UNM turns 125 in 2014. We take a look back. Go Lobos! 5
2012 - 2013 Annual Report of Giving
Table of Contents Message from the UNM President
Message from the UNM Foundation Leadership
UNM Foundation Board of Trustees
The Year in Numbers
Changing Worlds: The Campaign for UNM
Leaders in Philanthropy
New Endowments
Tom L. Popejoy Society
New Horizons Society
Gifts to the University of New Mexico
Ways to Give to UNM
UNM Foundation Information
Hodgin Hall remodeled to match the emerging Pueblo Revival architectural style on campus.
APRIL 1, 1938 Zimmerman Library opens
FEBRUARY 28, 1889 Bernard S. Rodey, considered the “Father of the University,” succeeds in championing a bill into law in the New Mexico Territorial Legislature that, in part, creates UNM.
18 8 9
Lobo adopted as UNM mascot
James Fulton Zimmerman becomes UNM’s seventh president.
1948 Tom L. Popejoy becomes the UNM president, beginning 20 years in that post known fondly as “the Popejoy Era.”
19 15
Happy 125th, UNM! We celebrate by meeting a few of our alumni donors who graduated from UNM from 1942 to 2010:
194 0
Robert (Bob) Stamm
John S. Catron
’42 BSCE
’51 JD
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Page 10
BACKGROUND PHOTO: Looking east at Hodgin and Hadley Halls over mesa, fence posts, windmill and flagpole. Photo courtesy UNM Archives.
From the UNM President decided to extend our campaign to reach for an even brighter future. I look forward to sharing details with you in early 2014.
Our challenge is to ensure continuity for UNM’s best ideas and most closely held traditions while meeting the future head on. We have set priorities for the next seven years thanks to your ideas about our future during the 120 Day Listening Tour, which were incorporated into goals through the “UNM 2020” planning process (to read more, go to unm2020.unm.edu). Since 2006, you and more than 57,000 other generous donors have joined our efforts with more than $570 million in gifts to support scholarship, patient care, research and more through Changing Worlds: The Campaign for UNM. As an outcome of our planning and the momentum of this exciting campaign, we’ve
As part of the campaign’s cumulative total, UNM alumni and friends from throughout the world contributed an incredible $81.6 million last year. It is my H Robert G. Frank honor to thank each of you for ’74 BS, ’77 MA, ’79 PhD the investment in excellence you have made through your gifts. In partnership with you, we will create positive change for our students, our University and our world, now and in the future. Robert G. Frank, President, University of New Mexico
1964 UNM School of Medicine established
UNM turns 100, and the UNM Foundation launches five-year Centennial Campaign, which raises $100 million for the University.
19 6 5
JUNE 1, 2012
FEBRUARY 28, 2014
Triple UNM alumnus Robert G. Frank becomes the University’s 21st president.
The University of New Mexico celebrates its 125th birthday!
19 9 0
2 014
Ryan Mummert Dr. Anthony Yeung
Credit: Kim Jew
As UNM approaches its 125th anniversary in 2014, we invite you to look back at our remarkable history in photos from the University’s archives throughout this report, and in so doing, contemplate the next 125 years.
Fletcher R. Catron
Debbie Johnson
’70 MD
’71 JD
’73 BAED
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Page 14
Julia Catron
’96 BA
’10 JD
Page 15
Page 10
All photos above timeline courtesy UNM Archives except microscope photo and second to right photo by Erik Stenbakken and women’s basketball photo courtesy UNM Athletics.
From the UNM Foundation Leadership
UNM Foundation Board of Trustees
The year 1889 was an amazing one: Thomas Edison’s first motion picture was shown, the Eiffel Tower opened to the public, and The Wall Street Journal published its first issue. Meanwhile, a momentous event also happened way out west in the Territory of New Mexico: the University of New Mexico was founded. This edition of the UNM Foundation Annual Report of Giving celebrates the University’s upcoming 125th anniversary on February 28, 2014 with stories about Lobos whose giving is representative of donors throughout UNM’s history. These stories and historic photographs impart the spirit of generosity that has made UNM what it is today. Even before the University was founded, four visionary donors gave the land where the iconic Hodgin Hall still stands today, and hundreds of thousands of donors have been giving ever since. We extend our heartfelt appreciation to each of the 14,932 donors who came together this past year to invest $81,598,617 in support of students, faculty, patient care, research and so much more. From UNM’s students to faculty and campus leaders, from grant writers to staff members and researchers, it’s your excellence that makes donors want to join in, and we thank each of you as well. Since 2006, more than 57,000 individual donors have supported Changing Worlds: The Campaign for UNM, which ended the fiscal year at $570,819,105. We invite you to visit our website at unmfund.org to learn more about our donors, our campaign, our operations, or to browse the many ways to support the people of UNM with your gift.
Larry Abraham
Carl Alongi
Laura Hueter Bass
Gary Beal
(20 06 -2014)
Michelle Coons
John Cordova
(20 06 -2014)
Stephanie Bennett- Douglas Brown Smith, PhD Q DEAN, UNM BRIELLE, N.J. (20 05 -2013)
(20 06 -2014)
No matter what the next 125 years bring, we are certain of one thing: it‘s amazing what we can do together, one gift at a time, here at UNM. CARL ALONGI Chair, UNM Foundation Board of Trustees
HENRY NEMCIK President and CEO, UNM Foundation
Orcilia Zuñiga Forbes, PhD
Jack Fortner
Gus Foster
Robert G. Frank
(20 07-2015)
(20 08 -2016)
Photo: Bruce Cramer
U N M F o u n d a t i o n B o a r d o f Tr u s t e e s
Gary L. Gordon
Peter Johnstone*
Mark Lesher, MD
Stephen C. Mitchell J
Laurie Moye
(20 07-2013)
(20 07-2015)
(20 04 -2016)
Former Board Chairs
(2013 -2017)
Gary L. Gordon
Ann Rhoades
1998 -20 0 0
Anne Yegge
Dick Morris
20 09-2011
1996 -1998
Thelma Domenici
Wayne Davenport
20 07-20 09
Maralyn Budke
Robert L. Bovinette
Sherry Prud’homme Parsons J
1994 -1996
20 05 -20 07
Maxine Friedman
Steve Petranovich
Dorothy Rainosek
Robert M. Goodman
1988 -1992
Kimberly Peña ALBUQUERQUE, N.M.
20 02-20 05
1984 -1988
(20 07-2015)
Mary D. Poole
Jack Rust
20 0 0 -20 02
1980 -1984
TAOS, N.M. (2013 -2015)
Jerry Geist
Q End of Service Term June 30, 2013
J Term began July 1, 2013 * Deceased
2013-2014 of ficers names in red
Nancy Ridenour
Kurt L. Roth
Randy Royster
Randy Velarde
Anne Yegge
Judy Zanotti J
(20 02-2014)
(2013 -2015)
(2014 -2015)
T h e Ye a r i n N u m b e r s
Private Giving
Consolidated Investment Fund
Gifts and Pledges by Purpose
F Y 2 0 12- 2 0 13
(Donor Restrictions) Athletics 10%
During the fiscal year 2012-13, the University of New Mexico received approximately $81.6 million in private support. More than 14,900 donors, providing in excess of 33,900 gifts, indicated their belief in UNM by continuing to demonstrate the value of philanthropic investment to members of the UNM community. Private support includes all gifts made or pledged to the UNM Foundation for the benefit of UNM and those gifts made directly to the University’s schools, colleges, departments and programs. Your generosity to help build a greater University of New Mexico is truly appreciated and makes a real difference in our community’s life every day. We are grateful for your trust, which allows UNM to make lasting connections to the culture, community and aspirations of New Mexico. Thank you!
Other Restricted
Public Service
Academic Divisions
9% Faculty & Staff 1% Unrestricted 1% Library 1%
21% Physical Plant
Student Financial Aid
Gifts and Pledges by Source Total $81,598,617
Private Support Totals
08 09
09 10
10 11
11 12
12 13
Other Organizations
Alumni & Friends
($37.3) Foundations
F Y 2 0 12- 2 0 13 The UNM Board of Regents has delegated authority to the UNM Foundation Investment Committee to oversee and manage the endowment assets of the University and the Foundation. The pooled assets are combined for investment purposes and operated as a unitized pool known as the Consolidated Investment Fund (CIF). The CIF is managed in accordance with the Consolidated Investment Fund Investment Policy, which is approved by both the UNM Foundation Board of Trustees and the UNM Board of Regents. Investments in the CIF are guided by the concept of complementary managers who are responsible for specific asset categories and management styles in a diversified portfolio. The adjacent chart illustrates the mix of assets in the portfolio. The CIF finished the year with a market value of approximately $358.4 million, as compared to $329.5 million a year ago, and a return on investment of 11.3 percent, as compared to 1.05 percent the previous fiscal year. In addition to the customary investment management expenses,
T h e Ye a r i n N u m b e r s
a development funding allocation of 1.85 percent of the market value was allocated from each participating fund in the CIF for FY 2012-13 to assist with operational expenses. As a result of increased institutional support, the development funding allocation will be reduced to 1.40 percent in FY 2013-14.
Performance as of 6/30/2013
2012 2013
CIF Spending Distribution by Donor-Designated Purpose
CIF Asset Allocation U.S. Equity Real Assets - Illiquid
Student Support
Real Assets - Liquid Annuity
Building / Construction / Equipment
1.6% Research 8.1%
International Equity
Private Equity
Faculty Support
27.2% 0.6%
08 09
09 10
10 11
11 12
12 13
100 50 0
08 09
09 10
10 11
11 12
12 13
CIF Spending Distribution D O L L A R S
CIF Market Value
Fixed Income & Cash
Marketable Alternatives
Program Support 12.9%
G i f t s t o tThhee UYe n iavre ri ns i N t yu omf bNe er sw M e x i c o
How We Report Your Gifts F Y 2 0 12- 2 0 13 The UNM Foundation complies with various standards when reporting private gifts, depending on the purpose of the report and the requirements of the organization requesting the report.
B The UNM Foundation Annual Report of Giving reports the total effort of the UNM community in engaging private donors in making gifts for students, faculty, programs and facilities. Using Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) counting methods, qualifying bequests, cash and in-kind gifts donated directly to UNMaffiliated units, as well as pledges meeting the criteria, are gifts and commitments that are counted and recognized in the annual total.
B Gifts we report in our audited financial statements are reported in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). Unlike campaign reporting, gifts of bequests, cash and in-kind gifts donated directly to UNM-affiliated units, as well as pledges not meeting the criteria for financial reporting, are not included.
B Additionally, we report gifts annually as participants in the Voluntary Support for Education Survey (VSE). Only gifts of cash and cash equivalents are reported to VSE. Given their differing objectives, each of these reports will segment and report the gifts received by UNM differently. Our campaign reports are distributed monthly and through this Annual Report of Giving. Our audits are available on our website, unmfund.org, where you will also find a link to the recent VSE report totals. We welcome your questions at (505) 277-4503.
Gift commitments by fiscal year
FY 2012-2013
FY 2011-2012
Reported on financial statements (GAAP): Cash/Cash Equivalents Pledges > $5,000
Not reported on financial statements (GAAP):
Courtesy: UNM Archives
Cash (Reported on UNM Financial Statements)
In-Kind (Reported on UNM Financial Statements)
Endowment Pledges, In-Kind Gifts and Pledges < $5,000
Changing Worlds: The Campaign for UNM… sparks the imaginations of those who value the opportunity to change the lives of people and improve
“You can only have so many bake sales.” Judith Harris on her establishment of the Judith Harris Global Health Endowment, which helps College of Nursing students make medical intervention trips to underserved countries as part of their UNM education.
“If my community is willing to put its resources into me, I want to be able to serve my community with what I’ve learned.” Ronald Orozco, a UNM BA to MD student and scholarship recipient
our community through UNM. One gift at a time, an extraordinary 57,533 individuals have contributed $570,819,105 since 2006 when the campaign was
“UNM is such an enormous universe that there is something for everybody to become involved with.”
launched. Others have given of their time and attention as volunteers. All of them have changed the world through their engagement with UNM.
Kyla Thompson, on making a meaningful planned gift with her husband, Roger Thompson, to support the UNM Veteran’s Resource Center, Presidential Scholarship Program, and the Rick and Debbie Johnson Marketing Center at the Anderson School of Management.
Here are some quotations from our donors and those
All photos this page courtesy UNM Archives except two bottom row right photos courtesy Erik Stenbakken.
who have benefited from their gifts.
“I’m under no illusion that I would have made it this far, this fast without the generous help of donors like you. New Horizons Society members inspire me to give back to UNM.” Presidential Scholar Kyanne Rietta Fields
“The endowment allows us to provide high-quality educational experiences both in classroom and field environments.” Adrian Brearley, chair, UNM Earth and Planetary Sciences Department on the impact of the Frank D. Gorham Jr. and Marie Kelly Gorham Charitable Foundation Endowment for Geoscience Education.
“The more you are given, the more you must give away.” A. Elicia Montoya quoting her father, in whose honor the family established the Donald D. Montoya Endowed Memorial Scholarship at the UNM School of Law.
“We set the goal high and strive to hit that mark, but donors are not on our timetable. Some years we reach or exceed the goal, and other years we do not. But every year, we celebrate each and every dollar and every gift.” UNM Foundation Board Chair Carl Alongi, on private giving to UNM of $81.6 million against an $80 million goal for FY 2012-2013.
G i f t s t oL et ha ed eUrns i vi ne rPshi ti lya n o tf hNr oe p wyM e x i c o
R O B E R T J . ( B O B ) S TA M M
From the Ground Up B
Engineering Alumnus Constructs Lasting Legacy Across UNM, New Mexico
By Hilary Mayall Jetty Growing up near Albuquerque’s Old Town gave Robert J. (Bob) Stamm (BSCE ’42) a unique perspective on a town poised to become a city. There wasn’t much development east of the University of New Mexico campus, which was merely a small cluster of buildings near the corner of Central and University Avenues. “I’ve never lived anywhere besides Albuquerque,” Stamm said. And for more than nine decades he’s never lived very far from UNM, literally or figuratively. Stamm’s grandparents came to Albuquerque with the railroad, establishing businesses in lumber and wholesale produce. His father, a pioneering balloonist, managed the earliest state fairs. Stamm was encouraged to develop his athletic abilities; he excelled at track, tennis and skiing. During summer breaks from Albuquerque High he worked for his older brother, an engineer and builder. His high school sweetheart, Florrie Bradbury, happened to be the daughter of a noted contractor. Stamm was closer than he imagined to the center of Albuquerque’s imminent expansion.
