Lexicon of Retreat

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Agoraphobia Agorafobi

A fear of being outside or otherwise being in a situation from which one either cannot escape or from which escaping would be difficult

Algorithm Algoritma

“The Pentagon is discussing the possibility of replacing human drone operators with computer algorithms, especially for ‘signature strikes’ where unknown targets are killed simply because they meet certain criteria.” [Source: Annabelle Quince, “Future of drone strikes”, ABC Radio National, May 21, 2013, http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/ programs/rearvision/drones/4703792] OBSERVATIONS “The soldiers observe the environment from afar. Slowly they find ways to decode and categorize local behavior and movement of people in space. This act of observation becomes increasingly detailed. Every interaction is drawn and marked on maps. Movements are documented in relation to time and space: in the morning the kids go to school and adults go to work; they go to the mosque; here we notice a neighbor visiting, now shopping; a wedding party takes place; and so on. The sum of possible interactions in space and time is coded and classified. Together it helps create a dynamic matrix of the conduct and interaction of a civic environment. It also helps distinguish activities that are out of the ordinary; considered a threat. However, the process is too dangerous, emotionally involved, and costly. It leads to growing resistance from the side of the local population that doesn’t want to accept the change and control imposed

on them by force. It leads to many casualties not just locally but also for the coalition forces. An alternative to the COIN doctrine had to be found…. The real-time information that was collected from a real civic environment, assembled and classified by a computerized system doesn’t stand on its own. It is mixed with another system called ‘the disposition matrix’: a single, evolving database in which biographies, locations, known associates, and affiliated organizations are catalogued. In a way you could say it catalogues the civic. This database is assembled and edited by bureaucrats from the White House. [Source: Malkit Shoshan “In the Name of Peace: Another Civic, An Other Law”, Volume 38, January 2014, 89 — 93] — See also “Network Density”

Social Network Analysis diagrams

Anthropocene Antroposen

“We are barreling into the Anthropocene, the sixth mass extinction in the history of the planet. A recent study published in the journal Science concluded that the world’s species are disappearing as much as 1,000 times faster than the rate at which species naturally go extinct. It’s a one-two punch — on top of the ecosystems we’ve broken, extreme weather from a changing climate causes even more damage. By 2100, researchers say, one-third to one-half of all Earth’s species could be wiped out” [Source: Jim Robbins, “Building an Ark for the Anthropocene”, The New York Times, September 27, 2014, http://www.nytimes.com/2014/ 09/28/sunday-review/building-an-ark-for-the-anthropocene.html?_r=0] — See also “Refugia”

Anticipatory Anxiety Beklentisel Kaygı

“A Pakistani psychiatrist, who has treated patients presenting symptoms he attributed to experience with or fear of drones, explained that pervasive worry about future trauma is emblematic of ‘anticipatory anxiety’, common in conflict zones. He explained that the Waziris he has treated...are constantly worrying, ‘“when is the next drone attack going to happen?” When they hear drone sounds, they run around looking for shelter.’ Another mental health professional who works with drone victims concluded that his patients’ stress symptoms are largely attributable to their belief that ‘[t]hey could be attacked at any time’” [Source: Interview with Sulayman Afraz and Ateeq Razzaq, in Pakistan, 2012, in “Living Under Drones”, part of the Stanford International Human Rights & Conflict Resolution Clinics, accessed October 4, 2014, http://www.livingunderdrones.org/living-under-drones/#_ftn208] — See also “Algorithm”, “Escape”, “Fear”, “Hermit”, and “PTSD”

Augmented Reality Artırılmış Gerçeklik

Augmented Reality demonstration on the Retreat exhibition. To access extra content during the exhibition:

1. Download the Aurasma app (iOS and Android). 2. Search and follow the Retreat channel. 3. Point to the images marked with the mobile icon to access the additional features.

Autarkic Habitat Otarşik Habitat

A self-sufficient economy that does not trade with the outside world — See also “Home”, and “Hermit”

Avoidance Sakınma

“In avoidance, we simply find ways of avoiding having to face uncomfortable situations, things or activities.... Avoidance may include removing oneself physically from a situation. It may also involve finding ways not to discuss or even think about the topic in question” [Source: “Avoidance”, ChangingMinds.org, accessed October 4, 2014, http://changingminds.org/explanations/behaviors/coping/avoidance.html] — See also “Demography” and “Target”


Beat Generation Beat Kuşağı

“The Beat Generation....saw runaway capitalism as destructive to the human spirit and antithetical to social equality. In addition to their dissatisfaction with consumer culture, the Beats railed against the stifling prudery of their parents’ generation. The taboos against frank discussions of sexuality were seen as unhealthy and possibly damaging to the psyche. In the world of literature and art, the Beats stood in opposition to the clean, almost antiseptic formalism of the early twentieth century Modernists” [Source: “The Beat Generation”, The Literature Network, accessed October 14, 2014, http://www.online-literature.com/periods/beat.php] — See also “Hippies”

B.O.B. AADÇ – Afet ve Acil Durum Çantası

Red Cross ‘ready to go’ preparedness kit

Survivalist terminology: “Bug out bag”

B.O.L. ATY – Afet Toplanma Yeri

Survivalist terminology: “Bug-out location” for a place of retreat


Camouflage Kamuflaj

“In the insect world things are often not what they seem, especially if you’re a hungry predator. For 250 million years, insects have survived because they often appear to be something other than what they really are. Is it a bug, a twig, or a leaf? Is that butterfly the bitter-tasting one, or the delicious one that resembles it? An astonishing number of insects have evolved survival mechanisms that involve mimicry, camouflage, and disguise.... When an insect happens to blend in with its environment, it’s called camouflage. Like mimicry, camouflage can be ‘protective,’ to avoid the attention of predators, or ‘aggressive,’ to allay suspicion while the predator attacks its prey. The praying mantis that has evolved a flat, triangular shape and coloring just like the leaves it sits on is extremely hard to detect. In camouflage, the shape and outline of the animal merge with the background so it’s not recognizable. Similar to camouflage is disguise, in which the entire insect looks like a specific object, like a leaf or a twig that predators overlook. For these strategies to work, the animal must stay in a particular position for hours at a time, like moths that are active at night and rest by day, sitting motionless on the tree trunks into which they blend. Some creatures even change color to blend with new surroundings, like the crab spider that changes from white to yellow when it moves from daisies to goldenrod in the summer. With this in mind, it’s certain that the forests and fields are alive with thousands of insects we never see — but might, if we

knew what to look for.” [Source: evolution library. PBS] — See also “Faraday”, “Mask”, “Sabotage the System”, and “Stealth”

Peacocks in the woods Abbott Thayer

ADAPTIVE MATERIAL “Cephalopods, which include octopuses, squid, and cuttlefish, are among nature’s most skillful camouflage artists, able to change both the color and texture of their skin within seconds to blend into their surroundings — a capability that engineers have long struggled to duplicate in synthetic materials. Now a team of researchers has come closer than ever to achieving that goal, creating a flexible material that can change its color or fluorescence and its texture at the same time, on demand, by remote control.” [Source: David L. Chandler, “How to hide like an octopus”, MIT News, September 16, 2014, https://newsoffice.mit.edu/2014/materialchanges-color-texture-octopus-0916]

Camp Kamp

“The relief and the exhaustion were palpable. Dust from the desert through which they’d travelled to seek sanctuary still clung to their clothes. And they were the lucky ones — the ones who had just arrived in Zaatari refugee camp in Jordan. Eight miles south of the Syrian border, the camp is distant enough to be safe but close enough to still hear the sounds of shelling between Bashar al-Assad’s government forces and the Free Syrian Army (FSA). It is a constant reminder of the reason they left and what awaits them if they return.” [Source: Nicholas Petche, “A desert haven for 120,000 Syrian refugees fleeing the raging conflict”, Yahoo News UK, November 6, 2013, https://uk.news.yahoo.com/ zaatari-refugee-camp-syria-170358067. html#ouBeik4] — See also “Escape”

Flicker, Bidna Capoeira

CAMP TAYLOR — See also “Hippie”

Cave l Mağara l

COOBER PEDY Coober Pedy is a small underground town in Australia. — See also “Colony”, “Tunnel”, and “Underground”

PREHISTORIC CAVE “One hundred million years ago, our beautiful Carmel mountain range was only flat land covered by a shallow sea. Over time the waters receded and the ground rose up to form the Carmel Mountains. Little by little, water dissolved the hills’ soft stone, forming cracks in the rock that slowly widened into large caves. When an entrance to the cave opened up as well, the caves became excellent shelter for early man.” [Source: Aviva and Shmuel Bar-Am, “Finding Man: Visit Israel’s prehistoric caves”, The Times of Israel, December 21, 2013, http:// www.timesofisrael.com/finding-man-israelsprehistoric-caves/]

Flicker, Coober Pedy Catholic Church, Michael

Flicker, Coober Pedy Cave, Michael Flicker, Gil Eilam

Cave ll Mağara ll

TORA BORA “Osama bin Laden met his death in his house in Abbottabad, where he had relocated permanently in order to lead a secluded family life. On the FBI’s “Ten Most Wanted Fugitives” list since 1999, bin Laden moved periodically, leaving little trace of his elusive existence. In 2001, after the 9/11 attacks, the US military hunted for him unsuccessfully in the caves of Tora Bora, Afghanistan. Plans of his supposed hideout were published in the Western press, capturing the public’s imagination. The axonometric cutaway of a 4,000 metre mountain revealed a labyrinthine arrangement of perfectly level bedrooms, armories, and meeting rooms connected via standard stairways and roadways, equipped with a sophisticated ventilation system, and powered by a hydroelectric plant. Yet the eight-level cave-fortress turned out to be simply a complex of natural caves used as unpolished bunkers. Locating bin Laden’s whereabouts soon became not only a priority for US intelligence agencies but also the subject of artistic and ideological practice.” [Source: Marina Otero Verzier, “You Can Run But You Cannot Hide”, SQM: The Quantified Home (Zürich: Lars Müller Publishers GmbH, 2014), 166] — See also “Alegory of the Cave”

