Ten European universities have joined forces to educate people responsible for their environments, equipped with the state-of-the-art knowledge, which enables them to face the most important civilisation challenges - climate change, global digitalisation, social challenges, such as migration flows or society ageing, not to mention the pandemic reality, are processes, the effects of which we are experiencing here and now and which require immediate action, based on expert knowledge. Transform4Europe aims at educating new generations of highly skilled European knowledge entrepreneurs, who will be capable of working out responses to these social, economic and environmental phenomena. It is thanks to Transform4Europe universities’ complementary research foci that the alliance has the capacity to concentrate the joint collaboration efforts on the following prioritised focus topics:
Knowledge entrepreneurialism for:
• Digital transformation and smart regions
• Environmental transformation and sustainability
• Societal transformation, community building and inclusion
In accordance with the EU higher education policies, the T4EU approach is completed by the following transversal components:
- Key competences for lifelong learning
- Digital literacy, green skills, multilingualism and intercultural competencies
- Common European values and inclusiveness
- Entrepreneurial culture and mindset
The realisation of the alliance’s objectives is carried out through a series of versatile undertakings such as joint development of strategic documents and educational formats for university communities including students, PhD students, academic and administrative staff and regional stakeholders (i.a. courses, lectures, seminars, conferences, workshops, competitions), initiating bilateral and multilateral didactic and research cooperation as well as communication measures (website, social media, presence at international educational fairs) and dissemination of project results.
Saarland University Germany
University of Trieste Italy
The university network Transform4Europe aims to train a new generation of young Europeans who will work together across disciplines and acquire digital, intercultural and entrepreneurial skills. This training enables you to actively shape the necessary transformation processes in Europe.
The Transform4Europe Alliance gives you the opportunity to incorporate a succinct programme – a European-oriented course offer at Bachelor level that leads to a certificate with up to 24 ECTS – into your studies.
The Transform4Europe Track consists of common core modules on the topics of Knowledge Entrepreneurship, Languages & Intercultural Competencies and European History, Politics, Culture, Law, Economy, and optional challenge-based modules covering the three Transform4Europe focus areas of digi-talisation, ecology and sustainability as well as social change and inclusion. Each student has the opportunity to choose one of the three in-depth modules.
What are your benefits?
• Exchange ideas with students from other academic disciplines.
• Gaining and developing European competences in a narrower relevant subfield.
• Increase your career opportunities by unique profile development.
• Increase future research and career opportunities in interdisciplinary fields.
• Networking possibilities with students from other European universities.
• Subsidised international mobility.
Study Offer
You select the Track according to your needs and interests from 3 optional challenge-based Tracks:
1. Digital transformation and smart regions
2. Environmental transformation and sustainability
3. Societal transformation, community building and inclusion as well as courses from the offered cluster of courses each semester in one of the chal-lengebased packages and from any of the core modules.
The Alliance Universities offer core and challenge-based modules every semester. You follow the offered selection and assemble your own Trans-form4Europe Track at your own pace and interest in your previously selected Track.
All the selected courses are recognised at your university either as part of your main field of study or alongside as additional elective courses.
Once you graduate and complete the Track, you receive a certificate testifying the completion of a Transform4Europe Track under the challenge-based Track or cluster title.
Transform4Europe Tracks
Digital transformation and smart regions
Environmental transformation and sustainability
Societal transformation, community building & inclusion
European history, politics, culture, law, economy 3
Knowledge entrepre-neurship
Languages & intercultural competencies
Please see below the course list for the three thematic areas, 1 Digital Transformation, 2 Environmental Transformation, 3 Societal Transformation of Transform4Europe comprising three core module lists as well as one for the respective area of specialization.
A brief explanation of terms:
• Face-to-face = students attend on campus
• hybrid = Transform4Europe students attend online, home students attend on campus
• blended = the course is largely online (for all students), but there may be faceto-face elements, for instance for project work, at the mobility week or a final exam.
• Basic Course (BC) = Knowledge in area of expertise
• Application course (AC) = Students apply knowledge to gain experience and generate societal transformative impact in limited scope.
The tracks - Digital Transformation, Environmental Transformation and Societal Transformation - consist of the three core module strands
• Knowledge Entrepreneurship
• Languages & Intercultural competencies
• European history, politics, culture, law, economy as well as the specialised module courses in the areas of
• Digital Transformation
• Environmental Transformation
• Societal Transformation
The tracks - Digital Transformation, Environmental Transformation and Societal Transformation - consist of the three core module strands
• Knowledge Entrepreneurship
• Languages & Intercultural competencies
• European history, politics, culture, law, economy as well as the specialised module courses in the areas of
• Digital Transformation
• Environmental Transformation
• Societal Transformation
Core Module Courses:
• Languages & Intercultural Competencies
• European History, Politics, Culture, Law, Economy
Specialised Module Courses:
• Digital Transformation
• Societal Transformation
Saarland University Germany
Subject title:
Matlab & Data analysis
Specialised Module Course:
Digital Transformation
Modality: online Time: 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm (CET)
Start date: 01.10.2024
Language of tuition and level: English
End date: 10.10.2024
Further information:
The participants will learn the basics of programming and in particular how to use Matlab for universal data analysis. It is a course for beginners. The aim is that participants without prior programming knowledge learn how to use Matlab for fully automated data analysis, statistical evaluation and presentation of results.
Target group: Students (including MD/PhD students) who want to learn a versatile program for their automated data analysis and want to acquire basic programming knowledge. 1 credit point in the ECTS is granted for this class if all parts are attended.
Prerequisites: Basic computer skills. Programming knowledge is not a prerequisite.
Matlab is:
• A calculator for interactive calculations A programming language that also provides complex functions with one command
• A tool for simple and complicated calculations with large amounts of data
• A platform to summarize and automate different steps of the data evaluation (e.g. read in data, summarize, statistically evaluate, create graphics and save)
• A Swiss Army Knife for data analysis and simulations
Saarland University Germany
Course contents:
• Interactive calculations with Matlab
• Automation for repeated tasks, e.g. the similar analysis of several data sets
• Fundamentals of programming: functions, loops, if statements
• Graphical representation of data/simulations/results
• Basic statistics with Matlab
• Import of data from files Structure of the course: A few minutes of lecture, then immediately trying out what you have just learned on the computer before continuing with the next topic in the lecture. Regular small exercises for consolidation and self-control.
Course dates: Four afternoons, Tuesday, October 1; Wednesday, Oct. 2; Tuesday, Oct. 8; Thursday, Oct. 10, 2024, 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM German time as online meeting in Microsoft Teams. The parts of the course strongly build on each other. Participation at all days is therefore absolutely necessary. All participants will need to have installed Matlab on their own computer. Installation instructions will follow with the confirmation of registration. If your institution does not have a license for Matlab, you can get access to the license of Saarland University.
Typically, there are more students interested than there are places. Please register only if you will really participate!
Modality: Self-study (Video content, Time: Self-study self-study material and reading lists.)
Start date: 14.10.2024
Language of tuition and level: English
End date: 07.02.2025
Further information:
This course is an E-Learning-Module with 6 ECTS. Students will study online by themselves with video content, self-study material and reading lists. 12 topics on Europe and the EU are virtually lectured by professors from seven partner universities of the Greater Region: University of Luxembourg, Université de Lorraine, Saarland University, TU Kaiserslautern, Trier University, University of Liège and htw saar. This module will be held via the learning platform OpenOLAT. Please enroll via LSF (see below). There will be an online kickoff meeting.
LSF: link
Website Saarland University: link
Saarland University Germany
Content and Structure:
Part I European Values and Identities
• Identity Politics and Representation: Group Formation in the 20th and 21st Centuries (Assoc. Prof. Sonja Kmec, University of Luxembourg)
• Sociology of Religious and Philosophical Pluralisms (Prof. Paul Clavier, Université de Lorraine)
• Rule of Law and Fundamental Rights in Europe (Dr. Marie Rota, Université des Lorraine)
• European Economic and Social History (PD Dr. Jens Späth, Universität des Saarlandes)
• History of Public Power in Europe (Prof. Dr. Philippe Poirier, University of Luxembourg)
• Art Trends in Europe (Jun.-Prof. Dr. Jonas Nesselhauf, Universität des Saarlandes)
• European Labor Market (Prof. Dr. Felix Hörisch, Kai Brumm, htw saar)
Part II: European Challenges and Actors
• Actors and Decision-making Processes in Europe (Philipp Mai, RP TU Kaiserslautern)
• The Economic Dimensions of Europe (Prof. Dr. Xenia Matschke & Prof. Dr. Joachim Schild, Universität Trier)
• European Geopolitical Actors and Issues (Dr. Antonios Vlassis, Université de Liège)
• Rights and Duties of European Individuals (Sara Mussara, Université de Liège)
• European Scientific and Environmental Challenges and Issues (Prof. JeanJacques Gaumet, Université de Lorraine)
Course registration:
• Book the course on the T4EU website
• Once you receive your student login details, select the course “EurIdentity Basic Module: Foundations of Europe” via LSF: link
• Then, register on OpenOLAT. Follow the instructions (page 4): link
A Kick-Off Meeting will take place. Exact date will be communicated.
This lecture course offers a topographical survey of U.S.-American literature by focusing on the importance of various sites and places that have gained prominence in the formation of a specifically American literature (especially New England and the South). While the focus will be on early American literature, we will also look into the tradition of local color in the late 19th century. We will start the course by tracing American literature to its Puritan beginnings, focusing on the spiritual autobiography and the Indian captivity narrative. We will also focus on the Southern colonies and analyze the writings by Captain John Smith and William Byrd. In the 19th century we will look at emergence of regional literature, the main New England texts of the American Renaissance and the local color literature of both New England and the South.
Course Readings: There will be a course reader, which will be made available on Teams.
No limit on T4EU participants number.
Lecturer: Astrid Fellner
Saarland University Germany
Subject title
Race / class / gender in borderlands
film & media
Core Module Course:
& Intercultural Competencies
Modality: ...
Start date: 17.10.2024
Language of tuition and level: English
Time: 12:15 pm.-1:45 pm. (CET)
End date: 06.02.2025
Further information:
This class will investigate representations of borders and border crossings in (US-) American film and media, especially representations of US-Mexican borderlands. Students will be familiarized with selected theoretical readings to help them critically analyze our corpus mainly consisting of films and selected examples from TV series and other media forms. Focusing on the analysis of representations of borders, border conflicts and border crossings, we will investigate in how far intersections of race, class, gender and other factors are connected to dominant/ hegemonic discourses or counter-narratives and how (US) American media include or exclude / represent or misrepresent certain groups. We will investigate how media productions are shaped by current discourses in society while they at the same time add to these discourses. Our corpus will include, among others, the movies No Country for Old Men (2007, dir. Joel and Ethan Coen), The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada (2005, dir. Tommy Lee Jones, written by Guillermo Arriaga) and Babel (2006, dir. Alejandro González Iñárritu, written Guillermo Arriaga).
Saarland University Germany
A selection of relevant secondary sources will be made available in electronic form. We will discuss access options for the films in the first session.
Course requirements:
Completion of reading assignments, a short (oral) presentation, and a short written assignment at the end of the course. Students are required to watch (excerpts) from movies etc. in advance of the sessions in which we discuss them. Regular attendance and active participation in seminar discussions is expected.
10 T4EU students
Lecturer: Bärbel Schlimbach
Saarland University Germany
Subject title:
B2 English – Academic Writing Course
Core Module Course:
Languages & Intercultural Competencies
Modality: online
Start date: 17.10.2024
Time: Thursdays 2-4 p.m. CET
End date: 06.02.2025
Language of tuition and level: English B2
Further information:
In this course, students will gain a better understanding of how to:
• build a strong paragraph
• communicate professionally through e-mail
• structure an essay
• vary sentence structure in their writing by integrating several types of adjective, noun, and adverb clauses
• edit for grammatical mistakes in their own writing.
Registration to the language center will be done together with the teacher.
Subject title:
Lecture corpus linguistics
Core Module Course:
Languages & Intercultural Competencies
Modality: Self-study (video material Time: Self-study and lab sessions with video walkthroughs)
Start date: 21.10.2024
Language of tuition and level: English
End date: 07.02.2025
Saarland University Germany
Further information:
Learning objectives/competencies: Acquisition of basic corpus-based methods for synchronous and diachronic linguistic inquiries with special consideration of variation linguistics, text science, stylistics, contrastive linguistics, sociolinguistics, language typology, and language change. The module provides skills in corpusbased analysis, including the construction, representation, annotation, and querying of text corpora.
Saarland University Germany
Subject title:
Español B2 Parte 1 + Notas periodísticas
Core Module Course:
Languages & Intercultural Competencies
Modality: hybrid
Start date: 21.10.2024
Language of tuition and level: Spanish
Time: Monday 12:15-13:45 (CEST)
End date: 03.02.2025
Further information:
El curso Español B2 Parte 1 cubre las cuatro primeras lecciones del manual y se trabajan las notas periodísticas. Los textos periodísticos no sustituyen las actividades escritas del libro sino que las complementan, ya que se pretente mejorar las habilidades de escritura, practicando una redacción periodística: actual, clara y concisa.
Nivel: B1 o B2
Manual: SGEL Nuevo Español en marcha 4 Libro del alumno con CD, ISBN 978-319-414503-0 y cuaderno de ejercicios con CD, ISBN 978-3-19-424503-7
Contactar HASTA EL 17.10.24 con:
Saarland University Germany
Subject title:
The politics of fear & activism for future: political (critical) discourse analysis
Specialised Module Course:
Digital Transformation
ECTS: 3/4/5
Modality: hybrid
Start date: 21.10.2024
Language of tuition and level: English
Time: 12.15 pm.-1.45 pm. (CET)
End date: 03.02.2025
Further information:
2024 is the year of elections. In June, the European Union elected the European Parliament, resulting in a shift further right. Further local, regional, and national elections will follow in the summer and the fall. Particularly the elections in the United Kingdom in July and in the United States in November are being awaited anxiously. Political communication traditionally offers a rich pool of linguistic material for analysis, ranging from political speeches to election campaigns, posters, and videos, and much more. However, soci(et)al issues and debates are not only fought out and negotiated in the realm of professional politics; people also take to the streets to voice protest and draw the public attention to urgent matters. Furthermore, the internet and particularly social media offer an easily accessible and handable outlet where people can publicly share their opinions.
Saarland University Germany
This seminar is designed as an introduction to Critical Digital Discourse Analysis or Critical Digital Discourse Studies in the field of linguistics. As such, at the core of this course is the critical study of discourse. Particular focus is placed on how language and other semiotic resources are used, particularly in social and digital media and with the help of AI, to (re)produce power relations and convey ideological convictions in today’s society.
In this seminar, students will learn the basic terminology and main approaches of critical discourse studies with a focus on politics and activism. We will explore how tools from critical discourse analysis can be implemented to make sense of the multimodal discursive practices in politics and activism and to reveal the discursive sources of power, dominance, inequality, and bias. We will consider language as a social practice and investigate language use as both socially shaped and also socially shaping. We will also focus on the exploration of the positioning and negotiation of categories, such as race, class, and gender, as well as on the role of today’s digital media and AI in shaping and re-producing political discourses.
Saarland University Germany
Barker, Chris (2001): Cultural Studies and Discourse Analysis: A Dialogue on Language and Identity. London: Sage.
Fairclough, Norman (1989): Language and Power. Harlow: Addison Wesley Longman. Jones, Rodney. H., Chik, Alice, & Hafner, Cristoph. A. (Eds.) (2015). Discourse and Digital Practices: Doing discourse analysis in the digital age. 1st ed. London: Routledge.
Leeuwen, Theo van (2008): Discourse and Practice: New Tools for Critical Discourse Analysis. Oxford: Oxford UP.
Wodak, Ruth (2009): Methods of Critical Discourse Analysis. Los Angeles: SAGE. Wodak, Ruth (2020): The Politics of Fear: The Shameless Normalization of Far-Right Discourse. 2nd ed. London: Sage.
Young, Lynne, and Bridgit Fitzgerald (2017): The Power of Language. How Discourse Influences Society. Sheffield: Equinox Publishing.
Additional readings assigned in class.
This class will take place in a hybrid format on-site and on-line (on demand) on MS Teams
5-7 T4EU students
Lecturer: Eva Nossem
Saarland University Germany
Subject title:
Español C.1 Parte 2 + Informe laboral: gráficas
Core Module Course:
Languages & Intercultural Competencies
Modality: hybrid
Start date: 22.10.2024
Language of tuition and level: Spanish
Time: Tuesday 12:15-13:45 (CEST)
End date: 04.02.2025
Further information:
El curso Español C1 Parte 2 es de perfeccionamiento del idioma, por lo que pondremos especial énfasis en mejorar nuestra competencia comunicativa, enriquecer nuestro vocabulario y superar errores fosilizados.
Nivel: B2 o C1
Manual: Editorial Difusión, C de C1 Curso de Español de Nivel Superior ISBN: 978-312-515024-9 y Cuaderno de Ejercicios C de C1 Curso de Español de Nivel Superior ISBN:978-3-12-515025-6
Contactar HASTA EL 17.10.24 con:
Saarland University Germany
Subject title:
Ukraine in Europe: culture, borders, identity
Core Module Course:
European History, Politics, Culture, Law, Economy
Modality: online
Start date: 21.10.2024
Language of tuition and level: English
Time: Wednesdays 10 am.- 12 pm. (CET)
End date: 03.02.2025
Further information:
In the context of the Russian-Ukrainian war, the issues of borders and territories have become particularly important for Ukraine. The purpose of this course is to present and discuss selected literary and artistic reflections on these issues in the work of Ukrainian artists. During the lectures and seminars, we will examine works representing Ukraine’s frontier discourse and its relations with neighboring countries that included certain parts of Ukraine’s current territory at different times. Using the concepts of border aesthetics, you will learn about the creation of Ukraine’s cultural subjectivity in Europe, particularly in Germany, after World War II. Finally, you will gain insight into contemporary artistic interpretations of the theme of borders that imply transregional perspectives and diverse intercultural dialogues.
Lecturer: Tetiana Shestopalova
Saarland University Germany
Subject title:
Español B2 Parte 3 + Entrevistas periodísticas
Core Module Course:
Languages & Intercultural Competencies
Modality: hybrid
Start date: 23.10.2024
Language of tuition and level: Spanish
Time: Wednesday 12:15-13:45 (CEST)
End date: 05.02.2025
Further information:
El curso Español B2 Parte 3 cubre las últimas cuatro lecciones del manual y se trabajan las entrevistas periodísticas. Los textos periodísticos no sustituyen las actividades escritas del libro sino que las complementan, ya que se pretenden mejorar las habilidades de escritura, practicando una redacción periodística: actual, clara y concisa.
Nivel: B1 o B2
Manual: SGEL Nuevo Español en marcha 4 Libro del alumno con CD, ISBN 978-319-414503-0 y cuaderno de ejercicios con CD, ISBN 978-3-19-424503-7
Contactar HASTA EL 17.10.24 con:
Saarland University Germany
Subject title:
Core Module Course:
Languages & Intercultural Competencies
Modality: online
Start date: 23.10.2024
(Kick-off meeting: 16.10.24 - 2:15 p.m.)
Time: Wednesday 2:15 p.m. (CET)
End date: 15.01.2025
Language of tuition and level: Spanish - all levels from A2.2 welcome
Further information:
The aim of this self-study online Spanish course is to enable students to prepare themselves for a semester abroad at a Spanish university providing them knowledge and practical information about university life in Spain and strategies to cope with everyday life on site. The course will focus on academic and socio-cultural aspects of the Spanish language and culture taking into account the communicative and the action-oriented approach. Students work independently over 10 weeks in the winter term. It includes self-study tasks and work in virtual MOODLE environment: reading and listening comprehensions, internet researches, interactive tests and exercises. Besides the asynchronous conversations possible with the teacher, there will be an online event (MS Teams) every 2 weeks for practical, oral assignments, questions and exchange with the teacher and with other students.
Kick-off meeting: 16.10.24 / 14:15 / MS Teams (for the link please send an e-mail to:
Duration: 23.10.24 to 15.01.25
Learning material: every week a new lesson in MOODLE for self-learning
5 Online Events: TBA / Wed. 14:15 / MS Teams
Spanish language level: all levels from A2.2 welcome
This course looks at literary and cinematic texts to examine how these texts narrate the encounter between refuges and the sea. Drawing on a handful of secondary material, we will attempt to unpack the political and aesthetic meanings attached to maritime crossings, the ways these narratives engage with legal and affective archives, with the politics of Fortress Europe, but also with the sea as a watery space whose properties both enable and disable the passages in question.
We will therefore look also at how these cultural texts represent the materiality of seawater and the ways refugees inhabit and make use of this highly volatile realm to navigate not only the sea itself but also the bordering practices Europe deploys as it relies on the properties of seawater to enforce borders in places where there are none.
Blocked seminar on following Fridays: 25 Oct.; 15 Nov.; 29 Nov.; 6 Dec.; 13 Dec
Up to 10 T4EU students
Lecturer: Ewa Macura-Nnamdi
Saarland University Germany
• Helon Habila: Travellers (2019)
• Omar El Akkad: What Strange Paradise (2021)
• Remi Weekes (dir): His House (2020)
• Mati Diop (dir.): Atlantics (2019)
• Segun Afolabi: “Ezekiel”
• Davies, Thom, Arshad Isakjee and Surindar Dhesi. “Violent Inaction: The Necropolitical
• Experience of Refugees in Europe.” Antipode, 2017, 49:5, pp. 1263-1284.
• Dickson, Andonea Jon. “Mobility control in ungovernable spaces: Cultivating the
• Mediterranean’s fatal materiality.” EPC: Politics and Space, 39:5, 2021, pp. 9931010.
• Heller, Charles and Lorenzo Pezzani. “Liquid Traces: Investigating the Deaths of Migrants at the
• EU’s Maritime Frontier.” Nicholas de Genova (ed.). The Borders of ‘Europe’: Autonomy of Migration, Tactics of Bordering. London and Durhma: Duke University Press, 2017.
• Pugliese, Joseph. “Technologies of Extraterritorialization, Statist Visuality and Irregular Migrants and Refugees.” Griffith Law Review, 2013, 22:3, pp. 571-597.
• Rygiel, Kim. “Dying to live: migrant deaths and citizenship politics along European borders: transgressions, disruptions, and mobilizations.” Citizenship Studies, 2016, 20:5, pp. 545-560.
• Tamalet, Edwige. “Seawater.” Contemporary French and Francophone Studies, 2021, 25:2, pp. 207-217.
Saarland University Germany
French A2.1
Core Module Course:
Languages & Intercultural Competencies
Modality: hybrid
Start date: 30.10.2024
Language of tuition and level: French
Time: Wednesdays, 6 pm. - 7:30 pm.
End date: 05.02.2025
Further information:
General language class – you will learn French grammar, oral and written expression, all at a level A2.1. You can have more information by writing to the teacher:
Learning material: Le Bougnec, Jean-Thierry; Lopes, Marie-José: Inspire 2. Méthode de français A2. ISBN: 9783192333873
Lecturer: David Chemeta
Saarland University Germany
Subject title:
Knowledge Entrepreneurship
Core Module Course:
Knowledge Entrepreneurship
Modality: hybrid
Start date: 07.11.2024
Language of tuition and level: English
Time: Thursdays 2 – 4 pm.
End date: 15.01.2025
Further information:
Our society faces challenges of a magnitude and variety rarely seen before. New technologies, pollution, migration patterns, to just name a few, result in increasing pressure to transform present business models, structures and processes to meet these challenges. Within the disciplines’ innovation management and entrepreneurship, many strategies and instruments were developed to design products, services, processes and structures to realize novel ideas and enable change. Still, in the face of ecological, social and digital transformation, the respective models and instruments appear to fall short in enacting change, appropriate to the speed and significance of our challenges. One answer for the call of an adapted approach is knowledge entrepreneurship. The new concept aims to empower individuals to seek and implement transformational change. The lecture introduces state of the art innovation adoption models and innovation barriers. Subsequently, participants learn more about the concept of knowledge entrepreneurship and several strategies, which are developed and tested for the purpose of striving for transformation, are scrutinized.
SDG 16 – Humanity’s greatest challenges: Peace, Justice and Strong
Specialised Module Course:
Societal Transformation
Modality: online
Start date: 06.11.2024
Language of tuition and level: English
Time: Wednesdays and Thursdays at 17:30-18:45
End date: 12.12.2024
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Portugal
Further information
The objectives of this module are to understand the importance of the SDG as a universal and strategic language for the future of humanity. The challenge posed by SDS 16 will be observed with a multisectoral lens: public, private sector, and civil society. At the end of the course it is expected that the student understands the connection between Peace, Justice, and State / Institution Building: learns the main concepts of effective institutions, under-stands why effective institutions are vital for SDG implementation, and identifies approaches to effective institution building among other objectives. The role of institutions and companies on fulfilling their role on the objectives 16.2 (End abuse, exploitation, trafficking and all forms of violence against and torture of children), 16.5 (Substantially reduce corruption and bribery in all their forms), 16.7 (Ensure responsive, inclusive, participatory and representative decision making at all levels) and 16. B (Promote and enforce nondiscriminatory laws and policies for sustainable development)
Registration up to 30 September.
Maximum number of T4EU students: No limits
Core Module Courses:
• Knowledge Entrepreneurship
• Languages & Intercultural Competencies
• European History, Politics, Culture, Law, Economy
Specialised Module Courses:
• Digital Transformation
• Environmental Transformation
University of Primorska Slovenia
Sport Tourism
Core Module Course:
Knowledge Entrepreneurship
Modality: hybrid Time: TBC
Start date: 01.10.2024
Language of tuition and level: English
End date: 17.01.2025
Further information:
The course introduces the student to the field of sport events and tourism with basic data analysis of the economic, destination, marketing, environmental, social, governance and security perspective. Students learn basic general and data knowledge of a contiguous field of sports events and tourism. Students will learn about general and specialized theoretical basis, strategic documents and real situation examples from the field of sports tourism. On the real situation examples integrated on sport, events and tourism area student conduct simple analyzes and are able to present them.
Some course contents:
• Sport Events and Tourism
• Global trends sport events industry
• Legal issues of sport event organization
• Management of sport events
• Impacts of Sport Events
Number of places for T4EU students: 10.
Lecturer: Miha Lesjak
University of Primorska Slovenia
Subject title:
English as Professional Language
Core Module Course:
Languages & Intercultural Competencies
Modality: hybrid Time: TBC
Start date: 01.10.2024
Language of tuition and level: English
End date: 17.01.2025
Further information:
This course is designed to enhance students’ English language skills in various technical fields of EU action.
Through discussions, case studies, group projects and independent learning, students will be familiarised with the typical phraseology, terminology and contextual and cultural nuances of using English in professional fields such as finance, trade, employment, culture, tourism and research, while at the same time developing their intercultural, sociolinguistic and digital skills essential for their future academic and professional careers. To engage in this course effectively, students should have a language proficiency in English at least at level B2 (CEFR).
Number of places for T4EU students: 15.
Lecturer: Martina Paradiž
University of Primorska Slovenia
Subject title:
Introduction to Heritage Studies
Core Module Course:
European History, Politics, Culture, Law, Economy
Modality: hybrid Time: TBC
Start date: 01.10.2024
Language of tuition and level: English
End date: 17.01.2025
Further information:
The course provides an overview of the fundamental epistemological frameworks and concepts in the field of heritage studies, with an emphasis on their interdisciplinary character, which crosses and connects various fields of humanities and social sciences.
• Students will get aquinted with the development of this new field, which is in the phase of transformation into an independent science. So they will get to know concepts from anthropology, philosophy, and human geography, which provided the basis for their studies.
• Based on practical examples from various internationally selected cases, they will get acquainted with the basic concepts and definitions from the field (monument, heritage, heritageisation, heritage discourses, heritage dissonance; invented traditions; imagined communities; authenticity; collective memory, lieux de memoire/sites of memory...). Special emphasis will be devoted to the cultural-historical development of the concepts.
Within T4EU The course is conceived for students that are already engaged in heritage topics, in related disciplines (heritage studies, anthropology, art history, archaeology, geography, museology, conservation).
Neža Čebron Lipovec
University of Primorska Slovenia
Subject title:
Financial markets, institutions and
Core Module Course:
European History, Politics, Culture, Law, Economy
Modality: hybrid
Start date: To be confirmed
Language of tuition and level: English
Time: TBC
End date: To be confirmed
Further information:
The purpose of this course is to explore financial markets, the essential role of financial institutions, and the variety of financial instruments available. Students will gain insight into the structure and functions of the financial system and the operation of equity, debt, derivatives, and foreign exchange markets. The course also covers the operation of major financial institutions such as banks, investment intermediaries, and insurance companies. It also provides a detailed examination of financial instruments, from traditional options such as stocks and bonds to complex derivatives, emphasizing their use in risk management and investment strategies. By combining theoretical knowledge with practical insights and real data, this course equips students with knowledge of the mechanisms of the financial system and its impact on the global economy.
Number of places for T4EU students: 10.
Lecturer: Suzana Laporšek
At UP Faculty of Management, we have quarters, and whether it is going to be 1st or 2nd quarter hasn’t been decided yet.
University of Primorska Slovenia
Subject title:
Economic statistics
Core Module Course:
European History, Politics, Culture, Law, Economy
Modality: hybrid
Start date: 01.10.2024
Language of tuition and level: English
Time: TBC
End date: 17.01.2025
Further information:
The aim of this course is to present to the students the two facets of statistics. On the one hand, the course explains official data - its creation, calculation, purpose and use. On the other hand, the course discussed the official statistical data from the perspective of interpretation and appropriability. The topics covered range from prices and output (GDP and industrial production) to population and labour, as well as global indeces like the Human Development Index or Corruption Perception Index. During the course students should get acquainted with the basics and operating principles of official statistics with an emphasis on statistical concepts of economic activity; as well as understand the conceptual bases of economic statistics and quality assessment (while being able to discuss limitations of indicators from the field of economic statistics). This means that the course provides to students the knowledge and skills to be able to search for secondary statistical data in the field of economic activity and use statistical software tools to perform statistical analysis and work with statistical databases in a correct and appropriate manner.
Number of places for T4EU students: 10
Lecturer: Ana Grdović Gnip
At UP Faculty of Management, we have quarters, and this subject will be in the 2nd quarter, ie. starting November, 25
Subject title:
Permutation groups
Specialised Module Course:
Digital Transformation
Modality: hybrid Time: TBC
Start date: 01.10.2024
Language of tuition and level: English
End date: 17.01.2025
University of Primorska Slovenia
Further information: Content:
• group action.
• orbits and stabilizers.
• extensions to multiply transitive groups.
• primitivity and imprimitivity.
• permutation groups and graphs.
• graph automorphisms, vertex-transitive and Cayley graphs.
• graphs with a chosen degree of symmetry.
• permutation groups and designs.
Number of places for T4EU students: 15.
Lecturer: Istvan Kovacs
Subject title:
Galois Theory
Specialised Module Course:
Digital Transformation
Modality: hybrid Time: TBC
Start date: 01.10.2024
Language of tuition and level: English
End date: 17.01.2025
University of Primorska Slovenia
Further information: Content:
• Classical formulas
• Polynomials and field theory
• Fundamental theorem on symmetric polynomials and discriminants
• Roots of unity and cyclotomic polynomials
• Solvability by radicals
• Basic elements of Galois theory. Automorphisms. Galois extensions.
• Fundamental theorem of Galois theory
• Classical theorems by Abel, Galois, Gauss, Kronecker, Lagrange, and Ruffini.
• Applications and examples
Number of places for T4EU students: 15.
Lecturer: Michel Lavrauw
University of Primorska Slovenia
Subject title:
Cryptography and Computer Safety
Specialised Module Course:
Digital Transformation
Modality: hybrid Time: TBC
Start date: 01.10.2024
Language of tuition and level: English
End date: 17.01.2025
Further information: Content:
• Classical ciphers and historical development
• Fiestel’s cipher and AES (Advanced Encryption Standard)
• Finite fields and Extended Euclidean algorithm
• Public crypto systems, one-way functions and related problems from number theory (testing primality, factorization of integers, discrete logarithm problem)
• Hash functions and message integrity (authentication)
• Key exchange protocols and identification protocols
• Pseudo random number generator
• Other protocols (flipping a coin over the telephone, mental poker, secret sharing, verification codes, visual cryptography, zero knowledge proofs)
• Public key infrastructure (PKI), certificate authority (CA)
• Broader view on cryptography – security of information and network security
Number of places for T4EU students: 15.
Lecturer: Rene Rodriguez Aldama
Subject title:
Financial Topics in English
Specialised Module Course:
Digital Transformation
Modality: hybrid Time: TBC
Start date: 01.10.2024
Language of tuition and level: English
End date: 17.01.2025
University of Primorska Slovenia
Further information:
This course discusses money, its roles and functions, from a microeconomic and macroeconomic perspective.
