unLTD. Connecting business across Sheffield City Region #26

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EVENTS Evoluted’s Ash Young shares plans for the first live-streamed Sheffield Meet-up for digital marketers – and looks ahead to the ‘new normal’


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unLTDBUSINESS.COM * Te rms a n d co n d itio ns a p p l y. We’ll b e i n to u ch o n ce we re o p e n fo r b usi n e s s to co nfi rm yo u r b o o k i n g a n d d e p osit p ay m e nt.




INSIDE... 6: News A round-up of the good news during the COVID-19 pandemic including Open House Pictures campaign launch, Street Food Chef set to re-open and our unLTD online social event! 9: The Diary Our editor says we’ll be taking the new normal day by day. 16: If You Ask Me A number of organisations tell us how COVID-19 is affecting their sector and the changes they’ve made to adapt. 25: Product Guide Steel City’s James Biggin with his pick of PPE and hand sanitiser products. 26: Cover Story: Evoluted Evoluted share their plans for the first ever livestreaming Sheffield DM event because of COVID-19. 35: Skills Focus The Source talks training and apprenticeship news and funding to help develop staff. 36: Sheffield City Region James Muir, Chair of the SCR Local Enterprise Partnership, on the steps being taken during the pandemic to build a prosperous future for workers and businesses. 40: Remote Working CT’s Ian Snow with some safe and seamless solutions for home workers. 44: Top of the Pods James Marriott leads our feature on why podcasting can help your business during COVID-19. 46: Active Travel Travel South Yorkshire’s Active and Sustainable Travel team share how they have adapted their offering and activities while social distancing.

EVERYTHING ELSE: 11: Entrepreneur Support 13: Legal Matters 15: Financial Health 39: Thinking in 3D! 43: Securing your Assets 50: Charities



FAB FEEDBACK AND VIRTUAL VICTORIES ‘Congrats on your latest, special issue’ – Jamie Veitch, Business Live. ‘I am glad you are carrying on sending these via e-mail as they are a breath of fresh air in what can be a very depressing time at present. Keep up the excellent work!’ - Greg Majchrzak, Tufcot. Just two highlights among the fabulous feedback we’ve received on our mid-month online edition. And that follows the cracking comments we got after our previous print issue hit the streets shortly after the UK went into lockdown. unLTD was set up to be a vibrant platform for the modern Sheffield City Region business community – we, like so many other businesses across the region and the country, have adapted during these tricky times to ensure we continue to be a useful resource sharing and showcasing the news and views of the SCR. Our cover story is a great example. Evoluted digital marketing agency have been running the Sheffield DM meet-ups for nearly 18 months – but next week’s will be the first to be livestreamed because of COVID-19. MD Ash Young and head of marketing Giorgio Cassella share their plans, plus their views on the business community adapting during lockdown – and as we approach the ‘new normal’. Speaking of events, we have an online one of our own – also next week! unLTD has partnered with local business consultants Andy Hanselman Consulting to host a virtual get-together on Zoom with three local business people who will share what's working for them (and what's not!). Read more in our news story on page 7. And it’s not all work, work, work – Team unLTD also got to turn super sleuths to take part in a ‘diamond heist’ in our socially distancing downtime, too – all via the magic of (what else but) Zoom thanks to an online escape room adventure! We were part of a crack commando team and sat at our screens to direct Wildfire Agency MD Nathan Angus who was locked in the vault with a camera attached to him. Not only did we find the diamond and get Nathan out of the vault, we did it with 14 minutes to spare – a new record (at time of going to press – or online!)

@UNLTDBUSINESS UNLTD BUSINESS UNLTDBUSINESS EDITORIAL Richard Fidler richard@unltdbusiness.com Jill Theobald editorial@unltdbusiness.com General hello@unltdbusiness.com 0114 252 7781 ADVERTISING Phil Turner phil@unltdbusiness.com 07979 498034 General advertising@unltdbusiness.com FINANCE Sarah Koriba and Michael Johnson accounts@exposedmagazine.co.uk DESIGN HRM | PR & Creative CONTRIBUTORS James Biggin Jo Davison Andy Hanselman Sam Leeder Jade March James Marriott James Muir

Sam Price Paul Reeve Bronte Saulle Raj Shah Ian Snow Helen Williams Jamie Veitch

unLTD is published monthly by Blind Mice Media Ltd Unit 1B Rialto, 2 Kelham Island Square, Kelham Riverside Sheffield S3 8SD and HRM Unit 1A Speedwell Works, Sidney Street, Sheffield S1 4RG The views contained herein are not necessarily those of Blind Mice Media Ltd and HRM and while every effort is made to ensure information throughout unLTD is correct, changes prior to distribution may take place which can affect the accuracy of copy, therefore Blind Mice Media Ltd and HRM cannot take responsibility for contributors’ views or specific listings.


AGENDA COVID-19 NEWS FirePit Rocks signs up to community scheme Rick Bailey, owner of FirePit Rocks, is aiming to provide 12,000 meals for the most at risk as lockdown conditions continue, after signing up to the ‘Open Kitchens – Feed Your Community Scheme’.


Keep mental health on agenda Champion Health is urging business to train employees to spot the warning signs of poor mental health whilst working remotely and is offering its online mental health training programme for free, updated to specifically relate to the current situation. DANIEL BALE, LEFT AND JOSEPH PALMER OF OPEN HOUSE PICTURES

Brewery launches iconic beer Having adapted the business significantly due to COVID-19, Sheffield-based Abbeydale Brewery is set to release the much-loved flagship beer, Moonshine, in cans.

Charity steps up youth support Youth charity Element has implemented an informal coaching programme, established online video support drop-ins and is sharing best practice with other local provision like Chilypep and Door 43 during the pandemic.


Video production company Open House Pictures have recently announced their Video Marketing Relief Scheme, with the aim of both benefiting businesses trying to maintain their online presence and aid their future growth. Inspired by Enterprise Nations' 'Pay it Forward' scheme – Open House Pictures will be offering their services at

a discounted rate – 30 per cent off – in order to help businesses still operating under the COVID-19 lockdown. As a part of the crowdfunded scheme, Open House Pictures will take control of the video editing and provide free direction on how best to shoot videos in quarantine, along with guidance on how to promote and market content on each platform.

In addition, the team will also donate five per cent to the NHS for every purchase made. Videographer Joseph Palmer said: "The scheme itself is about supporting businesses still fighting to grow and develop despite the lockdown. "There’s more opportunity now than ever to get yourself heard on social media yet a lot of businesses are struggling to make it work. "It’s important for the work we do to have an impact beyond just sustaining our business. If even one company benefits from the scheme, then it’s a step in the right direction." Founded in 2018, Open House Pictures is a video production company based in Sheffield, which boasts a portfolio of diversely unique projects for a variety of businesses and events. Their work has a focus on innovative ideas for online formats such as social media, websites and other platforms. To find out more about the campaign, visit www. crowdfunder.co.uk/videomarketing-relief

Childcare relief for Sheffield key workers Sheffield-based charity Kings Active Foundation is using its skills and experience of getting children active to help with the COVID-19 response. After working with the NHS, and Sheffield Teaching Hospitals, children of key workers enjoyed an active childcare service during the Easter school holidays at Sheffield Girls High School. Located just a few minutes

from the Hallamshire and Children’s Hospitals, children aged from five to 15 participated in activities working around social distancing measures, providing peace of mind for working parents. Kings Active Foundation chief executive Richard Holmes said: “From the many key worker parents and agencies we spoke with across the UK, childcare was a significant

factor for parents working on the frontline of the COVID-19 response. “It’s been our privilege to play a small part in the response and to provide a Kings Camps-style programme for children at a break-even cost for parents. The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive and we’re looking to repeat the programme during May half-term.”


AGENDA COVID-19 NEWS City Hearts helps trafficking survivors Charity City Hearts is supporting clients’ mental health and wellbeing, including telephone support, online counselling and a virtual skill share.

College donates PPE to Barnsley Hospital RICHARD AND ABI GOLLAND OF STREET FOOD CHEF

STREET FOOD CHEF RE-OPENS AS A DELIVERY BUSINESS Healthy fast food Sheffield independent, Street Food Chef, will be re-opening as a collection and delivery business from its Sharrow Vale Road store. Ten years after their first street food event, and six weeks after closing due to COVID-19, Richard and Abi Golland will be serving their freshly made Mexican food again.

“We have always made the food the star of the show,” Richard says, “and we believe this is why our customers have given us such great support. The love for Sheffield’s independent food scene really is incredible, and, of course, right now, this matters so much.” Abi added: “We just had to open for our 10th birthday – even if the proper celebration

has to happen next year, at least we’ll be rolling burritos!” Whilst closed the team have been streamlining the business and putting in measures to keep staff and customers safe. They will be serving from the Sharrow Vale Road store, Wednesdays to Sundays – use the CityGrab app for delivery, or The Street Food Chef app for click and collect only.

