebrow among the audience. “Most of this stuff isn’t talked about,” said Daniel Duncan, army cadet and physical geography sophomore. “It was a shock to me. History is surprising.” The lecture was coordinated by a number of entities active on-campus, including the School of Journalism & Mass Communication, the History Department, the Honors College, and the Center for Gender & Diversity Studies. “There was so much information I didn’t know,” said Shaquille Henry, army cadet and criminal

Linda Hervieux and her book ,”Forgotten: The Untold Story of D-Day’s Black Heroes, at Home and at War,” are a part of this year’s Common Experience events. PHOTO BY CASSANDRIA ALVARADO | STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER

justice sophomore. “It’s insane to see how much the army has changed.” The army may have changed for the better, but Waverly Woodson still hasn’t received his medal of honor. In fact, none of the 1 million African-Americans who served in WWII received the nation’s highest honor until the Clinton presidency, over fifty years after the war’s end—despite the fact that many

of them were awarded equivalent medals by the French government immediately following the war. However, there is a movement to have Woodson awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor posthumously. “There is an entire generation of Americans of color whose contributions have not been recognized,” Hervieux said. “It’s not just black history, it’s American history.”

2 | Tuesday, November 8, 2016


The University Star Bri Watkins News Editor @briwatkins17 @universitystar



Should the university have to pay property taxes? San Marcos says yes

Theater presents “Legally Blonde”

By Andrew Turner News Reporter @AndrewTurner27 Texas State’s main campus sits on over 495 acres of San Marcos land that the university pays no property taxes for. The university, like all publicly owned buildings in the state of Texas, does not pay local property taxes due to intergovernmental immunity. The school’s mission to educate and inspire students deems it a charitable organization. According to IRS Tax Code, Section 501(c)(3) charitable organizations, such as universities and hospitals, are exempt from paying property taxes. This can cause friction at a local level as universities and other public buildings occupy land that needs to be maintained by the city. Expenses such as fire, sewage and emergency medical services are used by the university, yet the city is responsible for footing the bill. “The university puts big drainage needs on the city, and I think it would be nice if (it) could do more to help out with some of the expenses from time to time.” said City Council member Lisa Prewitt, Place 1. There has been dissention between the city and university for years. Some council members demand payment and change. The city would like to see change, however, it would take major legislative power to enact that shift. “This issue comes up from time to time,” said Eric Algoe, Vice President of Finance and Support Services at Texas State. “It would take leg-

islative action to change our status as a charitable institution. I meet with the city manager regularly, and we talk about the economic impact of the university. Even though we still use some of the city’s resources, we make contributions to city projects, such as expansion of water conservation and sewer lines to the university.” The university’s economic impact in San Marcos comes from both students and faculty. The growing university population brings an increase in businesses. Students and faculty also purchase homes and rent apartments, all of which the city collects taxes on. “Really you have to look at the overall economic impact of the university,” Algoe said. “We bring in faculty and staff who buy houses, which contributes to property taxes. We bring in lots of students who contribute to city taxes in various ways. Overall, we contribute to San Marcos much, much more than the cost of the resources we use.” Prewitt also recognizes the benefits the university has brought to the city of San Marcos. “Of course nobody denies that Texas State does a lot for the San Marcos community,” Prewitt said. “(It) provides a lot to local business, and they are definitely going to be a part of a lot of decisions going forward.” However, the big issues are communication and a relationship that has left some wanting more. “We’ve got to have better communication,” Prewitt said. “We go sit down and get things done, but

I’d like to see a more open door.” The university and the city have had a rocky relationship in the past, and have experienced difficulties similar to other college towns. There have been issues regarding land and ownership in San Marcos that are in many ways similar to the relationship between the University of Texas and the city of Austin. “I think we’re missing out in opportunities by not communicating well, but it takes two for a partnership to work, and if you don’t have willing partners it can make things difficult,” Prewitt said. Students are unsure how to feel about the situation, noting that if the university had to pay property taxes, the cost of an already high tuition would increase. This would affect everyone, and is one of the reasons the state has gone out of its way to insure institutions of higher learning do not have to pay property taxes. “I don’t know, it’s kind of tough,” said Ernesto Cadena, public administration junior. “No, I don’t want them to increase my tuition, and the students probably do bring a lot of stuff in, but so do the outlets.” Students, however, are the ones most likely to use city services. It has not been calculated if the cost to the city is outweighed by the student contribution to the city. It seems there will be little change in the issue and, for now, students are being spared the fallout of a confrontation between the city and the university.

