Ciné-ONU and the Goethe-Institut invite you to:
“Submission” Original title: Underkastelsen on Wednesday 7 November 2012 at 18.30
Submission is a documentary about the ‘chemical society’ – a society we have been building since the Second World War. Since 1945 the amount of chemicals we use has increased from 1 million tons to 500 million tons per year . The film focuses on the effect chemicals have on our bodies and our health. Unlike other documentaries which focus on the chemicals in our food, Submission investigates the chemicals we are exposed to in our daily lives, such as softeners (phthalates), flame retardants (PBDE) and surfactants (PFOS, PFOA). In addition to investigating the chemicals found in our bodies, we are invited to share insights from various experts into the consequences of those chemicals for the world surrounding us and our unborn children. “One of the most important films of the century” Michael Stanley-Jones. FN, Genève
NB: Swedish with English Subtitles
The film will be followed by a Q&A session with:
Mrs. Lisette van Vliet — Senior Policy Advisor on Chemicals and Chronic Disease Prevention for the Health and Environment Alliance.
Mr. Roberto Bertollini — WHO Representative to the EU in Brussels and Chief Scientist of the WHO Regional Office for Europe
Goethe-Institut Brüssel, Rue Belliard/Belliardstraat 58, 1040 Brussels, Belgium
There is no entrance fee, but as places are limited, it is important to register by sending an email to:, with the subject field ‘”Submission” and your full name and full name of guest (if applicable). Maximum tickets per person: 2. If you do not receive a confirmation of your registration via e-mail, please contact us again Join our CINE-ONU facebook page and keep up to date on our latest events. Also see our new web page with list and description of past screenings: