October 3, 2017

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@universitystar | universitystar.com

Volume 107, Issue 06

Concert goers run from the festival after gunfire was heard. PHOTO COURTESY OF GETTY IMAGES

DEADLIEST MASSACRE IN U.S. HISTORY Las Vegas shooter opens fire at 22,000 crowd



By Shayan Faradineh News Editor At 10:08 p.m. Oct. 1, the Route 91 Harvest Festival was interrupted by gunfire from across the boulevard at the Mandalay Bay hotel, in Las Vegas. As of Monday morning, the shooter murdered at least 58 people and injured more than 500, from a corner window on the 32nd story. Law enforcement has identified the shooter as Stephen Paddock, a 64-year-old white male from Mesquite, Nevada. Paddock has little criminal history and state and local scanners did not pick up on Paddock's plot. Sherriff Joe Lombardo said the shooting lasted 10 to 15 minutes, and that Paddock had more than 10 assault rifles in the hotel room. Paddock checked into the Mandalay Bay hotel Sept. 28. Housekeeping was in and out of the hotel rooms and did not discover any weapons Paddock used. Eric Paddock, the shooter’s brother, told reporters that his brother had a few hand guns in a safe at home, but not any assault rifles to Eric’s knowledge.


ROUTE 91 HARVEST FESTIVAL At least 59 people dead and over 500 people were sent to the hospital Sunday night when a shooter fired shots from Mandalay Bay Hotel during a Jason Aldean concert.

Stephen Paddock, 64, shot fire on the 32nd floor, according to police.



Legislation to bring an immigration attorney to campus fails by one vote

House speaker calls for removal of confederate plaque in Texas Capitol

By Jakob Rodriguez News Reporter

By Josie Soehnge News Reporter

Student Government met Sept. 25 to vote, debate and hear student commentary regarding the possibility of bringing an immigration attorney to campus. Alex Molina, political science junior and Student Government senator, coauthored the legislation. The legislation called to establish an immigration lawyer at the university to assist and offer legal advice to all currently enrolled students with immigration-related issues. The resolution was struck down in a final roll call vote of 20-19 when one Senator, Maggie Shivers, public relations senior, abstained. The proposal failed amidst large student support as senators chose to suspend the rules during the public forum and allowed eight speakers to address the chamber regarding the piece of legislation.

Student Body President Connor Clegg gave a report at the beginning of the night that focused on how infeasible it was to attain the goal of an immigration attorney. He told the chamber it had a responsibility to pass a proposal that could be achieved by the powers of the administration. “There is no way to hire an immigration attorney and that makes me upset,” Clegg said. Although Student Government did not vote to bring in an attorney, the legislation addressed the International Office at Texas State and its contract with an outside lawyer. “Texas State International Office currently contracts an immigration lawyer to file the proper paperwork for international students to apply for residency and work visas, but does not have the ability to advise students about their individual immigration status,” the proposal said.


Texas House Speaker Joe Straus has requested the removal of a Civil War plaque in the Texas State Capitol. The plaque was erected by the Children of the Confederacy on Aug. 7, 1959 during the Civil Rights era. The call for the removal of the plaque stems from a concern of retaining historical accuracy. In a letter to the State Preservation board, Straus wrote, “This is not accurate, and Texans are not well-served by incorrect information about our history.” Straus added, “Confederate monuments and plaques are understandably important to many Texans" but stressed the importance that these monuments should be "accurate and appropriate." The removal of the plaque has received bipartisan support. State Rep.

Eric Johnson is pleased Straus has appealed to the State Preservation Board. “I am confident that it will come down soon,” Johnson said. Angela Murphy, chair of the history department at Texas State, specializes in mid-19th century U.S. social history and has a particular interest in issues of race and ethnicity and in the social reform movements of the era. Murphy believes removing this plaque is a completely appropriate thing to do, and the removal would be promoting historical accuracy. “Among almost every historian that writes about the Civil War, there is a general consensus that slavery was absolutely at the center of the war, and there are a lot of monuments that try to assert otherwise,” Murphy said. “That is misleading history, and it has no place being up there in this day and age.”


2 | Tuesday, October 3, 2017

The University Star


Shayan Faradineh News Editor @shayanfaradineh

UniversityStar.com @universitystar

FROM FRONT SHOOTING Trinity Building 203 Pleasant St. San Marcos, TX 78666 (512) 245 - 3487

Editors Editor-in-Chief: Denise Cervantes, stareditor@txstate.edu Managing Editor: Bri Watkins, starmanagagingeditor@txstate.edu News Editor: Shayan Faradineh, starnews@txstate.edu Lifestyle Editor: Katie Burrell, starlifestyle@txstate.edu Opinions Editor: May Olvera, staropinion@txstate.edu Sports Editor: Lisette Lopez, starsports@txstate.edu Copy Desk Chief: Claire Abshier, starcopychief@txstate.edu Design Editor: Vivian Medina, stardesign@txstate.edu Multimedia Editor: Lara Dietrich, starmultimedia@txstate.edu Engagement Editor: John Lee, starsocial@txstate.edu

Advertising Staff Director of Media Sales: Christina Castro, christina.castro@universitystar.com Account Executive: Andrew Stock andrew.stock@universitystar.com Account Executive: Carina Cruz, carina.cruz@universitystar.com Account Executive: Folee Hall folee.hall@universitystar.com Account Executive: Cameron Goodall cameron.goodall@universitystar.com Graphic Designer: Stephanie Cloyd ustardesign@gmail.com Marketing and PR Manager: Ashley Lujan ashley.lujan@universitystar.com

Full-Time Staff Director: Laura Krantz, lek46@txstate.edu Media Specialist: Dillan Thomson, djt48@txstate.edu Publications Coordinator: Linda Allen, la06@txstate.edu

About Us History: The University Star is the student newspaper of Texas State University and is published every Tuesday of the spring and fall and once a month in the summer semesters. It is distributed on campus and throughout San Marcos at 8 a.m. on publication days with a distribution of 6,000. Printing and distribution is by the New Braunfels Herald-Zeitung. Copyright: Copyright Tuesday, October 3, 2017. All copy, photographs and graphics appearing in The University Star are the exclusive property of The University Star and may not be reproduced without the expressed written consent of the editor-in-chief.

People tend to victims outside the festival grounds. PHOTO COURTESY OF GETTY IMAGES

Across the boulevard, 22,000 country-music fans were unaware of the gunfire when it began. Country artist Jason Aldean and the audience did not realize what was happening at first and claimed they thought the noise was firecrackers or audio problems. The Shooter has not been linked to a terrorist organization, although ISIS is attempting to claim the devastation. Police believe that the shooter acted alone. President Donald Trump addressed the nation Monday morning, calling the mass shooting “an act of pure evil.” “In moments of tragedy and horror, America comes together as one and it always has,” Trump said. “We call upon

the bonds that unite us: our faith, our family and our shared values.” Trump said he would be traveling to Las Vegas Oct. 4 with First Lady Melania Trump. The president will meet with law enforcement, first responders and families of the victims. Jose Banales, director of the University Police Department, encouraged all students, faculty and staff to become familiar with the standard response protocol, located on University Police’s website. “Most Texas State University police officers have received training on active shooter response by the Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training

Murphy said plaques and monuments that express history and preservation are important, but in appropriate spaces. “We don’t want to erase the fact that we erected these statues and that we had these ideas,” said Murphey. “That’s history in and of itself. But I think that what a lot of people have proposed is to take these statues and put them in a museum and say this is how people were interpreting history for a while. But don’t put them out there as memorials.” Kerry Traore, journalism sophomore and Hip Hop Congress member, supports Straus’ call to remove the plaque. “I believe that the plaque should be removed, even if they were going to put it back up later with accurate information,” Traore said. “I feel like if we’re going to remember history, whether it be the good or the bad, it should be accurate. Because we all know that slavery was an underlying cause of the Civil War, and the plaque was put up in a manner of disrespect towards the Civil Rights movement. It should be taken down. Why would we teach new generations the wrong information?” Julian Davis, marketing sophomore and member of Hip Hop Congress, ex-

A plaque inside the Texas Supreme Court builing. PHOTO COURTESY OF GARY CORONADO | HOUSTON CHRONICLE

pressed a similar concern to the removal of Confederate plaques and monuments around the country. “It definitely needs to be in a museum, because we aren’t trying to cover it up,” Davis said. “We need to make sure that people know that the Civil War happened, but I don’t think that it should be out in the public like we are proud of it.” Straus’ call for the plaque's removal is part of a much larger conversation about

how Americans interpret and depict history involving Confederate monuments. After the recent events in Charlottesville, Virginia, which began as a protest to defend a Robert E. Lee statue, Confederate monuments around Texas have quickly come down. The University of Texas at Austin has removed three Confederate monuments, and a Robert E. Lee monument has been removed from Turtle Creek in Dallas.