Victoria Gresham, musical theater senior, rehearses Nov. 4 inside the Patti Strickel Harrison Theatre. PHOTO BY DARYL ONTIVEROS | STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER

By Miranda Ferris Lifestyle Reporter @mirandajferris Victoria Gresham, musical theater senior, has mastered the “bend and snap” as she takes on the role of Elle Woods in the upcoming production of the Texas State Theatre and Dance Department’s version of “Legally Blonde.” The performance will be held at the Patti Strickel Harrison Theatre at Texas State University Nov. 15-20. Gresham has been preparing for her role as Elle Woods since the summer. As the main character, Gresham said she has faced a long production process. Gresham describes the character Elle Woods as a figure she looked up to while growing up. Gresham saw Elle Woods as a role model in terms of confidence and female power. Gresham said she isn’t nervous about playing

the part but instead finds herself excited to bring the role to life. “This show is a beast of its own,” said Gresham. “With this particular production, the character (Elle) is the heart and soul of the whole thing.” The hardest part of the production and preparation process for Gresham has been keeping up with the level of positivity and high energy the character has. “It is definitely a test of stamina,” said Gresham. “I have to make sure I’m healthy and really in the zone during rehearsal. I have to walk in ready to throw myself into the show.” Although her schedule is tight, Gresham said she finds rehearsal to be a relaxing outlet after a long day. Cassie Abate, assistant professor for the department of theater and dance, has been working on the details of the musical for nearly a year. Abate has been modernizing the production

by incorporating social media and technology into the show. While the original film of “Legally Blonde” was released in 2001, much of what Abate is including was not yet created, such as Snapchat and other social media platforms. “We’ve incorporated social media not only into the show itself but also by creating a large social media presence,” said Abate. The cast and crew has featured highlights of the production process on all major social media platforms as a way to help market the production and give audiences a behind-the-scenes look. Trevor Berger, musical theater junior, will be playing the role of Emmet Richmond—Woods’ love interest. Berger said he has enjoyed going through the preparation and rehearsal process with Gresham. “What makes her a great team partner is her ability to kind of roll with it, which allows us play off of each other,” Berger said. “We have great chemistry on stage.” As lead actors, Berge and Gresham are excited to play the roles together due to their history as friends. “We were good friends before we got casted these roles,” said Berger. “We were both really looking forward to getting to work with each other. We haven’t really had a chance since we’ve been here to play alongside each other.” Tickets can be purchased online through Texas State Presents.



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The University Star

Tuesday, November 8, 2016 | 3


Denise Cervantes, Lifestyle Editor @cervantesdenise @universitystar


Texas State student tattoo tour By Trista Castillo Lifestyle Reporter @tristaaaaa Is it the thrill, the pain or the adrenaline that makes people go under the needle for a tattoo? Bubba Ward, Bubba’s Family Tattoo Parlor owner, said tattoos are a way of storytelling. Ward has been helping people bring their tattoos to life for 12 years and said tattoos are a way of sharing memories. “A lot of people like to have a sentiment toward their tattoos,” Ward said. “But a lot of times they get them just because it looks nice or it’s pretty.” Three bobcats share their stories about their favorite tattoos.

Herman Cavazos After losing his dad this past April, Herman Cavazos, psychology sophomore, chose to get a tattoo honoring his father. “My dad actually used to sell ‘Paletas’ which is Spanish for (ice pops),” Cavazos said. “He would sell (ice pops) by the dozen at grocery stores, and he had this bubble gum flavor that was my favorite.” Cavazos said his tattoo looks exactly like the bubble gum ice pop his dad used to sell. “I like this tattoo, because instead of me getting like ‘Rest in Peace’ I wanted to get something a little bit more symbolic,” Cavazos said. At the bottom of his

tattoo, Cavazos added the year his father was born—1944. “I got it on my 20th birthday and I wouldn’t say getting it was like a celebration, but it was something that was going to make me happy,” Cavazos said. “It was the first birthday without him and I wanted to do it on that symbolic date, so in a way I got to share it with him.”