Recreations of the caves in Tora Bora where Obama may have stayed

“Caveman” by Thomas Hirschhorn

Cave lll Mağara lll

ALEGORY OF THE CAVE Socrates- Glaucon “And now, I said, let me show in a figure how far our nature is enlightened or unenlightened: — Behold! human beings living in a underground den, which has a mouth open towards the light and reaching all along the den; here they have been from their childhood, and have their legs and necks chained so that they cannot move, and can only see before them, being prevented by the chains from turning round their heads. Above and behind them a fire is blazing at a distance, and between the fire and the prisoners there is a raised way; and you will see, if you look, a low wall built along the way, like the screen which marionette players have in front of them, over which they show the puppets.” [Source: Plato,

“The Allegory of the Cave” in The Republic, Book VII, Translated by Benjamin Jowett, (Auckland, New Zealand: The Floating Press, 1892.,2009)], 469, 470, 471]

Plato, “The Allegory of the Cave”

Change Değişim

PETITION AGAINST TARGETED KILLING “The continued use of unmanned drones to carry out missile attacks against suspected terrorists is a clear violation of international law and directly violates the sovereignty of these nations. Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia..... The U.S. is not at war with these countries, yet conducts air strikes in its [sic] territory on a near daily basis. Individuals are targeted for killing without any due process of law or attempts to detain. WIth [sic] every strike made estimates are that 50 innocent civilians are also either killed or injured, including women and children. I say estimates, as to date there has been no transparency from the U.S government on exact figures. In fact all real data and details of Drone operations are classified as top secret, and your administration officials have refused to make public even the much-disputed legal opinions underpinning it [sic]..... I wonder how the U.S government would feel if situations were reversed and every few days 50 innocent American citizens were killed by un-authorised drone strikes from a foreign power...? My guess is it would be considered an act of war.... The simple truth is that through this ‘counterterrorism’ strategy you are only fuelling and creating future terrorists.... Hatred for the U.S rises with every innocent child blown to pieces by this heinous and indiscriminate act of government terrorism. It is tantamount to mass murder, plain and simple....

This program should be immediately STOPPED, and apologies made to the families whose lives have been ripped apart by your actions...” [Source: Ben Martin, “No More Drone Strikes”, a petition to Leon E Panetta on Change.org, accessed October 4, 2014, https://www.change.org/p/no-more-dronestrikes] PETITION AGAINST MASS SURVEILLANCE “We, the citizens, are aware that we are now the targets of mass surveillance. Our fundamental rights are being violated. We demand that a Committee of Investigation is created by the European Parliament to provide information on recent scandals surrounding the mass surveillance of EU citizens. We demand a prohibition on the transfer of user data from EU citizens to foreign intelligence services. This prohibition should also apply to the wholesale spying on citizens of member states by other member states. We demand that the EU initiate an international agreement on surveillance disarmament as well as legal protection to whistleblowers across Europe. This will ensure that future violations of fundamental rights can be brought to light and treated correctly in the future.” [Source: Anke Domscheit-Berg, “Stop mass surveillance, protect our data and our whistleblowers!”, a petition to Martin Schulz on Change. org, accessed October 14, 2014, http:// www.change.org/p/eu-parliament-and-eucommission-stop-mass-surveillance-protectour-data-and-our-whistleblowers] — See also “Escape”, and “Drone”

Civil Engineering İnşaat Mühendisliği

— See “Reconstruction”

Colony Koloni

AMANA COLONIES “The history of the Amana Colonies, a National Historic Landmark and one of America’s longest-lived communal societies, begins in 1714 in the villages of Germany and continues today on the Iowa prairie. In turbulent 18th century Germany in the midst of a religious movement called Pietism, two men, Eberhard L. Gruber and Johann F. Rock, advocated faith renewal through reflection, prayer and Bible study. Their belief, one shared by many other Pietists, was that God, through the Holy Spirit, may inspire individuals to speak. This gift of inspiration, or prophecy, was the basis for a religious group that began meeting in 1714 and became known as the Community of True Inspiration. Though the Inspirationists sought to avoid conflict, they were persecuted for their beliefs. Eventually the Inspirationists

found refuge in central Germany settling in several estates, including the 13th century Ronneburg castle.” [Source: “The History of the Amana Colonies”, Amana Colonies, accessed October 4, 2014, http://amanacolonies.com/pages/ about-amana-colonies/history.php]

Amana Colonies Sign

Colophon Aitdir

Retreat lexicon by Ethel Baraona, Malkit Shoshan and Marina Otero Design by Numa-Merino Copy edition by Jacob Moore Augmented Reality features in this lexicon. AR interactions developed by dpr-barcelona AR technology powered by Aurasma | Channel: Retreat

Commune l Komün l

DROP CITY “Drop City was founded in a ‘goat pasture’ near Trinidad, Colorado, on May 3, 1965, as one commentator noted ‘even before the world “hippie”’ was coined. Nevertheless, the commune soon became emblematic of this aspect of the American counterculture.... Drop City’s fate, as we shall see, was tied to its capacity to signify an alternative to existing social structures. And it would soon play a role in the exodus of urban hippies to rural sites in the West and Southwest.... Variously called a pilgrimage site, ‘decompression chamber,’ or ‘way-station,’ Drop City opened its doors — if indeed it had any — not only to hippies trying to reach even further ‘outside the established system,’ but also to disenfranchised youths attempting to escape the ‘rigid and oppresive’ lifestyle of their parent’s generation.” [Source: Felicity D. Scott, “Revolutionaries or Dropouts”, in Architecture or Techno-Utopia: Politics After Modernism (Cambridge: MIT Press, 2007), 157, 160]

HIPPIES “One sociologist calls them ‘the Freudian proletariat.’ Another observer sees them as ‘expatriates living on our shores but beyond our society.’ Historian Arnold Toynbee describes them as ‘a red warning light for the American way of life.’ For California’s Bishop James Pike, they evoke the early Christians: ‘There is something about the temper and quality of these people, a gentleness, a quietness, an interest — something good.’ To their deeply worried parents throughout the country, they seem more like dangerously deluded dropouts, candidates for a very sound spanking and a cram course in civics — if only they would return....” [Source: “Youth: The Hippies”, Time, Vol. 90, Issue 1, July 7 1967, 22] — See also “Beat Generation”, “LSD Trip”, and “Escape”

Haight Ashbury, San Francisco

Drop City’

Commune ll Komün ll

LAMMAS ECO VILLAGE “The Lammas project has been created to pioneer an alternative model for living on the land. It empowers people to explore what it is to live a low-impact lifestyle. It demonstrates that alternatives are possible here and now. [Source: “Welcome to Lammas”, Lammas, accessed October 4, 2014, http://lammas.org.uk] MONTE VERITÀ “From 1900 onwards Mount Monescia above Ascona became a pole of attraction for those seeking an ‘‘alternative’’ life. These reformers who sought a third way between the capitalist and communist blocks, eventually found a home in the region of the north Italian lakes… Their social organisation based on the co-operative system and through which they strove to achieve the emancipation of women, self-criticism, new ways of cultivating mind and spirit and the unity of body and soul , can at the best be described as a Christian-communist community. The intensity of the single ideals fused in this community was such that word of it soon spread across the whole of Europe and overseas, whilst gradually over the years the community itself became a sanatorium frequented by theosophists, reformers, anarchists, communists, artists and finally emigrants of both world wars.” [Source: Harald Szeemann, “Monte Verit.: “The place where our minds can reach up to the heavens...”, Monteverit.., accessed October 7, 2014, http://monteverita.org] — See also “Cave: Coober Peddy” and “Eco Village”

Lebensreform Monte Verità

WANDERVOGEL “Beginning in Germany during the early 1900s, the Wandervogel — literally, wandering birds — rejected the onset of the materialist, consumerist, mass-production society in favor of researching folklore and tramping around the countryside. After the First World War, the Wandervogel split into many different groups and factions, ranging from the proto-hippies of the Ascona commune to the proto-fascist White Knights. After the Great Crash of 1929, Germany’s economy went into meltdown and — just like today — youths were disproportionately hit: Half a million adolescents wandered round the country in hopeless vagabondage. [Source: Jon Savage and Johnny Ryan, “Remembering the Wandervogel”, Vice, February 28, 2011, http://www.vice.com/read/ remembering-the-wandervogel-728-v18n3]

Community Toplum

LIVING UNDER DRONES “In the United States, the dominant narrative about the use of drones in Pakistan is of a surgically precise and effective tool that makes the US safer by enabling “targeted killing” of terrorists, with minimal downsides or collateral impacts.

Trauma to Civilians from US Drone practices in Pakistan, (2012), http://www.livingunderdrones.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/ Stanford-NYU-Living-Under-Drones.pdf] — See also “Algorithm”, “Fear”, and “Will I Be Next?”

