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“Your staff are exemplary in every way. They care for my every need, showing genuine kindness and always go above and beyond the call of duty. The excellent chef caters for my special diet - all cooked to perfection. I couldn’t ask for anything more.”

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WhenImetNickimylifechanged.Iwaswanderingaround WimborneMarketoneFridayintheAllendaleCentreandmet NickiEdwards-TheCambridgeLady.Sheofferedmea chocolatethatdoesn’tmakeyoufat:-)Sheexplainedallabout the1:1DietbyCambridgeWeightPlanandwassoenthusiasticI couldn’thelpbutbookintoseeher.Thefollowingweekwemet atherhomeinWimborne.

IhadneverbeenonadietbeforeasIwasonly everabitoverweight.However,Ihavebeen feelingverylow,youcouldsaygrumpyforalong time.IfeltIhadsortoflostmyway,mypurpose.I havebeenmarriedfor51yearsandraisedmy lovelyfamily.Myroleasawifeandmotherhas beenbusyforsolonglookingaftereveryoneelse, Ihadn’treally beengivingmuch timetome.Iwas quitedownand evenfeltabit dreary.

WithNicki’s supportand adviseIhave consistentlylost weighteachweek, butmorethanthat Ihavestartedto feelaliveagain.I feelsomuch betterinmyself,so muchhappier, healthierandhave startedwearing lovelybright clothesagain (whichhavebeen hidinginmy wardrobefor years!)becauseI feelmorepositive andconfidentin myself.Ididn’t exactlyhavea hugeamountof weighttolose,butboy,whata differencelosingover11/2stonein13weeks hasmadetome.

Atnearly70yearsofageIamthesamesize nowasIwaswhenIwasatschoolandIfeel fabulous.

Who needs takeaways when it’s so easy to cook the food from scratch at home? This is a great fakeaway recipe that you must try!

A similar-sized portion from a fast food outlet or restaurant would be approximately 800 calories – double our healthy version and much higher in fat.

You can make the coleslaw the day before and keep it in a sealed container in the fridge.


Preheat the oven to 200C, gas mark 6. Scrub the sweet potatoes (don’t peel them) and cut into wedges. Spray them lightly with spray oil and sprinkle the paprika, cayenne, garlic powder and plenty of black pepper over the top. Put the sweet potatoes in a roasting pan and scatter the rosemary and thyme over them. Add a few sea salt crystals and bake in the preheated oven for 25–35 minutes until crisp and golden brown.

Meanwhile, make the coleslaw: mix together the cabbage, carrots, spring onions, apple, walnuts and parsley.

Gently stir in the mayonnaise and lemon juice and season to taste with salt and pepper.

Mix together the hot chilli sauce, lemon zest and juice and garlic in a bowl. Add the chicken breasts and turn them in the marinade until they are coated all over. Lightly spray a griddle pan or non-stick frying pan and cook the chicken over a medium to high heat for about 15 minutes, turning halfway through, until golden brown and cooked right through.

Serve the peri-peri chicken with the hot sweet potato wedges and the coleslaw. Step it up...

If you want to enjoy this on Step 5, use 400g sweet potatoes and add 2 teaspoons of mixed seeds (e.g. sunflower, pumpkin, flaxseed) to the coleslaw to make it more crunchy.

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