FROM FRONT IMMIGRATION Even when organizations for undocumented immigrants like the Student Community of Progressive Empowerment try to assist the undocumented community, they struggle to put on events like DACA clinics because of the lack of immigration attorneys and immigration-related resources in San Marcos. Yunuen Alvarado, journalism sophomore, serves as SCOPE’s president. Alvardo said the city has a lack of resources for this community. “It’s embarrassing to have to ask people to come to help when San Marcos has nothing,” Alvarado said. “This attorney would serve all students, just like the other attorneys. We all have questions. Student Government serves all students

regardless of status.” In response to the resolution, Shivers and one member from the public proposed more funding go towards the international office to support the work it does for students instead of hiring an immigration attorney. Molina defended his piece, stating the immigration attorney would function using the same model as the attorney for students and the resource could be utilized by all students on campus. Prior to this legislation proposal, if a student had immigration status-related questions and turned to the Office of the Attorney for Students, they would be redirected to an immigration attorney in the Austin area. An F-1 visa is a nonimmigrant visa in-

Deadlines: Letters to the Editor or any contributed articles are due on Monday the week prior to publication.

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This story will be updated online as more information is released.


Print Copies: The first five issues of each edition of the paper are free. Contact The University Star office at (512) 245-3487 to purchase additional copies.

Corrections: Any errors that are in the pages of The University Star and are brought to our attention will be corrected as soon as possible.

ALERRT Center here at Texas State, and we have also jointly trained with our local law enforcement partners and emergency responders and have their resources available should the need arise,” Banales said. “The ALERRT Center at Texas State University was created in 2002 as a partnership between Texas State University, the San Marcos Texas Police Department and the Hays County, Texas Sheriff ’s Office to address the need for active shooter response training for first responders.

Jacqueline Merritt, Student Body Vice President, and Connor Clegg, Student Body President, listen attentively Oct. 2 as a student addresses his concerns at a student government meeting. PHOTO BY LARA DIETRICH | MULTIMEDIA EDITOR

ternational students must file to attend their respective institutions. Students must file F-1s on their own, but if they do it wrong, their visa will likely be denied. F-1 visas have been compared to the FAFSA of immigration. “If we’re not offering these resources or services to help graduate them (undocumented or international students), there’s obviously a gap in services,” Molina said. “Bringing in these international resources, faculty and students will help us become more of a Hispanic Serving Institution, help our students and help take us to the next level like Texas A&M and The University of Texas at Austin.” Eli Miller, criminal justice junior, sponsored the legislation and criticized the body for not representing 35 percent of the university. “We pride ourselves on being a Hispanic-Serving Institution; now it’s time to walk the walk,” Miller said. At the end of the meeting, a group of students came in to protest the vote’s result. They shouted at the body and called for Student Government to better represent its constituency. The following morning, on Sept. 26, Clegg released a letter to students concerning the legislation and chartered the Student Government Subcommittee on Serving International and Immigrant Students. “I will be chartering the Student Government Subcommittee on Serving International and Immigrant Students, which will be tasked with the responsibility of working together towards a practical and tangible solution to the concerns we all share,” Clegg said.

The University Star


Tuesday, October 3, 2017 | 3 Shayan Faradineh News Editor @shayanfaradineh

UniversityStar.com @universitystar


Alkek Library celebrated Banned Books with a full week of events By Andrew Terrel News Reporter Alkek Library celebrated the controversy surrounding banned books with a weeklong series of events meant to inspire Texas State students to expand their literary awareness and knowledge. Banned books are books challenged by parents, teachers and all sorts of individuals that want those books out of the library. Banned Books Week is the American Library Association’s response to banned and challenged books and was celebrated Sept. 25-29. The American Library Association is a nonprofit organization based in the United States that actively advocates and educates in defense of intellectual freedom internationally. The American Library Association along with book publishers and other organizations use this event to promote the rights of library users to read, seek information and speak freely as guaranteed by the First Amendment. The Library Bill of Rights and the Library Code of Ethics both talk about the importance of free and unfettered access. Tricia Boucher, librarian, said Alkek represents all students, and the literature needs to as well. “As librarians, we work really hard to not censor books and information through the library," Boucher said. Banned Books Week has typically taken place during the last week of September. In past years, Alkek has done a simple Banned Book Read-Out that allowed individuals to read from their favorite banned books for five minutes at a time. The idea behind previous Banned Book Read-Outs was to give individuals a flavor for what kind of books get banned. Elizabeth Hibbs, the Information and

Undergraduate Services Librarian felt Alkek could do something larger for the 2017 celebration. It all came together under the umbrella of Banned Book Week 2017 with the assistance of Emily Segoria, learning commons assistant; Jason Crouch, learning commons assistant; Sarah Chestnut, retroactive cataloging assistant; Lynn Fortney, cataloging assistant; Hithia Davis, collections merchandising and expanded services assistant; Jeremy Moore, digital and media specialist, and other groups. Banned Books Week 2017 began with Monday Movie Night in the Alkek Cinema Media Corner and featured the film, “Watership Down.” "Watership Down” is a fantasy adventure novel by English author Richard Adams that has been frequently challenged and contested by school districts. Tuesday's Banned Book Read-Out was put on by The Information and Undergraduate Services Unit and took place in the Alkek Open Theater where novels banned in Spain were read and discussed. The Lit Society also held its first meeting of the semester where they discussed Marjane Satrapi’s graphic autobiography, "Persepolis." “At the heart of the Lit Society, we want to stress that if you’re passionate about books and passionate about reading, then come check us out,” Donna Dean, library and learning commons assistant, said. Wednesday’s events included a lunch poetry reading hosted by Elizabeth King, humanities librarian, in partnership with James Thomson, a third-year MFA student in the MFA Creative Writing Poetry Program. Wednesday evening included Game Night from 6-9 p.m. with banned book trivia. Banned Books Week’s Game Night attracted the largest group of participants and featured vari-

A banned book blind dating event takes place in Alkek library Sept. 28 during banned book week. PHOTO BY VICOR RODRIGUEZ | STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER

ous board games, card games, trivia and prizes. The trivia portion was a new addition to Game Night designed to teach individuals information surrounding banned books. Thursday’s event was Blind Date with a Book. Blind Date with a Book took place in Alkek’s Open Theater and lasted all day. Blind Date with a Book gave individuals the opportunity to select a randomly covered banned book that were able to read and or checkout at their own discretion. Alkek’s next scheduled Blind Date with a Book is Valentine's Day 2018. Friday celebrated International Coffee Day with free coffee in the Alkek Open Theater. Students were able to check out any of the remaining banned books while enjoying a warm cup of coffee

throughout the day. King said she noticed the traffic that Banned Book Week brought into Alkek. “It (has) been exciting to see how many books are being checked out, everyone’s walking away with a book,” King said. Texas State’s celebration of Banned Books Week 2017 was successful in drawing a large variety of new individuals to Alkek Library to learn and discover the importance of literature in all its different mediums. Alkek Library used Banned Books Week as a tool to educate students, faculty and anyone interested that banned books are stored alongside Alkek’s vast collection of books and literature and are available at all times for any student to read or check out.


