55002 CVEN rCITI Annual Report 2012

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rCITI – Research Centre for Integrated Transport Innovation Annual Report 2012 Never Stand Still

Faculty of Engineering

School of Civil and Environmental Engineering

ツゥ 2012 Research Centre for Integrated Transport Innovation (rCITI) School of Civil and Environmental Engineering The University of New South Wales Sydney NSW 2052 Australia CRICOS Provider Code 00098G Address Research Centre for Integrated Transport Innovation (rCITI) School of Civil and Environmental Engineering The University of New South Wales Sydney NSW 2052 Australia Enquiries T +61 (0)2 9385 5721 E rciti@unsw.edu.au W http://www.rciti.unsw.edu.au Project Coordination Sylvia Brohl and Maria Lee With grateful thanks to providers of text, stories and images. Design Heleフ]a Brusic UNSW P3 Design Studio, www.p3.unsw.edu.au Photography Professional Photography: Susan Trent; Emeritus Professor Mike Gal Grateful thanks also to: Sylvia Brohl; Myles Gough; iStock

Contents #1 [Director’s Report]............................................................................ 4 #2 [Overview].......................................................................................... 5 2.1 [Overview - 2011].............................................................................................................. 5 2.2 [Overview – 2012]......................................................................................................... 6

#3 [Centre]............................................................................................... 9 3.1 [Mission].............................................................................................................................. 9 3.2 [Staff]................................................................................................................................... 10 3.3 [Steering Committee]................................................................................................... 10 3.4 [Research Interests]...................................................................................................... 11 3.5 [Publications]................................................................................................................... 13 3.6 [Visitors, Seminars & Workshops]......................................................................... 15

#4 [Selected Centre Highlights & Research Projects]......... 18 #5 [Students & Supervision]............................................................ 20 #6 [Income 2011/2012].................................................................... 21 #7 [Financial Statement 2012]...................................................... 22

#1 [Director’s Report] Even though 2012 represents the first full year of operation for the Research Centre for Integrated Transport Innovation (rCITI), it seems that we have made substantial progress towards some of our major centre goals. I personally could not be happier with the support of our key university, industrial and government partners. I am also extremely proud of the performance of our staff in quickly developing new research and industrial relationships, conducting and disseminating important novel research, and working to expand our undergraduate and post-graduate teaching capability. rCITI represents a strategic UNSW effort with research and industry partners (including NICTA and Evans & Peck) that unites and substantially augments the wide range of transport research across campus. Upon arriving at UNSW in May 2011, I was impressed with the quantity and quality of work performed in the broad Transport area on campus. The job of helping to facilitate and expand this activity is one of the key continual goals of the centre. The official rCITI launch event took place in November and was well attended by alumni, researchers, consultants and government personnel. Speakers such as Professor Graham Davis (Dean, Faculty of Engineering), Professor Les Field (Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Research) and Mr Les Wielinga (Director General of the NSW Government Department of Transport) congratulated the University, School and Professor Waller to the opening of the rCITI, when the Centre was officially launched by Professor Mary O’Kane, NSW Chief Scientist and Engineer. As noted in the centre launch, the mission of rCITI is to become a world-leading organization in integrated interdisciplinary transport research and development. Towards this mission, rCITI will investigate sustainable approaches to transport infrastructure and operations, with extensive liaison with industry and government. The Centre

pursues these activities building on five core research pillars including Transport Planning, ITS Communications, Computational Sustainability, Infrastructure and Energy / Fuel. The aim is to reshape the field of Multi-modal Transport Engineering and Planning by introducing new innovative techniques and technologies, which enhance society, by integrating across methodological disciplines and contextual considerations. We adopt a comprehensive system-level view facilitated by the robust interdisciplinary groups available to us at UNSW which currently span Civil, Environmental, Computer, Electrical, and Mechanical Engineering as well as the Built Environment with additional collaborations continuing to develop. Moving forward, rCITI is seeking to build new relationships with industry partners and transition core research into usable tools and solutions. Substantial scope for contribution has been identified locally, national and internationally in terms of rigorous research-based engineering tools for integrated Transport analysis. During 2011/2012, we have been quite successful in terms of recruiting additional globally experienced Transport staff, acquiring new industrial and government funding support, expanding our PhD program and teaching curriculum, and hosting a number of visitors, seminars, and other events. However, the issue of safe, efficient, and sustainable Transport is one of society’s grandest challenges. We still have an incredibly long way to go in reaching our full potential in helping to shape the global research field of integrated Transport systems. The details of our first steps in this long journey are outlined in the following pages.

#2 [Overview] 2.1 [Overview - 2011] The Research Centre for Integrated Transport Innovation (rCITI) is a new UNSW Centre, based in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering with activities that span the Faculty of Engineering as well as across UNSW. In the presence of supporters from Government, Industry and across the university, rCITI was officially launched in November 2011 by Professor Mary O’Kane, NSW Chief Scientist and Engineer. rCITI represents a strategic effort with research and industry partners that unites and substantially augments the wide range of transport research across campus. The Evans & Peck Chair for Transport Innovation leads the new Research Centre and has been made possible by the generous support of Evans & Peck, an international infrastructure-based advisory company, and a School Industry Partner. Other financial supporters of the rCITI include NICTA, the units within UNSW including central strategic support as well as the Faculty of Engineering. The new Evans & Peck Professor of Transport Innovation is Professor S. Travis Waller, previously in the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Texas at Austin. An expert in transport systems and planning, Professor Waller also has extensive grounding in the fields of electrical and industrial engineering making him an excellent fit for the new cross-School Faculty Centre. Professor Waller took up the position of Evans & Peck Professor for Transport Innovation and Director of rCITI in May 2011, welcomed by Dr Upali Vandebona (Senior Lecturer in Transport, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering at UNSW) and followed by Dr Lauren Gardner (Lecturer), Dr David Fajardo (Research Associate) and Dr Vinayak Dixit (Senior Lecturer). Dr Gardner’s key areas include cross-disciplinary system interaction (e.g., health impacts of transport including disease propagation due to air travel) and congestion pricing for transportation networks. Research Associate Dr Fajardo focuses on vehicle routing, automated intersection control and logistics. Dr Dixit, previously the Associate Director of Research, Gulf Coast Research Center for Evacuation and Transportation Resiliency at Louisiana State University, joined the team in October and has a keen interest in topics such as planning for risk in transportation and emergency evacuation and management.