ABOVE: Bob Stamm speaks during the dedication of the Robert J. Stamm Commons in the Centennial Engineering Center, UNM School of Engineering, in 2008. Photo courtesy UNM School of Engineering
At RIGHT and BACKGROUND image (third from right): Bob Stamm enjoys his time as a member of the UNM Ski Team. Photos courtesy the Robert J. Stamm family
Enrolling at UNM about the time Central Avenue became part of Route 66, Stamm pursued a degree in civil engineering. “There were usually less than ten students in each class,” he recalled, “and none of them were women.”
Stamm joined the Lobo ski and tennis teams, and served as president of Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity. After graduation, he and Florrie married—a union that lasted until her death more than 60 years later. Their two children, Robert Brad Stamm (MD ’77) and Susan Stamm Evans (BFA ’76), are also UNM alumni. Stamm went on to study naval architecture at the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Md., and then served aboard a repair ship during World War II. Returning home, he joined his fatherin-law’s construction business as a laborer in 1946.
Helping UNM to Grow Postwar enrollment at UNM was booming, and the work of master architect John Gaw Meem was prominent in many campus buildings. “When we remodeled Mesa Vista Hall from a dorm into administrative offices,” Stamm recalled, “we found the quality of the woodwork to be very impressive.” He rose through the ranks at Bradbury and became a partner in 1958, adding his name to the business. “The first job I managed completely by myself, from estimating to bid to building, was the UNM Alumni Chapel,” he remarked. “That really meant something to me.” Over the next two decades, Bradbury Stamm erected more than a dozen UNM buildings in addition to its other projects in the larger community. Stamm’s involvement with his alma mater grew as well. When the School
C E L E B R AT I N G 12 5 Y E A R S o f t h e U N I V E R S I T Y o f N E W M E X I CO
Gif ts to L etahdeeUr sn iivnePr shiitl ay notfh N r oepwy M e x i c o
of Engineering (SOE) needed critical funding, he discovered a gift for bringing projects and capital together in new ways.
education across the state through SB-14, the Endowment for University Excellence.
“I always wanted to support campaigns,” Stamm said, “but never desired to lead them.” Yet when presented with leadership opportunities, he accepted. “I’ve served on more boards than I can remember,” he laughed. In 1979 he sold Bradbury Stamm to longtime friends and associates Jim and Ellen King, remaining on the board as chairman emeritus. He and Jim were involved in the first rounds of fund raising for UNM’s Presidential Scholarship Program (PSP). Stamm assumed a leadership role in UNM’s 1989 Centennial Campaign. “You know, there are times when people just need to quit talking about it, and donate,” he said with a smile.
The UNM Alumni Association honored Stamm with its James F. Zimmerman Award, and he received the Distinguished Engineering Alumnus Award from the SOE. In 1999, Bob officially retired from business, but not from his personal priorities. He served as chair for New Mexico’s Commission on Higher Education, and was instrumental in lobbying the legislature to commit funds to institutions of higher
“Bob has been a great friend of UNM Engineering, dedicated to helping us train generations of talented students who contribute to economic growth in our state,” noted SOE Dean Catalin Roman. “He generously accepted every opportunity to extend his personal support to the school and promote it within the construction industry.”
ABOVE: Bob Stamm is joined by his daughter, Susan Stamm Evans, and his son, Dr. Robert Brad Stamm. BELOW, clockwise from upper left: Ensign Bob Stamm poses for U.S. Navy portrait; Bob Stamm receives honorary doctorate degree from UNM in May 2009; Bob Stamm (far right) poses with other members of UNM Men’s Tennis Team. Photos courtesy the Robert J. Stamm family
In 2009, Stamm received an Honorary Doctor of Engineering degree from UNM, and he and Mary Herring were married in his beloved Alumni Chapel. They are members of the Tom L. Popejoy and New Horizons Societies, and still support the PSP.
Achievements and Accolades
Stamm helped raise funds for the School of Architecture’s George Pearl Hall, and chaired a capital campaign for the SOE’s Centennial Engineering Center. The Kings honored Stamm’s legacy by funding the center’s undergraduate student commons in his name.
There is hardly a department at UNM that hasn’t been touched by Bob Stamm’s philanthropy. Leadership New Mexico recently honored him with a Distinguished Leadership Award for “improving the quality of life for New Mexico citizens and future generations”— a theme that has resonated throughout his lifelong dedication to education, and to building community.
C E L E B R AT I N G 12 5 Y E A R S o f t h e U N I V E R S I T Y o f N E W M E X I CO
G i f t s t oL et ha ed eUrns i vi ne rPshi ti lya n o tf hNr oe p wyM e x i c o
A Catron Family Affair B
First Family of New Mexico Law Shapes State’s Legal Landscape
By Nancy Harbert
state and in developing its legal system, and most certainly, they will be part of New Mexico’s future.
Editor’s note: A longer version of this article appeared in the 2012 edition of UNM Law, the University of New Mexico School of Law magazine for alumni and friends; permission courtesy UNM School of Law Office of Advancement. To read the original version, please visit unmfund.org/files/catron.pdf. Thomas Benton Catron had just suffered defeat at the end of the Civil War and was looking for a new life in 1866 when he headed west from his home in Missouri. He had fought for the Confederates during the war and followed other Confederate veterans to the Territory of New Mexico. When he opened his law practice in Santa Fe that year, it was New Mexico’s first law firm. Little did Catron know he was establishing a tradition that continues nearly 150 years later. He practiced for 55 years, 30 of which were from an office in the Catron Building, which he built in 1891 across from the Palace of the Governors on the Santa Fe Plaza. Catron’s son, Fletcher, also became a lawyer, and today, three of Thomas B. Catron’s descendants can be found practicing at Catron, Catron, Pottow & Glassman in Santa Fe. Not long after the UNM School of Law opened in 1947, another Catron family tradition began: In 1951, John S. Catron, Thomas B. Catron’s grandson,
In 2012, the Catron Family Scholarship was established through generous gifts from John S. Catron (JD ’51), Fletcher R. Catron (JD ’71) and Thomas B. Catron III. The annual scholarship is awarded to an incoming New Mexico law student with a well-rounded undergraduate experience who has demonstrated academic proficiency and financial need.
A UNM Family Tradition Catron family members, left to right, assemble in front of their law office: John S. Catron (’51), Thomas B. Catron III, Fletcher R. Catron (’73) and Julia Catron (’10).
became the first family member to graduate from the new school. He joined his older brother, Tom, who had earned his law degree from Stanford Law School, in the family practice. In 1973, Fletcher R., Tom’s son, also earned his J.D. from the school, and in 2010, Fletcher’s daughter, Julia, followed suit, becoming the third Catron to graduate from the school. It may be hard to keep straight the family connections, but the Catrons’ longtime dedication to law in New Mexico is simple: They were instrumental in transforming New Mexico from a territory into a
Thomas B. (Tom) Catron III, now the firm’s most senior member, considered teaching before he decided to follow his father, Fletcher, into law. He became the second member of the firm in 1951. At this time, Tom’s uncle, Charles, was nearing the end of his service as a justice on the New Mexico Supreme Court; he retired the following year. When he turned 65, Tom gave up litigation. “I enjoyed going to court, but I worried too much about my clients,” he said. “I couldn’t turn it off at the end of the day. I remember one client saying I was more worried than they were.” John Catron was studying engineering at UNM when it became clear he did not have a knack for math or science. After three years, he enrolled in the University’s new law school. When he graduated in 1951, John headed to Las Vegas, N.M., where he
C E L E B R AT I N G 12 5 Y E A R S o f t h e U N I V E R S I T Y o f N E W M E X I CO
G i f t s t oL et ha ed eUrns i vi ne rPshi ti lya n o tf hNr oe p wyM e x i c o
worked as an assistant district attorney for the next two years. He joined the family firm in 1953 and was given a corner office with a private balcony overlooking the Santa Fe Plaza. In the late 1980s, the Catrons built their own office building near St. Vincent Hospital. After earning his undergraduate degree from Stanford University, Fletcher Catron chose the UNM School of Law over Cornell, attracted to what he considered more interesting course offerings. He was impressed with his professors and especially liked the small classes and easy access to those professors.
“It was easy to learn when I could have a significant discussion with a professor in class,” he said. “And once I got into practice, when I compared myself to other lawyers from higher-ranked schools, I found that my legal education had been better.” Julia Catron found her way to law as a way to help her community. She had returned home to be close to her family after earning a bachelor’s degree from Boston University and was teaching English to immigrants. The more she saw her students struggle with immigration issues, the more convinced she was of the value of a law degree. Like her father, Fletcher, she appreciated the small, hands-on classes at the UNM School of Law and the connections to the New Mexico legal community. “As a young lawyer, I have lots of questions and people remember me as a law student,” she said. “They have been very helpful.” Julia never intended to join the family firm, figuring she wouldn’t fit in, but after being coaxed by Michael Pottow, who practices with the Catrons, she came aboard in 2011. The next Catron won’t be eligible for law school for a good 15 years or so, but if he chooses the profession, it’s a good bet he might be roaming the halls at the UNM School of Law. It’s also a good bet he will be influencing the legal landscape of New Mexico.
ABOVE: Thomas B. Catron TOP: Thomas B. Catron, right, in the library at the original Catron law firm near the Santa Fe Plaza. LEFT and BACKGROUND image: The Catron Building in downtown Santa Fe, where the Catron law firm occupied the second floor until the 1980s. Photos courtesy UNM School of Law and the Thomas B. Catron family
C E L E B R AT I N G 12 5 Y E A R S o f t h e U N I V E R S I T Y o f N E W M E X I CO
Leaders in Philanthropy
Pioneer in Pain Relief B
School of Medicine Alumnus Funds Spine Surgery Facility at UNM
By Michelle G. McRuiz Anthony Yeung (MD ’70) is a first-generation immigrant from China, but he considers himself of the Old West. “I’m a cowboy,” he said. “I fight for what I believe in.” Independent, outspoken and unruffled, Dr. Yeung indeed evokes a modern-day lone ranger. A member of the UNM School of Medicine’s third graduating class, he has devoted his career to spine surgery, a subspecialty of orthopedics. His introduction and development of the Yeung Endoscopic Spine System (YESS) and Selective Endoscopic Discectomy™ (SED) have brought relief to thousands of patients who could not be helped with traditional back surgery. His minimally invasive, endoscopy-guided laser surgery preserves spinal anatomy, surgically decompresses and ablates painful patho-anatomy under endoscopic visualization, reduces postoperative pain and shortens recovery time. But when Dr. Yeung pioneered this method, he received criticism from other surgeons who were skeptical of the treatment’s efficacy. “I’m an innovator,” Dr. Yeung said. “I struggled because I did things differently than other surgeons. I’m kind of a maverick.” However, he eventually gained traction in the medical community. Today he is the senior associate of the Desert Institute for Spine Care in Phoenix, Ariz., formed by his fellowship-trained son, Christopher Yeung, MD, and later joined by Justin Field, MD, and Nima Salari, MD. He lectures on endoscopic spine
surgery and has authored dozens of articles on the topic in peer-reviewed medical journals. Recently, Dr. Yeung and his wife, Eileen, donated $2.5 million to support the UNM School of Medicine as an institution that balances treatment and technology. Their extraordinary gift will establish the Dr. Anthony T. and Eileen K. Yeung Endoscopic Spine Center. “I want to bring to an academic setting what I’ve developed over the past 22 years,” said Dr. Yeung. “I think the focus of UNM as a patient-centric institution that is also innovative and supportive of technical advances and clinical research will become a model for other institutions to emulate,” he continued. “I hope to be a small part of that vision. My treatment philosophy and technique will also prove to be cost-effective over traditional treatment algorithms in terms of pain relief.”
Many Disciplines, One Vision The Yeungs’ gift will enable a new generation of physicians, teaching faculty, fellows and residents at UNM to learn his surgical philosophy and techniques. Dr. Yeung will collaborate with Howard Yonas, MD, chair of the School of Medicine’s Department of Neurosurgery, to develop the facility into a center of excellence in a multidisciplinary setting. “Dr. and Mrs. Yeung’s generous gift to the Center for Spine Health will allow this new program to not only provide outstanding care provided by a team of spine rehabilitation specialists and surgeons, but also implement a truly innovative approach,” said Dr. Yonas.
C E L E B R AT I N G 12 5 Y E A R S o f t h e U N I V E R S I T Y o f N E W M E X I CO
Leaders in Philanthropy
Dr. Yeung formed the idea of a spinal surgery center at UNM after attending a class reunion at the School of Medicine, where he met Wendy Stires, associate vice president of principal giving and regional development at the UNM Foundation. “Wendy’s interest in my work, and her connecting it with UNM’s interest in a project with Dr. Yonas to create a multidisciplinary team focused on the patient, caused me to seriously consider bringing my work to UNM,” Dr. Yeung said. “I had the same vision.”
Fighting His Way Up Dr. Yeung’s survival instinct came from spending his early childhood in war-torn China, then finding his way in a new country. “I grew up during three wars: The Japanese invasion, World War II, and the communist takeover of China,” Dr. Yeung explained. His family fled communist China for Tucson, Ariz., when he was 7 years old. In school, he was an outsider in an inner-city school. Some of his classmates were gang members, and he used his work ethic and intelligence to get on their good side. “I found the biggest, toughest kid in class and helped him do his homework,” he said. “Eventually they respected me.” Dr. Yeung has many professors and surgical leaders as students, including James Yue, MD, a faculty member of the Yale University School of Medicine and co-director of the Yale Spine Center. “I jokingly tell him that UNM was striving to become the ‘Harvard of the West’ when the medical school was formed,” he said. “Now we will strive to make Yale the ‘UNM of the East.’” “A lot of people are smarter than me, but no one works harder than me,” continued Dr. Yeung. “I would do for a patient with back pain what I would do for my own family.” As a pioneer in pain relief, this latter-day cowboy’s dedication has paid off, and he shows no sign of stopping any time soon.