Connecting businesses in these 'interesting times'! We're in interesting' times. Phrases such as ‘remote working, 'online meet-ups', ‘furloughing’ and 'social distancing' are part of our daily vocabulary. In a short amount of time a lot has changed – it can be unsettling, stressful and lonely. We thought now was a good time to share experiences, discuss ideas, solve problems and learn how others are surviving, and even thriving, in these turbulent times.


So, unLTD has partnered with local business consultants Andy Hanselman Consulting to host a virtual get-together on Zoom with three local business people sharing what's working for them (and what's not!) and there'll be a chance to ask questions, too. Host Andy Hanselman will be questioning: Arnie Singh, MD of City Taxis who have introduced their innovative CityGrab app, which is revolutionising the

way people are buying their food and goods. Karen Mosley, MD of HLM Architects who are taking a proactive and innovative approach to maximising relationships with their people and their clients. Ash Young, MD of Evoluted who have seen massive growth in recent years to become one of Yorkshire's leading digital agencies. Register for the event via bit.ly/2W3V5m0

Barnsley College Public Services department has donated Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) to frontline NHS staff working at Barnsley Hospital.

SUFC agrees COVID-19 partial pay and bonus deferrals Sheffield United players have mirrored the senior management at the Premier League club by agreeing to partial pay and relevant bonus deferrals during COVID-19.

School’s visor donation to care home Chaucer School has made visors to help health care workers and donated a consignment of 50 for staff at Springwood Residential Care Home in Shirecliffe.

CityGrab 31 Days campaign For ‘31 Days in May’ grab local food and products on the CityGrab app, with each weekend dedicated to supporting local charities. The campaign started the first weekend of May with Weston Park Cancer Charity.


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Our editor looks at how businesses will return to work after lockdown

TAKING THE NEW NORMAL DAY BY DAY One of the perils of writing a column is that they can very quickly go out of date as events unfold. And as I sit writing this from my home office (sofa in my living room) I have a certain sense of foreboding that once the Prime Minister sets out his plan for how people will return to work at some point over the next month or so then it will be virtually impossible to predict how that will pan out. Why? Well, we’re not only dealing with a virus that has no vaccine, which is providing the greatest scientific minds with their biggest ever challenge, but we also have to think about the human reaction to coming out of lockdown. At the start of this crisis the consensus was that this would blow over and then we’d all get back in our cars or on the bus and turn up for work on the first

available day with not many questions asked. But the longer it has gone on and – no doubt helped by beautiful weather during the late spring and early summer – many of us are now comfortable working from home and not looking forward to being stuck in traffic for an hour on our commute. Millions have been furloughed and, while worried about what jobs they will return to, have maybe been enjoying a break from the daily grind. There are also the psychological effects. Some will be totally terrified to step foot into a new environment with people who they have no idea where they’ve been or who they have been with. This will pose a real challenge for managers and business owners who, while accepting that work can be done from

home, yearn for the day when they can get their team all back together. The picture I am painting is very office focused. There are challenges in setting offices up for post-lockdown and I’m sure the methods of that will dominate the news for weeks to come. Of a greater challenge will be how shops, bars, restaurants, cafes, gyms, cinemas, markets and the like set up to deal with customers. On a recent trip to a high street chemist in the city centre only two people were allowed in at a time. That’s fine when we were locked down, but how quickly will they be able create an environment that allows more people in without them feeling unsafe? Very quickly our streets will fill up. We have probably all forgot just how many people

used to cram into shops and bars. If there are still strict restrictions, then it’s going to be difficult for businesses to open sustainably. I don’t really know anyone who enjoys queuing and I think the novelty of it will soon wear off if proof can’t be shown that it is making any difference. People will just find other things to do. But who knows how things will unfold? We’re still at the stage where no one knows whether the course of action the government has taken is right or wrong. No one can predict with any certainty whether there will be a second wave. And no one can say for sure whether it will return again next winter with any severity. All we can do is take it day to day and look after the people closest to us.

Got views of your own? Let me know: richard@unltdbusiness.com LinkedIn: Richard Fidler







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Top tips on how to immerse yourself in the world of podcasting

CHOOSING YOUR ENVIRONMENT WISELY - INCLUDING WHAT GOES IN YOUR EARS! Podcasts: heard about them? Toyed with the idea of them? No idea how to dip your toe in? I was exactly the same a couple of years ago. I promise they are not as complicated as you may think, and once you discover this whole land of free and awesome content it is hard to ever look back!

listening to other people in the same boat (or bigger boat) than you and learning from them is a great way to get a head start. Podcasts are great for experiencing new things, but if you are not familiar with this way of taking in info then don’t double on the ‘new things’ by starting with a whole new topic as well.

Here are my top tips to podcast land.

When you find a show/ host you like, scan down their list of the last 10-15 episodes and go for the title that grabs you – what we vibe off on each day can be different. A big mistake I see people make is trying to force themselves down a road that just isn’t right for that day.

Start with a recommendation, to make it easy I’ll give you one – our Helping Entrepreneurs Win episode 65! It’s me on this exact subject.


Go for a subject or genre you are already into. If you are in business,





I often pick my episode to suit the

time frame I have – if I know my drive is 35 minutes, I look for an episode that fits. Sounds simple but knowing you’ve enough time allows you to relax into it and takes out the need to fidget or get distracted. I always listen to podcasts as I am driving/walking/cleaning/ running (anything with an ING is a sign we can get into a ‘flow state’) and the reason this works is because I made peace with the ‘ONE THING’ rule. I don’t listen to an episode and expect to get ten actions or light bulb moments. If I can retain just one thing from any episode I am delighted – it really takes the pressure off and it feeds into that flow state.


We spend a lot of time around messages that we have little or no control over that influence our thinking, our mood and our behaviour – the news channels, radio shows, conversations around us or even our social media feeds. The way I see it is that I can always pick my own environment and what messages I absorb with my earphones in or my stereo cranked up. Podcasts are one of the biggest growing mediums of communications and they are accessible to us all. We look forward to you listening to the HEW ‘Who wants to be an Entrepreneur’ podcast very soon – and read more about it in the podcast feature on page 40-1! helpingentrepreneurswin.com


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Solicitor says compromise may be needed on business rental holidays

BUSINESS RENTAL HOLIDAYS: WHAT SHOULD I DO? In these unprecedented times, we are being approached more and more by both landlords and tenants about rental holidays for business premises. Landlords are asking us to assist with tenants’ requests to delay, cease or have a rental holiday, and tenants are asking our advice on approaching their landlord for similar rental concessions. Whilst the Government may have issued emergency COVID-19 legislation to assist businesses with their rent, the legislation is actually quite limited in scope. With compromise and understanding in this unfortunate situation that we all find ourselves in, it is possible for landlords and tenants alike to find common ground and come to a quick and swift agreement while not compromising the long-term validity and provisions of the lease.


We are here to help any landlord who may be approached by their tenant for rental concessions and we are also here to assist any tenant who may wish to approach their landlord on what might feel like a delicate and difficult subject. Do I need a written agreement for a rental holiday or rental concession? It is imperative that a correctly worded, professionally written agreement for a rental holiday or a repayment structure for rent is entered into between the parties so as not to inadvertently and permanently vary the terms of the lease. What are the problems with the Government’s emergency COVID-19 legislation? When examined closely, the emergency COVID-19 legislation issued by the Government only prevents landlords from evicting tenants for non-payment of rent until

the protection period expires on 30 June 2020, or later if the Government extend the protection period. In fact, the Government itself stated in its own press release of 23 March that the “Measures support ongoing conversations between landlords and tenants about voluntary arrangements”. In other words, the Government are assisting landlords and tenants by building a foundation for them to build rental concession negotiations upon. Ultimately, the rent due during the protection period will still be payable after the protection period ends which has the potential to place enormous financial pressure on a business tenant who will have accumulated a substantial rental debt to the landlord. The legislation does not therefore give the tenant either a rental holiday where the tenant is ‘let off’ the rent during these difficult times, nor any

structured repayment plan of any rental debt accumulated. Business rental holiday/ concessions: What should I do? With a correctly worded, professionally written agreement, we can assist the parties in going beyond the short-term assistance of the Government by including a rental repayment schedule or, indeed, agreeing that the landlord will forego all or part of the rent due for an agreed period of time. The foregoing of part of or all of the rent due during this time may well, of course, in the long run also assist the landlord by preserving the very existence of the tenant and therefore the landlord’s continued income stream from the property. Please contact Sam Price on 0114 249 59 69 who will be happy to answer any questions you may have.


