THE WEEK AHEAD AT THE UNITED NATIONS: THE EUROPEAN PERSPECTIVE (05/14) 3 February – 9 February 2014 This document is for planning purposes only and is subject to change. Please check also our website for latest changes or call + 32 2 788 84 84 / + 32 476 215 485
VIP Visits
Yukiya Amano, IAEA Director General: Brussels (3-4 Feb.).
John W. Ashe, President of the UN General Assembly: Brussels & Strasbourg (3-4 Feb.).
Irakli Garibashvili, Prime Minister of Georgia: Brussels (3 Feb.).
Andris Piebalgs, EU Commissioner for Development: New York (3-5 Feb.).
Qjan Tang, Assistant Director-General for Education for UNESCO: Brussels (5 Feb.).
Oumar Tatam LY, Prime minister of Mali: Brussels (5-6 Feb.).
Heraldo Muñoz, UNDP Assistant Administrator and Director of RBLAC: Brussels (6 Feb.)
Albert Gerard Koenders, Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General and Head of the UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali - MINUSMA: Brussels (6 Feb.).
Alessandro Ovi, Advisor to Romano Prodi on Sahel Strategies Coordination: Brussels (6 Feb.)
Herman Van Rompuy, President of the European Council: Tunis (7 Feb.).
Androulla Vassiliou, EU Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth: Cuba (8-14 Feb.).
Martin Schultz, European Parliament President: Middle East, Jordan, Israel and the Palestinian Territory (9 Feb. - ).
Arancha Gonzalez, Executive Director, International Trade Center: Brussels (11-12 Feb.).
Rebecca Grynspan, UN Under-Secretary-General and UNDP Associate Administrator: Brussels (19-20 Feb.).
Gilbert Houngbo, ILO Deputy Director-General: Leuven (20 Feb.).
Jordan Ryan, UNDP Assistant Administrator, Director of the Bureau for Crisis Prevention and Recover: Brussels (20-21 Feb.).
Dimitry Titov, UN Assistant Secretary-General for Rule of Law and Security Institutions: Brussels (20-21 Feb.)
Olivier de Schutter, UN Rapporteur on the Rights to Food: Wageningen (21-22 Feb.). -----------------------------------------
Lithuania assumes the rotating Presidency of the Security Council for February. World Interfaith Harmony Week Monday, 3 February Brussels: -The European Commission presents its first ever Anti-Corruption Report. - “Atoms for Peace in the 21st Century”- Conference organized by EGMONT. - Seminar – “IMF and Democracy: Uneasy Allies?” by Saliha Metinsoy (Oxford University), organized by l’Institut d’Etudes européennes, GEM and Fondation Wiener-Anspach. Geneva: - Human Rights Council - Universal Periodic Review (till 7 Feb.). -Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (till 21 Feb.). -Conference on Disarmament (till 28 March). New York: Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals (till 7 Feb.). Rome: -High-level event on Syria. - Launch of a CAP Sahel event, participating: UN USGl for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Valerie Amos and UN Regional Humanitarian Coordinator for the Sahel Robert Piper. Strasbourg: - European Parliament Plenary (till 6 Feb.). - Committee on Foreign Affairs with the Committee on Development: Discussion on “Post-2015 Global Development Agenda” with the President of the 68th Session of the UN General Assembly. Tuesday, 4 February World Cancer Day (WTO) Geneva: - OHCHR – Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women – Working Group Communications (till 7 February) Strasbourg: -European Parliament- plenary debate on 2030 climate & energy framework. - Launch of European Cancer Bill of Rights. Wednesday, 5 February Brussels: -High-level discussion on “Education in the Post-2015 Development Agenda” by UNESCO and the Mission of Norway to the EU. 14.30-17.15, the discussion will be followed by a reception. Geneva: OHCHR / Committee on the Rights of the Child. Concluding Observations on: Congo, Yemen, Holy See, Portugal, Russian Federation, Germany. Paris: OECD Parliamentary Days.
Thursday, 6 February International Day of Zero Tolerance to Female Genital Mutilation [WHO] Theme for 2014: "Synergy of action by Governments, International Community and Civil Society to accelerate the achievement of the Zero Tolerance to Female Genital Mutilation", Launch of OECD report “Fragile States 2014” Athens: “Stakeholder Conference on the EU strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region” (till 7 Feb) Brussels: - -High level meeting on the Sahel. - The European Energy Forecast Summit (5-7 Feb.). New York: General Assembly - Interactive briefing with Civil Society. Sochi: Winter Olympics Games (till 23 Feb.). Friday, 7 February Copenhagen: - The opening of the new Climate-KIC (Knowledge & Innovation Community). Brussels: EU Studies Fair 2014 (till 8 Feb.) . Tunis: Official ceremony to adopt the new constitution of Tunisia – with participation of EU President Herman Van Rompuy. Saturday, 8 February Dead Sea: 2014 Plenary Session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union for the Mediterranean (till 9 Feb.). Sunday 9 February Brussels: “Pierre et Mohamed”, theatrical and musical performance from Francesco Agnello, at the Abbaye de la Cambre in the context of World Interfaith Harmony Week 2014. Sea: Plenary Parliamentary Assembly of the Union for the Mediterranean – with participation of EP President Martin Schultz, who begins that same evening an official visit to Israel and the Palestinian Territory.
