2013 Department of History Newsletter

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SUMMER 2013 University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Department of

HISTORY history.unl.edu


“Those unable to catalog the

past are doomed to repeat it.” -Lemony Snicket, The End

photo: James LeSueur; book cover courtsey of W.W. Norton & Co.

locating lincoln by Mikal Brotnov

Dr. Kenneth Winkle’s new monograph Lincoln’s Citadel: The Civil War in Washington, DC. (published by W.W. Norton & Co.), transforms prior conceptual framings of Lincoln’s presidency. By using sensory, social, and gender histories, Dr. Winkle evokes human elements into the life of this often misinterpreted historical figure.

All history is defined as a story of choices, and Winkle utilizes the numerous options presented to Lincoln to illuminate his considerable forethought and long view. This same ability to make unpopular decisions, however, made Lincoln immensely unpopular. Among these choices stood, the issue of emancipation and whether or not it was a goal of the war. Adding to this pressure, Lincoln fielded advice from every corner of the political spectrum, but as

Winkle’s work demonstrates, Lincoln always sought common ground.

So often letters are crucial to the historian’s craft. Winkle’s Lincoln’s Citadel utilizes Lincoln’s letters to reinforce his affinity for wordsmithing. For Winkle, these letters revealed to him how Lincoln “could sum up an idea, or a choice, in just a few words.” “For example, with secession, Lincoln posed a choice between ballots and bullets and from that one can see how “these words were Lincoln’s most important and effective tool or even weapon in fighting the war,” Winkle said. Lincoln’s most crucial letter came during the Fort Sumter crisis when he presented the Confederacy with a choice between compromising or igniting a civil war.

Lincoln’s family also provided shelter from the omnidirectional forces of war. In exploring the role of Lincoln’s family, Winkle brings gender analysis into the Lincoln historiography. He also rescues Mary Todd from the side light and places her in the Washington D.C. hospitals where she worked with wounded soldiers. Building off the themes of family and fortress, Winkle highlights how Lincoln, who sought one of the loneliest professions, “exulted in his children,” and Winkle believes that Lincoln ultimately “found refuge in the lives of his family.”

In a powerful narrative, Lincoln’s Citadel elucidates how the Civil War transformed the city of Washington and how the city shaped Lincoln’s war experience and vice versa.

WELCOME from the


It is a pleasure once again to recognize the achievements of our faculty, staff, and students and to present the news of the Department of History to our alumni, friends, parents, current students, prospective students, and colleagues. The 2013-2014 academic year will be my fourth as chair of the Department of History, and as a department we are going to consider ways to further strengthen the undergraduate curriculum and advising enterprise in our major and to mentor a strong and diverse group of graduate students. I invite you to read here about our recent successes and achievements. Gerald Steinacher won the National Jewish Book Award in the Holocaust category. Margaret Jacobs won one of the most coveted fellowships in our discipline from the American Council of Learned Societies and Amy Burnett was awarded a Fulbright. Katrina Jagodinsky in her first year on the faculty received the Jerome I. Braun Prize for the best article in Western Legal History. Our faculty continue to publish innovative and important histories. As I write, Kenneth J. Winkle’s new book Lincoln’s Citadel: The Civil War in Washington D.C. hit the bookstores and will likely be a contender for prestigious awards. Other faculty have new books coming out this year, and our graduate students have published peer reviewed journal articles in the most selective journals, including The Journal of Military History, Environmental History, and Great Plains Quarterly. Our undergraduate students, with the leadership of Professor Patrick Jones, conducted a successful History Harvest in Lincoln in October 2012, and the History Harvest has rapidly become a national model for experiential education and the teaching and learning of history. The department won a Kelly Funds grant from the University of Nebraska to expand The History Harvest in Spring 2014 in collaboration with University of Nebraska at Kearney and Chadron State College. We will again lead The History Harvest project this year (historyharvest.unl.edu) with a special focus on Lincoln, Nebraska family history and in cooperation with other classes around the state and country adopting our experiential learning program.


We have over 250 history majors in our thriving undergraduate program. Our major is more popular than ever--it has more than doubled since 2002. We want our students to be grounded in the liberal arts and sciences, to have gained the research and communication skills necessary for the 21st century, and to have mastered the discipline of historical inquiry and thinking. These skills are more important than ever in today’s economy and society, and University of Nebraska students recognize the value of a History degree. To accomplish these goals we have expanded our Historical Methods seminar for majors and the number and variety of our capstone seminars for seniors. In both we have reduced class sizes, so that every undergraduate major participates in two seminars with under twenty students. This year we will focus on further improvements in advising and mentoring our undergraduate majors.

This year our department will welcome two new faculty members. James Coltrain will join our department as an Assistant Professor of History. Dr. Coltrain specializes in Digital History and Digital Humanities, Colonial America, and Atlantic World history. He earned his Ph.D. in History at Northwestern University. Coltrain’s dissertation, “Constructing Empires: Architecture, Power, and Provincial Identity in Early America,” used three-dimensional models to reconstruct and examine the architecture of imperial spaces at three fort settlements in the Atlantic: Castillo San Marco, Fortress Louisbourg, and Fort Stanwix. Dr. Ann Tschetter will join our department faculty as an Assistant Professor of Practice and will serve as our department’s Chief Undergraduate Advisor. Dr. Tschetter has guided our undergraduate advising over the last four years as a Lecturer and teaches U. S. History, 19th century history, and historical methods. In 2013-2014 we will host major events that will be exciting and important for the future of the department. In July we helped support the Digital Humanities 2013 Conference, a major international conference in this field. We will host the Pauley Lecture on October 3, 2013 when Professor Paul Thompson of the University of Toronto will speak on “Water, Food Security and Agro-technology: Current Challenges Placed in Historical Context.” We will convene our second meeting of the department’s Alumni Advisory Council whose members include business leaders, scholars, lawyers, and writers. The Alumni Advisory Council and our department faculty have initiated a major fundraising campaign for the Peter Maslowski Graduate Student Support Fund. This new fund will serve two purposes. First, it will honor Pete for his contributions to our department and students throughout his long career. Second, it will provide a permanent source of funding for supporting our graduate students conducting outstanding and innovative research. Our goal is to build the fund so that our program can compete with our peers in the Big 10 and attract the best graduate students in the nation to the University of Nebraska program. I hope that you will consider supporting this fund with a gift. As many of you know, we rely on the generosity of our friends and alumni as never before. You can find details about giving to The University of Nebraska Foundation’s Department of History funds on the back cover of this newsletter. We are looking forward to an exciting new year! To see more about the Department of History, including upcoming events, news, and videos with recent undergraduate history majors and graduate students, please visit our web site at history.unl.edu Best, William G. Thomas, Chair



the big red road show by Mikal Brotnov & Robert Perry

On March 3, 2013, several undergraduate and graduate students from the history department attended the University of Nebraska annual Big Red Road Show at CenturyLink Center in Omaha.