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BY RAJ SHAH, DIRECTOR AND PRINCIPAL OF BLUE WEALTH CAPITAL The financial planner on the important role life (or 'human') insurance plays

'HUMAN INSURANCE' A CASE STUDY In last month’s article I wrote about the importance of business succession planning and ensuring the wishes of shareholders are properly documented. Life insurance (I prefer to call it human insurance) can play an important role when it comes to underpinning your wealth/ succession planning and if you own your own business there can be a highly tax efficient way of organising this through your company. Case Study Sarah Owens is a founder and managing director of a user experience design consultancy in South Yorkshire. After leaving her previous employer and setting up her own company, Sarah has lost her death-inservice benefit. Her high quality financial planner suggests she purchases life insurance through her company, and after comparing relevant life insurance to standard life insurance, it appears relevant life insurance is a more beneficial option for Sarah. Example: Sarah would like £1 million of cover. She is a higher rate taxpayer (40%) and pays National Insurance at 2% on the top end of her income. The company pays National Insurance at 13.8% (this assumes that the employee is not contracted out of the Additional State Pension). Corporation Tax is calculated


Personal life insurance

Relevant life insurance





Employee Income Tax (40%)



Total cost to employee





Employer National Insurance contribution (13.8%)



Total gross cost



Less Corporation Tax relief (19%)



Tax adjusted total cost



Monthly premium (from net salary) Cost to employee

Employee National Insurance contribution (2%)

Monthly premium

Cost to employer

With Relevant Life Insurance the total saving is £38.96 (49%) per month, which is £467.52 per annum.

at a rate of 19% since April 2017. This illustration shows the difference in the gross cost of an employer providing life cover for an employee through a Relevant Life insurance policy compared to a personal policy Sarah could take out herself. Any tax and National Insurance is calculated based on the cost to the employee, i.e. how much it would cost an employee in total to pay a premium taking account of Income Tax, National Insurance and the premium. For example, in order for Sarah to be able to pay a premium of £50.00, she would need to earn £86.20 on which she would have to pay Income Tax of £34.48 and

National Insurance of £1.72. To get the total net cost to the employer you would need to add the employer’s National Insurance contribution costs and then deduct Corporation Tax Relief. The information provided in these examples is for illustrative purposes only; the examples are purely fictitious and individual circumstances should be thoroughly assessed to calculate potential savings to the employer/employee. The illustrations are based on my understanding of current law and HM Revenue & Customs practice as at October 2019 which may change in the future. Tax calculations are

based on 2019/20 tax rates and may also change in the future. The calculations assume that the same rate of Income Tax/ National Insurance applies to the whole of the premium or sums used to fund the premium. Consulting a high quality financial planner could not only help you increase your wealth, but could save you a few precious pounds in human insurance premiums. Raj Shah is founder of Blue Wealth capital and has been shortlisted for Financial Planner of the Year and Investment Adviser of the Year. www.bluewealthcapital.com




COVID-19 With the COVID-19 crisis continuing to impact on businesses across the Sheffield City Region, we asked a number of organisations to tell us how it was affecting their sector, the changes they’ve made to operations and how they are planning to make the best of an undoubtedly challenging situation JAMES GODSELL, DIRECTOR OF EMPLOYER PARTNERSHIPS, RNN TRAINING RNN Training is part of RNN Group working in partnership with Rotherham College, North Notts College, Dearne Valley College and University Centre Rotherham to deliver training to, and recruit, apprentices across the Sheffield City Region and North Nottinghamshire. The biggest challenges we’ve had to overcome has been the closure of our Colleges and campuses and restrictions on access to our apprentices’ business premises. We work with a wide range of businesses from the construction, education, engineering, hospitality and healthcare sectors that are either closed or their staff are operating as key and essential workers, which has meant that our work-based learning tutors are unable to meet and teach their apprentices. The current situation, and the surrounding uncertainty, has also meant that many


businesses have been unclear as to whether apprentices can continue to progress on their apprenticeship. We’ve, understandably, seen a hesitance from employers to advertise new apprenticeship vacancies. To overcome these challenges, we have had to adapt quickly and effectively to our ‘new normal’. That has meant a rapid shift to online and digital learning solutions for our current apprentices. Our use of OneFile, an e-portfolio that staff and apprentices usually access to set and complete tasks, has meant that we weren’t starting from zero in our move to remote and distance learning. However, a large proportion of our training has always been through face-to-face teaching, which isn’t currently possible. Our teaching staff have responded exceptionally to the change to remote and distance learning. They have embraced the challenge of delivering training remotely and have used many different tools to keep our apprentices and employers engaged in their programmes. Training

has been delivered over Skype, Zoom and Google Hangouts and Google Classroom to ensure that our apprentices continue to progress. Until social distancing measures are relaxed we will continue to embrace remote and distance learning. We’ve also been able to dedicate more time to our existing distance learning offer. We offer maore than 20 distance learning courses in a wide range of subjects including Mental Health, Lean Business Techniques and Social Care which have been particularly popular with employers who have furloughed staff. The variety of courses offer the opportunity for staff to update or upskill from the comfort of their own home. We’ve had important conversations with employers about their future plans – we’ve been able to highlight the versatility of apprenticeships, particularly higher and degree apprenticeships, that can be used to upskill existing staff. Our message to everyone is stay safe, stay home and stay smart and remember we’re still here, whenever you need us.



STEVEN BARKER, MANAGING DIRECTOR, ARDEN WINCH COVID-19 has come with many challenges – the biggest at the beginning of the crisis was the fact that unfortunately around 60 per cent of our customers had to temporarily close their businesses. A large proportion of the work we did at Arden Winch was embroidery work and with these businesses no longer open, we have had to change the direction and focus of our business strategy. We have spent the last couple of months specialising only in Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and hygiene to supply hospitals, care homes and local councils. As a company, we have had to adapt quickly and therefore be flexible across all areas of the business. Our first point of call was to ensure that all members of staff were protected so we offered voluntary furlough and made those who could, work from home. On site, we added hand sanitiser, medical guard face screens and masks. All our delivery drivers now have their vehicles cleaned daily and are provided with disposable gloves, goggles, masks and hand sanitiser. By implementing these changes, we were able to reduce any risks within this business which was paramount to us moving forward and changing our direction to continue throughout COVID-19. Most PPE is made in the Far East so it is extremely hard to access supplies. However, we have been able to make fast decisions due to the fact we own all of our sites, have a strong balance sheet and extensive experience.


By modifying the business throughout COVID-19 we have been able to keep up with demand and keep supplies going out fast to the companies that need them. I strongly believe that as a business we have a moral obligation to help the fire, police and health services by supplying PPE to these frontline, key workers. In this unprecedented time, we have had to make the biggest decisions in our history and place orders with suppliers in as little as just five minutes of stock becoming available. We have also, in many cases, had to pay

As a company, we have had to adapt quickly and therefore be flexible across all areas of the business.

upfront to enable us to secure critical PPE and hygiene products. We have supported the Sheffield City Region by providing PPE and hygiene products to Sheffield City Council, Rotherham Borough Council, South Yorkshire Police, South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue and Sheffield Teaching Hospitals. As a business the safety of our staff was crucial to moving forward throughout this difficult period but we came together using our expertise and speed to help as many key workers as possible and we will continue to do so.


Back to work


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IF YOU ASK ME ROB SHAW, MD, GLU RECRUIT Like most industries we’ve been adversely affected by COVID-19. It’s mainly hit the permanent side of our business as most of our clients put their recruitment plans on hold, understandably due to the market uncertainty. The temporary side of our business, however, has been buoyant and we’ve re-strategised to focus on growth and fulfilment in that area which is holding us up during these very strange and challenging times. It’s been interesting to see how adaptable the team has been to the new working from home life and I’ve been impressed with and proud of how hard they’ve all continued to work, how productive they’ve been and how they’ve focused their activities on helping candidates that have sadly found themselves looking for a new job in the most challenging time. We’re focusing on those jobs that you don’t get the chance to do when you’re operating at full speed and taking some time back by working reduced hours and enjoying some precious time with our families. We’ve looked at the business costs and cut anything that’s unnecessary and re-negotiated where possible. In a time where there is little you can control – costs are one of them! We’re cleansing and updating our candidate database, keeping in touch with our lovely clients and on top of the new candidates that are coming on to the market, so that when we come out of lockdown we are well positioned to help as many of those people get into a job quickly. We’re waking up a little later than normal, working in our pyjamas and focusing on what’s really important! Having some down time has given plenty of opportunity to reflect and look at our short and long-term strategies which will see us become even more efficient.


The temporary side of our business, however, has been buoyant and we’ve re-strategised to focus on growth and fulfilment in that area.

