R E S I D E N C E LI F E & S TU D E NT H O U S I N G STA F F RESI DENT ADVISOR (RA) Your RA will help you have a great experience living on campus. Carefully selected and well trained, RAs are student staff that are assigned to every living area and will develop a positive community, plan events and activities, and be available as a resource. In addition, they help with residence hall administrative work, follow up on community standards and policies, and help with residence hall emergencies. Get to know your RA and be sure to ask any questions you have about living on campus! There is also an RA On-Call for each community from 7PM to 7AM on weekdays and 24 hours on the weekend. The phone number for the RA On-Call will be posted in your community and can be found at the end of this handbook. The RA staff is the first point of contact for residents for any part of living on-campus. Our RAs receive extensive training and if they don’t have the answer to your question, they will be able to connect you with someone who does.
COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANT (CDA) Community Development Assistants are student staff members that work with the Community Associations and RAs to provide community building opportunities at the building level of each community. CDAs are a great resource for residents looking to get more involved in hall-wide events, so if you have an idea you’d like to see put into play, seek them out!
STUDENT HALL COORDINATOR Student Hall Coordinators are upper level students who work closely with the Area Coordinators and Resident Education Professional Staff to assist with managing the residential communities.
STUDENT SAFETY STAFF These student staff members patrol residence hall facilities and adjacent