ABOVE: Left to right, Janet Frank and UNM President Robert G. Frank attend a UNM alumni event in Phoenix with Dr. Anthony Yeung and Eileen Yeung. TOP: Anthony Yeung studies at his desk while attending UNM’s School of Medicine. OPPOSITE PAGE, TOP: Anthony Yeung examines a skeletal hand during medical school at UNM. OPPOSITE PAGE, BOTTOM and BACKGROUND image: Dr. Anthony Yeung co-pilots a flight from the U.S. Naval Regional Medical Center in the Philippines, where he was chief of orthopedics at the base hospital, to a naval hospital in Taiwan. He was the first Naval orthopedist to perform arthroscopic knee and spine surgery in the Far East at the time, and would hold clinics and perform surgery outside the base hospital. All photos courtesy Dr. Anthony Yeung except group shot by Bill Uher
C E L E B R AT I N G 12 5 Y E A R S o f t h e U N I V E R S I T Y o f N E W M E X I CO
Leaders in Philanthropy
Idea Generation B
Potential Meets Opportunity at the Rick and Debbie Johnson Marketing Center By Hilary Mayall Jetty The UNM campus was Debbie Johnson’s playground. “I grew up four blocks away,” she recalled. “It was great for bike riding, duck watching and soul searching.” Her dad was an alumnus; she planned to be one as well. Johnson (BAED ’73) concentrated on education, communication, journalism and speech while at UNM. After graduation, she taught for the Albuquerque Public Schools and wrote for the Associated Press and local advertising agencies. “In 1979 I met a brilliant, extraordinary young man who’d just started an agency,” she said. That was Rick Johnson. Their enduring partnership in business, and in life, flourished until his death in 2010. Rick Johnson & Co. was one of the Southwest’s premier advertising agencies. The couple developed a business model centered on “Eight Ps”—people, passion, principles, purpose, persistence, patience, partnerships and philanthropy. They lived this philosophy, becoming recognized leaders in the community.
TOP: Debbie and Rick Johnson pose for a book project, The Spirit of Arca, by Kyle Zimmerman in 2008. Photo by Kyle Zimmerman
ABOVE and BACKGROUND image: Debbie and Rick Johnson tour Nantucket Island, circa 1982. Courtesy Debbie Johnson
So when Anderson School of Management (ASM) Dean Douglas Brown approached them with a gift proposal for a collaborative learning space, they saw great potential. “We were both UNM graduates with a passion for lifelong learning,” Johnson said, “and at our agency we had a room we called the Creative Kitchen, where we brainstormed and cooked ideas.”
Thus began “A Taste of Anderson,” an annual fundraiser and creative culinary competition. The Rick and Debbie Johnson Marketing Center is a technologically advanced laboratory for creative campaigns. “Students gather to analyze, strategize and create presentations,” Johnson explained. “They learn skills that lead to success in life.” In addition, she created the Rick Johnson Scholarship at ASM. “Debbie has participated on our board, provided generous financial support, terrific ideas and constant encouragement,” said Dean Brown. “The center is testimony to her significant contributions to the field.” For her leadership and achievements, Johnson has been honored by numerous organizations, including a Zia Award from the UNM Alumni Association. She was the first woman to serve as board chair for the ASM Foundation, Albuquerque Economic Development, and Affiliated Advertising Agencies International. “Women tend to see the big picture a little differently,” she noted, smiling. “I tried to bring in the human element—industry leaders are not used to talking about how they personally feel about trends, especially in Asia and other parts of the world.” “Rick and I appreciated what UNM stands for, creating futures for students young and old,” Johnson said. “The atmosphere on campus is truly one of potential and opportunity.”
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Leaders in Philanthropy
Giving from the Heart B
Couple Demonstrates Passion for UNM through Giving and Service
By Michelle G. McRuiz Keep active. Keep giving. Keep the faith. Ryan Mummert (BA ’96) lives by these words. Through his involvement with the Lobo Club and the Alumni Lettermen’s Association— and through the gifts he and his wife, Brandi, have made to the Athletics Department—Ryan contributes to recreating his great UNM student experience for current and future student-athletes. “I wouldn’t have thought of moving to New Mexico if it had not been for UNM,” said Ryan, a native of Southern California. While a Lobo football player, he formed close ties with his classmates. “The band of brothers I ended up with in college and still am with today is one of the biggest influences in my life.”
A senior vice president at Morgan Stanley Smith Barney, Ryan first became involved with the Lobo Club by volunteering on its annual fund drive with Brandi. Later he joined the Alumni Lettermen’s Association and the Lobo Club boards of directors. He is a past president of both boards. In addition, the Mummerts made a major gift to help renovate The Pit, and last year they donated to the Football Excellence Fund. “Ryan and Brandi care deeply about making a difference in our community,” said UNM Vice President of Athletics Paul Krebs. “Their financial support of Athletics makes a difference in the lives of current and future studentathletes at UNM and can inspire others to give.” It isn’t just the Lobos that inspire the Mummerts; faith and fitness also rank highly. They volunteer extensively at their church, and Ryan recently completed his first Ironman Triathlon. UNM, however, presents a unique opportunity for Ryan and Brandi to help talented and motivated young people. “My degree from UNM and the contacts I made have been a blessing to my success,” Ryan said. “It is a privilege to be involved.”
Those bonds Ryan formed, and his gratitude for the opportunity to attend UNM on an athletic scholarship, have inspired his generosity. “My hope is that the students get an education and an opportunity to stay in this great state and become business and community leaders.”
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TOP: Brandi and Ryan Mummert ABOVE: Ryan Mummert visits Petra in Jordan. MIDDLE LEFT: Ryan Mummert points to his name after signing a pole in the Lobos’ locker room, a tradition for former players. FAR LEFT and BACKGROUND: Ryan Mummert during a game in University Stadium. Photos courtesy Ryan Mummert
The Power of Endowment
By Hilary Mayall Jetty Every gift to the UNM Foundation (UNMF) is a commitment of confidence in the University’s mission. When you establish or contribute to an endowed fund, the scope of your gift increases, becoming a foundation for lasting support beyond your lifetime. Each fund has a set of guidelines to ensure that assets are spent according to a determined purpose and intent. Through an endowment you may assist any school, college or program, provide for student scholarships, faculty development and research, or serve the general needs of the University. Individuals, families, friends, alumni, colleagues, organizations and corporations may establish endowments. Some are created to honor or memorialize a significant person or group. Endowed funds are gifts held in perpetuity. The principal is not spent down but rather is carefully invested as part of a larger Consolidated Investment Fund (CIF), also known as the UNM Endowment. The growth of the CIF (see page 4) enables an annual distribution of a percentage of average market value over a five-year period, typically 4-6 percent. Monies are then made available for recipients as specified in guidelines, and based on the value of each endowed fund. The CIF is comprised of 1,578 unique funds. Its market value at the end of the FY 2012-13 was $358.4 million. UNM President Robert G. Frank’s goal for the UNMF is to grow this amount to $500 million by 2020. Eventually, he would like to see it increase to $1 billion, to provide a substantial base for UNM’s
future development and student success. “Our endowments are professionally managed, and we have an excellent history of performance, measured against other endowments our size,” noted Rodney Harder, CFO of the UNMF. “Last year we saw an 11.5 percent return, and we are well positioned for growth.” The minimum amount needed to set up a named endowment fund is $25,000. Initial thresholds increase according to the purpose of a fund. For example, a Faculty Fellowship requires a $100,000 gift; inaugurating a University Chair position begins at $1 million. Planned gifts and bequests are excellent means for initiating endowments. However, donors have many ways to express support by giving in any amount to existing general purpose endowments that provide critical funding to a variety of programs across campus, like these three:
“As the state’s largest academic library, we are committed to providing consistently excellent service and collections to a wide group of users.”
The Rosalyn Gethner Endowment for Native American Students “The Gethner Endowment provides scholarship aid to assist Native American students,” noted UNM Director of Student Financial Aid Brian Malone. “It benefits entering freshmen and law students, many of whom might be without funding, or be forced to borrow more, if not for this generous gift. I have seen the power of endowments at UNM. They provide a consistent source of funding indefinitely, resulting in an exceptionally impactful legacy that supports future generations.” Photos this page courtesy: UNM Archives
The Power of Endowment
Presidential Scholarship Program (PSP) Endowment for the 21st Century While currently 71 endowed scholarships are within the nearly $6 million Presidential Scholarship Endowment Fund that all benefit UNM’s Presidential Scholarship Program (PSP), this general endowed fund is not tied to a particular donor. “Growing the PSP Endowment for the 21st Century would mean that more of New Mexico’s brightest and most involved high school graduates could receive scholarships,” said Cathy Bunch, who manages the PSP for the UNMF.
The Endowment for UNM Libraries “This endowment enables us to purchase books, unique materials, special collections or innovative technologies for the benefit of all UNM students,” said Dean of University Libraries Martha Bedard.
Interior of Zimmerman Library circa late 1940s.
To contribute to an endowment that interests you, including the three above, please contact Endowment Relations Manager Judith Davenport at Judith.Davenport@unmfund.org or (505) 277-9600.
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New Endowments
New Endowments F Y 2 0 12 - 2 0 13 Madge Helene Bender Endowed Doctoral Scholarship Ed and Loretto Black Endowment in Art and Art History Catherine Buchanan Endowment Fund Robert and Linda Buffett Scholarship for Choral Programs Judy and Scott Burchiel Pharmaceutical Science Graduate Student Travel Award Charles Edward and Elizabeth Tallant Cooper Scholarship Fund David L. Craven Memorial Endowment in Modern and Contemporary Latin American Art History Daniels Diploma Endowment Lorenzo Dominguez Endowed Scholarship in Guitar Ralph W. Douglass Scholarship Endowment in Art and Art History Ralph and Lois Elsner Scholarship Fund for Native American Students Engineering and Computer Science Student Career Development Program Fund for Undergraduates Hilbert and Ethel Cobb Fisher Scholarship Endowment Garcia Honda Endowment for Opera Theatre Terri Giron-Gordon and Gary Gordon Endowed Scholarship William A. Gross Entrepreneurial Engineering Scholarship Rod and Dana Knowlton Guinn Endowed Scholarship
Frederick M. and Joan Monaghan Hart Opportunity Scholarship Fund Marian Grace Henry Scholarship for Music HERO Unrestricted Endowment James (Jim) and Mary Lois Friday Hulsman Endowment for Southwest Sports History and Acquisition Ihlefeld Family Endowed Scholarship for Choral Programs Howard L. Karno Endowment for Latin American Pictorial Collections Khatali Class of 1987 Student Support Fund Khatali Class of 1972 Student Support Fund Colonel David P. and Linda Hudson Kirby Endowed Presidential Scholarship James W. and Jeanette C. Larson Endowed Scholarship for Architecture Earl A. Latimer, Jr., MD Endowed Scholarship Gloria Griffin Mallory Endowment for Theatre – Eddie Snapp Fellowship Issa Sakaki Merrill Scholarship and Student Support Fund Corine Müller-Peña Endowed Scholarship William C. Murphy Fund Harry Myers Endowed Presidential Scholarship Dr. Joel D. Nash Fund for Excellence in Scholarship New Mexico Educators Federal Credit Union Scholarship for Student-Athlete Success Family Endowment In Memory of Susan Patrick Olson
Rosalie C. Otero Fund for Research in the Honors College PACA NM Hall of Fame Endowed Scholarship The Kathryn and Ted Parnall Scholarship for Law as an Instrument of Economic Growth and Social Development Rob Rayner Endowed Presidential Scholarship David A. Reis Endowed Scholarship Richard C. Sandoval Scholarship Endowment in Art and Art History Spencer M. Santage Endowed Scholarship Denise Schulz Endowment for Theatre Justice Patricio M. Serna Scholarship UNM Hospitals’ Poor Valencia Title V Coop2 Innovative Endowment Ray Vargas, II Endowed Scholarship for Aspiring Trial Lawyers at the UNM School of Law Visionaries of Infinite Potential (VIP) Endowment Michael Wallerstein Award Lynda S. Welage Endowment Robert and Elizabeth H. Wertheim Endowed Presidential Scholarship Fund Zimmerman Library Historic Building Endowment James F. Zimmerman Endowment for Latin American Materials and Program
Create an Endowment The UNM Foundation works with donors to develop guidelines for how their endowments are to be used, ensuring that donor intent and University policies are honored. You may fully fund an endowment in three ways: B With a one-time gift of at least the full minimum amount, which varies depending on the endowment’s purpose B Over a three-year pledge period B Through a bequest or other deferred gift In addition to cash, endowed funds may be established and funded through any gift vehicle recognized by the UNM Foundation. These include: B Gifts of securities or real property B Pooled gifts from a group of family, friends or colleagues B Memorial contributions B Recurring gifts For further information, please contact any college or school development officer (see page 36) or Endowment Relations Manager Judith Davenport at Judith. Davenport@unmfund.org or (505) 277-9600.
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T h e To m L . P o p e j o y S o c i e t y
Aspire to the Tom L. Popejoy Society
The Tom L. Popejoy Society
Founded in 1982, the Tom L. Popejoy Society recognizes philanthropic leaders whose cumulative giving to UNM over the course of their lifetimes exceeds $50,000. Thirty-one years later, this esteemed group of donors has grown to more than 1,000 members who represent all aspects of the University of New Mexico.
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For more information on this prestigious society, please contact Donor Relations Director Jill Slaby at Jill.Slaby@ unmfund.org or (505) 277-9651. For Popejoy memorial listings, please visit unmfund.org/popejoy-society.
Courtesy: UNM Archives
Named in honor of UNMâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s legendary ninth president, Tom L. Popejoy, the society was established to embrace a community of philanthropists who impart President Popejoyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s passion and commitment to the University and who are changing worlds each and every day. Thanks to Popejoy Society members, UNM can achieve the greatest impact on student success and opportunity, faculty support and research, campus programs, and capital projects and facilities.