The Big Red Road Show shared UNL’s intellectual and student life possibilities with prospective students and the Omaha community. The history department was one of 75 interactive booths that honored Nebraska’s tradition to academic excellence, athletics, and shaping future leaders. The history department took the interactive element in a new direction this year. With costumes provided by the Nebraska Wesleyan University Theater Department, undergraduates and graduate students alike dressed as historical characters from across the globe and spanned numerous centuries. From Cesare Borgia to Abraham Lincoln and many other important historical characters in between, each actor allowed visitors who stopped by the department booth the ability to envision how history and their daily lives work in tandem. History major and Houston native Robert Perry, who portrayed Frederick Douglass, participated in the Big Red Road show because the event “creates connectivity” between the history department and “Nebraska high school seniors by providing them an intellectual look into their future as a UNL college student.” Perry credits Dr. Ann Tschetter, Professor of Practice and Undergraduate Advisor with the high level of participation and excitement by the undergraduate community. This in turn, according to Perry, highlights how undergraduates, graduate students, and professors work together in the department. Their dedication and participation is not only “a shining example that history truly matters” but also an example of how “we make history at the University of Nebraska!”” Right to Left: Robb Nelson and Robert Perry at the Big Red Roadshow at the CenturyLink Center in Omaha, Nebraska. photos by: Kenneth Winkle, Ann Tschetter, and Will Thomas.

“history truly matters”

-Robert Perry, History Major




UNDERGRADUATE Tyler Randazzo, Casey Franklin, and John Handlin, will serve the department as undgratduate peer mentors in 2013-2014. They are working with Professor Amy Burnett and Professor Ann Tschetter on the “Enhancing Student Success” project.

GRADUATE STUDENTS Alyson Alvarez begins her Ph.D. in the fall at UNL after receiving her Masters of Arts in History this spring. During the 2012-2013 year, Alyson was the secretary for the HGSA and will be the James A. Rawley Conference in the Humanities co-chair. Mikal Brotnov presented papers at the Colonial Genocides Conference in Winnipeg and the International Association of Genocide Scholars in Siena, Italy. Mikal also co-authored a paper with Dr. Margaret Jacobs for the D’arcy McNickle’s Center for American Indian Studies at the Newberry Library in May. The symposium, “Why You Can’t Teach U.S. History without American” provided both Brotnov and Jacobs and opportunity to write about the relationship between the Dawes Act on the Nez Perce Reservation and settler colonialism. This paper argues that the settler colonial methodology provides instructive insights into how Native title was extinguished through federal action. During the same month, he was named an inaugural research seminar participant at the Center for Jewish History. This fall Mikal begins his fellowship at the Center for Great Plains Studies and as Vice President for the HGSA. Luke Chennell taught the course Sources and Consequences of Technological Change: Globalization and Cyberspace at the 20th annual Telecommunications Institute for Intercultural Communication at the University of Leipzig, Germany. This year, a partnership between the University of Leipzig and the Lille University of Science and Technology (Lille, France), brought together over 200 students on two campuses to examine the changing nature of telecommunications work and build student skills in navigating intercultural situations. Chennell’s course is designed to draw broad connections between the history of technology and the nature of contemporary telecommunications.

Luke and his wife welcomed their daughter Amelia who was born Dec. 22, 7 lbs. 6 oz. Kevin Chrisman won the Dov Ospovat Memorial Award for the best graduate research paper in 2012-2013academic year and recieved his Masters degree this spring. Kevin will attend York University in Toronto this fall to begin his Ph.D. Jacob Friefeld is entering his fourth year in the PhD. program and his first year of candidacy. Along with beginning work on his dissertation proposal, he spent his summer participating in the Preparing Future Faculty Program, attending DH13, and conducting research in homestead records for a project at the Center for Great Plains Studies. Jacob is the 2013-2014 president of the Graduate Student Association.

Conference on Katherine Hastings’ literary patronage. She was the co-organizer for both the No Limits Conference for women’s and gender studies and the James A. Rawley Conference in Spring 2013. This past year has kept Andrea Nichols very involved at conferences, both as a presenter, committee member, and attendee. First, this spring she presented papers at the Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies and the Newberry Library Multidisciplinary Graduate Student Conference, discussing monsters and queens’ representations in English chronicles, respectively. Andrea also was the chair of the publicity committee for the James A. Rawley Conference, which is managed by the History Graduate Students Association. She also attended the South Central Renaissance Conference in Omaha. Finally, she presented

Clayton Hanson joined the department in January 2013 as a Ph.D. student. This summer he returned to the National Parks Service in Washington State where he works as a public servant. In May, the South Dakota State Historical Society presented Teresa Houser with the Herbert S. Schell Award for best article in last year’s South Dakota History, the Society’s quarterly journal. Her article, “A Pivotal Decision: The Yankton Sioux and the Indian Reorganization Act of 1934,” appeared in the Summer 2012 issue of the journal. This fall Teresa will teach as the History and Politics Instructor at Midland University. Robert Jordan recieved his doctorate this spring and will begin teaching at Colorado State College where he will work as a Special Instructor. Holly Kizewski presented at the South Central Renaissance Conference this year and her thesis is a feminist reinterpretation of Katherine Howard’s life. Throughout the 2012-2013 academic year and Summer 2013, Brandon Locke served as Project Manager for The History Harvest. Brandon successfully defended his thesis, titled “The Military-Masculinity Complex: Hegemonic Masculinity and the United States Armed Forces,” on July 10, 2013 and graduated on August 16, 2013. Brandon is now enrolled in the Master’s program at the Graduate School of Library and Information Science at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Catherine Medici-Thiemann presented a paper at the South Central Renaissance Conference in March 2013 on Katherine Hastings’ political patronage and will be presenting a paper at the 2013 Sixteenth Centuries Studies

a paper on Joan of Arc in English chronicles at the 600th Anniversary of the Birth of Joan of Arc celebration held by the UNL Medieval and Renaissance Studies Program. In exciting news that marks an academic milestone, Andrea passed her comprehensive exams and oral defense in April and May, achieving an outstanding level of work in her responses to several of the questions. In several other areas of academic involvement—publications, teaching, research, and awards—Andrea has been busy completing work too. She has agreed to transform an earlier conference paper on representations of Cleopatra in early modern English drama into a book chapter for Scholars and Poets Talk about Queens. She coauthored a review of Judith Richards’ Elizabeth I (Routledge, 2012) with Dr. Carole Levin for The Sixteenth Century Journal, and will coauthoring another book review with Dr. Levin in the coming year. In the area of teaching, Andrea will be an online instructor at UNL this fall for a section of HIST 120: World History to 1500 and this spring for the online section of WMNS 101: Introduction to Women and Gender Studies. In her first move towards dissertation research, Andrea attended a four-week NEH Summer Seminar “Researching Early