We’ve set up a weekly quiz on Zoom for our clients, contacts and those in our networks as a way to keep in touch and provide some fun in this tricky time. We also use MS Teams and have a daily catch-up with each other. I think it’s made all of us appreciate the small things, the things you (without intention) take for granted, and each other more. We miss working together collectively in one place, but we hope that it’s not for long. We’re conscious not to bombard businesses with too many sales focused messages. It’s always been part of our strategy to educate and offer advice where possible, and we’re focusing most of our client communications around this. If we can provide some useful advice that will really help local businesses and people within their networks, we’re hopeful that this will stand us in good stead once the market picks back up again.


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CHRIS DAYKIN, CORPORATE FUNDRAISING MANAGER, SUPPORT DOGS It’s had a huge impact on how we operate – the families we are supporting are most at risk and so we are having to increase the amount of support and care we give them. It has meant losing out on vital income for a small charity like ours that receives no government funding. We have expanded our services to help ensure the individuals and families we support receive the care they need, especially our most vulnerable clients. These new clients are finding themselves adapting to life with a support dog whilst also adapting to life under lockdown. Our dedicated trainers work with each client to provide daily support.


Tinsley Bridge operates in several global markets. Whilst some are disrupted due to the COVID-19 crisis, for other markets it has become important the company operations remain open; • Tinsley Bridge supply safety critical track switch systems to Network Rail and are Key Worker status supporting the national rail infrastructure • Our Project Engineering company supplies the nuclear, steel manufacture, rail and chemical industries. Retaining engineering support to these essential industries is vital as part of the UK response to the virus outbreak • Need to ensure we do this in a safe manner following the

We are using new digital programmes to run online training sessions and share our 30 years of assistance dog knowledge and experience. This is helping to ensure COVID-19 does not delay their progress to becoming a fully trained life-saving support dog. We have used this time to develop skills and platforms we will continue to use even after the lockdown. By the end of day one of lockdown, we had created a digital fundraising programme offering ways for people to continue

government guidelines and advice on working practices, social distancing and PPE. The workforce has been very responsive to the challenge and working within new H&S guidelines. The company has been able to remain open and continue operations. The Project Engineering operation is in a strong position with the biggest order book for over two years and still has spare capacity. This is also due to the work done positioning this business and developing capabilities which offer real benefits and engineering excellence to customers. A wide range of large scale manufacturing is available

from a single site including Project Management, Design for Manufacture, Fabrication, Machining, Fitting, Assembly, Reverse Engineering, On Site Installation and Site Services. Our track record demonstrates proven reliability for time critical delivery of technical challenging projects. These are typically complex and large scale, requiring expertise in Design for Manufacture and delivery against demanding Technical Compliance Accreditations. Although customer site restrictions have been in place during recent weeks a lot of work has been completed within our internal workshops and is now customer ready.

supporting our work which has been a huge success. We’ve also been hosting virtual events to raise money. I am incredibly proud of the resilience, adaptability, and positivity we have shown as a charity.


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A MESSAGE FROM BARNSLEY & ROTHERHAM CHAMBER Andrew Denniff, chief executive of Barnsley & Rotherham Chamber of Commerce, shares a message of support and engagement during the COVID-19 crisis – and for the ‘new normal’ future It will never be the same again. The number of times I have heard this said over the past few weeks can almost lead you to despair. We have to acknowledge that the impact and consequences of COVID-19 has been huge and, in many cases, led to very sad outcomes. The way many businesses and indeed day-to-day lives have been changed will without doubt be a lasting outcome of 2020. The realisation of what really does matter and more importantly, who really does matter in our communities and in the relationships we have with each other should be a huge positive we can take from our experience of these unprecedented times. Others will be left to comment on the effect this will have on society, both nationally and indeed globally, but be in no doubt the way we do business and the responsibility we have to each other in the commercial world will have changed for the better. All of us have had to adapt to continuously changing


circumstances, even the way we talk and engage with each other has had to become more efficient and focussed on what really matters. I have been incredibly surprised, by not only the number of people I have had the opportunity to speak with directly, but who are simply pleased to know that someone is genuinely interested in their business and is prepared to offer a little bit of appropriate advice and guidance where needed. The access we have at a strategic level is envied by many, but this has to be more about simply talking about problems, or indeed providing feedback and information from the “sharp-end”, we have to get real solutions to the many challenges that our members are experiencing at the moment. So, it really is important that you continue to engage with us and, of course, maintain those links within your own networks as well. We will keep talking to our local authorities, our Local Enterprise Partnership and indeed our MPs as regularly as possible and keep feeding back

your views and your issues as best we can. Your responses to our weekly ‘Tracker Surveys’ have been nothing short of impressive and, for such a small chamber, our members continue to head the respondents list for the Yorkshire and Humber region, giving us a very clear picture of what is truly happening on the ground.

Whatever the new normal is going be in the future, it is crucial that as your Chamber of Commerce we continue to focus on the things that really matter and keep you as up to date and as informed as possible. The value for the Chamber is having a truly engaged and responsive network – and when it really matters it seems that is exactly what we have.


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Once again, we chat to Steel City’s MD, James Biggin about his go-to product of the month.

JAMES’S PRODUCT OF THE MONTH: FACE MASKS It is important to stay safe, now more than ever and as a result of this we have had a massive surge in demand for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and hand sanitiser. As we move forward towards a new normal, we know that branded fashion masks and personal hygiene products will be required in all walks of life. So, for my product of the month I have picked the washable and reusable branded fashion mask fitted with a KN95 filter. Face masks are already recommended by the Scottish Government, and we believe face masks will become part of everyday life throughout the whole of the UK. This mask can be used for company messaging and branding to help create a strong business image and unite staff during these unfamiliar times. This branded fashion mask has a skin-friendly 100 per cent cotton inner layer and can be digitally printed in full colour.

Tubular Bandana Another great option to consider right now is the branded bandana, traditionally an item used during the colder months or for winter sports, but the versatility of a bandana means it can also be used as fashion mask as well as an accessory. It can be continually worn around the neck and pulled up to cover the face which can limit face touching. These tubular bandanas are available with a full colour print to the entire surface for maximum impact.

Hygiene Hook Keyring This keyring is designed to help limit the number of surfaces people come into contact with. The hygiene hook keyring is made from 100% recycled plastics which are inherently antimicrobial and it can be in branded in full colour on both sides – perfect for opening doors, gates and so much more!

Hand Sanitiser Branded hand sanitisers have always been a great business gift and will be even more appreciated right now by clients, suppliers and staff. It could also be a good branded ‘gift with purchase’ to add to each client delivery creating an element of surprise and delight! UK made and with WHO recommended formulation, this cylindrical hand sanitiser spray is a neat option.









EVOLVING EVENTS Evoluted have been running the ever-popular Sheffield DM meet-ups for nearly 18 months. Ahead of next week’s first livestreaming event because of COVID-19, MD Ash Young and head of marketing Giorgio Cassella share their plans for the event and views on the business community adapting during lockdown – and as we approach the ‘new normal’ Like so many events across the Sheffield City Region and the UK, March’s Sheffield DM meeting had to be cancelled due to COVID-19. But while the ever-growing event was attracting more and more digital marketers, it’s not hard to see why event founders, Evoluted’s Ash Young and Giorgio Cassella, are very excited about next week’s first online event on May 14. Because while unable to host the meet-up at regular venue The Sheffield Tap because of social spaces


closing their doors during lockdown, the wonders of technology actually mean that the digital doors will be opening up to many more. Thanks to YouTube LIVE streaming and people watching the event afterwards via YouTube video, the event can broadcast to many more ‘guests’ than could ever have been welcomed offline. The duo’s passion for digital marketing drove them to set up Sheffield DM as a bimonthly event 18 months ago, aiming to improve and build the city’s digital community.

Ash said: “There wasn’t anything like this in Sheffield at the time and part of the reason I wanted to do this was because other cities have such a vibrant digital scene. We have Sheffield Digital who are a brilliant organisation, but people weren’t really talking about the marketing side here. “There weren’t huge numbers of agencies compared with other cities – if you look at places like Leeds, they’ve got massive agencies that are really active, so we wanted to do something that brought the community together here.

“Giorgio and I both basically had the idea of doing something for the digital community at the same time – he didn’t work for Evoluted at that point, but I spotted a LinkedIn post of his on the subject. I reached out, got in touch, we went for a beer and chatted about what to do – the rest is history!” Or rather the future – especially with events taking place online during the pandemic, and the potential for many to continue to do so into the era of the ‘new normal’.


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COVER STORY Giorgio said: “Sheffield DM was one of our main priorities after I joined Evoluted. I used to organise Start-up Weekend in Sheffield and through that realised there are amazing events in different sectors mainly around technology, but wasn’t anything for me as a marketer to go and engage with people that enjoy the same professional life as me. “That’s where my desire to set Sheffield DM up came from. Similar to Ash, I felt there’s these great companies around Sheffield but no-one’s bringing them all together and creating a community for them compared with places like Nottingham, Leeds and Manchester. “We just wanted to get people together to talk digital marketing and nerd out about it! “I was incredibly pleased with the first event. It was a lot smaller, about 30-40 people including some of us from Evoluted, but since then it’s grown and the last couple were packed, wall-to-wall events and sold out with 100120 tickets reserved each time.