Anonymous (31) Dr. Karen Abraham Mayor Larry Abraham and Beverly Abraham Louis and Stacy Abruzzo M Esteban Aguilar, Sr. Dr. Harjit Ahluwalia and Manjit Ahluwalia Larry and Susan Ahrens Paul W. and Leigh Ann Albers Janet Kiehle Allen, MD Pierre Amestoy, Jr. and Leslie Amestoy Prof. Rudolfo Anaya Barbara Anderson* Beverly Anderson Albert Anella Q Profs. Ronald and Jacqueline Angel Prof. Garo Antreasian Adelmo and Rebecca Archuleta Dr. and Mrs. Kent Argubright Denise Armenta Dale Armstrong M The Aryeh Family M Ms. Lenora Neil Atkins Jerrell and Ginger Atkinson Ray B. and Jean M. Auel Ronald and Susan Baca
Tony Baca and Kira Sowanick M Dr. and Mrs. David B. Baddour Rene Balagna and Jack Baker Prof. James Barbour and Margaret Davidson Frank Barela, Sr. and Evelyn Barela Fernando Barnuevo and Gloria Ybarra Sandra Bass M Stephen and Laura Bass M Robert and Marjorie Beck Dr. Richard Beidleman and Linda Beidleman Dr. Robert Bell and Dr. Stirling Puck Dr. LeGrand Belnap Alexandra Benjamin M Stephen Benjamin Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bennett Martha Benton H. Allen Berkheimer, Jr. Burt and Jean Berman Anthony and Beverly Bernitsky Pierre Berry Mayor Richard Berry and Maria Berry Dr. Troy Best James Bewley Jeff and Anne Bingaman Dorothy W. and A. Rolfe Black A. Wade and Renata Black Amy Black M Billy and Shawne Blackburn Michael and Janice Blake
Dr. Jane Blumenfeld Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bovinette Patrick Bowen M Michael and Monica Bowlin Michael Boyle and Susan MacDonald-Boyle M G. Dana Brabson and Shirley Brabson James Branch, Jr. and Joan Branch Turner and Margaret Branch Dr. Gary Brooks Brennan and Amy Brennan Barbara Brenner Patricia and Charley Brewer Randy Briggs and Stacey Eoff Diane Broadwell John and Suzette Brooks Anne J. Brown C. Lee and Donna Brown Q Dean Douglas Brown and Sarah Brown Richard Brown and Elizabeth Calhoon Scott and Kay Brown Doris Bry M Paul and April Buchheit Brian and Celia Burnett Gregory Bussiere M Bernie Butterfield, Jr. and Anne Butterfield M Jory and Claudia Cafferky M Dr. Michael Campana and Mary Campana Jack and Marilyn Carlson M Dr. Quito Osuna Carr Marion Castiglia Bill and Karla Cates M
Prof. Roy Caton, Jr. Peggy Cavett-Walden Don and Dianne Chalmers Dr. William Chambers Mr. Author E. Charette Jean and Clem Charlton Mr. Peter Chatzky Lois Chess Josina Chimenti Philip Ciofalo Dr. Stephen Cito and Debra Cito Richard Civerolo Rosamaria Clark Frank and Alice Cobb John and Carol Cochran Edwin Cohen Ms. Van Deren Coke Patrick D. Conroy Robert and Tricia Cooper M Johnny and Marty Cope M Dr. Jean Giddens and Mr. Jay Corazza Eddie and Maria Corley The Hon. C.B. Cosgrove, III Q George Cowan* Roger* and Elizabeth Cox Meinrad Craighead M Robert and Elizabeth Crain Scott and Katherine Creagan Alfred and Sheila Creecy M Robert Cromwell and Sarit Rozycki Robert Crow, Jr. M Edgar and Geraldine Cruft Q Ann Cullum Robert and Mary Custer David Dalgarno Mr. Michael Daly
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Courtesy: UNM Archives
T h e To m L . P o p e j o y S o c i e t y
Tom L. Popejoy (UNM President, 1948-1968) stands in the gateway at University House during the annual Hanging of the Greens event in December 1961.
John and Betty Danfelser The Hon. Charles Daniels and Randi McGinn Kevin and Leonor Daniels Sharon (Peach) Daniels Demetrios Daskalos Sue Daulton A. Wayne and Karen Davenport Russ and Revathi Davidson M Henrietta Davies Bruce Davis
Sam Dazzo, Jr. and Vicki Dazzo Dr. Walter Dean, Jr. and Beverly Dean M Danny Deaver M Dale Dekker and Dr. Diane Dekker M Pauline DeKraker Susan and James Demas Joe D. Dennis, Jr. Brent and Eileen DePonte Nunzio and Teresa DeSantis
Prof. Robert Desiderio and Anne Desiderio Jeffrey and Evy Diamond M Becky and Rudy Diaz M Joe and Christine DiGregorio Gerri Doherty Thomas and Judith Donahue M Barbara Doolittle* Donald and Pamela Duke The Hon. Aubrey Dunn, Sr. and Betty Jo Dunn Q Dr. Jacqueline Dunnington Q Stephen and Karen Durkovich Gary and Barbara Dushane Randy and Lisa Eastburg Drs. R. Philip and Olga Eaton M Mel and Mary Ann Eaves Gregory and Dawn Edgeington Lori Efroymson Miriam Efroymson Dr. Peter Eller John and Julie Ellis M Robert Ellis M Mr. and Mrs. Antony James Ellman Wolfgang Elston M Mr. Michael Emerson and Ms. Kathryn Naassan Mr. James Enyeart and Ms. Roxanne Malone Ms. Shaari Ergas Dr. and Mrs. Ray Esquibel Tony Evanko
Mr. Frank Evans and Ms. Janet Boles L. Diane Evans Joyce Duncan Falk and Henrich R. Falk M David and Caroll Farmer M Sheena Ferguson M William Ferguson and Sarah DaviesM Jean Fielder James and Nancy Fisher Thomas Fitzgerald Graham Flint Mr. James H. Foley Q Tim Foley Regent Jack Fortner and Terri Fortner M Mr. Edward A. (Gus) Foster Drs. Elliott and Kathryn Foucar Dr. Abraham Franck W. Nicholas Freygang and Jean Rosenthal George J. and Mary E. Friberg Jerald and Maxine Friedman Q Ronald and Susan Friedman Gregory and Devon Frost Peter Furst M Philip and Glenna Gaddy Mayo Galindo Regent Gene Gallegos and Felice Gonzales Michael and Rhonda Gallegos Dr. and Mrs. Miguel Gallegos Tina and Rick Galles M Edward Garcia
Sheilah Garcia Raleigh Gardenhire Dr. Richard Garver and Dr. Nancy Logan-Garver M Brad and Kathy Gehrke Jerry and Sharon Geist Kevin and Vickie Georges Prof. Walter Gerstle and Irene Gerstle Robert Ghattas and Dr. Monika Ghattas James R. and Deborah L. Giannelli Susan and James Gibbs Paul Gibson M Van H. and Sandra V. Gilbert Arnold Glimcher M Jay Gluck Dr. Peter Glusker Dr. Ned Godshall and Ellen Torgrimson M B. Thomas Golisano James Gollin Robert and Marti Goodman Gary Gordon and Terri Giron-Gordon Dr. Larry Gordon and Nedra Gordon Frank Gorham, III and the Hon. Ramsay Gorham Gene and Dell Gosnell Scott and Laura Grady Dr. Cheryl Fossum Graham Mr. and Mrs. Ray A. Graham, III Danny Granger M Al Grant Patrick and Jean Gratton Q Georgia Greenberg*
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Drs. Norman and Gilda Greenberg Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Greene David Griffin Thomas and Nancy Growney Sophie Guest* Barbara Gunderson Mark Haas M Robert Hakeem M Connie Hale Bruce and Patricia Hall Paul and Teresa Harbaugh Wayne and Debra Harley David and Linda Harris M LaDonna Harris Leo Harris and Ann Simms Dr. Payne Harris Q Dr. and Mrs. Peter Harrison Prof. Frederick Hart and Joan Hart John and Carolyn Harvey Penny Little Hawks Dr. H. Michael Hayes Arthur Hayman Dr. Allan Haynes, Jr. and Catherine Haynes Karen Head Mr. Geoffrey S.M. Hedrick Dr. David S. Henkel, Jr. James Hesse* and Dr. Estelle Rosenblum David and Susan Hettema Kerry Heubeck M Continued on page 20
Q Charter Member
M New Member
* Deceased
T h e To m L . P o p e j o y S o c i e t y Continued from page 19
Marilyn Hibben Q Arlene High Marie Hillerman Ms. Eileen Grevey Hillson and Dr. David Hillson Mrs. Dolores Hines Gary and Sofia Hines M Hernan and Monica Hirsch Dr. Steven Holbrook and Judith Ferrell-Holbrook M Dr. Carol Holland Suzanne Hood Van Dorn Hooker Bruce and Teri Hoover I.B. Hoover Scott and Renee Hoover C. Ruth Horn Q Mark and Barbara Horwitch Mark and Marion Howard Susan Howard Tommy and Karen Hudson Curtis W. Huff and Lori M. Gallagher The Hon. Shirley Mount Hufstedler and Mr. Seth M. Hufstedler James Hughes and Suzanne Hawley James and Mary Lois Hulsman M Helen Hunt Ross K. Huntingford Michael and Monica Hussey M James and Betty Hutchinson Scott Hutton Ann Hyde Henry and Donna Ingalls
Lowell and Norberta Irby M Alice Irvin Jerry and Glenda Jackson Steven Jackson Larry and Caroline Jehle Dr. J. Charles Jennett and Linda Jennett Alvin and Louise Johnson Q Debbie Johnson Dr. Robert Johnson Wayne and Kurstin Johnson Youn Ja Johnson Mr. Peter Johnstone* Carol Lakin Jones S. Kent and Joanna Jones Ted and Margaret Jorgensen Victor Jury, Jr. Ellen Kaiper Nick Kapnison Patricia Keightley Michael and Peggy Keleher William and Jan Keleher Dr. Jack and Susan Kennedy M Lisa Kilbreth M Drs. Gary and Yolanda King Jim and Ellen King David P. and Linda Hudson Kirby Ms. Peggy Kirkland and Dr. Douglas Kirkland Dr. Diane J. Klepper Kevin Kneafsey Prof. John Kneen and Patricia Kneen Dr. Jeanne Knight
Regent James Koch and Nene Koch Marshallene G. Koff April and Bob Kopp Pauline Kosanovich Dr. Peter Kunstadter James and Mary LaBorde Dr. Louise Lamphere Gerald and Barbara Landgraf Donald and Alice LappĂŠ Paul Lashbrooke David and Lois Laven Iona Lee and Family Dr. William Lehmann Anne Leonhardt Dr. Mark Lesher and Donna Lesher M Louis and Barbara Leurig Q Richard Levy and Dana Asbury Edward and Carolyn Lewis Prof. Lester Libo and Mary Libo Roy Lindersmith Jack and Patricia Little Q Ann Long James and Rebecca Long Gloria Longley H. Hunter and M. Ann Look Dr. D. Greg LoPour and Paige LoPour M Dr. Catherine Loughlin Dr. Chalmers Loughridge and Ruth Loughridge Dr. Richard Lovato M Mahlon and Beverly Love Ms. Karen C. Lovett
Edward and Virginia Lujan Drs. Mary Lipscomb and Rick Lyons William Macey Q Paul Maestas Ed and Joline Mahr Thomas Malloy, Jr. and Isabel Malloy Colleen Maloof Q Phillip Maloof M Dara Mark M Linda Marshall Enrico Martignoni Gerald and Victoria Martin J. Landis and Sharon Martin M Dr. Ruben Martinez and Karen Martinez Mike Minoru Masukawa Kent and Sara Mathis M Joseph Matthews M Drs. Daniel and Noemi Mattis Judith Hochberg and Michael Mattis C. Herman Mauney Dr. Gerald and Ms. Mary Joyce May David and Barbara* Mc Kinney Jim McClintic* Sherman and Cathy McCorkle James McCullough, III* M Priscilla McDonnell Tim and Anna McElvain Dr. Michael and Jeanelle McGuire Carlotta McInteer Stephen and Rebecca McKernan
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Ian McKinnon Dr. Dale Melada and Prof. Ivan Melada David and Adalaida Melton M Ronald and Wendy Meltsner Ronnie and Tammy Meng JoAnn Mercer Tom and Jean Merson Mr. Jean Robert Milant Erma Miller Margo McCormick and Ranne Miller M Dr. William Miller and Kathleen Jackson Thomas E. and Carolyn J. Minton Richard and Sabieann Baca Minzner Stephen and Cynthia Mitchell J. Howard and Judy Mock Mr. Martin I. Mondlick and Dr. Ruth Shore Mondlick Robert and Claudia Moraga Donald and Juarte Moritz Patricia Morris John and Barbara Morrison Lynn and Jerry Mosher Mr. Stanley Mount and Ms. Roxanna Meyers Karl Mueller, Jr. and Marion Mueller Matt Mullican Vern Munz and Teresa Urrea Bob and Betsy Murphy Harry Myers M Helen Nadler
Dr. Leonard Napolitano* Lori Nash M Ruth S. and Charles E. Needham Don and Carolyn Neeper Marron Lee Nelson and Michael Nelson Rolf Nelson Mrs. Thomas J. Nesbitt Brett and Cindy Newberry Dr. Stephen Nicholas and Eileen Nicholas M Alexander Novak Joe Novak B.C. Nowlin and Carol Estes-Nowlin Dr. Diana Obrinsky Patricia Olliges* David and Annie Olson Dr. George Omer, Jr. and Wanda Omer Marianne Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Shaughnessy William and Elizabeth Overstreet Evangeline M. Pacheco Dr. Brian Papworth and Mardi Papworth Judge James Parker and Mrs. Jay Parker M Dr. Robert Parks and Allison Parks Ronald and Delores Payne Steven and Debbie Perich M Richard Perl Mr. and Mrs. John Perner John and June Perovich Q Gerald and Kathleen Peters Silas Peterson, Jr. and Katherine Peterson William Peterson
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T h e To m L . P o p e j o y S o c i e t y
Dean Peyton, D.O. and Jane Peyton Dr. Patricia Armell and Mr. James Phillips Eric and Pamela Pillmore Mañuel and Verna* Pino Tony and Julie Pisto Bob and Mandy Pitre Kurt and Dianne Plouff Richard and Elena Pollack M Ernest and Betty* Pompeo Mary Poole Thomas Popejoy, Jr. and Suzanne Popejoy Joanne and Will Potter Donald and Victoria Power M Antoine Predock and Constance DeJong Frank Purcell, Jr. and Joy Purcell Alan Paine Radebaugh and Karen Rae Olson Larry and Dorothy Rainosek Dr. Mark Rainosek Dr. Barry Ramo and Roberta Ramo Mrs. Lyle Ramsey Mr. Stuart Rappaport and Ms. Connie LoveladyRappaport Dr. Bishnu Rauth Kenneth and Rebecca Ray Charles Rayburn Paul Bartlett Ré Rita Reeves M John Reilly, Jr. and Dawn Reilly M William Reiquam and Eleanor A. Reiquam
Dr. Armin Rembe and Penny Rembe Suzanne Reynolds Russell and Ann Rhoades Mary Rich Dr. David Robbins and Ruthie Horn Robbins Nancy Roberts Jerrald and Nancy Roehl James and Beverly Rogers Edwin Roos and Maryann Evans Mr. and Mrs. Jacob I. Rosenbaum Michael Rosenbaum Lanny Ross Gerald Mr. Kurt L. Roth Paul and Lucille Roth John Rowe and Lorina Montoya Ms. María Griego-Raby and Mr. Randy Royster Drs. Ludwik and Danuta Rozycki Martin and Craig Rubenstein Ronald and Kate Rule Charles Russell, Jr. and Lissa Russell Gordon Russell Donna Rust Q Ann Rutledge Ruth (Betty) Rutledge* The Hon. Murray Ryan William Sabatini M Betty Sabo and Fred Matteucci E. Larry and Nancy Saiers Q Leonard and Anne Sanchez Robert and Dina Sanchez Q Bartolomé Santacruz
Paul and Carol Sarkisian John Schaefer M Prof. and Mrs. Edl Schamiloglu G.T. Schappert and Prof. Linda Schappert Roger L. Schluntz, FAIA Karen Schmidt M The Hon. Harrison Schmitt and Teresa Fitzgibbon Q Thomas and Susan Schoeman Romona Scholder Dr. and Mrs. Sidney Schultz William and Karen Schumacher M Betty Schware Sam Scott Sherman and Joyce Scott Randy and Jennifer Self Bruce and Sandra Seligman Jean Seth* Tim and Scottie Sheehan Dr. Russell Shelden William and Linda Shepard Q Scott Sherman Dr. Hyun-Koock Shin M Prof. Virginia Shipman Rodney and Beverly Shoemaker M Mr. and Mrs. Eric (Rick) Siegel Dr. Leon Silver Michael and Jill Sivage Paul Skinner Sam Slick Houghton Smith, Jr. M Billy Smith
Orin Smith and Dr. Stephanie Bennett-Smith Phyllis Smith James Snead, III and Georgia Snead William and Patricia Snead Anne Snider Dr. Gregg Solove and Deborah Solove M J. Gordon and Dorothy Sparks Dr. H. Wayne Springfield* Dr. Jim Stagnone Robert Stamm and Mary Herring-Stamm Q Gary and Julie Stepic M Mr. and Mrs. Chester French Stewart Marilyn Stout Roberta C. Straight Gerda Strauss Patrick and Cori Sullivan M Carolyn R. Surface Mr. and Mrs. Duffy Swan Dr. Masami Takayama and Chisako Takayama Richard Tanuz M Maj. Gen. H. Tom Taylor, Jr. and Ingeborg Taylor John Taylor Tish Taylor Q Mr. and Mrs. William Tempel, Jr. Kenny Thomas M MarieAnn and Alex Thornburg Garrett Thornburg and Catherine Oppenheimer M Dr. Ignacio Tinoco, Jr.