Delegation from Mexico signs memorandum with Texas State By Shayan Faradineh News Editor A delegation from Monterrey, Mexico met with faculty and staff to sign a memorandum of understanding to foster future training and research cooperation with San Marcos and Texas State. The delegation toured Texas State facilities, Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training Center and STAR Park, Sept. 28. The Monterrey delegation composed of Mayor Adrian de la Garza, Rafael Ramos de la Garza, chief of staff, Monica Lucia Zozaya, economic development secretary and Esteban Cantu, police comissioner. The objective of the delegation’s trip was for Texas State to present cuttingedge research on public safety and present how research conducted at Texas State can help the city of Monterrey by strengthening its public safety system. The delegation’s tour began at the. The ALERRT center. The center serves as a partnership between Texas State and other law enforcement entities in the area, to address the need for active shooter response training for first responders While at the ALERRT Center, the delegation heard from Mayor John Thomaides, Eugene Bourgeois, provost and vice president of Academic Affairs, Pete Blair, director of the ALERRT Center, and Marcus Felson, criminal justice professor. Felson gave a presentation to the delegation giving diagnoses of a variety of crimes and opportunities where law enforcement may be necessary. Felson's

report included a timeline of highest crime hours, how to prevent crime in certain areas and parameters to protect women while walking late at night. “In the field of criminal justice, we can collaborate with other researchers and compare data and information from several places,” Felson said. “The data here is collected from many places, but can be used anywhere because most of these trends are similar.” Blair gave statistics over the active shooting terrors in the U.S. and Texas occurring over the last several years. “In the U.S., there are generally 17 active shooter or attempted mass murder events per year,” Blair said. “On average four people are shot and two are dead 98 percent of the time, the mass murder is done by one shooter.” Following the presentation, the delegation went to one of the shoot houses at the ALERRT Center. Staff at the center then demonstrated an active shooter event and how the training and research have shaped Texas State’s readiness in situations. Jayme Blaschke, director of University News Service, said the delegation's visit was to figure out ways how the city of Monterrey and Texas State can partner and work together. “This whole trip is to so that the delegation can see how research done at Texas State can have an affect on them," Blaschke said. Following the demonstrations and presentation at the ALERRT Center, the delegation traveled to STAR park where they toured and signed the memorandum and emphasized the excitement behind working together in the near future.

An officer reaches for his gun in front of the LBJ Statue. STAR FILE PHOTO








4 | Tuesday, October 3, 2017

The University Star


Katie Burrell Lifestyle Editor @KatieNicole96

UniversityStar.com @universitystar



By Brittiny Moore Lifestyle Reporter


Student lofts bring new trend in shopping

block away from Texas State, nestled near downtown San Marcos, sits a new and modern student housing apartment complex that is bringing Bobcats a new way to live, work, shop and dine. The Local Downtown, painted in gray and yellow, is one of the many new student apartment complexes in San Marcos that caters to a luxurious college lifestyle. Luxury student housing is on the rise in many states and is becoming a robust market in the city, offering amenities like tanning salons, saunas and outdoor infinity pools with lounge area and grill stations. “We want for our residents to live healthily,” said Lancelot Lozano, leasing and marketing manager for The Local Downtown. “With everything that’s included it’s just such a great deal.” In addition to these new amenities, the property manager has partnered with several busi-

set their properties apart from the rest. nesses to offer shopping and Many other property dining services in the lower level of managers have partnered with the complex, giving residents near-by business owners to provide fun and job opportunities. residents with shopping and Tiana Soulas, dietetics junior, said restaurant opportunities right at the apartment’s convenient location the base of their feet. is her favorite part of living at The For example, the Summer Local. The location cuts down on her Moon coffee shop which sits gas spending and time. below Ella Lofts, a complex simi“The location is super great, eslar to the Local Downtown, and pecially if you like going out a lot,” provides the apartment complex’s Soulas said. “It’s right next to the residents a place for morning Square. I barely use my car, and I just coffee, afternoon tea or a place to walk everywhere.” study. Daisy Mardin, criminal justice “You definitely get your money’s senior, said the apartments are more worth, that’s for sure,” said Macksuited for younger students of the insey Cathy, leasing team member. university who are not looking for Ella Lofts continues to grow much space to share. after two years of housing students, “All of these complexes have a planning to add more businesses to dorm type of feel,” Mardin said. their community as well. Its location As the college student population is so close to Texas State’s campus, increases, creating greater demand the marching band can be heard durfor accommodations, developers ing every afternoon practice. have found themselves caught in competition and looking for ways to

(Top Left) Ella Lofts opened in San Marcos during the Fall 2016 semester, and has recently opened summer moon coffee shop within the building PHOTO BY LARA DIETRICH

(Bottom Left) Located under Ella Lofts, a vibrant and trendy cafe named Summer Moon emerges as a study spot for many students that live off campus. PHOTO BY HANNA FELSKE

(Right) The Local Downtown is one of the newest loft buildings to combine shopping and student housing. PHOTO BY VICOR RODRIGUEZ


Students react to sorority’s costume themes allegedly appropriating cultures By LeeAnn Cardwell Lifestyle Reporter Over the weekend, students tweeted concerns over alleged cultural appropriation occurring within the Alpha Delta Pi sorority, gaining attention from over four thousand users and students. Sorority big-little reveal celebrations are in full swing this time of year. A The celebrations, many of which are themed, to kick off new relationship among sisters and are a long-standing Greek tradition. Students took to Twitter Sept. 30 to express disproval of a select few Alpha Delta Pi sister groups’ chosen themes for their big-little reveals. The Twitter users called it cultural appropriation.

"I'm sorry you lack the empathy to understansd why Treating Hispanics and Native American as costumes is shitty." -@morganghoulgal

Joseph Nicholson, theater senior, tweeted, “Y’all… @txst we need to do better” along with screenshots taken from various Instagram accounts went viral Saturday afternoon. Nicholson said his intentions were not to cause any messages of hate towards the women who posted the photos but to express his disproval of the images and encourage students to be more culturally inclusive. Russell Boyd, public administration senior, said he believes the pictures were problematic because they used the culture of another community for purposes of amusement. “It is disrespectful to the people that actually have those identities,” Boyd said. “We cannot take our identities off and put them back in the closet after the camera goes off. We wear them every day and feel the effects of them in all aspects of our lives.” However, all students feel as though the choice in theme by some members of ADPi were problematic or rude. Brandon King, public relations senior, said he believes the girls in the photos did not have malicious intentions or mean to offend anyone. “I think that cultural appropriation is an issue, but I also think that

"I'm Native American and feel the same way. People complain about everything now! I'm no offended and honestly don't mind it." -@BethanyBenson22

nowadays it can so easily be seen that everything is cultural appropriation,” King said. “I don’t think it is accurate to say that these themes and costumes were cultural appropriation, it was just simple fun.” Those who disproved of the photos stressed that cultural appropriation is not exclusively a Greek issue. “I think the more we keep each other in check, the better we can all be,” Nicholson said. Alpha Delta Pi and the PanHellenic Council were unreachable for comment.

Texas State sorority members pose for photos dressed in various costumes. The images above were taken from public social media posts that have since been removed.

The University Star

Tuesday, October 3, 2017 | 5


Katie Burrell Lifestyle Editor @KatieNicole96

UniversityStar.com @universitystar


Lights, Camera and Discussion

Alkek presents movie series to involve students in film, political discussion By Erika Conover Lifestyle Reporter Alkek library is joining the political sphere with the new Film Talks project addressing racism, fascism and other hot issues facing the country and campus in addition to pop culture topics. The Film Talks project is intended to spout discussion among campus experts and student film lovers. The series began with a showing of The Great Dictator followed by group discussion on the film. There will be three more showings of films this semester, and the series will continue next semester. Elizabeth King, humanities librarian, said she hopes students engage in the discussions and continue the conversation after. “It’s not a lecture. It’s not like sitting in a classroom, that’s not the intention,” King said. “A lot of these topics will be controversial, so with the experts in the room, I’m hoping it will foster a civil discourse on the theme.” The library is showing films Texas State has public performance rights to, through databases such as Kanopy and Films on Demand. History junior Nicholas Rodriguez said he enjoyed the first film when he attended the pilot event. “You can take away stuff from this, and they don’t teach you everything in the classroom,” Rodriguez said. “Sometimes you have to go out of your way to get that extra bit of knowledge.” Dr. Natasha Mikles, psychology lecturer, helped facilitate the discussion over "The Great Dictator," and said students should take time out of their day to participate. “I think films are these really important moments where we can have larger conversations about what we see, and what we can learn through the films,” Mikles