This narrative is false. Following nine months of intensive research — including two investigations in Pakistan, more than 130 interviews with victims, witnesses, and experts, and review of thousands of pages of documentation and media reporting — this report presents evidence of the damaging and counterproductive effects of current US drone strike policies. Real threats to US security and to Pakistani civilians exist in the Pakistani border areas now targeted by drones. It is crucial that the US be able to protect itself from terrorist threats, and that the great harm caused by terrorists to Pakistani civilians be addressed. However, in light of significant evidence of harmful impacts to Pakistani civilians and to US interests, current policies to address terrorism through targeted killings and drone strikes must be carefully re-evaluated. [Source: International Human Rights and Conflict Resolution Clinic at Stanford Law School and Global Justice Clinic at NYU School of Law, Living under Drones: Death, Injury, and

Afrotec 2020, Wired

Young Pioneers Defense, by Viktor Bulla

Community Shelter Living Topluluk Shelter Yaşam

“During the period of shelter occupancy it is anticipated, based on extensive tests, that most people will be unhappy but normal. There may, however, be people who will be uncertain and disturbed. This condition may be brought on by the unfamiliarity of shelter living or by fear for the safety of missing relatives and friends. Abnormal or disturbed behavior will vary from individual to individual in this group. Some may appear unusually excited. A few may exhibit only a slight nervous mannerism or tic. All these problems were met andsurmounted during the war by the occupants of shelters in London, Berlin, Tokyo, and elsewhere. People under tension often need a chance to talk. They need simple tasks to take their minds off their experience and to give them a chance to get back their selfpossession. If they receive no care, however, they may become a serious burden to the shelter community. Therefore, fellow shelter occupants should try to talk calmly and quietly to them, to establish sympathetic contact and, once contact has been made, to help them take part in some simple, helpful activity. Serious cases should, as soon as possible, be referred to trained staff workers. Generally, a layman should never try to administer sedatives or use physical force on emotionally disturbed people. Such people may even be harmed by shouts or slaps intended to ‘snap them out of it.’ These

four general principles should be borne in mind: (1) It is everyone’s right to have his own feeling. (He must not be blamed for his upset.) (2) A person’s limitations are real; they should be recognized and accepted. (3) The possibilities for an individual’s recovery and usefulness should be estimated. (4) Every person should accept his own limitations as a helper.” [Source: United States Department of Defense, Office of Civil Defense, “Personal And Family Survival, Civil Defense Adult Education Course, Student Manual”, Supersedes SM-3-11 “Personal Preparedness In The Nuclear Age”, August 1961, accessed via Drexel University on October 8, 2014, http://www.pages.drexel. edu/~ina22/+301/$301-text-Personal_and_ Family_Survival.html] — See also “Hideout”, “Home”, and “Disposition Matrix”

Shelters Israel, Ynet

Compound Yerleşke

ARCHITECTURES of the OSAMA BIN LADEN COMPOUND “In these multiple architectures of bin Laden’s compound, the limits between fiction and non-fiction are continuously contested and renegotiated. While an architectural representation could make an inaccurate historical account appear as truth, it might also shed light onto the mechanisms by which the state manages and controls the creation and circulation of information — and ultimately what ‘we’ ‘see.’…. [Source: Marina Otero, “Bodies in Custody”, dprbarcelona, May 15, 2014, http://dprbcn. wordpress.com/2014/05/15/bodies-incustody-marina-otero/] OSAMA BIN LADEN COMPOUND “The house where OBL and his family stayed for almost six years was hardly normal. It was isolated, large, with very high walls and barbed wire. It was very peculiarly designed. It was actually designed for four separate families. In places the walls were 18 feet high. The house had a most unusual 7 foot screen wall on the top floor. There were no visitors, no coming and going of cars, no TV cable, and no telephone connections, no rubbish collection, none of the children went to school. There were no security guards for a house designed for security. None of this served to attract any notice from our intelligence, security and military personnel for almost 6 years. But it took the CIA almost no time to conclude that the house was probably a hideout for a HVT.” [Source: Pakistani Government,

“Abbottabad Commision Report”, leaked by Al Jazeera, July 8, 2013, http:// www.aljazeera.com/indepth/spotlight/ binladenfiles/2013/07/2013781439278 22246.html, XX] SLAB CITY “Slab City (formerly a World War 2, USMC Artillery Training Base), is located a few miles outside of Niland, California. The base, which closed in 1946 is about 120 feet below sea level, in the desert near Salton Sea. The buildings were torn down and only the cement slabs were left behind. Through the years people starting living here either full-time or on a seasonal basis. There are exactly ZERO utilities here. That means no water, electricity, and no plumbing. The people living here are mostly artistic, counter culture, crazy, or eccentric.” [Source: Patrick Tillett, “Slab City”, February 28, 2012, accessed October 6, 2014, http://patricktillett.blogspot. com/2012_02_01_archive.html] — See also “Commune”

Slab city, viewed from above


Data Mining Veri Madenciliği

Homeland Surveillance by Occupy

“An increasing number of people are worried about the way in which our data is being mined by governments and corporations.... [Evgeny Morozov] argued that this trend poses a serious threat to democracy, one that should be resisted through political activism and ‘sabotage’” [Source: John Danaher, “Rule by Algorithm? Big Data and the Threat of Algocracy”, January 6, 2014, accessed October 6, 2014, http://philosophicaldisquisitions.blogspot. com/2014/01/rule-by-algorithm-big-data-and-threat.html] — See also “PRISM”, “Invisible Barbed Wire”, “Threat”, and “Sabotage the system”

Darkness Karanlık

“Wandering stars, for whom it is reserved The blackness of darkness forever Wandering stars, for whom it is reserved The blackness of darkness forever...” [Source: Portishead, “Wandering Star”, Dummy, Go! Discs, 1994] — See also “Cave”, “Tunnel”, and “Underground”

Delirium Hezeyan

Operation Delirium / Stills from “The Longest Weekend”/Us Army Chemical Research & Development Laboratories

— See also “Escape”

Disguise Gizlenmek

— See “Camouflage”, “Escape”, “Faraday”, “Mask”, “NSA”, and “Panopticon”

Disposition Matrix Eğilim Matrisi

“As civic spaces become associated with drones and thus with threat, it generates an intense fear not just from the drone itself, but from all that it targets, among other things architecture and the built environment. Frightened individuals find escape in nature. They leave their homes and families and start leading a life of solitude out in the wild, far away from culture and far from the matrix of disposition” [Source: Malkit Shoshan “In the Name of Peace: Another Civic, An Other Law”, Volume 38, January 2014, 89 — 93] — See also “Algorithm”, “Fear”, “Lexicon of Retreat”, “Manifest”, “PTSD”, and “Sleep”

Dream Rüya

Jan Švankmajer’s Alice in Wonderland

“… Is all that we see or seem But a dream within a dream?” [Source: Edgar Allan Poe, 1849. Poem: A dream within a dream] — See “Escape”

Drone İnsansız Hava Aracı (İHA)

DRONE PRIMER “With the onset of the drone era, individual expectations of privacy now have to accommodate the fact that the aerial perspective is a public perspective. If we don’t want people to see into our backyards or greenhouses, then we need to cover them with a roof, just as we should draw the curtain on a window if we don’t want those on the street to see what we’re doing inside.” [Source: Dan Gettinger, Arthur Holland Michel, Alex Pasternack, Jason Koebler, Shawn Musgrave, Jared Rankin, “The Drone Primer”, Center for the Study of the Drone, Bard College, 2014, 25] DRONE SURVIVAL GUIDE

Drone Survival Guide By Ruben Pater

MICRO-DRONE “A new trend in the MAV community is to take inspiration from flying insects or birds to achieve unprecedented flight capabilities. Biological systems are not only interesting to MAV engineers for their use of unsteady aerodynamics with flapping wings; they are

increasingly inspiring engineers for other aspects such as distributed sensing and acting, sensor fusion and information processing. Various symposia bringing together biologists and aerial roboticists have been held with increasing frequency since 2000 and some books have recently been published on this topic.” [Source: “Micro air vehicle”, Wikipedia, accessed October 6, 2014, http:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Micro_air_vehicle] UAVS “In time, drones become smaller, faster, and better accessorized. They can fly alone or in swarms. They are not as expensive, or as big. They are adaptable and can be used utilised differently, from surveillance to monitoring agricultural fields, and wild-life poaching; from carrying bombs, to delivering books and pizza; from targeting and killing individuals to providing medical and first aid assistance. Drone technology moves almost seamlessly from military to civic use - from the battlefield, to policing, to Smart Cities and to Adhocracy.” [Source: The Drone Salon, Seminar introduction text by Malkit Shoshan HNI] — See also “Escape”, “Disposition Matrix”, “Fear”, “Hellfire”, “Panopticon”, and “Surveillance”

Drone, Flicker, Tracywoolery

“Drones and Honeycombs” by FAST


Earthship Geri dönüştürülmüş malzemeler kullanarak inşa edilen çevre dostu ev

“The ability to live completely off the grid is now a reality courtesy of solar homes, known as Earthships. The U-shaped buildings utilize local resources such as the sun and are made entirely of natural and recycled materials. The future of city living may be to not need the city at all” [Source: Meera Senthilingam, “Earthships, New Mexico: The sustainable, cozy homes made with old junk”, CNN, September 26, 2014, http://www.cnn.com/2014/09/26/living/earthships-new-mexico/]

Ecophobia Ev Korkusu

The fear of returning home — See also “Living Under Drones” and “Oikophobia”