The most important topics tackled by the course involve:
• Money demand and money supply along with the money creation process and the money multiplier
• Models of monetary policy, with a special attention to the role of interest rates and inflation targeting
• Transmission mechanisms of monetary policy and the effectiveness of different instruments
• Euroarea monetary policy and its specificities.
Number of places for T4EU students: 15.
Lecturer: Ana Grdović Gnip
Subject title:
Sustainable projects in entrepreneuship
Specialised Module Course:
Environmental Transformation
Modality: hybrid Time: TBC
Start date: 01.10.2024
Language of tuition and level: English
End date: 17.01.2025
University of Primorska Slovenia
Further information:
The course purpose is that students learn the fundamentals of designing and planning sustainable projects in entrepreneurship with an emphasis on ecology, cocreation and social entrepreneurship.
Number of places for T4EU students: 10.
Lecturer: Jana Hojnik
UP FM has quarters, and whether it is going to be 1st or 2nd quarter hasn’t been decided yet.
University of Primorska Slovenia
Subject title:
Evolutionary and Population Genetics
Specialised Module Course:
Environmental Transformation
Modality: hybrid Time: TBC
Start date: 01.10.2024
Language of tuition and level: English
End date: 17.01.2025
Further information:
The aim of this course is to introduce students to the basic concepts of evolutionary and population genetics, and deepen their knowledge about the usefulness of molecular tools determining evolutionary history of species and in the study of populations of plants and animals.
General competences: students obtain detailed insight on measuring genetic diversity of populations (heterozygosity, distribution and allele frequencies, genotypes) and factors that affect this diversity (selection, genetic drift, mutations, gene flow).
Specific competences: Students will be able to understand specifics of molecular evolution and application of bioinformatics into molecular evolution and phylogenetics. The origin of populations and their structure in space. Lectures will provide theoretical knowledge, which will be upgraded in the tutorials with practical computational exercises and case-studies. By addressing key problems in the course the students will learn different research methods and techniques that will allow them to acquire new skills and develop critical thinking.
Number of places for T4EU students: 10.
Lecturer: Elena Bužan
Subject title:
Sustainable Tourism
Specialised Module Course:
Environmental Transformation
Modality: online Time: TBC
Start date: 01.10.2024
Language of tuition and level: English
End date: 17.01.2025
University of Primorska Slovenia
Further information:
In the course students will deepen their reflection in the field of influences to the environment quality on the value of the tourist product and the negative effects of tourism on the environment and understand that it is not possible to offer unlimited tourism development. Students will develop the ability to form new concepts and models of tourism development according to the environmentally friendly basis. They will get to know and observe the natural key factors needed to create innovative and sustainable tourism products. Some course contents:
• Definition of sustainable development with sustainable according to environmental pressures
• Economic, social and environmental aspects of sustainable development
• Environmental and tourism policy of the EU and Slovenia
• Sustainable approach oriented to integrated tourist development and planning
Number of places for T4EU students: 10.
Lecturer: Simon Kerma/Emil Juvan
Core Module Courses:
• European History, Politics, Culture, Law, Economy
Specialised Module Courses:
• Digital Transformation
University of Silesia in Katowice Poland
Subject title:
Artificial Intelligence
Core Module Course:
European History, Politics, Culture, Law, Economy
Modality: online
Start date: 01.10.2024
Time: To Be Confirmed
End date: 16.01.2025
Language of tuition and level: English/Polish
Further information:
The course relates to ethical, social and legal implications of AI. It challenges the concept of AI by examining its occurrence in domestic, including EU, and international frameworks. Specific research areas cover AI-related concepts, applications across industries and states; environmental consequences of AI; ethics of AI – how far should we trust technology; discriminatory algorithms; data protection law; cybersecurity; AI on trial; weaponising AI; needs for international, EU and domestic regulations. The course encourages students to conduct an independent analysis of voluntary reading material and critically evaluate discussed matters, to research additional data and to clarify arguments and possible answers to the problems posed by machine learning tools.
Lecturer: Dominika Iwan-Sojka
Classes will be held on Mondays, duration of classes: 1.5 h; within time period between 1.45 pm and 8.30 pm. Starting time will be announced later.
Subject title:
Artificial Intelligence
Specialised Module Course:
Digital Transformation
Modality: online Time: To Be Confirmed
Start date: 01.10.2024
End date: 16.01.2025
Language of tuition and level: English/Polish
Further information:
The course relates to ethical, social and legal implications of AI. It challenges the concept of AI by examining its occurrence in domestic, including EU, and international frameworks. Specific research areas cover AI-related concepts, applications across industries and states; environmental consequences of AI; ethics of AI – how far should we trust technology; discriminatory algorithms; data protection law; cybersecurity; AI on trial; weaponising AI; needs for international, EU and domestic regulations. The course encourages students to conduct an independent analysis of voluntary reading material and critically evaluate discussed matters, to research additional data and to clarify arguments and possible answers to the problems posed by machine learning tools.
Lecturer: Dominika Iwan-Sojka
(This course can also be found in the Module “European History, Politics, Culture, Law, Economy”)
Classes will be held on Mondays, duration of classes: 1.5 h; within time period between 1.45 pm and 8.30 pm. Starting time will be announced later.
University of Silesia in Katowice Poland
Core Module Courses:
• Knowledge Entrepreneurship
• European History, Politics, Culture, Law, Economy
Specialised Module Courses:
• Digital Transformation
• Environmental Transformation
• Societal Transformation
University of Trieste Italy
Subject title:
Core Module Course:
European History, Politics, Culture, Law, Economy
ECTS: 12
Modality: online Time: To Be Confirmed
Start date: 23.09.2024
Language of tuition and level: English
End date: 21.12.2024
Further information:
Building on contemporary research, theory, and practice, the course explores the key issues of Financial and Managerial Accounting, such as: the use of financial information in the decision-making process, measuring financial performance, financial statements and financial statement analysis, and business ethics. The course emphasizes the construction of the basic financial accounting statements - the income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement - as well as their interpretation. The concepts and principles that are taught in this course are not country-specific, although an emphasis is given to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).
Study Path:
• Department of Economics, Business, Mathematical and Statistical Sciences.
• Business administration.
• Business and management.
Course Code: 013EC
Maximum n. of T4EU students: 10
Professor: Bertoni Michele
Subject title:
Environmental and resource economics
Specialised Module Course:
Environmental Transformation
Modality: online
Start date: 23.09.2024
Language of tuition and level: English
Time: To Be Confirmed
End date: 21.12.2024
University of Trieste Italy
Further information:
• Introduction: economics, natural resources and the environment
• Markets and public goods
• Environmental policies.
• Environmental evaluation: principles and methods.
• Renewable and nonrenewable resources economics.
Study Path:
• Department of Economics, Business, Mathematical and Statistical Sciences.
• Class of master’s degrees in Economic Sciences.
• Economy, environment and development.
Course Code: 616EC
Maximum n. of T4EU students: 5
Professor: Rotaris Lucia
Subject title:
Economic Geography
Specialised Module Course:
Societal Transformation
Modality: online Time: To Be Confirmed
Start date: 23.09.2024
Language of tuition and level: English
End date: 21.12.2024
University of Trieste Italy
Further information:
The course examines the way in which individuals and enterprises organize their economic activities in space and the extent to which society recognizes the socioeconomic impacts of such activities across space and uses its institutions to influence these interdependencies and impacts. The course is focused on how geographic and economic conditions affect the products, industries, commerce and resources in a variety of regions. The course tackles the concepts, theories, and methodologies used by geographers to analyze economic change. The course provides an introduction Economic and Human Geography, particularly in terms of the geographical pattern of residentially, production and consumption, as well as the consumer’s behavior. These topics include theories and basic economic geography models as, for instance, location theories, gravity and spatial interaction models.
Study Path:
• Department of Economics, Business, Mathematical and Statistical Sciences.
• Business administration.
• Business and management.
Course Code: 121EC
Maximum n. of T4EU students: No limits.
Professor: Borruso Giuseppe
Subject title:
Management of Innovation
Core Module Course:
Knowledge Entrepreneurship
Modality: online Time: To Be Confirmed
Start date: 23.09.2024
Language of tuition and level: English
End date: 21.12.2024
University of Trieste Italy
Further information: Multidisciplinary Theoretical Knowledge: This course equips students with comprehensive knowledge across various fields, including strategy, organizational science and management. Each area is meticulously designed to enhance and strengthen the students’ understanding of innovation management principles. Strategic and Operational Skills: The course develops essential competencies and skills for effectively planning, implementing, and controlling activities in managing innovation. These abilities are tailored to address the increasing focus on digitalization, sustainability, and new data-driven management models. Students will gain practical experience to independently navigate and manage these processes. Soft Skills Development: The program emphasizes intellectual and managerial skills. Intellectual skills include critical analysis, independent and informed judgment, and effective oral and written presentation. Managerial skills encompass teamwork, leadership, interpersonal relationships, and project management. These skills are fostered through lab activities in class, guests from firms, providing hands-on experience that complements theoretical learning.
• Department of Economics, Business, Mathematical and Statistical Sciences.
• Business administration.
• Business and management.
Course Code: 086EC
Maximum n. of T4EU students: 10
Professor: Bortoluzzi Guido
University of Trieste Italy
Subject title:
Sustainable Development and Circular Economy
Specialised Module Course:
Societal Transformation
Modality: online
Start date: 23.09.2024
Language of tuition and level: English
Time: To Be Confirmed
End date: 21.12.2024
Further information: KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING: Know the basic different theories of Economic Growth, the concept of Sustainable Development, in its multidisciplinary meaning and the concept of Circular Economy, and how agricultural activities and the natural capital relate to and interact with these.
APPLYING KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING: Know how to understand and interpret a) the complexity of the sustainable development concept according to its multidisciplinary approach, including economic, social and environmental aspects, and b) therelated debate on the sustainability of agriculture in the global context with respect to the goal of food security.
MAKING JUDGEMENTS: Students must demonstrate, at the end of the course, that they have not only acquired knowledge and concepts, but that they are able to carry out autonomous critical analyses of specific case studies, presented in scientific papers provided by teachers.
COMMUNICATION SKILLS: The written exam on the main topics analyzed during the course and on one of the case study assigned by the teacher, aims to verify the student’s ability to communicate the concepts learned during the course using the proper disciplinary lexicon.
University of Trieste Italy
LEARNING SKILLS: At the end of the course the student will have to demonstrate that they have acquired the knowledge and skills described in this syllabus, and a capacity for critical analysis that will allow them to independently study further specific topics or take more advanced courses.
• Department of Economics, Business, Mathematical and Statistical Sciences.
• Class of master’s degrees in Economic Sciences.
• Economy, environment and development.
Course Code: 615EC
Maximum n. of T4EU students: No limits. Professor: Gallenti Gianluigi
University of Trieste Italy
Subject title:
Organizational Behavior and design
Core Module Course:
Knowledge Entrepreneurship
Modality: online Time: To Be Confirmed
Start date: 23.09.2024
Language of tuition and level: English
End date: 21.12.2024
Further information:
The course aims to integrate and expand the educational objectives of the degree program, providing students with a deep and practical understanding of organizational and managerial dynamics in both national and international contexts. Through a rigorous theoretical and practical approach, the course aims to train qualified professionals prepared to interpret and manage the complexities of the modern business world.
• Department of Economics, Business, Mathematical and Statistical Sciences.
• Business administration.
• Business and management.
Course Code: 090EC
Maximum n. of T4EU students: 10
Professor: Garlatti Costa Grazia
University of Trieste Italy
Subject title:
Economics of ecosystem services
Specialised Module Course:
Environmental Transformation
Modality: online Time: To Be Confirmed
Start date: 23.09.2024
Language of tuition and level: English
End date: 21.12.2024
Further information:
• Theoretical background: biodiversity, ecosystem services, human wellbeing and the economy.
• Valuation of ecosystem services: indicators, theoretical paradigms, methodologies.
• 3. Ecosystem service management and policy
Study Path:
• Department of Life Science.
• Environmental Science and Technology.
• Global change ecology and sustainability.
Course Code: 939SV
Maximum n. of T4EU students: 10 Professor: Carzedda Matteo
Subject title:
Biodiversity Data Science
Core Module Course:
Knowledge Entrepreneurship
Modality: online Time: To Be Confirmed
Start date: 23.09.2024
Language of tuition and level: English
End date: 21.12.2024
University of Trieste Italy
Further information:
The course aims at providing basic knowledge to organize, manage, and use biodiversity databases, both at management and research level. Furthermore, it aims at providing knowledge to support students in the drafting of research projects and proposals. Learning and understanding - knowledge of main database structures, and understanding of the logic beneath their functioning- knowledge of the different types of data that exist in the field of biodiversity - understanding of the functioning of niche models - knowledge of the methodological basis for the generation of niche models - knowledge of the main tools for the production of interactive digital identification keys, and understanding of their logic - understanding on how to develop a research project in the field of biodiversity informatics, and how to turn it into a project proposal.
At the end of the course, students will be able to organize biodiversity data in databases and aggregate them in federated and / or interoperable systems. They will also be able to use data in different lines of research, from ecological niche modelling to taxonomy, and therefore will be able to interact with different research groups in multidisciplinary approaches. They will also be able to draw up solid and sound project proposals, which can be spent in research, and in competitive calls for funding.
Study Path:
• Department of Life Science.
• Environmental Science and Technology.
• Global change ecology and sustainability.
Course Code: 930SV
Maximum n. of T4EU students: 10
Professor: Martellos Stefano
University of Trieste Italy
University of Trieste Italy
Subject title:
Gene Therapy and Regenerative
Specialised Module Course:
Societal Transformation
Modality: online
Start date: 23.09.2024
Language of tuition and level: English
Time: To Be Confirmed
End date: 21.12.2024
Further information:
The course addresses the main topics relevant to gene therapy and regenerative medicine, with reference to the molecular mechanisms underlying age-related degenerative diseases, and innovative biological therapies (recombinant proteins, gene therapy, cell therapy) that aim to interfere with these mechanisms.
Study Path:
• Department of Life Science.
• Biology, Biotechnology, Genomics and Neuroscience.
The course will develop topics related to the main benthic, demersal and pelagic fish stocks and their distribution with particular reference to the Italian seas, the main fishing tools and their regulation at European and international scale. In addition, the course will delve into topics related to the selectivity, sustainability and yield of fishing gear, techniques for assessing the state of fish stocks, including modelling, as well as those related to overfishing and farming practices
Study Path:
• Department of Life Science.
• Environmental Science and Technology.
• Marine and coastal environmental science.
Course Code: 914SV
Maximum n. of T4EU students: No limits. Professor: Libralato Simone
Subject title:
Molecular immunology and immunotherapy
Specialised Module Course:
Societal Transformation
Modality: online Time: To Be Confirmed
Start date: 23.09.2024
Language of tuition and level: English
End date: 21.12.2024
University of Trieste Italy
Further information:
• General aspects of the immune system and immune response
• Antibodies / monoclonal antibodies / recombinant antibodies / human antibodies in diagnosis and for therapeutic purpose
• Immune system and cancer / Cancer immunotherapy
• Hypersensitivity and therapeutic neutralization of the immune system
• Immunodeficiencies and therapies
• Vaccines
• transplantation: role of the immune system and therapeutic prevention of its activation
Study Path:
• Department of Life Science.
• Biology, Biotechnology, Genomics and Neuroscience.
• Medical and diagnostic biotechnologies.
Course Code: 984SV
Maximum n. of T4EU students: 5
Professor: Macor Paolo
Subject title:
Specialised Module Course:
Environmental Transformation
Modality: online Time: To Be Confirmed
Start date: 23.09.2024
Language of tuition and level: English
End date: 21.12.2024
University of Trieste Italy
Further information:
• Lessons from the Past.
· Main topics: World Maps: biogeographical Regions of Animals; Evolution: Darwin and Wallace and the source of Novelty; The Distribution of Lifetoday.
• The challenge of existing.
Main topics: Ecosystems and Species Diversity with attention also to the Novel Ecosystems; Cosmopolitan and restricted groups; Limits of
· Distribution and overcoming the Barriers; Predators and preys, Parasites and Hosts; Migration and Invasions.
• The Fauna of Islands.
· Main topics: Type of Islands, Death and Evolution on Islands, Peculiarities of island animals.
• Patterns of Life.
Main topics: From Evolution to Patterns of life; Pattern in the Oceans; Setting the Scene of Today; Ice and Change.
• Conservation Biogeography.
· Main topics: Modern Humans and Megafaunal extinctions; Animal
· Domestication; Crisis Management: Responding to Biodiversity Loss; The Birth, the Aim and Ongoing Conservation Biogeography.
Study Path:
• Department of Life Science.
• Environmental Science and Technology.
• Global change ecology and sustainability.
Course Code: 947SV
Maximum n. of T4EU students: No limits. Professor: Manfrin Chiara
University of Trieste Italy
University of Trieste Italy
Subject title:
Data-driven Systems Engineering
Specialised Module Course:
Digital Transformation
Modality: online Time: To Be Confirmed
Start date: 23.09.2024
Language of tuition and level: English
End date: 21.12.2024
Further information: The course content is divided into three main sections:
1. Data Analysis using Python
1.1 Introduction to Python and its applications in data analysis
1.2 Data cleaning and preprocessing techniques
1.3 Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) and Data Visualization
1.4 Machine Learning for Data Analysis
2. Software Engineering
2.1. Software Evolution: Understanding the software lifecycle, costs, and maintenance. Exploring logical design and its relation to real-world models.
2.2. Methodologies: Examining software development models such as the Waterfall Model, Prototyping Cycle, and Agile Methodologies. Comparing Agile vs. Traditional Methodologies and understanding Extreme Programming Guidelines.
2.3. Unified Modeling Language (UML): Introduction to UML for defining visual design approaches. Understanding the advantages of diagrams and exploring various types of UML diagrams.
University of Trieste Italy
3 Model Learning Operations (MLOps)
3.1. MLOps - What and Why: An overview of MLOps, explaining its significance and purpose in machine learning operations.
3.2. People in MLOps: Understanding the roles and responsibilities of individuals involved in MLOps, including data scientists, engineers, and DevOps professionals.
3.3. MLOps - Features: Exploring key features and components of MLOps, such as automation, monitoring, and collaboration tools.
3.4. MLOps - Practice: Practical implementation of MLOps principles, including model deployment, version control, and continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines.
3.5. Data Representation, Data Science, and Data Engineering: Introduction to data representation techniques, principles of data science, and fundamentals of data engineering.
Study Path:
• Department of Engineering and Architecture.
• Engineering.
• Computer engineering.
Course Code: 440MI
Maximum n. of T4EU students: No limits.
Professor: Barbon Junior Sylvio
Subject title:
Advanced Immunology
Specialised Module Course:
Societal Transformation
Modality: online Time: To Be Confirmed
Start date: 23.09.2024
Language of tuition and level: English
End date: 21.12.2024
University of Trieste Italy
Further information:
• General aspects of the immune system and immune response
• Antibodies / monoclonal antibodies / recombinant antibodies / human antibodies in diagnosis and for therapeutic purposes
• Immune system and cancer / cancer immunotherapy
• Hypersensitivity and therapeutic neutralization of the immune system
• Immunodeficiencies and therapies
• Vaccines
• Transplantation: role of the immune system and therapeutic prevention of its activation
Study Path:
• Department of Life Science.
• Biology, Biotechnology, Genomics and Neuroscience.
• Sampling, interpolation and pixel representations.
• Image representations.
• Characterization of detection systems.
• Imaging systems and wave propagation.
• Interferometric imaging and imaging of far-field fourier amplitudes.
• Tomography.
• Least squares optimization.
• Constrained optimization and maximum likelihood optimization.
Study Path:
• Department of Mathematics, informatics and geoscience.
• Mathematics.
Course Code: 390SM/358SM
Maximum n. of T4EU students: 10
Professor: Thibault Pierre
University of Trieste Italy
Subject title:
Materials and Systems for the Energy Transition (module: Materials for the Energy Transition)
Specialised Module Course:
Environmental Transformation
Modality: online Time: To Be Confirmed
Start date: 23.09.2024
Language of tuition and level: English
End date: 21.12.2024
Further information:
Study Path:
• Department of Engineering and Architecture.
• Materials and Chemical engineering for nano, bio and sustainable technologies. Course Code: 415MI
Maximum n. of T4EU students: No limits.
Professor: Lughi Vanni
University of Trieste Italy
Subject title:
Green nanotechnologies, natural and bioinspired materials
Specialised Module Course:
Environmental Transformation
Modality: online
Start date: 23.09.2024
Language of tuition and level: English
Time: To Be Confirmed
End date: 21.12.2024
Further information:
The course is aimed at giving the student a complex of knowledge relating to the classification, properties and industrial use of natural and biomimetic materials, as well as green nanomaterials. Some notes will also be provided on the processing and practical applications of these materials.
In particular, the student must know the main properties of the materials that will be treated, in relation to the general skills possessed, to establish the possible applications and limits of use.
• Materials and Chemical engineering for nano, bio and sustainable technologies. Course Code: 418MI
Maximum n. of T4EU students: No limits.
Professor: Lughi Vanni
University of Trieste Italy
Subject title:
Marine Microbiology (Marine Micro)
Specialised Module Course:
Environmental Transformation
Modality: online Time: To Be Confirmed
Start date: 23.09.2024
Language of tuition and level: English
End date: 21.12.2024
Further information:
The course is structures in 10 topics which are meant to highlight important and current aspects of environmental microbiology from the origin of Life on planet Earth. It will follow the study of the structure function-gene regulation triad with specific foci on microbial interactions with humans and the microbial role in keeping ecosystem Earth functioning. 0.5 CFU will be devoted to lab practice on basic techniques in microbiology. In sum, the course deals with: prokaryotic structure, metabolism, gene expression and its regulation and the interactions between microbes and humans and concepts of microbial ecology in the 5 major Earth ecosystems, thus focusing on the nutrient biogeochemical cycles and the microbes-climate interactions.
Study Path:
• Department of Life Science.
• Environmental Science and Technology.
• Science and technology for environment and nature.
Course Code: 965SV-2
Maximum n. of T4EU students: 10
Professor: Malfatti Francesca
Core Module Courses:
• Languages & Intercultural Competencies
Vytautas Magnus University Lithuania
Subject title:
Danish A1
Core Module Course:
Languages & Intercultural Competencies
Modality: online
Start date: 02.09.2024
Language of tuition and level: English
Time: Mon. Wed, 16:00-17:30, CET
End date: 29.11.2024
Further information:
The aim of this course is to enable students to communicate in Danish in everyday situations and to provide them with the basic knowledge of the Danish grammar (main morphological and syntactic rules) corresponding to level A1. Students learn to read uncomplicated texts with the aid of dictionary, to produce their own written texts using basic everyday language and to understand simple audio texts. The students learn to communicate correctly both in spoken and written forms in everyday situations and get prepared to study Danish in level A2. Syllabus.
Vytautas Magnus University Lithuania
Subject title:
Arabic language Level 1
Core Module Course:
Languages & Intercultural Competencies
Modality: online
Start date: 02.09.2024
Language of tuition and level: English
Time: Tue, Thu, 16:00-17:30, CET
End date: 29.11.2024
Further information: Arabic language Level 1 (elementary) course is based on the development of reception (listening and reading comprehension), production (speaking and writing) and mediation (translation) skills along with grammar and vocabulary development. The course is organized in such a way that the students develop basic awareness of the Arabic language and culture in the Arabic speaking countries. The form of studies includes lectures, seminars, self-study tasks and work in virtual MOODLE environment (on-line work, synchronous and asynchronous conversations and discussion forums, interactive tests, and exercises). Syllabus.
Vytautas Magnus University Lithuania
Subject title:
Chinese language 1
Core Module Course:
Languages & Intercultural Competencies
Modality: online
Start date: 02.09.2024
Language of tuition and level: English
Time: Tue, Thu, 16:00-17:30, CET
End date: 29.11.2024
Further information:
The course provides students with the communicative competence of basic Chinese through the linguistic activities of reception (listening and reading), production and interaction (speaking and writing), and mediation (translation). Students are introduced to the structure, order and formation principles of Chinese characters; develop tone discrimination and usage patterns. The lexical repertoire is built on the following topics: self-introduction, professions, family, description of things, daily life, cultural differences etc. The study format is mixed: group work, role-plays, discussions, analysis of texts. Syllabus.
Vytautas Magnus University Lithuania
Subject title:
Turkish A1
Core Module Course:
Languages & Intercultural Competencies
Modality: online
Start date: 02.09.2024
Language of tuition and level: English
Time: Tue, Thu, 16:00-17:30, CET
End date: 29.11.2024
Further information: Turkish language A1 course is based on the development of reception (listening and reading comprehension), production and interaction (speaking and writing) and mediation (translation) skills along with grammar and vocabulary development, using audio-visual material. Syllabus.
Registration Period When do you need the list of students? (intern)
02 August – 15 September 2024
List: week of September 16
End of Teaching
07. Februar 2025 (check for each course)
End of Exams
31. March 2024
University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland
Course Start
October 1 st 2024
Registration Period When do you need the list of students? (intern)
End September/October 2024
End of Teaching
February 2nd 2025
End of Exams
February 23rd 2025
Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania
Course Start
2 September 2024
Registration Period
When do you need the list of students? (intern)
15 July – 25 August 2024 (List – 26 or 27 August).
End of Teaching
29 November 2024 End of Exams
23 December 2024; (Retakes 6 –7 January 2025)
University of Primorska, Slovenia
Course Start
Registration Period When do you need the list of students? (intern)
Registration period: 15 July – 25 August 2024
We need the list of students: 1 September 2024
Comment: For the courses that start in February 2025 (spring semester) the dates will be defined later.
End of Teaching
End of Exams
Winter examination period: 14 February 2025
Summer examination period: 4 July 2025
EAIE Toulouse 2024
Saarland University
Universidade Católica Portuguesa
Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski
University of Trieste
Study programmes in English for EAIE Toulouse 2024
Study programmes in English language, announced for academic year 2024/2025.
All programmes are available at:
Saarland University Germany
degree programme:
a brief description:
Borders are one of the greatest challenges of the 21st century. The goal of the Master’s programme ‚Border Studies’ is to enable students to acquire the skills needed in order to play a key role in current debates on national and European identity, global mobility, migration, cultural diversity, citizenship and transnational cooperation. Students on the programme develop a comprehensive understanding of borders and of debordering and rebordering processes in Europe and in other parts of the world.
The trilingual M.A. programme is taught at four universities in Germany, France and Luxembourg and builds on a long-standing tradition of collaboration between these partner universities. The consortium running the programme comprises Saarland University, Université du Luxembourg, Université de Lorraine and Kaiserslautern University of Technology. Students on this programme are expected to demonstrate a considerable level of flexibility, self-reliance and personal responsibility. The partner universities provide assistance in finding accommodation and travel grants are available from the University of the Greater Region. The Franco-German University (Deutsch-Französische Hochschule DFH / Université franco-allemande UFA) supports student mobility by offering mobility grants from its scholarship programme fund.
The international Master’s programme ‚Border Studies’ prepares graduates for careers in areas of transborder and intercultural cooperation, particularly in Europe’s border zones and beyond. Career opportunities are available in the business sector, cultural institutions and agencies, the media and public-sector administration (e.g. cross-border regional and spatial planning, cross-border public services and development, cross-border cultural management and regional marketing).
Saarland University Germany
admission process deadline:
The international Master’s programme in ‘Border Studies’ starts each winter semester. It is not possible to join the programme at the beginning of the summer semester. Applications for the next winter semester can be received until:
• 30 June 2024
admission criteria for candidates:
• Bachelor’s degree or equivalent qualification in cultural studies, linguistics, literature, intercultural communication, social or spatial studies, law, anthropology, history or political sciences or any other certification and credentials relating to previous academic study
• Personal statement
• CV/resume
• Spoken and written command of German, French and English at or above level B2 of the Common European Framework.
a link to detailed information on the university website: Border Studies (M.A.) | Universität des Saarlandes ( Master in Border Studies |
Saarland University Germany
degree programme:
American Studies / British Studies / English Linguistics (M.A.)
a brief description:
In this master’s program, students acquire a wide range of academic skills and key cultural competencies. Graduates of the program are capable of participating in high-level academic dialogue both domestically and internationally. Students gain detailed expertise in their chosen focus area, based on the latest research, as well as the ability to independently and with theoretical-methodological confidence, explore topics within their broader linguistic, literary, and cultural contexts. Additionally, they develop strong analytical and interpretative skills concerning a variety of text types from English-speaking cultures (e.g., including films and digital texts).
admission process deadline:
For a winter semester start: August 31st
For a summer semester start: last day of February
admission criteria for candidates:
• Bachelor degree in English language and literature, in philology, in American studies, linguistics, TEFL, gender studies or translation
• Internationally recognised certificate of English (e.g., IELTS academic, TOEFL iBT, etc.) attesting C1 level (in the European framework) for all skills individually.
• Proof of a bachelor’s degree including a transcript of record.
a link to detailed information on the university website: American Studies/British Studies/English Linguistics (M.A.) | Universität des Saarlandes (
degree programme:
Bioinformatics (M.Sc.)
Saarland University Germany
a brief description:
The sequencing of the human genome has been one of the most significant scientific advances of the last few decades and could not have been achieved without bioinformatics. Bioinformatics now plays a key role not only in genetics but in many other fields, such as AIDS research and cancer therapy. Students on the programme address such wide-ranging topics as genetics, drug research, virology, biotechnology and bioreaction engineering. In the informatics part of the programme, students cover such areas as data structures and algorithms, machine learning, computer graphics and database systems, artificial intelligence and software engineering. In addition, students acquire knowledge of other fields such as project management and patent law.
admission process deadline:
Students can begin the M.Sc. programme at the beginning of the winter or summer semester. Applications should normally be received by 15 May for students seeking to begin studying in the winter semester and by 15 November for students looking to start their studies in summer.
admission criteria for candidates:
Students seeking admission to the M.Sc. programme must have a Bachelor’s degree in bioinformatics or comparable degree and must demonstrate their particular academic aptitude and suitability for this programme. These documents are mandatory to be submitted: your cv, your bachelor transcript with course overview and a statement of purpose
Evidence of English proficiency in the form of a TOEFL test is not required.
a link to detailed information on the university website: Bioinformatics (M.Sc.) | Universität des Saarlandes (
Further Information for Applicants to the Master`s Study – Center for Bioinformatics (
degree programme:
Computer Science (B.Sc.)
Saarland University Germany
a brief description:
The bachelor’s program at Saarland University provides a broad understanding of all aspects of the subject. From day one, our computer science course puts a strong emphasis on equipping you with a solid foundation for a successful career in this dynamic field. The knowledge and skills you acquire will allow you to respond to the challenges of existing and future technologies in a fast-paced sector such as IT. All our courses include hands-on training and projects that give you a chance to put what you have learned into practice .
admission process deadline:
The English-language bachelor’s program is subject to an admission restriction and is only offered with a start date in the winter semester. The application deadline is July 15.
An optional application for early admission is possible on January 15 and June 01. (If you wish to take part in the oral entrance test in Saarbrücken, the last possible application deadline is June 01.).
admission criteria for candidates:
To apply, you must fulfill two basic requirements:
1. you need a school leaving certificate that is recognized as a German direct university entrance qualification.
2. you additionally prove the results of a standardized aptitude test and English language skills by means of a recognized language certificate (B2). As an alternative to the aptitude test, successful participation in an international science/computer science/mathematics Olympiad can also be provided as an additional qualification in addition to English language skills. If you are unable to provide an additional qualification in the form of an aptitude test or participation in an Olympiad, or if you are unable to provide English language proficiency through a recognized language certificate, it is also possible to apply to participate in an online, oral university entrance test (interview).
a link to detailed information on the university website: Computer Science (English) (B.Sc.) | Universität des Saarlandes ( Computer Science Course (B.Sc) - Saarland Informatics Campus (
degree programme:
Computer Science (M.Sc.)