Modern Manuscripts and Printed Books” in New York City. Finally, Andrea was awarded a Marguerite C. and Clare McPhee Research Fellowship by the UNL History Department for 2013-14. Pablo Rangel acted as co-chair of the James H. Rawley Conference in the Humanities this year. He also presented at the Western History Association and gave invited lectures this spring. Pablo recieved his Masters of Arts in History this spring and begins his Ph.D. at University of Chicago this fall. Brian Sarnaki was a teaching assistant for Dr. Garza’s “Revolutions in 20th Century Latin America” course during summer 2013, filmed a segment for the Travel Channel’s “Mysteries at the Museum” on Charles Starkweather, and went on a two week trip across the Midwest to conduct dissertation research. Brian will be the HGSA President for the 2013-2014 year. After completing her comprehensive exams in April 2013, Michelle Tiedje traveled to Portland, Oregon to present alongside Leslie Working and Rebecca Wingo at the 45th annual meeting of the Western Association of Women Historians. For her part of Integrating Digital Methods Into the Classroom and Research: A Workshop Michelle discussed ways historians can use digital tools to visualize patterns and themes in textual sources. Michelle also conducted research for her dissertation on late nineteenth century utopian communities at the Oregon Historical Society, the Aurora Colony Historical Society, and the University of Portland at Eugene. She continues to conduct research throughout the summer months while also drafting her dissertation proposal, planning her next research trip, preparing to teach HIST 110 in the Fall, and blogging at michelletiedje.com. Rebecca Wingo passed her comprehensive exams in May 2013. During the summer months, she presented at the Western Association of Women Historians Conference in Portland, OR and made several trips to Crow Reservation, Montana to continue her research into photography on Crow Reservation during the early-twentieth century. She won a fellowship at the Buffalo Bill Historical Center for 2013-2014 and will spend some time in the archive in Cody, Wyoming in the coming year. Wingo also finished her book chapter, “Last Stands, Sabers, and Zulu Warriors: Custer, Little Big Horn, and Popular Culture,” for Blackwell Publishing’s A Companion to Custer and the Little Big Horn Campaign. Working for Rick Edwards, Director of the Center for Great Plains Studies, she developed social networking maps of homestead claimants and their witnesses using Gephi and Sigma.js software. Fall 2013 semester will be

busy, between teaching HIST 360, presenting at the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Ethnohistory in New Orleans, and completing her dissertation prospectus. Robert Voss has been hired as an Assistant Professor of History at Northwest Missouri State University, in Maryville, Missouri starting the fall of 2013. He interviewed in January and was hired a month later. Robert and his family will be moving to Maryville in late July/ early August. Once there, he will be teaching in the history department and in the College of Education, eventually serving as a master teacher for prospective high school teachers. Also, Robert will be the keynote speaker at a symposium at the John Barriger III National Railroad Library at the University of Missouri,


NOTES “...working through the University of Nebraska

above: Rebecca Wingo, Jake Friefeld and Brandon Locke photo above and previous page: Grant Forssberg

St. Louis in October where he will be presenting on the history of railroads in St. Louis during the nineteenth century. Andy Wilson completed his comprehensive exams this past year. This past fall he worked for the Pauley Symposium helping professors on various fronts. Andy aims to complete his prospectus this fall. Leslie Working spent the year working on her dissertation as well as continuing to work at the Center for Digital Research in the Humanities (CDRH) at UNL.

History Department provides me with opportunity to network throughout the country.”

ALUMNI Spencer Hunt ‘12 spent the last year teaching English in Paris, France. He has returned to the University of Nebraska and is pursuing a Master’s degree in Modern Languages and Literatures with a special focus on French.

-Pablo Rangel

Gwyneth Talley ‘13 will be entering the doctoral program this fall in anthropology at the University of California, Los Angeles.


CONFER ENCES EDUARDO DIAZ SMITHSONIAN LATINO CENTER Graduate Students, Paul Strauss, Brian Sarnacki, Jake Friefeld, and Brandon Locke along with Dr. Garza and Coltrane listen to keynote speaker.

rawley conference by Pablo Rangel

A Note on the 8th Annual James A. Rawley Conference in the Humanities

Having presented at the Rawley in 2011 as an undergraduate and again in 2012 as a MA student, I volunteered to chair the eighth annual James A. Rawley Conference in the Humanities in 2013 and chose the topic, “Public and Private Memory: Understanding a Collective Past”. Knowing the value that the Rawley provides to burgeoning scholars as they begin to build a scholarly network and original research, I developed my vision for the conference themes with an eye toward broadening the conferences’ scope to highlight a more theoretic approach to research. This, in turn, helped incorporate a more diverse applicant pool and ultimately provided a more valuable experience for presenters, volunteers, and attendees. I also understood that featuring a dynamic keynote speaker that worked outside of the academy would challenge the HGSA to construct a more inclusive conference. To this end, I invited Eduardo Díaz, director of the Smithsonian Latino Center, a 30-year veteran of arts administration to deliver the keynote. Díaz earned a law degree (1976) at the University of California, Davis, and a bachelor’s degree (1972) in Latin American Studies at San Diego State University. Díaz has been responsible for fulfilling the Center’s mission of fostering appreciation of Latino culture by sponsoring, developing and promoting Smithsonian exhibitions, collections, research and public programs, both in Washington and across the United States. This topic, “Public and Private Memory,” was intentionally broad. As a result the HGSA received immediate response from interested students and private scholars around the U.S. and abroad. Not all applicants were historians, either. Indeed, students of psychology, sociology, art, English, and even architecture applied to this conference. The submitted papers revealed the sort of variety that the Rawley committee chairs had hoped for. This conference included nine panels, a lunch panel led by Dr. Carole Levin and Dr. Kenneth Winkle that considered the challenges and opportunities to writing the history of popular historical figures. The papers comprised of Zoot Suits; Women and God; Maxo Vanka’s Labor Murals;and Islam, Shamanism and Gender of Central Asia. The twenty-nine presenters represented colleges and universities from Nebraska, across the U.S., and Europe. The HGSA and the Institute for Ethnic Studies also co-sponsored a luncheon for Mr. Díaz. Guests included faculty from the Institute, Rawley committee chairs and interested community leaders from Lincoln and Omaha. Among the participants from Omaha were Magdalena García, Director of El Museo Latino; Emily Brush, Director, Making Invisible Histories Visible; Barry Thomas, Director of Social Studies, Omaha Public Schools. Participants from Lincoln included Jesse Payne, Director of the Malone Community Center; Roger García, Executive Director, El Centro del Las Americas; and Jasel Cantu, Public Information Officer, Latino American Commission. This diverse group of scholars, public servants, and community leaders came together to brainstorm ideas, and networked with the aim of improving the outcomes of their individual projects. I believe that the ninth annual conference will be a fantastic HGSA event and surpass attendance and topic interest of years past. The graduate students in the department of history will continue to work hard to maintain a high level of professional scholarship and once again deliver a nationally significant conference. I wish you the best.