Escape Kaçış

EMBASSY HALLUCINATION LSD TRIP “but, basically, most bad trips are caused by the individual being trained and poisoned beforehand by society itself. if a man is worried about rent, car payments, timeclocks, a college education for his child, a 12-dollar dinner for his girlfriend, the opinion of his neighbor, standing up for the flag or what is going to happen to Brenda Starr, an lsd tablet will most probably drive him mad because, in a sense, he is already insane and only borne along social tides by the outward bars and dull hammers that render him insensible to any individualistic thinking. a trip calls for a man who has not yet been caged, who has not yet been fucked by the big Fear that makes all society go. unfortunately, most men overestimate their worthiness as basic and free individuals, and it is the mistake of the hippie generation not to trust anybody over 30. 30 doesn’t mean a damn thing. most beings are captured and trained, totally, by the age of 7 or 8. many of the young LOOK free but this is only a chemical thing of body and energy and not a realistic thing of spirit. I have met free men in the strangest of places and at ALL ages — as janitors, car thieves, car washers, and some free women too — mostly as nurses or waitresses, and at ALL ages. the free soul is rare, but you know it when you see it — basically because you feel good, very good,

when you are near or with them. an lsd trip will show you things which no rules cover. It will show you things not in textbooks and things which you cannot protest to your city councilman about. grass only makes the present society more bearable; lsd is another society within itself.” [Source: Charles Bukowski, Erections, Ejaculations, Exhibitions and General Tales of Ordinary Madness, (San Francisco, CA: City Light Books, 1972), 440, 441] EXILE SNOWDEN “Snowden is careful about what’s known in the intelligence world as operational security. As we sit down, he removes the battery from his cell phone. I left my iPhone back at my hotel. Snowden’s handlers repeatedly warned me that, even switched off, a cell phone can easily be turned into an NSA microphone. Knowledge of the agency’s trick is one of the ways that Snowden has managed to stay free. Another is by avoiding areas frequented by Americans and other Westerners. Nevertheless, when he’s put in public at, say, a computer store, Russians occasionally recognize him, ‘Shh,’ Snowden tells them, smiling, putting a finger to his lips.” [Source: James Bamford, “The Most Wanted Man in the World” Wired, August 22, 2014, http://www. wired.com/2014/08/edward-snowden/] TRIP — See “No Escape”


Fallout Shelters Araları Açılmak Barınakları

FALLOUT SHELTERS “If the ‘take cover’ signal is given, no person should pause to collect scattered belongings or unnecessary items. Hesitation will consume valuable time which may be needed in order to reach a shelter safely. In addition, it is probable that most space in a shelter will be required for the occupants and essential shelter stocks. There will be little room for personal possessions other than special medicines, drugs or specific items requested by local Civil Defense authorities. When an individual reaches shelter, some staff members may already be present. They will probably assign people a place to sleep and to receive rations. Although shelter occupants may at first be worried and shocked over the attack, everyone must be prepared to keep himself emotionally in check. It will help to keep occupied, and several tasks important to the health and safety of the shelter group will probably need immediate action. For example, the shelter staff may need assistance with new arrivals or the immediate needs of a person’s own family may require attention. A thoughtful and cooperative attitude will be a vital asset.

Early in the shelter stay, each person will be asked to fill out a registration form giving his name, address, relationship to other members of his family, special skills, disabilities or illnesses, and locations, if known, of family members elsewhere. All occupants will provide such records. Children and invalids will have these forms filled out by relatives or staff members. The form will provide for an individual’s statement of preference for an in-shelter responsibility or duty. Efforts will be made to assign duties according to abilities and preferences. It is quite possible that the community’s Civil Defense program will encourage people to bring certain items, such as blankets, into the shelter. If so, these items may have to be shared with others who did not have the time or opportunity to obtain them.” [Source: United States Department of Defense, Office of Civil Defense, “Personal And Family Survival, Civil Defense Adult Education Course, Student Manual”, Supersedes SM-3-11 “Personal Preparedness In The Nuclear Age”, August 1961, accessed via Drexel University on October 8, 2014, http://www.pages.drexel. edu/~ina22/+301/$301-text-Personal_and_ Family_Survival.html]

Faraday l Faraday l

FARADAY BAG Project materials: roll of thick aluminum foil. [Source: http://www.saysay.net/view23601. html, accessed October 7, 2014]

with press n’stick wrap (to insulate); 3. Place the solar panel on top; 4. Fold the wrapping over the panel and duct tape it closed.” [Source: “Making a Faraday Blanket”, Optimize Survival, accessed October 7, 2014, http://optimizesurvival.com/ making-a-faraday-blanket/] FARADAY CAGE “A Faraday cage (a.k.a. Faraday shield) is a sealed enclosure that has an electrically conductive outer layer. It can be in the shape of a box, cylinder, sphere, or any other closed shape. The enclosure itself can be conductive, or it can be made of a non-conductive material (such as cardboard or wood) and then wrapped in a conductive material (such as aluminum foil).

DIY Farady bag - origami Apply on aluminium foil

FARADAY BLANKET “Here is a description of a faraday ‘blanket’ that can be used to protect odd shaped objects. Basic requirements were: cheap, practical, easy to make, possible to re-use without needing replacement materials. Project materials: 50" x 50" piece of an old plastic drop sheet (6 mil think?); roll of aluminum foil; roll of duct tape; roll of press n’stick plastic wrap (like Saran wrap that clings to itself); scissors. Instructions: 1. Duct tape panels of aluminum foil onto the plastic sheet; 2. Line the foil

A Faraday cage works by three mechanisms: (1) the conductive layer reflects incoming fields, (2) the conductor absorbs incoming energy, and (3) the cage acts to create opposing fields. All of these work to safeguard the contents from excessive field levels. A Faraday cage is particularly useful for protecting against an electromagnetic pulse that may be the result of a high-altitude nuclear detonation in the atmosphere (a.k.a. EMP attacks).” [Source: Arthur Bradley, “Introduction to Faraday Cages”, The Survivalist Blog, accessed October 7, 2014, http://www. thesurvivalistblog.net/build-your-ownfaraday-cage-heres-how/]

Faraday ll Faraday ll


FARADAY HAT Project materials: roll of thick aluminum foil. [Source: http://www.saysay.net/view23727. html, accessed October 7, 2014]

Light Duty Faraday Canopy

FARADAY CAFE “A Canadian artist has teamed up with an architecture firm in Vancouver to build the Faraday Café, which blocks all electromagnetic radiation from entering. The walls of the café form a Faraday cage — an enclosure formed of a mesh of conducting material, which blocks electric fields by mirroring that field across its surface, canceling it out. It’s commonly used to protect electronic equipment from lightning strikes.” [Source: Ducan Geer, “Your phone won’t work inside the Faraday Café” Wired UK, July 15, 2014, http://www.wired.co.uk/ news/archive/2014-07/15/faraday]

Faraday Hat


Faraday Tent, by Sarah van Sonsbeeck

Farnham’s Freehold Farnham’ın Mülkü

Cover Farnham’s Freehold by Robert A. Heinlein (Baen Books, 1964)

— See “Survivor”


“The drones were terrifying. From the ground, it is impossible to determine who or what they are tracking as they circle overhead. The buzz of a distant propeller is a constant reminder of imminent death...” [Source: David Rohde, “The Drone War”, Reuters Magazine, January 17, 2012, accessed October 7, 2014, http://www.reuters.com/article/ 2012/01/17/davos-reutersmagazine-dronewar-idAFL1E8CHCXX20120117] — See also “Anticipatory Anxiety”, “PTSD”, and “Scopophobia”

Fiction Kurgu

“‘Fiction is not just escape from reality but can produce an engaged withdrawal. Foucault commented on this quality in his own work, noting, ‘I am well aware that I have never written anything but fictions.’ And of fiction’s importance, he continued: ‘I do not mean to say, however that truth is therefore absent. It seems to me that the possibility exists for fiction to function in truth, for a fictional discourse to induce effects of truth, and for bringing it about that a true discourse engenders or manufactures something that does not as yet exist, that is, fictions it. One fictions history on the basis of a political reality that makes it true, one fictions a politics not yet in existence on the basis of a historical truth.’ Etienne Balibar

and Jacques Rancière have also recently turned to the political virtues of constructing fictions. For Balibar this revolves around the need to identify through experimentation and experience ‘places of fiction’ for political life in the face of the foreclosure of notions of utopia. For Ranciere, likewise, fiction offers a space of projection that is less utopian than virtual. As he explains, ‘Politics and art, like forms of knowledge, construct “fiction”, that is to say material rearrangements of signs and images, relationships between what is seen and what is said, between what is done and what can be done.’” [Source: Felicity D. Scott, Architecture or Technoutopia: Politics after Modernism, (Cambridge: MIT Press, 2007), 272]

Fortress Kale

“A citadel is rising on the banks of the Tigris. There, on the river’s western side, the United States is building the world’s largest embassy. The land beneath it was once a riverside park. What sits atop today is a massive, fortified compound. Encircled by blast walls and cut off from the rest of Baghdad, it stands out like the crusader castles that once dotted the landscape of the Middle East. Its size and scope bring into question whether it is even correct to call this facility an ‘embassy.’ Why is the United States building something so large, so expensive, and so disconnected from the realities of Iraq? In a country shattered by war, what is the meaning of this place? For security reasons, many details about the embassy’s design and construction must remain classified. But the broad outline of its layout says a lot about one of America’s most important architectural projects. Located in Baghdad’s 4-square-mile Green Zone, the embassy will occupy 104 acres. It will be six times larger than the U.N. complex in New York and more than 10 times the size of the new U.S. Embassy being built in Beijing, which at 10 acres is America’s secondlargest mission. The Baghdad compound will be entirely self-sufficient, with no need to

rely on the Iraqis for services of any kind. The embassy has its own electricity plant, fresh water and sewage treatment facilities, storage warehouses, and maintenance shops. The embassy is composed of more than 20 buildings, including six apartment complexes with 619 one-bedroom units. Two office blocks will accommodate about 1,000 employees. High-ranking diplomats will enjoy well-appointed private residences. Once inside the compound, Americans will have almost no reason to leave. It will have a shopping market, food court, movie theater, beauty salon, gymnasium, swimming pool, tennis courts, a school, and an American Club for social gatherings. To protect it all, the embassy is reportedly surrounded by a wall at least 9 feet high — and it has its own defense force. The U.S. Congress has appropriated $592 million for the embassy’s construction, though some estimates put the expected building costs much higher. Once built, it could cost as much as $1 billion a year to run.” [Source: Jane. C. Loeffler “Fortress America”, Foreign Policy, September 1, 2007, http://www. foreignpolicy.com/articles/2007/08/15/ fortress_america] — See also “Compound”, “Escape”, and “Faraday”


Gathering Toplanma

— See “Change”, and “Community”

Goblin Cüce Cin

“A criminal miscreant, coined (in the survivalist context) by Jeff Cooper” [Source: “Survivalism”, Wikipedia, accessed October 7, 2014, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Survivalism]


Hat Şapka

Origami Cowboy Hat

OSAMA BIN LADEN’S COWBOY HAT “When OBL moved about the Compound he wore a cowboy hat to avoid detection from above. He was concerned about the poplar trees in the perimeter of the Compound as they might provide cover for observers. He had thought of buying them to cut them down” [Source: Pakistani Government, “Abbottabad Commision Report”, leaked by Al Jazeera, July 8, 2013, http://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/spotlight/ binladenfiles/2013/07/201378143927822246.html, 41] — See also “Anonymous”, “Camouflage”, “Conceal”, “Faraday”, “Mask”, and “Origami”

Hellfire Cehennem Ateşi

Lockheed Martin Longbow Hellfire

“These missiles are very powerful. They destroy human beings.... There is nobody left and small pieces left behind. Pieces. Whatever is left is just little pieces of bodies and cloth” [Source: Interview with Firoz Ali Khan (anonymized name), Feb. 26, 2012, in “Living Under Drones”, part of the Stanford International Human Rights & Conflict Resolution Clinics, accessed October 7, 2014, http://www.livingunderdrones.org/living-under-drones/#_ftn288] — See also “Drone”, “Fear”, and “Home Attacks”

Hermit Münzevi

Hermit Saints Triptych by Hieronymous Bosch

— See “Escape”, and “Retreat”

Hermitage Zaviye

Medieval Hermitage

— See “YOYO”

Home I Ev I


Instagram, dronstagram

Home II Ev II


from his Sonos sound system: ‘Today’s forecast is …’ By the time he reaches for his mug of coffee — it began brewing automatically — that woman’s voice has morphed into an NPR broadcast, and Hawkinson is checking his phone, which will receive a text if his 4-year-old son runs out the front door before breakfast. Should Hawkinson open the liquor cabinet, intentionally or not, his house will object. ‘Isn’t it a wee bit early?’” [Source: Sam Frizell, “This Startup is Trying to Create — and Control — the Internet of Your Home”, Time, June 26, 2014, http://time. com/2926400/at-your-service/] — See also “Privacy”, and “Surveillance”

Origins of Architecture The Vitruvian Primitive Hut

SIMPLE LIVING SEE THROUGH — See “Escape”, and “Faraday” SMART HOME “As the 41-year-old father of two gets out of bed, the lights flicker on and the air temperature starts to warm. He walks down the stairs, and a Siri-like voice greets him

A Smarter Home


Incidents and Errors Olaylar ve Hatalar

“If I am walking in the market, I have this fear that maybe the person walking next to me is going to be a target of the drone. If I’m shopping, I’m really careful and scared. If I’m standing on the road and there is a car parked next to me, I never know if that is going to be the target. Maybe they will target the car in front of me or behind me. Even in mosques, if we’re praying, we’re worried that maybe one person who is standing with us praying is wanted. So, wherever we are, we have this fear of drones.” [Source: Interview with Safdar Dawar, President, Tribal Union of Journalists, in Islamabad, Pakistan, Feb. 29, 2012, in “Living Under Drones”, part of the Stanford International Human Rights & Conflict Resolution Clinics, accessed October 4, 2014, http://www.livingunderdrones.org/living-under-drones/#_ftn307] — See also “Algorithm”, “Anticipatory Anxiety”, “Fear” and “PTSD”

Independence Bağımsızlık

— See “YOYO”

Insanity Delilik

Introversion İçedönüklük

Invisible I Görünmez I

BARBED WIRE The way in which our data is being monitored and processed has been well documented. In brief, modern technology has made it possible for pretty much all of our movements, particularly those we make “online”, to be monitored, tracked, processed, and leveraged. We can do some of this leveraging ourselves — as do the proponents of self-experiments and members of the quantified self movement — by tracking our behaviour along various metrics and using this to improve our diets, increase our productivity and so forth. To many, this is a laudatory and valuable endeavour. The algorithms take over from the messy, human process of democratic decision-making. Citizens become beholden to them, unsure of how they work, but afraid to disregard their guidance. This creates a sort of prison of “invisible barbed wire” which constrains our intellectual and moral development,

as well as our lives more generally: The problem here is the construction of what I call “invisible barbed wire” around our intellectual and social lives. Big data, with its many interconnected databases that feed on information and algorithms of dubious provenance impose severe constraints on how we mature politically and socially…. The invisible barbed wire of big data limits our lives to a space that might look quiet and enticing enough, but is not of our own choosing and that we cannot rebuild or expand. The worst part is that we do not see it as such. Because we believe that we are free to go anywhere, the barbed wire remains invisible. [Source: John Danaher “Rule by Algorithm? Big Data and the Threat of Algocracy” http://philosophicaldisquisitions. blogspot.nl/2014/01/rule-by-algorithm-bigdata-and-threat.html] — See also, “Camouflage”, “Faraday”, and “Stealth”

Invisible II Görünmez II



Tree Hotel


Invisible Soldiers

Invisible Office


Justice Adalet



Kill List Kill List

“It is ‘a single, continually evolving database’ which includes ‘biographies, locations, known associates and affiliated organizations’ as well as ‘strategies for taking targets down, including extradition requests, capture operations and drone patrols.’ This analytical system that determines people’s ‘disposition’ will undoubtedly be kept completely secret.” [Source: Glen Greenwald, partially quoting Greg Miller, “Obama moves to make the War of Terror permanent”, The Guardian, October 24, 2012, http://www.theguardian.com/ commentisfree/2012/oct/24/obama-terrorism-kill-list] — See also “Algorithm”, “Probability” and “Disposition Matrix”

Known/ Unknown Malum/Meçhul

“Now what is the message there? The message is that there are no “knowns.” There are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say there are things that we now know we don’t know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we do not know we don’t know. So when we do the best we can and we pull all this information together, and we then say well that’s basically what we see as the situation, that is really only the known knowns and the known unknowns. And each year, we discover a few more of those unknown unknowns. It sounds like a riddle. It isn’t a riddle. It is a very serious,

important matter. There’s another way to phrase that and that is that the absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. It is basically saying the same thing in a different way. Simply because you do not have evidence that something exists does not mean that you have evidence that it doesn’t exist. And yet almost always, when we make our threat assessments, when we look at the world, we end up basing it on the first two pieces of that puzzle, rather than all three.” [Source: “Press Conference by US Secretary of Defence, Donald Rumsfeld”, North American Treaty Alliance, June 6, 2002, http://www. nato.int/docu/speech/2002/s020606g.htm]


Life in the Woods Ahşap Yaşam

Cover, Bradford Angier, How to Stay Alive in the Woods (London: Black Dog, 2001)

Live Off the Land in the City and Country Şehir ve ÜlkeLand Kapalı Canlı

Live Off the Land in the City and Country by Ragnar Benson

Lucifer’s Hammer Şeytanın Çekici

Cover, Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle, Lucifer’s Hammer (New York: Random House, 1985)


Malevil K覺yamet

Cover, Robert Merle, Malevil (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1972)

Manifesto Manifesto

— See “Retreat”

Mask Maske

ANONYMOUS “It was a new kind of hacker collective. ‘It’s not a group,’ Mikko Hypponen, a leading computer-security researcher, told me — rather, it could be thought of as a shapeshifting subculture. Barrett Brown, a Texas journalist and a well-known champion of Anonymous, has described it as ‘a series of relationships.’ There was no membership fee or initiation. Anyone who wanted to be a part of Anonymous — an Anon — could simply claim allegiance” [Source: David Kushner, “The Masked Avengers”, The New Yorker, September 8, 2014, http://www.newyorker. com/magazine/2014/09/08/masked-avengers]


Beyond the Body by Imme van der Haak


Anonymous Masks


Stealth Mask, The Sun

Matrix Matris

— See “Disposition Matrix”

Monastery Manastır

Mount Carmel’s Hermitage

— See “Hermitage”

Mountain daÄ&#x;

Scrublands by Antoine Bruy


Network Density Ağ Yoğunluğu

“Network density is a general indicator of how connected people are in the network. Network or global-level density is the proportion of ties in a network relative to the total number possible. An increase in network density indicates the likelihood that the insurgent group can conduct coordinated attacks. A decrease in network density means the group is reduced to fragmented or individual-level attacks. The illustration is an example of how tactics and activities can change based on network density. A well-executed Counter-insurgency eventually faces only low-network-density subgroups. This is because high networkdensity subgroups require only the capture of one highly connected insurgent to lead counterinsurgents to the rest of the group. While high-network-density groups are the most dangerous, they are also the easiest to defeat and disrupt.” [Source: Malkit Shoshan “In the Name of Peace: Another Civic, An Other Law”, Volume 38, January 2014, 89 — 93]

Three networks with different densities “Network density is a general indicator of how connected people are in the network. Network or global-level density is the proportion of ties in a network relative to the total number possible.” [Source: United States Army, U.S. Army Counterinsurgency Handbook (New York: Skyhorse, 2007), XX]

Coin (Counter Insurgency) tactic in relation to network density and Type of Network

No Escape Kaçış Yok

MERCER TRIES TO ESCAPE THE DRONES “The clock read 11:51. For a long few minutes, there were no views of Mercer at all. Mae assumed that at any moment, one of the cars in pursuit would find him, but the views from all four cars showed no sign of him at all. They were all on different roads, and their audio made clear they had no idea where he was. ‘Okay,’ Mae said, knowing she was about to wow the audience. ‘Release the drones!’ she roared in a voice meant to invoke and mock some witchy villain. It took agonizingly long — three minutes or so — but soon all the available private drones in the area, eleven of them, were in the air, each operated by its owner, and all were on the mountain where, it had been surmised, Mercer was driving. Their own GPS systems kept them from colliding, and, coordinating with the satellite view, they found his powder-blue truck in sixty-seven seconds. The clock was at 15:04. The drones’ camera views were now brought onscreen, giving the audience an incredible grid of images, all of the drones well-spaced, providing a kaleidoscopic look at the truck racing up the mountain road through heavy pines. A few of the smaller drones were able to swoop down and get close, while most of them, too large to weave between the trees, followed from above. One of the smaller drones, called ReconMan10, had dropped

through the tree canopy and seemed to attach itself to Mercer’s driver-side window. The view was steady and clear. Mercer turned to it, realizing its presence and tenacity, and a look of unmitigated horror transformed his face. Mae had never seen him look like this before. ‘Can someone get me on audio for the drone called ReconMan10?’ Mae asked. She knew his window was still open. If she spoke through the drone’s speaker, he’d hear her, know it was her. She received the signal that the audio was activated.” [Source: Dave Eggers, The Circle, (New York: Knopf, 2013), XX] — See also “COIN”, “Drone”, “Justice”, “Network Density”, “NSA”, and “Yo” NO ESCAPE “There’s no escape! The pocket-sized spy drone with a 360 degree camera that can fly through windows and navigate tunnels. Tiny hexacopter measures about seven inches Has been backed by US Air Force who plan to use it to look for IEDs Carries a panoramic camera that provides 360-degree view from the drone.” [Source: Mark Prigg, “There’s no escape! The pocketsized spy drone with a 360 degree camera that can fly windows and navigate tunnel”, Mail Online, September 18, 2014, http://www. dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2761257/ There-s-no-escape-The-pocket-sized-drone360-degree-fly-windows-tunnels.html] — See also “Escape”, “Night vision”, “NSA”, and “Panopticon”

Normcore Normcore

Self-consciously retreat from progressive and intellectual positions to emulate suburban norms


Observation Gözlem

Truman Show

“While drones, like robots, are often touted as useful for dull, dirty, or dangerous tasks, they have less tangible, more human attractions too. They allure with a particularly modern sensation: the pleasure of looking down on Earth. Seeing like a bird (or a god) can be exhilarating, and the drone can become an irresistible tool for observation and control” [Source: Dan Gettinger, Arthur Holland Michel, Alex Pasternack, Jason Koebler, Shawn Musgrave, Jared Rankin, “The Drone Primer”, Center for the Study of the Drone, Bard College, 2014, 34] — See also “Algorithm”

Oikophobia Oykofobi

A fear of houses — See also “Agrophobia”


Panopticon Panoptikon

Jeremy Bentham’s Panopticon

— See also “Big Brother”, “COIN”, “NSA”, “PRISM”, “Security”, and “Surveillance”

Prism Pri̇zm

“The top-secret PRISM program allows the U.S. intelligence community to gain access from nine Internet companies to a wide range of digital information, including e-mails and stored data, on foreign targets operating outside the United States. The program is court-approved but does not require individual warrants. Instead, it operates under a broader authorization from federal judges who oversee the use of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA)” [Source: “NSA slides explain the PRISM data-collection program”, The Washington Post, June 6, 2013, http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/special/politics/prismcollection-documents/]

Prison Hapis

— See “No Escape”

Probability Olasılık

“Drone attacks target mostly civic infrastructure like homes and cars, public spaces, and places of public social interaction like schools, markets, mosques, and hospitals. In an essay published in The New York Times in mid-2012, the criteria of threat deployed for ‘signature’ drone strikes in Pakistan were criticized as too lax” [Source: Malkit Shoshan “In the Name of Peace: Another Civic, An Other Law”, Volume 38, January 2014, 89 — 93]


— See “Fear”



Reconstruction Yeniden Yapılanma

“The local environment is being transformed, and a new law and order system is being put into place, replacing the old regime and introducing a new western type of juridical system. The reconstruction efforts means also installing new buildings such as police stations, detentions centers, education buildings such as schools and daycares, as well as constructing housing and infrastructure. This is the phase that Colonel Petraeus regards as the ‘civic engineering of entire societies’” [Source: Malkit Shoshan “In the Name of Peace: Another Civic, An Other Law”, Volume 38, January 2014, 89 — 93]

Reflection Akis / Düşünce

Mirrors in Ukraine

— See “Tactics”

Refuge Barınak

— See “BOB”, “Commune”, “Hermit”, “Hermitage”, “Lexicon of Retreat”, and “YOYO”

Refugia Yaşam Alanları

Building an Ark for the Anthropocene by Jason Holley

“‘[R]efugia’ [are] regions around the world that have remained stable during previous swings of the Earth’s climate — and that might be the best bet for the survival of life this time around. A section of the Driftless Area encompassing northeastern Iowa and southern Minnesota, also known as Little Switzerland, has ice beneath some of its ridges. The underground refrigerator means the land never gets above 50 or so degrees and has kept the Pleistocene snail, long thought extinct, from disappearing there. Other species might find refuge there as things get hot” [Source: Jim Robbins, “Building an Ark for the Anthropocene”, The New York Times, September 27, 2014, http://www.nytimes.com/2014/09/28/sunday-review/building-an-arkfor-the-anthropocene.html?_r=0] — See also “Anthropocene” and “Lexicon of Retreat”

Remote Ücra

— See “Disposition Matrix” and “COIN”

Retreat Geri Çekilme

Retreat is a “lexicon”, or inventory of language, to describe the action of withdrawal from civic life. By creating a spatial approach to the language of “escape”, Malkit Shoshan (FAST), Ethel Baraona (dprbarcelona), and Marina Otero (Studio-X, GSAPP) attempt to widen the definitions of familiar terms such as safety, surveillance, and self-reliance. The lexicon draws attention to current global events, such as the militarization of public space and the impact of mass surveillance on daily life, specifically the emotional and social impact of the presence of unknown and potentially lifethreatening elements. Citing the testimony of a woman living in in an area under constant threat of predator drones attacks in Pakistan, the project describes “step-by-step a process of retreat from the civic realm:” a retreat from daily activities and social and economical gatherings, including market shopping, festivities and ceremonies or attending schools, and eventually leading to a retreat from her own home. The curatorial and editorial approach for the lexicon is to investigate the idea of retreat, its strategies and imaginaries, through others’ words as it informs contemporary spatial paradigms. A wide variety of source types (from blogs to Wikipedia to academic texts) and media (photographs, films, books,

objects) and forms of literary genres are mobilized to create a portrait of retreat that describes not only militarized zones but dreams and anxieties of individuals across the globe, helping us better understand how we might negotiate our personal rights and freedoms within civic society at large. The Retreat vocabulary, therefore, collects words expressive of approaches from numerous points of view, drawing on Western popular culture with terms like “normcore”, according to which individuals self-consciously retreat from progressive and intellectual positions to emulate suburban norms, and literary narratives of “self-reliance” such as Henry David Thoreau’s text titled such, as well as scientific research into protection, such as methods for the containment of unseen waves and particles. It assembles stories and experiences of people who have attempted to leave the civic realm and to live off the grid, from hippies and hermits to soldiers and civilians who carry with them PTSD, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. As a manifesto in the biennial, the Retreat lexicon presents a position on progress and redressing global imbalances, asking: What alternatives for individual agency exist when people’s basic needs are not being met? What might retreat mean in peace, and in war?


Sabotage the System Sistemi Sabote Etmek

“A. Politicise the problem: we must... ‘articulat[e] the existence — and profound political consequences — of the invisible barbed wire.’ We must expose the ‘occasionally antidemocratic character’ of big data. B. Learn how to sabotage the system: we must arm ourselves by resisting the trend toward self-monitoring and refusing to make money off our own data. ‘Privacy can then reemerge as a political instrument for keeping the spirit of democracy alive.’ C. Create ‘provocative digital services’: we must facilitate technologies that allow us to see the negative effects of data-mining. For example ‘instead of yet another app that

could tell us how much money we can save by monitoring our exercise routine, we need an app that could tell us how many are likely to lose health insurance if the insurance industry has as much data as the NSA.’ D. Abandon preconceptions: we must cast-off any preconceptions we may have about how our digital services work and interconnect.” [Source: John Danaher, citing Evgeny Morozov, “Rule by Algorithm? Big Data and the Threat of Algocracy”, January 6, 2014, accessed October 6, 2014, http://philosophicaldisquisitions. blogspot.com/2014/01/rule-by-algorithm-bigdata-and-threat.html] — See also “Camouflage”, “Escape”, “Faraday”, and “Invisible”

Safety Emniyet

Science Fiction Bilimkurgu

“The Ministry of Truth — Minitrue, in Newspeak — was startlingly different from any other object in sight. It was an enormous pyramidal structure of glittering white concrete, soaring up, terrace after terrace, three hundred metres into the air. From where Winston stood it was just possible to read, picked out on its white face in elegant lettering, the three slogans of the Party: WAR IS PEACE. FREEDOM IS SLAVERY. IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH” [Source: George Orwell, Nineteen eighty-four, (New York: Everyman’s Library, 2009 [1949]0, 5,6]

