Week Ahead at the UN (9 - 15 September 2013)

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THE WEEK AHEAD AT THE UNITED NATIONS: THE EUROPEAN PERSPECTIVE (32/13) 9 September – 15 September 2013 (and beyond) This document is for planning purposes only and is subject to change. Please check also our website for latest changes http://www.unric.org or call + 32 2 788 84 84 / + 32 476 215 485

VIP Visits 

Magdalena Sepúlveda, UN Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights: Republic of Moldova (9-13 Sept.).

David Gressly, UN Deputy SRSG MINUSMA, UN Resident Coordinator, Humanitarian Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative: Brussels (10-12 Sept.)

Laurent Salvador Lamothe, Prime Minister of Haiti: Brussels (11-12 Sept.).

Robert Piper, UN Regional Humanitarian Coordinator for the Sahel: Brussels (11-13 Sept.).

Kristalina Georgieva, EU Commissioner for International Cooperation, Humanitarian Aid and Crisis response: Geneva (12 Sept.).

Androulla Vassiliou, EU Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth: Yerevan (12-14 Sept.).

Štefan Füle, EU Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighbourhood Policy: Yerevan (13 Sept.).

Ertharin Cousin, WFP’s Executive Director: Brussels, (16 Sept.).

Elizabeth Rasmussen, WFP’s Assistant Executive Director: Brussels (16 – 18 Sept.).

Amina Mohammed, Special Advisor of the UN Secretary-General on Post-2015 Development Planning: Brussels (16-18 Sept.).

Margareta Wahlström, UN SRSG for Disaster Risk Reduction: Brussels (16 Sept.).

Nichola Kay, UN SRSG for Somalia: Brussels (16-17 Sept.).

Jeffrey D. Feltman UN USG for Political Affairs: Brussels (16-17 Sept).

Pablo de Greiff, UN Special Rapporteur on the Promotion of Truth, Justice, Reparation and Guarantees of Non-Recurrence: Brussels (16-18 Sept).

Philippe Lazzarini, UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative in Somalia: Brussels (16-17 Sept).

Sima Sami Bahous, UN Assistant Secretary General and UNDP Assistant Administrator and Director of the Regional Bureau for Arab States at UNDP: Brussels (16-20 Sept.).

Toby Lanzer, UN Deputy SRSG in South Sudan (UNMISS), UN Resident Coordinator, Humanitarian Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative: Brussels (19 Sept.).

Ozonnia Ojielo, Coordinator, Conflict Prevention and Recovery Bureau of Crisis Prevention and Recovery, UNDP: Brussels (23 Sept.) ----------------------------------------------


Monday 9 September Geneva: -Conference on Disarmament (till 13 September). - OHCHR - Committee on the Protection of the Rights of Migrant Workers and Members of their Families (till 13 September). http://www2.ohchr.org/english/bodies/cmw/cmws19.htm - Human Rights Council: 24th session (till 27 September) New York: -Meeting of the Group of Friends of Water on “Water and Disasters”. - Franklin Delano Roosevelt International Disability Rights Award Ceremony. Her Majesty Queen Sofía of Spain will accept the award. Strasbourg: European Parliament plenary session (till 12 Sept.). http://www.europarl.europa.eu/pdfs/news/expert/agenda_week_by_type/38-2013/38-2013_en.pdf

Vienna: IAEA, Board of Governors (till 13 Sept.). Vilnius: Informal meeting of EU Ministers for Agriculture (till 10 Sept.).

Tuesday 10 September World Suicide Prevention Day [WHO] Launch of the United Nations Development Group (UNDG) report entitled “One Million Voices: The World We Want”. Geneva: -Human Rights Council (till 27 Sept.). - Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict to brief the Human Rights Council, on an update on her work. Topics include how children's rights to education have been affected by conflict, as well as situations of concern such as Syria, Central African Republic and Mali. Lusaka: States Parties to the Convention on Cluster Munitions (till 13 Sept.). New York: - Security Council – Briefing and Consultations UNMIL.

Wednesday 11 September New international migration statistics (UN-DESA). Riga: Baltic Dynamics 2013: Competence building for smart growth: Challenges and opportunities (till 13 Sept.). http://www.balticdynamics.com/default.htm Strasbourg: The President of the European Commission will deliver the fourth "State of the Union Address" at the European Parliament.


Thursday 12 September United Nations Day for South-South Cooperation http://www.un.org/en/events/southcooperationday/

OECD Statistics news release: G20 GDP Growth Q2, 2013 http://www.oecd.org/newsroom/upcomingevents/

Launch of UNICEF's "A Promise Renewed" report, with new child mortality data. Launch of the “Trade and Development Report 2013: Adjusting to the changing dynamics of the world economy” (UNCTAD). Embargo 5:00 pm GMT. Geneva: - High-level conference on the challenges ahead for humanitarian action. http://www.icrc.org/eng/resources/documents/event/2013/12-09-humanitarium-live.htm

- European Union Kristalina Georgieva, EU Commissioner for International Cooperation, Humanitarian Aid and Crisis response, will brief about current humanitarian crises in particular Syria and the Central African Republic. New York: Security Council – Briefing and Consultations UNSOM. Tampere: The 2013 International Metropolis Conference. http://www.metropolis2013.fi Warshaw: 22nd annual conference of the ACEEEO (till 14 September) http://www.aceeeo.org/en/newsen/infocus/316-22nd-annual-conference-of-the-aceeeo

Friday 13 September Launch: IOM’s World Migration Report 2013: Migrant Well-Being and Development”. London: International Youth Job Creation Summit. http://peacechild.org/jobsummit/ Vilnius: Informal Meeting of EU Ministers for Economic and Financial Affairs (till 14 Sept.).

Sunday 15 September International Day of Democracy http://www.un.org/en/events/democracyday/ Europe: European Heritage Days (till 16 September) http://ec.europa.eu/culture/our-programmes-andactions/heritage-days/european-heritage-days_en.htm

Vilnius: Informal meeting of EU Ministers for Transport (till 16 Sept.).


And beyond: Other dates to pin

16 September International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer http://www.unep.org/ozonaction/Events/OzoneDay/tabid/6257/Default.aspx

European Mobility Week 2013 (till 22 September) http://www.mobilityweek.eu/home/

Launch of MDG Gap Task Force Report http://www.un.org/depts/dhl/deplib/looking-ahead-2013.htm The MDG Gap Task Force Report 2013 entitled, “The Global Partnership for Development: The Challenge We Face,” will be launched during the week of 16 September at a press conference at UN Headquarters, New York. The press conference will be webcast live. The report tracks delivery on commitments listed under MDG Goal 8—the global partnership for development— including aid, trade, debt relief, access to essential medicines and to technologies. Brussels: - ‘A new Deal for Somalia’ Conference. http://www.somalia-newdeal-conference.eu/home - European Parliament: Opening of the ‘WFP-EU, Building Stronger Communities’ photo exhibition by World Food Programme Executive Director, Ertharin Cousin (Zone G area, Balcony 1st floor, Spinelli building) at 13.30 followed by a light lunch. Registration: wfp.brussels@wfp.org ; - 15.30, European Parliament Press Point with President Schultz.; World Food Programme’s Executive Director, addresses the European Parliament’s Development Committee. - European Parliament: Exchange of Views –Reducing Risks in Post-2015: EU perspectives on Building Resilience of Communities in Disasters, organized by the Development Committee, featuring the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for DRR, Margareta Wahlström and EU Commissioner Georgieva: (15h10 - 16h10). - European Parliament - Committee on Development: Sakharov Prize 2013 : Presentation of candidates. Geneva: Committee on the Rights of the Child (till 4 Oct.). New York: Security Council – Briefings/Consultations on UNSMIL and Libya sanctions. Vienna: IAEA, General Conference (till 20 Sept.). Windhoek: UNCCD, Conference of the Parties to the Convention and meetings of subsidiary bodies (till 27 Sept.).

17 September Brussels: - The EU Commission will present proposals to strengthen the EU’s ability to respond to ‘legal highs’ – new psychoactive substances used as alternatives to illicit drugs such as cocaine and ecstasy. Mons (Belgium): The NATO Information Assurance and Cyber Defense Symposium at the NCI Agency, SHAPE (till 20 Sept.). http://www.ia.nato.int/events/symposium New York: Opening 68th Session of the UN General Assembly. -Security Council – Briefing and Consultations on the Middle East.


18 September Brussels: Policy Coherence for Development 2013 Report Launch. http://www.concordeurope.org/events/details/42-policy-coherence-for-development-report-launch

- OECD - Launch of Agricultural Policy Monitoring and Evaluation 2013. http://www.oecd.org/newsroom/upcomingevents/

- Friends of Europe - Greening Europe: Creating new momentum for a global climate deal http://www.friendsofeurope.org/Contentnavigation/Events/Eventsoverview/tabid/1187/EventType/EventView/EventId/ 1227/EventDateID/1233/PageID/6592/Creatingnewmomentumforaglobalclimatedeal.aspx

New York: -Security Council – Consultations on Sudan/South Sudan. -Security Council – Briefing and Consultations UNIPSIL. - Security Council- Resolution on UNMIL (tbc).

19 September Brussels: The UN as a channel for the Belgian development cooperation – conference by Dominique de Crombrugghe, Head of the Special Development Cooperation Evaluation Unit, organized by APNU with support of UNRIC (conference in French followed by Q&A in French, English and Dutch) Registration: secretaire@apnu.be New York: UN Global Compact Leaders’ Summit 2013 (till 20 September) Queen Mathilde of Belgium will attend.


-Security Council - Debate on UNAMA and Consultations on UNDOF. Vilnius: Informal meeting of EU Ministers for Energy (till 20 Sept.). Varna: International Congress on Blue Growth in the Black Sea region – perspectives and opportunities (till 20 Sept) http://ec.europa.eu/maritimeaffairs/events/2013/20130919-programme.pdf?lang=en

20 September Bruges: Third GR:EEN Annual Conference. http://www.cris.unu.edu/Upcoming-Events.23.0.html?&tx_ttnews[tt_news]=1467&cHash=a0c01e3d6dbabd208d04549b495ce003

New York: Commission on Sustainable Development http://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/index.php?menu=1211

21 September International Day of Peace http://www.un.org/en/events/peaceday/ The Hague: Peace One Day presents: The Peace One Day Celebration concert 2013 “Who will you make peace with?” http://100jaar.vredespaleis.nl/agenda/agenda-items/306/peace-one-daycelebration-concert.html#.UhcyxtI0xLc

22 September New York: -Dialogue with CSOs, Member States on Post-2015 Development Agenda. http://www.worldwewant2015.org/NGLSconsultation

-Social Good Summit (till 24 Sept.). http://mashable.com/sgs/


23 September Brussels: -Agriculture and Fisheries EU Council. -Cine ONU: ‘Girl Rising’ http://www.unric.org/en/next-screening film by Richard Robbins, which tells the stories of 9 extraordinary girls from 9 countries, written by 9 celebrated writers and narrated by 9 renowned actresses. - UNISDR Regional Office for Europe organizes the European Forum for Disaster Risk Reduction (a regional meeting in Europe for DRR actors) (till 25 Sept.). New York: High-level meetings of the 68th Session of the General Assembly: -First Session of the High Level Political Forum http://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/index.php?menu=1556

-High-Level Meeting on Disability and Development http://www.un.org/disabilities/default.asp?id=1590 -"The way forward: a disability inclusive development agenda towards 2015 and beyond" http://www.un.org/en/ga/68/meetings/disability.shtml

Paris: UNESCO, Executive Board (till 10 Oct.).

24 September New York: -Opening date of the general debate, General Assembly (till 4 Oct.). -High-level Political Forum on sustainable development http://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/index.php?menu=1556

25 September Kampala: International Conference: Children and youth affected by armed conflict: where to go from here? (Till 27 Sept.). http://www.kampala2013.ugent.be/Theme.php New York: Special Event to Follow up Efforts Made Towards Achieving the MDGs, http://www.un.org/millenniumgoals/specialevent.shtml

26 September World Maritime Day [IMO] “Sustainable Development: IMO's contribution beyond Rio+20” http://www.imo.org/About/Events/WorldMaritimeDay/Pages/WMD.aspx

Brussels: Competitiveness Council (till 27 Sept). http://europa.eu/newsroom/calendar/event/444082/competitiveness-council

New York: -High-level meeting of the General Assembly on nuclear disarmament http://www.un.org/en/ga/info/meetings/67schedule.shtml

-Security Council - Briefing (High-level meeting) on Small arms. 27 September World Tourism Day [UNWTO] “Tourism & Water” http://wtd.unwto.org/ Brussels: International Right to Know Day Seminar - EU transparency: Where are we now? http://www.ombudsman.europa.eu/en/activities/calendarevent.faces/en/754/html.bookmark

New York: Security Council –Briefing on the Middle East (Yemen).


28 September World Rabies Day [WHO] World Heart Day [WHO] New York: Global Citizen Festival and the MDGs http://festival.globalcitizen.org

30 September Brussels: -General Affairs EU Council. -Conference on Plastic Waste: the role of plastic and plastic waste in a circular economy http://www.euconf.eu/plasticwaste2013/en/registration/programme.pdf

UN Campaigns, Competitions, Apps and Games

World Health Organization: Photo Competition Are you between 14 and 19 years old? WHO have created a photo competition and want to see health and illness through your eyes! The themes on which they’re looking for photos are:  Adolescents are healthy (engaging in healthy activities)  Adolescents learn about health (health education)  Adolescents use health services when needed  It can be difficult to stay healthy (images about the environment and risk-behaviours)  Adolescents are active in promoting health (advocating for health, participation) The submission deadline is 15 September, 2013

A Society for all Ages - International Student Design Competition 2014 The Competition invites architecture students around the world to apply their creative talents in developing solutions, which integrate older persons into the fabric of the community and fully include them in all social, cultural, and productive activities. The competition is sponsored by the International Council for Caring Communities (ICCC) in cooperation with the United Nations Programme for Human Settlements (UN-HABITAT) and United Nations Ageing Unit, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), and other partners. The submission deadline is 15 September, 2013

@Do One Thing for Diversity and Inclusion video contest http://www.unric.org/en/competitions Take part in the @Do One Thing for Diversity and Inclusion campaign by making a oneminute video expressing what Diversity and Inclusion means to you. The winning videos will also be included within the UNAOC Plural+ Youth Video Festival DVD. Be as creative as possible! Videos may be of any type, style or genre from a documentary, music video or animation. The submission deadline is 27 September, 2013 ------------------------------------------To subscribe or unsubscribe to the Week Ahead please send an e-mail to froger@unric.org


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