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Learn about Roman life as a soldier

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On The Move

On The Move

If you’ve ever wondered what the Romans did for us, you can find out all about it from a ‘real’ Roman soldier at the historic villa of Rockbourne over the summer.

John Smith is a costumed interpreter with more than 40 years’ experience as an archaeologist and curator. He is spending the summer chatting about all aspects of Roman life, military and domestic, at the villa, which is near Fordingbridge. There is an entry fee but John’s sessions don’t have to be booked.

You can find him at Rockbourne on Saturday and Sunday August 19 and 20, Sunday August 27 and September 2,3,9,10,23 and 24, as well as October 1, the last day of the season.

Visit hampshireculture.org.uk/ rockbourne-roman-villa for more information.

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