New Blackmore Vale, October 1, 2021
Diamonds are forever for Tom & Brenda Motcombe couple Tom and Brenda Crabbe have celebrated 60 years of marriage, surrounded by the villagers, friends and family who love them. They were married in September 1961 at St Mary’s Church in the village and held a reception in the village hall – an occasion mirrored by their diamond celebrations, attended by
more than 100 people. They have lived in the village ever since and have become a big part of the community. Tom has chaired the parish council, been a member of the PCC and involved with numerous village events. Brenda is known for her delicious preserves, especially her seasonal marmalade and her family praise her secret recipe cheese straws. Villager Barney Mauleverer said: “If there is a couple that epitomise ‘everything Motcombe’ then Tom and Brenda are the absolute village pin-ups… “Brenda (Hurst) was born in Motcombe in 1938 at North End Farm – she is the longest serving Motcombite
ANNIVERSARY GREEN JOHN & THELMA 02/09/2021 To Mum & Dad, congratulations on your Diamond Anniversary with love Ian, Sue, David, Kay, Melanie, Megan, Chris, Georgina, Alex & Ryan.
60 YEARS WED: Brenda and Tom Crabbe
in the village. She met Tom aged 11 at Shaftesbury school, engaged at 18 (at Blenheim Palace of all places) and married in Sept 1961 after Tom’s two years of national service having trained as a carpenter beforehand. They live at a house called Tomenda (Tom & Brenda) on the Street. Literally everyone knows
NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICE LICENSING ACT 2003 Notice is given that North Dorset Rugby Football Club Ltd has applied to Dorset Council for a variation of a premises licence in respect of North Dorset Rugby Football Club Ltd, Slaughtergate, Longbury Hill Lane, Gillingham, Dorset, SP8 5SY to include the pitches in the licensable area for regulated entertainment and the provision of alcohol. Any interested party or responsible authority representations by -mailing: licensingteamb@dorsetcouncil.gov.uk or writing to, Licensing, Dorset Council, County Hall, Dorchester, Dorset, DT1 1XJ within 28 days from the date of this notice. The licensing register and details of this application may be inspected by contacting the licensing Section during normal office hours. It is an offence under Section 158 of the Licensing Act 2003 to knowingly or recklessly make a false statement in connection with an application, the maximum fine on summary conviction for the offence is unlimited. DATE: 24 September 2021
BIRTHDAY DOROTHY MOORE Celebrating her 92nd Birthday Sorry we can't all be together but sending you our love. From all the family
them – they have both been complete stalwarts in the village. “Tom was in the building trade throughout his profession and knows of every faulty tile or imperfect brick in every nook and cranny of every building in Motcombe. He joined the Motcombe Parish Council in 1977 to lead the new entertainment committee – kicking off by organising a fancy dress fun pram race through the village to raise funds to be able to give all Motcombe children a Coronation mug. The pair have one daughter, Tracey, and two grandchildren, Chloe and Harry. Celebrations were held in both St Mary’s Church and the Memorial Hall.
THANK YOU HEATHER KATHLEEN SHAW (Deceased) Pursuant to the Trustee Act 1925 any persons having a claim against or an interest in the Estate of the above named, late of Gwendoline House Residential Home, 1719 Pleasant Road, Downend, South Gloucestershire, BS16 5JN, who died on 27/01/2021, are required to send written particulars thereof to the undersigned on or before 02/12/2021, after which date the Estate will be distributed having regard only to the claims and interests of which they have had notice. Farnfields Solicitors, 4 Church Lane Shaftesbury Dorset SP7 8JT
THANK YOU JOHN AND THELMA GREEN thank everyone for their cards and good wishes for their Diamond Wedding Anniversary
TERRY JAMES POPE Sally, Emma and family would like to thank everyone who attended the celebration of Terry’s life, and for the very generous donations received, to be split between his memorial bench at The Ship and the RNLI St Ives, both places he loved dearly.
IN MEMORIAM GORDON MOORS 24.1.37 - 20.10.16 I can't believe it is five years since you died. I miss and think of you every day. Love Ann and all the family.
OCTOBER 2ND, BET SAMMON’S Sorry I missed you last year (COVID). Still miss you lots Love Mike X
WENDY GREEN 2nd October 2016 Five years have passed but forever in our thoughts and hearts. Gordon, Andrew, Michael, Gemma, Nicola, Sydney & Roman
KIERAN MARC PITTICK Our gentle giant, it is now 5 years since that tragic day 7.10.16 - always in our hearts and thoughts. Much love from all your family.
MARJIE TIMMS 11.11.14 It is 7 years since I lost you, that very sad day. I miss you every day. Always in my thoughts. Love Geoff and all the family. Xxxxxx