Apart from the set up of the Centre structure and the official launch of the rCITI, key achievements for 2011 include the award of the UNSW Goldstar Award for “Adaptive Stochastic Network Behaviour Modeling Approaches for Representing and Responding to Disrupted Conditions” as well as a research contract with Booz Allen Hamilton for the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) of the Department of Transport of the United States of America (USDOT). This research project represents a major FHWA initiative to investigate the “Identification and Evaluation of Transformative and Environmental Applications and Strategies”. Professor Waller has attended and been invited to present at a variety of conferences. He spoke at ATRF in Adelaide and presented research contributions at TRB (Transportation Research Board 90th Annual Meeting, Washington D.C) and ITS (Australian Intelligent Transport Systems Summit, Gold Coast). In addition, Professor Waller has co-organized and cochaired a Panel at ISGT for IEEE (Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference, Perth) about the rising popularity of Electric Vehicles and this growing interdisciplinary field. He also co-organized a workshop on micro-simulation in Melbourne and presented at an international workshop on traffic management hosted by QUT. Resulting from rapidly increasing interest on electric vehicles, The University of New South Wales hosted an introductory workshop in November on “The Convergence of Transportation, Energy, and the Built Environment”. Lead by Professor Waller and Professor Michael Neuman (Professor of Sustainable Urbanism, Faculty of the Built Environment), key speakers included Professor Mladen Kezunovic (Director, Power System Control and Protection Laboratory, Texas A & M University), Professor Michael A P Taylor (Professor of Transport Planning, University of South Australia), Dr Peter Pudney (Senior Research Fellow, University of South Australia), Mr

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Mr Ian McIntyre (Principal, Evans & Peck), Professor Hugh Durrant-Whyte (CEO, NICTA), Professor T. David Waite (HoS, Civil and Environmental Engineering), Professor S. Travis Waller (Evans & Peck Professor of Transport Innovation and Director, Research Centre for Integrated Transport Innovation, rCITI), Professor Mary O’Kane (NSW Government Chief Scientist and Engineer), Professor Les Field (Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Research), Mr Les Wielinga (Director General, Transport for NSW)

Kristian Handberg (Project Manager, VIC Department of Transport), Mr Ricardo Goldman (Managing Director at TRIM GBO, Architecture and Planning, Spain) and Mr Guy Pross (Director, Business Development and Commercial Partnerships, Better Place). Additional attendees included representation from national labs, consultancies and government. The focus of this workshop was an overview of previous international research and deployment efforts, the exploration of domain linkages, and the potential for collaboration in this growing interdisciplinary field. The intention is to hold further workshops in the future and outline possible areas of for collaboration.

2.2 [Overview – 2012] Since its launch in November 2011, rCITI has continued to expand and strengthen its network across campus and with relevant government and industry. Key achievements for 2012 include the signing of an Umbrella Deed with the NSW Government Roads and Maritime Services

(RMS), as well as a Memorandum of Understanding with GoGet, the car share company and Better Place, an electric car charge network; and the award of a 2013 Australian Research Council (ARC) Linkage Infrastructure, Equipment and Facilities (LIEF) Grant for a world-first driving simulation laboratory. The NSW Minister for Transport, The Hon. Gladys Berejiklian visited the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering in March 2012 for a presentation about the Research Centre for Integrated Transport Innovation (rCITI). Professor Travis Waller’s overview of rCITI was followed by discussion with the Minister. Attendees at the Minister’s visit included delegates from UNSW such as Professor Graham Davies (Dean, Faculty of Engineering), Professor Les Field (Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Research), Professor T. David Waite (HoS, Civil and Environmental Engineering), and Professor Nasser Khalili (Associate Dean, Research), as well as representatives from Evans & Peck (Mr Ian McIntyre and Mr Paul Forward, Principals)

and NICTA (Mr Rob Fitzpatrick, Director, Infrastructure, Transport & Logistics). During her visit, Ms Berejiklian appointed Professor Waller an invited member to the Transport Specialist Advisory Group for Transport for NSW.

networked interaction and strong teaming. The findings of the lab will support a new generation of transport analysis techniques for emerging issues such as sustainability, reliability, and ITS.

rCITI staff held numerous other governmental meetings in 2012, including with Mr Mike Mrdak, Secretary at the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development & Local Government who invited Professor Waller for discussions with him and his team to Canberra.

rCITI lead an international consortium (including Monash, IIT Delhi, IIT Madras, NICTA, DIMTS, CRRI and GoGet) for an expression-of-interest (EOI) submission on “Integrated Network Planning Methodologies for the Sustainable Convergence of Transport and Energy�, to the Australian Government Department of Industry, Innovation Science, Research and Tertiary Education for the Australia-India Strategic Research Fund (AISRF) Grand Challenge. The EOI was successful in the pre-proposal stage and the team was invited to submit a full application. The outcome will be announced in 2013.

