2017 UNSW Business Society Careers Guide

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PRESIDENTS’ ADDRESS We’d like to warmly welcome everyone to another year in UNSW Business. With perpetually increasing and diversified career opportunities to match our growing student talent, we’re excited to see what you can achieve in 2017. Whether you are a wide-eyed first year, or seasoned final year – we hope that our Careers Guide will be able to provide insight into the complicated application process, what career avenues are available, and also some handy tips from our team when applying. When we look back on our own experiences, we know that it’s a daunting task, sometimes scary, even nerve-wracking to take your first steps in the professional world – but Rome wasn’t built in a day. Take this time to learn and grow, give everything a chance and soon enough you’ll develop into the student that firms will desperately want to employ, if you aren’t already! Our dedicated team have put together a compilation of major breakdowns, firm application dates and advice for applications, to ensure that you have the best hand when making your first impression. We encourage every Business student to try out for anything that they are interested in. You may just surprise yourself. Throughout your quest to achieve everything and anything at University, you will always have the undying support of the UNSW Business Society (BSOC). Backed by the UNSW Business School as the constituent society, we are a not-for-profit organisation that exists to guide students through their orientation, progression, and graduation. We believe BSOC offers students an opportunity to grow amongst their peers by offering support, guidance and opportunities to make sure you have the best possible experience. So in this arena of developing personally and professionally, BSOC will always be here to guide you. Take this coming year by the horns, don’t leave any stone unturned, and ensure you make the most of the opportunity that surrounds you. Welcome to the next step in your quest in growing up. We are sure that this is a chapter you’ll never forget.

CONTENTS Contributors Address page 4

Citibank page 40


Consulting page 41


Consumer Goods and Retail page 52

Networking Guide page 6 Attire and Appearance Guide page 7 Recruitment Process page 8 Careers and Employment page 11

Accounting page 15 Finance page 16 Economics page 17 Marketing page 18 Information Systems page 19 Business Law page 20 Taxation page 20 Management page 21 International Business page 21 HR Management page 22 Real Estate Studies page 22 Actuarial Studies page 23

Industries and Interviews Accounting page 25

CPA Australia page 26 Chartered Accountants ANZ page 30 Catherine Hu and Tushaar Garg Co-Presidents 2

Banking page 34

Commonwealth Bank page 36 Westpac Banking Corporation page 39

Accenture page 42 BCG page 44 Oliver Wyman page 48 Willis Towers Watson page 51

Nestle page 53 Proctor & Gamble page 56

Construction and Infrastructure page 60 Lendlease page 61

Investment Banking page 64 JP Morgan page 65 UBS page 68

Professional Services page 69

Deloitte page 70 EY page 73 KPMG page 77 PwC page 77 Shinewing page 78

Technology page 81 CISCO page 82 Google page 86 Microsoft page 89 Uber page 90


CONTRIBUTOR’S ADDRESS We are all extremely proud to present the 2017 UNSW Business Society Careers Guide Choosing a career path is no doubt a difficult decision, and we hope this publication will help make that choice easier. The Careers Guide consolidates information from a variety of sources and provides you with insight into the various career pathways your wonderful business degree can take you. No matter what your degree background, this guide will cover all the bases to help guide you down the best path to a career in your business field. For students completing their final two years of study, you will find useful application information and tips for internship and graduate programs. Our goal is to provide you with the information necessary to make informed decisions about your future career endeavours, through providing insightful testimonials of internships and work placements from our past and current students. We encourage you to use this guide to support your own research. For younger students, you will find interesting articles that will introduce you to the hype and excitement of the penultimate year. Furthermore, you’ll find a wealth of general information surrounding each major and useful electives to study to enhance your understanding of a particular industry. The UNSW Business Society would like to wish you the best of luck as you continue through the completion of your degree, and in your exciting transition from student to graduate. Careers and Publications

Janette Wong Careers Director

Jeffrey Liu Careers Director

Katherine Chen Careers Director

Cindy Nguyen Publications Director

William Zhou Publications Director

Shawn Noronha Sponsorship Director

Veronica Lin Vice President (Operations)





Baihe He Vice President (External)

This student Club publication is proudly supported by Arc. For more information about Arc Clubs visit www.arc.unsw.edu.au 4





Before you attend an event, it is important to ask yourself, “why am I going?” For example, think of two goals you hope to get out of this event. This can be to improve your confidence, meet a new friend/attendee or most importantly, to get yourself out there and speak to sponsors! It is important to network with purpose and knowing your goal will help you stay focused and not aimlessly wandering around. Think of topics you would like to discuss and have a few good questions ready to ask. Show sincerity and interest and prepare for questions that can’t be answered by just “yes” or “no”.

