1 minute read
New Books!
Water for the People is an anthology of 25 essays, poems, and other works celebrating acequia culture, use, and history.
Edited by Drs. José Rivera and Enrique Lamadrid, this collection features the voices of worldrenowned acequia scholars and community members alike.
TC930 .W38 2023
A Monthly Guide to Growing a Sensational Garden in Northern New Mexico and the Rocky Mountains will help you plan and grow a successful garden in the challenging conditions of the Intermountain West, offering tips for enjoying your garden year-round.
SB453 .F573 2023
Intersession and Summer Semester Hours 2023
Beginning May 15, 2023
Monday — Friday 8 AM to 5 PM
Hours subject to change. We thank you for your patience!
24/7 ACCESS: taoslibrary.unm.edu
Facebook.com/UNM.TaosLibrary instagram.com/unmtaoslibrary

In the debut graphic memoir In Limbo, South Korean immigrant Deborah grapples with her feelings of otherness. But, even when faced with serious mental health issues, Deb is resilient and slowly heals with the help of art and self-care, guiding her to a deeper understanding of her heritage and herself.

PN6727.L3798 Z46 2023
In Wide-Open Desert, Jordan Biro Walters explores the experiences of LGBTQ New Mexicans and examines how their self-expression, political engagement, and race relations transformed American notions of political identity over the course of the twentieth century.
HQ73.3.U6 B58 2023
Contact Us
575.737.6242 unmtlib@unm.edu
Kathleen Knoth Library Director kathk@unm.edu
David Mansfield Assistant Librarian dmansfield@unm.edu
Kayla Platoff Library Info Specialist 3 kplatoff1@unm.edu