Professor Waller and Dr. Dixit from rCITI, Professor Dennis Del Favero, Director of the UNSW iCinema Research Centre for Interactive Cinema, jointly with Professor Bliemer from the University of Sydney, were awarded a 2013 Australian Research Council (ARC) Linkage Infrastructure, Equipment and Facilities (LIEF) for a driving simulation laboratory, the Travel Choice Simulation Laboratory (TRACSLab). TRACSLab is a world-first facility to observe collective travel choice in a realistic lab environment. It is unique due to the focus on travel choice,

Dr. Lavy Libman joined the School of Computer Science and Engineering at UNSW as a Senior Lecturer in March 2012. Dr. Libman was previously a Senior Lecturer at the School of Information Technologies at the University


7] Ms Sylvia Brohl (rCITI, Centre Officer), Mr Rob Fitzpatrick (Director, Infrastructure, Transport & Logistics at NICTA), Dr Upali Vandebona (Senior Lecturer), Dr Lauren Gardner (Lecturer), Professor S. Travis Waller (Director, rCITI), Dr Vinayak Dixit (Senior Lecturer), NSW Minister for Transport, The Hon. Gladys Berejiklian, Professor Graham Davies (Dean, Faculty of Engineering), Professor Les Field (Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Research), Mr Ian McIntyre (Principal at Evans & Peck), Professor T. David Waite (HoS, Civil and Environmental Engineering), Professor Nasser Khalili (Associate Dean, Research), Mr Paul Forward (Principal at Evans & Peck))

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of Sydney as well as a Researcher at NICTA’s Networks Research Group. His primary research interests lie in cross-layer performance optimization of wireless networks as well as the applications of game theory to networks and distributed systems. Dr. Libman forms part of the core Academic staff at rCITI. In October, Dr. Taha Hossein Rashidi from the University of Toronto, Canada, joined the Centre’s core academic team and was welcomed by Centre Director Professor S. Travis Waller, Senior Lecturer Dr. Upali Vandebona, Senior Lecturer Dr. Vinayak Dixit, Senior Lecturer Lavy Libman (Computer Science and Engineering) and Lecturer Dr. Lauren Gardner. Dr. Rashidi’s research expertise compliments rCITI’s research efforts in key areas, including land-use and vehicle ownership models, as well as goods movement data collection and modelling methods. At the same time, Visiting Fellow Dr. Hironobu Hasegawa joined the transportation group from the Akita National College of Technology. Dr. Hasegawa will work with rCITI on a variety of research areas, including his key expertise in applications of machine learning and data mining algorithms in the field of transportation. In particular, he is currently collaborating on the development of a micro-simulation travel demand model for the City of Melbourne. Professor Waller and other rCITI staff have attended and been invited to present at a variety of conferences this year. Many rCITI staff participated in TRB (Transportation Research Board 91st Annual Meeting, Washington D.C), presenting research contributions and chairing several TRB Committee Meetings. In addition, Prof. Waller gave an invited talk at the Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) Workshop at Beijing Jiaotong University in May and was a plenary speaker at the 17th International Conference of the Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies (HKSTS) in Hong Kong in December. The 4th International Symposium on Dynamic Traffic Assignment (DTA) took place on Martha’s Vineyard in June and was co-organized by Professor Waller, who also presented new developments in the field of DTA including better methods for addressing day-to-day volatility in traffic flow within the transport planning process. In December, Professor Waller was invited to Japan to participate in an exclusive meeting of the National Institute of Informatics (NII) on “Social Issues in Computational Transportation Science”. The meeting consisted of

research leaders spanning computer science, big data, transport engineering, and urban planning with the aim of identifying emerging themes and cutting-edge concepts which impact numerous adjacent domains. Further, Prof. Waller received the 2011 (awarded in 2012) Hojjat Adeli Award for Innovation in Computing. The award is based on published research within the journal Computer Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering (CACAIE), which is ranked as the top journal in Civil Engineering as well as Transportation Science & Technology (ranked by journal citation factor). Throughout the year, rCITI has also attracted and welcomed a variety of guest speakers to the School for relevant research seminars. Visitors and seminar topics included Associate Professor Karen Smilowitz of the Department of Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences at Northwestern University (“Transportation and logistics models in non-profit settings”), Professor Lisa Rutstrom from Georgia State University (“Experiments on Driving Under Uncertain Congestion Conditions”), Dr. Majid Sarvi from the Civil Engineering Department at Monash University (“Crowd Safety under Panic Conditions: Linking Non-human Biological Organisms to the Development of a Crowd Dynamic Model”), Associate Professor Satish Ukkusuri from Purdue University (“Integrative Modeling Tools for Sustainable Transportation Systems” and “The Use of Large Scale Geo-Location Data for Traffic Analytics”), as well as Professor Sahotra Sarkar from the Section of Integrative Biology at the University of Texas at Austin (“Climate Change and the Risk of VectorBorne Diseases”). It has been a successful year for rCITI in expanding and strengthening key relations and commencing new research projects. In fact, even though 2012 represents the first full year of operation for the transport centre, rCITI has already developed multiple key relationships with industry, attracted global attention for research performed at UNSW, worked on internationally funded projects, led global consortia, received substantial funding from the Australian Research Council and built a world-class staff of researchers and educators.