Scopophobia Skopofobi


A fear of being seen or stared at by others — See also “No Escape” and “Thermal Imaging”

Security G端venlik

Self-reliance Özgüven

Self-sufficiency Ă–z-yeterlilik

Living Structures in the Pyrenees by Antoine Bruy

Shield Kalkan

Snowden questions Putin on Surveillance Policies

Shopping Alışveriş

“In a dispersed city like Los Angeles, the phenomenon of identity and everyday interactions is mixed with global brands, celebrity and the flows of capitalism. The pairing of a historic Farmers Market connected to a Disney-like ‘lifestyle’ mall has surprisingly pulled locals and international tourists alike to not only shop but gather and have outings. The market evolved from where farmers sold produce off the back of their trucksin 1934. It became a nostalgic meeting place for European immigrants who left during World War II, to booths with images of cross-border Mexico, to cameo appearances of Marilyn Monroe cutting cakes. It tested the shopping experience of the ‘real’ with the ‘fantasy’ and a desire for the safe and familiar. The combination of the historic local market with the fantasy mall has become a public space for a community of the displaced” [Source: Martina Dolejsova, in her ongoing research on the Farmers Market in Los Angeles, GSAPP 2014. Definition provided by author]

Shopping Mall Alışveriş Merkezi

“After the first Intifada and the growing suicide attacks in Israel, people started withdrawing from the open public space. The streets were left empty while people began moving from one enclosed and secure space to another. In these attempt to reduce the probability of being hit in an attack, shopping malls became an alternative space for gathering, underground and enclosed spaces considered as highly surveilled ‘sterile zones’ where people could safely wonder, shop and meet each other. Similar retreat behavior from the public space is found in areas targeted by predator drones. However in these areas the communities are poor, the resources are limited and they community have no place (/shopping mall) to hide in” [Source: Malkit Shoshan, “Memories from Israel’s shopping malls”. Definition provided by author]

Silos Yer altı Füze Rampaları

“The underground missile silos are relics from the Cold War that served as a storage media or launch sites for intercontinental ballistic missiles known as ICBMs, and materialized as defense tactic and architecture-as-machinery. The missiles were originally stored above ground, but the technical and military specialists involved found it cheaper and more strategic to protect the missile from attack by digging a hole in the ground and lining it with concrete, factoring out ‘all but a direct hit from another ICBM.’ It was around 1960, after the times when the Soviet Union used completely above ground launchers, that the first underground silos were created” [Source: “Underground Missile Silos as Home”, dpr-barcelona, April 14, 2014, http://dprbcn. wordpress.com/2010/04/14/underground-missile-silos-as-a-home/]

Sleep Uyku

“[S]leep is one of the few remaining experiences where, knowingly or not, we abandon ourselves to the care of others.... Sleep is a remission, a release from the ‘constant continuity’ of all the threads in which one in enmeshed while walking. It seems too obvious to state that sleep requires periodic disengagement from networks and devices in order to enter a state of inactivity and uselessness. It is a form of time that leads us elsewhere than to the things we own or are told we need.... One of the many reasons human cultures have long associated sleep with death is that they each demonstrate the continuity of the world in our absence. However, the only temporary absence of the sleeper always contains a bond to a future, to a possibility of renewal and hence freedom. It is an interval into which glimpses of an unlived life, of a postponed life, can edge faintly into awareness. The nightly hope for the insensible state of deep sleep is at the same time an anticipation of an awakening that could hold something unforeseen.... It is possible that — in many different places, in many disparate states, including reverie

or daydream — the imaginings of a future without capitalism begin as dreams of sleep.” [Source: 24/7: Jonathan Crary, Late Capitalism and the Ends of Sleep, (New York: Verso, 2010), 125, 126, 127, 128] SLEEP AND MEMORY “If memories are consolidated during sleep, they can potentially be manipulated during sleep. Several recent studies have shown that odors reactivating cues can improve the associated memory. We showed that sleep can be used to interfere with fear memories by reactivating them during sleep in the presence of a protein synthesis inhibitor. In contrast to wake, during which manipulation of fearful memories depends on the environment in which therapy was introduced, during sleep, the limited exposure to the external environment allows an effective therapy for erasing memories.” [Source: Asya Rolls, “Sleep” Rolls Lab, accessed October 8, 2014, http://rolls.net.technion.ac.il/research/ sleep-memory/] — See also “Bed”, “Escape”, “Fear”, “Hellfire”, “Memories”, and “PTSD”

Social Engineering Toplum Mühendisliği

— See “Civil Engineering”, “Donald Rumsfeld”, “NSA”, “Panopticon”, and “Prison”

Stealth Görünmezlik Teknolojisi

A low observable technology, used to make aircraft, ships, submarines, missiles and satellites less visible to radar, infrared, sonar and other detection methods. STEALTH HELICOPTER “Neighbors of bin Laden in Abbottabad, Pakistan, told ABC News they didn’t hear the helicopters the night of the Sunday raid until they were directly overhead. The rotor covering, along with a special rotor design, suppressed the choppers noise while inbound, Bill Sweetman, editor and chief of Defense Technology International said.” [Source: Lee Ferran, Avni Patel, Brian Ross, and Rhonda Schwartz, “Top Secret Stealth Helicopter Program Revealed in Osamab Bin Laden Raid: Experts”, ABC News, May 4, 2011, http://abcnews.go.com/Blotter/topsecret-stealth-helicopter-program-revealedosama-bin/story?id=13530693] — See also “Escape”, “Faraday”, “Home”, and “Sabotage the System”

STEALTH WEAR “‘Total surveillance is a term I first heard from Anders Sandberg during this presentation at a Tabula Rasa conference,’ says Harvey. ‘He predicts that by 2050 a country can execute total surveillance on a population for .01% of their GDP.’” Adam Harvey. [Source: Adam Harvey quoted in Tim Maly, “Anti-drone Camouflage: What to Wear in Total Surveillance”, Wired, January 17, 2013, http://www.wired.com/2013/01/antidrone-camouflage-apparel/]

STEALTH HOUSE Stealth Hoodie by Adam Harvey

Maison Barak by François Roche

Sticker Yapışkanlı Etiker

“You already know that laptops, desktop computers, tablets and mobile phones are all at risk of being hacked. But did you know that intruders might use the built-in camera to take surreptitious pictures and videos of you and your surroundings or hijack your microphone to eavesdrop on conversations?... Fortunately, WIRED is here with a solution: Cover your camera lens with a sticker. It’s low-tech, to be sure. But it works” [Source: Kim Zetter, “How to Keep the NSA From Spying Through Your Webcam”, Wired, March 13, 2014, http://www.wired.com/2014/03/webcams-mics/]

Surveillance Gözetleme

— See “Night Vision,” “Scan,” “Panopticon,” “NSA,” and “Drone”

Survivor Hayatta Kalanlar

Cover, Kurt Saxon, The Survivor, (Eureka, CA: Atlan Formularies, 1992)


Tactics Taktikler

“So what are going to do? I believe that foiling this strategy depends on three things: The formation of a public opinion to stand against the attacks, deterring of spies and tactics of deception and blurring. These tactics are: 1. It is possible to know the intention and the mission of the drone by using the Russianmade ‘sky grabber’ device to infiltrate the drone’s waves and the frequencies. The device is available in the market for $2,595 and the one who operates it should be a computer-know-how. 2. Using devices that broadcast frequencies or pack of frequencies to disconnect the contacts and confuse the frequencies used to control the drone. The Mujahideen have had successful experiments using the Russian-made ‘Racal.’ 3. Spreading the reflective pieces of glass on a car or on the roof of the building. 4. Placing a group of skilled snipers to hunt the drone, especially the reconnaissance ones because they fly low, about six kilometers or less. 5. Jamming of and confusing of electronic communication using the ordinary water-lifting dynamo fitted with a 30-meter copper pole. 6. Jamming of and confusing of electronic communication using old equipment and keeping them 24-hour running because of their strong frequencies. 7. Using general confusion methods and not to use permanent headquarters. 8. Discovering the presence of a drone through well-placed reconnaissance networks and to warn all the formations to halt any movement in the area. 9. To hide from being directly or indirectly spotted, especially at night. 10.

To hide under thick trees because they are the best cover against the planes. 11. To stay in places unlit by the sun such as the shadows of the buildings or the trees. 12. Maintain complete silence of all wireless contacts. 13. Disembark of vehicles and keep away from them especially when being chased or during combat. 14. To deceive the drone by entering places of multiple entrances and exits. 15. Using underground shelters because the missiles fired by these planes are usually of the fragmented anti-personnel and not antibuildings type. 16. To avoid gathering in open areas and in urgent cases, use building of multiple doors or exits. 17. Forming antispies groups to look for spies and agents. 18. Formation of fake gatherings such as using dolls and statutes to be placed outside false ditches to mislead the enemy. 19. When discovering that a drone is after a car, leave the car immediately and everyone should go in different direction because the planes are unable to get after everyone. 20. Using natural barricades like forests and caves when there is an urgent need for training or gathering. 21. In frequently targeted areas, use smoke as cover by burning tires. 22. As for the leaders or those sought after, they should not use communications equipment because the enemy usually keeps a voice tag through which they can identify the speaking person and then locate him.” [Source: “The Al-Qaida Papers — Drones”, The Associated Press, June 17, 2011, accessed October 8, 2014 via http://hosted.ap.org/specials/ interactives/_international/_pdfs/al-qaidapapers-drones.pdf]