David and Lynda Tippeconnic Rebecca Tobey LaRue Toney Mr. Bob L. Turner Tobe Turpen, Jr. Dr. Eberhard Uhlenhuth The Ungerleider Family Lisa Unser and Bobby Unser, Jr. Brian Urlacher Francisco Urrea, Jr. and Alberta Urrea Q Trey Urrea Mary Utton M Jeff and Deborah Van Dyke Georg and Margaret Vedeler Randy and Vicki Velarde M Roger and Sheril Vergara Benita Villanueva Q Yvon Villeneuve and Janet Lashbrooke Jeffrey and Karen Vinyard Rick and Leslie Wadley M Dr. Howard Wadstrom Dr. Peter Walch and Linda Tyler Dr. Byron Wall and Cindy Hernandez-Wall Adele Ward Jim and Joan Warne Prof. William P. Weber William Weihofen Ronald Weiner Chuck and JD Wellborn Mr. and Mrs. James Wemple Jerry Wertheim and Mary Carole Wertheim
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Robert* and Elizabeth Wertheim Q Jeanne Wertheimer Prof. Geoffrey West Dr. Jim and Mrs. Brynn Wetherbe Dr. David Whitten and Jo Whitten M Larry Willard Dr. John Williams Luane Williams Ms. Juliana Boyle and Mr. Michael Williams M Keith and Deborah Wilson M Brian and Stephanie Wimbish Prof. Peter A. Winograd Ms. Nancy Meem Wirth Charlotte Wood Marion Woodham Q Catherine Woodward Ken and Johnna Yarbrough Mrs. S.P. Yates Peyton Yates, Jr. and Linda Yates Kevin and Lian Yearout M Vince and Anne Yegge Dr. Anthony Yeung and Eileen Yeung M Kenneth and Kathy Zangara Pauline Zemke Catherine and Ray Ziler Ray and Barbara Zimmer Q Martha Zollinger Q Q Charter Member
M New Member
* Deceased
The New Horizons Society
Join the New Horizons Society
New Horizons Society
The University of New Mexico Foundation would like to recognize all donors who have included the University in their estate plans or who have made other types of planned gifts. New Horizons Society (NHS) members are invited to an annual luncheon event.
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A planned gift may take the form of a bequest intention in a will or living trust, an IRA or retirement account beneficiary designation, a life insurance or other beneficiary designation, a gift annuity, a charitable trust or other arrangements. Members of Lobo Legacy or Forever Lobo Society, a planned giving program for UNM Athletics, are indicated by a i in the NHS member listing. For more information about making a planned gift or joining the New Horizons Society, please contact Director of Gift Planning Sheila Hard, at Sheila.Hard@unmfund.org or (505) 277-9604.
Fay P. Abrams Raymond Ament Roy Anderson Ellen and Evan Ashcraft Harry and Kristina Asmussen Lee and Jan Miller Burck and Sandra Bailey Rene Balagna and Jack Baker Stephen and Laura Bass Margaret Bell Martha Benton H. Allen Berkheimer, Jr. Pierre Berry Mayor Richard Berry and Maria Berry Roy and Tana Bidwell Dr. Samuel Bluefarb Paul and Susan Bombardt Jim and Diane Bonnell Stephen Borbas Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bovinette Dr. Raymond Bowen and Joan Bowen Jim and Jeanette Boyer Frances Bratton John and Anita Briscoe James and Elizabeth Brown i Shannan Carter and Janet Yates Edward Cassidy Maria Catanach
Professor Roy Caton, Jr. Thomas Cavanaugh Peggy Cavett-Walden Dr. William Chambers Rudolph Chavez i Virginia Clark F. P. Pete Clements Charles* and Gwen Clouthier Jan Gilberry Coke Patrick Conroy Kenneth Corazza Bruce and Diane Creel i Katharine Daub Russ and Revathi Davidson Dr. Darrell Dawson Bradley and Kathy Day Kathryn Day Dr. William Degenhardt Sheila Delaney James Demas, Jr. and Susan Demas John and Glenna Denton Dr. Walter Dickinson and Dr. Judith Fabian Clinton and Debra Dodge Rae Domenico Yolanda R. Domínguez Thomas and Judith Donahue Daniel C. Dosé and Mary L. Taylor Dosé Drexel and Carmen Douglas i Georgia Duncan Dr. Nader Ebrahimi Mr. Frank Evans and Ms. Janet Boles Thomas Farrar John and Jo Margaret Farris William and Alice Fienning William and Heidi Fietz i William Fietz
David and Jennifer Finlayson i James and Nancy Fisher i Rona Fisher Martin Fleck, Jr. and Lois Fleck Professor Marilyn Fletcher James Ford, Jr. and Maureen Ford Dr. Stephen Littlejohn and Dr. Karen Foss Edward A. (Gus) Foster Dr. Abraham Franck Kenneth Fridline Drs. Theodore and Charlotte Frisbie Armando Garcia, Sr. and Dr. Linda Kirk-Garcia Sheilah Garcia Raleigh Gardenhire i Charles and Patsy Gassaway Dr. Ann Gateley Oscar George, Jr. and Lynnie Wienecke Dennis and Bonnie Geer Robert and Harriet Gerding Hugh Gibson Susanna Gilbert Dr. Leon Goldman and Angela Goldman Gary Gordon and Terri Giron-Gordon Dr. Larry Gordon and Nedra Gordon William Grasse Drs. Norman and Gilda Greenberg Nancy Gregory Dr. Brian Hansen and Linda Williams Sheila Hard Dr. Debra Harris Lisa Hendrix
James and Eleonore Hessler Robert Hilgendorf and Tian-Ling Tong M. Anne Hill Marilyn Hill Mrs. Dolores Hines Gary and Sofia Hines i Bruce Hoffman Jesse Holmes, Jr. and Connie Holmes Van Dorn Hooker Bruce and Teri Hoover i Dr. Mark Hoover and Martha Hoover Ann Hyde Alice Irvin Prof. Kuppaswamy Iyengar Terry Jackson Dr. George Jelinek Howard Jenkins Roy and Frances Johns Debbie Johnson William Johnson and Luanna Hughes Johnson Dr. William Junor and Susan Wider Julia Kalmus Doctor Bill Kelley Hari Khalsa David P. and Linda Hudson Kirby Don Kirby and Joan Gentry Stephanie Klecotka Walter and Allene Kleweno Gary Kloppenburg Dr. Jeanne Knight Marshallene G. Koff Dr. Kathryn Kolankiewicz i Loren and Nancy Kuehne
C E L E B R AT I N G 12 5 Y E A R S o f t h e U N I V E R S I T Y o f N E W M E X I CO
Courtesy: UNM Archives
UNM Women’s Swim Team poses in 1946.
Donald and Margaret Kuehnert Gerry Laidlaw i Anthony Landry Jeanette and James Larson Kenneth Leach and Hazel Tull-Leach i Dr. Mark Lesher and Donna Lesher i Michele Lesher Prof. Robert Loftfield Frank Logan, III and Patricia Logan H. Hunter and M. Ann Look i Dr. Bill Lovejoy Prof. Ruth A. Luckasson and Dr. Larry E. Davis Dr. Raymond Lutz, Jr. and Dr. Nancy Lutz William Macey
Paul and Denise Maestas i Robert Mallory and Dr. Gloria Mallory Charles and Margery Marshall Ted and Dolores Martinez Felipe and Phyllis Martinez Dr. Valerie Mathes Stephen and Janice Matthews C. Herman Mauney Karin May Sharelle Mayer i Dr. Marguerite McCurry Michael and Barbara McDonnell Jeannette McKee* William Langdon and S. Patricia McSherry JoAnn Mercer Patricia Merlo
Dr. George Omer, Jr. and Wanda Omer James Parnell Larry Anderson and Dr. Mary Payne Jennifer Pedneau Mari Penshurst Calla Ann Pepmueller Mr. and Mrs. John Perner i Mañuel and Verna* Pino Susan Poet Mary Poole Thomas Popejoy, Jr. and Suzanne Popejoy i Dr. J. T. (Skip) Prichard Larry Nichols and Dr. Polly Primm Larry and Dorothy Rainosek i Paul Bartlett Ré Dr. E. Gerald Meyer Greg and Henry Miller, II Patricia Remington i Dr. William Miller and Buck and Isa Rhodes Kathleen Jackson Mary Rich J. Douglas Mistler, USA (Ret.) and Carol Mistler Dr. Adrian Richards and Efrosine Richards Col. Frank Moran and Helen Moran John Robb, Jr. and John and Barbara Morrison Margaret Robb Gerald and Helen Moser Michael Roberts i William and Laurie Moye Dr. John Robertson Karl Mueller, Jr. and Edwin Roos and Marion Mueller Maryann Evans Dr. Michael Muldawer and Ingrid Roosild Judith Muldawer Frederick Rose, Jr. i Dr. Catherine Mulqueen Dr. Estelle Rosenblum John and Mary Mulvany Mr. Kurt L. Roth Dr. Marilee Nason Martin and Don and Carolyn Neeper Craig Rubenstein Rolf Nelson Dr. Isidro Rubi, Jr. and David and Annie Olson Janice Rubi
Lenny Ruggiero and Janice Branch-Ruggiero i Theda Rushing Ro Saavedra Sonia Sabath John Salazar Dan Salter, DDS and Dr. Susan Weaver i Leonard and Anne Sanchez Dr. Alex Sanchez and Elaine Sanchez Sandra Sanchez Mildred Sanders Prof. Don Schlegel Prof. Roger Schluntz Karen Schmidt Dale and Kileen Scott i Harlan and Georganne Seeley Danielle Sengel Alan Shaffer Art and Colleen Sheinberg Dr. Roger Simms Steven Simms and L. Gail Lemons Garrett Smith Robert Smith Prof. Rod Snead Elsie Charlese Spencer Todd R. Staats Robert Stamm and Mary Herring-Stamm Drs. David and Cynthia Stuart Carolyn R. Surface Mr. and Mrs. Duffy Swan Kyla and Roger Thompson Dr. Steven Tolber and Louise Campbell-Tolber Lisa Torres
C E L E B R AT I N G 12 5 Y E A R S o f t h e U N I V E R S I T Y o f N E W M E X I CO
Coleman Travelstead and Brookes McIntyre Joe Trujillo* and Dr. Valerie Trujillo Dr. Robert Turner and Karen Turner Tobe Turpen, Jr. i Richard and Diane Vande Noord Cherie Vaughn i Roy and Cynde Vestal Yvon Villeneuve and Janet Lashbrooke Dr. Howard Wadstrom Mr. Jerry Walker and Dr. Randi Walker Prof. William P. Weber Dr. Marta Weigle William Weihofen John Wheeler Dr. David Whitten and Jo Whitten Carol Wilder Susan Wilhite Linda Williams Dr. Walter Willis and Joan Willis Prof. Peter A. Winograd Phillip and Mary Woodard Thomas Zanotti Martha Zollinger Dorothy Zopf
i Lobo Legacy or
Forever Lobo Society member * Deceased
Gif ts to The Universit y of New Mexico
Gifts to the University of New Mexico F Y 2 0 1 2- 2 013
Individuals, Corporations and Foundations $1,000,000+ Anonymous (2) Childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Miracle Network Hospitals Estate of Elizabeth T. Cooper Corporation for Public Broadcasting Friends of KNME-TV Friends of KUNM General Electric Company The Navajo Nation Pfizer, Inc. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Sandia Foundation, a Hugh and Helen Woodward Charity M W.K. Kellogg Foundation
Individuals, Corporations and Foundations $500,000-999,999 Anonymous Prof. Garo Antreasian Estate of Charlotte W. Arnold CD-ADAPCO, Inc. MSC Software PNM Resources i Estate of Clarence E. Rogers John Schaefer United Way of Central New Mexico Estate of Agnes M. Walker Walmart Dr. Anthony Yeung and Eileen Yeung The UNM Foundation has made every effort to list our donors accurately and in the manner requested. We regret any errors that may have been made in this publication and would appreciate any corrections, name or title changes or comments regarding your listing via email at marcom@unmfund.org.
Individuals, Corporations and Foundations $100,000-499,999 Anonymous (5) Albuquerque The Magazine i Allergan, Inc. American Cancer Society, Inc.
American General Media i American Heart Association Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Astellas Pharma US, Inc. Atlantic Philanthropies Bilinski Educational Foundation Bristol-Myers Squibb Gregory Bussiere Carrie Tingley Hospital Foundation Celgene Corp. Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation Estate of Dixie C. Clark Clear Channel Radio and News Media i Comcast Corporation i Costco Wholesale i Cowboys for Cancer Research, Inc. Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Daniels Fund Sue Daulton M i Donald W. Reynolds Foundation Eisai, Inc. Estate of Elinor P. Hempelmann William Ferguson and Sarah Davies Frank C. Hibben Charitable Trust Friday Trust Frontier/Golden Pride MP i Peter Furst Sheilah Garcia i The George and Lena Valente Foundation Frank Gorham, Jr. and Marie K. Gorham Charitable Foundation Danny Granger, Jr. James and Mary Lois Hulsman Human Frontier Science Program Janssen Pharmaceutica, Inc. John Templeton Foundation Kroger Company Foundation LAMAJ Foundation Lockheed Martin Corporation i Los Alamos National Laboratory Los Alamos National Security, LLC Lumina Foundation for Education, Inc.