#3 [Centre]

3.1 [Mission]

rCITI is to become a world-leading organization in integrated interdisciplinary transport research and development. Towards this mission, rCITI will investigate sustainable approaches to transport infrastructure and operations, with extensive liaison with industry and government. The Centre pursues these activities building on five core research pillars including Transport Planning, ITS Communications, Computational Sustainability, Infrastructure and Energy / Fuel.

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3.2 [Staff]

3.3 [Steering Committee]

Core Centre Staff – 2012

rCITI Steering Committee


Professor Graham Davies Dean, Faculty of Engineering

Professor S. Travis Waller, Evans & Peck Professor of Transport Innovation DEPUTY DIRECTOR Dr Vinayak Dixit, Senior Lecturer ACADEMICS Dr Upali Vandebona, Senior Lecturer Dr Lavy Libman, Senior Lecturer (Computer Science and Engineering) Dr Lauren Gardner, Lecturer RESEARCHERS Dr David Fajardo, Research Associate Dr Taha Hossein Rashidi, Research Fellow CENTRE MANAGER Sylvia Brohl

Adjunct & Visiting Academic Staff Dr Hironobu Hasegawa, PhD Muroran IT, Japan, Visiting Fellow Akita National College of Technology, Japan Dr Peter Hidas, MCEng Dip TP, PhD Budapest, Visiting Fellow Transport for New South Wales, Bureau of Transport Statistics (BTS)

Professor Nasser Khalili Associate Dean (Research), Faculty of Engineering Professor T. David Waite Head of School, Civil and Environmental Engineering Professor S. Travis Waller Evans & Peck Professor of Transport Innovation and Director, Research Centre for Integrated Transport Innovation (rCITI) Associate Professor Maurice Pagnucco Head of School, Computer Science and Engineering Mr Ian McIntyre Principal, Evans & Peck Mr Rob Fitzpatrick Director, Infrastructure, Transport & Logistics, NICTA Dr Glenn Geers Technology Director, Infrastructure, Transport & Logistics, NICTA

3.4 [Research Interests] S. Travis Waller

Upali Vandebona

Evans & Peck Professor of Transport Innovation and Director, rCITI BSc Ohio State, MSc, PhD Northwestern

Senior Lecturer BSc (Eng) Ceylon, MEng AIT, PhD Monash

Research Interests:

Research Interests:

Transportation network modelling, particularly systems characterized by dynamics, uncertainty and information; large-scale integrated transport optimization and planning. Specific applications or problem domains include Dynamic Traffic Assignment (DTA), routing algorithm development, network equilibrium, stochastic optimization, integrated demand/supply modelling, network design, adaptive equilibrium, system analysis of public-private partnerships, and bi-level optimization of transport networks.

Modelling of Transport Systems: Development of simulation and animation models for light rail train systems and bus services. Facility Location: Environmental considerations related to transport facility location: Demand Modelling: Analysis of public awareness and attitudes related to transport systems: Air Transport: Intelligent Transport Systems: Signage systems.

Teaching Areas/Interests: Transport Network Modelling Integrated System Analysis Optimization Simulation Intelligent Transportation Systems

Vinayak Dixit Senior Lecturer and Deputy Director, rCITI MT Institute of Technology, Delhi, PhD University of Central Florida

Research Interests: Behaviour under Risk and Uncertainty in Transportation Systems: Transportation Modelling and Simulation: Traffic Flow Theory: Traffic Safety: Workzone Management Strategies: Experimental Economics.

Traffic engineering Transport planning, transport infrastructure development, transport economics and environmental assessments Highway Engineering

Lavy Libman Senior Lecturer BSc, MSC, PhD Technion, Israel Institute of Technology

Research Interests: Cross-layer performance optimization of wireless networks: Cooperative and opportunistic retransmission and routing strategies; Error control and failure recovery methods; Wireless network coding; Protocols for devices with limited energy, memory, and computational power resources; Protocols for networks with highly dynamic topologies (e.g. vehicular networks) Applications of game theory to networks and distributed systems: Pricing and market-based schemes for distributed resource allocation and optimization; Analysis, design and optimization of autonomous networks; Distributed detection of network equilibria and violations thereof (e.g. incident detection in transportation networks) Teaching Area/Interest: Wireless Communication

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Transportation Modelling and Simulation Transportation Management and Control Traffic Flow Theory Traffic Engineering

Transport systems and operations design


Teaching Areas/Interests:

Teaching Areas/Interests:

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Lauren Gardner

Taha Hossein Rashidi

Lecturer BS ArchE, MSE, PhD, University of Texas at Austin

Research Fellow BSc MSc, Sharif UT Tehran, PhD, UI Chicago

Research Interests:

Research Interests:

Network modelling for multi-domain integrated systems: congestion pricing models accounting for uncertainty, the role of real-time information and adaptive pricing: Sustainability models integrating transportation and electricity systems: developing network-based optimization models to predict the role of global transport systems in the spread of contagious disease.

Travel Behavior Analysis; Transportation Planning; Activity-Based Travel Demand Modeling; Housing Search and Land Use Modelling; Integrated Land-Use and Transportation Models; Goods Movement Modelling; Microsimulation Modeling Methods for Urban Activities

Teaching Areas/Interests:

Applied Econometrics and Statistics in Transport Modelling

Computational Sustainability Urban Transportation Planning Congestion Pricing and Economics

David Fajardo Research Associate BSE, MSE, PhD, University of Texas at Austin

Research Interests: Network Optimization; Facility Location Modeling; Stochastic Routing; Equilibrium with Recourse Teaching Areas/Interests: Transport System Optimization Logistics

Teaching Areas/Interests:

Travel Demand and Land Use Modelling Planning Sustainable Infrastructure

3.5 [Publications] Book Chapter Kezunovic, M, & Waller, ST 2012, Vehicle-Power Grid Interaction for Multi-fueling (EV, PHEV), Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology, Springer. Deployment of a Wireless Mesh Network for Traffic Control, K.-C. Lan, Z. Wang, M. Hassan, T. Moors, R. Berriman, L. Libman, M. Ott, B. Landfeldt, Z. Zaidi, and C.-M. Chou. In Developments in Wireless Network Prototyping, Design, and Deployment: Future Generations, M.A. Matin (editor), IGI Global, June 2012 (ISBN: 9781466617971).

