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Law of the Sea

Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea Office of Legal Affairs

United Nations

Asia-Pacific Sustainable Development Journal

Published twice a year, the Asia-Pacific Sustainable Development Journal (APSDJ) aims to stimulate debate and enrich research in the formulation of policy in the Asia-Pacific region towards the fulfillment of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The APSDJ is a rebranded journal of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific. It builds on the success of two earlier journals - the Asia-Pacific Development Journal (APDJ), which was published published since 1994, and the Asia-Pacific Population Journal (APPJ), since 1986. These journals have been merged in recognition of the interconnected and multidisciplinary nature of sustainable development. The first issue of the APSDJ is Vol 25, Issue No.1, June 2018.

CEPAL Review


CEPAL Review is the leading journal for the study of economic and social development issues in Latin America and the Caribbean. Edited by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, each issue focuses on economic trends, industrialization, income distribution, technological development and monetary systems, as well as the implementation of economic reform and transfer of technology. Written in English and Spanish (Revista de la CEPAL), each triannual issue offers approximately 12 studies and essays undertaken by authoritative experts or gathered from conference proceedings. A Spanish edition of CEPAL Review is also available.

Freedom from Fear

This journal aims to contribute to the advancement of knowledge and awareness of the international community’s priority issues in the field of justice, crime prevention and human rights. It pursues the promotion of innovative dialogue by spreading awareness, creating consensus and a sense of shared responsibility of the problems that affect the global community. As a forum for longterm change, the magazine endeavours to promote democratic values, civil stability, and aid the international community in developing actions towards greater peace, justice and security for all members of social, civil and political society.

Law of the Sea Bulletin

The Law of the Sea Bulletin provides cogent and timely information on important issues related to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. Issued three times a year, it provides legal material relevant to the Law of the Sea including national legislation, bilateral agreements and multilateral treaties as well as information on decisions of the International Court of Justice, arbitration tribunals and other dispute settlement procedures.

Monthly Bulletin of Statistics (MBS)


MBS presents current economic and social statistics for more than 200 countries and territories of the world. It contains over 50 tables of monthly, annual and quarterly data on a variety of subjects illustrating important economic long-term trends and developments, including population, prices, employment and earnings, energy, manufacturing, transport, construction, international merchandise, trade and finance. A subscription to the printed version of MBS includes access to MBS Online.

Permanent Missions

Permanent Missions to the United Nations lists the names, addresses, e-mail and phone numbers of all representatives to the United Nations. Published once a year, this publication is produced by the Protocol and Liaison Service of the United Nations.

Population and Vital Statistics Report

The Population and Vital Statistics Report presents most recent data on population size (total, male and female) from the latest available census of the population, national official population estimates and the number and rate (births, deaths and infant deaths) for the latest available year within the past 15 years. It also presents United Nations estimates of the mid-year population of the world, and its major areas and regions.

Transnational Corporations

Transnational Corporations is a longstanding policy-oriented refereed research journal on issues related to investment, multinational enterprises and development. It is an official journal of the United Nations, managed by UNCTAD. As such it has a global reach, a strong development policy imprint, and high potential for impact beyond the scholarly community.

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