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Research Enterprise Grant

“The Adverse Effects of the ‘Anticipation of Racial Discrimination’ on Auditors who are Black, Indigenous, or People of Color (BIPOC)”

Drs. Nirmalee I. Raddatz (ACCT) & Kate Sorensen (ACCT) $30,000

Competitive FCBE Summer Faculty Research Grant Awards

“Read It in the News: Effects of Corporate Social Performance Upon News Media Sentiment and Firm Financial Performance” Dr. George Deitz (MSCM) $7,000

“Beacons to Bacon: Impact of Digital Identity Signaling on Restaurant’s Business” Dr. Ali Adeli (BIT) $7,000

“Impact of Special Interest Groups on Information Diffusion in Social Media Platforms – Evidence From Twitter Lists” Dr. Srikar Velichety (BIT) $7,000

“A Jury of One’s Peers: The Effects of the Civil Rights Act of 1991 on Jury Trials” Dr. Jose Lopez (ECON) $7,000 “The Impact of the U.S.-China Trade War on Domestic and Multinational Companies in China” Dr. Joonhyung Lee (ECON) $7,000

“Does Vulnerability to Data Breach Influence Managers’ Disclosure Strategy?” Dr. Joseph Zhang (ACCT) $5,000

“Option Implied Volatility Surface Modelling and Prediction with Machine Learning” Dr. Al Carrion (FIR) $5,000

“Platform Competition with User Data as an Input” Dr. Carmen Astorne (ECON) $5,000

“Data Breaches and Stock Price Crash Risk: Evidence from Data Breach Notification Laws” Dr. Sabatino Silveri (FIR) $5,000

“Banks Are No Stranger to Losing Consumer Trust: Can Blockchain Safeguard Consumers’ Financial Information and Rebuild Trust?” Dr. Nirmalee Raddatz (ACCT) $4,000

“Coaching in Remote Audits: How Do Coaching Directives and Remote Work presentation was the “Future of Our Electric Power.”

Environments Influence Audit Quality?” Dr. Kate Sorensen (ACCT) $4,000

Crews School of Accountancy (CSOA)

At their 2022 annual recognition and luncheon, Carnival Memphis honored the accounting industry and the CSOA for contributions made through the many successful graduates of our undergraduate and master’s degree programs.

The CSOA is pleased to announce that Dr. Philip Kunz, graduate of the University of Missouri – Columbia, has joined our faculty. Dr. Kunz has expertise in taxation and will be key in the continuation of our popular MS taxation program.

Dr. Rita Green published “How to Survive a Personal Financial Pandemic.” She was invited to participate as an author in Bookstock, the Memphis Area Authors’ Festival, sponsored by the Memphis Public Library.

Dr. Larry Moore’s article “Remembering MLGW History is Critical to Preserving It” was published in the Commercial Appeal on Feb. 21, 2022. Because of the interest garnered from this article, he was invited to be the keynote speaker for the Midtown Memphis Rotary Club on April 12, 2022, at the Southern College of Optometry. The topic of his Dr. Kate Sorensen coauthored two papers in the Managerial Auditing Journal, “Upward Feedback Falling on Deaf Ears: The Effect on Provider Organizational Citizenship and Counterproductive Work Behaviors in the Audit Profession” and “The Relationship Between Justice Perceptions and Organizational Commitment Among Alternative Work Arrangement Participants and Non-participants.”

Dr. Zabihollah Rezaee

was published in the Journal of Knowledge Management (2021), the Journal of Accounting in Emerging Economies (2022) and the Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (2022).

Dr. Joseph Zhang published the article, “How Do Auditors Perceive Client Firm’s Technological Competition? Evidence from Going Concern Opinions,” in the Journal of Business Finance & Accounting. He also virtually presented “The Steep Path: How Did KPMG Address Persistent Quality Control System Deficiencies?” to Florida International University.

Dr. Joanna Golden was invited to be a guest speaker for the Memphis Chapter of IMA, addressing how to “Lower The Costs Of Your External Audit.”

Department of Management

Drs. Kurt Kraiger and Kristen Jones were co-recipients on two grants from the State of Tennessee in the past year. In December, they received a $445,000 planning grant to the University of Memphis to explore individual and community needs to combat poverty through sustainable employment. During the planning grant, Drs. Kraiger and Jones took the lead in identifying the needs of local employers as well as their willingness to identify and support progress towards meaningful career paths for low-income workers. That research was integral in the preparation of a three-year, $25 million grant recently awarded to the UofM by the state.

The Department of Management will begin offering a BBA in human resource management in fall 2022. This degree fits well with faculty expertise and will increase job opportunities in the Memphis area for Fogelman graduates.

The department saw two doctoral students graduate in May and move on to new jobs: Devalina Nag will be joining the faculty at the University of San Diego and Michelle Montague-Mfuni will be joining the University of Richmond.