Pablo A. Rangel, Rawley Chair, 2013


digital history by Svetlana Rasmussen


these courses concurrently provided innumerable benefits for students’ scholarly growth.”

Digital History 470/870 and Internship in Digital Humanities 895 are core requirements of the Digital Humanities certificate program at UNL. Like other UNL digital humanities classes offered, the framework of the Digital History and the Internship in Digital Humanities highlight the interplay between theory and practice. Taking these courses concurrently provided innumerable benefits for students’ scholarly growth.

In comparison to the work in the more advanced digital humanities seminars, these graduate students found that returning to basic tools, exercises, and project assignments, was an essential reminder of the negotiation between routine and creativity. Moreover, “going back to the basics” reminded them how digital tools work, logic functions, and the project goals remain critical aspects to all digital projects.

At the same students learned about the history of Fort Stanwix in British North America during spring 2013, they also learned webbased languages, built digital applications, and constructed collective mini-projects using basic digital tools, But for graduate students Mike Dick, Svetlana Rasmussen, and Mikal Brotnov, they also collaborated on large-scale, facultyled projects at the UNL Center for Digital Research in the Humanities (CDRH). Svetlana worked for Dr. Matthew Jockers’s project analyzing nineteenth century texts, while Mike Dick worked for Dr. Will Thomas’ project “O Say Can You See: Early Washington, D.C., Law and Family Project” under the direction of Kaci Nash. Mikal, worked on encoding texts in TEI for Dr. Amanda Gailey’s “Tar Baby and the Tomahawk” digital project.

The Digital History course allowed students to unleash their creativity in all aspects of digital project modeling: coding in mark-up languages, organizing primary source data in the database, constructing data visualizations in various media, and making real-world choices about website structure and design. The Digital Internship was, however, an exercise in discipline and ability to perform routine tasks required by a digital project over the semester: transcribing and coding large amounts of 19th century texts, entering data into the GIS database, or Svetlana’s case, filling in a database with information about people and dates of publication. The contrast between direct creative engagement with the sources on an extremely small scale and the tasks other students completed as apprentices in the faculty-led digital projects provided a salient educational experience.

-Svetlana Rasmussen Above: Logo design for Fort Stanwix digital project Left: Inspiration board for primary and secondary color for TEI group (Mike Dick, Svetlana Rasmussen, and Mikal Brotnov).



harvesting history

Interviewee: Khadeiga Kitier. The students are Dana Bottger (L) and Gwyneth Talley (R).

by Brandon Locke

The past year has been exciting for the History Harvest project. The year provided not only the continued growth of the Harvest History Archive, but also the full launch of the History Harvest website (historyharvest.unl.edu), an extensive outreach and conversation with other institutions, and a number of new media projects for the project.

During fall 2012, eleven undergraduates, several graduate students, and Dr. Patrick Jones worked with the local refugee communities and digitized a breadth of artifacts and oral histories at the Center for People in Need in Lincoln. During spring semester, five students continued on the project, working as History Harvest Scholars, and developed video and audio pieces that showcase some of the artifacts in the History Harvest collection. Indeed, the 2012-2013 academic year saw a great deal of interest from the scholar and cultural heritage community across the United States and abroad. The Chronicle of Higher Education profiled the History Harvest in a December 2012 blog post entitled, “‘History Harvest’ Project May Spawn a New Kind of MOOC,”( http://chronicle.com/blogs/wiredcampus/history-harvest-project-may-spawn-anew-kind-of-mooc/41329) and The Junto blog interviewed co-directors William Thomas and Patrick Jones in March 2013 (http://earlyamericanists.com/2013/03/06/spring-at-the-historyharvest/). The History Harvest also graced the cover of the January 2013 edition of the American Historical Association’s newsmagazine, Perspectives on History. William Thomas,

Patrick Jones, and Andrew Witmer penned the cover story, entitled, “History Harvests: What Happens When Students Collect and Digitize the People’s History?”

April 8-12, 2013 was History Harvest Blitz Week, a week dedicated to wider engagement and conversation with faculty, teachers, students, librarians, technology professionals, and any other interested parties. Throughout the week, a series of blog posts were released from a wide range of individuals involved with the project, documenting their experiences and providing insights for perspective History Harvest participants at other locations. A Google Hangout forum included topics such as past experiences, best practices, and future plans for The History Harvest. These proved to be a valuable resource for outside institutions. The discussion included a diverse array of individuals involved or interested in the project, including co-directors William G. Thomas and Patrick D. Jones, Project Manager Brandon Locke, Andrew Witmer (James Madison University), Scot French (University of Central Florida), Dan Cohen (George Mason University, now Executive Director of the Digital Public Library of America) Jason Heppler (Ph.D. Candidate at University of NebraskaLincoln & Academic Technology Specialist at Stanford University), and Ali Bousquet (former History Harvest student). Blitz Week closed with a National Institute for Technology in Liberal Education (NITLE) seminar on teaching the History Harvest. There, over fifty college faculty and technology professionals eager to learn about the benefits

of History Harvest courses joined co-directors Thomas and Jones. Although, The History Harvest was scheduled to be a featured project at the Digital Public Library of America’s opening event in April, the event will now be featured as part of DPLAfest October 24-25, 2013 in Boston, MA. In April, the History Harvest project was awarded a grant from Kelly Fund, a UNL program to emphasize interdisciplinary, intercampus, and international approaches to research, scholarship, and teaching. UNL’s next History Harvest course, scheduled for Spring 2014, will be offered in conjunction with courses at the University of Nebraska at Kearney and Chadron State College. The upcoming spring 2014 UNL History Harvest class will also be significantly different from those of the past. The course co-taught by William Thomas and Ian Cottingham, an Assistant Professor of Practice in the Jeffrey S. Raikes School of Computer Science and Management and will include both History and Computer Science undergraduates. The course design challenges students to develop applications, plugins, and other technical innovations to enrich and improve the collection, curation, and display of History Harvest objects. As more and more institutions across the country express interest in taking part in the project, the History Harvest at UNL begins its work with the Nebraska University and state college systems.

