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with-purpose mission of generating required financial returns for their shareholders with growing world demands for social and environmental accountability performance opportunities.

Has there been a moment in working with a student that they either inspired you, elicited in you a sense of pride or where you greatly transformed a student’s life?

I have benefited from the support of many individuals, including my father, mother, wife, children, colleagues and students in reaching my teaching and research excellence. Thus, I believe it is my fiduciary duty to be a source of assistance and a good mentor to others — particularly students. It makes me proud when my former undergraduate, graduate and PhD students share their success stories with me. Many of my former students are now professors at universities and partners at accounting firms. Having 10 professional certifications myself, including a certified public accountant (CPA), I have encouraged, supported and mentored accounting students to get their own CPA certifications. I often tell accounting students that “being in accounting without certification does not mean a lot.”

What motivates you to continue teaching year after year?

My teaching philosophy and practice reflects a dedicated commitment to student learning. I often say, “If it was not for students, faculty would not be at the university. And if it was not for faculty, the university would not exist.” Teaching runs in my family as my father was a math teacher and my mom and sister were teachers as well. I view the university as a community of faculty, students, administrators and staff who are gathered to support learning by creating, disseminating and implementing knowledge. Focusing on shared governance; respect for others; diversity, integrity, honesty and competency in the academic, personal and professional affairs; and a culture of accountability and transparency with keen focus on teaching and research enables us to sustain our Carnegie R1 status.

If you only had one book to read for the rest of your life, what book would it be and why?

The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle, which guides me to make a smooth transition from “despair to selfrealization.” The Power of Now enables readers “to recognize themselves as the creators of their own pain, and how to have a pain-free existence by living fully in the present.” Accessing the deepest self, the true self, can be learned, he says, “by freeing ourselves from the conflicting, unreasonable demands of the mind and living present, fully, and intensely, in the Now.” I have learned to look at myself in the mirror, learn from my mistakes and look forward in having a safe, healthy, happy and prosperous future while enjoying and having positive impacts now.

By Madison Stoks

In the past year, our instructional media studio has elevated and enhanced the way in which our students engage in class virtually. The renovated studio is now fully equipped with teleprompters, PowerPoint presentation software and video monitors to aid the production of high-quality video and audio recording, digital green screening, live streaming and much more.

FCBE content creator Jordan Red is the one-man band when it comes to all things media production on our campus. Red explains, “The future of the studio will continue to serve as an aid and creative space for our online course content and other Fogelman media needs. Year after year, we want to visually enhance our online course presence to allow for stronger student engagement.”

The studio is readily available to all faculty, staff and partners to help provide a means of promoting programs, effectively communicating events and initiatives, or teaching current students a specific chapter from the course textbook.


Email jred@memphis.edu or scan the QR code below for visual representation of what the studio has to offer.

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