When it comes to networking always be mindful of the image you project as well as the power of a sharp suit, shirt or blouse. Similarly, every company and even teams within a company will have their own expectations and culture when it comes to dress. Most firms do have the tradition of having smart casual Fridays. It’s important that you are comfortable in your outfit and everything fits to show your best side. There is nothing worse than fidgeting with your attire or accessories when you are in a professional environment, ensure you’re dressed to impress!

These may include: • How do you like working for your company? • What’s the primary role at your company? • How did you get involved in your field? For first year students, this is a great chance to discover various career opportunities available to you. It is also a wonderful opportunity to learn more about firms within the business industry, and a way to help lead you towards a career pathway you wish to take. For penultimate or final year students, this networking event is a great way to make new connections. It is important to build new connections or ask questions about internships or graduate opportunities that their firm may offer.

Business Casual

Business Formal

For Women: •


It is important to give a good impression. By researching the firms, you may pick up on important information that will allow you to better engage in conversation.

Business separates, rather than a full suit – a skirt worn with a cardigan or jacket, for example. Coloured shirts and blouses, rather than mandatory collared button-downs. Choose solid colors, or muted patterns like stripes or checks, and avoid low-cut shirts or bright patterns. Shoes may be comfortable flats and loafers, as well as pumps, but should remain closed-toe. Can be any color, although black, brown, red, navy, and gray are among the most appropriate.

For Men: •


Smile, introduce yourself, and engage in conversation. Maintain good eye contact and be memorable. Always show interest in the people you meet. Above all, be genuine and sincere when interacting with representatives.


Wear coloured, collared button-ups, preferably in white, blue or pink. Conservative patterns such as checks or stripes are acceptable too, worn with or without a tie. Ties should still be conservative in pattern. Avoid novelty ties, and choose patterns like dots, stripes, or checks. Most colors are acceptable. Pullovers and sweaters worn over collared shirt. Choose solid, striped, or another conservatively patterned sweater. Shoes can be oxfords, loafers, or another comfortable yet dressy choice, in brown or black. Avoid sneakers.

For Women: • • • •

A well-cut pantsuit or skirt suit in a conservative neutral color, such as black, navy, or brown. White button-ups with a collar or conservative blouse Closed-toe heels in a neutral color such as taupe, black, grey, or brown. Neat and simple hair, makeup and jewelry Skirts never more than two finger-widths above the knees.

For Men: • •

• •

A tailored suit in a solid, neutral color like black, gray, or navy. Ties and other accessories should be both modest in color and style – solid, brighter colors or patterned muted neutrals. No novelty ties, such as sports team patterns. White, collared button-up shirts. Appropriate accessories such as a black belt, watch or cufflinks are also valuable additions.

It is always a great idea to follow up with individuals you meet at any event. You can send an email or LinkedIn message telling them you enjoyed meeting them, and make reference to a topic you discussed or an interest you shared, when appropriate. Finally, remember to try and build a valued business relationship by talking to everyone there!



THE RECRUITMENT PROCESS As with every step towards the future comes an inevitable ambivalence. But the hike through the recruitment process should be one where you are knowledgeable of the terrain, well equipped with the right materials, and most importantly, driven by a motivated and perceptive mind set.

Curriculum Vitae: An effective CV is one that is relevant and specific to the job. When preparing your CV, make sure you research and understand the position (how you match the requirements) and showcase your achievements (why you are a strong candidate). Top tips • Be succinct - use no more than 2 A4 pages • Use assertive and positive language • Ask someone else to read over your CV Sample CV Structure • Name + Contact Details • Experience (Career History and Extra-Curricular Activities) • Achievements • Education and Qualifications Cover letter: A cover letter determines the first impression your employer will have of you. It will shape

their understanding of your suitability for the role as well as give an insight into your personality and key achievements. Be sure to strongly adapt your cover letter to each firm. Research the firm and its values and use keywords from their mission statements of vision in your cover letter. Employers read hundreds of cover letters so try to avoid cliches and state your position succinctly. Your cover lever should clearly display: • Your motivation to work for the particular firm and division • The key skills and experiences which prove your capability for the role • Your cultural fit for the organisation through an understanding of its values Common pitfalls • Spelling and grammatical errors • Too lengthy - keep it to half a page • Poor balance between claiming responsibility and identifying achievement • Excessive personal information (such as race, religion, marital status and nationality) • Convoluted formatting