Saarland University Germany
a brief description:
Saarbrücken offers Master’s students an ideal environment for pursuing successful, interdisciplinary, research-driven studies in informatics. Teaching modules covering core areas of theoretical and practical informatics enable students to improve their abilities in abstract reasoning and enhance their mathematical and technical understanding of the subject. The M.Sc. programme also offers students the opportunity to tailor course content to reflect individual areas of interest. By offering block courses during the recess period, students are able to study for their M.Sc. qualification at an accelerated pace.
admission process deadline:
Students can begin the M.Sc. programme at the beginning of the summer or winter semester. Applications should normally be received by 15 May for students seeking to begin studying in the winter semester and by 15 November for students looking to start their studies in summer.
admission criteria for candidates:
In order to be admitted to the programme, students must have received a Bachelor’s degree or equivalent qualification from a German or foreign university in informatics, computer science or a related field, or must provide proof of equivalent academic achievement, and must demonstrate advanced proficiency in English to complete the programme (C1). Specifically, they must also provide the following information and/or documents:
• Proof of sufficient merit in their academic achievements in school and higher education
• A letter of motivation or personal statement documenting the student’s particular interest in the M.Sc. programme
• Two relevant academic references
• Details about relevant work/study periods abroad and relevant work experience or internship
a link to detailed information on the university website: Computer Science (M.Sc.) | Universität des Saarlandes (
degree programme:
Cybersecurity (M.Sc.)
Saarland University Germany
a brief description:
The M.Sc. programme offers students the opportunity to deepen their knowledge in the areas of cryptography, privacy or software security, systems and networks as well as in the formal methods and legal aspects of information security; all while continuing to study related topics in the field of computer science. Graduates are well suited to undertake research in the field of cybersecurity. However, the Master’s programme also provides students with knowledge and skills required to take up a remunerative position in the context of cybersecurity in the private or public sector
admission process deadline:
Students can begin the M.Sc. programme at the beginning of the summer or winter semester. Applications should normally be received by 15 May for students seeking to begin studying in the winter semester and by 15 November for students looking to start their studies in summer.
admission criteria for candidates:
A Bachelor’s degree from a German university or an equivalent qualification from a foreign university in computer science, informatics or a related field. (Note: Prospective students do not need to have a Bachelor’s degree in Cybersecurity.) Depending on their level of knowledge in cybersecurity, they can choose courses that meet their needs and put together their personal timetable. Advanced proficiency in English (typically level C1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages)
Proof of knowledge and skills equivalent to those taught in the core area ‚Computer science’ of Saarland University’s Bachelor’s programme Cybersecurity, in particular in the following areas: (1) Mathematics (discrete mathematics, linear algebra, stochastics, statistics) (2) Theoretical informatics (complexity theory, computability), (3) Practical informatics (functional and object-oriented programming, data structures and algorithms, system architecture)
To demonstrate their particular interest in the subject, applicants must also submit supporting documents and two academic references from referees who know the applicant academically.
a link to detailed information on the university website: Cybersecurity (M.Sc.) | Universität des Saarlandes (
Saarland University Germany
degree programme:
Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (M.Sc.)
a brief description:
Artificial intelligence is now being put to use everywhere, in online shopping, autonomous driving or medical data analysis. The international master’s programme ‚Data Science and Artificial Intelligence’ aims to prepare students for demanding national and international research and development activities in this field. The Master’s programme is based on complex data analysis and automation: from mathematics and statistics to machine learning, artificial intelligence, big data, data management, modelling and simulation or data visualization.
Students work on concrete questions and problems of application subjects such as computer linguistics, physics, material sciences, chemistry, psychology and biology. By dealing with sensitive data, aspects of IT security, law, data protection, philosophy and ethics are also important considerations in this course of study. An industrial internship and a master internship in a research group can be included in the elective requirements.
Along with the professors in Saarland University’s Department of Computer Science and Department of Language Science and Technology, scientists from the six renowned research centers on campus teach in the Data Science and Artificial Intelligence programme. Those experts conduct application-oriented research in the fields of Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Big Data and prepare you comprehensively for the challenges of the digital future.
admission process deadline:
Students can begin the M.Sc. programme at the beginning of the summer or winter semester. Applications should normally be received by 15 May for students seeking to begin studying in the winter semester and by 15 November for students looking to start their studies in summer.
Saarland University Germany
admission criteria for candidates:
• Bachelor’s degree or equivalent qualification in cultural studies, linguistics, literature, intercultural communication, social or spatial studies, law, anthropology, history or political sciences or any other certification and credentials relating to previous academic study
• Personal statement
• CV/resume
• Spoken and written command of German, French and English at or above level B2 of the Common European Framework.
a link to detailed information on the university website:
Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (M.Sc.) | Universität des Saarlandes (
Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Master - Saarland Informatics Campus (
Saarland University Germany
degree programme:
Digital Transformation Technologies and Management (M.Sc.)
a brief description:
Since the early 2000s, more than half of the corporations on the Fortune 500 list have disappeared due to the impact of digital transformation on products, processes and business models. Today, the focus is on companies that put digital technology at the core of their business activities. The value chains and supply chains of entire industrial sectors and regions are being restructured to exploit the potential that digital transformation offers.
To address these challenges, the European Union has proposed its ‚Path to the Digital Decade’, a policy programme that sets out targets for the digital transformation of society and the economy by 2030. To reflect these developments, the Master’s degree programme ‚Digital Transformation Technologies and Management’ at Saarland University has been created to produce graduates who can actively shape and play a leading role in the digital transformation of Europe.
This double degree-Master’s programme is the only one in the world whose graduates are digital transformation managers with an international focus. Working in close partnership with partners at Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas, Lithuania, students on the programme are taught how to design and structure digital transformation processes and thus strengthen the internationalization of businesses. Graduates from the M.Sc. programme have the skills set needed to take up challenging international research, development and management roles at the interface of business management and computer science.
admission process deadline:
For a winter semester start: Beginning June until June 15th
For a summer semester start: Beginning December until December 15th
Saarland University Germany
admission criteria for candidates:
1. Bachelor’s degree from a German university or an equivalent qualification from a foreign university (corresponding to at least 180 ECTS credits) in digital business administration, business administration, computer science or a related discipline.
2. Proof of proficiency in English (at least level B2 CEFR), only TOEFL and IELTS language certificates are accepted
3. The Bachelor’s thesis must satisfy the following criteria: An overall grade of at least 3.0 on the German academic grading scale (or the equivalent grade on the ECTS scale) + Bachelor’s thesis on a topic from the fields of business science and economics or computer science
4. At least 15 ECTS credits from introductory modules in mathematics and statistics
5. At least 48 ECTS credits from modules in business science and economics or from modules with an information technology focus
6. At least 12 ECTS credits from introductory modules in business informatics (only if no specialist computer science modules were completed as part of the applicant’s Bachelor’s degree)
a link to detailed information on the university website: Digital Transformation Technologies and Management (M.Sc.) | Universität des Saarlandes (
Saarland University Germany
degree programme:
Educational Technology (M.Sc.)
a brief description:
The interdisciplinary Master’s degree programme in Educational Technology is the only one of its kind in Germany. It creates a unique link between educational science and computer science by combining the disciplines of educational methodology, informatics and psychology. Educational technology experts examine such questions as how school students in the classroom or „friends” in social networks are applying new technology to accumulate, transfer and use knowledge. They develop new technologies for use in educational institutions and in continuous and further education programmes and are involved in the design of innovative learning environments. The Master’s programme is taught in English.
admission process deadline:
Winter semester: beginning of June to 15 July
Saarland University Germany
admission criteria for candidates:
1. A bachelor’s degree (or equivalent) in Computer Science, Programming, Engineering, Education, Pedagogy or Psychology. The final grade of the degree needs to be 3.0 or better (according to the German grading system). Provided that there are places available and that the applicant has an excellent final grade (1.5 or better), bachelor’s degrees in related fields may be accepted. For the application, please submit your degree certificate along with a transcript of the courses you completed.
2. A letter of motivation. Please write one page focusing on these topics:
• Prior knowledge and experiences with research methods and/or programming
• Why do you want to study Educational Technology? What do you expect from this programme?
• Critically reflect on your prior experiences with using technologies for teaching and learning
3. Proof of English language skills of at least level B2 (CEFR)
a link to detailed information on the university website: Educational Technology (M.Sc.) | Universität des Saarlandes ( Educational Technology in Saarbrücken, Germany – Master’s Program, Projects and Research (
degree programme:
Embedded Systems (M.Sc.)
Saarland University Germany
a brief description:
What do insulin pumps, dishwashers, solar collector systems, high-speed trains and modern sewing machines all have in common? They all function because they have one or more microprocessors housed within them. These embedded systems mean that washing machines are able to use less electricity and less water, cars have improved fuel economy, wheels do not spin and airbags inflate at the right time. Saarland University is now offering a Master’s degree programme in this very strong growth area.
The M.Sc. programme ‚Embedded Systems’ allows students a great amount of freedom and flexibility in selecting modules and course content. A number of research projects being carried out at Saarland University in collaboration with major IT companies provide opportunities for students to gain valuable insight into industrial processes while still studying at university. The excellent staff-student ratios and the first-rate technical infrastructure mean that students on the Saarland University M.Sc. programme study quickly and efficiently. The computer science and informatics department at Saarland University has numerous international partnerships and cooperative agreements that allow students to incorporate a study-abroad semester seamlessly into their Master’s study programme.
Graduates from the M.Sc. programme ‘Embedded Systems’ can take up positions in industrial or academic research and development in the domestic or international markets.
admission process deadline:
Students can join the programme at the beginning of the summer or winter semester. Applications should be received by 15 May for students wishing to begin in the winter semester and by 15 November for students looking to start their studies in the summer semester.
Saarland University Germany
admission criteria for candidates:
• Bachelor’s degree from a German university or an equivalent qualification from a foreign university in one of the following subject areas: engineering informatics, embedded systems, informatics or computer science, electrical engineering, mechatronics or a related discipline.
• Proof of advanced proficiency in English (typically level C1 of the Common European Framework)
• Proof of subject-specific knowledge and skills corresponding to those taught in the Bachelor’s degree programme in embedded systems at Saarland University. Specifically, this requires applicants to show that they have the necessary level of expertise in the following areas:
1) Mathematics (discrete mathematics, real analysis and multivariable calculus, linear algebra, numerical methods, stochastics)
2) Informatics (functional and object-oriented programming, software development methods, formal methods)
3) Engineering (electrical engineering, embedded systems, signal processing, systems theory and information theory)
• Evidence of the applicant’s particular interest in the subject in the form of a personal statement written by the applicant and two letters of recommendation written by referees who know the applicant academically.
a link to detailed information on the university website: Embedded Systems (M.Sc.) | Universität des Saarlandes ( Embedded-Systems Universität des Saarlandes (
Saarland University Germany
degree programme:
European and International Law (LL.M.)
a brief description:
The Europa Institut at Saarland University offers a one-year Master’s programme focusing on European and international law. The program is entirely in English, some course can be taken in German. So far, more than 5,500 students from all over the world have completed the programme and now hold positions in European and international organizations, internationally oriented law firms, international companies as well as national governments and administrations.
The Master’s program offers four in-depth tracks after a Basic Phase with Module 1: European Integration, that prepare students for the European and international job market. Every year, 75 students from more than 40 countries complete the Master’s programme in an international environment. They are taught by highly-qualified specialists from the academic and business worlds who combine excellence in academic training and practice-oriented teaching. Every year, 75 students from more than 40 countries come to attend the postgraduate Master’s programme in an international environment.
admission process deadline:
The Master’s programme „European and International Law” begins in the winter semester. Applications can be submitted at any time. The deadline for applications is 15 July. Late applications may be accepted until 15 September 2024.
admission criteria for candidates:
• A university degree in law or in a comparable subject (business studies, humanities) from a German or foreign university
• Proof of sound knowledge of English and German (if you want to take courses in German). Please note these indications about language verification.
a link to detailed information on the university website: European and International Law (LL.M.) | Universität des Saarlandes ( Master LL.M. - Europa Institut
degree programme:
European Management (MBA)
Saarland University Germany
a brief description:
The MBA programme is coordinated and run by the Economics Section at Saarland University’s Europa-Institut. The programme can be studied either part time or full time. The courses are taught by university teaching staff or by international guest professors. The range of courses on offer is very broad and includes lectures covering such areas as ‚Strategic Management’, ‚Economics and Finance’ or ‚European Regulations’ and topics of major current relevance, such as ‚Corporate Sustainability and Social Responsibility’ or ‚Marketing and Management in Foreign Countries’.
Many of the courses include practically relevant case studies that reveal and reflect authentic business challenges. Students therefore have the chance to become acquainted with real-world business scenarios and to appreciate the associated risks and opportunities. The MBA programme also trains soft skills and organises visits to companies.
Starting in October 2024, the MBA programme at Saarland University will introduce five elective courses in entrepreneurship, enabling students to tailor their focus within the programme. These additions aim to enhance the curriculum and meet the growing demand for expertise in entrepreneurship. The offerings include modules such as Marketing of Innovations, Prototyping and Agile Project Management, Business Model Development, Data Analytics Project and Entrepreneurial Management. This expansion reflects the institution’s commitment to providing students with relevant and diverse learning opportunities, equipping them with skills vital for success in today’s dynamic business landscape. On top of that, with the internationally renowned degree MBA European Management, all participants qualify for leading management positions on the international job market.
admission process deadline: The programme starts in October. The application for the full-time programme is possible until 15 July. Late applications may be accepted until 30 September. For the part-time programme, there is no application deadline.
Saarland University Germany
admission criteria for candidates:
• First university degree
• Excellent English knowledge (TOEFL or IELTS)
• Professional experience (at least one year of postgraduate work experience)
• Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT). This test could be waived in exceptional cases.
a link to detailed information on the university website: European Management (MBA) | Universität des Saarlandes ( Admission and Application – The European Institute for Advanced Behavioural Management (EIABM)
Saarland University Germany
degree programme:
High-Performance Sport (M.Sc.)
a brief description:
The focus of the M.Sc. programme is on topics of current interest in international elite-level sports: What training methods are used? How do we conduct meaningful performance diagnostics? Which aspects of sport medicine and sport psychology need to be taken into account? What structures exist in the field of international elite sports? How do talent identification and talent development programmes work? What does an effective anti-doping strategy look like?
Students on the programme also gain a deeper understanding of performance physiology, injury prevention and sports nutrition. They become acquainted with internationally recognized elite training and diagnostic programmes and learn to independently plan elite-level training sessions. Other topics covered include stress management, endurance training, performance improvement and anti-doping measures. Graduates from the programme find career opportunities in the global market for professional and high-performance sports, or working in universities at home and abroad, in national or international sport associations and federations and in professional sports clubs.
Saarbrücken is the ideal location for studying this wide-ranging Master’s programme. Close cooperative ties exist between the Saarland/Rhineland-Palatinate Olympic Training Base, the Saarland Sports Federation and those departments at Saarland University’s Sports Science Institute with an interest in high-performance and elite sports.
admission process deadline:
Students can begin this programme at the beginning of the winter or summer semester. The application period runs to 15 July if you plan to begin studying in the winter semester and from the beginning of December to 15 January if you want to start in the summer semester (only if places are available).
Saarland University Germany
admission criteria for candidates:
• A Bachelor’s degree or equivalent university qualification in sport science or a comparable subject with an overall grade of 2.5 or better on the German grading scale
• Required English proficiency: You will need to demonstrate English proficiency of at least level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).
• Motivation video (duration: 3 minutes): The 3-minute motivation video (file size max. 25 MB) should present your perspectives in the professional field and your affinity to Saarland University. Please answer in it the following questions:
a link to detailed information on the university website: High-Performance Sport (M.Sc.) | Universität des Saarlandes ( International Master High-Performance Sport | master-high-performance-sport
Saarland University Germany
degree programme:
Language Science and Technology (M.Sc.)
a brief description:
The master programme ‚Language Science and Technology’ aims at basic, applied, and cognitive research on written and spoken language that combines with state-of-the-art facilities to provide students with a rich and stimulating environment. Saarland University is one of the world’s leading centres for computational linguistics and language technology. Students can put the focus on various fields of language processing such as computational linguistics, psycholinguistics, phonetics and speech science or speech technology. The language of instruction and examination is English.
admission process deadline:
The Language Science and Technology programme starts each winter semester. It is not possible to join the programme at the beginning of the summer semester. The application deadline is 15 February for admissions in the following winter semester.
admission criteria for candidates:
• A Bachelor’s degree or equivalent qualification from a German or foreign university in computational linguistics or a related field, or proof of equivalent academic achievement.
• Proof of advanced proficiency in English (for non-native speakers) must be certified by:
TOEFL internet-based test: at least 79
· TOEFL computer-based test: at least 213
· TOEFL paper-based test: at least 550
· Cambridge Proficiency Exam: pass
· Cambridge CAE Advanced: A or B
· IELTS Academic: at least 6.5
a link to detailed information on the university website: Language Science and Technology (M.Sc.) | Universität des Saarlandes (
Saarland University Germany
degree programme:
Master (Blended Learning) of Evaluation MABLE (M.A.)
a brief description:
The programme builds on the theories and research methodologies that underpin national and international evaluation practices. Students are taught how to design and implement evaluations in an international context. They also conduct a case study, which helps to sharpen their practical skills and insights.
Students on the programme learn the academic methodologies required to address questions and problems relating to evaluation, while also acquiring the skills needed to work as expert consultants in the field and to understand contract award and procurement processes and to manage evaluation projects. The M.A. programme ‚Master (Blended Learning) of Evaluation’ teaches students the core competencies required in monitoring, quality management, organizational development and project and programme management and opens up a broad variety of interesting career opportunities. Graduates work as evaluators, evaluation managers, quality assurance managers, monitoring officers and as project and programme managers.
admission process deadline:
Students can only join the programme in the winter semester. Applications must be received no later than 15 July for admission in the following winter semester.
admission criteria for candidates:
• Undergraduate (‚first’) degree (e.g. Bachelor’s or equivalent)
• Officially certified copy of school leaving certificate (higher education entrance qualification)
• At least one year of relevant professional experience (acquired after your first degree)
• Knowledge of statistics and social science research methods totalling 20 ECTS credits (equivalent to about 500 hours of relevant study)
• Adequate proficiency in English (CEFR: B1; TOEFL CBT: 213; TOEFL PBT: 550; IELTS: 6.0; CPE: C)
a link to detailed information on the university website: Master (Blended Learning) of Evaluation MABLE (M.A.) | Universität des Saarlandes (
Saarland University Germany
degree programme: Mathematics (M.Sc.)
a brief description:
Mathematicians are in demand like never before, both in Germany and internationally. Banks and management consultancies together with IT and telecommunication firms are actively looking for well-qualified mathematicians. Along with these companies, universities and research institutes value not only mathematicians’ knowledge but also their analytical skills.
Students on the Master’s programme ‚Mathematics’ work in small groups and are individually supervised by professors and their assistants. Graduates from the Master’s programme are thus optimally prepared for challenging roles in national and international mathematical research and development.
admission process deadline:
Students can begin the M.Sc. programme at the beginning of the winter semester or the summer semester. Applications should be received by 15 May for students seeking to begin studying in the winter semester and by 15 November for students looking to start their studies in summer.
admission criteria for candidates:
• Bachelor’s degree from a German university or an equivalent qualitification from a foreign university in a programme in mathematics or a related subject
• Certificaton of English language skills (normally C1)
• Certification of technical skills equivalent to those acquired by students in the bachelor’s programme ‚Mathematics’ at Saarland University
• A dossier and two letters of recommendation to document your interest in our master’s programme
a link to detailed information on the university website: Mathematics (M.Sc.) | Universität des Saarlandes (
Saarland University Germany
degree programme:
Mathematics and Computer Science (M.Sc.)
a brief description:
Solving many of today’s problems requires a solid understanding of both mathematics and informatics. Saarland University was quick to recognize this link and established three academic chairs in the combined areas of mathematics and computer science. The Master’s degree programme ‚Mathematics and Computer Science’ is unique in Germany as it offers students the opportunity to study this important field with equal weighting given to each discipline.
Graduates from the Saarland University programme have excellent career prospects in all of the fields in which mathematicians and computer scientists traditionally work. Exciting job opportunities also arise in research and development departments, in the financial sector, e-commerce, the automotive and mechanical engineering industries, in the medical and health sectors, in the pharmaceutical industry and in telecommunications. With their knowledge and skills in both academic disciplines, graduates are well placed to provide balanced input and to benefit from the very varied career opportunities open to them.
admission process deadline:
Students can begin the M.Sc. programme at the beginning of the winter semester or the summer semester. Applications should be received by 15 May for students seeking to begin studying in the winter semester and by 15 November for students looking to start their studies in summer.
Saarland University Germany
admission criteria for candidates:
• Bachelor’s degree from a German university or an equivalent qualification from a foreign university either in a subject area that closely combines mathematics and computer science, or in a related discipline.
• Proof of advanced proficiency in English (GER: C1, TOEFL: 95/120, IELTS: 7.0/9.0)
• Proof of subject-specific knowledge and skills corresponding to those taught in the Bachelor’s degree programme ‘Mathematics and Computer Science’ at Saarland University. Specifically, this requires applicants to show that they have the necessary level of expertise in the following areas:
1) Mathematics (analysis, linear algebra, numerical methods, stochastics)
2) Computer science and informatics (functional and object-oriented programming, algorithms and data structures, software development methods, theoretical informatics)
• Evidence of the applicant’s particular interest in the subject in the form of a personal statement written by the applicant and two letters of recommendation written by referees who know the applicant academically.
a link to detailed information on the university website: Mathematics and Computer Science (M.Sc.) | Universität des Saarlandes (
Mathematics and Computer Science (M.Sc.) - Saarland Informatics Campus (
degree programme:
Media Informatics (M.Sc.)
Saarland University Germany
a brief description:
One of the defining features of Saarland University’s M.Sc. programme in Media Informatics is that it combines practical relevance with a firm grounding in the underlying scientific principles. Students acquire the analytical, creative and practical skills that are needed to develop the software and systems used in digital media. Students also receive training in the necessary design skills through a cooperative arrangement with Saarland’s University of Art and Design (HBKsaar). Students take courses in media informatics and informatics, they carry out a media art and design project and also spend a practical work experience phase in a company active in the field.
Soft-skill seminars are also offered that allow students to develop their communication, presentation and rhetorical skills while consolidating and applying the theoretical knowledge acquired in the taught courses. During the semester-long work experience phase, students gain insight into and an understanding of the professional world of digital media and multimedia technologies. The project-based curriculum enables students to hone their practical media skills and encourages interdisciplinary teamwork. The M.Sc. programme also provides students with an opportunity to participate in current research projects and thus lay the foundation for a future academic career.
Media informatics graduates are employed to plan, design and implement multimedia digital software systems. Typically, graduates are employed to research, develop and design intelligent methods of man-machine interaction, to provide technology consulting and coordination services to companies, to incorporate new media into projects in the journalism and media sector, and to develop edutainment concepts.
admission process deadline:
Students can begin the M.Sc. programme at the beginning of the winter semester or the summer semester. Applications should be received by 15 May for students seeking to begin studying in the winter semester and by 15 November for students looking to start their studies in summer.
admission criteria for candidates:
• Bachelor’s degree or equivalent qualification from a German or foreign university in media informatics or a related field (particularly in the area of computer science / informatics), or proof of equivalent academic achievement as well as proof of suitability for the programme.
• Sufficient merit in their previous academic track record, as demonstrated by an overall grade in their Bachelor’s degree of at least ‘good’ (German grading scale: 2.3), or
• Particular interest in the subject either by submitting letters of recommendation written by referees who know the applicant academically or by their performance in a personal interview, and
• Advanced proficiency in English (level C1 of the Common European Framework). a link to detailed information on the university website: Media Informatics (M.Sc.) | Universität des Saarlandes (
Consult our study programmes here:
Study programmes in English for EAIE Toulouse 2024
There are 3 ways in which the students can attend to courses in English in the University of Alicante:
1. By studying one of the Spanish-English Study Programmes offered;
2. By being in one of the High Academic Performance Groups (that are partially taught in English);
3. By attending to some of the courses offered by Study Programmes that are generally given in Spanish.
All programmes (also in Spanish language) are available at: in the “Academics” section.
University of Alicante Spain
1. Study Programmes in English
1.1. Spanish-English Study Programmes
Bachelor’s Degree in English Studies
The main objective of the Graduate Degree in English Studies is to train professionals with a high capacity for expression and comprehension of the English language, and a global knowledge of the linguistic, historical, cultural and literary reality of English-speaking countries. The training contents are therefore focused on the acquisition of English and of a second foreign language; on the methods of textual and contextual analysis; on the study of the history of the English language, its literature and criticism; on the description and analysis of the phonological, lexical, morphological and syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic-discursive levels of the English language; and on the understanding of the contexts of the English language; and in the understanding of the social, historical, political, philosophical, geographical and artistic contexts related to the Anglo-Saxon world, all from a perspective that takes into consideration the democratic values of the supreme freedom of the individual, equality between men and women and the culture of peace.
Courses of the programme that are taught in English:
• Theory of Literature I - Year 1
• English Pronunciation - Year 1
• General Linguistics I - Year 1
• Theory of Literature I - Year 1
• Modern English Literature - Year 1
• Contemporary English Literature - Year 1
• 19th Century English Literature - Year 2
• English Phonology - Year 2
• 18th Century English Literature - Year 2
• English Pragmatics - Year 3
• History of the English Language - Year 3
• Linguistics applied to teaching English - Year 3
• English Lexicology - Year 3
• Anglo-American Criticism - Year 3
• English Renaissance Literature - Year 3
• North American Literature up to the end of the 19th Century - Year 3
University of Alicante Spain
• Slang and colloquialisms in the English language - Year 4
• Professional and Academic English - Year 4
• The English Language Classroom and ICT - Year 4
• Discourse and Society in English-speaking contexts - Year 4
• Stylistic Analysis of English Texts - Year 4
• Intercultural Pragmatics in English - Year 4
• Influence of English on Modern Languages - Year 4
• Literature and Cinema in English-speaking countries - Year 4
• Modern and Contemporary North American Literature - Year 4
• Literature and Visual and Artistic Culture in the English Language ClassroomYear 4
• Mediaeval English Literature - Year 4
• English Theatre up to the 17th Century - Year 4
more on the university website
University of Alicante Spain
Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
The main purpose of this degree is to train professionals in the field of tourism. The aim is to provide general training in the discipline and a cross-disciplinary approach, as befits tourism, in which various scientific and social disciplines are involved, with a view to preparing experts who can assume a wide variety of professional profiles. To this end, the syllabus aims to provide training in all areas related to tourism, which should allow not only the acquisition of a series of specific competences in the different disciplines, but also the attainment of a series of generic skills that will facilitate graduates’ integration into the labour market in different and changing professional environments.
Courses of the programme that are taught in English:
• Introduction to the Geography of Tourism - Year 1
• Computer Science Applied to Tourism - Year 1
• Civil Legislation for Tourism - Year 1
• Civil Legislation for Tourism - Year 1
• Fundamentals of Business Economics - Year 1
• Cultural Heritage - Year 1
• Tourist Territorial Resources - Year 1
• Computer Science Applied to Tourism - Year 1
• Typologies of Tourist Sites - Year 2
• Human Resource Management and Planning in Tourism Organizations - Year 2
• Sociology of Tourism - Year 2
• Operations and production processes in Tourism Companies - Year 2
• Accounting - Year 2
• Tourism Market Research - Year 3
• Market Structures - Year 3
• Global Economics of Tourism - Year 3
• Advertising and Public Relations in Tourism - Year 3
• Regional Tourism Planning - Year 3
• Anthropology of Tourism - Year 3
more on the university website
University of Alicante Spain
Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration
The main objective of the Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration and Management is to train professionals capable of carrying out management, assessment and evaluation tasks in productive organisations. These tasks can be carried out in the global sphere of the organisation or in any of its functional areas: production, human resources, financing, marketing, administration or accounting. Graduates must know how to articulate the normal development of all these functional areas with the general objectives of the production unit, of these with the global context of the economy and be in a position to contribute with their activity to the good functioning and improvement of results. Specifically, he/she must know how to identify and anticipate opportunities, allocate resources, organise information, select and motivate people, make decisions, achieve proposed objectives and evaluate results.
University of Alicante Spain
Courses of the programme that are taught in English:
• Mathematics I - Year 1
• Introduction to microeconomics - Year 1
• Introduction to marketing - Year 1
• Fundamentals of Business Economics - Year 1
• Mathematics II - Year 1
• Introduction to Macroeconomics - Year 1
• Operations management - Year 1
• Introduction to Statistics - Year 1
• Statistics and introduction to econometrics - Year 2
• International and Spanish Economic History (19th and 20th centuries) - Year 2
• Intermediate Microeconomics - Year 2
• Organizational Design - Year 2
• Intermediate Macroeconomics - Year 2
• Commercial Research - Year 2
• Strategic Company Management I - Year 3
• Strategic Marketing - Year 3
• Strategic Company Management II - Year 3
• Economic Policy - Year 4
• Business Creation - Year 4
• Human Resources Department - Year 4
• Strategy and International Management of the Company - Year 4
• Quality and Environmental Management - Year 4
more on the university website
University of Alicante Spain
Bachelor’s Degree in Advertising and Public Relations
The fundamental objectives of the Degree in Advertising and Public Relations are:
1. To promote critical, analytical and interpretative skills, providing knowledge of research techniques and work procedures necessary to transform customer needs into efficient communication solutions.
2. To acquire a basic and general knowledge of the main turning points that make up the current panorama of the work of the communication professional, especially in advertising and public relations. The knowledge must always be relevant to the understanding of the phenomenon of communication and its function in contemporary society. In this way, students will become highly knowledgeable about the social, cultural, political, economic and business context in which their work is inserted and know how to responsibly adapt their work to it.
3. To provide an exhaustive knowledge of all the elements that make up and interrelate in the communication system, especially in advertising and public relations, for its application to the reality of organisations and for the development of a strategic attitude. This training will enable them to make decisions and implement coherent communication strategies, by means of effective creativity, subsequently measuring the results and drawing the appropriate conclusions.
4. Graduates in Advertising and Public Relations must be able to communicate and express themselves coherently and correctly in their professional practice; to this end, they must master the specialised use of the language/s of their community and English.
5. These graduates will be able to construct, plan and evaluate actions and discourses specific to advertising communication and public relations for the elaboration of communication campaigns, for which they will also know the possibilities of effective application of the different technologies.
6. Students of Advertising and Public Relations must know the theories, categories and concepts that have most influenced the different branches of research, development and innovation in business and institutional communication, as well as their need for self-regulation due to their ethical and socio-cultural consequences.
University of Alicante Spain
Courses of the programme that are taught in English:
• Contemporary Economic, Social and Political History - Year 1
• Social change and communication - Year 2
• Creative Strategy and Conceptualization - Year 3
• Production and Production in Audiovisual Media - Year 3
• Art Direction - Year 4
• English for Advertising in Public Relations - Year 4
more on the university website
University of Alicante Spain
Bachelor’s Degree in International Relations
The training proposed for this degree seeks a balance between theoretical and practical training, the acquisition of knowledge and the development of competences, with the aim of training professionals with a solid scientific base and a marked interdisciplinary and international character, so that graduates are competent to perform functions related to:
1. The analysis of the system of international relations and the agenda of key issues in the global framework, and the carrying out of foresight studies.
2. Advising in decision-making. Leadership and management of processes, projects and strategies related to the international positioning of different actors in the system (institutions -supra, infra or state-, companies, non-governmental organisations, cultural bodies, universities, etc.).
3. Mediation, negotiation, cooperation and aid work, going down to the field of interpersonal relations, especially in complex scenarios, whether due to their inter-institutional or conflictive nature or humanitarian catastrophe situations.
4. Working in environments characterised by their linguistic and cultural complexity, and/or environments alien to Eurocentric keys.
5. Performance of the above competences, acting with an ethical sense, defending certain values and ideas such as justice, peace, equality, democracy, solidarity and the defence of human rights, valuing the principle of cooperation as a driving force and inspiration for international relations.
Courses of the programme that are taught in English:
• Economics - Year 1
• Sociology - Year 1
• English for International Relations I - Year 2
• Private International Law for the Multicultural Society - Year 2
• English for International Relations II - Year 2
• Design and Management of International Business Projects - Year 3
• International Taxation - Year 4
more on the university website
University of Alicante Spain
Total credits: 60
Duration: 2 years – 4 semesters
Places offered: 25 places
Teaching modality: Blended learning
Language of instruction: English
Field of study: Engineering and Architecture
Curriculum: Publication BOE 10/11/2023 [PDF in Spanish]
Faculty involved: Polytechnic School
Name of the undergraduate coordinator: Miguel Ángel Cazorla Quevedo ( city: Alicante
This master’s degree consists of 11 compulsory subjects, totalling 51 ECTS credits, and a master’s thesis of 9 ECTS credits. These subjects offer a broad overview of the different aspects related to artificial intelligence. All subjects are taught following a blended teaching-learning methodology, in which the following activities are defined: theoretical classes, computer-based practice, autonomous student work and final master’s thesis.
more on the university website
University of Alicante Spain
Double Master’s Degree Program in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
Participating Universities: University of Alicante (Spain) and University of Trieste (Italy)
Duration: 2 years – 4 semesters
Language of Instruction: English
Undergraduate Program Coordinators:
• UA: Prof. Jose García Rodríguez / Prof. Miguel Ángel Cazorla Quevedo ( /
• UNIT: Prof. Luca Bortolussi (
Cities: Alicante (Spain) and Trieste (Italy)
Students must spend at least one semester at the host university, where they are required to complete a minimum of 30 ECTS under their individual learning agreement. Candidates must demonstrate sufficient English language proficiency at a B2 level.