Journal - Refereed & Scholarly Article Dixit, V V, Gayah, V, & Radwan, E 2012, ‘Comparison of Driver Behaviour by Timeof- Day and Wet Pavement Conditions’, Journal of Transportation Engineering - ASCE, 138, pp. 1023 - 1029. Dixit, V V 2012, ‘Modelling Origin- Destination Effects on Roundabout Operations and Inflow Control’, Journal of Transportation Engineering - ASCE, 138, pp. 1016 - 1022. Dixit, V V, Wilmot, C, & Wolshon, B 2012, ‘Modelling Risk Attitudes in Evacuation Departure Choice’, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, pp. 159 - 163. Dixit, V V, & Wolshon, B 2012, ‘Traffic Modelling and Simulation for Regional Multimodal Evacuation Analysis’, International Journal of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms, 4, pp. 71 - 82. Fajardo, D, & Waller, ST 2012, ‘Dynamic travelling salesman problem in stochastic-state network setting for search-and-rescue application’, Transportation Research Record , pp. 122 - 130. Fajardo, D, & Waller, ST 2012, ‘Finding Minimum-Cost Dynamic Routing Policies in Stochastic-State Networks with Link Failures’, Transportation Research Record , pp. 113 - 121. Ferguson, EM, Duthie, JC, & Waller, ST 2012, ‘Comparing Delay Minimization and Emissions Minimization in the Network Design Problem’, Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 27, pp. 288 -302. Ferguson, EM, Duthie, J, Unnikrishnan, A, & Waller, ST 2012, ‘Incorporating equity into the transit frequency-setting problem’, Transportation Research Part A - Policy and Practice, 46, pp. 190 - 199.

Hossein Rashidi, T, Mohammadian, A, & Koppelman, F 2012, ‘Modeling interdependencies between vehicle transaction, residential relocation and job change’, Transportation, 38, pp. 909 - 932. Jiang, N, Xie, C, & Waller, ST 2012, ‘Path- Constrained Traffic Assignment: Model and Algorithm’, Transportation Research Record, pp. 25 - 33. Karimi, B, Hossein Rashidi, T, Mohammadian, A, & Sturm, K. 2012, ‘Young- old elderly and baby boomers: activity duration, time-of-day choice, planning time horizons, health, and safety’, Transportation Research Record. Kumar, R, Unnikrishnan, A, & Waller, ST 2012, ‘Heuristic Scheme for Heterogeneous Vehicle Routing Problem on Trees Based on Generalized Assignment and Bin-Packing Upper Bounds’, Transportation Research Record, pp. 1 – 11. Ng, M, & Waller, ST 2012, ‘A Dynamic Route Choice Model considering Uncertain Capacities’, Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 27, pp. 231 – 243. Xie, C, & Waller, ST 2012, ‘Optimal Routing with Multiple Objectives: Efficient Algorithm and Application to the Hazardous Materials Transportation Problem’, ComputerAided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering , 27, pp. 77 - 94. Xie, C, & Waller, ST 2012, ‘Parametric Search and Problem Decomposition for Approximating Pareto-Optimal Paths’, Transportation Research Part B - Methodological , 46, pp. 1043 - 1067. Xie, C, & Waller, ST 2012, ‘Stochastic traffic assignment, Lagrangian dual, and unconstrained convexoptimization’, Transportation Research Part B - Methodological , 46, pp. 1023 - 1042. Variable Scheduling to Mitigate Channel Losses in Energy-Efficient Body Area Networks, Y. Tselishchev, A. Boulis, and L. Libman. MDPI Sensors (Special Issue on Body Sensor Networks for Healthcare and Pervasive Applications), 12(11), November 2012. Impact of Wireless Channel Temporal Variation on MAC Design for Body Area Networks, A. Boulis, Y. Tselishchev, L. Libman, D. Smith, and L. Hanlen. ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, 11(S2), August 2012.

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Gardner, L M, Fajardo, D, & Waller, ST 2012, ‘Inferring Infection-Spreading Links in an Air Traffic Network’, Transportation Research Record, pp. 13 – 21.

Hossein Rashidi, T, & Mohammadian, A 2012, ‘Behavioral Housing Search Choice Set Formation: A Spatial Hazard-based Screening Model,’, International Regional Science Review published online by SAGE. DOI: 10.1177/01600176124613456.


Gardner, L M, Fajardo, D, Waller, ST, Wang, O, & et al, 2012, ‘A predictive spatial model to quantify the risk of air-travel-associated dengue importation into the United States and Europe’, Journal of Tropical Medicine , 2012, pp. 1 - 11.

Hossein Rashidi, T, Mohammadian, A, & Auld, J 2012, ‘A Behavioral Housing Search Model: A Combined HazardBased and Multinomial Logit Approach’, Transportation Research Part A - Policy and Practice, 46, pp. 1097 - 1107.

