December 2024 Maverick Family Newsletter

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Thisyear?sHomecoming wasnothing short of unforgettable! Maverickscametogether for a week filled with celebration, community, sports, and school spirit. Campuswasbuzzing with energy asstudents, alumni, faculty, and familiesjoined in on thefestivities.

From Durango?s53rd birthday celebration to traditionslikeBattleship, cheering on UNO Hockey, and Family Weekend, therewassomething for everyoneto enjoy.

Oneof theweek?sbiggest highlights: crowning Homecoming royalty. Congratsto Samantha Chase and Isaac Barchus!

Homecoming 2024 reminded usall what it meansto bea Maverick: bold, connected, and proud.

We can? t wait to seeyou all again next year!

Academicsupport isaccessibleforstudentsofanymajor!For alittleextrafinalspreparation,yourstudentcangetpersonalized helpinsubjectslikemath,science,writing,andspeech.

PrepWeekisDecember9th-13thandisthelastweekof regularlyscheduledclasses.Nomajorexamworthmorethan20% ofastudent'sgradeisgivenduringthistime,whichallows studentstofocusonstudyingforexamsandfinalprojects.

FinalsWeekisDecember14th-20th.Encourageyourstudenttocheckoutthefinalexamscheduleasitmaydifferfromtheir regularclassmeetingtime.


TheCrissLibrarywill beopenfor extendedhoursfor PrepWeek throughtheendof FinalsWeek.

Becauseof thevaryinghoursthelibraryisopen,encourageyour student tocheckout their extendedhoursonthiswebsite.


Thethree-weekJanuarysessiontakesplacebetweenJanuary2nd andJanuary17th.Takingacourseduringthissessionisn't required,but allowsstudentstocatchuponcreditsor get ahead. Your student'sspringfinancial aidmaybeusedtotakeaclass duringthistime.Viewavailablecourseshere.

It'salmost theend of thesemester and finalsweek isapproaching. Thiscan bea stressful time for many students.

That?swhyUNO hostsDe-StressFest, a week-long seriesof events designed to support students' well-being astheypreparefor finals. From relaxing activitieslikeyoga and art therapyto resourcesthat promote mindfulnessand balance,De-StressFest offersa varietyof opportunities tohelp studentsrechargeand focus. CHECKBACKFORTHEFULL

Thehighly anticipated Omaha edition of Monopoly waslaunched at UNO?sBaxter Arena in lateOctober. Theevent drew university students, community leaders, and representativesfrom Top Trumps USA, celebrating Omaha?sunique landmarks

UNO Chancellor JoanneLi welcomed attendeesand emphasized the university'simportant role in our city She expressed pridein thelaunch of the game, and isexcited to continue to grow relationshipsbetween UNO and the Omaha community. ?Asa central destination for our community, UNO congratulatesall featured in thisspecial edition and looks forward to strengthening our connections acrossOmaha,?said Chancellor Li.


Omaha Mayor Jean Stothert highlighted the significance of featuring local spots in the game, including museumsand popular venues. She noted that featuring theseattractionscould inspire more visitorsto exploreOmaha, reflecting the city'sculture and spirit.

?The Omaha edition of Monopoly features manyof our beloved landmarks?museums, historic sites, sportsand entertainment venues, public spaces, retailers, and restaurants. These are placesweall know and love, and with Monopoly showcasing Omaha?s attractions, we?re confident more peoplewill want to visit and return often,?said Mayor Stothert.


UNOMen's Basketballvs. CalPoly

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