And beyond: Other dates to pin Monday, 10 February Brussels: EU Foreign and General Affairs Councils (till 11 Feb.). Geneva: Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (till 28 Feb.). Tuesday, 11 February: Brussels: - Joint EU UN conflict analysis workshop on the Central African Republic (CAR). Ciné-ONU Brussels: The Moo Man. A film by Andy Heathcote and Heike Bachelier to mark International Year of Family Farming. Q&A with the director. New York: Commission for Social Development (till 21 Feb.). Singapore: - EU-ASEAN Aviation Summit (till 12 Feb.). Wednesday, 12 February Brussels: - Hearing on “Crisis Communication: Nuclear and Radiological Emergency”, organized by the EESC and the EC. - "Realising the rights of every child everywhere: moving forward with the EU" Launch of a UNICEF/Eurochild publication: Residence Palace, Salle Polak – ADD WEBLINK UNRIC and otherwise: - Conference: “The Relations between Europol and Eurojust: state of the art and future prospects”. Thursday, 13 February World Radio Day [UNESCO] Theme: "Gender equality and women's empowerment in radio Brussels: - EESC Conference on “A new global partnership: European Civil Society Positions on the Post-2015 Framework (till 14 Feb.). Registration before 4 February. PageNumber=1&SurveyID=SDGconference&Preview=true. -"Why and how is the issue of women at the heart of the Arab revolutions”: Lunch debate with Wassyla Tamzali. 12.30-14.00. Venue: WBI, Place Sainctelette, 2. Registration is free but needed before 10 Feb. : Liège : "Why and how is the issue of women at the heart of the Arab revolutions” : Lecture by Wassyla Tamzali followed by a debate. 19.30-22.00. Venue: ULg, Place du Vingt-Août Registration:
Monday, 17 February Brussels: - Agriculture and Fisheries EU Council (till 18 Feb.). - Conference: Cities of Tomorrow: Investing in Europe. -European Parliament: Public hearing on the 'Right2Water' Citizens' Initiative Tuesday, 18 February Brussels: - Economic and Financial Affairs EU Council. - European Parliament: Parliamentary Forum on “EU Parliaments in global Governance”. New York: General Assembly: Thematic Debate - Water, sanitation and sustainable energy (till 19 Feb.). Wednesday,19 February Frankfurt: ECB Governing Council Meeting Thursday, 20 February World Day of Social Justice Brussels: - Competitiveness EU Council (till 21 Feb.). Leuven: High-Level Public Lecture "Key Challenges for Global Protection of Labour Rights" by Gilbert Houngbo, ILO Deputy Director-General, organized by the Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies, ILO and the UN Association Flanders Belgium Friday, 21 February International Mother Language Day [UNESCO] Wageningen: Food Otherwise Conference: “Towards fair and sustainable food and agriculture systems”, with Olivier de Schutter, UN Rapporteur on the Right to Food & Vandana Shiva, Indian scientist and activist (till 22 Feb.). Saturday, 22 February Sydney: G20 Finance ministers and central bank governors meeting (till 23 Feb.). Monday, 24 February Launch of the International Year of Small Island Developing States Brussels: Education, Youth, Culture and Sport EU Council. London: - EBRD high-level regional forum: “Investing in the Western Balkans”
Strasbourg: European Parliament plenary session (till 27 Feb.). Tuesday, 25 February Brussels: Conference "Climate Change - What the most recent IPCC Report says" by Professor Jean Pascal van Ypersele, Vice-chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC); organized by Egmont Institute and APNU, with support of UNRIC. Thursday, 27 February Brussels: “The International Criminal Court – Origin and challenges”: Lunch debate with Professor Eric David (ULB). 12.30-14.00. Venue: WBI, Place Sainctelette, 2. Registration is free but needed before 24 Feb.: Paris: 2014 Global Forum on Competition, OECD (till. 28 Feb). Rabat: - IMF: International Conference on Food price Volatility: Causes and Challenges (till. 28 Feb) Friday, 28 February Athens: - Informal Foreign Affairs EU Council. Paris: OECD 2014 Global Forum on Competition, at the OECD H.Q. (til 28 Feb) ---------------------------------------------
UN Campaigns, Competitions, Apps and Games
Many Languages, One World - Student Essay Contest Part of the UN Academic Impact's commitment to multilingual education, ELS Educational services and the United Nations Academic Impact (UNAI) have launched a global essay contest for university and college students on global citizenship and understanding Submit an essay (2000 words or less) exploring how multilingual ability advances global citizenship and understanding. Your essay should reflect your academic, cultural, and national context. The submission deadline is 21 February, 2014 World Water Day - Photo Contest The photo contest focuses on the theme of the Water-Energy Nexus. The World Water Day 2014 theme of Water and Energy is central to achieving a sustainable future. It also cuts to the heart of inequities, particularly for the poorest of the poor, who suffer greatly from lack of access to water, sanitation and modern forms of energy. The submission deadline is 28 February, 2014 We are Europe. Every day Share your EU story! Submit your video! At a key moment in the history of European Construction and ahead of the European elections next May, the European Commission, in partnership with the United Nations, is launching a video competition on the theme of the European project and the support of its citizens for this project. The submission deadline is 10 March, 2014
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