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Conference - Full Paper Refereed Dixit, V V, Alsup, R M, Waller, ST, Love, B C, & et al, 2012, ‘A Static Model for Predicting Disrupted Network Behaviour’, The 17th International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies (HKSTS), Hong Kong, 15-17 December, 2012.

Parr, S, Dixit, V V, & Wolshon, B 2012, ‘Factors Influencing Location of Police Traffic Control Points During Emergencies’, Transportation Research Board 91st Annual Meeting, Washington DC, USA, 22-26 January, 2012.

Relay-Aided High-Throughput Path Selection in Multi-rate Wireless Mesh Networks, B. Sen, X. Zhao, L. Libman, and S. Jha. ACM International Conference on Modeling, Dixit, V V, & Ishak, S 2012, ‘Behavioral Model for Stochastic Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems Characteristics of Speed Transitions’, Transportation (MSWiM), Paphos, Cyprus, October 2012. Research Board 91st Annual Meeting, Washington DC, Stability and Capacity through Evacuation Times, L. USA, 22-26 January, 2012. Georgiadis, G.S. Paschos, L. Tassiulas, and L. Libman. Dixit, V V, & Pande, A 2012, ‘Choice of Time Spent IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW), Lausanne, Accelerating as Driver’s State- Based Utility Maximization Switzerland, September 2012. Mechanism’, Transportation Research Board 91st Annual Minimizing Interference in Unmanaged Environments Meeting, Washington DC, USA, 22-26 January, 2012. of Densely Deployed Wireless Access Points Using a Fajardo, D, & Waller, ST 2012, ‘A maximum entropy-least Graphical Game Model, J. Antoniou, V. Papadopoulou, L. squares estimator for elastic origin-destination trip matrix Libman, and A. Pitsillides. Annual Mediterranean Ad Hoc estimation’, Transportation Research Board 91st Annual Networking Workshop (Med Hoc Net), Ayia Napa, Cyprus, Meeting, Washington DC, USA, 22-26 January, 2012. June 2012. Fajardo, D, Waller, ST, Duell, M, & Dixit, V V 2012, ‘Linear Programming Formulation for Strategic Dynamic Traffic Assignment’, 4th International Symposium on Dynamic Traffic Assignment, Marthas Vineyard, Massachusetts, USA , 4-6 June 2012. Karimi, B, Hossein Rashidi, T, Mohammadian, A, & Sturm, K. 2012, ‘A log-normal accelerated failure time (AFT) model for inter-shopping duration of maintenance shopping activities of nonroutine elderly shoppers’, Transportation Research Board 91st Annual Meeting, Washington DC, USA, 22-26 January, 2012. Nezamuddin, N, & Waller, ST 2012, ‘Improving Efficiency of Dynamic Traffic Assignment Through Computational Methods Based on Combinatorial Algorithm’, Transportation Research Board 91st Annual Meeting, Washington DC, USA, 22-26 January, 2012.

Conference – Full Paper, Not Refereed Dixit, V V, Harrison, GW, & Rutstrom, EE 2012, ‘The Subjective Risks of Driving’, Foundations and Applications of Utility, Risk and Decision Theory, Atlanta, Georgia, June 30 - July 3, 2012. Vandebona, U, & Tsukaguchi, H 2012, ‘Concept of Pedestrian Travel Culture and Methodology’, International Seminar on Theory and Application of Pedestrian Travel Culture, Ministry of Public Works and Transport, Vientiane, Lao PDR, April 2012.

3.6 [Visitors, Seminars & Workshops]

Visitor Seminars/Talks Date





Seminar Topic

Junior William A. Patterson Chair in Transportation

Department of Industrial Engineering Transportation and and Management logistics models in Sciences, non-profit settings Northwestern University


19-April-2012 rCITI

rCITI / CEEM (Centre for Energy and 22-June-2012 Environmental Markets, UNSW)





20-Sept-2012 rCITI

A/Prof. Karen Smilowitz

Dr. Amela Ajanovic

Senior Research Scientist

Vienna University of Technology

Deriving Least-Cost Policy Strategies for Meeting CO2Reduction Targets in Passenger Car Transport in the EU-15

Prof. Lisa Rutstrom

Professor at Robinson College of Business and Andrew Young School's Department of Economics

Georgia State University

Experiments on Driving Under Uncertain Congestion Conditions

Civil Engineering, Monash University

Crowd Safety under Panic Conditions: Linking Non-human Biological Organisms to the Development of a Crowd Dynamic Model

Dr. Majid Sarvi

Senior Lecturer

A/Prof. Satish Ukkusuri

Associate Professor and Director, Interdisciplinary Purdue University Transportation Modeling and Analytics Lab

Integrative Modeling Tools for Sustainable Transportation Systems

Associate Professor and Director, Interdisciplinary Purdue University Transportation Modeling and Analytics Lab

The Use of Large Scale Geo-Location Data for Traffic Analytics



A/Prof. Satish Ukkusuri



Professor of Prof. Sahotra Philosophy and Sarkar Integrative Biology

University of Texas at Austin

Climate Change and the Risk of VectorBorne Diseases


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Workshop Date





Prof. S.T. Waller (rCITI) and Prof. M. Neuman (BE)

The  Professor Mladen Convergence of Kezunovic (Director, Transportation, Power System Control Energy, and the and Protection Built Environment Laboratory, Texas A & M University),  Professor Michael A P Taylor (Professor of Transport Planning, University of South Australia)  Dr Peter Pudney (Senior Research Fellow, University of South Australia)  Mr Kristian Handberg (Project Manager, VIC Department of Transport)  Mr Ricardo Goldman (Managing Director at TRIM GBO, Architecture and Planning, Spain)  Mr Guy Pross (Director, Business Development and Commercial Partnerships, Better Place)