from the



The 2012-2013 year was another huge success for the History Graduate Students Association. Following in the footsteps of former President Michelle Tiedje, I continued organizing workshops, meeting monthly with the Department Chair, and working on behalf of graduate student interests. We held several workshops this year, including “Managing Stress and Maintaining Sanity” (with James Garza and Jeanette Jones), “How to Conduct Successful Oral Histories” (with Dawne Curry, Patrick Jones, and Gerald Steinacher), and “Organizing your Research” (with Katrina Jagodinsky and Leslie Working). A special thank you is extended to these faculty members who were willing to donate their valuable time. Under the leadership of Pablo Rangel and Catherine Medici-Thiemann, we hosted our 8th Annual James A. Rawley Conference in the Humanities. The History Department, graduate students, and panelists impressed keynote speaker Eduardo Díaz who presented on “Public and Private Memory: Understanding Collective Past.” In one of our final meetings, Dr. William G. Thomas, III stated simply, “Best Rawley Conference ever.” Having co-chaired the 7th Annual Rawley Conference, I tried not to take offense—especially since he was right. We’re excited to see what our new chairs, Alyson Lomelin (Alvarez) and Mikal Brotnov, have in store for us this year. At the end of May 2012, we made our first attempt at creating a stronger graduate student cohort by implementing a Graduate Mentorship program, assigning a mentor to each incoming student. Despite the outpouring of volunteers, we still have a considerable amount of work to do. With a bit more planning and the help of Dr. Borstelmann, we sent out the names of the mentors to the incoming students much earlier this year. I would like to see this program grow in the coming years in the hopes that all graduate students will feel welcome to participate in the HGSA and the History Department, regardless of our different fields and areas of study. Brian Sarnacki will serve as President of the HGSA in the 2013-2014 year. I experienced overwhelming support from the faculty last year, and hope that continues.

Rebecca Wingo, retired President, HGSA

Rebecca Wingo, HGSA President

“...creating a stronger graduate student cohort by implementing a Graduate Mentorship program...” -RebeccaWingo


NEW FACULTY JAMES COLTRAIN Q: There are competing definitions to what digital history is. How do you define digital history and describe its importance to your own work? A: As we move forward, it’s hard to find history projects that don’t make some use of digital technology, but for me digital history means a project where a digital technique or method is an essential part of a scholar’s interpretive move. It’s not just publishing digitally, but using innovative digital tools to uncover conclusions about the past that would have been difficult or impossible with traditional approaches. Q: Using video game engines to reconstruct historical buildings is an interesting combination of technology and historical analysis for the public and the profession. What benefit do you think this has to history that cannot be explained in a monograph? A: Well first, for anyone interested in architecture, or landscapes, or any type of space it saves a tremendous amount of time. Now, instead of endlessly describing a space in prose, I can simply show it and advance my argument, and leave other scholars to decide whether they buy it or not, but I don’t have to worry as much about whether I’ve properly communicated the qualities of the space itself. Second, it’s amazing how much you can learn when you reconstruct a space in 3D. You find yourself asking practical questions about resources, construction, and inhabitation that can lead you in directions you would never have thought of before, Even more, when you envision events you’ve read about within their spatial context, suddenly you find your interpretation being tugged in new directions. Finally, game engines are really exciting because they finally give us the chance to easily publish on the web. I can put up one of my scenes, and let any visitors walk through the virtual space all inside their web browser. What I’m even more excited about in the future, is working to write programs that will let multiple users annotate, link to documents, or even upload other GIS data, so that we can compare findings from multiple scholars all in a single, dynamic, online 3D environment. Q:How does teaching a digital history course differ from a typical history course? A: It just means you have even more priorities to juggle. In a traditional class you are trying to teach a basic comprehension of historical events, interpreting primary documents, and writing clearly and persuasively, but with digital history we add all this technical instruction, as well as debates and philosophy from the digital humanities community. Sometimes it can be tricky to make sure students are keeping up with the basic skills of things like web programming and encoding without losing sight of the bigger historical questions involved. That said, it’s also a lot of fun, and it’s giving our students an even wider set of transferable skills within a humanities education. Q:What does Fort Stanwix tell us about British North America? Do you plan on releasing a companion website when your monograph is published? A: Fort Stanwix is fun because it’s not all that impressive of a fort. It’s ugly, and it uses cheap materials, and without careful maintenance it would fall into ruin in a year or two. But I think it’s a great example of the particular culture of the British Empire in the 18th century because it’s ruthlessly efficient. While the Spanish and French were building fancy and expensive stone fortresses meant to anchor communities and last for centuries, the British would only allocate the bare minimum strategically necessary, which allowed them to be much more flexible and responsive. It also shows us the British had a better administrative structure, they delegated better, used private contractors and manufactured goods, and this efficiency helped them tremendously during the Seven Years’ War. Q:What can Game of Thrones teach us about humanity? A:I see I’ve been outed as a geek! There are a couple of things Game of Thrones does really well. First, its characters are morally complicated in a way that mirrors the experience a lot of historians have investigating historical personalities. Just like many of the residents of Westeros, it’s difficult to truly love or completely hate figures like Thomas Jefferson or Andrew Jackson, both of whom contributed to our democracy but were also responsible for horrible crimes against humanity. Second, the plot’s sudden and famously heartbreaking shifts mirror how events in history often lack clear, triumphant narratives. Giants like Martin Luther King don’t always emerge victorious, sometimes they are assassinated by a nobody, leaving others struggling to pick up the pieces. We’ll see what shape the final publication takes. I think there will certainly be elaborate 3D reconstructions of all my fort sites that are linked to documentary evidence from my book. Those could be hosted on an accompanying website, or perhaps as part of a tablet app edition, but we’ll see how the technology evolves and how the eventual publisher wants to handle it.

