RESEARCH SERVICES – commercial offer

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RESEARCH SERVICES –commercial offer

Commissioned research services are the simplest form of cooperation between the University and its socio-economic environment. University of Silesia in Katowice provides a number of services commissioned by external entities, including: enterprises, local government units, non-governmental organisations, public administration bodies and other budgetary units, in the form of e.g.:

– carrying out research as well as research and development works to order, – provision of laboratory services, – preparation of analyses and expert opinions, – preparation of legal opinions, – preparation of opinions on innovativeness, in particular for EU programmes.

University of Silesia has a wide range of specialists in many fields who aim to solve current scientific, social and economic problems. They concentrate on topics concerning, among others, health and medicine, environment and climate change, biotecnology, environmental protection and water management, information technology, nanotechnology, materials and new technologies, energy, and they cover legal, social, educational, cultural changes, national heritage and art issues.

The University also has nearly 170 laboratories and workshops equipped with modern measurement and research apparatus. In the laboratories analyses are conducted, among others, in the field of: molecular genetics, toxicology, polymer chemistry, water analysis, biomedical imaging, material engineering, micro- and nanotechnology, nuclear physics and modern drugs. Full offer is available on the website:

The University has a number of research teams and centres focused on current socio-economic issues, including:

– Observatory of Urban and Metropolitan Processes – collects and analyses data on the areas of functioning of the Metropolitan Association of Upper Silesia and Dąbrowa Basin, provides expert opinions, carries out sectoral studies in the following areas: transport, tourism, culture, labour market and its trends, education sector, demographic processes, health services and social welfare or infrastructure;

– Research Centre for Public Policy and Regulatory Governance – conducts activities in the field of the most significant regulatory problems and challenges belonging to the sphere of public policies, in particular in the field of regional, urban and metropolitan policy, regulatory confessions of bioethics, anti-corruption solutions and policies in administration, as well as organisation and functioning of the system of science and higher education;

– Interdisciplinary Centre for Staff Development – conducts activity in the field of improvement of human resources management processes, conscious shaping of friendly workplaces and supporting the development of organisations;

– Silesian Water Centre – conducts research, development, implementation, popularisation and didactic activities related to water and water management;

– University Laboratories for Atmosphere Control – deal with research on air quality, sources of pollution and directions of their movements; they have a hot air balloon with a mobile laboratory and a stationary laboratory equipped with apparatus for research on atmospheric pollution;

– SPINlab Centre for Microscopic Studies on Matter – these are modern laboratories equipped with the latest electron and atomic force microscopes, specialising in correlative studies of matter, especially soft matter;

– Polish-Chinese Centre for Environmental Research – conducts research related to the impact of climate change of the environment and on settlement in areas located in temperate maritime, temperate continental and tropical climate zones;

– Centre for the Law of Design, Fashion and Advertising – specialises in solving practical problems arising from fashion, advertising design, including their legal aspects;

– Research Centre for Public Competition Law and Sector Regulation – conducts research into the legal, economic, technical and social aspects of competition protection and sectoral and economic regulation in the area of anti-monopoly law, state aid law, combating unfair competition, regulation of regulated sectors (energy, fuel and gas, rail, road, air and water transport, telecommunications and postal sectors, and the pharmaceutical sector);

– GAME LAB Research Centre – deals with design and research of virtual environments, issues of artistic and educational games and serious games;

– University Centre for Creative Citizenship – deals with diagnostics of social competences and social problems, provides expert opinions on and analyses of social problems and issues.

All entities interested in cooperation, commissioning an expert opinion or research service are welcome to contact with the Industry Cooperation Office of University of Silesia in Katowice.

University of Silesia in Katowice

ul. Bankowa 12, 40-007 Katowice

tel. +48 32/359 20 81, 359 22 71, 359 15 21

Co-financed by the programme „Social Responsibility of Science” of the Minister of Education and Science

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