M.S. Doss Foundation, Inc. J. Landis and Sharon Martin Judith Hochberg and Michael Mattis Priscilla McDonnell David and Adalaida Melton i Col. Frank Moran and Helen Moran Mr. and Mrs. Sanford N. McDonnell Foundation Muscular Dystrophy Association, Inc. New Mexico Educators Federal Credit Union M Dr. Stephen Nicholas and Eileen Nicholas Ovarian Cancer Research Fund PCS Health Systems Larry and Dorothy Rainosek M P i Estate of Rob E. Rayner Raytheon Company Rita Reeves RTI International Russell Sage Foundation Sacred Power Corporation, Inc. i Karen Schmidt Shire Development Suzanne H. Poole Trust UCB Pharma Vertex Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Wells Fargo M i
Individuals, Corporations and Foundations $50,000-99,999 Anonymous i 89.1 KANW i American Association on Health and Disability Amgen, Inc. Dale Armstrong i Bank of America i The Bernard Osher Foundation Blood Systems Ms. Juliana Boyle and Mr. Michael Williams
Individuals, Corporations and Foundations $25,000-49,999 Anonymous (3) 30 Second Street i Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma Research Foundation Ahern Rentals i Airport Fast Park i Alexion Pharmaceuticals Alzheimer’s Association Professors Ronald and Jacqueline Angel Arby’s Restaurant i Tony Baca and Kira Sowanick i Dr. Larry Bickle and Vivian Bickle
Biomedical Research Institute Dorothy W. and A. Rolfe Black Amy Black Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Mexico M i Diane Broadwell i Carnegie Institution of Washington Prof. Roy Caton, Jr. Dr. Stephen Cito and Debra Cito i Con Alma Health Foundation, Inc. CO-OP Financial Services Eddie and Maria Corley i Corley’s Albuquerque Lincoln Volvo i Crystal Springs Bottled Water, Inc. i Cyberonics, Inc. Dana-Farber Cancer Institute David and Lynda Tippeconnic Family Foundation Sam Dazzo, Jr. and Vicki Dazzo P i Estate of Predicanda A. De Geer Dr. Walter Dean, Jr. and Beverly Dean Delta Dental Plan of New Mexico i Susan and James Demas Joe D. Dennis, Jr. i DKD Electric Company, Inc. i Lee and Laura Duncan James and Gail Ellis EPDM Settlement ExxonMobil David and Caroll Farmer Robin Flint-Ballenger i Foundation for Informed Medical Decision Making Friends of Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals Friends of the Tamarind Institute
Photo: Bruce Cramer
Harry Myers M Mylan Specialty, LP Dr. Joel Nash* and Lori Nash Oxnard Foundation Richard and Elena Pollack Frank Purcell, Jr. and Joy Purcell Ralph & Lois Elsner Remainder Trust Carol Raymond Sandia Corporation/Lockheed Martin Estate of Emma R. Showman Houghton Smith, Jr. Society of Family Planning Research Fund St. Baldrick’s Foundation State Bar of New Mexico Surdna Foundation TLC Plumbing & Utility, Inc. i Estate of Daniel C. Trigg Brian Urlacher US Bank i Valero Energy Corporation Vivian E. Boyle Trust Walgreens M Robert* and Elizabeth Wertheim M i Professor Peter A. Winograd M Yearout Mechanical, Inc. i Kevin and Lian Yearout i
Continued on page 26
M P i *
Presidential Scholarship Program full sponsor or endowment donor UNM President’s Club member Lobo Club member Deceased
Gifts of $5,000+ and pledge payments received in FY 2012-2013 are listed under “Gifts to the University of New Mexico.”
Photo: Bruce Cramer
Michael Boyle and Susan MacDonald-Boyle Turner and Margaret Branch i Jack and Marilyn Carlson Caswell Silver Foundation ConocoPhillips Consulado de México Meinrad Craighead Dana Foundation Russ and Revathi Davidson Prof. Ruth A. Luckasson and Dr. Larry E. Davis Dialysis Clinic, Inc. Dystonia Coalition Eight Grady Family, LLC i Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. Eli Lilly and Company Entravision Communications, Inc. i ESPN Sports Radio 101.7 i Eugene L. Garcia Charitable Trust Estate of Thelma W. Evans Flintco, LLC i Florence F. Murphy Trust Friends of UNM Popejoy Hall Garcia Automotive Group i Edward Garcia i Dr. Richard Garver and Dr. Nancy Logan-Garver Gary Gordon and Terri Giron-Gordon P Scott and Laura Grady i Estate of Robert C. Jirikowic Jim and Ellen King M i Kohl’s Department Store Dr. Peter Kunstadter M La Vida Llena Laguna Development Corporation i Lannan Foundation Edward and Virginia Lujan i Paul Maestas i Mandelman-Ribak Foundation Manuel Lujan Agencies i MDRC Medtronic Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Courtesy: UNM Archives
Gif ts to The Universit y of New Mexico
Gif ts to The Universit y of New Mexico
Photo: Bruce Cramer
Photo: David Benyak
Courtesy: UNM Archives
Continued from page 25
Friends of UNM Men’s Basketball 6th Man G and G Advertising i Gabrielle’s Angel Foundation for Cancer Research Frank and Christina Galles Genentech, Inc. General Mills i Jay Gluck i Rod and Dana Guinn John and Carolyn Harvey Ward Hickey Gary and Sofia Hines i Howard Hughes Medical Institute Howard L. Franks Memorial Scholarship Trust Curtis W. Huff and Lori M. Gallagher John and Jeanne Hughes IGW Pediatric Cancer Foundation Integrated Control Systems, Inc. i Intel Corporation i Jersey Jacks i John E. and Jeanne T. Hughes Charitable Foundation Estate of Irvine G. and Jean Rentz Jordan Marnie Kaufman David P. and Linda Hudson Kirby M i Estate of Jean Klein KRQE/KBIM/KREZ/KASA M i Jeanette and James Larson Law School Admission Council William LeMay and Dr. Ann Patrick-LeMay Lovelace Health System i Love’s Travel Stops Dara Mark Max Kade Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Ian McKinnon M Mosher Enterprises, Inc. i Lynn and Jerry Mosher i Albert and Jane Nahmad P National Geographic Society Educational Foundation
Marc and Marleen Olivie The Dennis A. O’Toole Family Foundation Dennis and Gertrude O’Toole The P&G Company Parnall Law Firm, LLC Bert and Marta Parnall Pepsico - SW Regional M i Premier Distributing Company i Professional Aerospace Contractors Association of NM Paul Bartlett Ré REDW, LLC i Edwin Roos and Maryann Evans M Jeannette Santage Ski New Mexico, Inc. i Orin Smith and Dr. Stephanie Bennett-Smith P Southwest Productions, Inc. i Robert Stamm and Mary Herring-Stamm M P i Mr. and Mrs. Chester French Stewart i Sunquest Advertising i Mr. and Mrs. Duffy Swan M P i Sysco Food Services of NM, LLC i Richard Tanuz i Teva Neurosciences, LLC Theodore R. and Vivian M. Johnson Scholarship Foundation David and Lynda Tippeconnic Univision Radio i UNM Alumni Association M UNM HSC Budget Office i UNM Lobo Sports Properties i UPN 50 (KASY TV-50) i Ray and Demian Vargas Jeffrey and Karen Vinyard i Watsco, Inc. Prof. William Weber Wenner-Gren Foundation Western Refining i Dr. David Whitten and Jo Whitten i Keith and Deborah Wilson i Brian and Stephanie Wimbish
Dana Collins Wood* and Lisa Larusch Yellow Book USA i Youth Development, Inc.
Individuals $10,000-24,999 Anonymous (2) Larry and Beverly Abraham i Kevin Albert Carl and Linda Alongi i Adelmo and Rebecca Archuleta i Jenny Attiyeh Robert and Linda Attiyeh Prof. Richard Barrett and Dorothy Barrett Steven Becerra and Pauline Lucero i Margaret Bell Madge Bender M Jeff and Anne Bingaman Dale and Caroline Blankenship Estate of Kenneth J. Blueher George and Sibilla Boerigter George and Diane Bowden Patrick Bowen i Tate and Kandi Branch Anne J. Brown P Dean Douglas Brown and Sarah Brown P i Richard Brown and Elizabeth Calhoon Leroy and Elena Candelaria Edward Carroll Bill and Karla Cates i John Catron and Laurie Archer Thomas Catron, III and June Catron Don and Dianne Chalmers i John and Cara Chavez Dr. David Colton and Mary Colton Patrick D. Conroy i Scott and Katherine Creagan i Demetrios Daskalos i Richard Dekker and Dr. Diane Dekker i Brent and Eileen DePonte i Robert Downey and Elizabeth Wills Drs. R. Philip and Olga Eaton
Support the Presidential Scholarship Program
Van H. and Sandra V. Gilbert i Dr. Ned Godshall and Ellen Torgrimson William Gornall, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Greene i David Griffin i Bruce and Cindy Grossman Thomas and Nancy Growney i Marjorie Hanna* i Executive Vice President David Harris and Linda Harris i
Many of New Mexico’s brightest and most involved high school graduates study at the University of New Mexico each year because of the UNM Presidential Scholarship. For 38 years the Presidential Scholarship Program (PSP) has attracted and retained these students at UNM for their education.
Continued on page 28
M P i *
Presidential Scholarship Program full sponsor or endowment donor UNM President’s Club member Lobo Club member Deceased
Presidential Scholarships are awarded to New Mexico high school seniors based on grade point average, class rank, college board scores, personal essays, peer leadership and community involvement. Scholars come from a wide range of economic and social backgrounds and represent every ethnic group and geographic region in New Mexico.
Gifts of $5,000+ and pledge payments received in FY 2012-2013 are listed under “Gifts to the University of New Mexico.”
With an annual gift of $2,600, individuals and corporations may sponsor a Presidential Scholar. UNM increases it to a $7,600 award, which covers a student’s tuition, fees and books. Currently more than 115 individuals and corporations sponsor the program. Almost 28 percent of PSP sponsors are former Presidential Scholars or their parents.
Courtesy: UNM Archives
Larry and Doris Ellis M John and Julie Ellis i Solon Ellison Wolfgang Elston Mr. Michael Emerson and Ms. Kathryn Naassan M Dominic and Isabel Fanelli Steven and Paula Fasken Sheena Ferguson James and Nancy Fisher i Thomas Fitzgerald Regent Jack Fortner and Terri Fortner i Mr. Edward A. (Gus) Foster Alyce Frank George J. and Mary E. Friberg Thomas and Patricia Fritts Gregory and Devon Frost i Paul and Patricia Gaeto Raleigh Gardenhire i Kurt Gilbert and A. Elicia Montoya
Endowing a Presidential Scholarship requires a minimum $50,000 gift. There are currently 71 endowed Presidential Scholarships, each of which provides a PSP scholarship in perpetuity. Donors may also give to the PSP through the “Share-A-Scholar” program by making a gift of any size. These gifts are pooled together to fund additional scholarships. A PSP designation [ M ] in this report identifies individual and corporate sponsors during FY 2012-2013. For more information, please contact Cathy Bunch at Cathy.Bunch@unmfund.org or (505) 277-5688. 27
Gif ts to The Universit y of New Mexico Continued from page 27
Dr. H. Michael Hayes M Peter and Tracy Henderson Estate of Marian G. Henry Kerry Heubeck Marilyn Hill Mrs. Dolores Hines I. B. Hoover i Bruce and Teri Hoover i Scott and Renee Hoover i Charles Huning Louis and Nancy Huning Michael and Monica Hussey Scott Hutton i Mr. Peter Johnstone* i Roger Jones Nick Kapnison i Dr. Diane J. Klepper Walter and Allene Kleweno Lawrence Lazarus Cody and Erica Lee Dr. Mark Lesher and Donna Lesher i Frank Logan, III and Patricia Logan H. Hunter and M. Ann Look i Dr. Michael Malizzo and Cheryl Malizzo i Linda Marshall M P Carolyn Martinez Ed Mason and Dr. Nancy Ridenour William Mayhew i Sherman and Cathy McCorkle i Tom and Jean Merson M J. Howard and Judy Mock i John and Mary Mulvany Ryan and Brandi Mummert i Bob and Betsy Murphy i Don and Carolyn Neeper Kenneth and Tina Otteni i
Dr. Charles Paine and Susan Paine Dr. Brian Papworth and Mardi Papworth i Grace Parr Tom and Krista Parr i Kenneth and Tonya Patton Steven and Debbie Perich i Mr. and Mrs. John Perner i Dean Peyton, DO and Jane Peyton Bernard Plossu Donald and Victoria Power M Charles Rayburn Mary Ann Sweeney and Edward Ricco Jerrald and Nancy Roehl i Mr. Kurt L. Roth i John Rowe and Lorina Montoya M Ms. María Griego-Raby and Mr. Randy Royster i Martin and Craig Rubenstein William Sabatini i Todd Sandoval and Dr. Cristine Sandoval i Dr. Mark Savage i Paul and Elise Schmidt Donald and Nancy Schmierbach Thomas and Susan Schoeman Margot Seigle Bruce and Sandra Seligman M i Professor Virginia Shipman M Mr. and Mrs. Eric (Rick) Siegel i Dr. H. Wayne Springfield* Kurt and Rebecca Steffen Gary and Julie Stepic i Kenny Thomas i MarieAnn and Alex Thornburg Garrett Thornburg and Catherine Oppenheimer Rebecca Ullrich
Q In 1948, UNM President Tom L. Popejoy (left) and Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy Lincoln LaPaz celebrate the arrival of a meteorite, the largest stony meteorite in the world at the time, which is still on display in the Meteorite Museum within UNM’s Institute of Meteoritics.