APTITUDE, PERSONALITY AND PSYCHOMETRIC TESTING There are three main aptitude and psychometric tests Numerical - measures your ability to interpret, analyse and draw logical conclusions from numerical information in graphs and tables Verbal - measures your ability to use the English language, understand verbal information and convey information to others in a clear and logical manner. Logical - measures your ability to draw logical conclusions based on statements or arguments and to identify relevant strengths and weaknesses of those arguments

Phone Interview: Generally conducted by the HR team, phone interviews can be both scheduled and unscheduled. The questions asked may vary from behavioural and motivational ones to questions about the relevant industry.

Video Interview: An OAI is a video interview completed at a time and date of your own choosing. Using a webcam or a device with a front-facing camera, you will be required to answer questions set by the interviewer.

Potential questions include: • Why do you want this role and what differentiates you from other candidates? • What is your greatest achievement? • What are your greatest weaknesses? • What is the most important thing you’re looking for in a job/company?

Top Tips • Have a pen and paper ready for note taking • Have prepared a quiet place where you can take the call • If you are called at an inconvenient time, ask if you can talk at another time and suggest alternatives


ONLINE APPLICATION The online application usually includes the CV and Cover Letter as well as a series of a series of questions for you to answer.


Personality tests Personality tests are designed to assess how you operate and are becoming increasingly prevalent as part of the hiring process. They are designed to measure your behavioural style, opinions and motivators. If you wish to get some practice or get an idea of what the tests are like, hop on to http://www.shldirect.com/en/practice-tests

Available Resources • UNSW Library has books that contain practice psychometric tests • UNSW Careers and Employment also holds regular psychometric tests workshops which give some guidance on how to go about answering questions.

When answering questions in interviews always use the STAR technique:

Situation: Provide context Task: What was required of you Action: What you actually did Result: How the situation turned out (remember to quantify any successes where possible)

Situational Questions: Situational questions are used to demonstrate how you would handle a hypothetical situation. Tips

• •

Behavioural Questions: Interviewers will have a set list of skills and competencies which they will ask you to demonstrate by presenting a situation where you behaved in a specific way. The best approach is to prepare beforehand for these questions. Write out a list of skills you think the employer would need i.e. in a customer service job they would be looking for teamwork and communication skills, and prepare situations in which you demonstrated these skills. Examples of common behavioural questions • Tell me about a time when you demonstrated good leadership • Tell me about a time when a project you were in charge of fell behind schedule. What did you do about it?

Think about the question carefully before responding - don’t be afraid to ask the interviewer to repeat the question or ask for a minute to think about it Break down the situation in your head and apply a step by step, logical process for your solution Practice, practice, practice - It is difficult to guess the situational questions that will be asked so they best approach is to practice responding under pressure and to as broad range of questions as possible

General Questions Other potential interview questions include: • Why do you want this role and what differentiates you from other candidates? • What is your greatest achievement? • What are your greatest weaknesses? • What is the most important thing you’re looking for in a job/company? Competency Interview Competency interviews are used to evaluate a candidate’s key competencies, especially where it is difficult to select based on technical merit. Questions may delve into a particular skill or competency or knowledge of the firm and the industry as opposed to questions about industry experience. Partner Interview An interview run by a partner of the respective firm. Generally these interviews are used to assess a candidate’s personality fit for a firm.

ASSESSMENT CENTRE Assessment centres are a collection of tests and exercises designed to emulate a firm’s business environment. They aim to generate objective information about candidates in regards to attributes such as problem solving, team work and also fit within an organisation’s structure and culture. During each activity, a group of trained observers will rate individual candidates on a range of competencies using a prescribed performance scale. An assessment centre generally runs from ½ to 2 days.

Key tips • Show your enthusiasm! • Don’t just do it - show the assessors you’re doing it (remember to contribute to discussions but avoid being domineering) • If any group presentation is involved, spend the last 5 minutes of planning time to allocate talking points • Know your assessment criteria • Relax and be yourself

INDIVIDUAL ASSESSMENTS In-Tray/Written Exercise Assesses: Ability to organise and prioritise work, analytical skills, communication with team members, written communication and delegation. This simulation exercise is designed for a candidate to emulate the role of an employee. The candidate will be asked to solve problems and make decisions based on a number of letters and memos.