said. Stephanie Towery, Alkek copyright officer, said an underlying goal of Film Talks is to make students aware of the supplies on campus and in the library. At each session, an informational sheet will be handed out with related library resources and faculty around campus. This paper will allow interested students to continue the conversation outside of the film talk. “These films shine a light on something you may feel alone in, but then you watch it, and realize you can’t be alone since there’s a film about it, everyone in the room is talking about it, the library has resources on it, and there are campus services about it,” King said. “We’re trying to make those connections.” The films this semester focus on the themes of fascism, body image, horror and mercy. Students who cannot attend the film talk still have access to the movie for free on their own time, and the link to the film and the resources list can be found on the library website. The next Film Talk, “Embrace” will be showing on Oct. 9. On Oct. 25, “Beware the Slenderman” will be discussed. On Nov. 2, “13TH” will tie into the University common theme this year: "The Search for Justice: Our Response to Crime in the 21st Century". These showings are 2-5 p.m. in room 105/106 of the library. There is a Film Talks Facebook group for those interested in the upcoming events. The library also has a Twitter account at @alkeklibrary where all events are posted. “Universities are more than just places to get degrees or to go to class and learn things,” Mikles said. “Universities are places where kinds of conversations happen that can’t happen anywhere else. Students should have these experiences.”

A poster in Alkek Library from the first film talk over the film "The Great Dictator." PHOTO BY LEXI ALTSCHUL


A look behind

"A Chorus Line" Logan-Rae Floyd, musical theatre senior, stands in the spotlight Sept. 29 as Sheila in the play "Chorus Line," alongside background dancers Junior Gomez, musical theater senior, and Madison Grumbles, performance and production senior. PHOTO BY JOSH MARTINEZ

By Erika Conover Lifestyle Reporter


tudents and faculty worked for six weeks leading up to the moment the Texas State Theatre Department could debut "A Chorus Line," made perfect by the cast and the crew. The musical, "A Chorus Line" was written in 1975 and is about the backstories of several dancers auditioning to be in a chorus line. Usually, these dancers remain nameless, faceless pieces of the ensemble, according to Cassie Abate, the director of the musical. The musical took place from Sept. 26 - Oct. 1 in the

Patti Stricken Harrison Theatre. “It’s been a really rewarding rehearsal process,” Abate said. “I keep telling the students that if they let it, the show will change them. I think over the process, they saw that. It’s such a special show.” Blane Barton, theater senior and stage manager, and his two assistants are instrumental in the production of the musical like the dancers in the show. Barton sends out daily schedules to the actors and nightly reports to the production team. He also calls lights, transitions and drops for the show. “I just get chills when I call that light cue perfectly, when all the actors are on stage, and the crowd just erupts,” Barton

said. “Sure, it’s probably because all the actors on stage are singing beautifully and they just nailed that dance pose, but if I wouldn’t have said ‘lights go’ they would all still be in the dark and no one would see them.” Learning the play inside and out is only the beginning of Barton’s job. He also befriends the actors, mentors beginning stage production students. He said said if he is not the last to leave rehearsal, he’s the second to last. “I can tell when someone is having a bad day and I need to go talk to them to see if they’re okay,” Barton said. “If one person comes not prepared, it affects the whole team, so if I have a bad day and

bring that mood into rehearsal, I’m going to affect the entire room.” Barton said the personalities and collaboration of everyone is what makes the show what it is. “You don’t have to be on stage to fulfill your passion,” Barton said. “Passion can come in so many different forms, and it takes every single piece of the puzzle to make the show work.” Rehearsals started Aug. 14, two weeks before classes, and ran 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., six days a week. Once school started, the production moved into the Patti Strickel Harrison Theatre and rehearsals were 6:30-11 p.m. until the show started. The last week of rehearsals is tech and dress rehearsal, and is when all the light and sound cues are perfected. Emma Hearn, musical theatre senior, who played Cassie in the show, said these rehearsals can be difficult, but in the end the tech team perfects everything. “You think you have a good rhythm and everything figured out, but then tech comes in and it kind of throws a wrench in everything,” Hearn said. “Of course, then it finds its way back in a new light, but it’s just wonky at first.” Due to the setting of the show remaining the same, the actors are on stage for nearly the entire production, and Hearn said stamina was a large challenge. “It goes from scene, to song, to dance, and then we’re just standing on the line, stagnant, and then moving to a big dance number,” Hearn said. “So, you go from breaking a sweat to standing still for a long time, which is difficult.” This production was the first Texas State show to have a corporate sponsor, Legacy Mutual Mortgage, so all the ticket sales will go to student scholarships, making it unique in more ways than one. “To be able to give more scholarship money to students is going to be really beneficial, especially when recruiting incoming freshman, and it will be a way to draw in more people and to help the program grow,” Hearn said.

6 | Tuesday, October 3, 2017


The University Star Katie Burrell Lifestyle Editor @KatieNicole96

UniversityStar.com @universitystar


Students follow trend in delivery dining By LeeAnn Cardwell Lifestyle Reporter San Marcos has seen a rise in delivery services in recent years, now adding UberEATS to the list of services students are turning to as a new way to enjoy meals and make money. UberEATS, a multinational delivery service started by Uber Technologies, debuted its services in San Marcos Sept. 6 after months of planning to open near the beginning of the fall semester, making it the third delivery service, following Texas ToGo and Favor, to open up shop. Food delivery services have been a

tradition for Bobcats since College Delivery was founded in 2002, originally named Bobcat Delivery until 2005. Albert Garcia, co-owner and manager of Texas ToGo, started Bobcat Delivery after winning a national business model competition in 2002 while he studied business management at Texas State. Due to the growing market, Garcia rebranded and expanded College Delivery with Rustin Hicks, Texas State alumnus and former owner of local delivery services in other Texas cities, to create Texas ToGo. Garcia and Hicks now work side-byside as co-owners and co-managers to provide 14 Texas communities with their delivery services. Favor, another Texas-based delivery service, opened operations in San Marcos in Aug. 2015. Each service can be utilized through an app or website.

Users can choose a restaurant from their list of partners, place the order, make a payment and then wait for their favorite food to be delivered almost anywhere. Many college students fall into the millennial generation. For the San Marcos community, this generation plays a significant role in the success of these delivery services. Many Bobcats are opting out of dining in at casual-dining establishments for more appealing delivery options that meet their day-to-day needs. Janet Vasquez, criminal justice freshman, uses a delivery service to order food with a friend to their dorm regularly. “Neither of us has a car here right now,” Vasquez said. “But we wanted to try a new restaurant, so it gave us a convenient way to do so.” Vasquez said using a delivery service can save time and allows users to avoid traffic and construction when planning

a busy day. Carla Molina, communications director for Texas ToGo, said their company notices an increase in business around busy times during college semesters such as midterms and finals week. Traum-Anh Nguyen, marketing senior, said having a busy workload is not the only time food delivery services can be helpful. “There are times that I don’t really want to leave and deal with going out to get food,” Nguyen said. “Sometimes, I am in the middle of something and don’t have time, such as when I was moving into a new apartment.”

Jack in the Box located on the San Marcos Square is one of many restaurants now available for students to order through the UberEATS app. PHOTO BY VICTOR RODRIGUEZ | STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER

The University Star

Tuesday, October 3, 2017 | 7


Katie Burrell Lifestyle Editor @KatieNicole96

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A taste of San Marcos SNACK BREAK

Best places for late night snacking on the square NIGHT OWLS

By Katie Burrell Lifestyle Editor The majority of restaurants and bars in San Marcos close between 1012 p.m. However, the Square offers a few options for some unique late-night munchies. The safest bet for self-care after a night of drinking with friends on the Square is a sober ride home and some food. For Bobcats who are waiting for their ride and want to eat in the meantime, Torchy's Tacos, Valentino's, The Buzz Mill, Jimmy John's and Insomnia Cookies are all within walking distance.

EARLY BIRDS Torchy's Tacos is located at 301 N. Guadalupe St. The restaurant closes at 11 p.m. Friday and Saturday. For those looking to sober up and enjoy hot, ingredient-rich tacos this restaurant offers fast-casual service and understanding servers. A perfect recommendation for anyone who hits the Square and leaves before the midnight crowd arrives. Torchy's offers a great selection of tacos year-round in addition to specialty tacos each month, a great choice for the tipsy, willing to try something new. Valentino's right on the Square in the thick of all the action but closes at 11 p.m. daily. Valentino's sells pizza y the slice and by the pie. People looking to get out while the night is still young can enjoy handmade pizza in the vintagelooking shop at 110 N. LBJ Dr. "I always go to Valentino's. I get a big slice of pepperoni for $3 every time," said Ruben Pedraza, construction science junior.

The Buzz Mill is a 24-hour restaurant, bar and coffee shop right off the Square at 194 S. Guadalupe St. Square patrons can wait literally all day and night for their sober ride home at this log-cabin themed eatery with a massive outdoor patio. The Buzz Mill’s pancakes are one of the most popular menu items. The Buzz Mill kitchen offers pancake dishes from $4-7 in flavors including buttermilk, blueberry and s’mores. For patron’s dedicated to sobering up, the Grizzly Platter, including two pancakes, eggs and bacon is most likely the best option as it is full of protein and egg fat. According to research by Joshua Gowin, at the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, a meal packed with protein and fat is the best option for someone hungry and under the influence. Jimmy John's is famous for their ontime sandwich delivery services, but in San Marcos, the place stays open until 3 a.m. every day with dine-in options right on the Square. The shop is located at 117 E. Hopkins St. Bryan Richards, manager at Jimmy Johns said the sandwich shop is used to serving a rowdy late-night crowd. Richards said the shop often enlists police officers to make sure guests are safe at all times, as the crowd is prone to drunken mishaps. "Most of our guests are really nice and just looking for some bread and a good sandwich to sober up," Richards said. "We usually recommend the number nine Italian sandwich." Insomnia Cookies delivers cookies, ice cream and

milk until 3 a.m. It is located at 111 E. Hopkins St., next to Jimmy John’s shop. Insomnia Cookies offers a small seating space using a bar and stools for those who are able to manage the challenge of building the perfect cookie sandwich. Patrons can choose between around a dozen flavors of Blue Bell Creameries' ice cream and a variety of in-store baked cookies which can be bought individually or mixed and matched to make a sandwich. (Top) Ayla Hanson, Insomnia Cookies employee, scoops ice cream Oct. 1 onto a freshly baked cookie. The bakery is a late night destination for students after a long night on the Square. (Bottom) Insomnia Cookies has a variety of cookie and ice cream combinations available to order. A "cookiewich" is served with a scoop of ice cream between two cookies of choice. PHOTO BY LEXI ALTSCHUL | STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER



new restaurants in San Marcos

UMAMI SUSHI Umami Sushi opened its doors March 20 and is located just off campus in the shopping center across from the Quad Bus Loop. "San Marcos was lacking Asian cuisine," said David Lee, the owner of the restaurant. Umami Sushi has a variety of choices, including vegetarian and vegan options. The best seller is the poke bowl; customers can pick between salmon, tuna or both. Right after the poke bowl, is its signature dish "The Bobcat." The dish is crab meat stuffed sushi rolls. The environment gives off a relaxed vibe for customers to get away from their busy lives for a short amount of time. "I love coming here to get away, the service is always good and the food is delicious," said Loraine Ribon-Gutierrez, San Marcos resident.

TORO Ramen & Poke Barn TORO Ramen and Poke Barn opened for business Sept. 21 at 700 N LBJ Drive near Umami Sushi. The place has since seen an overwhelming amount of customers and social media buzz. The ramen bowl is its best seller. TORO Ramen and Poke Barn has an environment for group outings or a night on the town. It is having a 20 percent off special going on until Oct. 7, 2017. In this special, customers can get 20 percent off their meal with a free drink.

Blue Dhalia Bistro Blue Dahlia Bistro opened in late June 2017. It is known for brunch and lunch meals, however, it is open from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. The bistro is a chain, with another popular location in Austin. Its best-selling dish is the Coq au vin, which is a chicken in a white cream and wine braise. This European-style bistro provides a cafe environment for customers to get a quick bite and enjoy some social time. Blue Dahlia Bistro is located at 107 E Hopkins St., an ideal location on the Square.

By Ashley Brown Lifestyle Reporter Four of the newest restaurants and hang out spots are finally here. The studentfriendly environments are open for business. Several new restaurants and hang-out spots have arrived in San Marcos for students and residents to dine, drink and study. Four of them are a short walk from campus.

The Cattery Lounge and Snackery The Cattery Lounge and Snackery is a non-profit business located at 235 N LBJ Drive. It officially opened its doors and paws to the world in early August. While here guests can enjoy the free Wi-Fi, board games, and furry cats, big and small to play with. The overall environment of the lounge is a relaxing carefree environment for both the guests and the cats. All the cats at the lounge are up for adoption to the public. "If a cat is not adopted, we keep them here until they find a home," Caitlin MacIntyre, a cattery assistant said. "There have been 26 adoptions since we opened." There is a $5 cover charge before going in to be with the cats.

8 | Tuesday, October 3, 2017

The University Star


May Olvera Opinions Editor @yungfollowill

UniversityStar.com @universitystar


DEBATING THE ISSUE The Israeli occupation of Palestine is terrorism By Tafari Robertson Opinion Columnist The conflict over Palestinian land that is perpetuated by Israeli forces has long been beyond the scope of any reasonable claim that the Israeli government is simply defending its right to exist. In the aftermath of World War II, Israel was established as a Jewish state by the United Nations Partition Plan in order to address growing support for the Zionist cause. While all surrounding countries recognized the territory as Palestine, the United Nations General Assembly, in fundamentally colonialist fashion, divided already-inhabited land into separate Arab and Jewish states with the exception of Jerusalem, which was to become international territory. Despite opposition from nearly every single nation bordering the territory, the implementation of this invasive foreign policy began in 1948 and is referred to by indigenous Arab populations in Palestine as Nakba, meaning “catastrophe.” In the years following, hundreds of villages and cities were destroyed, thousands of people were killed and at least 750,000 Palestinians were displaced from their home as strategic ethnic-cleansing made way for the Jewish state. The malicious intent of this process is drawn into question by supporters of Israel who see it simply as a collateral part of the Arab-Israeli War that was taking place at the time. However, it is not disputed that once the United Nations made its decision in 1947 to create Israel, a land already inhabited by 1.9 million people, Palestine was to be forcefully reorganized. Between 1947 and 1949, Zionist forces who had been armed and trained by the British government during World War II violently seized land from Arab communities throughout the region. However, this foreign aggression did not end in 1949; nor did it end after the Israeli Defense Forces invaded Egypt in 1956 with the support of the United Kingdom and France; nor did it end after the Six-Day War against Egypt, Jordan and Syria in 1967. In fact, violent displacement, occupation and suppression of the Palestinian people are an ongoing reality of the Israeli presence in the Middle East. Further, the support they have consistently received from Western powers including Britain, France and the United States, coincides with growing interest in Middle Eastern oil sources over the past century. Currently, Israel maintains a regime of apartheid against Palestinian people afforded only a fraction of the rights enjoyed by full citizens of the Jewish state on land illegally occupied even by U.N. standards. As cited by U.N. reports and human rights organization in the region, Palestinians in occupied territories face frequent water shortages, are subject to constant Israeli military presence and are barred from living in Israeli settlements on Palestinian land. Opponents of Palestinian liberation cite groups such as Hamas who use military-esque violence in their resistance to Israeli oppression. While making no leap to defend the violence of Hamas, we must question what the difference is between the apparently justifiable state violence of the Israeli government and the guerilla violence that some Palestinian people see as their only viable option. Though Arab communities have sustained movements for justice in Palestine since even before the United Nations declared Israel a territory, support for the Palestinian cause has begun to spread to college campuses across the U.S. In just the past 10 years, students have successfully called for their universities to divest from the Israeli-occupation by mobilizing various avenues of student power including respective student governments. Texas State University, in fact, has invested in a couple of companies directly involved in the Israeli-occupation, specifically Hewlett-Packard and Teva Pharmaceuticals. Sooner than later, students at Texas State should take it upon themselves to evaluate whether they want their tuition dollars to contribute to the oppressive Israeli state.

Palestine is not the victim By Katelyn Moriarty Opinions Columnist The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has been the center of attention for decades and will most likely continue to be for quite some time. A crucial piece of the history of this issue is the existence of some problematic people that reside in Palestine. While Israel has not been willing to recognize Palestine, the Palestinians and other bordering countries have also chosen to not recognize Israel as a Jewish state with the right to exist. In fact, in 1967 eight separate countries – among them, Egypt, Syria, Jordan and Lebanon – declared their ‘3 no’s’ for Israel; no peace, no negotiations, and no recognition. A previous United Nations report had confirmed that Hamas, an islamic terrorist group founded to liberate Palestine and establish an Islamic state, had been storing weapons such as rockets and other missiles. Missiles have also been found in numerous hospitals and mosques. These places are meant to be a place of sanctuary but are being used to house weapons. It is imperative that a solution to this ongoing problem. However, any new resolution should not come from Israel, but Palestine. After breaking six different treaties they should be the ones to step up to the plate and suggest a solution that both sides should see through. Israel has put in much effort for the opportunity to have peace, such as when it gave land to Egypt in 1979 in exchange for a peace treaty. A solution between the two countries should not only ensure both nations acknowledge each other’s rights, but also their spaces. Palestinians have gone to extremes to eradicate the Jewish state, and have chosen to look towards suicide bombing, stabbing and kidnapping to do so. Just in 2017 alone, at least 200 attacks have been thwarted by the Israeli Defense Forces. It is crucial for people to see that while there may be extremists from the Israeli side, terrorism is not rewarded like it is in Palestine. What the world may make of this is hard to say, when two extreme opposing sides exist. However, one thing that people can unite around globally is the need for peace. While that may not exist as of now, it is hopefully not too far out of reach. - Katelyn Moriarty is a political science sophomore

-Tafari Robertson is a public relations senior ILLUSTRATION BY KENNEDY SWIFT


The energy you save: why I can’t be bothered by another case of Greek racism By Tafari Robertson Opinions Columnist Over the past weekend, members of Alpha Delta Pi, a predominantly white sorority at Texas State University, stirred controversy after offensive pictures of members circulated on Twitter and Instagram. Presumably asked to pick a creative theme for their crafted relationships, members were celebrating the selection of the newest batch of little and big sisters, a traditional mentor-to-mentee conception. Amongst a variety of group costumes ranging from peas in a pod to a Suite Life of Zack and Cody cosplay, the clear stand outs were the images of comfortably white women dressed in poorly thought out renditions of ‘Mexican’ and ‘Native American’ attire. While immediate attention is drawn to the implications of such outfits, it is time we ask ourselves if we really expect these overwhelmingly white sororities and fraternities that date its founding principles to the mid 19th century to not be racist. White Greek life has been on the forefront of aesthetic racism on college campuses for quite some time. In 2013, photos from the Arizona State chapter of Tau Kappa Epsilon’s MLK Jr. day party went viral because attendees encouraged to dress ‘like a Black person,’ dawned blackface, and flashed gang signs. Kappa Sigmas at Baylor University hosted a ‘Mexican’-themed

Cinco De Mayo party. Just last spring at Texas State University, an image of the face of the black president of the Interfraternity Council edited onto the body of a person who’d been lynched circulated on Twitter. Despite the wave of negative responses and university action that usually results in temporary suspension, these organization cannot seem to get the memo that racism is bad now. However, therein lies the issue, like much of the white community, participants of these tone-deaf appropriations do not see themselves as racist nor do they see the issue with condensing the stereotypes of oppressed peoples into a three-piece costume that one can wear for a day. This willful ignorance coincides with a general sense of colorblindness that allows these organizations to also shoo away questions about its demographic make-up. Historically, Greek organizations are hotbeds for ideas of exclusivity, classism and racism. Lawrence C. Ross, author of "Blackballed: The Black and White Politics of Race on America’s Campuses," explains that, as colleges in the U.S. began to accept middle-class and black students, Greek life became a way for upper class, white students to separate themselves. But while consequences of racist costumes are easier to dole out and often fall on individual students, larger issues around the culture promoted by these sororities and

This willful ignorance coincides with a general sense of colorblindness that allows these organizations to also shoo away questions about their demographic make-up.

fraternities go unaddressed. Considering the power of organizations that only make up 2 percent of the U.S. population but make up 80 percent of fortune 500 executives, we should be concerned with the clear lack of cultural understanding they consistently display, although, building whole student movements to suspend five people is not the best use of our energy. As activists, we should be more concerned with creating systems that benefit students of color rather than expend resources to punish individuals who can only be expected to return with the same casual racism for a holiday now less than a month away. This in no way is meant to let the action's of Alpha Delta Pi members resonate in silence. I, too, wish to go to a campus free of the racism perpetuated by white Greek life, and suspension is not a terrible start. However, at a school that persists with such low regard for the needs of immigrant students and has no educational requirement for students to engage with complex conversations about race and culture, I would like to see the energy of students in action for causes that progress the institutional framework of Texas State University rather than wasted on another tired case of white sororities that we should’ve given up on a long time ago. - Tafari Robertson is a public relations senior.

The University Star


Tuesday, October 3, 2017 | 9 May Olvera Opinions Editor @yungfollowill

UniversityStar.com @universitystar


Vegas Shooting: When is enough, enough? It has happened again. We saw it at Pulse. We saw it at “The Dark Knight Rises.” We saw it in Paris. We saw it at Sandy Hook, and we are tired. We are tired of seeing the routine headlines and the predictable anti-gun rhetoric played on repeat each time we are confronted with these atrocities. The nation woke up to another mass shooting on Oct.1. This time in Las Vegas, during the Route 91 Harvest Festival where over 22,000 people filled the outdoor arena. The attack comes only 16 months after the Florida Pulse club shooting, the benchmark for the nation’s deadliest mass shooting now has a new record. At least 59 are confirmed dead, and more than 500 were injured. There are multiple ways we can respond in the wake of this attack. Yes, the way government facilitates the purchase and use of guns in the country is a conversation pertinent to these attacks. Yes, the implications of mental health and the culture around it is an important conversation. However,

neither argument should precede the empathy and consolation needed for the families of the victims. Furthermore, whether it be gun control, whether it be mental health, or a force that we are not yet aware of – no proposed cause will matter if it is absorbed by the numbness that has excused events of the same nature since Sandy Hook in 2012. Shootings prior to the prevalence of social media were likely not swept away at the same speed as they are today. How long will we report the news, express our outrage, and distract ourselves with endless arguments until it happens again? The victims do not benefit from the president informing us that this is an, “act of pure evil”. A politician’s thread of proof for or against gun control does not save any lives. We attempt to honor the deaths of the victims of these shootings by expressing our outrage, but a greater honor would be setting aside our

political loyalties long enough to diagnose and correct the culture that has endangered them in the first place. We should not be docile as politics begin to eclipse our humanity. Will we be motivated by partisanship or empathy? Mass shootings have become so normalized in our society that they can happen in the places where we go to escape the cruelties of the world, and we will still dust our hands of the issue by labeling the shooter as an outlier. However, each time we allow a mass shooting to happen without responding to proper corrections, we define their deaths as nothing and we effectively fail them. The Las Vegas shooting has nothing and everything to do with the second amendment. We have seen our country fall to its knees too many times to our own gun barrels. It is evident that this is a problem, but in the midst of debating who is wrong and who is right, we seemed to have lost touch with what really matters -- the victims at hand. The mass shootings in our country are

much bigger than any of us, but before we jump into our political debates, we need to lend helping hands to our neighbors affected by this tragedy. Rather than shout over the ambulance sirens, and step over their injured bodies to confront our opponents. We need to collect blood donations and understand the problem before we can fix anything. This is not the time to shy away from each other, but instead unite in solidarity. Our initial reaction to these mass shootings should not be to argue anymore, because until we reject the numbness and definitively deem these events as unacceptable in our country, these arguments will be a place holder for useful change. When do we as a country say enough is enough? We can tweet, we can pray, it is only until we act with the same vigor with which we toss blame that we can affect real change and uproot the forces that fuel these hateful attacks.

The Main Point is the opinion of the newspaper’s editorial board. Columns are the opinions of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the full staff, Texas State University Student Media, the School of Journalism and Mass Communication or Texas State University.


Climate change? Unlikely, but Bigfoot? I’s seent it. By Jordan Pilkenton Opinions Columnist It's a few things in life that are indisputable fact. John Wayne would’ve been this country’s greatest president, the concept of Godzilla is a myth perpetuated by the Japanese in order to make United States manufacturing non-competitive—and Bigfoot is real. While Bigfoot is reality, something that definitely is not is global warming. How do I know this? Well, I have seen me a Bigfoot, and you will never come across climate change roaming the woods while on a hunting trip with your second cousin’s son-in-law. I hail from the great state of Florida, and one of our rules is to not believe in what you cannot see. When 'scientists' and 'teachers' started talking about so-called environmental dangers, the only reasonable course of action we saw fit was to ban the phrases “climate change” and “global warming” altogether. Why should we be concerning ourselves with the hoax that is climate change when we got Bigfoot running amok in our woods? Those beasts are the real threat to our planet. Florida Department of Environmental Protection’s Director, Herschel Vinyard Jr., and Florida Governor Rick Scott truly understand the impending dangers of Bigfoot and have our best interests in mind. While Vinyard stepped down from his position as DEP director, his climate change-denying legacy lives on as the ‘squatch hunt continues. Despite the best efforts of our elect-

ed officials, the Sasquatch crisis lingers on. Over the past few years, The Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization, a reputable source known as BFRO to the common man, has reported 312 sightings of the beast in the state of Florida.[1] That places it in third place for states with the highest recorded Bigfoot sightings. This is bordering on an epidemic of statewide proportions. Clearly, Floridians have their hands full with all the guns needed for the Bigfoots that need hunting. I urge our stately neighbors to follow our example. States like Alabama, Kentucky and Tennessee already match us on our stance on climate change. That is commendable, as climate change is just a lie that gets in the way of real progress, like hunting those Sasquatches to extinction before they do the same to us. The states that border the 'squatch war’s' front lines are similar to us in many ways. Other than our stances on climate change, the states in this neck of the woods are more inclined to believe in our cause. While Florida is not in Appalachia, we share many qualities in the education department. This provides boundless more opportunities to recruit for our cause because the only science we need is the study of how to weed out those pesky Bigfoots. Our ideas become more of a state of mind, one that shows the truth of the Sasquatch and exposes the lies of fake science like global warming. See my words and take heed, dear reader. Shut out the hoaxes of an everincreasing global temperature for what



DACA DEBACLE Democrats are allowed to protest DACA’s repeal, but I’m not allowed to throw rocks at immigrants?


you know in your hearts to be true, just like the citizens of our great Appala-

By Garrett Buss Opinions Columnist

chia and Florida. The Bigfoot. They’re out there. Waiting.

the answer is, “none of your business!” I would simply google the acronym, but as we all know, the Internet was created by Barack I am sick of the liberals and their double Hussein Obama as a means to convince the standards. On Sept. 5th, a conglomerate of public that the "Dukes of Hazzard" was not Texas State students held a silent protest a documentary about the Civil War. on the stairs of Alkek. A bunch of disreThis is our country in 2017: A commie-inspectful democrats were cluttering up our fested hell-scape where a God-fearing man walkway with signs claiming they were “edu- is not allowed to have people arrested for cated, undocumented, and unafraid,” like a holding silent protests concerning immigrabunch of filthy socialists. tion reform. This really is not the country I When I told them to quit their complain- know and love. To claim that these Hilling, they claimed that their protest was ary supporters are legally in the clear while “protected by free speech” and “valuable denying me my right to physically attack additions to a countrywide debate.” Typical people of other races is the opposite of the liberal bias! They expect me to believe that American dream. their “protected” protest was completely Now, I am not saying that all immigrants legal under lady justice’s watchful eye, while are bad, but I am saying that the feeling of my habit of throwing rocks at immigrants is pure satisfaction one gets when a human's unfairly dubbed an act of racially motivated life is in your hands, struggling to break assault? free, is about as American as you can get. When I was a boy, our country was The recent protest on the repeal of immigrant-free and you could throw rocks DACA simply shouldn’t be allowed in our at the Hispanics till the cows came home! legal system. I would love it if our boys in Our founding fathers, George Washingblue would take down these troublemaking, ton, Abraham Lincoln and Kenny Chesney, unpatriotic, millennials. would be ashamed if they were still alive to see the state our country is in. I know what - Garrett Buss is a theater sophomore you are thinking: “Does this guy even know what DACA stands for?” And, of course,

10 | Tuesday, October 3, 2017


The University Star Lisette Lopez Sports Editor @lisette_1023

UniversityStar.com @universitystar


Devina Schneider

(Far right) Devina Schneider, junior cross country runner, paces toward the finish line during a previous meet. PHOTO COURTESY OF KELLEY SPENCER

Long distance runner strides into a new year in two sports

By Melea Polk Sports Reporter As her third season as a Bobcat commences, junior runner Devina Schneider has new things in mind for the upcoming cross country and track season. Schneider began her running career in the second grade, and continued through high school, where she received the Most Valuable Player in both cross country and track. After graduating from Episcopal High School in Bellaire, Texas in 2015, Schneider came to San Marcos. “I started when I was really little,” Schneider said. “My parents put me in the running program in the 2nd grade. After my first meet, I realized I actually liked it and I just stuck with it.” Schneider chose Texas State to continue her running career because of the wildlife biology program. She also fell in love with the Hill Country. “I have always been interested in the outdoors and animals,” Schneider said. “I just combined the two. Wildlife biology is also a really good major here.” Her decision to move to San Marcos was the factor that split her and her

“My parents put me in the running program in the 2nd grade. After my first meet, I realized I actually liked it and I just stuck with it.”

Devina Schneider

identical twin sister, Jahnavi, up. “My identical twin is also a runner,” Schneider said. “She competes for the University of Houston, where she is a kinesiology major.” Schneider competed in five meets her freshman year debuting at the Texas State Invitational ended with a ninth place title and a time of 11:40.6. At the 2015 Sun Belt Conference Championships, she was named a top finisher after finishing 13th with a time

of 18:54.2. In 2016, Schneider finished three times as a top-eight finisher during the indoor season. She won a bronze medal in the distance medley relay at the Sun Belt Conference Indoor Championships, where the women’s team took the Championship title. Being in two sports can be difficult, but Schneider handles it well. The wildlife biology major utilizes her training in cross country to succeed in track. “It makes it easier training for cross because when track comes around, you have a whole foundation laid out,” Schneider said. “I feel like I am a step ahead.” Choosing a favorite running event was not hard for Schneider. Track prevails over cross country because of how strategic the sport is. “I think I am more of a strategic runner in track,” Schneider said. “I am just now learning to strategize my race in cross country and put myself at certain points. In track, it just comes naturally for me. So, that is why I like it more.” However, in handling being an athlete, Schneider takes being a student just as serious. For the 2016-17 school year,

she was named a Texas State Academic Achievement recipient. After graduation, Schneider would like to work for the National Parks and Wildlife Service, an organization dedicated to preserving parks and wildlife. “I am interested in working with the National Parks and Wildlife after graduation,” Schneider said. “I think it would be pretty cool to work with them.” As for now, Schneider has a few expectations for the season. For cross country, she would like to do well enough to make it to the NCAA South Central Regional meet in College Station, and further herself as an individual and as a team. “I would like to get top ten as an individual in the Sun Belt Conference Championship meet,” Schneider said. “I also want our girls to do really well and finish top five there, at least. I am really hoping to go to regionals.” As cross country is slowly winding down with SBC Championships on Oct. 28 in Boone, North Carolina, Schneider will begin to merge sports and start the new indoor track season once again.