Deshaun Sellers DeShaun Sellers, exercise and sports science sophomore, said his tattoo is a symbol for his life. “This is my newest tattoo on the bottom and it is showing my life and the journey of it with the arrows,” Sellers said. “I want my tattoos to sym-

Lily Sutherland, fashion merchandise junior, poses for a photo Nov. 5. PHOTO BY BRANDON VALENCIA | STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER


bolize life, light, purity and dedication.” Sellers said he draws

“It wasn’t a pleasurable tattoo, it just felt like a needle was dragging

It wasn’t a “ pleasurable tattoo, it

just felt like a needle was dragging across my skin.” -Deshaun Sellers his own tattoos. “I wouldn’t want someone (else’s) art on my body, but that’s just me,” Sellers said. Seller said in spite of experiencing pain while getting a tattoo, he was happy with the end results.

across my skin,” Sellers said. “In the end I was satisfied to know that this tattoo is going to be with me and the meaning was worth the pain.”

Lily Sutherland

ion merchandising junior, said she always has to count how many tattoos she has. Out of her 18 tattoos her favorite one is the flowered cow skull on her right arm. “I got this tattoo when my grandfather passed away,” Sutherland said. “He had the exact tattoo as this one, but I made mine a little girlier by putting flowers on it.” Sutherland said her tattoo is a reminder of the person she looked up to most. “My grandfather had cancer, and my family really loves my tattoo because of what it means to everyone,” Sutherland said. “My mother is even looking into getting a tattoo like this.”

Lily Sutherland, fash-

Deshawn Sellers, exercise science sophomore, poses for a photo Nov. 3. PHOTO BY BRANDON VALENCIA | STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER

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4 | Tuesday, November 8, 2016

The University Star


Mikala Everett Opinions Editor @mikala_maquella @universitystar ILLUSTRATION BY MARIA TAHIR

Look for the Main Point online tonight at


Men need to toughen up and take birth control By Bridgett Reneau Opinions Columnist @bridgelynnn Birth control is a necessary part of life for most sexually active women, who are mainly responsible for preventing unwanted pregnancies, even though it takes two to tango. The selection of contraceptives other than a birth control pill is limited at best. Condoms, vasectomies and the infamous pull out method are the only birth control alternatives that require action on the male’s behalf, and none of these options are as effective as hormonal birth control. Therefore, women often choose to play it safe and take the pill, receive the shot or insert an intrauterine device, or IUD. Taking birth control has countless negative side effects for women: nausea, weight gain, bleeding or spotting between periods, depression, mood swings, cramping, low libido, vomiting and more. Periods already seem like the uterus’s revenge each month, and birth control only adds to the list of horrors. A report done by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found “62 percent of women of reproductive age” were utilizing

contraceptives such as birth control to prevent unwanted pregnancies despite the myriad of terrible side effects. “It makes perfect sense that women would be willing to endure all kinds of side effects in exchange for, essentially, freedom,” wrote Julie Beck, writer for the Atlantic, in her column, The Different Stakes of Male and Female Birth Control. Beck argues women gain a profound sense of freedom over their own lives when able to decide whether or not they will become pregnant. The ability to have sex without facing reproductive repercussions opens many doors for women and allows them to lead productive and sexually active lives. Therefore, it is no surprise women are willing to endure the slew of side effects that come with birth control. For us, it is a price worth paying. Men are every bit as sexually active, and have as much potential to create another living being as women do, yet do not hold as much responsibility for preventing unwanted pregnancies. That being said, it seemed great to hear a recently published study conducted research on a new form of injectable male birth control which would allow some of the

prevention pressure to be alleviated from women’s backs and uteruses. This study investigated the effects of a hormonal birth control injection on 320 male volunteers. The injection was found to be overwhelmingly effective at preventing pregnancies, however, the research was halted due to unfortunate caveats. The research was ultimately deemed inconclusive due to its relatively small sample size and the fact the men had to meet strict requirements in order to participate: no psychiatric diseases, no sperm abnormalities, no signs of STIs and a BMI of 20 to 32, to name a few. The lengthy list of requirements made the sample an inaccurate representation of the general male population. The study was also immobilized rather quickly due to the volunteers’ inability to handle the side effects of hormonal birth control. Men who participated in the study experienced these side effects: acne, pain at the site of the injection and muscle pain. There were also “more serious” side effects such as mood changes, depression and increased libido. I could not help but roll my eyes and heave a deep sigh of exaspera-

