S p r i n g e di t i o n N o . 0 2 WHAT’S NEW
Secretary-General joins the UNRIC team to celebrate 10 Years of Creativity As fate would have it, the celebration of UNRIC’s 10th anniversary coincided with the visit of Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to Brussels last week. It was no easy feat finding a slot for the visit to UNRIC, given the SG’s very busy agenda with such important events as the EU-Africa summit, the Genocide Prevention Conference organized by Belgium, the Climate Action award Ceremony and scores of bilateral meetings with EU officials and Heads of States.
I NT E R NA T I O NA L D A Y S 22/04
Mother Earth Day
World Malaria Day LOOKING AHEAD
World Press Freedom Day
Millennium Film Festival
Day of UN Peacekeepers
During his visit to Brussels General-Secretary Ban Ki-Moon expressed his support to the festival whose program is dedicated to the Millennium Development Goals.
World Environment Day
World Oceans Day
World Refugee Day
The Millennium Festival honored Mr. Ban Ki-Moon with the “Objectif D’or” award. The award is a symbolic gesture in name of all artists who contributed with their creations to highlight the 8 MGD’s and deliver with strength and conviction the message . Link: http://www.festivalmillenium.org/en/acceuil
City of Brussels Water Exhibition
W H O WE A R E Organized into nine geographical and thematic desks, UNRIC works with all stakeholders in Europe - the European Union Institutions, governments, civil society and of course the media. UNRIC informs and engages Europeans on global issues. Leading the UN Communication Group for 26 UN Agencies based in Brussels.
During the last week of March, the City of Brussels held a water exhibition using the posters from UNRIC’s European Ad competition on Water “Drop by Drop”. UNRIC organises regular creative campaigns on public information around various UN international Day’s.
An Info Point & Library, open to the public, maintains a collection of UN documents and publications. Original products include a monthly library newsletter and backgrounders on special topics and on emerging crises.
Cine-ONU Next screenings: 06th May — BOZAR - McCullin. A film by David Morris and Jacqui Morris. Link: http://www.unric.org/en/next-screening 22th May — The Goethe Institute - The Agreement. A film by Karen Stokkendal-Poulsen. Follow us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/CineONU
Migrants Contribute The International Organization for Migrants (IOM) is launching a world-wide campaign on the positive contribution of migrants to the society. On that occasion, the IOM Country Office for Belgium and Luxembourg has invited the UN Staff in Brussels to team-up and join the 20 km of Brussels.
MO R E R E S O U R C E S UNRIC Find out what is happening at the UN directly from the source. Website in 13 languages. www.unric.org
UNRIC Videos Images from UNRIC www.vimeo.com/unric
UN apps UN mobile apps and e-publication are an easy and informative way to engage every day with the UN. From data visualization to the latest news, the UN is at your fingertips with over two dozen mobile apps to date. Load them onto your phone or tablet. http://www.unric.org/en/apps-directory
Facebook Look us up on facebook and support our work by giving us a “like”. Facebook pages available in all 13 languages. www.facebook.com/unric
UN Brussels The United Nations team brings together 26 specialised agencies, funds and programmes spanning the development, humanitarian and human rights work of the UN. http://www.unbrussels.org/
Info Point & Library Do you have questions about the UN? Are you looking for a UN document or publication? Do you need contact details for UN organizations? Would you like to receive information material on UN issues? http://www.facebook.com/UNRICLibrary
Week Ahead The European perspective http://www.unbrussels.org/ F o r mo r e inf o p le as e v is it www . unr ic . o r g o r co nt act C ar o line Pe t it , Dep ut y Dir e cto r , pe tit @ unr i c. o r g