Photo by C.E. Redman, courtesy UNM Archives
Mary Utton Catherine Van Dyke Jeff and Deborah Van Dyke Roger and Sheril Vergara i Rick and Leslie Wadley i Lynda and Don Welage i Bernard Whaley, Jr. and Felicia Finston Dr. Richard Williams Catherine Woodward i Paul and Pammela Wynn i Vince and Anne Yegge M P i Estate of Melissa J. Zink
Corporations, Foundations and Organizations $10,000-24,999 Anonymous (2) Ace Hardware i Active Network, Inc. Admiral Beverage Corporation Albert I. Pierce Foundation Albuquerque Ford Dealers i ALS Association of New Mexico American Parkinson Disease Association, Inc. American Society for Radiation Oncology Americans for Native Americans Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Association Anchorbuilt, Inc. i Arthrex, Inc. Ayudando Alpha, Inc. i Baillio’s, Inc. i Ball Corporation Bank of Albuquerque i Barrett Trust Baxter Healthcare Corporation BBVA Compass i Brabson Library & Educational Foundation Bradbury Stamm Construction M i Brindle Foundation Burrage & Johnson, CPA, LLC i
Gif ts to The Universit y of New Mexico Cardinal Health Catherine M. Van Dyke Trust Century Bank i Champion Truss i Chartwells Compass Group M i Citgo Concours du Soleil/Albuquerque Community Foundation Consensus Medical Communications, Inc. Consolidated Solar Technologies, LLC i Corley Automotive Group i Credit Union Association of New Mexico Daniels Family Funeral Services i Dazzo Family Revocable Trust Dekker/Perich/Sabatini, Ltd. i DePonte Investments, Inc. i DL & MR Colton Revocable Trust Don Chalmers Ford, Inc. M i The Dorothy D. Douglas Irrevocable Trust The Dorothy Woodward Memorial Eastern New Mexico University El Alamo Checks Cashed, Inc. Elizabeth Wills Revocable Trust Enterprise Rent-A-Car i Frank Trust Franklin’s Earth Moving, Inc. i Fraunhofer Center for Sustainable Energy Systems Fresh & Clean Portable Restrooms i Friends of Maxwell Museum Friends of Music, Inc. Friends of UNM International Medical Delegation Friends of UNM Ski Team Friends of UNM Spirit Squad Gap, Inc. i Gertrude E. Skelly Charitable Foundation Gilead Sciences, Inc. Graphic Connection, Ltd. i Harwood Museum Alliance, Inc. Hutton Broadcasting i
IDQ Companies International Neuropsychological Society Jaynes Corporation M i Jonas Center for Nursing Excellence Kenneth J. Blueher Irrevocable Trust Kenney Brothers Foundation KLJH FM i KMIN i KOB-TV Albuquerque KYVA-FM i Larry H. Miller Toyota i M88 Radio i Maxwell Museum Association Merck Company Foundation Mind & Life Institute Minuteman Refinishing i Molina Healthcare Mountain States Insurance Group M i NAIOP - NM i Nancy Floyd Haworth Foundation National Collegiate Athletic Association National Children’s Oral Health Foundation New Mexico Council on Photography New Mexico Dream Wedding Giveaway New York Life i Nick & Jimmy’s i NM Pharmaceutical Care Foundation Northrop Grumman Corporation i Novartis Ortho Biotech, Inc. Paradise Fire Protection i QForma, Inc. Quail Roost Foundation R & S Powersports Group i RH Power & Associates, Inc. i
Robert E. and Evelyn McKee Foundation RSDS Association Ruth McCormick Tankersley Charitable Trust Sadie’s Cocinita i San Bar Construction Corporation i Sandia Office Supply, Inc. i Sangre de Cristo Broadcasting i SCHOTT Solar Shannon J. Shaw Memorial Fund SM Energy Smith & Nephew, PLC Smith’s Food and Drug Stores Smithsonian Institution Southern Wine & Spirits of NM, Inc. i Southwest Glass & Glazing, Inc. i Specialized Services i St. Bonaventure Indian Mission and School State Employees Credit Union Steel Toe Rhetorics, LLC Stripe’s Convenience Stores Tanoan Country Club i Tate Branch Auto Group Thomas A. Plein Foundation, Ltd. Continued on page 30
M Presidential Scholarship Program full sponsor or endowment donor P UNM President’s Club member i Lobo Club member * Deceased Gifts of $5,000+ and pledge payments received in FY 2012-2013 are listed under “Gifts to the University of New Mexico.”
R Santa Fe geologist Tim McElvain (top, shown with red hat) and others hike the rugged terrain of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains near Santa Fe to an area with evidence of a large meteorite impact he had discovered. In 2006 and 2007, McElvain made gifts to the UNM Institute of Meteoritics to establish the McElvain Fund for Research on Impact Cratering. Courtesy: UNM Institute of Meteoritics
Gif ts to The Universit y of New Mexico
Courtesy: UNM Archives
Continued from page 29
Thornburg Charitable Foundation Tinker Foundation Tom Growney Equipment, Inc. i UNM Bookstore Main Campus i Van Dyke Technologies, Inc. Veritas Foundation Vintage Albuquerque Walter Henry Freygang Foundation WateReuse Foundation Weil Foundation Western Union Foundation Westwind Landscape Construction, Inc. William E. and Mary S. Reed Trust Zia Credit Union
Photo: Bruce Cramer
Anonymous (2) Dr. Karen Abraham i Louis and Stacy Abruzzo i Dr. and Mrs. H. William Adkison Eric Pinkerton and Diane Albert Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery H. Albright Alex Alvarez Prof. Rudolfo Anaya Donald Anderson and Dr. Sally Anderson Dr. Lawrence Andrade and Dr. Aedra Wenger Andrade i Fabian Aragon i Dr. and Mrs. Kent Argubright i Jerry and Carla Arnold i Ellen and Evan Ashcraft M Waleed and Debra Ashoo i Neil Atkins i John and Kathleen Avila M i Kenneth Genco and Jacqueline Baca i Burck and Sandra Bailey Estate of Audrey Baldwin Stephen and Laura Bass
Stephen and Jolene Benoit i Frank Beserra, Jr. i James Bewley i Steve and Diane Blair Donald and Connie Blanton i James and Lynna Blea i John and Betsy Bloch Dr. Jane Blumenfeld Paul and Susan Bombardt Kenneth and Victoria Bower i Janet Bowers Clinton and Lydia Boye Patricia and Charley Brewer i Felix Briones, Jr. and Viola Briones i John and Suzette Brooks i Prof. Michael Browde and Ruth Singer Gig and Jeanne Brummell i Linda Buffett Tom Bundrant i Dr. Scott Burchiel and Judy Burchiel Bruce and Melanie Burns i Robert and Christine Butler i Dr. David Byrne and Marjorie Byrne Steve Byrne and Emiliana Sandoval Dr. Joshua Carothers and Jessica Carothers Terri Carr Chris and Lauren Cates i Paul Cauwels i Michael Cecchini i William Cervantes i Gene Chavez, Jr. i Joe Chavez i Dr. Miriam Chavez and Mr. Rigo F. Chavez Timothy and Tina Chavez i Richard and Joyce Chess i Patricia Christian i Philip Ciofalo M Sam and Rhonda Cobb Mrs. Aleli Colon and Mr. Brian Colon i Mark Cordova i Agnes Cralley Alfred and Shalada Creecy M Dr. Joseph Dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Amico
Kevin and Leonor Daniels i Benjamin and Kathryn Darwin i Jason and Cindy Daskalos i James Davis, Jr. and Paula Davis Sally Davis Danny Deaver i Dr. Thomas DeCoster and Virginia DeCoster i Dr. Ronald Deyhle i Jeffrey and Evy Diamond Joe and Christine DiGregorio Lee Dirks i Peter and Erin Doles Jeffrey Doll and Linda Novy-Doll Estate of William Dow Thomas and Joanne Dowler Dante Duphorne Mel and Mary Ann Eaves i Dr. Paul Echols and Marsha Echols i Michael and Cheryl Eckart i Dr. Stephen Elston and Marion White Dr. Ronald Escudero and Christine Escudero i Lucinda Fairfield i Joyce Duncan Falk and Heinrich R. Falk David Farris Steven Feld Gary and Glenda Fichtner i William and Heidi Fietz i Dr. Neil Finnen and Nancy Finnen Dr. Alan Firestone and Barbara Firestone Jack Firestone Julie Flaherty Dr. Orcilia Zuniga Forbes Dr. Corey Ford and Dr. Sally Harris Richard Forrest, Jr. and Susan Forrest Rod and Christine Forsythe Jacalyn French i W. Nicholas Freygang and Jean Rosenthal Ronald and Susan Friedman George Gandy Carlos Garcia Dr. Peter Gemmell and Laura Heyck
Join the UNM President’s Club In 2000, the UNM President’s Club began with 31 charter members, and was chaired at its inception by Doug and Sarah Brown. Today, the UNM President’s Club continues to be an influential group that makes a real difference at UNM. Together, its members provide funds to support important initiatives that require a flexible and timely response. The Stay-A-Lobo program, which provides emergency grants to keep students enrolled at UNM, is a perfect example of this responsiveness. Now in its second decade of providing a dependable source of flexible annual support to the UNM President’s Office, this group’s additional unrestricted giving provides support for a broad selection of areas across campus that are vital for the core priorities of the University: Student Success, Systemic Excellence, Healthy Communities, and Economic and Community Development. As UNM fulfills its role as a leader in education and economic development in New Mexico, additional new opportunities will emerge, and the members of the UNM President’s Club are vital to that process. They are part of a prominent community that truly changes worlds. The designation P in this report identifies members during FY 2012-2013. For more information, please contact Director of Annual Giving Willie Romero at Willie. Romero@unmfund.org or (505) 277-2951.
Kevin and Vickie Georges i Paul Getz and Audrey Martinez Robert Ghattas and Dr. Monika Ghattas James R. and Deborah L. Giannelli i Paul Gibson i Dr. Kenneth Gilman and Dr. Elizabeth Szalay Dub and Jennifer Girand i Dr. Earl Godwin and Joyce Godwin i Bill and Jessica Golden i Robert and Marti Goodman M i Dr. Cheryl Fossum Graham P Al Grant i Rudy Guzman Mark Haas i Tim and Janet Haist i Wayne and Debra Harley i Cliff and Barbara Harmon Alan Harris Mark Hartman M Arthur Hayman i Estate of Dr. Bruce Hayward Dr. Kurt Hebel and Dr. Carla Scaletti Dennis and Marianne Hill M Jason and Jodi Hix Dr. Steven Holbrook and Judith Ferrell-Holbrook i Rick Homans i C. Ruth Horn G. P. Howes i Tyler Huning Lemna and Anaclaire Hunter Patrick Hurley, Jr. and Shannon Rainosek Hurley M i Calvin Hyer, Jr. and Darlene Hyer Dr. Roberto Ibarra and Marilyn Knudsen Chris Ihlefeld Lowell and Norberta Irby Larry and Caroline Jehle i Kim Jew and Karen Sipe-Jew i Robert and Patricia Johnson M
Ted and Margaret Jorgensen i Dr. Gregory Jorgensen i F. Chet and Mary Ellen Karnas Michael and Peggy Keleher Charles and Filomena Kiger Lisa Kilbreth i Drs. Gary and Yolanda King M i Bart Kinney, III and Jerri Kinney i Walter and Donna Klinge i Eric Knapp Kevin Kneafsey M Regent James Koch and Nene Koch i Roger and Karen Koerner Rocklan and Kelly Lawrence i Iona Lee and Family i Mr. and Mrs. Levenson Spencer Levin Stephen Lister i James and Rebecca Long i J. C. and Patricia Lopez i Dr. D. Greg LoPour and Paige LoPour i Dr. Richard Lovato i Ben Lucero and Dr. Wendy Fronterhouse-Lucero i Dr. Donnie Lujan and Nicolette Lujan i Dr. Pandeli Lycou and Peggy Daskalos-Lycou Donald and Estelle MacKenzie Robert Mallory and Dr. Gloria Mallory i Michael Marra i Daniel Martinez i Dr. Gilbert Martinez M Joey and Susan Martinez i Kent and Sara Mathis i Fred Matteucci C. Herman Mauney P Estate of Thomas D. McConnell James Fred McCullough, III* i Lyle and Gail McDaniels i Stephen and Rebecca McKernan Robert McNeill JoAnn Mercer
Courtesy: UNM Archives
Gif ts to The Universit y of New Mexico
Bernard and Mary Metzgar i Emma Miller i John and Nadine Miner M John and Janet Mockovciak Billy and Diane Moya i Rolf Nelson M Joe Novak Dr. Scott Obenshain and Virginia Obenshain Dr. Diana Obrinsky Marvin and Carolyn Olk Continued on page 32
M P i *
Presidential Scholarship Program full sponsor or endowment donor UNM President’s Club member Lobo Club member Deceased
Gifts of $5,000+ and pledge payments received in FY 2012-2013 are listed under “Gifts to the University of New Mexico.”
Courtesy: UNM Archives
Continued from page 31
Roberto and Loretta Ortega i Nancy Park Judy Parker i Gregory Parkhurst and Dr. Darra Kingsley John Pate i Dr. Samir Patel Calla Ann Pepmueller Dale Peterson i Ellen Peterson M Mark Petrie and Sheryl White i Dr. Stuart Pett, Jr. and Dr. M. Virginia Wilmerding-Pett Drs. Craig and Susan Pierce Tony and Julie Pisto i Tom and Theresa Plunkett i Mary Poole Marvin Procter i Thomas Pruitt and Marcia Brown William Radford Arvind and Becky Raichur i Dr. Barry Ramo and Roberta Ramo i Russell and Ann Rhoades i Brig. Gen. Reg Rider, USAF (Ret.) and Bev Rider i Dr. Alex Rodriguez i Lorenzo Romero i Michael Rosenberg Richard and Pamela Salmon Leonard and Anne Sanchez i Bernie and Juanita Sanchez i Sandra Sanchez Senator John Sapien and Veronica Sapien M i Dr. Robert Schenck, Jr. and Patricia Schenck i Prof. Don Schlegel Roger L. Schluntz, FAIA
Q UNM Bell Tower, designed by Max Flatow, during dedication ceremony in 1961. The tower holds the former shipâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s bell of the USS New Mexico.