tion after reading about the subjects’ inability to cope with the symptoms. Women on birth control experience similar side effects, plus more, every day. They do not complain and halt studies because of them, but simply understand the reality of the situation and choose to make the necessary sacrifices to make the most responsible decision. Dealing with cramps, headaches and even nausea is more favorable than having to completely change our lives and come to grips with the reality of motherhood. When considering any sexual relationship, women are left at the helm regarding contraception. Men might be somewhat concerned, asking “Hey, are you on the pill?” before going all in, or may offer to slide on a condom, but that is often the extent of their participation in contraceptive efforts. It is a woman’s supposed duty to suffer the side effects of hormonal birth control. It has always been this way, and now it looks like it might stay this way. Men ought to toughen up. I do not have much sympathy for the males who participated in the


research study, or for any male who will potentially be on birth control in the future. Women have been bearing the contraceptive burden alone

for far too long, and it is time men step up and play their part. - Bridgett Reneau is a psychology junior

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The University Star

Tuesday, November 8, 2016 | 5


Autumn Anderson, Sports Editor @aaautumn_ @universitystar


Micah Dinwiddie: Just the beginning By Brooke Phillips Sports Reporter @brookephillips_ Many college athletes have been playing sports since they could first walk. One Texas State women’s volleyball player has only been playing for five years, but her talent is extraordinary. Micah Dinwiddie, freshman defensive specialist, is from Lewisville, and started playing sports competitively in 7th grade. Dinwiddie played basketball, soccer and ran track in middle school, but did not start playing volleyball until high school. Dinwiddie instantly fell in love with the sport. “I knew that volleyball was my sport when I found myself so excited to go to practice every single day,” Dinwiddie said. “What excited me about the game was the adrenaline. I love the feeling of it, and people cheering—that kind of stuff.” In four years, Dinwiddie became a three-time All-District First-Team Honoree, was named All-District Second Team and led her team to third place at nationals. Now, as she begins her college career at Texas State, Dinwiddie has four more years to improve her game, set records and grow as an athlete and person. “I chose Texas State

because of the environment,” Dinwiddie said. “It’s like a family here. The campus is beautiful and the people are awesome. I had some other schools interested in me, but not like Texas State— they believed in me like no other.” However, Dinwiddie soon came to find being a college athlete brings a whole new challenge to the game of volleyball. “Going from high school to college is a big transition,” Dinwiddie said. “It’s a faster game and the coaches are a lot tougher on you, but they still care a lot about you, so that’s great.” While the season is not quite over, Dinwiddie has shown success on the court in the small amount of time she’s been a part of the team. Dinwiddie said the team is what is most important to her. “My favorite part about college volleyball is all of the people you meet,” Dinwiddie said. “I’m a very social person, so meeting new people— getting to know your teammates and lifelong friends—has been fun.” Although Dinwiddie is a new member to the team, she already has a lot of appreciation for the teammates who are by her side. “My teammates inspire me the most,” Dinwiddie said. “Our senior class right now is just awesome. Going into college

Micah Dinwiddie, freshman defensive specialist, serves the ball Sept. 30 during the game against Coastal Carolina University. PHOTO BY LAUREN HANCOCK | STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER

you would think that the seniors are just the big bad ones, but they have been nothing but welcoming.” During the current season, the Bobcats have both won and lost games. According to Dinwiddie, a bad match is taken as a learning experience. “The best piece of advice I’ve gotten is to just be myself on the court,” Dinwiddie said. “I’m around different people in my position, and when I start to stray away from

how I bring my portion of the game, that’s when it will start to go downhill.” Reflecting on her first season so far, Dinwiddie is able to take pride in specific matches that have already made a lasting impact. “My greatest achievement so far this season is probably beating Arkansas State,” Dinwiddie said. “They were the Sun Belt Conference Champions last year. They’re really good and tough, and

beating them was just awesome.” With three more seasons in her college career, Dinwiddie looks at her future role on the team. “I’m most looking forward to winning rings and being the best I can be for my team,” Dinwiddie said. “What I contribute most to the team is my energy and defense stuff—keeping the ball up so the hitters can hit.” Another way Dinwiddie has realized her growth as a volleyball

player is by taking each match into consideration. “So far I’ve learned not only my strengths but some of my weaknesses,” Dinwiddie said. “My biggest strengths are probably being a team player and (doing) whatever I have to do to make the team successful from my role on the court.” While Dinwiddie’s first year as a Bobcat has been an adjustment, the remainder of her time at Texas State looks promising.

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