Professor Lloyd E. Ambrosius delivered a lecture on “Presidential Choices in a Divided America” on October 15, 2012, in the Dan and Carole Burack President’s Distinguished Lecture Series at the University of Vermont. In December 2012 he was elected as the vice president (2013-15) and president-elect (2015-17) of the Society for Historians of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era. He continues as chair of the program committee for the E. N. Thompson Forum on World Issues, UNL’s distinguished lecture series, and serves as the department’s liaison with its History Alumni Advisory Council. Waskar Ari-Chachaki’s book is now in press and is entitled: Earth Politics: Religion, Decolonization and Bolivia’s Indigenous Intellectuals. The book explores the connections between politics and religion in the making of indigenous intellectuals in the broader context of race, coloniality and gender in Latin America. The book will be released in February 2014 by Duke University Press. In March 2013, He was a speaker at the Americas Initiative Conference: “Becoming Indigenous, Asserting Indigeneity in Canada, Mesoamerica and the Andes,” at Georgetown University in Washington DC. He lectured on the indigenous experience in the Andes during the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Waskar is now working an article entitled “Matilde Jachaqullu’s indigenous movement and its resonances in Bolivia under Evo Morales,” which will be published in a coedited volume about comparative Indigeneity in the Americas. The volume will emphasize in comparative indigeniety between Latin America and Canada. Tim Borstelmann was awarded the Outstanding Research and Creative Achievement in the Humanities Award for 2012 by the UNL College of Arts and Sciences. His most recent book, The 1970s: A New Global History from

Civil Rights to Economic Inequality, provided the subject of a roundtable of reviews in Passport, the newsletter of the Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations (SHAFR), and he has recently been nominated as one of the candidates for election as vice-president (succeeding to president) of SHAFR. This spring he served as a plenary session speaker at a University of Chicago History Department conference. Amy Nelson Burnett was awarded the Harold Grimm Prize of the Sixteenth Century Studies and Conference last Oct for her article, “The Social History of Communion and the Reformation of the Eucharist,” Past and Present and served as co-director, with Prof. Karin Maag (Calvin College), for the NEH Summer Seminar “Persecution, Toleration, Co-Existence: Early Modern Responses to Religious Pluralism,” which met from July 15-Aug. 9, 2013, at the Meeter Center for Calvin Studies, Calvin College, Grand Rapids MI. Earlier in the year, Dr. Burnett was a Fulbright Senior Scholar at the Leibniz-Institute for European History in Mainz, Germany, from March-August 2012; while there she co-led a graduate seminar on the early eucharistic controversy with the Institute’s director, Prof. Irene Dingel. David Cahan is completing a long biography of the German scientist Hermann von Helmholtz (1821-94), and is also working on the topic of “Scientific Research, Technological Innovation, and Economic Growth, 1750 to the Present.” Park Coble had three invited lectures this year. “Why are they still fighting World War II in East Asia?” at Ohio Northern University, and was sponsored by the Ohio Humanities Council and Ohio Northern University; “The Historical Roots of Shanghai’s Modern Miracle,” an invited lecture at Weber State



University, March 2013, sponsored by the Hemingway Foundation; and “Understanding World War II in East Asia: Patterns of Wartime Mobility,” at the Department of History Colloquium, Louisiana State University. Dr. Coble’s invited presentations, “Banking Across War Zones: Zhou Zuomin and the Jingcheng Bank at War,” at the conference “Merchants in Migration: Translational Networks, Japanese Colonialism and China’s Civil War, 1930s1940s,” at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, supported by the Hong Kong Research Council Collaborate Research Fund, June 2013 and “Mobilizing the People after the Fall of Wuhan in October 1938,” at the International Convention of Asian Scholars, number 8, Macao, China, were well received. James Coltrain, a lecturer in the department last year, was promoted to Assistant Professor as part of the cluster search in the Center for Digital Research in the Humanities where he will also be a faculty fellow. During the past year he taught a number of digitally focused classes including a freshman seminar in digital humanities, an upper level digital history course, and a special topics class on 3D historical reconstructions. He also revived the upper level course on colonial America. This summer James traveled to Spain for additional research on his book project Constructing Empires: Architecture, Power, and Provincial Experience in the Atlantic World. He also attended a three week NEH funded Institute on 3D Cultural Heritage, and gave a paper at the Digital Humanities 2013 conference, which UNL hosted in Lincoln. Coltraine is currently working on a grant proposal to allow for the viewing of richly annotated 3D reconstructions in Internet browsers via online game engines. Dawne Y. Curry was promoted to Associate Professor of History this year and presented a paper entitled, “Feminizing South African Proto-Nationalism: The Daughters of Africa and Their Litany of Social Service” at the 11th Annual Conference on Politics and International Affairs at the Athens Institute for Education and Research in Athens, Greece this summer. Professor Bedross Der Matossian received the prestigious Gulbenkian Foundation Research Grant in May 2013. Thus, soon after finishing his teaching duties in the summer pre-session, Prof. Der Matossian traveled to Turkey to conduct extensive research for his

photo: Mikal Brotnov




project that examines violence in the region of Adana after the Young Turk Revolution of 1908. He completed the first phase of research in the new location of the Prime Minster Ottoman Archives (Başbakanlık Osmanlı Arşivleri) in Kağithane in Istanbul. In addition to the productive research in the archives, Der Matossian also conduced research in other major libraries in Istanbul such as the Beyazit and Ataturk libraries examining rare newspaper and other archival collections for his project. Aside from the productive research materials gathered during this trip, Der Matossian networked extensively with academics and other intellectuals in Istanbul, resulting in fruitful collaboration opportunities. After nearly a month away in Istanbul, he’s looking forward to returning to Lincoln and starting the fall semester. Vanessa Gorman has completed the manuscript for her co-authored book, Corrupting Luxury in Ancient Greek Literature, with Robert J. Gorman. It is forthcoming from the University of Michigan Press. It demonstrates that the idea the luxury necessarily corrupts is not Greek, but Roman in origin, and it lays down a new historiographical method of computer-aided research that is used to differentiate between citations and cover texts in antiquity, thus requiring a whole new approach to determining the fragments of Hellenistic historians and other prose writers preserved in later authors of the Roman and Christian eras.

in Washington. With funding provided by Clay Thomas and James A. Rawley faculty research grants from the department, Dr. Jagodinsky has been able to work with members of the Puyallup and Sauk Suiattle tribes to strengthen her manuscript over the past year. Her recent publications include an article in the Spring 2013 issue of American Indian Quarterly and a forthcoming article in Western Legal History that earned the 2012 Jerome I. Braun Prize. She is looking forward to presenting papers at the Western History Association conference in October 2013 and at the Berkshire Conference of Women Historians in May 2014. Dr. Jagodinsky will be teaching two co-convened courses in Spring 2014: HIST 340/840 American Legal History, and HIST 351/851 American West to 1900. Jeanette Jones had two chapters in edited volumes this year. The first, “On the Brain of the Negro’: Race, Abolitionism, and Friedrich Tiedemann’s Scientific Discourse on the African Diaspora,” Germany and the Black Diaspora: Points of Contact, 1250-1914, eds. Mischa Honeck, Anne Kuhlmann-Smirnov, and Martin Klimke, GHI Studies in German History, Berghahn Books, and “Brightest Africa” in the New Negro Imagination,” in Escape from New York: The New Negro Renaissance Beyond Harlem , eds. Davarian Baldwin and Minkah Makalani out on University of Minnesota Press. Additionally, she received a $20,000 grant from the CDRH to begin working on her digital project to accompany her next book manuscript, Locating Lord Greystoke: Race, Empire, and the Africa(n) Question, 1867-1919 (A Transnational History).