Dr. Caitlin Porter, in collaboration with Dr. Kristin Cullen-Lester (University of Mississippi) and Dr. Katelyn Cavenaugh (University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center), received a $9,000 grant from the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology for her project “The Impact of Internal and External Visibility on Time to Promotion and Retention of Women in Academic Medicine.”

Dr. Kristen Jones was recently appointed to the editorial board of the Journal of Applied Psychology.

Dr. Kelly Mollica, instructor in the Department of Management, along with co-author Dr. Nicole Coomber (Robert H. Smith School of Business at the University of Maryland), published a textbook, Management: An Interactive Approach. London-based Pearson is the largest textbook company in the world. The Mollica & Coomber textbook will be the first principles of management textbook offered in Pearson’s Revel platform, an all-digital learning experience.

Department of Business Information and Technology

Dr. Srikar Velichety

co-authored a paper titled “Impact of Online Fake News on the Equity Value of Social Media Platforms — Evidence from Twitter” in the International Journal of Information Management.

Dr. Yinan Yu published papers in the Decision Support Systems and MIS Quarterly.

Dr. Huigang Liang had three grants funded: “A Sensor-controlled Digital Game-based Approach to Improve Self-care Behaviors Among Adults Diagnosed With Hypertension in a Native American Community” ($691,344), “Enhancing Scientific Research Productivity With Foundation Models” ($13,951) and “Demand Forecasting Model for International Cargo Flights” with FedEx Services” ($10,000). He had articles published in Information Systems Research, the Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology (JAIS) and Sustainability, among others. He was nominated for the 2021 Best Paper Award by JAIS. Further, he was ranked by AIS as the No. 5 Information Systems researcher worldwide based on his straight count publications in top-ranked journals over the last 15 years.

Department of Economics

Dr. Joaquin Lopez has been promoted to associate professor with tenure.

Dr. Andrew Hussey was named a research fellow at the IZA Institute of Labor Economics and co-authored a paper titled, “Gender, Co-authorship and Scholarly Production in Economics,” which is forthcoming in Economic Inquiry.

Dr. David Kemme served as co-director of the University’s Data Science Cluster. This spring, he is planning and co-chairing the Cluster’s second annual conference.

Dr. Diego Nocetti, FCBE doctoral graduate of 2006, was recently named dean of the School of Business at Clarkson University.

Drs. David Kemme,

Thomas McInish (FIR) and Jiang Zhang published their paper “Market Fairness and Efficiency: Evidence From the Tokyo Stock Exchange” in the Journal of Banking & Finance.

Department of Finance, Insurance and Real Estate

Dr. Konstantin Sokolov and his co-author won the Journal of Finance Best Paper Award for “Every Cloud Has a Silver Lining: High Frequency Trading With Microwave Line of Sight.”

“Political Connections, Firms Leverage and Cost of Capital” by Dr. PK Jain and co-authors won the Emerald Publishing “Best Paper Award” at 8th PAN IIM World Management Conference.

Our faculty published more than 21 articles between 2021-22.

Professor Nap Overton and his students won the TVA portfolio management competitions by beating the S&P 500 index by a wide margin.

Undergraduate finance student, Nathan Miskell, won the best presenter award at the TVA finance case competition.

FCBE students won the silver medal and $5,000 in the 2022 Hedge Fund Competition held in Atlanta at Georgia Tech. Our team secured 2nd place in the world among 80+ universities.

Koby Allen, undergraduate student and Finance Club president, was awarded the Bronze Scholarship by the Financial Executives International organization.

Real estate faculty launched a property management program and minor.

CFA Institute and CFP Board certificates were renewed, which offers a three-in-one value for FCBE students (degree, certificate and national exam eligibility).

The Cook Analytics and Trading Lab re-opened for Student Bloomberg Certifications, work study and volunteer internship opportunities.

FISC interdisciplinary workshops on newly acquired research data sets are now offered free of charge to all UofM faculty and students to promote interdisciplinary research and grant opportunities.

Department of Marketing and Supply Chain Management

Dr. Gregory W. Boller presented “Acting Tradecraft/Media Training for Physicians” at the American Society of Breast Surgeons during their 2022 Annual Conference in Las Vegas, Nev.

Dr. Punya Chatterjee joined the department this fall as an assistant professor of supply chain analytics. Punya just finished her PhD in supply chain management from Penn State University.

Dr. George Deitz was recognized with a mentor award by the University of Memphis Graduate School.

Dr. Subhash Jha recently published new findings about nano-influencers in the Journal of Business Research.

Drs. Subhash Jha and George Deitz won the Best Empirical Paper for their work on environmental haptic cues in the Fogelman College’s annual Best Paper Awards.

The department’s supply chain major is now also offered fully online through UofM Global.

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