Participants in the program will receive two degrees:
• UA (Spain): “Master’s Degree in Artificial Intelligence” (Official Master Degree).
• UNITS (Italy): “Laurea Magistrale (LM) in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence”.
University of Alicante Spain
Double Master’s Degree Program in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
Participating Universities: University of Alicante (Spain) and University Jean Monnet Saint-Etienne (France)
Duration: 2 years – 4 semesters
Language of Instruction: English
Undergraduate Program Coordinators:
• UA: Prof. Jose García Rodríguez / Prof. Miguel Ángel Cazorla Quevedo ( /
• Jean Monnet: Prof. Marc SEBBAN / Prof. Amaury HABRARD (marc.sebban@ /
Cities: Alicante (Spain) and Saint-Etienne (France)
Students must spend at least one semester at the host university, where they are required to complete a minimum of 30 ECTS under their individual learning agreement. Candidates must demonstrate sufficient English language proficiency at a B2 level.
Participants in the program will receive two degrees:
• UA (Spain): “Master’s Degree in Artificial Intelligence” (Official Master Degree).
• UJM (France): Master in Computer Science, track “Machine Learning and Data Mining”.
University of Alicante Spain
1.2. High Academic Performance Groups (ARA groups)
• Minimum of 100 students in the first-degree course.
• At least 50% of the teaching of basic or compulsory credits of the degree will have to be taught in English.
• Students who are part of an ARA group will have to accredit knowledge of the English language equivalent to level B2 or make a commitment to accredit it before the end of the 2023-24 academic year.
The University of Alicante will launch ARA groups in the following degrees next academic year:
• Degree in Business Administration and Management (ADE) ( Va-Es-En ) (above-mentioned with further detail)
• Degree in Biology ( Va-Es-En )
• Degree in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences (CAFD) ( Va-Es-En )
• Degree in Law ( Va-Es-En )
• Degree in Sound and Image Engineering in Telecommunications ( Va-Es-En )
• Degree in Computer Engineering ( Va-Es-En )
• Degree in Fundamentals of Architecture ( Va-Es-En )
• Degree in Master in Primary Education ( Va-Es-En )
• Degree in Tourism ( Va-Es-En ) (above-mentioned with further detail)
University of Alicante Spain
1.3. All undergraduate courses offered in English
area: Language and Linguistics
• General Linguistics I
• General Linguistics II
• Effective Communication in English II
• English pragmatics
• Slang and colloquialisms in the English language
• Professional and academic English
• History of the English Language
• Linguistics applied to teaching English
• The English Language Classroom and ICT
• Discourse and Society in English-speaking contexts
• General Linguistics I
• English Phonetics and Phonology
• English Pronunciation
• English Lexicology
• Stylistic Analysis of English Texts
• Intercultural Pragmatics in English
• Influence of English on Modern Languages
• English Language I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII
University of Alicante Spain
area: Literacy and Cultural Studies
• English for Specific Purposes: Cultural Management
• Theory of Literature I
• Literature and Cinema in English-Speaking Countries
• Modern English Literature
• 19th Century English Literature
• Modern and Contemporary North American Literature
• Anglo-American Criticism
• Culture and institutions in English-speaking countries
• Literature and visual and artistic culture in the English Language Classroom
• Theory of Literature I
• Culture of English-speaking countries
• Theory of literature II
• Mediaeval English Literature
• Major Figures in English Literature I
• Major Figures in English Literature II
• Innovation in the History of English Literature
• North American Literature up to the end of the 19th Century
• Contemporary English Literature
• 18th Century English Literature
• English Renaissance Literature
• English Theatre up to the 17th Century
University of Alicante Spain
area: Translation & Interpreting
• Linguistics Applied to Translation
• General Direct Translation C-A (II): English-Spanish
• General Reverse Translation A-B: Spanish-English
• Translation Language B (I) (II) (III) (IV) (V): English
area: Humanities, History & Geography
• Introduction to Human Geography
• Geography of World Regions
University of Alicante Spain
area: Business & Economics
• Fundamentals of Social Work
• Commercial Distribution
• Contemporary Economic, Social and Political History
• Creative Strategy and Conceptualization
• Fundamentals of Business Economics
• Intermediate Microeconomics
• International and Spanish Economic History (19th & 20th centuries)
• Introduction to Marketing
• Introduction to Microeconomics
• Economic Policy
• Social Change and Communication
• Sociology of Consumption
• Statistics and Introduction to Econometrics
• Strategic Business Management I
• World Economic History (19th & 20th centuries)
• History of Economic Analysis
• Introduction to Microeconomics
• Mathematics I
• Market Research I
• Art Management
• Business Creation
• Economics of Development
• English for Advertising and Public Relations
• Human Resources Management
• Intermediate Macroeconomics
• International Corporate Strategy and Management
• Introduction to Macroeconomics
• Introduction to Statistics
• Mathematics II
• Operations Management
• Organizational Design
• Audiovisual Media Production
• Quality and Environmental Management
• Research in Tourism
• Sociology of Deviance
• Sociology of Migration
• Strategic Business Management II
• Strategic Marketing
• Introduction to Macroeconomics
• Statistics I area: Law
• Introduction to Sociology
• Sociology of Law
• Quantitative and Qualitative Research Techniques
• History of Spanish Law and Institutions
• Theory of Law
• Financial and Tax Law I
• Private International Law
• The Constitution and its sources
• Private International Law in the Multicultural Society
• Design and Management of International Business
• International Taxation
• Procedural Law
• Introduction to Political Science
• Introduction to Civil Law and Personal Law
• Introduction to Procedural Law
• Financial and Tax Law II
• Sociology of International Relations
University of Alicante Spain
University of Alicante Spain
area: Tourism
• Introduction to the Geography of Tourism
• Tourism Market Research
• Civil Legislation for Tourism
• Fundamentals of Business Economics
• Markey Structures
• Accounting
• Global Economics of Tourism
• Advertising and Public Relations in Tourism
• Typologies of Tourist Sites
• Cultural Heritage
• Tourist Territorial Resources
• Human Resource Management and Planning in Tourism Organizations
• Sociology of Tourism
• Operations and production processes in Tourism Companies
• Regional Tourism Planning
• Anthropology of Tourism
• Computer Science Applied to Tourism
area: Biology
• Chemistry
• Fundamentals of Mathematics
• Physics
• Botany
• Ecology of populations and communities
• Advanced microbiology
• Advanced genetics
• Biochemistry I
• Cellular biology
• Introduction to research in biology
• Ecology
• Animal physiology I
• Plant biodiversity
• Plant physiology: nutrition, transport, and metabolism
• Molecular techniques
• Structural and functional techniques
• Modelling ecological systems
area: Mathematics
• Game Theory
• Time Series
University of Alicante Spain
area: Chemistry
• Organic Chemistry
• Therodynamic Chemistry
• Advanced Organic Chemistry
• Inorganic Solids
• Organic Stereochemistry
• Advanced Organic Chemistry
• Quality in Analytical Laboratories
area: Architectural Technology / Fundamentals of Architecture
• Fundamentals of Mathematics
• Applied Physics 1
• Applied Physics 2
• Architecture Design Studio 4
• Architecture Theory 3
• Urban Planning 1
• Urban Planning 2
• Basic Building Systems
• Architecture Design Studio 5
• Architecture Design Studio 6
• Urban Planning 3
• Urban Planning 4
• Urban Planning 5
• Singular Building Systems
• Structures 2
• Structures 3
• Drawing 2
• Drawing 3
University of Alicante Spain
• Project Management
• Building Construction Workshop
• History of Construction
• Graphic Analysis and Ideation 1
• Graphic Analysis and Ideation 2
• Fundamentals of Mathematics 2
• Advanced Building Systems
• Architecture Design Studio 7
• Architecture Design Studio 8
area: Civil Engineering
• Fundamentals of Chemistry in Civil Engineering
• Urban Planning and the Environment
• Metallic Structures
• Port and Coastal Engineering
• Geotechnical Constructions
• Mechanics for Engineers
• Reinforced and Pre-stressed concrete structures
• Roads and airports
• Construction materials I
• Construction materials II
• Building and construction industrialized
University of Alicante Spain
area: Telecommunications
• Basic Electronics
• Circuit analysis
• Fundamentals of engineering physics
• Basic mathematics
• Acoustics
• Analog electronics
• Fundamentals of engineering optics
• Television
• Networks
• Digital audio processing
• Digital image processing
• Insulation and soundproofing
• Advanced audiovisual systems
• Digital electronics
• Communication theory
• Digital electronic systems
• Digital signal processing
• Video engineering
• Telecommunications regulation and services
• Transmission media
• English I
• English II
University of Alicante Spain
area: Computer Engineering
• Programming I
• Programming II
• Programming III
• Mathematics I
• Mathematics II
• Operating Systems
• Database design
• Operating Systems and Computer Networks Administration
• Computer Engineering
• Discrete Mathematics
• Advanced Software development
• Computer Architecture
• Software System Design
• Database Fundamentals
• Physical Foundation of Computer Science
area: Chemical Engineering
• Reactor Design I
• Simulation, Optimization and Design of Chemical Processes
• Applied Physical Chemistry
University of Alicante Spain
University of Alicante Spain
area: Nursing
• Biostatistics
• Psychology area: Optics
• New advances in contact lenses
area: Education
• Applied Sport Psychology
• Marine Sports
• Physiology of Exercise
• Team Sports I
• Physical Activity and Quality of Life
• Programming Physical Activity for Specific Target Groups
• Management and Innovation in Educational Contexts
• Learning Difficulties and Developmental Disorders
• Teaching and learning Experimental Sciences
• Teaching Social Sciences: Geography
• Teaching Artistic Expression
• Integrating Communication Skills
• Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL)
• English Language Teaching in Pre-School Education
• English for Specific Purposes
• English: Literacy and Text-based Teaching Methodology Inprimary Education
University of Alicante Spain
• Basic Physiology and Kinesiology of movement
• Theory of sports and physical activity
• Sports with equipment
• Individual sports II
• Functions, processes and professional development in teaching physical activity and sports science
• Physical activities in the natural environment
• Meeting specific educational needs
• Teaching mathematics: geometric sense
• Physical activity for people with disabilities
• Teaching and learning experimiental sciences II
• Teaching Social Sciences: History
• Teaching and Learning Mathematics in Primary Education
• Planning and Implementation of Sports Training
• Independent English User
• English: Reading and writing and teaching methodology based text
• Educational psychology
• Social, cultural and educational changes
• Teaching mathematics: number sense
• English language teaching
• Technology and tools in physical education
All the information about these courses is available in the following link
University of Alicante Spain
2. Admission Process
Admission process deadline (applicable for all undergraduate programmes)
The application for university places is carried out through the university pre-registration procedure. The pre-registration procedure is unique for all public universities in the Valencian Community. The deadline for submitting applications for the SINGLE PHASE of pre-registration open from the beginning of June to mid-July. (For the period 2021-2022 were opened from June 21 to July 9, 2021). The pre-registration application is completed through an online telematic assistant. Admission to Bachelor’s degrees is regulated by Royal Decree 412/2014. All information at link
University places in public universities are awarded on the basis of objective criteria corresponding to the grades obtained in the entrance tests or the evaluations of academic records.
For the students from educational systems in European Union countries, to access official degree studies in Spain, it will be enough to prove compliance with the requirements for admission to university studies in the country of origin. Once compliance with the requirements has been verified, it will be issued an “access credential” that will include the qualification for admission to Spanish university studies.
Contact: University of Alicante
Carr. de San Vicente del Raspeig, s/n, 03690
San Vicente del Raspeig, Alicante
Information about study programmes in English for EAIE Toulouse 2024
Study programmes in English language, announced (in the call for enrolment) for ACADEMIC YEAR 2024/2025.
All programmes are available at: Universidade Católica Portuguesa.
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Portugal
degree programme:
Master in Sound and Image
School of Arts
degree: 2nd cycle studies - Master’s degree
form of studies: part-time
duration: 2 years - 4 semesters
The Sound and Image Master is articulated in the areas of specialisation in:
• Animation
• New Media Art
• Sound Design
• Visual Effects
• The Master’s programme offers:
A 1st year curriculum that specialises in the 3 training areas;
A 2nd year that allows you to choose between the practical and artistic programme (Final Project), the research programme (Dissertation) and the professional programme (Internship);
Teaching staff that includes professionals and artists recognised on the global market, as well as experienced university tutors;
Integration into EA’s creative community, transversal to its courses;
Possibility of collaboration and integration into research projects at the School of Arts’ Centre for Research in Science and Technology of the Arts (CITAR);
Possibility of collaboration and integration in knowledge transfer and artistic production projects at the School of Arts’ Centre for Digital Creativity (CCD);
Close monitoring in small working groups;
Continuous and preferential access to equipment such as: Motion Capture Laboratory, Surround Sound Mixing Studio, Interactive Art and Digital Fabrication Laboratory, Film/TV Studio with Chroma-Keying;
Access to an Erasmus scholarship to study abroad for one semester;
Promotion of students’ work abroad;
Support for the professional integration of students and alumni.
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Portugal
available majors:
• Animation;
• Sound Design;
• New Media Art;
• Visual Effects
admission criteria:
Holders of a Bachelor’s degree or legal equivalent (in the field of cinema, audiovisual, photography, multimedia, plastic arts, architecture, design, engineering, etc.).
Holders of a foreign higher academic degree awarded following a 1st cycle of studies organised in accordance with the principles of the Bologna Process by a country that has signed up to this Process;
Holders of a foreign higher academic degree that is recognised as satisfying the objectives of a bachelor’s degree by the Scientific Council of the School of Arts;
Holders of an academic, scientific or professional curriculum that is recognised by the Scientific Council of the School of Arts as attesting to their ability to complete the master’s degree, under the legal terms.
more on the university website
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Portugal
degree programme:
Master in Enterprise Management for the Creative Industries
School of Arts
degree: 2nd cycle studies - Master’s degree
form of studies: part-time
duration: 2 years - 4 semesters
The cultural and creative sector is characterized by having creativity and intellectual capital as its main values. Its multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary nature requires collaboration and cooperation processes that bring together creative skills and management skills. It thus has, by design, new concepts, products, contents, as well as their implementation in new and different business models better adapted to the contemporary world.
It covers a wide range of activities - Architecture, Arts and Antiques, Crafts, Design, Fashion Design, Film and Video, Advertising, Interactive Entertainment Software, Music, Performing Arts, Publishing, Computer Software and Services, Television and Radio – or that is, industries that intersect creativity, art, business and technology. The result is the emergence of a sector, based on cultural products, ideas, concepts, talent and innovation, pointing to new paths for those who want to discover how to create new professional spaces in a society in which the ability to create and execute is crucial.
The main objective of this Program, a joint initiative with Católica Porto Business School, is to qualify professionals based on the interdisciplinary study of techniques, processes and methods to respond to the demand of the productive sector of the cultural and creative sector.
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Portugal
admission criteria:
Holders of a Bachelor’s degree or equivalent in the fields of Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences, Communication Sciences, Business Sciences or Engineering Sciences;
Holders of a foreign higher academic degree awarded following a 1st cycle of studies organised in accordance with the principles of the Bologna Process by a State adhering to this Process;
Holders of a foreign higher academic degree that is recognised as satisfying the objectives of a bachelor’s degree by the Scientific Council of the School of Arts;
Holders of an academic, scientific or professional curriculum that is recognised by the Scientific Council of the School of Arts as attesting to their ability to complete the master’s degree, under the legal terms.
more on the university website
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Portugal
degree programme:
Master in Photography
School of Arts
degree: 2nd cycle studies - Master’s degree
form of studies: part-time
duration: 2 years - 4 semesters
The Master in Photography is structured in theoretical and practical modules and is intended for all those who wish to acquire professional and artistic skills, as well as the ability to critically reflect in the context of contemporary visual arts.
Faculty is characterized by a vast professional and artistic experience, allowing the development of this course in contact with the main agents of contemporary photography in Portugal. The research dimension includes writing a dissertation, carrying out an exhibition project and creating an artistic portfolio.*
* professional internships may be considered according to individual study plans
admission criteria:
Holders of a Bachelor’s degree or legal equivalent
Holders of a foreign higher academic degree awarded following a 1st cycle of studies organised in accordance with the principles of the Bologna Process by a State adhering to this Process;
Holders of a foreign higher academic degree that is recognised as satisfying the objectives of a bachelor’s degree by the Scientific Council of the School of Arts;
Holders of an academic, scientific or professional curriculum that is recognised by the Scientific Council of the School of Arts as attesting to their ability to complete the master’s degree, under the legal terms.
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Universidade Católica Portuguesa Portugal
degree programme:
Master in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage
School of Arts
degree: 2nd cycle studies - Master’s degree
form of studies: part-time
duration: 2 years - 4 semesters
This Master’s Degree provides advanced training that allows entry into the profession in an autonomous and individual way. Over two years, students will have the opportunity to combine tradition and innovation by applying scientific and technological methods to art and heritage.
It promotes concrete experiences in diverse environments, through internships and collaborations with national and international scientific, museological and academic institutions, as well as with several specialized companies in the sector.
The main objective is to value the service to the community, contributing to the knowledge, conservation, qualification and promotion of art and heritage.
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Portugal
admission criteria: Holders of a Bachelor’s degree or legal equivalent, in the field of Conservation and Restoration or related;
Holders of a foreign higher academic degree awarded following a 1st cycle of studies organised in accordance with the principles of the Bologna Process by a State adhering to this Process, in the area of Conservation and Restoration;
Holders of a foreign higher academic degree in the field of Conservation and Restoration, which is recognised as satisfying the objectives of the degree by the Scientific Council of the School of Arts;
Holders of an academic, scientific or professional curriculum that is recognised by the Scientific Council of the School of Arts as attesting to their ability to complete the master’s degree, under the legal terms.
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Universidade Católica Portuguesa Portugal
degree programme:
Master in Cinema
School of Arts
degree: 2nd cycle studies - Master’s degree
form of studies: part-time
duration: 2 years - 4 semesters
The Master in Cinema is an advanced training in contemporary cinema, allowing students to develop their creative and technical skills based on individual projects.
Over the two years, students will be able to choose a specific focus of workwhether “classic” cinema, or installation projects - while being immersed in contemporary artistic thinking, challenged to understand the different modalities of moving images and how cinema reflects on the world.
admission criteria:
Holders of a Bachelor’s degree or legal equivalent (in the field of cinema, audiovisual, photography, multimedia, plastic arts, architecture, design, engineering, etc.);
Holders of a foreign higher academic degree awarded following a 1st cycle of studies organised in accordance with the principles of the Bologna Process by a country that has signed up to this Process;
Holders of a foreign higher academic degree that is recognised as satisfying the objectives of a bachelor’s degree by the Scientific Council of the School of Arts;
Holders of an academic, scientific or professional curriculum that is recognised by the Scientific Council of the School of Arts as attesting to their ability to complete the master’s degree, under the legal terms.
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Universidade Católica Portuguesa Portugal
degree programme:
Sound and Image
School of Arts
degree: 1st cycle studies
form of studies: full-time
duration: 3 years- 6 semesters
overview: The Program in Sound and Image offers students a wide range of career opportunities in various artistic areas.
First-year students are familiarized with the Programs’ broad structure and various componentes. From the second year onwards, they are offered a varierity of optional courses that foster area-specific knowledge and skills, allowing for specialization.
The final year is centered around an Artistic Project, which allows students to test their ability to respond to briefings for projects in the audiovisual industry that cross the 4 areas of knowledge of this Program: New Media Art, Sound, Animation and Video
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Portugal
admission criteria:
Hold a qualification that gives access to higher education in the country of origin (secondary education) OR Hold a Portuguese secondary education course, or a legally equivalent qualification;
Have taken:
National final exam of foreign secondary education considered homologous (equivalent) to the entrance exam required for the course to which you intend to apply OR
National exams in Portugal of the entrance exams required for the course you wish to apply for.
If you do not fulfil any of the conditions in the previous point, you will have to take an exam at the UCP.
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Universidade Católica Portuguesa
degree programme:
School of Arts
degree: 1st cycle studies
form of studies: full-time
duration: 3 years- 6 semesters
The Undergratuate Program in Cinema at the School of Arts offers differentiated training in the field of cinematographic production. Its main objective is to prepare studantes for a relevant career in the field of cinema and the arts, forming artistic and creative professionals while developing critical thinking
This is done through an innovative project-based teaching model, where different stages and roles (pre-production, script writing, photography direction, art direction, actors direction, production, sound and image post-production, and, of course, directing) are approached through artistic, technical and technological prisms.
Faculty’s profiles are varied, composed not only of theoretical and practical academics, but also of nationally and internationally renowned professionals, artists and filmmakers, who guide students through their projects.
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Portugal
admission criteria:
Hold a qualification that gives access to higher education in the country of origin (secondary education) OR Hold a Portuguese secondary education course, or a legally equivalent qualification;
Have taken:
National final exam of foreign secondary education considered homologous (equivalent) to the entrance exam required for the course to which you intend to apply OR
National exams in Portugal of the entrance exams required for the course you wish to apply for.
If you do not fulfil any of the conditions in the previous point, you will have to take an exam at the UCP.
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Universidade Católica Portuguesa Portugal
degree programme:
Art, Conservation and Restoration
School of Arts
degree: 1st cycle studies
form of studies: full-time
duration: 3 years- 6 semesters
The Undergraduate Program in Conservation and Restoration offers a solid theoretical-practical training, dedicated to the preservation of art and heritage, providing students with a multidisciplinary vision that crosses knowledge of the arts and exact sciences.
The ability to work in different contexts- workshops, in situ, laboratories - is emphasized, in order to promote the multidisciplinary skills and adaptability necessary in this field of activity.
The skills developed throughout this Degree allow entry into the job market, namely through the understanding of artistic techniques, composition and behavior of materials, assessment of their degradation and ability to carry out the most appropriate treatments for their conservation.
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Portugal
admission criteria:
Hold a qualification that gives access to higher education in the country of origin (secondary education) OR Hold a Portuguese secondary education course, or a legally equivalent qualification;
Have taken:
National final exam of foreign secondary education considered homologous (equivalent) to the entrance exam required for the course to which you intend to apply OR
National exams in Portugal of the entrance exams required for the course you wish to apply for.
If you do not fulfil any of the conditions in the previous point, you will have to take an exam at the UCP.
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Universidade Católica Portuguesa Portugal
degree programme:
International Undergraduate Program in Business Administration
Católica Lisbon School of Business & Economics
degree: 1st cycle studies
form of studies: full-time
duration: 3 years – 6 semesters
The International Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration was launched in 2014 and, over the years, it has continued in the vanguard, keeping up with changes in international teaching standards and the demands of a constantly changing global labor market and business environment. With a teaching staff made up of leading academics in the production of scientific knowledge and reputable members of industry and the business arena, it will allow studens who choose this course to develop strong interdisciplinary skills in management in an international context, complemented by a highly analytic course framework. When you have concluded your Management course, you will have advanced knowledge of topics such as Strategy, Marketing and Accounting.
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Portugal
admission criteria: All students, from any nationality or educational system, who fulfill the mandatory requirements, according to one of the following conditions:
If you are a current Secondary Education Student:
• Diploma Statement
• Transcript of Records
• Proof of English Proficiency
• Curriculum Vitae
• Personal Statement
If you have finished your Secondary Education:
• Official Certificate of Secondary Education with final grade
• Official Certificate of the Mathematics Exam with grade
• Proof of English Proficiency
• Curriculum Vitae
• Personal Statement
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Universidade Católica Portuguesa Portugal
degree programme:
International Undergraduate Program in Economics & Finance
Católica Lisbon School of Business & Economics
degree: 1st cycle studies
form of studies: full-time
duration: 3 years – 6 semesters
The International Bachelor’s Degree in Economics was launched in 2014, becoming a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics & Finance in 2017. Over the years, it has continued in the vanguard, keeping up with changes in international teaching standards and the demands of a constantly changing global labor market and business environment. With a teaching staff made up of leading academics in the production of scientific knowledge and reputable members of industry and the business arena, this course is intensely focused on International Economics & Finance and has a highly analytic framework. After conclusion, you will have advanced knowledge of topics such as Microeconomics, Macroeconomics and Corporate Finance.
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Portugal
admission criteria: All students, from any nationality or educational system, who fulfill the mandatory requirements, according to one of the following conditions:
If you are a current Secondary Education Student:
• Diploma Statement
• Transcript of Records
• Proof of English Proficiency
• Curriculum Vitae
• Personal Statement
If you have finished your Secondary Education:
• Official Certificate of Secondary Education with final grade
• Official Certificate of the Mathematics Exam with grade
• Proof of English Proficiency
• Curriculum Vitae
• Personal Statement
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Universidade Católica Portuguesa
degree programme:
International Master of Science in Finance
Católica Lisbon School of Business & Economics
degree: 2nd cycle studies – Master’s degree
form of studies: full-time
duration: 1.5 or 2 years – 3 or 4 semesters
The International MSc in Finance is a pre-experience program designed for students who wish to pursue an international career. The course blends theory and practice with a hands-on approach, provided by innovative courses and top professors. The program experience fosters the creation of strong professional connections with peers and industry experts from all over the world (Germany, France, UK, Italy, US, Canada, Brazil, etc.).
admission criteria:
• Graduates in Business, Economics, or another Quantitative degree;
• Professional experience/Internship up to 3 years (full-time after completion of your bachelor’s degree);
• GMAT (highly recommended)
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Universidade Católica Portuguesa Portugal
degree programme:
International Master of Science in Management
Católica Lisbon School of Business & Economics
degree: 2nd cycle studies – Master’s degree
form of studies: full-time
duration: 1.5 or 2 years – 3 or 4 semesters
One of the best master’s programs in the world, the International MSc in Management is a highly selective program with a solid international scope that offers you high-quality education in business. The course and program experience is designed to provide you with the practical and academic knowledge you need and to become the launchpad for your international career.
available majors:
• Corporate Finance;
• Entrepreneureship & Innovation;
• Marketing;
• Strategy & Consulting
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Portugal
admission criteria: Business or Economics graduates;
• Recent graduates with less than 3 years professional experience (full time after completion your bachelor degree). For this program, it is mandatory to have any kind of professional experience;
• International experiences (admission to this program highly values candidates with an international career outlook). Therefore, with your application, please provide a few paragraphs of text for the Admissions Jury highlighting your previous international experiences and outlining your goals to strengthen your candidacy for the International Masters program. Additionally, your CV should provide the details for the relevant international experiences in your academic and professional path (such as exchange, summer school, an internship abroad, or internal experience in a multinational organization, etc.) ;
• Foreign languages and extracurricular activities are highly valued by the Admissions Jury.
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Universidade Católica Portuguesa Portugal
degree programme:
Master of Science in Business (for non-Business Graduates)
Católica Lisbon School of Business & Economics
degree: 2nd cycle studies – Master’s degree
form of studies: full-time
duration: 1.5 or 2 years – 3 or 4 semesters
The MSc in Business provides strong foundations in management for graduates from diverse backgrounds other than economics and management. The program introduces you to the core areas of management and provides you with the analytical and core professional skills you need to succeed in today’s workplace. You will be able to prepare for managerial careers by adding business knowledge to your previous academic training.
admission criteria:
• Graduates with a degree in a field other than Business or Economics;
• Professional experience/internship (up to 3 years), international exposure (exchange, summer school or internship abroad) and extracurricular achievements are highly valued by the Admissions Jury;
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degree programme:
Master of Science in Business Analytics
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Portugal
Católica Lisbon School of Business & Economics
degree: 2nd cycle studies – Master’s degree
form of studies: full-time
duration: 1.5 or 2 years – 3 or 4 semesters
This program provides specialized and comprehensive training in data science and business analytics. You will learn to structure data analytics problems and use state of-the-art tools and techniques to design solutions for real business challenges. At the same time, you will develop the critical skills they need for successful leadership in modern, data-driven organizations. At Católica, you will have access to an extensive international network of students, faculty, and alumni, facilitating co-learning, sharing best practices and networking opportunities. This unique learning experience, balancing theory and practice, technical and managerial skills, will prepare you for a meaningful and impactful career in an increasingly datadriven and data-centric business world.
admission criteria:
• Graduates in Business, Economics, Mathematics, Engineering or Computer Science;
• Professional experience/Internship up to 3 years (full-time after completion of your bachelor’s degree).
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Universidade Católica Portuguesa Portugal
Master of Science in Economics
Católica Lisbon School of Business & Economics
degree: 2nd cycle studies – Master’s degree
form of studies: full-time
duration: 1.5 or 2 years – 3 or 4 semesters
overview: This program allows you to broaden your knowledge of economics, providing you with a toolkit of quantitative and conceptual skills that will enable you to have an impactful career with a global reach and a full spectrum of options. You can work in a tech company helping to create marketplaces from scratch, in a central bank developing insights into economic trends, in consulting, banking or a host of other fields. Economists make decisions based on evidence and rationality rather than on intuition alone. This program is for you if you gravitate towards more structure in analysis and data-driven decisions to reach reasoned conclusions about key economic issues applied to various industry and market contexts.
available majors:
• Applied Economics;
• Economic Theory;
• Finance & Banking;
• Macroeconomic Policy
admission criteria: Ideally candidates should have an undergraduate degree in Management, Economics or other quantitive background. Outstanding candidates from other quantitative areas will also be considered, but may be asked to do some background study before joining the program.
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Universidade Católica Portuguesa Portugal
Master of Science in Finance (post experience)
Católica Lisbon School of Business & Economics
degree: 2nd cycle studies – Master’s degree
form of studies: full-time
duration: 1.5 or 2 years – 3 or 4 semesters
The MSc in Finance (post-experience) is a post-experience program designed for students with up to 5 years of professional experience who desire to pursue an international career. The curriculum blends theory and practice with a hands-on approach, provided by our innovative courses and top professors. The program fosters strong professional and personal connections with peers and industry experts from all over the world (Germany, France, U.K., Italy, U.S., Canada, Brazil, etc.)
available majors:
• Corporate Finance;
• Financial Markets admission criteria:
• Graduates in Business, Economics, or another quantitative discipline;
• Professional experience/internship (more than 3 years), international exposure (exchange, summer school or internship abroad) and extracurricular achievements are highly valued by the Admissions Jury.
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Universidade Católica Portuguesa Portugal
degree programme:
Master of Science in Finance (with Specialization in Corporate Finance or Financial Markets)
Católica Lisbon School of Business & Economics
degree: 2nd cycle studies – Master’s degree
form of studies: full-time
duration: 1.5 or 2 years – 3 or 4 semesters
The MSc in Finance prepares students for high-level careers in the global financial industry. It’s a comprehensive, demanding program, which aims at developing finance professionals with strong ethics and in-depth knowledge of the field, both in Financial Investments and Corporate Finance.
available majors:
• Corporate Finance;
• Financial Markets
admission criteria:
• Graduates in Business, Economics, or another Quantitative discipline;
• Professional experience/internship (up to 3 years), international exposure (exchange, summer school or internship abroad) and extracurricular achievements are highly valued by the Admissions Jury.
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Universidade Católica Portuguesa Portugal
degree programme:
Master of Science in Management with Specialization in Strategic Marketing
Lisbon School of Business & Economics
degree: 2nd cycle studies – Master’s degree
form of studies: full-time
duration: 1.5 or 2 years – 3 or 4 semesters
From gathering consumer insights to building powerful brands, from e-commerce to social media, marketing is a critical driver of success in today’s business landscape. It’s a dynamic field, both for practitioners and academics. This is why many courses in this program are taught by experienced marketing professionals. The innovative course is designed to provide you with the academic and professional skills you need for managerial positions in marketing. Some of the most important topics include consumer psychology and behavior, marketing research and strategic analysis and financial decisions in a business context. There has never been a more exciting time to teach or work in marketing. This program is for you if you want to stay at the forefront of value creation.
admission criteria:
• Management or Economics graduates;
• Professional experience/Internship up to 3 years (full-time after completion of your bachelor’s degree).
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Universidade Católica Portuguesa Portugal
degree programme:
Master of Science in Management with Strategy, Entrepreneurship
& Impact
Católica Lisbon School of Business & Economics
degree: 2nd cycle studies – Master’s degree
form of studies: full-time
duration: 1.5 or 2 years – 3 or 4 semesters
city: Lisbon
The MSc in Management with specialization in Strategy, Entrepreneurship & Impact provides the practical and academic knowledge required for entrepreneurs and high-level careers in Strategy. This program will prepare you for a top career in consulting, management or strategy, or provide you with the tools to launch your own entrepreneurial venture.
admission criteria: Management or Economics graduates; Professional experience/internship (up to 3 years), international exposure (exchange, summer school or internship abroad) and extracurricular achievements are highly valued by the Admissions Jury.