It’s a fabulous feeling to know we’ve helped a community grow like that.” Ash agrees: “We were previously getting sign-ups right up to the day of the event. Now we’re selling out two to three weeks before and that’s an amazing feeling – it’s a really nice mix of people including in-house marketers, people from agencies in Sheffield and beyond. “It shows there’s a lot of demand for this in Sheffield and it has become a mainstay of the scene.” And now that mainstay has evolved, like many other events, during COVID-19. But the event had already been evolving, pre-lockdown. Starting with one speaker and then adding a second, and having networking after the Q&A – “if people are giving up the afternoon or evening we want them to get to know everybody and we want to add value,” says Giorgio. And while it’s tricky for the pair to select standout speakers due to the high quality at each event, Ash laughs: “It’s been a while since I’ve been to one

We just wanted to get people together to talk digital marketing and nerd out about it!

and not spoken myself! But I really enjoyed John Jackson from Epiphany Search, he delivered a really strong talk on the history of marketing and Edd Wilson from Impression in Nottingham who focused on user-centric SEO. “They’re the sort of talks we’re really keen to encourage where it’s at intermediate level, for people who’ve got an interest in marketing as well as those who live SEO and marketing day in and day out but who are looking to stretch themselves.” Giorgio said: “The panel we had in January was excellent, not least because we had Declan Reilly who recently joined Evoluted! And it was nice to have a different format – an interactive panel made a big difference to the first event of the year.” Speakers at next week’s online event are both from Rise at Seven, with Jess Peace on ‘Have your cake and eat it: How to write content for SEO and PR!’ and Thierry Ngutegure on ‘Proving the value of links - why you should give a f**k about brand!’






Says Ash: “Streaming via YouTube LIVE enables everyone in our community to tune in and learn no matter where they are, and most importantly making sure everyone stays safe at home! We can broadcast to far more people than we usually would if we did it in person – not just our local contacts but our networks in Leeds and Nottingham and much further afield.” Giorgio says: “The biggest thing we’ll learn when we livestream is would people like us to continue doing future DM events in the evening as we have traditionally done or during the day? They could have it running on a separate screen while they’re at work and they can just tune in or it could be a lunchtime event. It’s certainly going to open up some really interesting questions on where we can take Sheffield DM in the future.” Adds Ash: “Obviously a large part of Sheffield DM is the networking and the community and that’s something we’re keen not to lose especially as it might be a while before we can run an event like this in person again – the next two or three might


have to be livestreamed so keeping that community feel going will be really important.” “Through YouTube LIVE we’ve got a chat channel that’s going to run alongside it,” explains Giorgio, “so if people have questions during the event there’s the text channel for them to do that. “Our team would normally be welcoming guests, but now they’ll be moderators in this chat channel to facilitate discussion and to take questions to ask speakers after and keep that community feel going. “There are lots of options to explore to facilitate that – people can hop in and out with say a Discord server or we can do a Google Hangout chat… plus everyone’s familiar with doing drinks by Zoom now!” And how do Ash and Giorgio feel the digital and wider business community have reacted and adapted to lockdown working? Ash says: “Obviously the digital community out of all industries is best placed to respond – as a company we started working from home overnight essentially with no disruption because we already had that tech in place to do that.

The biggest thing we’ll learn when we livestream is would people like us to continue doing future DM events in the evening as we have traditionally done or during the day?

“But it’s been great to see how the community has responded and continued working. It’s also been really good to see how the community has pulled together – Sheffield Digital have been absolutely invaluable in terms of collating and sharing information and support available. They’ve really come to the fore in terms of promoting what you should be doing during the pandemic as well as all the offers of community help and from businesses who have been offering free advice and support. “Everyone is pulling together and happy to support other companies and a lot are doing it free of charge for good will just to help people. I shared some posts offering free advice about how to move to a digital first way of thinking as a lot of the businesses affected are the ones who work very much offline and suddenly can’t do that. “The real winners are the ones who have already invested in digital marketing and services and so I’ve been talking to a few about the best way to do it or signposting them to software, video, e-commerce or training tools. Hopefully, I’ve managed to help and make a difference. “A lot of businesses are doing really well – from this there will be winners and losers. It will be down to how people have reacted and how proactive they’ve been and some companies are sticking their heads in the sand, unfortunately, and hoping it will go away, where others have really doubled down and invested.


COVER STORY “A standout company for me is Shorts Accountants – we don’t use them but I get an email from them regularly telling me what’s changed, the latest government advice, where we can go for funding if needed, successes they’re having and client successes. They’re keeping people updated, offering real value and it builds their brand for the future.” And what of that future, as we look ahead to the ‘new normal’? Ash says: “I think a lot of the digital community has been ready for this. A huge part of our team are quite happy working remotely from home but I think coming out of this we will see a bit of a split in terms of which companies go back to office. “Some are already saying why are we paying for a city centre office space? Why not get a smaller office out of town and be partially remote?’ We are reviewing our plans, too – we’re running out of space in our current office but when we move how much space will we need? “I’ve had clients video chat who wouldn’t have done before in a million years! So it’s going to change how a lot of business is done as people are now having online meetings. It’s exposed a whole host of people to different ways of working that they would never have done off their own back. “But it’s important to remember that, when it’s safe to do so, some people will always prefer a face to face meeting or a phone call. The new normal feels very natural to us – for me working this way doesn’t feel very forced at all, other than the kids being at


home all day at the moment! “But that won’t be 100 per cent for everybody – businesses have got to find that right balance.” Giorgio says: “It’s important that companies don’t make any knee-jerk reactions and decide that this should be the only way of working from now on. It’s working for a lot but we’re only a few weeks in so that’s not a lot of data for companies to simply act on – it’s important to take into account how other people react. For us as a digital agency we already did one day a week working from home, so it’s perfectly normal. “But some people like being in the office, they like the atmosphere and the separation of work and home and that’s an important element of work for them.”



COVER STORY But while we remain in lockdown, and while planning for next week’s Sheffield DM event, Ash is also being kept busy by another project readers can watch online – recording a video series explaining how to build an e-commerce site. “At Evoluted we have a real passion for digital and what we do and we run other businesses outside. I started an e-commerce site and grew it to a £2m turnover before selling it, almost as a side project – and I did a talk about that at the Sheffield DM in January! “Some people make it look like you can spend a couple of hours a week doing it and become

We’re always really keen to get stuck in and try things out for ourselves and practice what we preach. a millionaire but obviously that’s not the case. It’s hard work and you have to understand your markets and your products so along with encouraging people to go for it I am sharing the pain points along the way, too! “It’s a really honest video series which follows the development of the site, the launch, the marketing and the results so people can follow its growth and learn what is and isn’t working. “We’re always really keen to get stuck in and try things out for ourselves and practice what we preach.” And clearly, that approach applies at Evoluted – online and offline! To register for next week’s Sheffield DM on May 14 at 6pm visit www. sheffielddm.co.uk To read about previous Sheffield DMs visit www. sheffielddm.co.uk/blog To follow Ash’s e-commerce site journey visit www. webmonkeyash.net/ ride-along



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SPONSORED BY THE SOURCE SKILLS ACADEMY The Source Skills Academy in Sheffield is passionate about bringing out the best in people. It has been helping businesses to increase the talents of their teams since 2003 and is proud to sponsor Skills Focus, a monthly spotlight on training and apprenticeship news and funding to help you develop your staff.

BARNSLEY FIRM GETS ITS ENTIRE TEAM LEARNING IN LOCKDOWN A Barnsley leader in the UK’s measurement and mapping industry weighed up its options when COVID-19 lockdown struck - and got its entire team learning new skills online. Surveying company 1st Horizon organised training for 26 furloughed employees, plus home-working staff and stakeholders, with leading Sheffield provider The Source Skills Academy. The Source rapidly went online after lockdown of its premises on Meadowhall Way so its team could enable SCR companies to use shutdown time to boost workers’ skills. Training can be entirely funded via the SCR Skills Bank or Skills Support for the Workforce. “Accessing free training for staff during lockdown made perfect sense,” said 1st Horizon’s HR manager Sophia Massarella. “CPD has always been really important to us. Many of our staff are young, in their first job and are very committed to learning. It’s our responsibility to keep them engaged at this difficult time. Everyone is enjoying the mental stimulation.”