Verification Test You will simply be asked to retake one of the online tests you did in the earlier stage of the recruitment process to ensure that you did not cheat. The test calculates the similarity rate of your results, as opposed to how well you do.

GROUP ASSESSMENT Group Activity Assesses: Leadership, teamwork, negotiation and problem solving.

information about a work-related scenario. The task may involve examining the information before presenting the findings and solutions.

Group activities involve candidates working together to resolve a presented issue. This generally involves formulating a strategy based on given information and analysing its merits and weaknesses.

Example The scenario: A publisher of scientific journals and books is looking to make a significant acquisition. It has identified a target company and approached a number of investment banks for their views on the merits of a potential deal and a target price. Based on these presentations, the publisher will decide whether to proceed with a bid and, if so, select one bank to act as their adviser.

Example: Tower Building Exercise A group may be asked to design and build a tower in accordance with a construction brief which may stipulate minimum height, time period the completed tower must stand unsupported, time limit and budget. Case Studies Assesses: Ability to analyse complex data and issues, seek solutions, project plan, find solutions and general commercial awareness. In case studies, candidates are generally provided with

The task: Your team is one of the investment banks bidding to win the mandate. You need to analyse the figures provided; to review the marketplace, your potential client (the publisher) and the target company; and to prepare a five-minute presentation giving your recommendations, eg whether to go ahead, go ahead under specific conditions, etc.

FURTHER INTERVIEWS/NETWORKING SESSIONS For more competitive industries there can be up to 8 rounds of interviews. A lot of companies are now incorporating networking sessions into their recruitment process to see how students interact with other students


and professionals. If you’re not comfortable with talking to industry professionals (especially those in very senior positions), it helps to go to networking events held by firms to get in some practice and become accustomed to networking etiquette.

CAREERS AND EMPLOYMENT UNSW Careers and Employment provides tailored programs, courses, events and services aimed to empower current undergraduate and postgraduate Business School students with the skills to successfully navigate and develop their career path and achieve their career goals. The career support provided utilises strong links with industry professionals and Alumni to provide tailored career development programs and services encompassing:

Business School Specific Programs and Courses • Career Mentoring Program is a 10-week opportunity open to all UNSW Business School students in their penultimate and final year of an undergraduate degree. Students are paired with an experienced business professional for faceto-face career mentoring and coaching •

Alumni Leaders Mentoring is a face-to-face mentoring program offered to BCOM (International) students to help prepare students prior to international exchange

Careers and Employment Events and Services • Career appointments offer students the opportunity to meet one-on-one with a careers consultant to discuss their career development •

Seminars on topics such as ‘Ace the Interview’, ‘Writing a Successful Resume and Cover Letter’, ‘Navigating LinkedIn for Career Success’ and ‘Applying for Graduate and Internship Programs Online’ are offered weekly

Jobs board promoting internships, graduate roles and part-time/vacation employment

We encourage you to engage early with Careers and Employment to ensure you develop your professional skills and industry connections and are best equipped to make your mark in today’s complex and changing business world. Contact the Business School Careers team for further information on the programs and career opportunities available to Business School students: Careers and Employment www.careers.unsw.edu.au Phone: (02) 9385 5429 Email: careers@unsw.edu.au




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What is Accounting? Accounting involves the analysis of information to effectively manage business resources. It guides investment decisions and facilitates interaction between businesses and stakeholders. The benefit of an accounting-related career is that issues such as taxes, audits and bookkeeping are core essential functions within almost every business organisation, not subject to the state of economic conditions.

• • • • •

ACCT1501 Accounting & Financial Mgt 1A (6 UOC) ACCT1511 Accounting & Financial Mgt 1B (6 UOC) ACCT2522 Management Accounting 1 (6 UOC) ACCT2542 Corporate Financial Reporting (6 UOC) ACCT3563 Issues in Financial Reporting (6 UOC)

ELECTIVE COURSES Apart from the compulsory courses, there are elective courses to choose from. Students choose 3 courses to complete, with at least 2 of them being at Level 3 (i.e. ACCT3XXX)








The courses listed in this document is just a guide and may be subject to change. For the most updated and accurate information, students should always check the UNSW Online Handbook – www.handbook. unsw.edu.au


CPA CPA Australia has accepted specific UNSW undergraduate courses for the purpose of its membership qualifications. Associate membership of CPA Australia requires the minimum qualification of an accredited undergraduate degree with a major in accounting, and completion of accredited courses in accounting, finance and business areas to satisfy the minimum core knowledge requirements. Chartered Accountants ANZ For Business School students you must satisfy the following requirements, which combine academic study, approved employment and three years of mentored practical experience. • To meet the academic requirements of the CA Program you must hold an accredited bachelor or master’s degree that covers all required competency areas. • You must also be employed in a relevant accounting role with an Approved or Recognised training employer for 17.5 hours or more per week, and under the guidance of a recognised mentor for three years. • More information on the CA Program entry requirements and alternate pathways can be found here: https://www. charteredaccountantsanz.com/become-a-member/entry-requirements/chartered-accountant

Public accountants work in partnerships which facilitate accounting services externally to individuals, corporations, various tiers of governments and sometimes non-for-profit organisations (NGOs). Much of the services performed by public accountants are externally orientated and client focused, with public accountants typically using historical data and tackling financial problems in retrospect.

Government accountants, who are employed by the public sector, engage professional accounting services for government enterprises, public agencies and all levels of the government (Federal, State and Local). At the same time, as an auditor of the private sector on behalf of the government, governmental accountants also undertake auditing of private businesses or individuals whose activities are subjected to government regulations.

Management accountants, whose services are often embedded internally within, are responsible for advising management in terms of financial decision-making, resource allocation and the sustainability of a corporation. As opposed to public accountants, management accountants primarily scrutinise past and current financial data in order to plan for the future.

Internal auditing accountants, as the name implies, carry the sole responsibility of providing assessments to internal financial records of the firm whom they have been employed. It is crucial to be reminded that this field of accounting is distinguished from management accounting as internal audit accountants facilitate monitoring and evaluating roles as opposed to the direct engineering of financial statements.


COMPULSORY COURSES What is Finance? Finance is the science of managing money in international and domestic financial markets. It is concerned with investment decisions, valuing financial assets, managing funds and developing strategies to minimise financial risk.

• • • •

FINS1612 Capital Markets & Institution (6 UOC) FINS1613 Business Finance (6 UOC) FINS2624 Portfolio Mgmt (6 UOC) FINS3616 International Business Finance (6 UOC)

ELECTIVE COURSES 4 Elective Courses must also be chosen, with at least two (2) of the elective courses being at level 3 (i.e. FINS3XXX).


What is Economics Economics is a diverse and fascinating discipline which analyses decision-making by individuals, business, government and global organisations. It deals with important issues, such as: the behaviour of individuals and firms and their strategic interactions, economic growth and development, the causes and effects of unemployment and inflation, income distribution, public policy design and implementation, and the means to improve overall efficiency and living standards.


ECON1102 Macroeconomics 1 (6 UOC) ECON1202 Quantitative Analysis (6 UOC) ECON1203 Business & Economic Statistics (6 UOC) ECON1401 Economic Analysis (6 UOC) ECON2101 Microeconomics 2 (6 UOC) ECON2206 Introductory Econometrics (6 UOC)


Different Economics majors are available within different undergraduate programs. The following majors can only be obtained by Bachelor of Commerce (BCom) students: •

Business Economics Business Economics is a diverse and fascinating discipline which analyses decision-making by individuals, business, government and global organisations.

Business Strategy and Economic Management Business Strategy and Economic Management deals with strategic behaviour among firms and provides tools for effective business decision-making.

The following majors can only be obtained by Bachelor of Economics (BEco) students:

POTENTIAL CAREER PATHS Personal finance involves individual financing such as paying for education, financing durable goods such as real estate and cars as well as buying insurance (e.g health and property insurance), investing and saving for retirement.

Corporate finance deals with the sources of funding and the capital structure of corporations and actions that managers take to increase the value of the firm to shareholders. This also involves tools and analysis used to allocate financial resources.

As for public finance, in addition to managing money for its day-to-day operations, a government body also has larger social responsibilities. Its goals include attaining an equitable distribution of income for its citizens and enacting policies that lead to a stable economy. Financial Services is one of the most competitive fields in Commerce (especially Investment Banking).


Econometrics Econometrics focuses on the development and application of quantitative methods to model everything from individual consumer behaviour through to the collective workings of the economy.

Economics Economics is a diverse and fascinating discipline which analyses decision-making by individuals, business, government and global organisations.

The following majors can only be obtained by both BCom and BEco students: •

Financial Economics Financial Economics focuses on understanding how individuals, firms and markets manage financial risk.