The Integrated Masters in Medicine aims to train professionals of excellence, with a high ethical sense and social responsibility, capable of contributing to the continuous improvement of health care, inspired by the mission of working for the common good. The Medicine course is an Integrated Master’s Degree lasting six academic years. It has a highly innovative curriculum, resulting from collaboration with the of Maastricht University. It also has a partnership for the clinical component with the Luz Saúde Group, one of the largest private health groups in Portugal. The Medicine course uses student-centred teaching methodologies that foster learning autonomy, with greater retention and depth of knowledge, with proven clinical skills.
admission criteria:
Be the holder of a secondary school qualification or equivalent English Proficiency: Minimum English level C1 of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR).
Interpersonal Communication:
This prerequisite aims to prove the applicants’ interpersonal communication skills.
The medical declaration shall prove the absence of any mental, sensory or motor deficiency that seriously interferes with the functional capacity and interpersonal communication to the point of impairing the applicant’s own learning or that of others.
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Universidade Católica Portuguesa Portugal
degree programme:
Undergraduate Program in Economics
Católica Porto Business School
degree: 1st cycle studies
form of studies: full-time
duration: 3 years – 6 semesters
The Economics course is a comprehensive, cross-curricular Program for a versatile professional career. An approach that draws on critical thinking built on historical learning and past patterns that combines an analytical component.
With strong connections to the social sciences, Economics is a human science that helps to understand individual economic behaviours in society.
The scientific knowledge acquired in the course allows a world view based on economic thinking, economic history, and geo-economics with a solid mathematical underpinning.
It is a course that provides graduates with a general and in-depth knowledge of the world, with the ability to understand organisations integrated into their context. For example, the students can occupy business positions in varied functional areas, public or private organisations, business finance or financial markets, or continue their studies to master’s degrees.
admission criteria:
In order to apply, students must meet the following requirements:
• to hold a Portuguese secondary education diploma OR a legally equivalent qualification
• to have taken the Portuguese national secondary education examinations OR a foreign diploma Mathematics’ final examination considered equivalent.
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Universidade Católica Portuguesa Portugal
degree programme:
Undergraduate Program in Management
Católica Porto Business School
degree: 1st cycle studies
form of studies: full-time
duration: 3 years – 6 semesters
Católica Porto Business School’s Management degree provides solid interdisciplinary training that qualifies you to work in this challenging and increasingly competitive world.
The teaching model, widely recognised by the business world, prioritises a close connection to the business world through solid university-company cooperation. In addition, it promotes internships in well-established companies, which brings advantageous positions for the students.
In a highly competitive and dynamic international context, Católica Porto Business School encourages the global mobility of its students. It enables them to enjoy the experience of studying temporarily in a foreign university through cooperation protocols with several universities in Europe, the United States and Asia, and also promotes summer internships in companies and international institutions.
admission criteria:
In order to apply, students must meet the following requirements:
• to hold a Portuguese secondary education diploma OR a legally equivalent qualification
• to have taken the Portuguese national secondary education examinations OR a foreign diploma Mathematics’ final examination considered equivalent.
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Universidade Católica Portuguesa Portugal
degree programme:
Master in Business Economics
Católica Porto Business School
degree: 2nd cycle studies – Master’s degree
form of studies: full-time
duration: 1.5 years - 3 semesters
The Master in Business Economics is an international Program offered in English. It is suitable for bachelors in economics, management and engineering with the ambition of becoming top professionals of organisations.
The Program aims that future professionals acquire advanced and cross-cutting knowledge in economics and management and develop analytic and soft skills that allow them to support organisations in their processes of decision-making, innovation, and strategy. It prepares future professionals to work in multidisciplinary and international teams and grasp complex issues, with a critical view and analytical and innovative capacities.
The Master Final Assignment is seen as an opportunity to approach organisations. Internships and projects are oriented to answer research questions of interest and/ or solve specific problems of organisations.
The Master in Business Economics offers international exchange experiences with the vast network of universities of the world with which Católica Porto Business School has partnerships. It also provides access to the Double Degree with Lancaster University Management School or NEOMA Business School.
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Portugal
admission criteria: Graduates from different scientific areas can apply to the Masters of the Católica Porto Business School.
• The application process to the Masters of the Católica Porto Business School must contain elements that provide evidence of the academic and scientific competence of the candidates, as well as the command of the English language. The GMAT test is valued in the selection process to assess the academic and scientific skills
• Applicants will be selected based on the following criteria: Academic and scientific curriculum, Degree classification and Professional experience or research. more on the university website
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Portugal
degree programme:
Master in Management
Católica Porto Business School
degree: 2nd cycle studies – Master’s degree
form of studies: full-time
duration: 1.5 years - 3 semesters
The Program is organised in a common core in the 1st semester. In the 2nd semester the student can choose the Generic Area, or one of the 5 specific fields of management available: Business Analytics, Service Management, Management Control, Human Resources Management and International Management.
admission criteria:
• Graduates from different scientific areas can apply to the Masters of the Católica Porto Business School.
• The application process to the Masters of the Católica Porto Business School must contain elements that provide evidence of the academic and scientific competence of the candidates, as well as the command of the English language. The GMAT test is valued in the selection process to assess the academic and scientific skills
• Applicants will be selected based on the following criteria: Academic and scientific curriculum, Degree classification and Professional experience or research.
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Universidade Católica Portuguesa Portugal
degree programme:
Master in Finance
Católica Porto Business School
degree: 2nd cycle studies – Master’s degree
form of studies: full-time
duration: 1.5 years - 3 semesters
The MSc in Finance is a highly internationalised Program that aims to produce top financial professionals. Drawing on a solid and rigorous theoretical foundation, the MSc in Finance is a professional oriented Program, developed in close collaboration with the top Portuguese financial institutions.
Taught by a first class national and international Faculty, the MSc in Finance has been producing highly-skilled financial specialists for more than ten years. These experts now occupy prominent positions in Portuguese firms and financial institutions, as well as in international financial centres such as Madrid, London and New York.
The drive to ensure that the Program has an international scope – by creating professional and academic opportunities in Portugal and abroad – is visible in the recruitment of our members of staff and in the choice of our Programs. Our mission is to train and produce highly-qualified students that can hold prominent positions within the financial services sector, either in industry or in service-producing companies, in Portugal and abroad.
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Portugal
admission criteria:
• Graduates from different scientific areas can apply to the Masters of the Católica Porto Business School.
• The application process to the Masters of the Católica Porto Business School must contain elements that provide evidence of the academic and scientific competence of the candidates, as well as the command of the English language. The GMAT test is valued in the selection process to assess the academic and scientific skills
• Applicants will be selected based on the following criteria: Academic and scientific curriculum, Degree classification and Professional experience or research. more on the university website
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Portugal
degree programme:
Master in Marketing
Católica Porto Business School
degree: 2nd cycle studies – Master’s degree
form of studies: full-time
duration: 1.5 years - 3 semesters
The main objective of the MSc in Marketing is to guarantee the link between the theories and model taught and the reality of the problems in today’s marketing activities. Thus, we tend to use an empirical teaching approach as much as possible, along with case studies. We have developed a pragmatic approach, which motivates students to produce useful research.
Our MSc Program also attempts to strengthen the relationship between the university and companies. Thus, we have some teachers who are active in companies, and other national or international organisations.
Our approach to the training of highly qualified professionals is at the heart of the value added to our Program and it is the reason why we ensure a high employability rate and successful career to our future graduates.
admission criteria:
• Graduates from different scientific areas can apply to the Masters of the Católica Porto Business School.
• The application process to the Masters of the Católica Porto Business School must contain elements that provide evidence of the academic and scientific competence of the candidates, as well as the command of the English language. The GMAT test is valued in the selection process to assess the academic and scientific skills
• Applicants will be selected based on the following criteria: Academic and scientific curriculum, Degree classification and Professional experience or research.
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Universidade Católica Portuguesa Portugal
degree programme:
Master in Mediterranean Forestry and Natural Resources Management (MEDfOR)
Católica Porto Business School
degree: 2nd cycle studies – Master’s degree
form of studies: full-time
duration: 2 years - 4 semesters
The MEDfOR emphasis is on educating the leaders of the future generation of engineers, managers, researchers, and teachers involved in Mediterranean forestry and natural resources management.
MEDfOR equips students with a solid scientific habilitation and the competences for careers in innovative fields of work within the Mediterranean forestry supply chain. It will both provide the basis needed for students to pursue academic opportunities (e.g. PhD Program) and the qualifications needed to fill positions in all Mediterranean forestry supply chain segments (e.g. forestry and natural resources organizations, either public or private, either national or international).
Students can study in two or three of the 7 universities of the Consortium and may also have the opportunity to do internships with our Associated Partners.
admission criteria:
• The MEDfOR Program is open to candidates from all over the world, so everyone can apply. However, two basic criteria need to be met: The candidate needs to have at least a bachelor degree.
• The candidate needs to have at least an English level of B1 (CEFR).
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Universidade Católica Portuguesa Portugal
degree programme: Microbiology
Faculty of Biotechnology
degree: 1st cycle studies
form of studies: full-time
duration: 3 years - 6 semesters
overview: Microbiology studies viruses, bacteria, fungi, algae and protozoa, a diverse world that affects the health of the planet and people, in addition to offering fabulous tools for the industry. This invisible world can only be explored through genetics or biochemistry and is associated with areas as diverse as ecology, immunology or biotechnology. Microbiology is present in all these areas. Graduates can work at a laboratory or at the consultancy level, in sectors related to medical and pharmaceutical, agricultural, public health, environmental and food safety areas, or even in industry, either in production or in quality control. Graduates in microbiology have a versatile and flexible training profile.
admission criteria:
High school degree (officially recognized at a Portuguese embassy or consulate), with the disciplines: Mathematics OR Biology and Geology OR Physics and Chemistry. Final access grade: 60% high school; 40% national exam
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Universidade Católica Portuguesa Portugal
degree programme:
Food Engineering
Faculty of Biotechnology
degree: 2nd cycle studies - Master’s degree
form of studies: full-time
duration: 2 years - 4 semesters
Food Engineering is a scientific-technological, academic and professional area that interprets and applies principles of engineering and science to food production and operations, including the stages of processing, production, handling, storage, conservation, control, packaging and distribution of safe and efficient food globally. It relies on food science, including microbiology, physics and chemistry, and on broader engineering disciplines, and is one of the most multidisciplinary engineering fields. Food Engineering is aimed at those interested in food and bioprocess engineering, risk assessment, process development and control, advanced production systems and associated environmental and social issues. It leads to various job opportunities in one of the most important industrial sectors.
admission criteria: Holders of a bachelor’s degree or legal equivalent in the areas of Food Engineering or similar.
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Universidade Católica Portuguesa Portugal
degree programme:
Biomedical Engineering
Faculty of Biotechnology
degree: 2nd cycle studies - Master’s degree
form of studies: full-time
duration: 2 years - 4 semesters
At the interface between Engineering and Medical Biotechnology, the health sector has been changing over the last few decades. This interface is decisive in a society called upon to respond to new challenges. The Master’s in Biomedical Engineering presents a multidisciplinary Program that allows graduates to pursue a professional career in areas related to biomaterials and medical devices, medical biotechnology, imaging, diagnostic and therapeutic systems, processing and treatment of biomedical signals, and health technology management. In this Master’s, teaching is distinguished by its strong practical and laboratory component, where students are exposed to R&D projects of high scientific and technological quality, developed in our world-class research center.
admission criteria:
Holders of a bachelor’s degree, or legal equivalent, in Engineering, or some other suitable academic background and / or professional profile.
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Universidade Católica Portuguesa Portugal
degree programme:
Applied Microbiology
Faculty of Biotechnology
degree: 2nd cycle studies - Master’s degree
form of studies: full-time
duration: 2 years - 4 semesters
Whether generators of wealth and well-being or of huge damage and health threats, microorganisms play a central role in our society. Microorganisms can spoil food, interfere with income or even disrupt industrial processes and cause disease or even kill. But they can also remove environmental pollutants, produce fermented products with excellent organoleptic and nutritional properties, create antibiotics, or even allow us to study the origin of life.
As knowledge about the diversity and activity of the microorganisms that share the planet with us increases, we become more aware of how important it is to be able to detect and control these organisms. For this very reason, Microbiology ends up crossing paths with different professional activities in the fields of health, industry, services, agriculture, scientific research, and entrepreneurship.
admission criteria: Holders of a bachelor’s degree, or legal equivalent, in biological sciences or related areas.
more on the university website
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Portugal
degree programme:
European Master of Science in Sustainable Food Systems Engineering, Technology and Business (BiFTec-FOOD4S)
Faculty of Biotechnology
degree: 2nd cycle studies - Master’s degree
form of studies: full-time
duration: 2 years - 4 semesters
BiFTec-FOOD4S adopts a transversal and multidisciplinary approach to a broad range of topics related to the 4S pillars Science (Food Science & Engineering Technology), Sustainability (Sustainable Food Product & Food Process Design), Safety (Food Safety & Quality), and Simulation (Computational Food Science & Technology).
available majors: Sustainable Food Systems Engineering, Technology and Business
admission criteria: Bachelor of Science degree in a relevant area of studies, evidence of English proficiency.
more on the university website
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Portugal
degree programme:
Faculty of Biotechnology
degree: 3rd cycle studies - PhD
form of studies: full-time
duration: 4 years - 8 semesters
The main objective of the PhD Program in Biotechnology is to prepare a new generation of professionals, capable of promoting R&D activities, both at academic, research, and industry environments. Exposed to an international research environment– the Centre of Biotechnology and Fine Chemistry (CBQF) – boasts the highest scientific and academic standards. CBQF has been granted the prestigious status of State Associated Laboratory, and presently rated as “Excellent”.
Research activities are developed with a clear conscious of the importance to conduct fundamental research while reflecting the needs of the industry. The proximity to technology transfer and industrial services activities greatly potentiates the research environment of the CBQF.
available majors:
• Food Science and Engineering
• Environmental Science and Engineering
• Biomedical Science and Engineering
• Microbiology
• Chemistry admission criteria: Master’s degree, or equivalent legal, in Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Engineering, or similar.
more on the university website
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Portugal
degree programme:
PhD in Applied Psychology –Adaptation and change in contemporary societies
Faculty of Education and Psychology
degree: 3rd cycle studies - PhD
form of studies: full-time
duration: 3 years - 6 semesters
The international Ph.D. Program in “Applied Psychology: Adaptation and change in contemporary societies” awards a joint degree from three universities: Universidade Católica Portuguesa (Portugal); Universitat Ramon Llull (Spain); and Nottingham Trent University (UK).
The Program offers training in a research environment for doctoral students interested in applying psychology from a life-cycle perspective to mental health and well-being.
Those embarking on a Ph.D. are inherently inquisitive, exploratory, and deeply passionate about their field of study. This Program’s primary strengths lie in its capacity to engage the Ph.D. students within a well-resourced and collaborative team environment while maintaining a clear and adequate mentorship from experienced faculty members.
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Portugal
available majors:
• Mental Health and Psychopathology: Challenges of a Changing and Global Society
• Human relationships throughout the life cycle: Couple, family and groups
• Exclusion: social (In)justice, conflict and psychological well-being
• Adaptive and maladaptive behaviours related to digital technologies
admission criteria: To apply to the Ph.D. in Applied Psychology, applicants must:
a) Hold sufficient ECTS from a Bachelor’s degree and Masters to allow entry onto a Ph.D. in the country where their ECTS were gained. The Master’s qualification must be equivalent to a “Merit/Commendation” (NTU), “Notable” (URL), or “Very good” (UCP). Either the Bachelor’s degree or the Master’s must be in Psychology or a related discipline (e.g., Educational Sciences, Social Sciences, Life Sciences).
b) Have a certified minimum level of B2 or IELTS 6.5 or above in oral and written English language (non-native English speakers only).
c) Agree to undertake a research internship of 12 months at one of the other universities involved in the Program.
more on the university website
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Portugal
degree programme:
Master in Asian Studies
Faculty of Human Sciences
degree: 2nd cycle studies - Master’s degree
form of studies: full-time
duration: 2 years - 4 semesters
The Master in Asian Studies is aimed at graduates interested in deepening their knowledge of Asian societies, cultures and political systems and their major historical and cultural references. The Master in Asian Studies has an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary profile, with an international body of specialized teachers/ researchers. The faculty of the Program has scientific articulations of dialogue and cooperation, individually or institutionally, with Western and Asian institutions, capable of enhancing the internationalization of the Program and the Masters in Asian Studies.
admission criteria:
• Undergraduate degree;
• Interview;
• The Master degree requires a minimum of B2 level of English according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFRL)
more on the university website
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Portugal
degree programme:
Master in Culture Studies –
Lisbon Consortium
Faculty of Human Sciences
degree: 2nd cycle studies - Master’s degree
form of studies: full-time
duration: 2 years - 4 semesters
Ranked #2 by the Eduniversal Worldwide Best Masters Ranking in Cultural Management/Creative Industries Management, the Master Program in Culture Studies is aimed at students interested in a structured discussion of cultural phenomena in the global world.
admission criteria:
BA Degree preferably in a related field of studies (Humanities and Social Sciences); English Language Certificate – minimum CEFR C1 (taken after January 2021)
more on the university website
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Portugal
degree programme:
Master in Communication Studies
Faculty of Human Sciences
degree: 2nd cycle studies - Master’s degree
form of studies: full-time
duration: 2 years - 4 semesters
This Program is designed for recent graduates and students seeking a national or international career. This also very much caters for students wishing to embark on a scientific research career in the interdisciplinary field of communication sciences.
admission criteria:
• BA Degree preferably in a related field of studies (Humanities and Social Sciences);
• The Master degree requires a minimum of B2 level of English according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFRL) more on the university website
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Portugal
degree programme:
Master in Psychology and Environmental Sustainability
Faculty of Human Sciences
degree: 2nd cycle studies - Master’s degree
form of studies: full-time
duration: 2 years - 4 semesters
The MSc in Psychology and Environmental Sustainability is part of the response of Psychology to the climate emergency the world is experiencing today. In recent years Psychology scholars and their professional associations – for example, the American Psychological Association (APA) or the Portuguese Order of Psychologists (OPP) - began to mobilize to encourage academics to apply knowledge from all subdomains in Psychology toward understanding environment-related human attitudes and habits, and to foster pro-environmental behavior of both individuals and organizations. Last but not least, this knowledge is critical to informing policymakers.
Environmental sustainability is also a fast-growing area of recruitment in companies that are increasingly looking to enhance their social responsibility in this domain. This MSc Program seeks to respond to such growing market demands, by strengthening the students’ profile in behavioral sciences/psychology conceptual and methodological approaches and tools, and data science applications.
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Portugal
admission criteria: Undergraduate Degree - Applicants are required to hold an undergraduate degree preferably (but not exclusively) in Psychology; degrees in Biology or other natural Sciences, Education, Communication, Marketing, Business and Administration, and others may also be considered upon analysis of the relevance of the CV and motivation; English Language Certificate*:
• IELTS 5.5-6.0
• TOEFL 72-94
• B2 First
• CEFR B2 (the certificate must be taken at a university)
• Aptis ESOL Advanced B2
*Candidates must present a certificate taken after March 2022;
- Certificates obtained via virtual will not be considered valid.
more on the university website
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Portugal
degree programme:
Master in Psychology in Business and Economics
Faculty of Human Sciences
degree: 2nd cycle studies - Master’s degree
form of studies: full-time
duration: 2 years - 4 semesters
Psychology applied to Business and Economics, as a vibrant and valuable area for research and teaching, has attracted the interest of top universities worldwide. This new Master’s Degree in Psychology in Business and Economics is the first Program in Portugal to specifically address this important area.
The Master in Psychology in Business and Economics includes strong psychological foundations, structured and directly applied to the fields of economics and business, in order to enlarge opportunities for psychologists to meaningfully contribute to organizations.
admission criteria:
• Undergraduate Degree;
• English Language Certificate*:
IELTS 5.5-6.0
TOEFL 72-94
· B2 First
· CEFR B2 (the certificate must be taken at a university)
*Candidates must present a certificate taken after March 2022; more on the university website
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Portugal
degree programme:
PhD in Communication Studies
Faculty of Human Sciences
degree: 3rd cycle studies - PhD
form of studies: full-time
duration: 4 years - 8 semesters
overview: Questions around communication, its relationships with the social, political, cultural and economic spheres, have acquired crucial importance in recent decades and driving a highly significant expansion in the interest and relevance of research undertaken in the field of the Communication Sciences.
In parallel, changes in interpersonal, intergroup and public communications practices, which have come to impact on contemporary societies, have driven the still greater relevance of educating and training highly qualified specialists able to develop fundamental and applied research projects correspondingly able to reply to the different communications challenges prevailing and expanding our knowledge about communication across its most diverse and different facets.
The Doctoral Degree Program in Communication Sciences at the Faculty of Human Sciences seeks to endow students with the competences and the tools necessary to the development of research projects incorporating the highest scientific standards and advanced levels of ethical significance. In addition to mastering the different theoretical trends and methodological tools, doctoral students also deepen their capacities for analysis and the critical interpretation of different communicational phenomena. The Program offers up to 3 full fellowships funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology.
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Portugal
Over the last decade and a half, with its highly qualified teaching staff, the Doctoral Degree in Communication Sciences has seen its numerous graduates take up positions dedicated to research in various universities as well as senior level roles in different companies and organisations. The program displays a truly international profile with doctoral degree students gaining access to the most diverse events on an international scale run by both the FCH and CECC, namely the Lisbon Winter School for the Study of Communication, organized in partnership with the Center for Media@Risk at the Annenberg School for Communication (University of Pennsylvania), the University of Southern California, the Chinese University of Hong Kong and the University of Helsinki.
admission criteria:
• Holders of Master’s Degrees in Communication Studies or other fields with the social sciences and humanities.
• The PhD Program requires a minimum of B2 level of English according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFRL). It is not required to present an English Certificate, since your language level will be evaluated by the coordination at the time of the interview.
more on the university website
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Portugal
PhD in Culture Studies
Faculty of Human Sciences
degree: 3rd cycle studies - PhD
form of studies: full-time
duration: 4 years- 8 semesters
The program is born out of the commitment to develop a doctoral program that promotes both high-level research training at the forefront of scientific interest and responds to the cultural sector’s growing call for highly qualified professionals. It is inspired by the ‘collaborative turn’ on two levels: firstly as a model of advanced research training that draws from artistic practice and cultural management to reflect on theory and in turn embeds practice in theoretically informed premises; secondly as a form of doctoral training that is transnational by definition, because the study of culture inevitably deals with diversity.
admission criteria:
• BA and MA Degree preferably in a related field of studies (Humanities and Social Sciences);
• Interview (interviews can be held through Skype).
• English Language Certificate – minimum CEFR C1 (taken after January 2021): IELTS 7.0 minimum; TOEFL 100 + minimum 24 in all skills; Cambridge Advanced Certificate;
· Cambridge Proficiency;
· CEFR C1.
more on the university website
Universidade Católica Portuguesa
degree programme:
PhD in Psychology: Emotions and Wellbeing
Faculty of Human Sciences
degree: 3rd cycle studies - PhD
form of studies: full-time
duration: 3 years - 6 semesters
This PhD Program in Emotion Psychology (the study of affective processes such as emotions, mood, feelings and its relation to attention, memory, decision, reasoning, creativity) combines knowledge brought by Psychology and several other fields of Science to provide an updated solid theoretical and methodological background in the study of emotional processes. It meets the exponentially growing interest of the last couple of decades in Emotion after the findings that emotion is key to decision making and that affective processes in the brain create an implicit layer of influence to the most varied aspects of human mental activity, behaviour, and creations.
admission criteria:
Applicants are required to hold an MSc. Degree in any domain in Psychology, or an MSc. in Biology or Medicine relevant in Psychobiology (e.g. Psychiatry, Neuroscience). Other Master level degrees may be considered upon analysis of the relevance of the cv and project; Candidates should demonstrate that they have a high level of fluency and command of English (preferred minimum C1).
more on the university website
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Portugal
degree programme:
PhD in Translations Studies
Faculty of Human Sciences
degree: 3rd cycle studies - PhD
form of studies: full-time
duration: 4 years - 8 semesters
The Program aims to understand how translation works in different types of texts (literary, audiovisual, scientific and technical), in different times and languages.
The Program customizes the individual research approaches of candidates undertaking a doctoral degree in Translation Studies, enabling the combination of specialists from different fields, two faculties, two research centers, and leveraging the corresponding joint project experience.
admission criteria:
• Holders of a Master’s degree or legal equivalent in any area of studies;
• Holders of an Undergraduate degree or legal equivalent, with a minimum average of 16/20, who display a particularly relevant academic or scientific CV that is recognized as attesting to the ability to undertake this study cycle;
• Holders of a particularly relevant academic, professional or scientific CV that is recognised as attesting to the ability to undertake this study cycle.
more on the university website
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Portugal
degree programme:
Master of Transnational Law
Faculty of Law - School of Lisbon
degree: 2nd cycle studies - Master’s degree
form of studies: full-time
duration: 1.5 years - 3 semesters
The Master of Transnational Law is a masters’ program that aims at having students rethinking law in a non-statist context and achieve a deeper understanding of the legal dimensions of the globalization phenomenon.
The Master of Transnational Law is based on the belief that there is much more to the law than what can be assimilated within the premises of national jurisdictions. In many areas, if not all, law is becoming profoundly transnational.
admission criteria:
In order to be eligible for the Master of Transnational Law, students must complete a total of at least 60 ECTS from courses and seminars offered in the LEGC, IBL and LDE programs, including at least 30 ECTS from the MTL curriculum and the Legal Research seminar.
more on the university website
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Portugal
degree programme:
Global PhD in Law
Faculty of Law - School of Lisbon
degree: 3rd cycle studies - PhD degree
form of studies: full-time/part-time
duration: Full Time-4 Years or Part-Time 6 Years
The Global Ph.D. Program aims to provide young scholars with the resources necessary to explore complex research questions and contribute meaningfully to the advancement of legal scholarship.
In general terms, the aims of the Ph.D. are:
• To train high quality researchers in Law, who can make significant contributions to the national and international scientific production;
• To train postgraduates who will be able to contribute to the renewal of the teaching of Law;
• To train highly qualified legal professionals who can contribute to the improvement of the legal structures and the functioning of Law in Portugal;
• To promote the global scientific development of Law .
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Portugal
admission criteria:
To apply for the Doctoral Degree program, applicants must be holders of a Master’s degree in Law
Detailed degree certificate(s);
• Curriculum Vitae;
• Personal statement, indicating the subject area of the proposed Ph.D. and, if possible, preliminary research aims;
• Two references (letters of recommendation);
• Scientific texts authored by the candidate, including the Master’s thesis or equivalent;
• Photocopy of identity card or passport (in case the application is not submitted in person);
• Three photographs;
• Evidence of payment of the application fee: €170.00 (non refundable).
more on the university website
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Portugal
degree programme:
MA of Laws -
International Studies Programme
Faculty of Law - School of Porto
degree: 2nd cycle studies - Master’s degree
form of studies: full-time
duration: 1.5 years - 3 semesters
The programme is designed to prepare for careers in the Public and Private Sectors: from public administration, diplomatic and consular services, or international organizations, but also third sector entities (mainly NGO’s), international or public affairs consultancy or multinational companies.
admission criteria:
Applications are open for students who have obtained or will obtain (this academic year) an undergraduate degree (or legal equivalent) in Law, History, International Relations, Economics, Management, Military Sciences or in other area of social sciences or humanities.
more on the university website
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Portugal
degree programme:
MA in Governance, Leadership and Democracy Studies
Institute for Political Studies
degree: 2nd cycle studies - Master’s degree
form of studies: full-time
duration: 1.5 years - 3 semesters
The MA in GLDS is oriented to the study of democratization on the leadership role that liberal democracies have in the world. The curricular component designed to provide skills in these areas will be reinforced by the attendance of research seminars and leadership labs. This course pretends to enable students to pursue careers in policy analysis concerning democratization and development of new democracies, as well as to develop tools that emphasize and better leverage the resources that liberal democracies make available to the societies in which they developed; to develop skills in the field of leadership that give students the ability to monitor and manage processes of change underway in order to allow planning and prediction of scenarios and their respective management; to qualify students by providing them with information that empowers their future research and prepares them to devise in innovative ways the role to be fulfilled so that they can plan their own research and approach to the proposed topics; to improve the ability of students to organize and critically analyze complex and often contradictory information, and convey the results of their work in a scientific, accurate and clear way.
admission criteria: Admissions are open to applicants who have a bachelor degree.
more on the university website
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Reitoria
Palma de Cima
1649-023 Lisboa
Phone: (+351) 217 214 000
Information about study programmes in English for EAIE Toulouse 2024
Study programmes in English language, announced (in the call for enrolment) for ACADEMIC YEAR 2024/2025. All programmes (also in Slovene language) are available at:
Programmes in English are available at UP faculties:
• UP FHŠ: Faculty of Humanities
• UP FM: Faculty of Management
• UP FAMNIT: Faculty of mathematics, natural sciences and information technologies
• UP FTŠ – Turistica: Faculty of Tourism Studies - TURISTICA
All additional information for UP incoming foreign students are available at welcome page.
Undergraduate / Bachelor degree study programmes
Admission process deadline (applicable for all programmes) Applications are due in February (1st period), if available also in August (2nd period), September (3rd period). Dates might differ due to citizenship and yearly timetable for the application deadline, please check web site All information at link
University of Primorska Slovenia
degree programme: Anthropology
academic (UP FHŠ) - Double-discipline study
The programme is based on social and cultural-anthropological knowledge about society and culture, which is understood primarily as a form of human behaviour in interaction with other people. Anthropology includes knowledge about the past and modern way of life of various social groups, their forms of organization, structures, systems and various processes (cultural adaptation, assimilation, etc. ). As a comparative discipline, it is also interdisciplinary as it connects with the study of migration and changed spaces, habits, identities and behavioural practices. It responds to the events of the modern world in various socio-historical environments: in the “Slovenian ethnic territory“, in the Mediterranean (Istria), in Europe, and from other continents, especially through research on indigenous peoples in America. Students get acquainted with fieldwork and participate in various research projects. The basic support for the study is the skills of anthropological research work, which moves between cabinet work and field research, from participatory observation, interviews and other techniques important for understanding the socio-political and economic processes of the modern and past world.
admission criteria:
Admission to the first year of double-discipline study programme Anthropology shall be granted to the candidates who have:
• passed the vocational matura in one of the four-year secondary-school programmes that is classified in (KLASIUS-P-16 classification: broad area 03; or FORD classification: area 5; or ARRS classification: area 6; or CERIF classification: areas H or S) and also passed a final examination in one of the general matura subjects: Geography, Sociology, History, Economy, Psychology, Art History, German, Italian, Latin, History and Theory of Theater and Film; the selected subject cannot be the same as the subject passed in the framework of the vocational matura;
• successfully completed any four-year secondary-school programme before 1 June 1995.
In the case of enrolment limitations, applicants shall be selected on other additional criteria, please consult programme web page.
more on the university website
University of Primorska Slovenia
degree programme:
Cultural Heritage
academic (UP FHŠ) - Double-discipline module
The Cultural Heritage study program is the only one in Slovenia that offers a comprehensive understanding of heritage and is not limited to looking at a single feature. The course fills the professional field of preservation, protection, promotion, development and marketing of cultural heritage. At a time when we emphasize interdisciplinarity, the integration of diversity, cultural and regional diversity, and the richness of the heritage of the environment in which we live, as well as the principles of sustainable development, the study of cultural heritage offers the real challenges of modern times and new employment opportunities. The programme provides an introduction to cultural heritage in the broadest sense and familiarizes students with the main laws of heritage protection and its importance for modern life. It offers students an introduction to tangible and intangible cultural heritage and an interdisciplinary perspective on the professional maintenance and preservation of cultural heritage. In terms of content, it is designed as an interweaving of archaeology, art history, ethnology, architecture and history.
An important part of the study is practical and field work, professional excursions, which directly confront students with problems, projects and the situation in the field of heritage, exchange of experiences, opinions and views on many issues. Students acquire knowledge of the processes of documentation, administrative management and professional processing of all areas of heritage, which enables them to be employed in regional and national public institutions, state administrations, heritage marketing and promotion institutions, media editorial offices and promotion agencies in the field of heritage and tourism. Graduates can continue their studies in postgraduate study programs.