Target Hedef

“The era of drone warfare is underway, but the European Union has been largely passive in its response. It has not reacted publicly to the US campaign of drone strikes or tried to develop an alternative standard for the use of lethal force. As EU states seek to acquire drones themselves, and with the technology spreading around the world, the EU should take a more active stance. A European initiative would be timely because changes in US policy mean there may be a greater chance for a constructive dialogue on this subject within the transatlantic alliance. The EU should base its position on the idea that lethal force should only be used outside theatres of conventional military operations against individuals posing a serious and imminent threat to innocent life. President Barack Obama has now embraced a similar

standard for US policy, though he interprets it in a far more permissive way, and retains the underlying idea of a global armed conflict against al-Qaeda. The EU should press Obama to follow through on his rhetoric by further restricting US strikes and begin discussions to explore the idea of self-defence as the basis for lethal strikes outside the battlefield. It should also encourage greater transparency and accountability from the US and work to end the anomalous notion of an unbounded war with a loose network of terrorist groups.” [Source: Anthony Dworkin, “DRONES and TARGETED KILLING: DEFINING A EUROPEAN POSITION”, European Council on Foreign Relations, July, 2013, http://www.ecfr.eu/ page/-/ECFR84_DRONES_BRIEF.pdf] — See also “Algortithm > Kill list”, “Disposition Matrix” and “Network Density”

Tent Çadır

Zaatari refugee camp, “about 12km (eight miles) from the Syrian border, is the world’s second-largest refugee camp — behind Dadaab in eastern Kenya — and has become the fourth largest city in Jordan.... It now welcomes 2,000 new residents each day and is made up of 30,000 shelters and administration buildings” [Source: “Zaatari refugee camp: Rebuilding lives in the desert”, BBC News, September3, 2013, http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middleeast-23801200]

Thermal Imaging Termal Görüntüleme

“Thermal imaging is the primary method human detection on the battlefield. Whether it be a drone, an Apache helicopter, or an individual soldier, thermal imaging is the best tool available for the job. Thermal imagers work by ‘seeing’ heat. Everything emits thermal energy, dirt, trees, rocks, humans. Thermal imaging is so successful at detecting human beings that it poses a threat to the average citizen. Don’t get me wrong, I feel every citizen should own a thermal imager as well. In today’s world it is becoming apparent that the average individual citizen is going to under the prying eyes of the government, but what if Joe citizen has concerns about his privacy? I’ve been through countless forums where people are searching for an answer as to how one can hide from thermal imaging” [Source: “How to Hide from Drones / Thermal Imaging”, Tin Hat Ranch, accessed October 8, 2014, http://tinhatranch.com/hidedronesthermal-imaging/#.VDXJlCldUe4] — See also “Underground”

Thermal Imaging by the Center for the Study of The Drone

Thetapeutic Sağaltıcı

— See “Escape” and “Lexicon of Retreat”

Tunnel Tünel

Dark Days by Marc Singer

— See “Underground”


Umbrella Şemsiye

“The hi-reflective umbrellas are equipped with a special material that reflects light right back to its source, similar to bike safety tape or a firefighter’s uniform. So, during a dark and stormy night, a pedestrian with this umbrella will glow brightly and alert a driver of their presence. Amazingly, the flashy gadget can also protect people from spying drones” [Source: Casey Frye, “Gadget of the Week: Hi-reflective umbrella”, Clubhouse Children’s News Network, February 24, 2014, http://clubhousenews.com/ gadget-of-the-week-hi-reflective-umbrella/]

Unconsciousness Şuursuzluk

— See also “Delirium”, “Dream”, Escape”, “Hypnosis”, and “Sleep”

Underground Yer altı

“In the 1990s, a New York model turned his back on the high life — and threw his lot in with homeless people living in tunnels” [Source: Sukhdev Sandhu, “Dark Days: going underground with New York’s tunnel-dwellers”, The Guardian, January 26, 2014, http://www.theguardian.com/film/2014/ jan/26/dark-days-marc-singer-new-york] — See also “Coober Pedy”, “Darkness”, Thermal Imaging”, and “Tunnel”

Utopia Ăœtopya


Veil Peรงe

Michael Jackson, SMH

Vision Vizyon

The New Terahertz Night Vision

Full-Body Scan Technology

Thermal Vision

— See also “Camouflage”, “Invisible” and “Sabotage the System”


W.C Tuvalet

“Nothing in the House escapes the reach of the cameras for a 24/7 broadcasting to the audience. Toilets are the only exception. The regulation for all the Big Brother Houses world wide is as follows: ‘Images from the toilet will not be broadcasted on the television or the internet, as long as it is not used for purposes other for than those for which it was designed.’ The second part of the clause is unsettling: Somewhere in television archives one could find all that footage, recorded and saved just in case an inhabitant of the House would not follow the required ‘as long as’” [Source: Ignacio G. Galán, from his research on a Big Brother House, partially published in SQM: The Quantified Home (Zürich: Lars Müller Publishers GmbH, 2014). Definition provided by author]

Wild Yabani

Example of people who gave up civilization to live in the wild Desert Fathers Escape French Louis Henry David Thoreau Living Structures Mick Dodge Noah John Rondeau Paul Gauguin Paul The First Hermit Ted Kaczynski Timothy Treadwell — See also “Hermit”

Wilderness Yaban

“Make a radical change in your lifestyle and begin to boldly do things which you may previously never have thought of doing, or been too hesitant to attempt. So many people live within unhappy circumstances and yet will not take the initiative to change their situation because they are conditioned to a life of security, conformity, and conservation, all of which may appear to give one peace of mind, but in reality nothing is more damaging to the adventurous spirit within a man than a secure future. The very basic core of a man’s living spirit is his passion for adventure. The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is

no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun. If you want to get more out of life, you must lose your inclination for monotonous security and adopt a helter-skelter style of life that will at first appear to you to be crazy. But once you become accustomed to such a life you will see its full meaning and its incredible beauty.... I now walk into the wild.” [Source: Jon Krakauer, Into the Wild, (USA: Villard, 1996), 58] — See also “Hut”, “Independence”, “Self-reliance”, “Self-sufficiency”, and “Simple Living”

Will I Be Next? Sıradaki Ben miyim?

Amnesty International

— See “Amnesty Report”, “Fear”, and “Target”

“We are scared that at any time there could be a blast [from an armed group] and then the Army will fire mortars without caring who they hit” [Source: Rafeequl Rehman from Tappi village, quoted in “Will I Be Next?” AmnestyInternational, (London: Amnesty International Publications, 2013) http://www.amnesty. ch/it/doc/regioni-del-mondo/asia-e-pacifico/droni-permesso-di-uccidere/will-i-be-next-usdronestrikes-in-pakistan] — See “Anticipatory Anxiety”, “Lexicon of Retreat”, and “PTSD”

Withdrawal Çekilme

Woods Orman

Life in the Woods, Henry David Thoreau’s Walden (1854).

“I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. I did not wish to live what was not life, living is so dear; nor did I wish to practise resignation, unless it was quite necessary. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life, to live so sturdily and Spartan-like as to put to rout all that was not life, to cut a broad swath and shave close, to drive life into a corner, and reduce it to its lowest terms” [Source: Henry David Thoreau, Walden; or Life in the Woods, (Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin and company, 1882), 143]

WTSHTF HŞBS – Her Şey Boka Sardığında

“When the shit hits the fan. A term used generically by survivalists to describe disaster situations” [Source: “Survivalism”, Wikipedia, accessed October 8, 2014, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Survivalism]




“Have you used Yo yet? I’m getting pretty into it. It’s a silly little app that literally just sends the word ‘Yo’ to a friend’s phone. If you have audio alerts turned on, a hyperactive little man also yells Yo at you, which is adorable and terrible all at once.... [W]hatever happens, the lasting legacy of Yo should be to make the NSA’s position on collecting phone and email metadata seem utterly and ridiculously wrong. Under Section 215 of the Patriot Act, the NSA is allowed to collect business records that might be relevant to a terrorist act. Under an expansive reading of this rule the agency claims that it’s allowed to collect records of basically every call and email in America. Not what’s being said, but who’s talking to whom and when. This is known as metadata, or data about data, and collecting it is ultracontroversial: on one side the NSA claims that information about network traffic is just another Verizon or AT&T business record, and on the other privacy advocates have struggled to explain just how personal and revealing metadata can be....

Yo represents the radical idea that literally any communication from people in your network is valuable to you — it reduces the actual content of the message to secondary status and lets you fill in the blanks.... In short, everything’s up in the air. The issue feels wonky and the solutions are caught between the legitimate needs of law enforcement and the seemingly endless complexity of digital communications. But it’s actually pretty easy to understand. Just download Yo and send a couple Yos to your friends. Ask yourself if the government should be allowed to collect that information without a warrant. Yo.” [Source: Nilay Patel, “Yo: Why the silliest app in tech makes the NSA look ridiculous”, Vox, July 21, 2014, http://www. vox.com/2014/7/21/5922781/yo-why-thesilliest-app-in-tech-makes-the-nsa-lookridiculous]

YOYO AKB – Artık Kendi Başınasın

“You’re on your own. Coined (in the survivalist context) by David Weed” [Source: “Survivalism”, Wikipedia, accessed October 8, 2014, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Survivalism]


Zombie Zombi

“Unprepared, incidental survivors of a prepped-for disaster, ‘who feed on...the preparations of others’” [Source: “Survivalism”, Wikipedia, accessed October 8, 2014, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Survivalism]

Zombie Apocalypse Zombi K覺yameti

Often used as a metaphor for any natural or man-made disaster

Zombie Squad Zombi Ekibi

“Zombie Squad is an elite zombie suppression task force ready to defend your neighborhood from the shambling hordes of the walking dead. We provide trained, motivated, skilled zombie extermination professionals and zombie survival consultants. Our people and our training are the best in the industry� [Source: https://www.zombiehunters.org]

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