Club volleyball looking to improve with new president By Lisette Lopez Sports Editor Many students stop playing sports once they come to college, but for one student, quitting volleyball was never an option. Jenny Berrong, marketing junior, started playing volleyball in middle school and loved the sport ever since. However, coming to college, she knew her sole focus was on her education. “College volleyball is a huge commitment,” Berrong said. “I knew that I wanted to graduate a semester early, so my degree was my priority.” Even having a sole commitment to her education could not stop Berrong's love for the sport, so she joined the club volleyball team in the fall of 2016. Berrong found her place on the team and said club volleyball is a happy medium between intermural and the athletics team. “We are extremely competitive and play big schools such as UT, Baylor, A&M and other big schools, but without the same level of dedication,” Berrong said. “You have time for your classes and time for a social life while being able to play competitively.” Berrong is now the president of the volleyball club and looks to make the most out of her role. She was nominated by the previous president, and had no desire to become the new leader. Now that Berrong has her new role, she will do her best to fulfill the position. “I’m really excited for this new role,” Berrong said. “I want to hopefully make club volleyball even better than before, and bring our team closer together.” Even as the president of the volley-

ball club, Berrong has her own individual goals this season. Berrong hopes to improve in every aspect. “I hope to improve in my new role as president by forming a strong team this semester,” Berrong said. “We have almost an entirely new team this semester, so I’m hoping to build a positive, yet competitive, environment for our team and be successful in our tournaments.” There is a different setting in club volleyball. The team travels, goes to nationals and has practices weekly, but it is a more relaxed setting. With this relaxed setting, Berrong said the team has more of a family feel with everyone working on becoming better. “I want to make each player feel like an important and needed asset to the team,” Berrong said. “I also have a goal of improving myself as a player on the court and improving my stats for each tournament.” Berrong held open tryouts to expand the new team. “They went really great,” Berrong said. “A lot of great players showed up and there was a lot of competition. We made two tryouts of cuts at the end of each tryout day until we had our final team.” With a new team this season, anything is possible. Berrong said she is very confident in her new team this season. “We have a lot of great players with many skills,” Berrong said. “We had our first tournament last weekend and went to three games with UT’s A-team, which is normally the best club team in Texas. We ended up losing the third game 1513, but it was a great start to our season. We can only improve from here on.” Playing a sport for years can build character, leadership and communica-

The women's club volleyball team huddles before competing in a tournament. PHOTO COURTESY OF JENNY BERRONG

tion skills. Berrong said playing volleyball for so long can help her build her career with the skills she has learned by being on a team. “I believe, in volleyball, you have to

use strong communication in order to work as a team,” Berrong said. “This will help me in the future when working in the business world.”

The University Star


Tuesday, October 3, 2017 | 11 Lisette Lopez Sports Editor @lisette_1023

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hopeful for rebound season Nijal Pearson, sophomore guard, shoots a basket during a past game against Arkansas State. STAR FILE PHOTO


Men’s soccer club have high hopes for the future By Anthony Flores Sports Reporter Texas State does not have a collegiate level soccer team for men, however the men's club team has lots to offer for interested players. For the male population of Texas State, joining a collegiate soccer team is not an option. In order to play soccer, they need to go to the men’s soccer club. Joseph Gillis-Harry, soccer club president, looks for more than just skilled players. The team actively searches for individuals who are passionate about the sport. “Beyond skill, we look for people who are just out here that generally love soccer,” Gillis-Harry said. “If you’re out here treating it like something you have to do, then it’s not fun. We look for people who have a natural love, natural talent and can fit into the group we already have."

From the time I started playing, I’ve seen way more people showing up to our games, way more people looking to try out for the team.” -Joseph Gillis-Harry

Gillis-Harry is in his first year of being club president but has been a member of the team for two years. In those two years, Gillis-Harry has seen much growth in popularity among fans and those interested in joining the club. “From the time I started playing, I’ve seen way more people showing up to our games, way more people looking to try out for the team,” Gillis-Harry said. Despite an increase in potential club members, there is only a limited amount of positions available on the team. Only a select few are chosen each semester. “This year we had seventy-something people try out,” Gillis-Harry said. “We normally take about the best 10 or 12 people from that group, so it’s really

competitive.” Being a club sport provides certain freedoms and experiences that school associated sports teams do not. While still highly competitive, the team takes a looser approach to play, making fun a top priority. “I feel like one of the perks is we get to do more things together and just generally have fun with it,” Gillis-Harry said. “We kind of treat it like it’s a bunch of guys who generally love playing soccer. We’re out here to do what we can do without way too much intensity, way too much pressure.” Bonding is essential in team sports, it helps to put players in synch with each other. The men’s soccer team has its own way of accomplishing that. “Everyone I know that plays soccer also plays FIFA, so we all gather at one of our places, play some FIFA and get to know each other like friends would,” Gillis-Harry said. “That’s pretty much what we are, just a group of friends out on the pitch playing the sport that we love.” Gillis-Harry stresses that although it is fun and loose, playing with the club is still hard work. “Going out there and playing is intense because we’re out here in the heat, you’re having to put in 100 percent, anything for the team to win,” Gillis-Harry said. Several games into the 2017 season, the team shows great promise and the captain sees the potential for the team to make some noise. “I think this year’s team is the best we’ve had yet,” Gillis-Harry said. “A great attack, all-around solid defenders. We have a really good team this year.” Gillis-Harry has high goals for this year’s team but understands that there are still obstacles on their march to the finish line. “Our big goal is to go to regionals and hopefully go all the way,” Gillis-Harry said. “Win our division, our championship.” Most former athletes credit the sport they played as one of the things that prepared them for life. Gillis-Harry credits the sport for helping him get ready for the next phase of his life. “Whenever you play on a sports team you’re used to working with a team, you have to move as a unit,” Gillis-Harry said. “I feel that’s what the rest of our lives is about, being able to work with everyone beyond our personal circle.”

By Andrew Zimmel Sports Reporter


lthough the season doesn't begin until Nov. 12, the preparation for the men's basketball team is a yearround process. After going 22-14 last season, the Bobcats have added Alex Peacock, junior forward to the roster. Nijal Pearson, sophomore guard, said it's refreshing to add another shooter and wing style player to the team. "We don’t just have athletes, but we have a bunch of new players who bring additions," Pearson said. "(It's) not just skill wise and athleticism wise, we can shoot the ball really well this year." This summer, the team stayed in San Marcos to work together and practice. What could’ve been a boring summer may have actually helped build an even stronger relationship for this upcoming season. “I worked on my game a lot,” Pearson said. “You'll want to see what I worked on, you’re going to have to come to Strahan Coliseum or tune into ESPN 3 Nov. 12.” Besides practicing this summer, the team has other hobbies, including watching movies and playing video games. “For fun, I just chill with my teammates,” Pearson said. “If they're playing a game, I’m around the game. I laugh with them. I don’t really do much outside of basketball. I chill, relax and I like to laugh. I like to have funny people around me.” The team also saw a few movies together over the summer, with the blockbuster hit "War for the Planet of the Apes" being a team favorite. “We wanted to see 'IT', but the last movie we saw together was 'Plant of the Apes,'" Peacock said. Both players also talked about

what the Texas State athletic family is like, they spoke about their relationship with other Bobcat players and coaches. “We hang out with football players, girls basketball, volleyball, I know a few baseball guys and a few track guys and girls,” Pearson said. “We don’t have a ton of time, and when we do I know I want to be with my teammates. I’m sure they want to be with their teammates, but it’s a family thing." Pearson said even though they hang out with other athletes, they're all in this together. "I was talking to a few football guys telling them 'we’re all in this together,'" Pearson said. "We all know what each other is going through because we're all going through the same thing. We all have days where we're mad at our coaches, mad at our teammates, but it’s a family. It’s family everywhere." After last season, Pearson wowed many around the conference and the state by leading the Bobcats to their first postseason bid since 1997. Peacock and the rest of the Bobcats look to do it again. “Some people are expecting a lot out of us, and some people think last year was a fluke,” Pearson said. “Last year it took us a little while to get going because we had eight new guys. I just think if we buy in early then we can have a better record than we did last year.” Pearson also looks for this season to be his best one since joining the team last season. “I miss playing," Pearson said. "I walked into Strahan Coliseum and got chills. I miss the games, practices, traveling and everything that comes with it. Whenever it comes, I’m going to cherish it.”

The University Star

Tuesday, October 3, 2017 | 12





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