THE SOURCE... Apprentices at the ready

The Source is ready to support businesses with apprentices as soon as lockdown restrictions relax. We have grown our pool of ‘job-ready’ applicants during lockdown and expect many school-leavers will also be seeking apprenticeships. Contact kerry.cook@ thesourceacademy.co.uk


Based at The Old Pop Factory in Dodworth, the company was founded in 2006 by land surveyor Jim Garside. Today it specialises in 3D laser scanning, utility location, mobile mapping and CCTV and UAV surveys. The company was in a period of growth when COVID-19 hit the UK and had to halt a recruitment drive. “When lockdown restrictions are lifted we will resume recruitment - and we will also have more rounded, better-trained staff,” said Sophia, who with three colleagues has signed up to study Business Improvement Techniques.

Others are studying Team Leadership, Data Protection and Awareness of Mental Health Problems. Dale Robinson, Business Development Director at The Source commented: “Training during lockdown re-enforces people’s self-worth and maintains focus. 1st Horizon seized the opportunity. We urge others to follow their lead.” Learners can study two qualifications from a choice of 70. Training materials are accessible daily and online tutors are available 12 hours a day. Contact training@ thesourceacademy.co.uk

BUSINESS TRAINING AT THE SOURCE IS NOW ONLINE... To support companies affected by the COVID-19 outbreak, innovative national training provider The Source has redesigned its accredited training courses so they can be fully accessed online. Full funding has been secured to cover the costs for SMEs in the Sheffield City Region. Contact vernon.tolson@thesourceacademy.co.uk



The Source Academy is currently undergoing a website refresh to streamline the user experience, so everything you need to know about apprenticeships (and more!) is at your fingertips. Changes coming soon include dedicated employer and learner zones for easy access to all of the services available to you, all in one place. Find us at www. thesourceacademy.co.uk and check back regularly for updates.

Infection Control When the UK goes back to work, there needs to be a new ‘normal’ to protect staff. Prepare furloughed or home-working employees now with The Source’s fully-funded, accredited online course on Prevention and Control of Infection in Healthcare Settings. Conditions in which bacteria thrive and prevention methods are covered. Contact vernon.tolson@ thesourceacademy.co.uk



STICK TOGETHER, WORK TOGETHER, SUPPORT EACH OTHER From the Growth Hub and Skills Bank to establishing the COVID-19 Economy Response Group – James Muir, Chair of the Sheffield City Region Local Enterprise Partnership, tells unLTD about the steps being taken during the pandemic to ‘build a prosperous future for workers and businesses when the worst is over’

We find ourselves in the midst of the greatest public health crisis any of us have faced. Our health service, our businesses and our economy are facing a real battle to survive and come through these most challenging of times. Now, more than ever, we need to stick together, work together, and support each other in order to ensure that when things get back to whatever the new “normal” may bring, we are stronger for it. We at the Sheffield City Region (SCR) have stepped up our efforts to help businesses across South Yorkshire, so large companies, SMEs and the self-employed can all access support during the Coronavirus pandemic. The Growth Hub, which provides bespoke business support and advice, has been receiving increasing numbers


of enquiries as people look for guidance on business support schemes the Government has announced. We have set up a dedicated webpage which outlines all of the schemes announced, who is eligible for each, what the scheme is worth, how to apply, and who the scheme is operated by. We have also written directly to more than 7,500 of the region’s businesses offering guidance during what is a mammoth

challenge for our economy. Our Skills Bank programme has also launched two new strands of its programme to help businesses and training providers affected by the Coronavirus. Firstly, a suite of online training programmes has been developed for businesses who want to access training quickly to support them through the challenges that COVID-19 is presenting, without the need for lengthy

application process. Skills Bank has also opened a rapid response offer which is dedicated to securing training and support for businesses directly helping with the government’s Coronavirus strategy, such as producing protective personal equipment (PPE) or sanitisers. Mayor Dan Jarvis, LEP Board members and I are working to protect jobs and businesses across South Yorkshire. We’ve established the COVID-19 Economy Response Group, working with the region’s anchor institutions, to coordinate our economic response together, as well as working closely with partner organisations, the Local Resilience Forum, regional leaders and central Government. There will be difficult days ahead, but we are determined to build a prosperous future for our



There will be difficult days ahead, but we are determined to build a prosperous future for our workers and businesses when the worst is over. workers and businesses when the worst is over. The Coronavirus has brought about extraordinary upheaval and challenges for all businesses – from international manufacturers, to small limited companies, and the self-employed. I would urge any business, no matter how big or how small, to visit our website, get in touch, and make sure they get the support they need through our Growth Hub or Skills Bank. We are determined to get through the pandemic as strong as possible. We will get through this together. In the meantime, we are here to help. For more information and to find out more about the schemes and support available visit scrgrowthhub.co.uk



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BY ANDY HANSELMAN, ANDY HANSELMAN CONSULTING Marking a company milestone, the consultant looks back on business lessons learned

ANDY AND JILL’S 25 LESSONS FROM 25 YEARS! Twenty-five years ago this month, back in May 1995, Blackburn Rovers won the Premiership, Robson and Jerome were number one in the charts with Unchained Melody and we started our business, Hallmarks Business Development. We grew to a team of 14, sold to the management team and then started again with just three of us in 2004. As part of our reflections on those 25 years, we came up with 25 lessons we’ve learned, and I thought I’d share them with you in this month’s column. Here they are… 1. Play To Your Strengths – work out what they are and build on them. 2. Do What You Enjoy – not what you don’t! 3. Make Sure Those First Two


Things Make Commercial Sense – no point being great at something that no one wants. 4. Fill The Gaps – by finding people to do what you can’t or won’t. 5. Recruit For Attitude – and develop for skill. 6. Take A Punt – on people, on ideas and on opportunities. Try things and encourage your people to do the same. 7. Have Fun! 8. Build Relationships for the long term – some of our clients in our early days are still clients today. 9. Choose ‘Em Or Lose ‘Em…people, clients and suppliers – it is OK to say ‘no’. 10. Keep In Touch With People When They’ve Gone – exemployees can be great ambassadors for you, and,

in our case, can be clients, too! 11. Push The Boundaries – encourage questions and challenges from your people, and from yourself. 12. Don’t Be Afraid To Ask For What You Want – the answer might be ‘yes’. 13. Clarify Roles – people like clarity. 14. Find Out What Makes People Tick ¬– and use this to motivate them. 15. Push People Out Of Their Comfort Zones – but make sure you support them. 16. Make Friends With Finance Departments – they pay your bills! 17. Value Your Values– use them, demonstrate them and live them. 18. Always Read The Small Print – we got caught out a number of times when we

started the business, and when we sold it! 19. It’s More Than A Business – ours was a family! 20. You’re Always At Work – some of our best ideas, contacts and opportunities came when we were well away from the office, even on holiday. 21. Enjoy it! Make it fun. 22. Take A Chance On People. 23. Get Rid Quick – if they don’t ‘fit’. 24. Make Things Memorable – delight your customers, and employees. 25. Find The Right Partner – marrying them later is an option! If you’d like to hear these ideas, and lots more, watch them on our ‘Business Exercises With Andy and Jill’ at www.andyhanselman.com/be





For many running their business remotely, a solution is needed that is private, secure and seamless. For CT there is only really one viable solution. Ian Snow, MD, looks at how Microsoft Teams can help keep you connected whilst ensuring privacy and security



TECHNOLOGY Almost overnight, video conferencing has become a big part of our daily life and work. We’ve had to adjust to the new reality of seeing each other’s homes, complete with dogs, cats, and other family members. Everyone around the world is now working, learning, and connecting with colleagues, friends, and family through the power of technology. Originally built as a competitor to the hugely popular workplace chat tool Slack, MS Teams has since evolved into an allencompassing platform that supports everything from video conferencing to PowerPoint


presentations to 10,000 people. It integrates Office 365 so that sharing Microsoft Word, Excel and other office apps is seamless, while video chat functionality supports up to 250 people simultaneously. Businesses large and small are depending on Microsoft Teams to stay connected while ensuring the highest levels of security and privacy credentials. Below we have highlighted the key features of Teams and why CT is recommending all our customers stay connected in this way. Microsoft provides privacy and security controls for video conferences in Teams Microsoft offers a variety of privacy and security controls to allow you to manage who participates in your meetings and who has access to meeting information. For example, you decide who from outside your organisation can join your meetings directly, and who should wait in the lobby for someone to let them in. You can also remove participants during a meeting,

designate ‘presenters’ and ‘attendees’, and control which meeting participants can present content. And with guest access, you can add people from outside your organisation but still retain control over your data. Moderation allows you to control who is and isn’t allowed to post and share content. And advanced artificial intelligence (AI) monitors chats to help prevent negative behaviours like bullying and harassment. When recording a meeting, all participants are notified when a recording starts, and online participants can access our privacy notice directly. Recordings are only available to the people on the call or people invited to the meeting. And recordings are stored in a controlled repository that is protected by permissions and encryption. Microsoft safeguard your privacy by design Microsoft’s approach to privacy is grounded in their commitment to giving you transparency over the collection, use, and distribution of your data. Here are their privacy commitments to you: • They never use your Teams data to serve you ads • They do not track participant attention or multi-tasking in Teams meetings • Your data is deleted after the termination or expiration of your subscription • They take strong measures to ensure access to your data is restricted and carefully define requirements for responding to government requests for data • They can access your own customer data at any time and for any reason • They offer regular transparency reports on the Transparency Hub, detailing how they have responded to third-party requests for data