With the support of an American Council of Learned Societies grant for 2012-13, Margaret Jacobs finished her new book manuscript, tentatively titled “Taking Care: Indigenous Child Welfare and the Conscience of Settler Colonial Nations, 1950-2000.” Her research for the book took her to New Zealand, Australia, and Canada. In 2012-13 she also gave six conferences presentations, spoke at six universities, and was the featured speaker at the Coordinating Council on Women in History’s Annual Luncheon at the 2013 AHA meeting in New Orleans. She is the incoming Chair of Graduate Studies for History in fall 2013.”

Carole Levin had a very active, traveled filled year. She co-taught with Alan Stewart of Columbia University the dissertation seminar, Researching the Archives, at the Folger Shakespeare Library, which met eight times over the course of 2012-213 in Washington DC. She was also scholar in residence and keynote speaker at the Shakespeare festival at Grand Valley State University in September 2012, and gave talks at Spring Hill College, Auburn University, and Arkansas State University. She published essays in the following collections: Itinerarium ad Windsor: A Critical Edition and Contextual Essays and Ashgate Research Companion to Women and Gender in Early Modern Europe.

Katrina Jagodinsky is working to complete her manuscript, tentatively titled Indigenous Women in Imperial Courts: Defending Bodies & Lands in the Sonoran Southwest and Pacific Northwest Between 1854 and 1935. The project compares the anticolonial legal strategies of Akimel O’odham, Yaqui, and Yavapai women in Arizona to the experiences of Puyallup, Salish/Lummi, and Sauk Suiattle women

Gerald Steinacher is making good progress on his next book The Red Cross and the Nazis: How the Humanitarians faced the Holocaust (working title) which is under contract with Oxford University Press. This book examines the institutional crisis of the Swiss-based International Committee of the Red Cross following the Committee’s failure to speak out against the Shoah. Gerald also

has just finished writing a research paper titled ‘The End of 1942: A Turning Point for the Humanitarians?’ for a volume published by Yad Vashem/Israel. In June he was invited by the Holocaust Education Foundation (Northwestern University) to participate in a workshop for Holocaust scholars. Gerald is spending some of his summer working on the Polish and French editions of his recent book Nazis on the Run. He is also preparing for a couple of upcoming talks. Later this year Gerald will present his latest research on the Holocaust and the Red Cross on a Swiss panel at the annual German Studies Association conference in Denver. On November 17 he will give a talk in Omaha on the occasion of the Global Day of Jewish Learning. Lastly, Gerald is preparing for his newly introduced course on 20th and 21st-century espionage and intelligence history, which he will be teaching this Fall. William G. Thomas has been working on two new projects. He is researching the black and white family networks in early Washington, D.C., by focusing on the Queen v. Hepburn case in 1813, one of the first petitions for freedom to come before the Supreme Court, and a landmark case establishing the hearsay rule in American law. This story follows the local histories of three-generations of black and white families, including the Queens, their attorney, Francis Scott Key, Supreme Court Justice Gabriel Duvall, and other legal actors in early national Maryland, Virginia, and Washington, D.C. He his also working with Patrick D. Jones on The History Harvest--an innovative experiential learning initiative. The project aims to develop experiential methods of teaching and learning history, as well as provide a new foundation of publicly available material for historical study, K-12 instruction, and life-long learning—see http://historyharvest.unl.edu. Kenneth J. Winkle published his first work for W.W. Norton & Co, entitled, Lincoln’s Citadel:The Civil War in Washington, D.C. and “‘An Unladylike Profession’: Mary Lincoln’s Preparation for Greatness,” in Michael Burkhimer and Frank Williams, ed., The Mary Lincoln Enigma. Dr. Winkle gave numerous talks this year with such topics as: “The Best Place to Try the Experiment’: Emancipation, Rights, and Racial Equality in Civil War Washington,” at the Capitol Historical Society, and“’Scapegoat for Both North and South’: Mary Lincoln as First Lady,” OAH Community College Workshop. Dr. Winkle was also awarded a National Endowment for the Humanities Collaborative Research Grant ($220,000), 2010-13, Co-PI that was selected for “We the People” designation.



Q: Beyond the obvious, what do you find to be the differences between teaching at a tribal college and a research one university? A: Tribal college students more readily perceive their intimate ties to the past and the importance of history in shaping the present. Tribal college environments make it much easier to remember the relevance of history in our everyday lives, a concept that can be lost in larger universities. Of course, the resources available to students and faculty at a school like UNL allow us to make those connections if we choose to. Q: Shifting from teaching to writing, many historians talk about prior influential work. Please share two or three monographs that shaped how your approach to history? Why? A: Rob Williams, The American Indian in Western Legal Thought (1990), demonstrated that there was a need to carry into academic arenas the experiences I had during the 1990’s spearfishing conflicts while growing up in northern Wisconsin. Natalie Zemon Davis, Women on the Margins (1997), taught me how to feature marginalized women in historical narratives. Miroslava Chavez-Garcia, Negotiating Conquest (2004), convinced me that there were many untapped stories of Indian women’s legal challenges in Western archives. Q: Often times many of us think about the law as intrinsically impersonal, but as you demonstrated last spring in your Women & Gender seminar, the law actually speaks directly to the most intimate details of everyday American life. Does your current manuscript touch on these issues? A: Western legal systems in North America (whether Spanish, French, British, or American) regulated all aspects of gendered and racial interactions, though for a long time historians concentrated on the law as a strictly political or even economic tool. The late Peggy Pascoe is probably most credited for revising western historians’ view of the law as “impersonal.” Thankfully, studies of intimate aspects of the law abound in western scholarship today. My manuscript extends those understandings by demonstrating that indigenous women engaged the laws that granted citizens’ access to their bodies, their lands, and their progeny between 1853 and 1935. Q: How has gender as a method aided historians in understanding the complexities of family history? A: Understanding gender as a set of learned and historically-contingent behaviors, and as a power structure, has helped historians denaturalize the assumption that there is a “normal” or “traditional” family model in the past or present. Often these words have been used as code for a heterosexual and monoracial norm, despite evidence of interracial and homosexual household histories. Once these blinders are removed, more accurate portrayals of family history can emerge, as Anne Hyde and Peter Boag’s recent work demonstrates, though the subfield has been moving in that direction at least as early as Sylvia VanKirk’s Many Tender Ties (1983) and Jacquelyn Dowd Hall’s Like A Family (1987). Q; Any plans for designing new courses based on your own research? A: I’ll be reinvigorating the HIST 340/840 American Legal History course for Spring 2014. I would also like to work with other faculty on a comparative gender or comparative empires course, and am interested in working out a workshop-based seminar in methods and writing for grad students. Q: Describe your affinity for history in one word? A: Power. Q: Name three artists that are on your current playlist. A: Ravi Shankar Neko Case Sublime photo: Mikal Brotnov


