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Health & Wellbeing
New Stour & Avon, July 30, 2021 Health & Wellbeing Release your inner rock star at Pound Fitness sessions
By Pound Fitness instructor Hayley Sandell Over the last three years I have really got into my fitness.
Channel your inner rock star with this full body cardio-jam session inspired by the infectious, energizing, and sweat-dripping fun of playing the drums Classes at Pamphill, Wimborne Contact HAYLEY SANDELL, POUND PRO
07786 553889
About two-and-a-half years ago I walked into a class called Pound Fitness and was blown away with how the infectious and energising the class was. So week in, week out I was there doing my cardio jam session with my drumsticks, drumming away to the music. I loved it so much that in March 2020 I became a Pound Pro Fitness instructor doing my training in Wales and have been teaching ever since. I wanted children to enjoy the drumming of this infectious cardio jam too, and also for them to become little rock stars – so in February this year I became a Generation Pound Fitness instructor too, and went on to do my personal trainer certification. Pound Fitness is designed for all fitness levels and is easy to modify. It provides the perfect atmosphere for letting loose, getting energised, improving your health and rocking out. Its alternative vibe and welcoming philosophy appeals to woman and men of all ages and abilities. Generation pound for children aims to foster a love for physical activity
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T-shirts, baby & children’s clothes, scarves & socks It promotes social and emotional
Open Mon-Sat 10am-4pm well-being in the undeniable and 1 Cornmarket Court, Wimborne fairground21@gmail.com remarkable ways it fosters www.wimbornefairtradeshop.co.uk shopappy.com/wimborne/fair-ground relationships and builds self-esteem 01202 849898 and self awareness.
Please bring this advert into So come and join my classes andthe shop, by 1st September, to be entered into a prize draw! release your inner rock star.
Today can be the start of the tomorrow you really want...
1:1 Diet by Cambridge Weight Plan is celebrating Gary Ellis, who lost a life-changing eight stone and reversed his type 2 diabetes symptoms!
Gary dropped 8 stone. Reversed symptoms of Type 2 Diabetes
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New Stour & Avon, July 30, 2021 Health & Wellbeing What if you made a difference to your life today?
By Susie Carver, consulting hypnotist with Sea Change Hypnotherapy in Wimborne
Are you someone who constantly ruminates over the outcome of a particular action? Perhaps you jump to the worst case scenario in your mind and tell yourself all the things that could possibly go wrong. Sometimes, things seem so uncomfortable and difficult to us that we decide it's just easier and safer to not do them at all. But WHAT IF you CAN do this? WHAT IF it all goes perfectly? WHAT IF you give yourself permission to start making the changes that will move you in the right direction? Our bodies respond to our internal self-talk - the words we hear and pictures we conjure up in our heads. So when we tell ourselves negative things it's a bit like rubbing Aladdin's lamp - the genie pops up in a puff of smoke, says “As you wish” and gives us exactly what we have asked for. We need to change that internal self-talk to something positive - and that can be easier said than done! But WHAT IF there was a way to prove to yourself that you can learn to do things which seem uncomfortable or difficult? Here's an exercise you can do which introduces an important principle - that action precedes confidence. It involves brushing your teeth with the hand you would not normally use. Yes, really! Get a sense of yourself now, going into your bathroom. Use all your senses to imagine yourself there – see, feel, smell, hear the familiarity of your bathroom. See yourself reaching out for your toothbrush, and as your hand is just about to grasp it, allow this to be the trigger that instantly snaps you into picking it up with your opposite hand. Apply the toothpaste and begin brushing. At first it will feel weird and uncomfortable and wrong and difficult. You may tell yourself it’s pointless and want to give up. But if you persevere, it will become increasingly easy over time. And you can celebrate your achievement by acknowledging, “I CAN do this uncomfortable, difficult thing and still be OK!” Soon after that you come to realise that all uncomfortable, difficult things can become automatic and easy. This knowledge then starts to map across into other areas of your life. You discover that you can do all sorts of things that once seemed impossible, simply because you have altered your neural pathways and allowed your unconscious to accept a new possibility. Remember, confidence is a bi-product of previous success, and just like that genie in the lamp, your unconscious mind will always give you exactly what you ask for. So why not ask yourself “WHAT IF?” and start making those changes today?
n seachangehypno.com hello@seachangehypno.com
Sometimes, even a coach needs to be coached
As a qualified personal and professional coach I don’t need a coach myself because I know all the tricks of the trade and I could undoubtedly just coach myself… In theory yes, however in practice, I can be just like anyone else… I can lack motivation. I can become overwhelmed with my to-do list. I can tell myself it doesn’t matter if I put this or that off until tomorrow, or even for another week or two. I can come up with excuses and I can talk myself out of doing things because ‘I’m probably not clever enough anyway.’ And maybe I’m better off just bumbling along in my comfort zone, happy and safe, doing what I always do. To be totally honest, I’m not happy with that. I don’t want to just bumble along being frustrated with myself, for not living my life to the full or achieving my true potential. So what do I do? I can walk myself through a coaching session as if I were coaching a client. In fact, I do this and it does work to a certain extent. However, I am mindful that this enables me to pick and choose which questions to ask myself, potentially avoiding the ones that might have me digging into something that might feel a bit too difficult. I’m also likely to be super critical of myself and not overly objective. Oh, and I don’t have to tell anyone when I don’t do the things that I say I’m going to do as there’s no-one holding me accountable. I choose to be coached because if I didn’t see the value in coaching, how could I possibly be an effective coach myself? Once we think we know everything, we stop growing. My coach asks me questions which help me to explore what I want and why. My coach motivates me to identify what is standing in my way and empowers me to think of options that focus on what I could do, then facilitates me in deciding what I am going to do. My coach positively challenges me and supports me whilst giving me the time and space to find my solutions. Ultimately my coach holds me accountable. With my coach I have been able to make progress with my goals, big and small. Coaching has helped me change career, study for three diplomas, end a relationship, grow my business, and even help me write articles for this magazine! And my ultimate goal? To reach my goals and be the best version of myself. And to do that, this coach needs a coach!
n Victoria Arnold is a life coach from Wimborne Victoriaarnold.co.uk
Go swimming with endorphins
We are lucky enough to live in Dorset where there are an abundance of beaches, lakes and rivers and there is increasing research that suggests there are lots of advantages to swimming in cold water. The benefits may include boosting your immune system, improving circulation, burn calories and reducing stress. Cold water is thought to boost endorphins which are our feel-good chemicals and some people find it relieves depression. It’s also a great way to make friends and socialise as cold water swimming groups are gaining in popularity. It’s worth mentioning though if you are not used to swimming in cold water, make sure you give your body time to adjust. Cold water can be dangerous and can cause ‘cold shock’ where your body’s breathing and heart rate dramatically change. The sudden rapid breathing alone creates a risk of drowning even for confident swimmers in calm water. It’s recommended to always swim in pairs or small groups so that you can support and keep an eye out for each other. It’s also advised to stick to waters you know and ideally have a lifeguard present and wear a life jacket. There is no strict definition of ‘cold water’ so it can be preferable and safer to at first stick to the warmer months whilst acclimatising to the water. Staying in for a short amount of time to start with and building resilience to the cold water takes practise so listen to your body A few ideas of local places to go include: Eye Bridge, near Wimborne Minister, Lake Pier, Poole Harbour and Pamphill, Dorset Stour. A good place to start might be looking at the website eastdorsetowsc.org and wildswimming.co.uk. These groups can provide information on the best wild swim locations, whether a river swim, a lake or a beach. One such group – the East Dorset Open Water Swimming Club – is a friendly group that meets at Shore Road Beach, near Sandbanks, from April to October, at 6pm on Tuesday evenings and 10am on Sunday mornings. Check their website for more details.

SHORE THING: Members of East Dorset Open Water at Shore Road
...with Emma Hammond
Water, water everywhere; it’s a good idea to drink it
Don’t forget to stay hydrated, particularly during this hot weather. Hydration is an ongoing and accumulative process; so if you want to be hydrated tomorrow, drink plenty today! As an endurance runner, staying hydrated for a run begins with upping my fluid intake the day before. I don't wait until I'm thirsty to start topping up and the same should apply to everyone. Our body doesn't really differentiate between how it gets fluids, so you don't need to drink only water (this isn't a green light to drink alcohol though!) Lots of tea and coffee probably isn’t a great idea and people have different tolerance levels to the caffeine – but it can be watered down or topped with milk and it does count! Think of water as the main centrepiece to other drinks. As a general guidance, sugary (and therefore calorie laden) drinks should be drunk in moderation, particularly by people seeking weight loss (and your dentist will thank you for it). Our bodies are incredible and pretty good at regulating these trace minerals and vitamins and tend to let us know pretty quickly if things go wrong; my husband was once so unwell he refused anything but water for several days and ended up hallucinating giraffes due to an electrolyte deficiency. Our bodies are very delicate and very clever and if he'd just drunk some tea, juice or milk and/or eaten something, he would have avoided this (amusing sounding), but actually very serious situation. We get around 20% of our fluid intake from food –pretty much all food has some fluid present in it, even food we might consider dry, like bread. Our fluid requirements depend on our size, gender, age, activity level and of course variables like how hot it is or even how many layers of clothes we're wearing in colder weather. You'd think something so innate like drinking water when we're thirsty would be second nature but like many things, there's a market today and money to be made from suggesting we need help with regulating to most natural and life giving behaviour. From sales of brightly coloured water bottles and flasks with fluid markers, to mobile phone apps reminding us to drink and asking us to log our fluid intake. While these might be helpful to some people, try and let your body be your guide (unless of course, you're hallucinating wild animals –in which case listen to your wife!). n Katrina Keeling is a Wimborne-based personal training and fitness instructor. kkeelingfitness@gmail.com kkfitness.co.uk