University of Primorska Slovenia
admission criteria:
Admission to the first year of double-discipline study programme Anthropology shall be granted to the candidates who have:
• passed the general matura examination or passed the vocational matura in one of the four-year secondary-school programmes that is classified in (KLASIUS-P-16 classification: broad area 02; or FORD classification: area 6; or ARRS classification: area 6; or CERIF classification: areas H) and also passed a final examination in one of the general matura subjects: Philosophy, Geography, History, History of Art, Sociology, Biology, Latin, Greek, Economy; the selected subject cannot be the same as the subject passed in the framework of the vocational matura;
• successfully completed any four-year secondary-school programme before 1 June 1995.
In the case of enrolment limitations, applicants shall be selected on other additional criteria, please consult programme web page.
more on the university website
University of Primorska Slovenia
degree programme: Bioinformatics
academic (UP FAMNIT)
At the beginning of the third millennium, modern technologies as applied to the natural sciences and quality of life present especially great challenges. The rapid growth of various biological data which is stored in databases and is suitable for computer management and analysis has created the need for experts who have mastered techniques in the areas of mathematics and computer and information sciences. In addition, boundaries between the various profiles of natural scientists (biologists, chemists and physicists) are becoming increasingly blurred, and therefore the various tools used in bioinformatics have become invaluable. A classically trained biologist is normally unfamiliar with statistics and is not skilled in computer science; however these skills will be increasingly demanded in this work environment. A classically trained mathematician or computer scientist, on the other hand, does not have the knowledge of biology and chemistry required for a career in bioinformatics.
admission criteria:
Admission to the first year of study shall be granted to applicants having:
• passed the matura examination; or the vocational matura examination in a 4-year secondary-school programme and a final examination in a general matura subject; the selected subject cannot be the same as one of the subjects passed in the framework of the vocational matura;
• successfully completed any four-year secondary-school programme before 1 June 1995.
In the case of enrolment limitations, applicants shall be selected on other additional criteria, please consult programme web page.
Admission may also be gained by an applicant having completed a comparable study abroad. Prior to enrolment the applicant must apply for the recognition of completed education.
more on the university website
University of Primorska Slovenia
degree programme:
Computer Science
academic (UP FAMNIT)
The study programme closely combines the fields of Computer Science and Mathematics. It relies on a strong theoretical basis that serves as a prerequisite for the establishment of an effective computer science programme. In the following decade, major challenges will be posed in the integration of various scientific disciplines, and Mathematics (as a universal language of science) and Computer Science (as a field gaining ground in ever more optimal exploitation of the richness of this language) are poised to play a leading role in this area. The study programme, moreover, places special emphasis on cultivating this connection by building on theory with practice, motivating students to apply practical solutions in problem solving. This aspect of the programme is particularly brought to the forefront in the last pillar of the courses – skills.The close interaction between Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science contributes greatly to the quality of the study programme by enhancing an understanding of both the basics of Computer Science and of research topics arising from newly emerging areas of Computer Science.
admission criteria:
Admission to the first year of study shall be granted to applicants having:
• passed the matura examination; or passed the vocational matura examination in a 4-year secondary-school programme and a final examination in one of the general matura subjects: Mathematics, Computer Science or Information Technology; insofar as the aforementioned subject has already been taken within the framework of the vocational matura examination, applicants must pass any other general matura subject; the selected subject cannot be the same as one of the subjects passed in the framework of the vocational matura;
• successfully completed any four-year secondary-school programme before 1 June 1995.
In the case of enrolment limitations, applicants shall be selected on other additional criteria, please consult programme web page.
Admission may also be gained by an applicant having completed a comparable study abroad. Prior to enrolment, the applicant must apply for the recognition of completed education.
more on the university website
degree programme: Mathematics
academic (UP FAMNIT)
The first half of the study year and the second study year are mainly devoted to the learning and consolidation of the fundamentals of analysis, algebra, discrete mathematics and numerical computing.
Along the way, students will learn a set of computer skills and the basics of probability theory. Within the labour market for the financial sector, the latter represents an important advantage for mathematics students versus students who come from management-/economy-oriented studies. Moreover, the computer-oriented courses, along with computer-oriented ways of thinking that an individual develops while studying mathematics, provide a good foundation for employment in programming and related companies. The larger part of the study programme represents elective courses where students learn about various specific areas of pure and applied mathematics. An optional part of the curriculum also has an interdisciplinary outline, which means that students can choose courses where the natural sciences (especially biology and biochemistry) combine with computer science and mathematics. Since virtually every science (at the research level) significantly relies on mathematics, mathematics undergraduate studies are also suitable for those who will later shift to other sciences. Proof of this are the numerous personnel in the college who chose this path in pursuing their careers.
Scientific excellence and international integration among our professors allows students to fully pursue their study and research ambitions; inter alia, one of the four global leading research centres for algebraic graph theory operates at UP FAMNIT.
University of Primorska Slovenia
admission criteria:
Admission to the first year of study shall be granted to applicants having:
• passed the matura examination; or
• passed the vocational matura examination in a 4-year secondary-school programme and a final examination in the general matura subject Mathematics; insofar as the aforementioned subject has already been taken within the framework of the vocational matura examination, applicants must pass any other general matura subject; the selected subject cannot be the same as one of the subjects passed in the framework of the vocational matura;
• successfully completed any four-year secondary-school programme before 1 June 1995.
In the case of enrolment limitations, applicants shall be selected on other additional criteria, please consult programme web page.
Admission may also be gained by an applicant having completed a comparable study abroad. Prior to enrolment, the applicant must apply for the recognition of completed education.
more on the university website
University of Primorska Slovenia
degree programme: Management
academic (UP FM)
This study programme is oriented rather theoretically and combines knowledge in business and economics. Graduates are skilled to efficiently plan their personal development as well as plan and manage companies or institutions. Students focus on research and development work and are well prepared for postgraduate studies. Graduates are qualified to perform the most demanding professional tasks in industry and public administration and occupy responsible managerial positions.
admission criteria: All applicants must meet the following admission requirements: high school graduates holding a diploma of a (senior) four-year secondary school (matura).
In the case of enrolment limitations, applicants shall be selected on other additional criteria, please consult programme web page.
more on the university website
University of Primorska Slovenia
degree programme:
Tourism enterprise management
professional (UP FTŠ – Turistica)
Graduates will distinguish the dynamics of domestic and international tourism markets, marketing activities in the tourism sector, and particularly, business, organisation and management of business systems in tourism. The knowledge of operational and technological processes in tourism firms, the relevant knowledge in economics and business management, the knowledge about creating integral tourist products of the destinations and the knowledge of languages will allow graduates to the efficiently work in the tourism industry. The programme Tourism Enterprise Management is carried out in English language as a part-time study program in Portorož. It is intended for foreign students as well as Slovenian students, who immediately want to strive towards an international career in tourism.
admission criteria:
The programme of Tourism Enterprise Management can enrol those who: have passed the Matura examination, have passed the Vocational matura examination or have passed the final examination after any four-year long high school programme.
more on the university website
Master degree study programmes
Admission process deadline (applicable for all programmes) Applications are due in April (1st period), if available also in September (2nd period and 3rd period). Dates might differ due to citizenship and yearly timetable for the application deadline, please check web site All information at link
University of Primorska
degree programme:
Economics and Finance
International master programme in Economics and Finance is a modern and dynamic study program. Graduates will obtain the knowledge and skills necessary to understand and solve microeconomic and financial problems from the business world, as well as macroeconomic challenges in the national economy as a whole. The study offers a range of professional knowledge and practical skills for the realization of business ideas, strategic organization, and management of companies or public institutions. The programme is designed to educate and train students for planning, implementing, and coordinating highly demanding project tasks in organizations, prepare them for research activities, and interdisciplinary problem-solving, and provide them with mathematical and statistical tools for economic analyses.
Students will be able to compete in the global labour market and confidently enter the world of economy and finance to contribute to society’s growth and well-being. The programme is delivered by distinguished professors from Slovenia and abroad. The programme provides practice on real-life challenges as well as research projects in the sector.
admission criteria:
First year enrolment is open to graduates who completed their studies in the fields of: Economics (0311), Business and administration (0410), Accounting and taxation (0411), Finance, banking and insurance (0412), Management and administration (0413), Marketing and advertising (0414), Law (0421) of a first cycle study programme who completed studies; or a study programme for a previous graduate qualification (pre-Bologna programmes). Graduates from study areas not listed above must pass prerequisite exams: in The economic environment of the company, Accounting, Basic Corporate Finance prior to the enrolment.
All candidates must successfully complete an admission test demonstrating analytical skills from the fields of economics and mathematics. All applicants who enrol in the study program in English language are required to demonstrate English language skills at B2 level according to the Common European Reference Framework for Languages (CEFR) with a corresponding certificate.
In the case of enrolment limitations, applicants shall be selected on other additional criteria and for some specifics, related to different completed studies, please consult programme web page. more on the university website
University of Primorska Slovenia
degree programme: Management
This programme is designed to educate experts in the area of management who will have extensive business, organizational and managerial knowledge enabling them to critically understand the political, economic, cultural, social, legal and technological environments in which organizations operate on national and international level, as well as to apply the knowledge and skills acquired to real life situations. The Master in Management study programme holds the FIBAA Quality Seal awarded by the international accreditation agency FIBAA (The Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation). The Quality Seal has been first awarded in 2015 and confirmed for the next 6 years in 2021 by the end of academic year 2026/2027. The accreditation is a reward for the Faculty of Management and a sign of high academic standards as well as confirmation in realization of the Faculty vision.
admission criteria:
First year enrolment is open to graduates who completed their studies in the fields of: Economics (0311), Business and administration (0410), Accounting and taxation (0411), Finance, banking and insurance (0412), Management and administration (0413), Marketing and advertising (0414), Law (0421), Personal services (1010), Travel tourism and leisure (1015) in Transport services (1041) of a first cycle study programme; or a study programme for a previous graduate qualification (pre-Bologna programmes). Graduates from other professional fields must pass an examination in Selected contents in management and business sciences (12 ECTS credits) in the form of an entrance interview demonstrating ability of critical thinking about management challenges and understanding current developments in the business environment. All applicants who enrol in the study program in English language are required to demonstrate English language skills at B2 level according to the Common European Reference Framework for Languages (CEFR) with a corresponding certificate.
In the case of enrolment limitations, applicants shall be selected on other additional criteria and for some specifics, related to different completed studies, please consult programme web page.
more on the university website
University of Primorska Slovenia
degree programme:
Political science – international relations and economic diplomacy
The international master’s program in political science is a modern and dynamic study program, where students can choose between two study modules – International relations and Economic Diplomacy. The module International Relations; graduates from the module International Relations will obtain knowledge and skills related to past and current political phenomena, with an emphasis on understanding global affairs and the international political environment. The module Economic diplomacy; the programme provides graduates with a unique set of skills preparing them for the global diplomatic environment. Graduates will be able to understand and participate in the field of international trade, conduct international negotiations and operate within an international diplomatic context. Students from both modules will be able to compete in the global labour market and confidently enter the world of international relations and diplomacy to contribute to the growth and wellbeing of the global society. The programme is delivered by distinguished professors in the sector from Slovenia and abroad. The programme provides practice on real-life challenges as well as research projects in the sector.
University of Primorska Slovenia
admission criteria:
First year enrolment is open to graduates of a:
• first cycle study programme who completed studies in the fields of social sciences and humanities; or
• study programme for a previous graduate qualification (pre-Bologna programmes) studying in the fields of social sciences and humanities.
• first cycle study programme and graduates of a study programme for a previous graduate qualification (pre-Bologna programmes) from other unrealted fields of study must complete additional academic requirements - prerequisite exams (equivalent to 12 ECTS): Ethics and Culture in Business World and Intercultural Business Communication.
All applicants who enrol in the study program in English language are required to demonstrate English language skills at B2 level according to the Common European Reference Framework for Languages (CEFR) with a corresponding certificate.
In the case of enrolment limitations, applicants shall be selected on other additional criteria and for some specifics, related to different completed studies, please consult programme web page.
more on the university website
University of Primorska
degree programme:
Mathematical Sciences
The master’s programme is intended for those students who want to further their knowledge of mathematics acquired at the undergraduate level. The courses are designed in such a way that, upon completion of the degree, students have several opportunities to choose from: continuation with doctoral studies, employment in industry or the public sector, or switching to other sciences, well equipped with the knowledge they have gained. The courses are mostly elective and cover various topical mathematical areas. Of course, detailed understanding of these topics requires a certain knowledge of basic mathematical concepts that students learn at the undergraduate level (see Admission requirements below). Depending on the students’ enthusiasm, skills, interests and ambitions/plans for the future, they can be introduced to research mathematics. The latter mainly depends on the help of a supervisor for the master’s thesis. There are also some courses offered in applied mathematics which are particularly suitable for students interested in the financial sector and the secondary sector (manufacturing and industry).
NEW: Enrolment 2024/25 – study fields
The following study fields are offered to students in the academic year 2024/25: Financial Mathematics, Cryptography, General Mathematics.
admission criteria:
Admission to the 1st year shall be granted to applicants having completed a first-cycle study programme:
• in any mathematical study field; or
• in other professional fields, provided that they have, prior to enrolment, fulfilled all study obligations that are deemed essential for the continuation of studies in the Master’s study programme in Mathematics and accumulated at least 30 credits. The applicants may fulfil these obligations during their first-cycle studies, under training programmes, or by taking examinations prior to enrolment in the study programme Mathematical Sciences.
Applicants having completed a four-year (single-discipline or two-discipline) academic study programme in Mathematics or Mathematics-related study fields may directly enrol in the 2nd year of study (see information on transfers between the programmes below).
In the case of enrolment limitations, applicants shall be selected on other additional criteria and for some specifics, related to different completed studies, please consult programme web page.
more on the university website
degree programme:
Data Science
Data science is an interdisciplinary field that leverages knowledge in three key areas to provide useful information for business, research, and policy. The key areas of knowledge data science relies on are computer science, mathematics, and domain knowledge -- that is an understanding of the field the data is collected from and used in. As the quantity and types of data collected has increased in recent years, business, researchers, and policy makers have increasing need for Data Scientists to turn data into information. In our data science programme you will learn to gather, manage, and analyse structured and unstructured data including numbers, text, images, video, audio, etc. Students will also learn important statistical and algorithmic methods to work data, to extract information, and to create useful outputs based on this information.
Our new study programme is set in accordance with the guidelines of the European Mathematical Association (EMS). The basic objectives of the study program are based on in-depth theoretical knowledge, access to domain experts in various fields, and industry internships, through which graduates will be capable of using current techniques as well as develop new methods of processing big data to “bring data to life” and “tell stories with it”. The content of the study programme is based on the state of the art and current trends in data science and all underlying disciplines including ethical issues and regulations (e.g. GDPR) into account.
University of Primorska Slovenia
admission criteria:
Admission to the first year of study shall be granted to applicants having completed a first-cycle study programme:
1. in the field of mathematics, computer science or bioinformatics; or 2. in other professional fields that are not included in paragraph 1. The candidate has to pass study obligations that are fundamental for enrolment, in an amount of from 10 do 60 ECTS-credits (from the first-cycle study programmes Mathematics and Computer Science). The applicants may fulfil these obligations during their first-cycle studies, under training programmes, or by taking examinations prior to enrolment in the study programme Data Science. Upon examination of the candidate’s previous study programme, the competent academic committee of UP FAMNIT shall define each candidate’s additional academic requirements on a case-by-case basis.
Admission may also be gained by an applicant having completed a comparable study abroad and who has been, in the process of recognition of their qualification and in line with the Recognition and Evaluation of Education Act, granted the right to continue their studies in the Master’s degree programme in Data Science.
In the case of enrolment limitations, applicants shall be selected on other additional criteria and for some specifics, related to different completed studies, please consult programme web page.
more on the university website
University of Primorska Slovenia
degree programme:
Sustainable Built Environments
The study programme offers a complete set of skills and knowledge in the fields of engineering, wood, and architectural science. These skills not only have the advantage of being highly applicative in the natural environment, but offer an interdisciplinary approach that is necessary to keep up with the development of contemporary construction science, or successfully work in the academic sector, public administration, or the economy.
The main goal of the study programme is to train and educate students to develop, construct, and renovate buildings and structures that take into consideration human health as well as environmental and social impacts. This programme is intended for civil engineering and wood science graduates who wish to deepen their knowledge of sustainable building design as well as obtain new knowledge.
Graduates will be able to solve complicated problems and face challenges that arise in the field of the sustainable built environment. They will also be able to cooperate in research and development work within construction, building, and civil engineering institutions or begin independent scientific research work at research institutes.
admission criteria:
Admission to the 1st year shall be granted to applicants having completed:
1. an undergraduate degree in the field of civil engineering or wood science; or
2. a professional study programme (recognized prior to June 11th, 2004) in the field of civil engineering or wood science; or
3. a study programme in other professional fields equivalent to the study programmes mentioned under 1) and 2) in terms of duration and credit points, on the condition that the candidate completes additional examinations in the SBE subject matter essential for continuing their studies (up to 30 ECTS), the content and credit points of which depend on the study programme the candidate has already completed. Additional study obligations are assigned to the student by a Study Committee.
If additional study obligations are required, candidates complete these during their undergraduate degree through special training courses or by taking exams prior to their enrolment in the study programme. Admission may also be gained by an applicant having completed a comparable study abroad. Prior to enrolment, the applicant must apply for the recognition of completed education.
In the case of enrolment limitations, applicants shall be selected on other additional criteria and for some specifics, related to different completed studies, please consult programme web page.
more on the university website University
University of Primorska Slovenia
PhD study degree programmes
Admission process deadline (applicable for all programmes) Applications are due in April (1st period), if available also in September (2nd period and 3rd period). Dates might differ due to citizenship and yearly timetable for the application deadline, please check web site All information at link
University of Primorska Slovenia
degree programme: Management
Doctoral graduates obtain theoretical and professional skills meeting the highest standards, they acquire skills and master methods of work suitable for solving demanding scientific and professional issues. Through an in-depth study of scientific methods, underpinned by applied study programme contents, doctoral candidates develop the ability of abstract and associative thinking, of synthetizing expertise from the wider field of management, as well as the capacity to manage and lead business systems, carry out scientific research projects, transfer research results into practice and develop innovative problem-solving procedures.
admission criteria:
Admission to the 1st year shall be granted to applicants having:
1. graduates with a master’s degree, 2nd cycle, or
2. graduates of an undergraduate academic degree (programmes adopted before 11 June 2004), or
3. graduates of a long-cycle master’s degree with a duration of five years and comprising 300 ECTS, or
4. graduates with a professional bachelor’s degree (programmes adopted before 11 June 2004) and a postgraduate specialisation degree (programmes adopted before 11 June 2004) with a total amount of 240 ECTS – eligible candidates are assigned additional study requirements in the amount of 30 to 60 ECTS.
Graduates who have not obtained a degree in Slovenia must obtain a decision on recognition of foreign education for the purpose of continuing education in the Republic of Slovenia. All applicants who enrol in the study program in English language are required to demonstrate English language skills at B2 level according to the Common European Reference Framework for Languages (CEFR) with a corresponding certificate.
In the case of enrolment limitations, applicants shall be selected on other additional criteria and for some specifics, related to different completed studies, please consult programme web page.
more on the university website
University of Primorska Slovenia
degree programme:
Computer Science
The doctoral programme takes two elements into consideration: companies (practice) and the needs of the academic environment (research activities and higher education activities). In companies and enterprises, doctoral students will be the primary members of development laboratories and the key expertise in increasing the profit level of production. In cooperation with the existing economy and the University Incubator of Primorska (the entrepreneurial centre at the University of Primorska), the doctoral studies programme will also equip graduates to create new high-tech enterprises, which are in high demand both in Slovenia and abroad. The study is designed as an international programme and is therefore appealing to international students. By reducing ‘in-breeding education’, this will improve the quality of the entire field. The study programme provides a high-quality core education in the areas of Computer and Information Sciences which, in collaboration with quality cores in other areas developed at the University of Primorska (Mathematics, Natural Sciences, Humanities, Economic Sciences), presents an interdisciplinary core of quality research.
admission criteria:
Admission to the 1st year shall be granted to applicants having:
• a Master’s degree (second cycle); or
• a degree from a study programme with 300 ECTS-credits; or
• a degree from a pre-Bologna reform undergraduate study programme.
The Faculty highly recommends prior education in the areas of computer science, mathematics and electrical engineering.
Admission may be also granted to applicants, who completed comparable studies abroad, and who, in accordance with the law, in the process of recognition of foreign education, have been granted the right to study in the doctoral study programme.
In the case of enrolment limitations, applicants shall be selected on other additional criteria and for some specifics, related to different completed studies, please consult programme web page.
more on the university website
University of Primorska Slovenia
degree programme:
Mathematical Sciences
The study programme is primarily intended for prospective researchers, professors and other academic staff. Each student has a supervisor, who is ordinarily selected before the student’s enrolment. One of the key roles of the supervisor is to present a relevant open problem (or open problems) to the student. While the student is trying to solve the problem (or problems), the supervisor helps, informs the student of similar problems already solved and introduces appropriate techniques from relevant mathematical fields. The solution to these open problems and its publication in the relevant international journals must be a primary goal of each student.
The aim of the programme is to encourage students to do the research, and not to burden them with course exams that are not directly related to their research area (the latter is probably a special feature among Slovenian universities). Faculty members are aware of the fact that nowadays Ph.D. students must have some research results immediately after finishing their studies if they want to stay in academia – whether that be abroad or at home. During their studies, Ph.D. students usually attend various international conferences and conduct research visits, where they present their research results. Often they are involved in the organization of the conferences, summer schools, etc., organized by the Faculty or UP IAM, which is directly connected with the faculty. To a lesser extent, students are also involved in teaching students at lower levels.
University of Primorska Slovenia
admission criteria:
Admission to the 1st year shall be granted to applicants having a Master’s degree in:
• Mathematics (“Bologna” study programme); or
• studies similar to Mathematics (Computer and Information Sciences, Information Science and Mathematics, Natural Sciences) who have met the necessary additional requirements (i.e. passed differential exams in Algebra and Analysis).
Admission may be also granted to applicants, who completed comparable studies abroad, and who, in accordance with the law, in the process of recognition of foreign education, have been granted the right to study in the doctoral study programme.
In the case of enrolment limitations, applicants shall be selected on other additional criteria and for some specifics, related to different completed studies, please consult programme web page.
more on the university website
University of Primorska Slovenia
degree programme:
Renewable Materials for Healthy Built Environments
The Renewable Materials for Healthy Built Environments doctoral program offers a sophisticated set of pertinent, long-term perspectives on the emerging field of renewable materials for healthy built environments. Doctoral students receive a highly interdisciplinary education that encourages exploration of breakthrough topics and opens the door to a collaborative international workspace. Students leave the program as experts in the field who thoroughly understand theoretical concepts, hold broadly technical knowledge and independently develop new knowledge. The program equips students with advanced technological skill to solve the field’s most complex, demanding theoretical and practical problems.
admission criteria:
Admission to the 1st year shall be granted to applicants having:
• a Master’s degree (second cycle); or
• a degree from a study programme with 300 ECTS-credits; or
• a degree from a pre-Bologna reform undergraduate study programme.
The Faculty highly recommends prior education in the areas of built environment, civil engineering, wood science and architecture.
Admission may be also granted to applicants, who completed comparable studies abroad, and who, in accordance with the law, in the process of recognition of foreign education, have been granted the right to study in the doctoral study programme.
In the case of enrolment limitations, applicants shall be selected on other additional criteria and for some specifics, related to different completed studies, please consult programme web page.
more on the university website
University of Primorska Slovenia
degree programme:
Suicidology and Mental Health
Suicidology and Mental Health is a specialized study programme that will prepare students for independent international competitive scientific research work in the fields of suicidology and mental health. It is the first doctoral study program in this field in Slovenia, which is an important achievement given the issue of suicidal behavior and the need to develop high-quality research in this field. The advantage of the program is a wide range of elective courses covering specialized research areas that students can choose according to the research areas in which they are professionally engaged. In this way, doctoral students will acquire competencies for the transfer of theoretical knowledge from specialized fields into practice and for connecting the knowledge with other scientific disciplines.
admission criteria:
Admission to the 1st year shall be granted to applicants having:
• a Master’s degree (second cycle); or
• a degree from a study programme regulated by EU directives or any other fast-track master’s programme equivalent to 300 ECTS creditss; or
• a degree from an undergraduate university study program (study programs adopted before 11 June 2004); or
• a degree from a Master’s study program (study programs adopted before 11 June 2004). This candidate will be recognized study obligations in the amount of 60 ECTS credits.
The Faculty highly recommends prior education in the areas of psychology, biopsychology, medicine, biology, statistics, social work, social sciences and humanities.
Admission may be also granted to applicants, who completed comparable studies abroad, and who, in accordance with the law, in the process of recognition of foreign education, have been granted the right to study in the doctoral study programme.
In the case of enrolment limitations, applicants shall be selected on other additional criteria and for some specifics, related to different completed studies, please consult programme web page.
more on the university website
University of Primorska Slovenia
degree programme:
Conservation Biology
The doctoral study programme Conservation Biology trains students to conduct independent scientific work in the field of conservation of species and their natural environment. During the program, students learn multidisciplinary approaches to the conservation and restoration of biodiversity and ecosystem services. The close collaboration between the PhD student and his/her mentor will enable the student to eventually establish him/herself in the Slovenian and international scientific space and contribute to the development of conservation biology as a science. During their studies, students will also acquire skills in appropriate scientific communication with the public about human impacts on populations, species, communities, ecosystems, and the biosphere, as well as appropriate skills for environmental policy making.
admission criteria:
Admission to the 1st year shall be granted to applicants having:
• a Master’s degree (second cycle); or
• a degree from an undergraduate university study program (study programs adopted before 11 June 2004); or
• a degree from a fast-track master’s programme with 300 ECTS credits and the duration of 5 years; or
• a degree from a Master’s study program (study programs adopted before 11 June 2004). This candidate will be recognized study obligations in the amount of at least 60 ECTS credits.
The Faculty highly recommends prior education in the areas of biology, natural sciences, environmental sciences, biochemistry.
In the case of enrolment limitations, applicants shall be selected on other additional criteria and for some specifics, related to different completed studies, please consult programme web page.
more on the university website
Degree programmes in English announced in the admission for ACADEMIC YEAR 2024/2025
All programmes are available at: Admission | Studies, Admission, Programmes | University of Silesia in Katowice (
University of Silesia in Katowice Poland
Materials Science and Engineering
Faculty of Science and Technology
degree: 1st cycle studies – Engineer’s degree
form of studies: full-time
duration: 3.5 years – 7 semesters
city: Chorzów
The studies will equip you with the knowledge of the most recent achievements of physics, chemistry and metallurgy related to obtaining modern materials and modelling them, taking into account the modern manufacturing technologies (e.g. nanotechnologies). You will learn to perform comprehensive functional assessment of diverse material groups, current analysis of their practical parameters, important for the processes of materials manufacturing and processing for specific applications. You will also acquire the skill of using the scientific-technical information and have the knowledge allowing an efficient communication with other specialists. As a graduate you will have the knowledge of IT and IT systems implementation and participate in works that require the application and obtaining of modern materials.
Available majors:
• Biomaterials
• Materials Science admission criteria: Secondary education certificate that entitles the holder to undertake Bachelor studies in the country in which the document was issued
Detailed qualification criteria for the programme are available in the Online Candidate Registration System
Essential documents required from candidates for 1st cycle studies in English:
Document that entitles the candidate to start studying at the undergraduate level in the country where the document was issued. Document issued abroad must be legalized or possess an apostille stamp.
Confirmation that the document issued abroad entitles the candidate to apply for undergraduate programmes in the country where it was issued – if it was issued by a country that is not a member of the EU, EFTA or OECD and with which Poland does not have relevant agreements on the equivalence of education certificates. Document confirming the English language proficiency.
In case of documents issued in languages other than Polish and English – certified translation into Polish made by a court translator from the official list of the Polish Ministry of Justice.
University of Silesia in Katowice Poland
University of Silesia in Katowice Poland
degree programme:
Faculty of Natural Sciences
degree: 2nd cycle studies – Master’s degree
form of studies: full-time
duration: 2 years – 4 semesters
city: Katowice
Do you want to gain extensive knowledge in biotechnology? At the Faculty of Natural Sciences, you can explore the biodiversity of the living world, microbiology, cell biology, plant anatomy, histology, embryology and developmental biology. You will also study biophysics, biochemistry, molecular biology, genetics and genetic engineering, learn about cytogenetics, tissue culture, animal and plant physiology, ecology, environmental protection, and get to know the basics of bioprocess engineering and chemical analytics and get acquainted with production economics, rules for production organisation and safety regulations. A crucial element of the studies lies in working on databases, audio-visual means, computer programmes and other tools that are the base of modern biotechnologists’ work.
Available majors:
• Plant Biotechnology
• Environmental Biotechnology
admission criteria: Bachelor’s, Engineer’s or Master’s degree in biology, biotechnology, environmental protection or related discipline. In the case of candidates from other faculties than biotechnology, the decision on admission to the recruitment procedure shall be made by the examination committee based on the analysis of the curriculum and the obtained learning outcomes of the completed studies.
Detailed qualification criteria for the programme are available in the Online Candidate Registration System
University of Silesia in Katowice Poland
degree programme:
Computer Science
Faculty of Science and Technology
degree: 2nd cycle studies – Master’s degree
form of studies: full-time
duration: 1.5 years – 3 semesters
city: Sosnowiec
Do you wish to become proficient in IT knowledge, both theoretically and practically? The Faculty of Science and Technology tightens relations between research, innovation and business within the frame of the knowledge triangle. A wide range of subjects to choose from gives you possibilities of creating an educational path which corresponds to your scientific interests and professional plans. Special attention in creating the educational programme was also paid to co-operation with various IT companies and their needs. Owing to such practices, you will enter the labour market with confidence.
admission criteria: Engineer’s, Master’s or equivalent degree in a field of exact and natural sciences or engineering and technology
Detailed qualification criteria for the programme are available in the Online Candidate Registration System
University of Silesia in Katowice Poland
degree programme:
Faculty of Science and Technology
degree: 2nd cycle studies – Master’s degree
form of studies: full-time
duration: 2 years – 4 semesters
city: Chorzów
Would you rather specialise in pure physics or discover the interface between physics and materials science? You can choose between two majors:
• Fundamental and Applied Physics
The major will prepare you to work in research institutes, R&D institutes and modern high-tech industry, as well as to continue your education at the PhD level. Proposed courses are closely related to scientific activities conducted at the Institute of Physics in theoretical physics, atomic and molecular physics, condensed phase physics, nuclear physics, elementary particle physics, astrophysics and cosmology.
• Nanophysics and Mesoscopic Materials, Modelling and Applications –studies in Poland and France (University of Silesia and University of Le Mans) Double Diploma
The teaching process involves the staff of two partner universities conducting world-class scientific research on the synthesis and characterisation of physical properties of low-dimensional systems, including nanoparticles and magnetic nanocomposites, thin layers, carbon based nanomaterials and other nano-sized objects. As a student of the major you can get closely involved in conducting experimental work and numerical simulations of low-dimensional objects.
admission criteria:
Bachelor’s, Engineer’s, Master’s degree or equivalent in a field of exact and natural sciences or engineering and technology
Detailed qualification criteria for the programme are available in the Online Candidate Registration System
degree programme:
International Business Law and Arbitration
Faculty of Law and Administration
degree: 2nd cycle studies – Master’s degree
form of studies: full-time
duration: 2 years – 4 semesters
city: Katowice
Do you want to become a highly qualified specialist in international business law and arbitration? The study programme is based on four main thematic blocks:
• General Courses (basics of jurisprudence, commercial law, arbitration law, international law, EU law (with particular emphasis on the common market), property law (including intellectual property law), contract law, private international law, and labour law)
• Business Law (principles of conducting business activity in the EU, the principles of entrepreneurs’ operation on the capital market, the rules of public-private partnership, and the mechanisms governing the execution of contracts. Within this block, you will also learn about the standards of human rights protection in business (with particular emphasis on personal data protection) and CSR)
• Mediation & Arbitration (resolution of international business disputes, legal standards of mediation and arbitration and the skill of drafting contracts)
• Special Courses (aspects of international economic law and arbitration (such as company law, business transactions, competition and consumer law, ethical and legal issues in investment arbitration, etc.)
The entire offer is complemented by lectures given by visiting professors from the USA, China, and the EU.
admission criteria: Bachelor’s Master’s or equivalent degree in any degree programme
Detailed qualification criteria for the programme are available in the Online Candidate Registration System
University of Silesia in Katowice Poland
University of Silesia in Katowice Poland
degree programme:
Creative Management in New Media
Krzysztof Kieślowski Film School
degree: 2nd cycle studies – Master’s degree
form of studies: full-time
duration: 2 years – 4 semesters
city: Katowice
overview: Are you interested in visual communication and creating social media content? Do you want to become a social media analyst? During the studies at the Krzysztof Kieślowski Film School you will learn how to run social media platforms, operate online stores and work in various creative agencies, e-marketing departments, or run your own company in the media industry. You will not only learn how digital media works, but also, most importantly, you will learn how to use them in business endeavours. The studies are enriched with marketing knowledge regarding brand management. This degree programme is perfect for people who want to combine soft skills with film and television expertise. The graduate’s perspectives are diverse and enable employment in a wide range of professions, both based on creativity and requiring specific skills in creating multimedia content.
admission criteria: Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in film and theatre arts, musical arts, visual arts or related disciplines, social communication and media sciences, sociology, or humanities, portfolio containing information on activities related to the performance of creative tasks in the audiovisual industry, and an interview in English verifying knowledge of the contemporary creative industry
Detailed qualification criteria for the programme are available in the Online Candidate Registration System
degree programme:
International Studies of Political Science and Diplomacy
Faculty of Social Sciences
degree: 2nd cycle studies – Master’s degree
form of studies: full-time
duration: 2 years – 4 semesters
city: Katowice
International Studies in Political Science and Diplomacy are a new offer at the University of Silesia. The main goal of the studies is to prepare the graduates to work in government administration, civil service, international institutions and organisations, European institutions, and diplomatic and consular posts. The curriculum is carefully designed to ensure that the students are equipped with the highest competences to work independently in responsible positions. The programme has been designed in such a way that it allows the students to continue their education at the National School of Public Administration or on diplomatic and consular practice.
A highly qualified research and teaching staff, external experts, visits to international institutions and state administration will help the graduates to support Polish and foreign public administration units and diplomatic representations after graduating from the Master’s degree studies. The studies are conducted in English. The study programme also includes compulsory French and Spanish classes (starting at the basic level) with an emphasis on specialised vocabulary in the field of international relations, public administration and diplomacy.
University of Silesia in Katowice Poland
University of Silesia in Katowice Poland
admission criteria:
Where the number of candidates exceeds the admission limit, it shall be decided on the ranking list based on the arithmetic average of all grades from the 1st cycle studies, according to the following rules:
• completion of studies in social sciences – the average multiplied by 3;
• completion of studies in humanities – the average multiplied by 2;
• completion of studies in other fields – the average multiplied by 1.
Detailed qualification criteria for the programme are available in the Online Candidate Registration System
Essential documents required from candidates for 2nd cycle studies in English:
A Bachelor’s, Engineer’s or Master’s degree diploma (depending on the chosen programme), including the supplement with grades (a document that entitles the candidate to start studying at the graduate level in the country where the document was issued). Document issued abroad must be legalized or possess an apostille stamp.
A confirmation that a diploma issued abroad entitles the owner to apply for graduate programmes in the country where it was issued – in justified cases.
Document confirming the English language proficiency.
In case of documents issued in languages other than Polish and English – certified translation into Polish made by a court translator from the official list of the Polish Ministry of Justice.
University of Silesia in Katowice Poland
The additional formal requirement for the studies is documented knowledge of English language
Detailed information on studies in English can be found at: All information regarding the admission process can be found here:
Visit our website:
International Admissions Office
+48 32 359 22 72
+48 32 359 22 73 University of Silesia
Degree programmes in English announced in the admission for ACADEMIC YEAR 2024/2025
University website: link
degree programme:
Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski Bulgaria
European Union and European Integration
of Classical and Modern Philology
degree: Bachelor’s degree (BA Program)
form of studies: regular/full-time
duration: 4 years – 8 semesters
city: Sofia
The European Union and European Integration (EUEI) BA Program taught in English has been designed primarily for citizens of states which are not EU members and for citizens of countries preparing for membership in the Union. It offers the opportunity to become fluent in three European languages. Graduates complete the program by successfully defending a BA thesis and passing a state exam in English. The main objective of the EUEI Program is to prepare experts to apply Bulgarian experiences in regional integration, EU membership preparation, and EU accession negotiations. The program integrates EU Law Studies, International Relations, Politics, and Economics with Language and Cultural Studies. After the second year, students can specialize in one of five modules in these areas.
admission criteria: English exam. The application procedure differs in terms and conditions and the tuition fees are different for Bulgarians / EU citizens and the citizens of non-EU member countries. For more information on the application process visit our site.
more on the university website
degree programme:
Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski Bulgaria
Climate changes and Management
Faculty of Geology and Geography
degree: Bachelor’s degree (BA Program)
form of studies: regular/full-time
duration: 4 years – 8 semesters
city: Sofia
Climate change and management is a undergraduate interdisciplinary program, which explores the environmental, socio-economic and political aspects of climate change. It prepares graduates with understanding and skills for work in the expanding climate change sector. The climate crisis remains the defining issue of this century with dramatic consequences expected not only for the global environment but also human health, well-being, and all economic sectors. This poses a range of new challenges for society and has created a great demand for professionals with up-to-date knowledge on climate change with competence of adaptation and mitigation strategies, approaches, and technologies. A bachelor’s degree in climate change and management will possess competencies in understanding climate models, utilizing geospatial technologies, analyzing impacts on biodiversity and ecosystems, applying climate policies, developing adaptation and mitigation strategies, transforming energy production for sustainability, and effectively communicating climate change issues and solutions.
admission criteria: Geography exam or GCSE in a subject (coefficient 3) + English exam or GCSE in English + Geography GCSE grade.
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degree programme:
Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski Bulgaria
Quantum, Nuclear and Particle Physics
Faculty of Physics
degree: Bachelor’s degree (BA Program)
form of studies: regular/full-time
duration: 4 years – 8 semesters
city: Sofia
The program of Quantum, Nuclear and Particle Physics (QNPP) comprises courses related to studies of matter at the atomic and subatomic level, and to the application of physical methods developed in other areas of physics and engineering. Students learn with specific expertise allowing for immediate employment in the corporate research world or in government laboratories, or for further graduate study. Students obtain a solid physics background and significant experience in computational science, quantum physics, physics of elementary particles and fundamental and applied nuclear physics, dosimetry of ionizing radiation, radioecology, particle accelerators and their applications. Workload allows students to perform scientific research in one of the research groups at the Department of Atomic Physics and the Department of Theoretical Physics from the beginning of their training.
admission criteria:
A grade in physics from the high-school diploma and an internationally recognized certificate in English corresponding to the Level B1 or higher according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
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degree programme: Philosophy
Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski Bulgaria
Faculty of Philosophy
degree: Bachelor’s degree (BA Program)
form of studies: regular/full-time
duration: 4 years – 8 semesters
city: Sofia
The main objective of the Sofia University BA Program in Philosophy (in English) is to provide students with a broad profile in philosophy. Our goal is to cultivate state of the art knowledge, skills, habits and attitudes. The program fosters erudition, methodological skills, analytical ability and critical thinking. Students will gain wide and fundamental knowledge so that they build on it to hone specialized skills in philosophy – immersing themselves in its complexity, communicative potential, and different traditions. The training is aimed at the formation of knowledge of the evolution of philosophical and social thought, of the different forms of critical and creative thinking, and of cultural self-reflection.
admission criteria:
Exam in English language; Bulgarian secondary school matriculation exam in English; Sofia University Philosophy entrance exam.
more on the university website
degree programme:
Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski Bulgaria
Accounting, Finance and Digital Applications
Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
degree: Bachelor’s degree (BA Program)
form of studies: regular/full-time
duration: 4 years – 8 semesters
city: Sofia
The main objective of the programme is to prepare highly qualified professionals with in-depth knowledge and skills in accounting and finance. With a thorough application of digital tools to solve financial and accounting cases, problems and issues during the whole education, students acquire the ability to overcome their future career issues. First two semesters cover the fundamental common courses of the bachelor programmes of the faculty, including: microeconomics, macroeconomics, fundamentals of management, quantitative methods, business mathematics, Introduction to informatics, etc. The aim here is to prepare students with a solid background of the foundation of economics and management theories. Remaining semesters are concentrated on the specialised courses, such as: financial accounting and reporting, management accounting, digital accounting and banking, financial technology (finTech), corporate finance, derivatives and capital markets, investment analysis, personal finance, behavioural finance, financial institutions and regulations, etc.
admission criteria:
Option 1) mathematics exam or GCSE in mathematics, informatics, IT, geography, entrepreneurship (coefficient 3)+ overall grade from the secondary education diploma;
Option 2) SAT in BE, English, French, German, History, Physics or Chemistry (coefficient 2) + overall grade from the secondary school diploma.
more on the university website
degree programme:
African Studies
Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski
Faculty of Classical and Modern Philology
degree: : Bachelor’s degree (BA Program)
form of studies: regular/full-time
duration: 4 years – 8 semesters
city: Sofia
African Studies of the Faculty of Classical and Modern Philology is aimed at students who are interested in acquiring a comprehensive understanding of the linguistic, literary, cultural, historical, and socio-economic diversity of Africa. It is the only one in Bulgaria which offers a full cycle of philological studies in English as a first language and French or Portuguese as a second language combined with the opportunity to study one or two African languages and different aspects of African cultures and societies. The students have the opportunity to specialize in one of the three areas, Anglophone Africa, Francophone Africa or Lusophone Africa, after their fifth semester of studies. After graduating the students can work as highly qualified specialists and translators in governmental and non-governmental organizations and cultural institutions working with/for or in Africa. There is an opportunity to become teachers either in English and French or in English and Portuguese. In the course of their studies the students can participate in various exchange programs with African universities with which Sofia University has student-mobility agreements.
admission criteria: 1) English language exam or English Language Test (level B2) - Cambridge English; IELTS; Oxford Test of English; TOEFL; SAT
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degree programme: Medicine
Faculty of Medicine
degree: Master’s degree
form of studies: regular/full-time
Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski Bulgaria
duration: 6 years – 12 semesters
city: Sofia
The program aims at offering theoretical knowledge and practical skills through highly qualified teaching combined with opportunity to exercise it in practice in the most modern preclinical and clinical medical complexes in Bulgaria. The training course in Medicine is conducted on the basis of a curriculum which is made according to the Unified state requirements for the master’s degree in the specialty “Medical Doctor” and the qualification of a General Practitioner. The curriculum also satisfies the regulations of the Directive 2005/36/EC of October, 20, 2007 and its amendment in Directive 2013/55/EC of November, 20, 2013, on the recognition of the professional qualifications of medical doctors in Europe.
admission criteria:
A combined written admission exam has to be passed, consisting of two components – a test in Biology, and a test in Chemistry containing multiple choice questions and short written answer questions. The components contribute to the final grade as follows: 50 % Biology, 50 % Chemistry.
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degree programme: Pharmacy
Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski Bulgaria
Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy
degree: Master’s degree
form of studies: regular/full-time
duration: 5 years – 10 semesters
city: Sofia
The study course duration is 5 years organized within 10 semesters: 9 semesters study at the University and 1 semester (6 months) internship in a Pharmacy. The practical skills of the students are additionally trained during 2 study internships (one in Botany and one in Pharmacognosy) and one Industrial internship in Pharmaceutical Technology. All teachers are acknowledged professionals in their area of expertise, which ensures high quality of education. Upon graduation, the students are awarded higher education M.Sc. Degree in Pharmacy with professional qualification Master of Pharmacy.
admission criteria:
A combined written admission exam has to be passed, consisting of three components – a test in Chemistry, a test in Biology, and a test of the English language proficiency. The examination is carried out in English.
more on the university website
The additional formal requirement for the studies is documented knowledge of English language (at least B2)
Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski Studies in English
Study programmes in English
degree programme:
University of Trieste Italy
Department of Economic, Business, Mathematical and Statistical sciences
degree: Bachelor’s degree
form of studies: full-time
duration: 3 years
city: Trieste
Curriculum available in English: • BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT
The Bachelor’s degree in Economics and Business Management offers a comprehensive educational journey focused on business management and administration. This programme is designed to provide a robust foundation in business economics, equipping students with the theoretical and practical skills necessary to navigate the challenges of today’s business world.
Characterised by its multidisciplinary approach, the course expertly blends theoretical knowledge in economics, law, and mathematics with practical business applications. Students will gain a thorough understanding of management, marketing, finance, and accounting principles, thereby enriching their skill set with a global perspective on business operations.
Admission criteria
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University of Trieste Italy
degree programme:
Department of Economic, Business, Mathematical and Statistical sciences
degree: Bachelor’s degree
form of studies: full-time
duration: 3 years
city: Trieste
Curriculum available in English:
This curriculum aims to develop the expertise needed to evaluate, design, and use financial products, as well as to analyse national and international financial markets. The first two years focus on foundational studies in Economics, Management, Accounting, Mathematics, Statistics, and Law. The third year emphasises Monetary and Financial Economics and Policy, International Macroeconomics, Financial Markets and Institutions, Corporate Finance, Statistics for Finance, and Financial Econometrics.
Admission criteria
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University of Trieste Italy
degree programme:
Department of Engineering and Architecture
degree: 2nd cycle studies – Master’s degree
form of studies: full-time
duration: 2 years
city: Trieste
Available curricula:
The study course aims to prepare students for a broad range of careers in computer engineering and, more generally, in engineering sectors related to information processing. The pervasive nature of computer science and related technologies demands professionals who can apply and integrate diverse methods and tools across various application contexts.
Graduates will therefore acquire the cross-disciplinary knowledge essential for tackling current and future technological challenges. The course is designed to provide advanced methodologies and skills, facilitating their swift entry into a constantly evolving labour market with roles in the promotion and management of innovation.
Graduates will develop expertise in the design, development, management, and control of complex products, systems, processes, and services across various information processing domains.
Admission criteria
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degree programme:
University of Trieste Italy
Department of Mathematics, Informatics and Geosciences
degree: 2nd cycle studies – Master’s degree
form of studies: full-time
duration: 2 years
city: Trieste
Available curricula:
The master’s degree in data science and Artificial Intelligence aims to train graduates with a multidisciplinary profile and a strong foundation in three theoretical-methodological pillars: mathematical-statistical modelling, computational methods for data analysis and management, and methodologies in machine learning and artificial intelligence.
This robust theoretical training can be applied in at least one domain, such as engineering, or the natural, medical, economic, or social sciences, enabling graduates to develop expertise in addressing problems and utilising state-of-the-art data science and AI techniques in these fields. This knowledge will be complemented by the ability to communicate and collaborate effectively with professionals in engineering, the hard sciences, medicine, economics, and the social sciences. The internship and thesis work, which may be undertaken in research laboratories or companies, will further enhance their training. Admission criteria
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University of Trieste Italy
degree programme:
Department of Political and Social sciences
degree: 2nd cycle studies – Master’s degree
form of studies: full-time
duration: 2 years
city: Trieste
The Master’s programme offers a fully English-language educational pathway focused on the governance of digital, ecological, and social transitions, providing multidisciplinary training in economics, law, political science, and sociology, with an emphasis on the European dimension of the issues considered. The interconnection between these challenges necessitates the development, implementation, and evaluation of highly integrated policies and interventions that simultaneously address the digital, ecological, and social aspects. Consequently, professionals involved in these policies must possess multidisciplinary and multisectoral expertise, enabling them to apply theoretical and methodological tools from various disciplines, operate across different regulatory and policy domains, and work at multiple scales and levels of governance, from local to supranational. Admission criteria
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University of Trieste Italy
degree programme: GEOPHYSICS
Department of Political and Social sciences
degree: 2nd cycle studies – Master’s degree
form of studies: full-time
duration: 2 years
city: Trieste
The Master’s degree in Geophysics and Geodata equips students with a broad and solid foundation in geophysics, geology, and physics, while also providing specific skills in data science and scientific computing as applied to these fields. Geophysics focuses on investigating the Earth’s interior using non-invasive methods and technologies. This approach is also applied to studying the Earth’s subsurface, surface, groundwater, surface water, artifacts, and structures.
Graduates of the Master’s program in Geophysics and Geodata acquire a strong foundational knowledge and specialized skills for solving problems related to the study and characterization of the subsurface and artifacts. Their expertise can be directly applied in engineering and geosciences or can serve as a basis for pursuing PhD programs, as well as careers in teaching and research institutions. Admission criteria more on the university website
University of Trieste Italy
degree programme: MATHEMATICS
Department of Mathematics, Informatics and Geosciences
degree: 2nd cycle studies – Master’s degree
form of studies: full-time
duration: 2 years
city: Trieste
available curricula:
The Master’s degree course in Mathematics offers cultural preparation and high-level professional training in the field of Mathematics. Students acquire the ability to set up and solve complex problems, even in operational contexts, suitable for entry management jobs. The course also prepares you for a teaching career in secondary schools. The language of the course is English, it involves instructors from the International School of Advanced Studies (SISSA) and the Abdus Salam International Center for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) and for a limited number of students, a double degree agreement is available with the University of Ljubljana.
Admission criteria
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University of Trieste Italy
degree programme: NEUROSCIENCE
Department of Life sciences
degree: 2nd cycle studies – Master’s degree
form of studies: full-time
duration: 2 years
city: Trieste
The Master’s Degree programme in Scientific and Data-Intensive The aim of the Master’s degree course is to provide multidisciplinary knowledge ranging from cellular and molecular neuroscience to cognitive and clinical neuroscience. Students are trained in the most advanced investigative techniques for understanding brain functioning in managing movement, physiological functions, emotions, memory, learning and creative abilities. The graduate will acquire advanced scientific and professional skills and competencies to work in universities and research institutes and in the numerous national and foreign productive realities in the typical work fields of the biologist.
Admission criteria
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University of Trieste Italy
degree programme: SCIENTIFIC AND
Department of Mathematics, Informatics and Geosciences
degree: 2nd cycle studies – Master’s degree
form of studies: full-time
duration: 2 years
city: Trieste
available curricula:
The field of computing is designed to prepare professionals capable of addressing the critical challenges of our digital society in areas such as computational science and engineering, digital twin technology, high-performance computing, and data-intensive computing.
These professionals, by integrating expertise in classical modelling with knowledge of high-performance computing and modern methods of data management and analysis, can pursue careers in a wide range of sectors. These include research, development, and design centres—both public and private—in industrial and scientific technology, computing laboratories, companies specializing in large-scale data processing, financial, banking, or insurance institutions, service companies, and independent consulting firms.
Admission criteria
more on the university website
University of Trieste Italy
degree programme: SCIENTIFIC AND
Department of Mathematics, Informatics and Geosciences
degree: 2nd cycle studies – Master’s degree
form of studies: full-time
duration: 2 years
city: Trieste
available curricula:
The field of computing is designed to prepare professionals capable of addressing the critical challenges of our digital society in areas such as computational science and engineering, digital twin technology, high-performance computing, and data-intensive computing.
These professionals, by integrating expertise in classical modelling with knowledge of high-performance computing and modern methods of data management and analysis, can pursue careers in a wide range of sectors. These include research, development, and design centres—both public and private—in industrial and scientific technology, computing laboratories, companies specializing in large-scale data processing, financial, banking, or insurance institutions, service companies, and independent consulting firms.
Admission criteria
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University of Trieste Italy
double degree units:
Laurea Magistrale in Genomica Funzionale
/ Master Biologie Moléculaire et Cellulaire
Department of Life Sciences
degree: 2nd cycle studies – Master’s degree
available places / duration: 2 students / full year
coordinator: prof. Guidalberto Manfioletti
University of Trieste Italy
double degree units:
Laurea Magistrale
in Genomica Funzionale / Master de Sciences, Technologie, Santé (STS) Mention “Genetique”
Department of Life Sciences
degree: 2nd cycle studies – Master’s degree
available places / duration: 6 students / one semester
Department of Legal, Language, Interpreting and Translation Studies
degree: 1st cycle studies – Bachelor’s degree
available places / duration: 3 students / full year
coordinator: prof. Gaertig- Bressan Anne-Kathrin
University of Trieste Italy
double degree units:
Laurea Magistrale in Matematica / Master Degree in Mathematics
Department of Mathematics, Informatics and Geosciences
degree: 2nd cycle studies – Master’s degree
available places / duration: 1 student / one semester
coordinator: prof. Valentina Beorchia
University of Trieste Italy
double degree units:
Magistrale in Lingue, Letterature straniere e Turismo
Culturale / Master Universitario en Literatura Comparada Europea
Department of Humanities
degree: 2nd cycle studies – Master’s degree
available places / duration: 5 students / full year
coordinator: prof. Rosana Ariolfo
University of Trieste Italy
double degree units:
Laurea Magistrale in Lingue, Letterature Straniere e Turismo
Culturale / Máster Universitario en Estudios Lingüísticos, Literarios y Culturales
Department of Humanities
degree: 2nd cycle studies – Master’s degree
available places / duration: 5 students / full year
coordinator: prof. Rosana Ariolfo
University of Trieste Italy
double degree units:
Laurea Magistrale
in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence / Master in Artificial Intelligence
Department of Mathematics, Informatics and Geosciences
degree: 2nd cycle studies – Master’s degree
available places / duration: 3 students / one semester
coordinator: prof. Luca Bortolussi
University of Trieste Italy
double degree units:
Laurea Magistrale in Filosofia / Master in Philosophy
Department of Humanities
degree: 2nd cycle studies – Master’s degree
available places / duration: 6 students / full year
coordinator: prof. Riccardo Martinelli
Information about study programmes in English for EAIE Toulouse 2024
Degree programmes in English announced in the admission for ACADEMIC YEAR 2024/2025.
All programmes are available at: Studies, Admission to Degree studies | Vytautas Magnus University (
Vytautas Magnus University
degree programme:
Informatics Systems
Faculty of Informatics
degree: 1st cycle studies – Bachelor’s degree
form of studies: full-time
duration: 4 years – 8 semesters
city: Kaunas
The aim of the Informatics Programme is to prepare IT professionals capable to perform analysis of real-world problems, design and implement IT solutions for solving the identified problems, understand the reciprocal interactions between IT, society, and business. Through its three specializations the Programme aims to prepare broad-minded specialists having fundamental and state-of-the-art knowledge of modern information technologies (IT).
available majors:
• Artificial Intelligence Systems Specialization of the Programme aims at preparing specialists, having strong knowledge foundation and adequate skills to apply data and system analysis, artificial intelligence and machine learning methods and in business, medical, open data and other systems.
• Business Informatics Specialization of the Programme aims at preparing specialists, having strong knowledge foundation and adequate skills for applying key business management tools and e-service projects of different scale in business environment.
• Software Systems Specialization of the Programme aims at preparing specialists, having strong knowledge foundation and adequate skills for management of software development cycle, application of software testing, quality assurance techniques, and management of complex cross-platform software development projects.
admission criteria: A high school diploma with a minimum 60% CGPA, proof of English language proficiency, a motivation letter.
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Vytautas Magnus University Lithuania
Vytautas Magnus University Lithuania
degree programme:
Multimedia and Internet Technologies
Faculty of Informatics
degree: 1st cycle studies – Bachelor’s degree
form of studies: full-time
duration: 4 years – 8 semesters
city: Kaunas
The aim of the program Multimedia and Internet Technologies is to educate highly qualified IT specialists who can apply mathematics, engineering sciences, and the latest IT and design knowledge and practical skills while developing multimedia and internet media products. Acquired general engineering, specialized technical and art knowledge and practical skills in areas such as digital video and audio synthesis, spatial object modeling, visualization and animation, multimedia systems design, will enable graduates to integrate into an increasingly demanding, and continuously growing market for new technologies, creating new niches and new products in it, will give confidence to independently initiate and develop new cyberspace projects and products.
Magnus University Lithuania
available majors:
• Construct virtual and augmented 3D environments.
• Develop computer games, transmedia comics, video and audio materials.
• Create music, design and art installations using contemporary media.
• Build the internet of tomorrow.
• Become creators of our virtual future.
We look forward to welcoming you to the Multimedia and Internet Technologies programme!
admission criteria: A high school diploma with a minimum 60% CGPA, proof of English language proficiency, a motivation letter.
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Vytautas Magnus University Lithuania
degree programme:
and Genetics
Faculty of Natural Sciences
degree: 1st cycle studies – Bachelor’s degree
form of studies: full-time
duration: 4 years – 8 semesters
city: Kaunas
The Biology and Genetics study programme aims to prepare high-quality, broad spectrum specialist in biology and genetics that are distinguished by creative and critical thinking, having fundamental low-based knowledge and faculties necessary for various biology and genetics related tasks.
The role of a biologist is a popular one within the field of science - and it’s easy to see why. Specialising in the study of humans, plants and animals, along with the environments in which they inhabit, to say it’s an interesting job would be a gross understatement. Constantly learning with an inquisitive nature, biologists often hone their pursuit for information on a single field, such as biochemistry or zoology, becoming experts in a given subject area.
The international market and job trends also signal the growing demand for the kind of specialists in biology which the programme is aimed to prepare. The programme focuses to provide all necessary knowledge needed to promote broad range expertise, erudition, and intellectual sense of satisfaction during studies, practice and work. The programme also seeks to confer deep interest in biology and genetics, apply it at various circumstances, and to maintain professional competencies during lifelong learning. Constantly changing the research environment, the emerging requirements of professional development, use of the latest technologies and the communication opportunities force researchers to know the physical structure of the living world, understand the biological phenomena from perspective of laws of physics and chemistry.
admission criteria: A high school diploma or equivalent degree (Mathematics, Biology and/or Chemistry have to be included into curriculum) with a minimum 60% CGPA, proof of English language proficiency, a motivation letter.
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Vytautas Magnus University Lithuania
degree programme:
Faculty of Natural Sciences
degree: 1st cycle studies – Bachelor’s degree
form of studies: full-time
duration: 4 years – 8 semesters
city: Kaunas
The aim of Biotechnology undergraduate programme is empower specialists to develop intellectual competencies in order to be capable to participate in research advancements, to take responsibilities in research and practice developments as well as to disseminate knowledge.
Bachelor’s study program in Biotechnology is designed for those who want to connect their lives with biotechnology. The goal of the program is to train professionals who understand the fundamental biotechnology processes that take place at various levels of the biological systems organization, from molecules to multicellular organisms, cell function, and regulatory processes.
During studies, students acquire fundamental knowledge about natural phenomena and their quantification, materials and elements used in engineering and biotechnology, and their properties. Students learn to work with test and measurement equipment, apply modern research methods, evaluate and interpret information and data; acquires skills in the use of information technology.
admission criteria:
A high school diploma or equivalent degree (Mathematics, Biology and/or Chemistry have to be included into curriculum) with a minimum 60% CGPA, proof of English language proficiency, a motivation letter.
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Vytautas Magnus University Lithuania
degree programme:
Environmental Science and Protection
Faculty of Natural Sciences
degree: 1st cycle studies – Bachelor’s degree
form of studies: full-time
duration: 4 years – 8 semesters
city: Kaunas
The aim of Environmental Science and Protection Bachelor’s study programme is to develop the knowledge and practical skills required for environmental specialist to perform environmental monitoring and assessment, analyse natural and anthropogenic environmental and climate changes, their impact on living organisms and ecosystems, and to select solutions for environmental impact mitigation according to the principles of sustainable development and environmental policy.
admission criteria: A high school diploma or equivalent degree (Mathematics and Biology courses have to be included into curriculum) with a minimum 60% CGPA, proof of English language proficiency, a motivation letter.
more on the university website
degree programme:
Sustainable Engineering
Vytautas Magnus University Lithuania
Department of Mechanical, Energy, and Biotechnological Engineering, Faculty of Engineering
degree: 1st cycle studies – Bachelor’s degree
form of studies: full-time
duration: 4 years – 8 semesters
city: Kaunas
The Sustainable Engineering study program provides the opportunity to acquire competencies that are very necessary for the job market - to be able to implement digital engineering innovations in biological systems and to effectively employ robots: “the robot does the work, and I observe” and to create sustainable technologies. The program combines engineering with informatics and develops the ability to design sustainable production technologies using engineering tools and digital technology methods, to “communicate” with robots, drones and use intelligent engineering systems and artificial intelligence applications, modernizing agricultural production, organic waste utilization.
admission criteria:
A high school diploma or equivalent degree (Mathematics has to be included into curriculum) with a minimum 60% CGPA, proof of English language proficiency, a motivation letter.
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Vytautas Magnus University Lithuania
degree programme:
Economics and Finance
Faculty of Economics and Management
degree: 1st cycle studies – Bachelor’s degree
form of studies: full-time
duration: 3 years – 6 semesters
city: Kaunas
The Bachelor’s degree programme Economics and Finance is designed for students pursuing a career in private sector as specialists in finance and analysts or decision makers regarding economic questions of a firm. But it is not limited. The knowledge and skills you’ll acquire will benefit to your employment in public sector as policy makers or national and global institutions that aim to promote business and its environment.
The aim of the Program Economics and Finance is to educate students for the requirements of professional world in economics, in the context of globalization and economic integration; open minded when focusing on economics and financial topics and creatively applying tools of mathematical and statistical analysis, processing critical thinking, strengthening ability to analyze and assess the changes in economic environment.
admission criteria:
A high school diploma or equivalent degree with a minimum 60% CGPA, proof of English language proficiency, a motivation letter.
more on the university website
degree programme:
International Politics and Development studies
Faculty of Political Science and Diplomacy
degree: 1st cycle studies – Bachelor’s degree
form of studies: full-time
duration: 4 years – 8 semesters
city: Kaunas
With the global demand for development specialists, the International Politics and Development Studies program, being one of the rare BA level programs of its kind in Europe (and practically sole in Eastern Europe) is unique in that it, in addition to providing classical Political Science education, lays fundamentals of development and international relations theories and practice, all this with a focus on one of the developing regions. Currently, the Program covers the Middle East and former Soviet Union but is foreseen to expand to include East Asia and Latin America. In connection with this, students are given the opportunity to study one of the area languages (such as Arabic, French, Turkish and Russian) for four semesters. During their studies, students are required to do internship at relevant institutions, something that enhances their practical skills and ability to put theory into practice.
admission criteria:
A high school diploma or equivalent degree with a minimum 60% CGPA, proof of English language proficiency, a motivation letter.
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Vytautas Magnus University Lithuania
degree programme:
Sociology and Anthropology: specialization Society, Culture and Communication
Faculty of Social Sciences
degree: 1st cycle studies – Bachelor’s degree
form of studies: full-time
duration: 4 years – 8 semesters
city: Kaunas
The goal of the programme specialization Society, Culture and Communication is to train highly-qualified graduates in sociology and communication who would be able to identify and analyse social problems and cultural processes, to expertly conduct sociological and communication research, to explain, compare and evaluate social processes and to apply creatively their research skills in the fields of communication and information science.
admission criteria:
A high school diploma or equivalent degree with a minimum 60% CGPA, proof of English language proficiency, a motivation letter.
more on the university website
Vytautas Magnus University Lithuania
degree programme:
Sustainable Bio-Business Management
Faculty of Bioeconomy Development
degree: 1st cycle studies – Bachelor’s degree
form of studies: full-time
duration: 4 years – 8 semesters
city: Kaunas
You’ll learn about the unique activities carried out by organizations in the bioeconomy sector. This sector is all about using biological resources to create sustainable products and services, and it requires innovative management approaches.
In this programme, you will explore how radical and disruptive innovations are essential for developing new technologies and sustainable processes. You’ll understand how these innovations can transform existing business models and create new markets. You’ll study the interconnectedness of different sub-sectors within the bioeconomy and learn how to efficiently use limited biological resources, from energy production to pharmaceuticals and cosmetics.
You’ll dive into business planning, project management, human resource management, and corporate social responsibility, all with a focus on sustainability. You’ll gain skills in managing the development of new biological products from both primary and secondary resources. Additionally, you’ll analyze consumer behavior and identify markets for innovative biological products, developing strategies to tackle the unique challenges in marketing and selling these products.
admission criteria:
A high school diploma or equivalent degree with a minimum 60% CGPA, proof of English language proficiency, a motivation letter.
more on the university website
Vytautas Magnus University Lithuania
degree programme:
World Politics and Economy
Faculty of Political Sciences and Diplomacy
degree: 1st cycle studies – Bachelor’s degree
form of studies: full-time
duration: 4 years – 8 semesters
city: Kaunas
A bachelor’s degree designed to analyse a wide range of political and economic processes around the world. Students study subjects such as global politics, international relations, international political economy, international economic relations, etc. The content of all these subjects deals with processes in the contemporary world, such as globalisation, migration, terrorism, sustainable development, climate change, humanitarian crises, global financial and economic crises and human rights issues. Students learn to analyse and evaluate these processes, identify the main trends in the world, and predict possible economic and political scenarios of global development. Students learn about the issues of different regions. Courses include Introduction to Asian Studies, Introduction to Latin American Studies, US Domestic and Foreign Policy, Russian Domestic and Foreign Policy, Politics of the European Union, etc.
admission criteria:
A high school diploma or equivalent degree with a minimum 60% CGPA, proof of English language proficiency, a motivation letter.
more on the university website
Vytautas Magnus University Lithuania
Accounting and Finance (in Russian/English)
Faculty of Bioeconomy Development
degree: 1st cycle studies – Bachelor’s degree
form of studies: full-time
duration: 4 years – 8 semesters
city: Kaunas
The aim of the programme is to prepare highly qualified specialist in accounting and finance, holding knowledge in the sciences of accounting and finance, knowing the principles and methods of accounting organization and handling, financial analysis and management models, capable of independent formation and critical assessment of the financial and tax accounting policy, deal with financial management problems, plan, organize, control and assess the finances of business, public and non-profit organizations and substantiate the financial management decisions under the constantly changing conditions.