Prof. Howard Schreyer and Marian Schreyer William and Karen Schumacher M Robert and Noreen Scott i John and Cindy Seay i Robert Seay i Randy and Jennifer Self i Nathan and Chris Serrano Richard Silverstein and Dr. Judith Harris Garrett Smith Lorrie Smith Robert Smith Ben and Elizabeth Spencer The Spitz Family Clayton and Katherine Stallings Dr. Brian Starr and Leslie Starr Patrick and Cori Sullivan i Dave and Helen Takach Jack and Ginger Thompson i Tom and Lynne Tillack Andrew and Mimi Ting Jason Tomberlin i Dr. Gehron Treme and Michelle Treme i Kenneth Trujillo i William Tryon Thomas Tunney, III and Charlene Chavez Imesh and Bhavna Vaidya i Dr. Andrew Veitch i Robert and Ann Von Pentz Dr. Howard Wadstrom i Mr. Alfred Walker Bruce and Toni Walkowski i Dr. Daniel Wascher i Janet Webb Dr. Arthur Weinstein and Ann Weinstein i Mr. and Mrs. James Wemple i Keith Whale i Robert Wheeler James and Elizabeth Wiggins Larry Willard Calvin Williams Thomas Wolinski
Corporations, Foundations and Organizations $5,000-9,999 Anonymous (2) Abba Technologies, Inc. i ABQ Health Partners i ABQ Sports i AccuStripe, Inc. i Ace Metals, Inc. i Action Audio Visual i Action Coach Business Coaching i AHS Engineering Services, Ltd. Albuquerque Business First i Albuquerque Community Foundation i Albuquerque Publishing Company All Sports Trophies, Inc. i Altela, Inc. AMD Global Telemedicine, Inc. American Academy of Pain Management American Campus Communities OP, LP M The American Institute of Architects American Speech-LanguageHearing Foundation American Valve & Meter Co., Inc. AmeriSourceBergen Services Corporation Anesthesia Associates of New Mexico, PC M AstraZeneca Foundation Aztec Grading, Inc. i Bank of the West i Blair Tool, LLC BNSF Railway Foundation Brewer Oil Company i Bridgers & Paxton Consulting Engineers, Inc. M i Brunacini Development i
Bueno Foods i Business Environments i Business Resource Guide of Greater Albuquerque i Butt, Thornton & Baehr, PC Cave Conservancy Foundation Chaparral Materials, Inc. i Chevron Mining, Inc. Chico’s FAS, Inc. City of Albuquerque CJ’s Upholstery i Clifton, Larson, Allen, LLP Conkerr Cancer Coppin Law Firm i CVS Corporation D&A Mattress, Inc. Demand Printing Solutions i DMC Logistics Domino’s Pizza i edVenture Partners Employees of Smith’s Environmental Education Association of NM Ethicon Endo-Surgery Fasken Foundation Fernandez Company, Ltd. i Fidelity Investments i The Fine Law Firm Firestone Family Foundation, Inc. Continued on page 34
R UNM Bell Tower under seige during anti-war riots on campus; it was tolled to mourn the dead at Kent State University in May of 1970. M P i *
Presidential Scholarship Program full sponsor or endowment donor UNM President’s Club member Lobo Club member Deceased
Gifts of $5,000+ and pledge payments received in FY 2012-2013 are listed under “Gifts to the University of New Mexico.”
Courtesy: UNM Archives
Steven Yearout i Russ and Madeleine Zeigler i Nathaniel Zich i
Gif ts to The Universit y of New Mexico
Credit: Bruce Cramer
Credit: Erik Stenbakken
Courtesy: UNM Archives
Continued from page 33
Forrest Tires, Inc. Fort Wayne Retina, PC Fragoleli, Inc. Frank’s Supply Company, Inc. i French Funerals and Cremations M i Friends of Pediatrics Friends of UNM Cancer Center Friends of UNM Children’s Hospital Friends of UNM College of Arts and Sciences Friends of UNM Men’s Golf Friends of UNM Valencia Campus Frost Mortgage Group i Fundacion Educativa Mexicana de Nuevo Mexico General Distributors, Inc. i GlaxoSmithKline Global Analytic IT Services Golden Equipment i Grancor Enterprises Grant & Associates Mechanical, Inc. i Guhl Charitable Trust Guzman Construction Solutions, LLC H W Springfield Trust Hajoca Corporation i High Finance Restaurant i Hobbs Rental Corporation Housing New Mexico Improve Group i Independent Television Service Jackson Lewis, LLP Janssen Services, LLC Joe Padilla Utility Construction, Inc. John S. Catron Revocable Trust Kim Jew Photography Studio i Law Office of Diane Albert Linda S. Marshall, TTEE LITHExcel Communication Service Provider i LNR Fitness dba Planet Fitness i Lobo Energy Lone Mountain Contracting, Inc. i Lone Star Steakhouse
Lone Sun Builders, Inc. Long John Silvers Corp. Madison Medical i March of Dimes Mary W. Utton Trustee McConnell Trust MCM Eleganté Hotel and Event Center i Molzen-Corbin & Associates i Monahiti, LLC Morgan Stanley Smith Barney Mountain States Construction i Mr. Tux i National Distributing Company, Inc. of Albuquerque i National Relief Charities New Mexico Autism Society New Mexico Bank and Trust i New Mexico Gas Company New Mexico Hispanic Bar Association New Mexico Humanities Council New Mexico Mutual Group i New Mexico Young American Football League Nob Hill Bar & Grill i Northwestern Mutual i Pacific Office Automation i Panda Restaurant Group, Inc. Paul and Virginia Cabot Charitable Trust Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc. Prime Time i Regent Services of New Mexico, Inc. Riccobene Masonry Company Rich Ford Sales M RMCI, Inc. i RMS Foods, Inc. Robert and Linda Buffet Trust Robert P. McNeill, Attorney at Law Rudy’s Country Store & Bar-B-Q i Sage Accounting i Samaritan Counseling Center Sandia Peak Ski Company i Sandra C. Sanchez Trust Schroeder Sales, Inc. i
Securities America, Inc. i Serious Grippage and Light Co. i Service Electric i Shamrock Foods Company i Silicon Heights Computers, Inc. i Nick Simons Foundation Society of Infectious Diseases Pharmacists Society of Urologic Nurses & Associates Sombra Cosmetics, Inc. i Southwest Financial Services i Southwest Medical Systems, Inc. Southwest Reinsure, Inc. i Springer Science & Business Media, LLC Stanley M. Reinhaus Family Foundation Stephen M. Cito, DDS, LLC Children’s Dentistry Subway i Summit Medical, Inc. i Synergy Ventures, Inc. Taos Community Foundation, Inc. TD Ameritrade Truist - United e-way Tucanos Brazilian Grill i UniRac, Inc. United Way of Northern New Mexico Universal Water Systems, LLC Universities Research Association, Inc. Village of Taos Ski Valley Wilson & Company, Inc. i Wolfgang Eugene Elston’s Trust Zia Trust, Inc. M P i *
Presidential Scholarship Program full sponsor or endowment donor UNM President’s Club member Lobo Club member Deceased
Gifts of $5,000+ and pledge payments received in FY 2012-2013 are listed under “Gifts to the University of New Mexico.”
Ways to Give to T h e Unive rsi t y of New M exico
Ways to Give to UNM
Planned Giving B
To support UNM and our work with students, faculty and patients, please contact the UNM Foundation office at (505) 277-4503, 1-800-UNM-FUND (866-3863) or visit unmfund.org. For more specific giving opportunities, please see the list of programs and contacts below or refer to page 36.
The Planned Giving Program provides donors with information and helps establish gifts through bequests, charitable trusts, gift annuities, retirement accounts and life insurance policies. The Foundation’s planned giving experts work closely with the donor’s own advisers to ensure the needs of the University and wishes of the donor are fulfilled. Contact Sheila Hard at Sheila.Hard@unmfund.org or (505) 277-9604.
Annual Giving B
Presidential Scholarship Program B
The Annual Giving Program solicits gifts from alumni and friends. Donors may designate their gifts to any area, college, school, department or program within the University or give unrestricted gifts. Contact Willie Romero at Willie.Romero@unmfund.org or (505) 277-2951.
Endowments B
Donors establish endowed funds to support a specific purpose in perpetuity. See page 16. Contact Judith Davenport at Judith.Davenport@unmfund.org or (505) 277-9600.
Gifts of Real Property B
The Gift Acceptance Committee of the UNM Foundation reviews gifts of real property, including real estate, works of art, equipment and other in-kind gifts. Contact Larry Ryan at Larry.Ryan@unmfund.org or (505) 277-2847.
Giving Online B
Give online through the Foundation’s secure website at unmfund.org.
Matching Gifts Program B
The Matching Gifts Program includes both national and local corporations that match their employees’ gifts to the UNM Foundation, enabling donors to double or even triple their gifts. Contact Suzanne Eubank at Suzanne.Eubank@unmfund.org or (505) 277-1747.
Memorials and Honoraria B
Memorials and honoraria honor family and friends. Contact Jill Slaby at Jill.Slaby@unmfund.org or (505) 277-9651.
The Presidential Scholarship Program receives gifts for Presidential Scholars. See page 27. Contact Cathy Bunch at Cathy.Bunch@unmfund.org or (505) 277-5688.
Giving Societies and Dean’s Circles B
Giving societies and dean’s circles receive gifts in support of specific programs or initiatives at UNM. Membership and gift thresholds vary by school, college or program.
Universitywide Giving Societies: Cherry & Silver Society B
Recognizing alumni who give within 24 months of graduation and then at least once every calendar year thereafter. Contact Margaret Ortega at Margaret.Ortega@unmfund.org or (505) 277-0689.
New Horizons Society B
Recognizing donors who have included the University in their estate plans. See page 22. Contact Sheila Hard at Sheila.Hard@ unmfund.org or (505) 277-9604.
UNM President’s Club B
Supporting presidential initiatives for enhanced academic excellence and student enrichment through unrestricted gifts. See page 31. Contact Willie Romero at Willie.Romero@ unmfund.org or (505) 277-2951.
Tom L. Popejoy Society B
Recognizing cumulative giving to the University. See page 18. Contact Jill Slaby at Jill.Slaby@unmfund.org or (505) 277-9651.
TOP: The original U, atop Hodgin Hall from 1922 until the early 1930s, is lit at night. Read all about the old and the new U’s at unmalumni.com/the-u.html Courtesy Office of Alumni Relations and UNM Archives
BOTTOM: New U is lit at night in front of Hodgin Hall, November 2012. Photo by Michelle McRuiz
The UNM Foundation
Henry Nemcik (505) 277-1586
Schools, Colleges & Programs
Larry Ryan (505) 277-2847
Lee De León (505) 925-5919
Laurie Roche (505) 277-6442 COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES
Jeff MacNutt (505) 277-0817 Yolanda Domínguez (505) 277-3194
Larry Ryan (505) 277-2847
Larry Ryan (505) 277-2847
Bill Uher (505) 277-4078
The professional staff at the UNM Foundation can answer questions or help craft a gift that matches your wishes with the needs of the students and UNM people who provide superb education, research, health care and community service.
Lauren Adee (505) 925-5600
Health Sciences Center
Belinda Jentzen (505) 277-7320 Samantha Starr (505) 277-7320
Ken Thompson (505) 362-3310 Trent Dimas (505) 277-2009 Jennifer Klass (505) 277-2195 Ted Wynn (505) 277-2210
Larry Ryan (505) 277-2847 John Burch (505) 277-9018
Two Woodward Center 700 Lomas Blvd. NE Albuquerque, NM 87102
Mary Oishi (505) 277-8006 SCHOOL OF LAW
Anndee Wright Brown (505) 277-0554 Photo: Bruce Cramer
UNM Foundation, Inc.
Reggie Garrett (505) 925-5900 Ed Manzanares (505) 925-5607
1-800-UNM-FUND (866-3863)
Mary Wolford (505) 277-1088 Pamela Weese (505) 277-0230
(505) 277-4503
Joe McLean (505) 925-5017
Justin Schroer (505) 925-0471
Ross Burkstaller (505) 272-0200 COLLEGE OF PHARMACY
Rich Grainger (505) 272-3657 UNM HOSPITALS
Bill Uher (505) 277-4078 CHILDREN’S MIRACLE NETWORK
Daniel Jaecks (505) 277-5684
UNM Branch Campuses
Kristine Purrington (505) 277-5632
Larry Ryan (505) 277-2847
Maryellen Missik-Tow (505) 277-2159
East Coast Regional Development Steven Tremble (347) 563-8266
West Coast Regional Development Frankie Melvin (818) 640-0372
Betsy Till (505) 277-1589 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES
Annette Hazen (505) 277-9628 DONOR RELATIONS / TOM L. POPEJOY SOCIETY
Jill Slaby (505) 277-9651 ENDOWMENT RELATIONS
Judith Davenport (505) 277-9600 MATCHING GIFTS
Suzanne Eubank (505) 277-1747 MEMORIALS AND HONORARIA
Jill Slaby (505) 277-9651 PLANNED GIFTS
Wendy Stires (505) 277-0318
Wendy Antonio EDITOR
Todd R. Staats / Cyd Riley DESIGN + PRODUCTION
Wendy Antonio, Cathy Bunch, Nancy Harbert, Hilary Jetty, Michelle McRuiz, Willie Romero, Alexandra (Alex) Swanberg, Charlotte Wall-Smith
Special thanks go to University Archivist Terry Gugliotta for her help navigating the UNM Archives at University Libraries’ Center for Southwest Research and for providing images for this report. Terry will retire from UNM next year after 29 years of service to the University; we wish her all the best. To browse thousands of New Mexico historical photos, please visit econtent.unm.edu.
Left column, top to bottom: B First automobile in New Mexico, 1900; courtesy UNM Archives B The Health Mobile served as the nucleus of the Bernalillo County Health Department, circa 1920. Courtesy UNM Health Sciences Center Archives and the family of Dr. J.E. Harris
Crowd cheers on the Lobos in 1961. Photo by Bob Dauner, courtesy UNM Archives B Two women walk in front of Travelstead Hall as a man and woman stand near d ecorative pillars in 1963. Photo by Dick Meleski, courtesy UNM Archives B The Lobo Men’s basketball team from 1964 poses on the basketball court. B
Photo by Dick Meleski, courtesy UNM Archives
Graduation Day at UNM, 2011; photo by Erik Stenbakken
Right column: B As part of the 1940 UNM Homecoming Parade, Concha Ortiz y Pino and UNM President James F. Zimmerman are second and third from the right in the back seat of the car driving in front o f Alvarado Hotel in downtown Albuquerque. Photo by Harold D. Walter, courtesy UNM Archives
Background photo: B Zimmerman Library; photo by Steven R. Harris
BACK COVER PHOTOS Background photo: B View through Tight Grove near the southwest corner of the UNM campus to Hodgin Hall. Photo by Maria Wolfe, UNM Alumni Association Inset photo: B Group poses in front of Hodgin Hall on Arbor Day, April 3, 1903. Pioneering N.M. Educator C.E. Hodgin is in second row, third from the left; UNM’s third president, William Tight, is in last row to the left of the arch. President Tight and students transplanted trees from the Sandia Mountains and the Rio Grande Valley to the new campus, most notably the now-towering ponderosas of this grove that bears his name. The UNM campus was designated an arboretum in 1994. Courtesy UNM Archives
VINTAGE POSTCARD, TOP OF THIS PAGE: Historic UNM Postcard Courtesy UNM West and UNM Archives B
unmfund.org All gifts made to the UNM Foundation are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. B Produced by the University of New Mexico Foundation
Photo credit: Maria Wolfe, UNM Alumni Association
University of New Mexico Foundation, Two Woodward Center, 700 Lomas Blvd. NE, Albuquerque, NM 87102