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MP raising serious ethical concerns
The article by Christopher Chope, ‘The burden of immigration on our country’ raises serious ethical concerns. His eulogy for Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, right, and his pro-family, antiimmigration policies, omits to refer to Orban’s huge admiration for Vladimir Putin.
I wonder why? Could it be because Orban is another populist leader who has little time for human rights and for a free press?
Our daughter and grand-daughter have lived in Budapest (a beautiful city indeed) for many years, so we are regular visitors and have learned a bit about how Orban’s system works.
It aims to be rebuilding the glories of old Hungary as a white Christian civilisation while steadily eroding individual and organisational liberties. This vision is out of step with our contemporary reality. Does Mr. Chope really believe we should emulate Orban and try and return to a mythical UK, where all are Christians and white and nonimmigrants are admitted?
My father was an East European Jewish immigrant, who escaped from the Nazis in 1939, remaining in England after the war for the rest of his life.
He was proud to be British, whose values he associated with decency, tolerance and respect - in short, democracy as it should be. That’s why I find Mr Chope’s views sinister.
We live in a multi-cultural world now and have done for many years. Even rural Dorset has welcomed many different cultures for many years - various studies have identified a plethora of languages spoken at home by our schoolchildren.
Without our immigrants, we would
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We have been awarded this much sought after accolade for our work with Gold Standards Framework not have the staff to keep the NHS, public transport, catering and farming industries going. We should not refer to them as a burden, but as people who have contributed hugely to our country. If we have to limit entry, it should be processed in a respectful, humane manner not through reactionary rhetoric, employing ill-used words like ‘...the burden of immigration...’.
Orban’s anti-democratic policies in Hungary have led to appalling wages for professionals, causing a brain drain, with doctors and dentists heading for more favourable workplaces within the EC.
Mr Chope should study history more and stop stoking up resentment among those looking for scape-goats for their problems, made infinitely worse by the current government’s policies. As Santayana said: “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it”.
Tony Horitz Wimborne