Microsoft protects your identity and account information Multi-factor authentication (MFA), a feature turned on by your IT administrator, protects your username and password by requiring you to provide a second form of verification to prove your identity. CT recommend that all organisations implement fundamental security measures to ensure they are adequately protected. This simple, two-step verification process is widely used in many consumer applications today, including banking, and protects you from attacks that take advantage of weak or stolen passwords. Microsoft protects your data and defend against cybersecurity threats As a leader in security, Microsoft processes more than eight trillion security signals every day and uses them to proactively protect you from security threats. In Teams, data is encrypted in transit and at rest, storing your data in their secure network of data centers and using Secure Real-time Transport Protocol (SRTP) for video, audio, and desktop sharing. Microsoft meet more than 90 regulatory and industry standards To comply with global, national, regional, and industry-specific regulations, Teams supports more than 90 regulatory standards and laws, including HIPAA, GDPR, FedRAMP, SOC, and Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) for the security of students and children. To find out more how CT can help you utilise Microsoft Teams within your business, get in touch today! 01246 266 130.


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Our columnist with a guide on commercial insurance matters during the pandemic

COMMERCIAL INSURERS REACTION TO COVID-19 There has been a lot of noise within the media regarding the insurance reaction to the COVID-19 situation, which has created a potential expectation within businesses that commercial insurance policies provide some cover for Business Interruption. Unfortunately the vast majority of commercial policies do not provide any cover in respect of interruption to the business as a result of COVID-19. Generally speaking, only very large businesses with an international outlook purchase specific cover for pandemics. There are one or two insurers, who have very broad policy wordings, who are exposed to claims in these circumstances. That said, these insurers have effectively provided cover unintentionally and are therefore impacted massively by these claims


as the cover was never really charged for. The frustration from many policyholders is the speed at which insurance companies respond – in view of this the Financial Conduct Authority has written to the CEOs of all insurers urging them to move more quickly. In addition to this, they have confirmed that the Financial Ombudsman Service is available for policyholders to raise a grievance should they be unhappy with the responses received by their insurer or with any delay. While this situation is extremely unfortunate for individuals and for businesses, insurance is really designed to react to specific events which affect policyholders within a specific region or following an isolated event. Given that this is a global health crisis, it

is not really for the insurance industry to bail out the UK economy but rather for the government to step in, which it has, to a point. What we have seen from insurers, however, is them trying to assist policyholders on a day-to-day basis by relaxing their terms and conditions to reflect the fact that a huge number of business premises are now empty. Under normal circumstances the cover on an empty property would be severely restricted and there would be certain conditions regarding inspections that would be imposed. Most insurers are continuing to offer full cover, however they are asking that you at least visit your property on a weekly basis where you are able. In addition to this, they are also looking to help with premiums where a specific

reduction in turnover, wages or vehicle numbers can be identified. In this instance, some insurers will offer a refund of premium now, rather than waiting until next renewal. A number of businesses also use third party finance providers to pay their premiums and, much like the banks, these finance providers are trying to work with policyholders where possible to offer short payment breaks to ease cash flow issues. On the whole the industry is doing as much as it can to help business. If you would like more information on the help available, please get in touch. Sam Leeder ACII Actus Insurance samleeder@ actusinsurance.co.uk 0114 2903624 07718 189476





PODS There’s never been a better time to launch a podcast. Pop on Facebook and it won’t be long before you see someone posting a list of a band they’ve seen live starting with every letter of the alphabet. Twitter’s the same. Even LinkedIn. People have more time on their hands right now, and they want content. Lots of it. Make a connection with a listener now – in these strange, unusual times – and they’ll still be with you when we come out the other side of this crisis. Think about your social media, or your e-newsletter. Ultimately, they’re about delivering a message to an audience. And yet neither utilise your most influential tool – your voice. That’s the power of podcasting. It’s your words, exactly as you say them. No character limit, no filter or cookie consent and best of all they’ve actually chosen to listen to your message. Habits are changing right now. We are generally creatures of routine, but the ‘norm’ has gone out of the window. Everyone is suddenly open to a whole new ‘norm’. You have an opportunity to be part of that.


James Marriott is a podcast consultant and also the force – and voice – behind Steel City Business, a podcast focusing on the business scene in Sheffield, highlighting all the good stuff that’s going on from the sole traders to start-ups to the big brands working globally. Ahead of the launch of the second season of the show, James shares his top tips for podcasting with unLTD. consultations where we start with a blank page and work out exactly what format is right – making sure it meets your aims. Long or short form are both great An effective podcast doesn’t have to be long and detailed – Land Rover’s Discovery Adventures had its longest episode clocking in at just 17 minutes.


Podcasting is socialdistancing proof, and at a time where many people feel isolated, it’s a personal, one-toone medium which is available to everyone. Podcasts are free to listen to, with no expensive hardware required. They fit perfectly into this new ‘norm’ and will continue to do so, whatever happens next. It is pretty easy to start, but getting it RIGHT from the start is a challenge so here are my top tips: Content is very much king Don’t make a half-hour advert. Your audience needs to get

something out of listening – people consume content because it’s useful, it answers a question, or it’s entertaining. Come up with the right idea What other shows already exist in the same space as you? How do you make yours stand out? What makes it unique or better than others? Know what you want to achieve – and ask for help If you know what you want out of doing a podcast, it’ll help you find the right format. One of my most popular offerings is strategic

Don’t spend a fortune Listeners know not everyone has a studio in their house. Many podcasts sound different right now, as hosts record them at home on their laptops so you don’t need to invest in expensive equipment. Get the idea right and you have an amazing tool which will see you through these hard times – and far beyond! If you’d like to book in a free call to discuss how podcasting could help your business right now, contact me via email james@jae.media. The first season of Steel City Business is available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, other podcast apps and at steelcitybusiness. com and the show is on Twitter @SteelCityBiz.




JAMIE VEITCH - BUSINESS LIVE Business Live is a weekly show for the curious entrepreneur and social entrepreneur. Every Friday, host Jamie Veitch interviews business leaders for this FM radio programme on Sheffield Live with episodes then available as a podcast through all major podcast platforms. Listen for strategic advice and inspiration with a brilliant array of fascinating guests. Hear how interviewees overcame their biggest business challenges and get practical tips to help your business thrive. Several thousand people listen to the show every Friday morning and hundreds download the podcast afterwards. The programme has become a staple of the

business and social enterprise community in Sheffield and beyond, with nearly 300 episodes broadcast so far featuring many diverse Sheffield business leaders, plus nationally known figures. Recent guest companies have included Jiraffe, Twinkl, CC33 and The Source Skills Academy – check out the podcasts of the last 80 episodes in all popular podcast platforms including Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher or your favourite podcast app. Just search for “Business Live: Jamie Veitch’s Sheffield Live radio show.” And do contact Jamie to suggest or put yourself forward as a guest for the programme jamie@veitch.org.uk.

HELEN WILLIAMS A real-lifeaccount of what it takes combined with coaching strategy aimed at business owners, start-upsand entrepreneurs, run by Helping Entrepreneurs Win (HEW). As part of the show there are guest interviews discussing motivating factors, highs, lows and general tips for success and sometimes even survival based on the interviewees’own experiences in the business and entrepreneurial space. Why Podcasting? Utilising a variety of content and media outlets allows any business to cater for a wider reach of audience as possible. Not everyone consumes information, entertainment or learning in the same way or at the same time. You build a library of content that is there for personal consumption at a time convenient for the listener. Podcasting is a vital part of the marketing mix for us here at HEW. Available on all podcast platforms on Apple and Android devices. Visit our website or social media channels for direct links to download and subscribe. www.helpingentrepreneruswin.com

ANDY HANSELMAN - ANDY’S 3D IDEAS Andy’s 3D iDeas looks at the insights into ‘demonstrably different’ businesses, people and ideas. The monthly lessons are on creativity, culture, competitiveness and customer service for entrepreneurs, business leaders and forward thinking people to help improve the way they lead and differentiate their business. To download and subscribe visit: https://bit.ly/2VRjACJ






Watching the leaves turn green as Sheffield City Region blossoms into Spring, through sunshine, rain and everything in between, our one hour of exercise outside of the home has been our saviour throughout lockdown. For many this has been in the form of a walk with members of our household, providing a welcome relief, or a solo walk as a chance to reflect and recharge. unLTD’s Bronte Saulle caught up with the team at South Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive (SYPTE) to hear what they have been up to! Without daily cycles to work and coordinated lunchtime office walks, Travel South Yorkshire’s Active and Sustainable Travel team have had a re-think about their individual and collective activity. The team have been hosting a weekly walk since October 2018. Over 70 walks later, it all came to a sudden halt mid-March when group walks were stopped with immediate effect and working from home became the ‘new normal’.