Language of instruction: First study year is taught in Russian, from the second-year language of instruction is English.
admission criteria:
A high school diploma or equivalent degree (Mathematics and English language are mandatory subject) with a minimum 60% CGPA, proof of English language proficiency, a motivation letter.
more on the university website
degree programme:
Business Administration
Faculty of Economics and Management
degree: 1st cycle studies – Bachelor’s degree
form of studies: full-time
duration: 4 years – 8 semesters
city: Kaunas
The Bachelor’s degree programme in Business Administration prepares you to create your own business as well as successfully work in business organizations. Specialists from different fields will acquaint you with the most common business situations and possible solutions. It is a wide-ranging study programme that allows you to understand the management processes of medium and large organizations. With a clear understanding of the business environment, anticipating business organization processes, decision making, HR, organizational performance evaluation and change management, you will be able to successfully build your business or apply for positions such as management and organization analyst, customer service manager, specialist, administrator, etc.
The aim of the first cycle study programme Business Administration is to prepare a wide range of business management specialists who are able to critically, comprehensively and creatively assess and solve the challenges of managing various business organizations in a constantly changing Lithuanian and global business environment
admission criteria:
A high school diploma or equivalent degree with a minimum 60% CGPA, proof of English language proficiency, a motivation letter.
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Vytautas Magnus University Lithuania
Vytautas Magnus University Lithuania
degree programme:
Logistics and Commerce
Faculty of Bioeconomy Development
degree: 1st cycle studies – Bachelor’s degree
form of studies: full-time
duration: 3,5 years – 7 semesters
city: Kaunas
The aim of Logistics and Commerce programme is to prepare the specialists in logistics and commerce holding extensive expertise and able to apply the theoretical knowledge in business and management to the decision-making related to management and business organization at the entities operating in logistics and commerce and able to develop of the competitive and socially responsible business in the domestic and international markets.
Professional who can create, qualitatively implement, and manage logistics activities sustainable to environment, the ones who knows well the latest commercial trends and methodology and are able to use IT programmes in the field of logistics are on high demand nowadays. If there is a trade, logistics is needed and if you know logistics and commerce, it is perfect background for shaping your future.
admission criteria:
A high school diploma or equivalent degree with a minimum 60% CGPA, proof of English language proficiency, a motivation letter.
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Vytautas Magnus University
degree programme:
of Primary Education and Early Foreign Language Teaching
Education Academy
degree: 1st cycle studies – Bachelor’s degree
form of studies: full-time
duration: 4 years – 8 semesters
city: Vilnius
To prepare a teacher of primary education who is able to work at institutions of primary education and to apply methods and technologies based on the newest findings in pedagogical science and research and who is creative and capable of planning and organising high quality education of primary school pupils with a special focus on early foreign language teaching.
admission criteria:
A high school diploma or equivalent degree with a minimum 60% CGPA, proof of English language proficiency, a motivation letter.
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Vytautas Magnus University Lithuania
degree programme:
English Philology
Faculty of Humanities
degree: 1st cycle studies – Bachelor’s degree
form of studies: full-time
duration: 4 years – 8 semesters
city: Kaunas
English Philology Programme aims at preparing English philology specialists with a broad range of knowledge and competencies:
• Who know English and another foreign language well, who have grasped the fundamentals of linguistics, literary and translation studies, and teaching English as a foreign language.
• Who are familiar with political, social, and cultural specificities of English-speaking countries and are capable of contextualizing them and discussing them in relation to global developments.
• Who are able to successfully apply their knowledge in practice, from work-related to scholarly contexts.
This programme prepares specialists who, once they have gained their Bachelor degree, can continue their studies in this field at the Master’s level or move to studies in other fields: that is, they can choose Master’s studies in English philology, translation, computer linguistics, literary and cultural studies, education, journalism, political science and other fields.
admission criteria:
A high school diploma or equivalent degree with a minimum 60% CGPA, proof of English language proficiency, a motivation letter.
more on the university website
degree programme:
Foreign Languages and Cultures:
Italian Studies and Romance
Languages, German Language and Communication
Faculty of Humanities
degree: 1st cycle studies – Bachelor’s degree
form of studies: full-time
duration: 4 years – 8 semesters
city: Kaunas
The aim of the study program Foreign Languages and Cultures is to train well qualified bachelors in the Humanities with a broad range of knowledge and competences, who have a knowledge of Italian, French or German (C1 level) and an additional foreign language (B2 level). Graduates will grasp the fundamentals of linguistics, literary studies, translation, intercultural communication, and production of spoken and written texts, and become familiar with the culture of a chosen country, its history, political and economic situation. Students will be able to translate from source into target language and vice versa, interpret and analyse different countries’ cultural phenomena in the European and global context. Graduates will be able to apply their linguistic, communicative, cultural, social and other competences in professional and academic areas.
Graduates will receive a Bachelor’s degree of Humanities. The diploma will specify which specialization a student has obtained: Francophone Studies, Italian Studies and Romance Languages, or German Language and Communication.
Vytautas Magnus University Lithuania
Magnus University Lithuania
admission criteria: A high school diploma or equivalent degree with a minimum 60% CGPA, proof of English language proficiency, a motivation letter.
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Vytautas Magnus University
Music Production
Faculty of Arts
degree: 1st cycle studies – Bachelor’s degree
form of studies: full-time
duration: 3,5 years – 7 semesters
city: Kaunas
Bachelor degree programme Music production is unique in the region. It aims at giving all necessary creative training to contemporary music producers, including everything they need in their successful professional career. Everything you learn is designed to help starting and managing a successful music career. You will create real life projects accommodated and fitted to the on-going possibilities at the university (performing at live events, media compositions, music concerts) and built around student’s needs.
• You will use an equipment matching the standarts of music industry.
• You will have an opportunity to work in three professional sound recording studios.
• The only Music Production study programme fully in English in Lithuania.
• You will meet the professionals of music industry and realize the real-life music projects during your studies.
• Study programme is distinguished by its internationality and is based on British experience of organising studies
While studying Music Production programme, you will have the opportunity to produce your music in 3 professional sound studios equipped up to the industry standard. You will receive training on Logic Studio software, and use Avid Pro Tools, Ableton and Final Cut Pro. Our lecturers have professionally worked in media industry and gained experience abroad. Most of the staff is involved in various activities of creative industries (composers, sound designers, researches, technicians, video artists, producers), so their latest practice can be quickly incorporated into the course.
admission criteria:
A portfolio, a high school diploma or equivalent degree with a minimum 60% CGPA, proof of English language proficiency, a motivation letter.
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Vytautas Magnus University
Vytautas Magnus University Lithuania
degree programme:
Performing Arts
Music Academy
degree: 1st cycle studies – Bachelor’s degree
form of studies: full-time
duration: 4 years – 8 semesters
city: Kaunas
The content of the Performing Arts programme adequately corresponds the most recent advances in science, art and technology. Students are acquainted with the theory and practice of creative activities, improvisation, artistic project management, art marketing, and research methodology. Students are free to choose composers from various eras (including the latest) and nationalities for their final examinations and the final project. Graduate students are encouraged to pursue the most modern forms of performance, which helps them integrate into and position themselves within the context of the contemporary art scene.
It must be also noted that classes are led by the most regarded virtuosos in their fields and numerous visiting professors. It truly improves the students’ familiarity with the latest and the most unique artistic developments.
admission criteria: Diploma or certificate of previous musical education, motivation interview, admission examination, a high school diploma or equivalent degree with a minimum 60% CGPA, proof of English language proficiency, a motivation letter.
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Vytautas Magnus University Lithuania
degree programme:
Applied Informatics
Faculty of Informatics
degree: 2nd cycle studies – Master’s degree
form of studies: full-time
duration: 2 years – 4 semesters
city: Kaunas
The aim of the Applied Informatics programme is to prepare broad-minded highly qualified information technology (IT) specialists, capable of:
• Performing analysis of (big) data (text, signals, multimedia, etc.) by applying data mining techniques and tools, designing, developing and deploying data analytics solutions.
• Formalizing, modelling and simulating complex systems and business processes, designing and deploying artificial intelligence based systems and applications.
• Performing R&D activities in an industrial or academic setting, pursuing doctoral degree in Lithuanian and foreign universities and research institutions.
admission criteria: Bachelor or equivalent degree in Informatics, Informatics Engineering, Computer Science, Computer Engineering or Mathematics with a minimum 60% CGPA, proof of English language proficiency, a motivation letter.
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Vytautas Magnus University Lithuania
degree programme:
Applied Mathematics
Faculty of Informatics
degree: 2nd cycle studies – Master’s degree
form of studies: full-time
duration: 2 years – 4 semesters
city: Kaunas
The aims of the Applied Mathematics programme are:
• to prepare broad-minded specialists, who have a strong foundation and adequate skills for applying and developing mathematical models for industry, business, finance and other areas;
• to cater to the demand for mathematics professionals for the knowledge society whose knowledge has at the same time a strong foundation, domain depth and interdisciplinarity and who can maintain and improve professional competence through lifelong learning.
admission criteria:
Bachelor or equivalent degree in Mathematics, Informatics, Engineering or Economics with a minimum 60% CGPA, proof of English language proficiency, a motivation letter.
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Vytautas Magnus University Lithuania
degree programme:
Ecology and Climate Change
Faculty of Forest Sciences and Ecology
degree: 2nd cycle studies – Master’s degree
form of studies: full-time
duration: 2 years – 4 semesters
city: Kaunas
The Ecology and Climate Change study programme trains master’s-level ecologists who understand how climate change affects ecological processes. Nature management, environmental preservation, and species variety and distribution will also be taught to graduates. They will predict climate change-related environmental changes, identify ecological and climate change challenges, provide effective remedies, and design nature management and environmental preservation plans. Additionally, students will learn how to make creative and competitive judgments in the present economic environment, improve ecosystem adaption, and provide ecosystem services.
admission criteria:
Bachelor’s degree diploma with a supplement or equivalent degree (additional courses might be required) with a minimum 60% CGPA, proof of English language proficiency, a motivation letter.
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Vytautas Magnus University
degree programme:
Molecular Biology and Biotechnology
Faculty of Natural Sciences
degree: 2nd cycle studies – Master’s degree
form of studies: full-time
duration: 2 years – 4 semesters
city: Kaunas
Molecular Biology and Biotechnology programme connects fundamental research with its applications and integrates genetics, gene technology, cell biology, molecular biology, microbiology, biochemistry, systems biology, biotechnology and bioinformatics.
The programme focuses to provide all necessary knowledge needed to promote broad range expertise, erudition, and intellectual sense of satisfaction during studies, practice and work. During this program, you acquire in-depth knowledge and skills via theoretical and practical training.
You become highly competent in the field of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, with excellent perspectives for an independent career in an academic or industrial research environment.
admission criteria: Bachelor’s degree diploma or equivalent degree in one of these fields: Biology, Molecular Biology, Biotechnology, Genetics, Microbiology, Botany, Zoology, Biochemistry, Chemistry, Biophysics, Pharmacy. ECTS courses may be required for agronomy, veterinary, pedagogical science, and other bachelors. A minimum 60% CGPA, proof of English language proficiency, a motivation letter.
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Vytautas Magnus University Lithuania
degree programme:
Hydraulic Engineering
Department of Water Engineering, Faculty of Engineering
degree: 2nd cycle studies – Master’s degree
form of studies: full-time
duration: 2 years – 4 semesters
city: Kaunas
The aim of the Programme is to train highly qualified engineering specialists capable of conducting scientific or applied research, evaluating water structures and their impact on the environment using advanced scientific methods, integrating knowledge of different fields to solve theoretical and practical water management problems, analyse and model environmental changes, engineering phenomena and processes using the latest information technologies. Graduates of this study programme are professionals who are welcome in the labour market, helping to find solutions to hydraulic engineering challenges and promoting progress in hydraulic engineering.
admission criteria:
Bachelor’s degree diploma or equivalent degree in one of these fields: Civil Engineering; Environmental Engineering. ECTS courses may be required for other Engineering fields, natural sciences, and other bachelors. A minimum 60% CGPA, proof of English language proficiency, a motivation letter.
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Vytautas Magnus University Lithuania
Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Analysis
Faculty of Natural Sciences
degree: 2nd cycle studies – Master’s degree
form of studies: full-time
duration: 2 years – 4 semesters
city: Kaunas
The aim of the program “Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Analysis” is to prepare highly qualified biotechnology specialists with the knowledge of biotechnology and pharmaceutical analysis, able to develop, optimize and implement fermentation processes, and genetic engineering technologies, analyze and optimize separation and purification processes, able to properly perform qualitative and quantitative evaluation of analytes or continue doctoral studies.
The program “Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Analysis” is distinguished by subjects covering various biotechnologies and their application in different fields (gene engineering, fermentation, food technology, pharmaceuticals) and subjects that include different methods of analysis and their development, implementation, and application to quantitative and qualitative analysis of pharmaceutical substances. The program provides skills that are characteristic of the second level of education – analysis, evaluation, submission of proposals, problem-solving, development of autonomy, etc. The program covers more analytical subjects and upon completion of these studies, a specialist would be able to work in an analysis laboratory or field of analysis in any research area or in companies, research institutes, centers related to the field of analysis, or could continue his studies in a doctoral program. Upon completion of these studies, a master’s degree in technological sciences is awarded.
The learning outcomes of the program are focused on the theoretical and emphasis on practical learning, incorporating advanced knowledge in the field of biotechnology and pharmaceutical analysis, creating a basis for original ideas and their implementation; as well as the ability to integrate knowledge and formulate decisions taking into account social and ethical aspects.
admission criteria: Bachelor degree diploma or equivalent degree in one of these fields: Chemical technology, Molecular Biology, Biotechnology, Genetics, Microbiology, Biochemistry, Chemistry, Biophysics, Pharmacy. Additional courses may be required for agronomy, veterinary, biology and other bachelors. A minimum 60% CGPA, proof of English language proficiency, a motivation letter.
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Vytautas Magnus University
Vytautas Magnus University Lithuania
degree programme: Agronomy
Faculty of Agronomy
degree: 2nd cycle studies – Master’s degree
form of studies: full-time
duration: 2 years – 4 semesters
city: Kaunas
The study programme aims at fostering highly qualified master students in Agronomy able to summarize and creatively apply the latest research-based knowledge in agrobiology, agro-innovation, information technology when dealing with agricultural scientific and industrial issues, introducing innovations, ensuring agricultural production and environmental sustainability, and working in agricultural research, management, consultancy as well as seeking self-improvement.
• Crop Production
• Plants Protection and Nutrition
• Horticulture
admission criteria: Bachelor’s degree diploma or equivalent degree in one of these fields: Agronomy, Agriculture science with a minimum 60% CGPA, proof of English language proficiency, a motivation letter.
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Vytautas Magnus University Lithuania
degree programme:
Diplomacy and International Relations
Faculty of Political Science and Diplomacy
degree: 2nd cycle studies – Master’s degree
form of studies: full-time
duration: 2 years – 4 semesters
city: Kaunas
The goal of the graduate study programme Diplomacy and International Relations is to prepare highly qualified specialists and analysts who will possess the skills to analyse and to evaluate the evolution of international relations, including the major changes and events in this field and the reasons for these changes. Graduates of this programme will be able to identify and reconcile ever-changing norms, roles and the types of practical diplomacy used in international relations. The programme of Diplomacy and International Relations will develop students’ skills to gather, update and to apply the newest scientific knowledge. Upon completion of the programme, a Master’s degree in Social Sciences is granted.
admission criteria:
Bachelor’s degree in Political Science, the Humanities or other Social Science field is required. Applicants who have not studied in a Political Science undergraduate programme, should have 18 credits in Political Science. The programme of complementary studies (18 ECTS) is proposed for the students who did not take all the prerequisite subjects. The programme of complementary studies is completed in parallel during the first two semesters by paying additional tuition fee per credit. A minimum 60% CGPA, proof of English language proficiency, a motivation letter. more on the university website
degree programme:
Future Media and Journalism
Faculty of Political Science and Diplomacy
degree: 2nd cycle studies – Master’s degree
form of studies: full-time
duration: 1,5 years – 3 semesters
city: Kaunas
Future media and Journalism programme is for students who feel that the traditional confines of journalism are too narrow for them and who want to future-proof their careers by delving deeply into the emerging trends and technologies in digital media. You will be able to work at the intersection of technological and societal change and acquire an in-depth interdisciplinary understanding of professional practices and values as well as technological and political contexts of journalism as it constantly transforms and reinvents itself.
This program applies multidisciplinary approach that combines competencies and skills of (a) journalism, (b) emerging media technologies and (c) content (text, audio-visual, VR, AI) creation with an informed analysis of emerging trends and a problem solving approach to evolving societal challenges. The program is aimed at training engaged media professionals who are open to societal challenges, possess journalistic knowledge and expertise to adequately respond to various societal needs, are capable of critically analysing the impact of media and communications in the public life, and ready to initiate innovative news services and produce multimedia products.
admission criteria:
Bachelor degree diploma with a minimum 60% CGPA, proof of English language proficiency. Motivation letter, CV and portfolio (articles, reports, essays, video production).
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Social Anthropology
Faculty of Social Sciences
degree: 2nd cycle studies – Master’s degree
form of studies: full-time
duration: 2 years – 4 semesters
city: Kaunas
This Programme offers an intensive introduction to contemporary sociocultural anthropology. The Master’s of Social Anthropology Programme is designed to study social and cultural variations as well as similarities of societies and social groups all over the world. Such topics as transnational mobility, debated cultural practices of inclusion and exclusion as well as the transformation of the state are especially articulated in the Programme. It also provides the students with a thorough theoretical and methodological grounding, essential for attaining non-judgmental understanding and appreciation of the diversity of cultures, significance of crosscultural perspectives and intercultural understanding. The students are taught to conduct independent scientific research and ethnographic fieldwork as well as apply other methods of inquiry.The Programme is taught in English and provides an opportunity for the international and local students to study together; it also combines classroom and experiential field-based learning activities that are adopted to each student’s career plan.
Vytautas Magnus University Lithuania
Due to international cooperation between Vytautas Magnus University and Southern Illinois University (USA) Social Anthropology students have the opportunity to receive Southern Illinois University’s Certificate in Intercultural Understanding. For that the successful completion of 18 ECTS three courses held by visiting anthropology professors from Southern Illinois University and other universities is required.
admission criteria: Bachelor or equivalent degree in social sciences or humanities. Bachelor degree diploma in other sciences - additional courses will be required (please contact the university). A minimum 60% CGPA, proof of English language proficiency, a motivation letter.
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Vytautas Magnus University
Vytautas Magnus University Lithuania
degree programme:
Social Work: specialisation Social Work in the Context of Global Crises
Faculty of Social Sciences
degree: 2nd cycle studies – Master’s degree
form of studies: full-time
duration: 2 years – 4 semesters
city: Kaunas
The Master in Social Work aims to train highly qualified social workers with the knowledge, skills, and methods needed to effectively apply social work interventions that are based on social justice and human rights for peoples‘ empowerment, structural changes, social inclusion, and social cohesion. The specialization “Social Work in the Context of Global Crises” provides an opportunity to deepen the knowledge of social work interventions by combining the immediate and longterm emotional, relational, social, and practical needs of individuals, families, communities, and society, the provision of social services, the trauma’s overcoming, community (re)building and advocacy in the context of intercultural conflicts and global crises. The specialization is delivered in English. The degree is a Master of Social Sciences.
admission criteria:
Bachelor or equivalent degree in social sciences or humanities. Bachelor’s degree diploma in other sciences - additional courses will be required (please contact the university). A minimum 60% CGPA, proof of English language proficiency, a motivation letter.
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Vytautas Magnus University Lithuania
degree programme:
The Interdisciplinary Master’s in East European Research and Studies (MIREES) (Joint degree pragramme)
Faculty of Political Science and Diplomacy
degree: 2nd cycle studies – Master’s degree
form of studies: full-time
duration: 2 years – 4 semesters
city: Kaunas and other cities
The international Master in East European and Eurasian Studies (MIREES) is a Second cycle Joint Degree (120 ECTS), awarded by the University of Bologna, Department of Political and Social Sciences in cooperation with the partner universities of Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas, Lithuania and the University of Zagreb Croatia.
MIREES is an innovative graduate programme, taught entirely in English, unique in Italy and Europe, devoted to students that have a BA background in Economics, Politics, International Relations, History, Languages or Cultural studies at large, and would now like to acquire a specialized, in-depth knowledge of Eastern Europe and the broad Eurasian space, from Europe to China. That variegated, geopolitically crucial area, can only be understood through an interdisciplinary approach which combines political, economic, cultural and historical perspectives.
admission criteria:
Bachelor or equivalent degree. A proof of English language proficiency, a motivation letter. More about admission.
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degree programme:
Business Logistics
Faculty of Bioeconomy Development
degree: 2nd cycle studies – Master’s degree
form of studies: full-time
duration: 3,5 years – 7 semesters
city: Kaunas
Business Logistics programme is the one you are looking for if you want:
• to make innovative decisions in the intensively changing logistics business environment
• be the one, who helps to provide the world’s population with a wide selection of goods
• create and manage the logistics systems
• develop the tools for the flow of material resources in the logistics chains
• get skills in analyzing and critically evaluating business logistic ideas, formulate business management arguments and assumptions, apply them to logistic management
• to have the wide career opportunities to choose if you want to continue your career as a part of the big logistics and not only corporation, create your own logistics (and again not only) business or try yourself in science
The aim of the study program is to prepare the specialists in business logistics who can creatively apply the findings of fundamental and applied research results. To prepare specialists who can make innovative decisions related to improvement and development of the bioeconomy sector and business logistics as well as the implementation under the conditions of intensively changing business environment.
admission criteria: University Bachelor’s degree diploma (or higher) and its supplement (Transcript of Records or the Grade Sheet). Priority is given to those from the fields of Business, Management, Economics. Additional courses might be required. A minimum 60% CGPA, proof of English language proficiency, a motivation letter.
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Vytautas Magnus
Vytautas Magnus University
degree programme:
Customs Process Management
Faculty of Bioeconomy Development
degree: 2nd cycle studies – Master’s degree
form of studies: online
duration: 1 years
city: Kaunas
This is an intensive online one-year MBA programme Customs Process Management which focuses on the preparation of high-level managers for business and public sector organizations operating in the field of customs. The studies are distance learning and are adapted to students working in business. Part of the study courses are taught by foreign teachers, so students will study the field of customs in a global context. Students studying in this program will gain a greater understanding of business processes management in the field of customs, will be able to solve practical management problems of business cooperating with customs, to suggest and implement innovations in business, taking in account new risk arising in customs area, environmental requirements and sustainable development of customs; will acquire the tax competencies required for the administration and management of customs duties; will be able to know and evaluate business models, including the supply chains required to manage international trade and anticipate the specifics of the taxation of international transactions. After graduation, you will be awarded a Master of Business Administration (MBA).
admission criteria: Bachelor‘s degree diploma in the field of accounting, finance, economics, business, management, and law. Graduates having not less than 3 years of work experience. A minimum 60% CGPA, proof of English language proficiency, a motivation letter.
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Vytautas Magnus University
Marketing and International Commerce (Double degree program with Catholic University of Louvain)
Faculty of Economics and Management
degree: 2nd cycle studies – Master’s degree
form of studies: full-time
duration: 2 years – 4 semesters
city: Kaunas
Marketing and International Commerce program focuses on marketing as strategic managerial function that drives initiatives in delivering customer value with international perspective approach and grounded by Lithuanian and international experience. The program examines the fundamental and modern concepts in strategic marketing, corporate marketing, customer relationship management, international marketing, and international commerce. This combination allows to build the knowledge and skills necessary for critical, creative, and sustainable approaches to business in a globalizing world.
The aim of Marketing and International Commerce study programme is to train highly qualified marketing and international commerce professionals, giving students the modern marketing and international commerce knowledge, skills, and abilities to analyze and understand global trends, respond rapidly and creatively to changing environment, monitor and evaluate innovations, apply the acquired knowledge to the development of marketing and international commerce processes of organizations in a changing and uncertain business environment.
Magnus University Lithuania
admission criteria:
Bachelor‘s degree diploma with a minimum 60% CGPA, proof of English language proficiency, a motivation letter.
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Vytautas Magnus University Lithuania
degree programme:
Sports Business MBA
Faculty of Economics and Management
degree: 2nd cycle studies – Master’s degree
form of studies: full-time
duration: 1,5 years – 3 semesters
city: Kaunas and other countries
Would you like to be a stakeholder in the sports world, enrich your knowledge, or change your career? The Sports Business MBA by EB Institute equips students with advanced professional knowledge and skills in sports business management.
Jointly taught by Euroleague Basketball Institute and Vytautas Magnus University, this international program benefits from a global network of academicians, industry leaders, experts, and social partners. Over 15 months and three 20-week semesters, students complete 90 ECTS credits, gaining expertise in Marketing, Finance, Media and Communication, Law, Strategy, and Economics. An internship and term paper will allow students to apply their knowledge in a sports business context.
The program concludes with an MBA thesis, using modern research methods to solve practical problems in sports business. Teaching methods include visual aids, case-based lectures, practical examples, video explanations, discussions, and independent work.
Sessions are held at Euroleague Basketball Headquarters in Barcelona, Vytautas Magnus University with an on-site visit at Žalgiris Kaunas, and the host city of the Turkish Airlines EuroLeague Final Four.
Magnus University Lithuania
admission criteria: Bachelor degree diploma in the field of Social Sciences with a minimum 60% CGPA, proof of English language proficiency, a motivation letter. Find more information about the programme and admission procedure here. more on the university website
Vytautas Magnus University Lithuania
degree programme:
Physical Education and Sport
Education Academy
degree: 2nd cycle studies – Master’s degree
form of studies: full-time
duration: 2 years – 4 semesters
city: Vilnius
The aim of the study program is to prepare highly qualified masters of physical education and sports pedagogy at the university level, who are able to systematize the latest knowledge of physical education and sports technologies, independently conduct physical education and sports research, analyze and interpret data, implementing sports pedagogy, psychology, physiology, management, projects implementation and other innovations in their professional activities.
admission criteria: Bachelor or equivalent degree with a minimum 60% CGPA, proof of English language proficiency, a motivation letter.
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Vytautas Magnus University Lithuania
degree programme:
Educational Management
Education Academy
degree: 2nd cycle studies – Master’s degree
form of studies: full-time
duration: 2 years – 4 semesters
city: Kaunas
The study programme Educational Management responds to the demands of the contemporary educational systems and therefore is popular among the applicants. The study programme aims to prepare educational managers for different types of organisations involved in learning and teaching activities. The complexity of the programme learning outcomes leads our future graduates to the career of an educator, an educational manager, a human resources developer.
Students will have a great opportunity to experience a blended learning method, which will develop their competence in technology enhanced and self-directed learning.
Students, who successfully complete the programme, along with a Master’s degree in Education Sciences will be also awarded a Certificate in Curriculum Design and Development issued by UNESCO International Bureau of Education.
admission criteria: Bachelor or equivalent degree with a minimum 60% CGPA, proof of English language proficiency, a motivation letter.
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Vytautas Magnus University Lithuania
degree programme:
Music Education
Education Academy
degree: 2nd cycle studies – Master’s degree
form of studies: full-time
duration: 2 years – 4 semesters
city: Vilnius
To train a competent music educator, researcher, and leader, who has acquired fundamental and applied research-based knowledge in music education, music expression, artistic leadership, and managerial competencies and who is capable of grounding formal and informal music education practice on evidence as well as improving it.
To prepare a competent music educator who has acquired fundamental and applied research-based competencies in the field of music education, musical expression, artistic leadership, and project management, capable of improving the practice of formal and informal music education.
admission criteria: Bachelor or equivalent degree with a minimum 60% CGPA, proof of English language proficiency, a motivation letter.
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Vytautas Magnus University Lithuania
degree programme:
Applied English Linguistics
Faculty of Humanities
degree: 2nd cycle studies – Master’s degree
form of studies: full-time
duration: 1,5 years – 3 semesters
city: Kaunas
Applied English Linguistics programme responds to the changing labour market, where there is a strong demand for skills in intercultural communication, translation/ interpretation skills, skills in information technologies, multilingual proficiency and application of linguistic knowledge in English language teaching.
admission criteria:
Bachelor degree diploma or equivalent degree in English Philology or a corresponding study field. The Bachelor Degree shall contain at least 30 ECTS in an English Philology study program. A minimum 60% CGPA, proof of English language proficiency, a motivation letter.
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Vytautas Magnus University Lithuania
degree programme:
Sociolinguistics and Multilingualism (Joint degree programme)
Faculty of Humanities
degree: 2nd cycle studies – Master’s degree
form of studies: full-time
duration: 2 years – 4 semesters
city: Kaunas and other cities
Sociolinguistics and Multilingualism (SoMu) is an international joint-degree study programme offered by Vytautas Magnus University (VMU), Kaunas, Lithuania, Johannes-Gutenberg University (JGU), Mainz, Germany, Stockholm University (SU), Stockholm, Sweden, and the University of Tartu (UT), Tartu, Estonia. SoMu trains a new generation of sociolinguists who will possess a broad scholarly and practical understanding of the parallel use of multiple languages in Europe and a professional awareness of multilingualism’s social dynamics and its cultural, political and socioeconomic impact in varying European contexts.
During their four-semester studies, students’ study in three different universities:
• The first semester is taught in Kaunas at Vytautas Magnus University.
• The second in Mainz at Johannes-Gutenberg University.
• For the third semester students choose between Stockholm and Tartu.
• And the fourth semester students stay at the university of the main supervisor of their MA thesis.
The programme is meant for students, who are interested in the role of language in society. With its geographical focus on the entire Baltic-Sea region, the programme is unique amongst all sociolinguistic MA programmes in Europe in the width of languages and societies covered in it. The language of instruction is English.
admission criteria: Bachelor’s degree diploma or equivalent degree in Humanities or Social Sciences. The Bachelor Degree shall contain at least 30 ECTS in the field of linguistics or philology. A minimum 60% CGPA, proof of English language proficiency, a motivation letter.
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Vytautas Magnus University Lithuania
degree programme:
Performing Arts
Music Academy
degree: 2nd cycle studies – Master’s degree
form of studies: full-time
duration: 2 years – 4 semesters
city: Kaunas
The Performing Arts Study programme aims to develop highly qualified creative artists, music performers (instrumentalists, singers, soloists, musicians of diverse ensembles, orchestra conductors), who will have an impact upon the musical (cultural) tradition not only through their creative works and other artistic means, professionally performing works solo and in ensembles and orchestras of various compositions, but also by analysing, commenting on, personally developing individual creative activities, searching for the most influential artistic work interpretations, fostering historical traditions of the music art and influencing the musical development processes.
Professors are active and acknowledged artists with national and international acclaim. They are members of various associations and bring a high level of competence. The professional competence is an important factor in fulfilling the purpose of the programme. Some of the lecturers belong to international organizations which are related to their professional or organizational activities.
Specializations: Accordion, Accordion - Chamber, Choir Conducting, Orchestral Conducting, Jazz, Piano, Piano Accompaniment, Singing of Concert Genres, Singing of Scenic Genres, String Instruments, String Instruments - Chamber, Wind and Percussion Instruments, Wind and Percussion Instruments - Chamber, Musical.
admission criteria: Bachelor of Music degree and professional qualification of an artist. Applicants to the Performing Arts programme must be graduates of bachelor studies belonging to the same or related field. Portfolio. A minimum 60% CGPA, proof of English language proficiency, a motivation letter.
more on the university website Vytautas
The additional formal requirement for the studies is documented knowledge of English language (at least B2)
Detailed information can be found here:
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Contact: +370 37 327 978
International Admissions Office
Vytautas Magnus University
Studies in English
Saarland University (T4EU leader):
University of Alicante:
Estonian Academy of Arts:
Universidade Católica Portuguesa:
University of Primorska:
Jean Monnet University:
University of Silesia in Katowice:
Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”:
University of Trieste:
Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas: