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Concerns over travel routes

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On The Move

On The Move

by Faith Eckersall

Spiralling costs have sparked uncertainly over the future of a number of sustainable travel routes in East Dorset, according to the councils in charge of them.

BCP and Dorset councils, which are involved in the Transforming Cities Fund scheme, have jointly stated that the original budget for the environmental project is ‘no longer sufficient’ to build the entire network of cycle, walking and bus improvements planned across the region. They blamed ‘rising construction, labour and fuel costs, growing inflation and changes to national design standards for cycling infrastructure’.

‘No additional funding from the UK Government is available to cover the impact of these unforeseen cost increases,’ they added.

The £102m scheme aimed to create more environmentally-sustainable travel routes across the east of the county and its conurbations. A number of routes have already been created, including a cycleway in Wimborne which caused controversy after it was claimed to be wider than the road which ran along it. More details at bcpcouncil.gov.uk/News/ News-Features/Transforming-Travel.

Free chances to get on your bike

Commuters in the New Stour & Avon area are being offered the chance to grab a free 30-minute journey on a Beryl pedal bike from now until September 1.

Riders across BCP and Dorset Councils can take advantage of the offer between the hours of 5am-10am, seven days a week. Beryl hopes to inspire even more people to use its scheme by showing how it can save money on fuel and parking costs, help people get fitter and improve their wellbeing, and cut carbon emissions.

Beryl CEO and co-founder Phil Ellis said: “Commuting by bike is not only convenient and fun, it’s also cost effective when compared to private vehicle use. “With the warmer weather and longer days combined with this latest offer, now is the perfect time to give it a go,” he added. For more information visit beryl.cc/scheme/bour,nemouthchristchurch-and-poole The offer is limited to one per rider per day.

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