Keen to keep up some activity and connectivity – away from the dreaded laptop or PC – Travel South Yorkshire’s Active and Sustainable Travel team have been meeting ‘virtually’ every Wednesday lunchtime to walk in their respective local areas. The adapted format is a door-to-door 45-minute walk, whilst observing social distancing rules, as communication happens through video or audio call via a tablet or mobile device.

SYPTE marketing manager, Richard Pilgrim, explained: “Strange as it may sound, some people will be missing their daily commute. Among them will be those that typically walk or cycle to work as they are not able to clock up the same distances under the current restrictions. “Adapting our usual Wednesday Health Walk has enabled us to meet on a virtual basis but do it outside of our ‘new’ office space. We’ve even been able to involve the team’s

children in the walks to make them much more inclusive and fun.” Travel South Yorkshire’s Active and Sustainable Travel team are now hoping to spread the word and help other workplaces to do the same. Offering regular health walks can help introduce some physical activity into the working week, encourage colleagues to socialise in a way that can still be achieved in times of social distancing and over time can help to keep






people fitter and healthier. Richard continued: “Setting up your own workplace virtual walk is easier than you think. We can help get you started and support you to set up your own walks. We have a team of qualified walk leaders who can scope out potential routes, help develop risk assessments and provide all the support and guidance you will need. “And, the best part, we can offer this at no cost to your workplace.” May is National Walking Month and also marks Mental Health Awareness Week (18-24 May 2020) so it offers a great opportunity to celebrate the humble walk and encourage more people to discover the joys and benefits of walking. This year, Travel South Yorkshire’s Active and Sustainable Travel team will be encouraging everyone to #Try20 – walk for 20 minutes every day as part of daily exercise. Walking is a great way to improve physical and mental

Crucially, office workers are one of the most sedentary populations, spending 70-85 per cent of time at work sitting.

wellbeing, done individually or collectively. For instance, according to Public Health England, physical activity can reduce the risk of depression by up to 30 per cent. It can help people to think more creatively, improve mood and as a result decrease stress. The UK’s chief medical officers recommend a minimum of 150 minutes exercise a week, yet around only one-third of adults in the UK are actually active enough. Broken down, 150 minutes is only 30 minutes a day, five days a week. On average, people spent about an hour a day travelling in 2017, but only 12 minutes of that time is spent walking. Richard said: “Crucially, office workers are one of the most sedentary populations, spending 70-85 per cent of time at work sitting. It has been said that some office workers move less than people that have retired. Are we moving more now that we

are working at home or less? And are employers asking the right questions about movement? “People could easily break up exercise into manageable chunks and incorporate it into their working week and maybe some are finding more time to do this right now as they discover new walks in their local area. “We need to ensure this isn’t a short-term change and workplaces support and enable them to do it in the future. For some it may be easier and others harder than ever right now, but it’s undeniable walking is the simplest, cheapest and safest form of exercise and the easiest way to walk more is to make walking a habit.” Get in touch to see if Travel South Yorkshire’s Active and Sustainable Travel team can help by emailing sustainabletravel@ sypte.co.uk and follow @ TSYActiveTravel on Twitter.




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PRE-LOCKDOWN PLANS PAY OFF Making minimal changes to the business model and being prepared before the COVID-19 lockdown has helped Utility Alliance continue to perform well during the pandemic – and hit its revised targets A Sheffield-based energy consultancy has continued to perform well throughout the COVID-19 pandemic after opting to make minimal changes to its business model during the crisis. While many businesses opted to pull down the shutters when lockdown was announced in March, Utility Alliance had taken note of the speculation about the impact the virus could have pre-lockdown and those plans were quickly put into place as soon as the Government advice was issued. The company, which is based on Bold Street and also has a headquarters in Hartlepool and an additional office in Newcastle, is predominantly a B2B specialist with the vast majority of its 400-strong workforce working through a database of outbound calls. An emergency plan was put in place to allow a mixture of sales and support staff to work from home, and the company was delighted to hit its revised target at the end of the first full month in lockdown. Daniel Potter MD of Utility


Alliance Yorkshire, said: “These are unprecedented times for everyone, but the fact we have continued to perform well as a business is testament to the plans we put in place before lockdown. “The business model has remained the same, there haven’t been any dramatic changes to the way we operate other than the fact we are contacting a large proportion of customers – both new and existing – while they themselves are working from home. “We are a target-driven operation, and while that figure was reduced to a realistic level to take into account the change in working condition we are delighted with the performance over the last few weeks. “Like everyone else, we look forward to the day when we can all return to the office and get back to normal everyday life. But in the meantime, we will continue to try and generate new business as well as looking after our existing staff.” Utility Alliance trades and monitors energy with a unique approach to flexible contracts.

What we have found is business owners we speak to are using this period of uncertainty to take a closer look at their energy spend and consumption.

Specialist monitoring tools help to reduce energy waste and also increase awareness of energy responsibility for businesses of all sizes. Daniel added: “What we have found is business owners we speak to are using this period of uncertainty to take a closer look at their energy spend and consumption. “They have more time away from the day-to-day running of their company and if we can make a change to their bottom line for when we come out of this lockdown then it can only be a positive.”

For more information about Utility Alliance, visit www.utility-alliance.com or call 0114 478 0956.



HALF MARATHON IN CORONAVIRUS CRISIS CHARITY RALLYING CALL The Redbrik Chesterfield Half Marathon is urging people to support the event’s two charity partners ‘in any way possible’ after launching a #FiveForFive fundraising and awareness campaign. The #FiveForFive challenge encourages people to cover a distance relating to the number five in some form, before donating a minimum of £5 to Ashgate or Bluebell Wood and nominating five others to do the same via social media. John Timms, Redbrik Chesterfield Half Marathon event director, said: “The Redbrik Half Marathon’s primary focus is supporting the local community, including Ashgate Hospicecare and Bluebell Wood Children’s Hospice. “Supporting fantastic causes at this time – while staying healthy, within the Government’s current social distancing guidelines – is vital, especially those which support frontline workers and the most

vulnerable people.” Mark Ross, managing director of event headline sponsor Redbrik, said: “At Redbrik, we want to do as much as we can to give back to the

local community. This desire is the essence of the Redbrik Chesterfield Half Marathon. “Given the COVID-19 pandemic, and the attention understandably focused on

healthcare frontlines, we need to ensure that Ashgate and Bluebell Wood receive more support than ever, in terms of both awareness and funding, so their vital work can continue.”

SHEFFIELD CITY TRUST DONATES TO SHARROW FOODBANK Health and wellbeing charity Sheffield City Trust has donated food supplies to Sharrow Community Forum’s foodbank. It follows the Trust’s recent donations to food banks across the city at the start of the lockdown, and the charity’s generous donation of £4,000 to Voluntary Action Sheffield. Sheffield City Trust chief executive, Andrew Snelling, said: “We’re delighted that, in the face of a national crisis, we’re still able to make a big difference. “This is just one example of the many things we do to support the city and I always feel proud of the impact that


we have in Sheffield. We’re a charity run by Sheffielders for Sheffielders and we will continue to look for ways we can make a difference to the city.” As well as offering their support to foodbanks, the charity has been working closely with both the council and NHS – donating over 7,000 items of PPE and nine defibrillators to local hospitals. In addition to this, the car park at the FlyDSA Arena Sheffield is being used as a blood testing site for non-Covid patients. Sheffield City Trust manage a number venues across the city, including the FlyDSA Arena and Ponds Forge International Sports Centre.








We are currently taking online bookings for up to 30 people with deposits not required until we are open for business as usual*

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w w w. n a p o l e o n s - c a s i n o s . c o . u k / S H E F F I E L D Terms and conditions apply to all offers and promotions. *The reservations team will be in touch once we reopen for business to confirm your booking and deposit payment. ** Members only. Birthdays which fall during the lockdown period from and including 01.03.2020 will be honoured on a date of your choice before 30th November when the premises re-open (not available on special dinner or event nights). Offer only available on pre-booked Dine in Style packages and ‘free birthday meal’ must be mentioned at the time of booking. Sides and supplements chargeable. Birthdays during December will be honoured in January. Offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer or promotion. 18+


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