UNO Magazine | Issue 56 | Winter 2022 | Georgia Lines

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DAYS TO TREASURE When someone’s life is to be tragically cut short by illness, it takes a special kind of person to reach out and gift a day full of magic for them and their family. This is precisely what Melanie Quin was inspired to do, and now she has a vision to make this a choice for as many people as possible – so that life’s magical moments can be celebrated to the very end. WO R DS N I CK Y A DA M S / PH OTOS JA H L M A R S H A LL + S U PPLI E D

Making memories was most meaningful for Kristie (in black) and her loved ones.

Musician Tiki Taane capped off an incredibly special day for Kristie’s family.


he idea of a bucket list is born of the belief that there will be the opportunity at some point to complete it. However, for some, blindsided by terminal illness, time is a luxury that is tragically snatched away. Melanie Quin believes life is worth celebrating, and for those who have had their time frame shortened, she has created the concept of A Day Of Magic.

For Melanie, the idea of starting a charity happened unexpectedly. In August 2019 she was touched to the core when she heard some devastating news about a local woman she remembered from college. “Out of the blue, I caught wind of the news of Kristie. When I heard she had four weeks left to live, I couldn’t even comprehend it. I called her and asked if there was something she wished she could have done if she had more time. She said she would love to fly in a helicopter.” This felt achievable, so Melanie set about making it happen. Except that she didn’t just stop at a helicopter ride. Working for three days and nights straight, she organised an experience for Kristie’s

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husband and children that included a few surprises, like a morning on the harbour in a 54ft launch, a make-up session and flowers at the Oceanside Twin Towers, and the afternoon at a hilltop resort with family and friends which ended with an intimate gig by Tiki Taane. Oh, and a photographer and videographer to boot. The joy that this experience brought to Kristie, her family and, indeed, Melanie left her with the unshakable feeling this was something everyone in a similar situation deserved to experience. It was the moment A Day of Magic Charitable Trust was born. Since registering as a charity in August 2020, Melanie has had five applicants and rolled out five thoughtful, beautiful events – among them a fishing charter, surprise messages from Six60, returning to a special wedding venue, and racing remote control yachts. She is now entering what she considers “Stage Two”, where she plans to take the concept to the national level. Melanie combines thoroughness with compassion, vision, and a “make it happen” attitude. Her business background has enabled her to operate effectively on her own, and with no charge for her time. Legal and accountancy pro bono services, along with the loyal

support from her trustees, has ensured Stage One is a seamless success. Mel has recently secured premises, and her plan is to find backers who share her vision. When it comes to the wishes that she has so far granted, the experiences have been heartwarming. “People’s requests are incredibly modest. When I get the enquiry, I call with the person and motivate them to talk to loved ones and think about what in their life has made them sparkle. So far no one has asked for anything extreme. Capturing memories with loved ones is what’s most important in the end.” The modest requests, Melanie reiterates, are a common thread: People don’t ask for the moon, but for things that resonate with them and their loved ones. Melanie has been blown away by the generosity of the local businesses she has reached out to along the way – and heartened by the knowledge that there’s a whole raft of people out there who believe in what she’s doing and want to help her do it. It is this that spurs Melanie on and fuels her belief that with the right help, she will be able to keep that magic happening. ADAYOFMAGIC.ORG.NZ

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