Additional Attendees  Paul Davies, Manager Environment Policy, SA Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure  Penny Golding, Manager Policy, Planning Systems & Reform, NSW Department of Planning and Infrastructure  Andrew McKindlay, Operations Manager & Principal, Evans & Peck  Glenn Geers, Director, Intelligent Transport Systems Technologies, NICTA  Charles Gretton, Researcher, NICTA  Iain MacGill, Joint Director (Engineering), Centre for Energy and Environmental Markets (CEEM), UNSW  Upali Vandebona, Senior Lecturer, CVEN  Vinayak Dixit, Senior Lecturer, CVEN  Lauren Gardner, Lecturer, CVEN  Melissa Duell, PhD Student CVEN  Graham Mills, PhD Student EET

Ricardo Goldman, Prof. Michael Neuman (Built Environment)

EV Workshop 25 November 2011

Left: Prof. S. Travis Waller Below: Prof. Mladen Kezunovic, Group Discussions


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#4 [Selected Centre Highlights & Research Projects] GoGet MoU GoGet and rCITI signed a memorandum of understanding to be able to freely share data and research. This memorandum of understanding has opened up opportunities on conducting behavioural research on safety and route choice, autonomous driving and development of efficient carshare systems.

ARC LIEF Grant The research team led by rCITI won an Australian Research Council grant for Linkage Infrastructure, Equipment and Facilities to deploy a Travel Choice Simulation Laboratory (TRACSLab), which is a world-first facility to observe collective travel choice in a realistic lab environment. It is unique due to the focus on travel choice, networked interaction and strong teaming (including our partners at the University of Sydney and iCinema). The findings of the lab will support a new generation of transport analysis techniques for emerging issues such as sustainability, reliability, and intelligent transport systems (ITS).

Visit of the NSW Minister for Transport, The Hon. Gladys Berejiklian and Appointment to TfNSW Specialist Advisory Group The NSW Minister for Transport, The Hon. Gladys Berejiklian visited the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering in March 2012 for a presentation about the Research Centre for Integrated Transport Innovation (rCITI). Professor Travis Waller’s overview of rCITI was followed by discussion with the Minister. Attendees at the Minister’s visit included delegates from UNSW such as Professor Graham Davies (Dean, Faculty of Engineering), Professor Les Field (Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Research), Professor T. David Waite (HoS, Civil and Environmental Engineering), and Professor Nasser Khalili (Associate Dean, Research), as well as representatives from Evans & Peck (Mr Ian McIntyre and Mr Paul Forward, Principals) and NICTA (Mr Rob Fitzpatrick, Director, Infrastructure, Transport & Logistics). During her visit, Ms Berejiklian appointed Professor Waller an invited member to the Transport Specialist Advisory Group for Transport for NSW.

School of Civil Engineering External Relations Committee Dr Lauren Gardner is a member of the School’s External Relations Committee, along with committee members Associate Professor Ron Cox, Dr Kurt Douglas, Dr Steve Davis, Dr Mary O’Connell, Dr Hazel Rowley and Ms Patricia Tesoriero. In 2012, this group won the UNSW Staff Excellence Award (Group) for Excellence in Community Engagement. The HoS nomination noted that the ERC has been outstanding in their dedication, motivation and professionalism in carrying out the committee’s objectives of developing effective outreach and marketing programs as well as building and maintaining mutually beneficial relationships with industry partners and supporters, ex-staff and alumni.

U.S. Department of Transportation Project In 2012, rCITI was part of an international team that won a $1.3M project from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) of the United States Department of Transportation (US DOT). The team consisted of Booz Allen Hamilton (lead), rCITI, University of California Riverside and the University of Arizona. This research project represents a major FHWA initiative to investigate the “Identification and Evaluation of Transformative and Environmental Applications and Strategies”. rCITI is leading the network modelling component of the research (total rCITI budget of approximately $275K) and will develop novel network evaluation methodologies for active traffic management where environmental impact is the primary issue.

Faculty Research Grants: Dr Lauren Gardner: “Quantifying the Role of International Transport Network Connectivity in Modeling Australian Epidemiological Risk via Passenger Travel and Freight Importation”, UNSW Faculty Research Grant, awarded 2011. The number of travel-acquired arboviral infections has been on a constant rise in Australia over the past decade. This proposal describes a preliminary model that quantifies the relative risk of importing travel-acquired arboviral infections into non-endemic regions via international air travel routes. An extension of the model is proposed that will identify high risk routes entering Australia, and include various modes of international transport. The model results can be used to identify optimal locations (airports, sea ports, etc.) for surveillance. “Quantifying the Spatiotemporal Energy Consumption Patterns and of Electric Vehicles in Regional Transport Networks”, UNSW Faculty Research Grant, awarded 2012.

Future potential plug-in electric vehicle (PEV) usage requires that long-term transportation planning models expand to explicitly account for relevant system impacts. Further, due to the uncertain nature of PEV adoption as well as their cross-cutting characteristics, there is an increased need for new techniques and insights related to travel demand uncertainty, and resulting variability in energy consumption and environmental impact. This work will address these items by developing an evaluation framework and examining multiple performance measures (e.g., travel time, energy consumption) regarding the integration of PEVs into the transport system through the use of dynamic traffic assignment modelling tools. Dr Vinayak Dixit: “Experimental Economic Methods to Evaluate Impact of Risk Aversion and Subjective Beliefs on Route Choice”, UNSW Faculty Research Grant, awarded 2011. This research seeded the successful ARC LIEF grant. As part of this research new methods were developed to elicit risk attitudes and beliefs, as well as new equilibrium models to predict reliability in networks.


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#5 [Students & Supervision] PhD

Masters by Research Melissa Duell – Strategic traffic assignment: methods of modelling day-to-day flow volatility (ST Waller, L Gardner)

Tao Wen (ST Waller, L Gardner) Asif Hassan (V Dixit)

Honours Students Md Kamrul Islam – Stochastic Modelling for Evaluation of Impacts of Headway Variability on Public Transit Performan (U Vandebona, V Dixit, ASharma)

Jennifer Drummond – Analysis of Rail Infrastructure Projects to Reduce Passenger Delay (ST Waller, L Gardner) Geethaka Fernando – Parking Advisory Systems (U Vandebona) Kristian Miller – The Realignment of the Tarana Section of the NSW Main Western Railway Line (U Vandebona)

Mojtaba Maghrebi – Performance assessment of process based planning and control in construction (ST Waller, C Sammut)

Bipul Sen (CSE) – Exploiting MAClayer Cooperative Retransmission in Wireless Mesh Networks (S Jha, L Libman)

Asith Nagodavithane – Design Proposal of Economical Integrated Bus Systems to Improve Sydney’s Public Transport and Roads (U Vandebona) Edward Robson – Consumer Benefit Model for Developing Public Transport Networks (U Vandebona) Kian Seng Tay – Evaluation of Roundabout Capacity using the Average Circulating Flow (V Dixit) Veronica Ung – Reliability and On-Time Performance of Buses in Sydney (U Vandebona) Peter Waddington – Spatial Modelling of Electric Vehicle Uptake in the Greater Sydney Area (ST Waller, L Gardner)

Kasun Wijayaratna – Modelling the reliability of transport network (ST Waller, V Dixit)

Manod Wickramasinghe – Emergency Transport Systems in the Balmain Peninsula (U Vandebona) Tianqi Zhai – Randwick Hospitals Travel Characteristics and Car Parking Demand Study - A Project Case Study (ST Waller, V Dixit)

Master of Philosophy Tahir Mehmood (CSE) – Optimal forwarding in wireless networks: opportunistic network coding (S Jha, L Libman)

Taste of Research (ToR) Stanley He (ST Waller, L Libman)

#6 [Income 2011/2012] Grant Income / Research Funding Awarded In 2011/2012 Senior Investigator(s) / Researcher(s)

Prof. S. Travis Waller

Dr. Vinayak Dixit

Dr. Lauren Gardner

Prof. S. Travis Waller

Dr. Lauren Gardner Prof. S. Travis Waller, Dr. Vinayak Dixit, Prof.Michiel Bliemer (USyd) and Prof. Dennis Del Favero

Subject Area / Research Topic

Granting Organization / Industry Sponsor

Budget / Duration

Adaptive Stochastic Network Behaviour Modeling Approaches for Representing and Responding to Disrupted Conditions

UNSW Goldstar

$40,000 / 2011

Experimental Economic Methods to Evaluate Impact of Risk Aversion and Subjective Beliefs on Route Choice

Faculty Research Grant Program / Early Career Researcher Grants Program

$15,000 / 2011

Quantifying the Role of International Transport Network Connectivity in Modelling Australian Epidemiological Risk via Passenger Travel and Freight Importation

Faculty Research Grant Program / Early Career Researcher Grants Program

$20,000 /2011

Identification and Evaluation of Transformative Environmental Applications and Strategies

US DOT (sub-contract from $275,000 / 2012–2014 Booz Allen Hamilton)

Quantifying the Spatiotemporal Energy Consumption Patterns and of Electric Vehicles in Regional Transport Networks

Faculty Research Grant Program / Early Career Researcher Grants Program

TRAvel Choice Simulation Australian Research LABoratory (TRACSLab): A Council (ARC) LIEF Grant visualisation laboratory to study travel behaviour and drivers’ interactions

$20,000 / 2012

$680,000 / 2013


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#7 [Financial Statement 2012] Research Centre for Integrated Transport Innovation, rCITI Statement of Financial Performance for the Year Ending 31 December 2012 Notes


Funds External Research Funds


Faculty Research Grants UNSW Strategic Funds

20,551.00 35,002.00



Total Funds**


Personnel Costs



Materials and Maintenance


Travel incl. Visitors, Speakers




Other Non-People Cost


Internal Expense (Overhead)


Total Costs** Operating Result **

367,293.00 *

Operating Balance Closing Balance **

Notes to the Statement of Financial Performance 1

rCITI was awarded External NICTA Research Funds of $165,028 for salary contributions L. Gardner (CVEN) and L. Libman (CSE) as well as PhD Student Scholarship M. Duell.

Due to the UNSW structure these funds are reflected under Department IDs CVEN and CSE and appear on the respective School Financial Statement.


2012 Gold Star UNSW Competitive Grant ($40,000); Salary Contributions L. Gardner and S.T. Waller; Centre Strategic Funds.

* Remaining Centre Strategic Funds will be re-allocated in 2014. ** CVEN School Salary Contributions are excluded from this statement as these appear on the School Financial Statement.

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rCITI 2011 Group (left to right) Melissa Duell (PhD Student), Vinayak Dixit (Senior Lecturer), S. Travis Waller (Director, rCITI), David Fajardo (Research Associate), Sylvia Brohl (Centre Officer), Lauren Gardner (Lecturer), Upali Vandebona (Senior Lecturer)

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