don winslow NEWS


The Department of History’s Alumni Advisory Council will meet on October 4, 2013. With the help of Dr. Lyold Ambrosius, the advisory council created a new graduate fellowship that honors Peter Maslowski, Professor History, emeritus. The inaugural Advisory Council members include: Andrea Bjorkland ‘86, Davis, CA, Professor of Law, University of California, Davis Jack Campbell ‘72, Santa Fe, NM, General Electric (retired) Don Gerlach ‘54, ‘56, ‘61, Harvard, NE, Professor of History, Univ. of Akron (retired) Garth Glissman ‘05, Omaha, NE, Attorney at law, Kutak Rock LLP James Hewitt ‘54, Lincoln, NE, Attorney at law Mary Ann Hanusa ‘87 (M.A.), Council Bluffs, IO, State Representative, Iowa Legislature Benjamin Knoll ‘83, Edina, MN, Chief Operating Officer, Greater Twin Cities United Way Bruce Pauley ‘61, Windsor, CO, Professor of History, University of Central Florida (retired) Nathan Sanderson ‘11 (Ph.D.), Pierre, SD, Policy Advisor to the Governor of South Dakota Karen Starr ‘96, Laguna Beach, CA, Consultant Natalie Wagner ‘02, Cambridge, MA, Attorney at law, Bank of America

Don Winslow, a best-selling crime and myster novelist reflected back on his time as an M.A. student where he focused on African history at University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Winslow’s many works include, The Power of the Dog, The Winter of Frankie Machine, and Satori and Savages, both of which were turned into screenplays. The following questions came from Professor of History, emertius Peter Maslowski via email. Q: What did you like most about being a History major at Nebraska? A: The faculty, no question. Great teachers, great lecturers, great people. I had the great good ( and undeserved) fortune to work with people like Pete Maslowski. But the coffee in the vending machines at Oldfather —execrable. Q: How did being a History major help prepare you to be a writer? A: It has helped immensely in doing research. Believe it or not, I do a lot of research for most of my novels, and my experience in the History Department taught me how to go after information and organize materials. It also raised my standards in terms of being critical of sources. Q: You were a private investigator for a while, and a graduate student at Nebraska—then you started writing mysteries—what should every student know about life after school? A: Basically, that life is always school. You may think you’ve stopped going to school, but life takes you to school on a daily basis. You stop learning, you stop living.

pauley symposium by Tim Borstelmann

In the fall of 2012, the Department hosted the triennial Carroll R. Pauley Memorial Symposium. Entitled “History, Truth, and Reconciliation,” the symposium brought together five distinguished guest speakers from across the United States and Canada to consider the contested role of history and scholarship in public attempts to grapple with the legacy of traumatic historical events. The visiting scholars represented a variety of disciplines but shared a commitment to the study and practice of transformative justice through various forms of truth and reconciliation processes. Their lectures focused on areas as diverse as South Africa, Vietnam, Canada, Bosnia, and the United States, and a shared and open-ended roundtable discussion as the final session proved particularly provocative and insightful. An enthusiastic audience of more than one hundred students, faculty, and Lincoln residents engaged the speakers with interesting com-

UG AWARDS Glenn Gray Award –Alexandria Lierz Distinguished Service Award–Robert Perry Award for High Distinction– Andrew Ide Ed Hirsch Scholarship–Jared Wiebelhaus Alan Woolworth Scholarship–Kelsey Hanson Phi Alpha Theta: Margaret Abbott, Alexandra Adams, Ashlee Anderson, Michelle Clark, Chance Counts, Krissa Delka, Nicole Drinkwalter, Bryan Lasley, Anna Leas, Alexander Mallory, Felicia Nehl, Robb Nelson, Mark Pelini, Robert Perry, Monica Pettit, Janelle Ruzicka, Adam Smith, Kent D. Stejskal, and Meredith Underwood.

ments and questions.

Speakers included Charles Villa-Vicencio, a South African theologian and political scientist, a National Research Director of the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission, in conjunction with the E.N. Thompson Forum on World Issues.

On October 18, 2012, Elazar Barkan, Professor of International and Public Affairs at Columbia University and director of Columbia’s Institute for the Study of Human Rights; Alexander Byrd, Associate Professor of History at Rice University; J.R. Miller, Canada Research Chair in Native-Newcomer Relations at the University of Saskatchewan; and Christina Schwenkel, Associate Professor of Anthropology at the University of California, Riverside all gave wonderful and engaging talks.



Dov Ospovat Award to the Oustanding Graduate Essay in History–Kevin Chrisman

Clay Thomas Faculty Research Grant– Professor Katrina Jagodinsky

Addison E. Sheldon Fellowship– Michelle Tiedje and Rebecca Wingo

Albin T. and Pauline Anderson Awards– Professor David Cahan

Albin T. and Pauline Anderson Award– Paul Strauss

James A. Rawley Faculty Research Grant– Professor Tim Mahoney

Helen and Perry Moran Fellowship– Brian Sarnacki Marguerite C. and Clare McPhee Fellowship– Andrea Nichols and Paul Strauss

Charles Henry Oldfather Faculty Research Grant– Professor Waskar Ari and Professor Dawne Curry

UPCOMING EVENTS OCT 3 Caroll R. Pauley Memorial Lecture, “Water, Food Security and Agro-technology: Current Challenges Placed in Historical Context.” Professor Paul Thompson, University of Toronto OCT 4 Alumni Advisory Council



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