POTENTIAL CAREER PATHS A reputable degree in economics is excellent preparation Within the public sector, economists may assist in developfor a range of careers. ing government economic policies. Financial and policy organisations and various government departments employ Some graduates may choose to pursue careers in the pri- economists and policy advisors within the public sector, vate sector, where economists observe the impact of do- which include: mestic and international market movements on businesses and industries. Graduates may join the financial sector, • Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) (www.rba.gov.au) for example in banking and financial services, analysis and • NSW Treasury (www.treasury.nsw.gov.au) trading, mergers and acquisitions. Others choose to join • Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (dfat.gov.au/) international organisations; become professional accoun- • Australian Taxation Office (https://www.ato.gov.au/) tants and auditors, or to take up positions as economic or management consultants.



What is Marketing? Marketing is a more creatively orientated business major that oversees the communication of value between business and consumers in order to develop and maintain relationships. Understanding consumer needs and desires is a key aspect of marketing, achieved through market analysis and research. With this, marketers design innovative means in communicating and distributing products or services to the potential marketplace in order to build profitable customer satisfaction. Marketers are charged with helping the world’s biggest brands create, innovate and change the landscape. They are brand champions, communicators and strategists. Global competition has resulted in marketing playing an increasingly important role in assisting all types of companies maintain their competitive edge.

• • • •

MARK2051 Consumer Behaviour MARK2052 Market Research MARK3054 Market Analysis MARK3082 Strategic Marketing & Management

ELECTIVE COURSES 4 Elective Courses must also be chosen, with at least two (2) of the elective courses being at level 3 (i.e. MARK3XXX).

PROFESSIONAL ACCREDITATION The Australian Marketing Institute Benefits of being affiliated with the Australian Marketing Institute include: • Acquisition of the Certi ed Practising Marketer (CPM) qualification, which acknowledges formal quali cations and extensive experience in the marketing profession • Professional development programs on a state/ national level • Comprehensive range of marketing events and government seminars.

POTENTIAL CAREER PATHS Advertising Advertising is responsible for creating innovative promotional campaigns to excite people and raise awareness about a particular brand or product. They work with all aspects of marketing from strategy to concept execution. Roles within advertising include: Advertising Manager, Advertising Sales Director, Account Executive, Account Coordinator, Media Director, Media Coordinator and Media Buyer Public Relations Once people are aware of the brand or product Public Relations (PR) helps manage the perceptions of the brand and their products. PR representatives are considered spokespeople for the company often liaising with the media, writing press releases and arranging speeches. Roles within PR include: Public Relations Specialist, Public Relations Director, Corporate Communications, Book Publicist and Press Secretary. Employers in advertising and PR include: Saatchi & Saatchi, Ideaworks, BMF Advertising, Trendhaus, and Vertical Leap Marketing


Market Research Market Researchers investigate what drives consumer choices, consumer needs and purchasing habits. They apply methods including surveys, mystery shopping, focus groups and new product demonstrations to help understand the behaviour of the target market. Marketing research companies and advertising agencies include: Clemenger BBDO, Roy Morgan Research, Chieftan Marketing, Ninedots Marketing, Digital Cadet, Accenture and The Communications Group. Product and Brand Management Product management markets and develops products while brand managers are focused on the bigger picture and assume the responsibility for a brand or brand family. Both require an understanding of the tactical and strategic core of the business in order to strengthen the brand and build a connection with the customers mind. Consumer Goods companies include: Procter and Gamble (P&G), Unilever, Arnott’s, Canon, Kellogg’s, Nintendo, Reckitt Benckiser.


What is Information Systems? Information systems (IS) are the mechanisms that drive the innovations that are enabling people and organisations to be more creative and productive. Organisations are becoming increasingly ‘business-savvy’ and thus more perceptive to particular business and technical issues they face each and every day. Apart from the business aspect, the emergence of Internet-based information systems has transformed the way we shop, conduct financial transactions, plan holidays, keep in touch with friends, search for jobs and staff, create and share information and much more.

When completed as a single degree, the BIS is 144 UOC consisting of: • 24 UOC core business courses • 72 UOC specified INFS courses An additional 12 UOC of INFS electives • 12 UOC General Education courses • 24 UOC Free electives When completed as part of a dual degree, the BIS component of 96 UOC will consist of: • 24 UOC core business courses • 72 UOC specified INFS courses


Year • • • • • •

1 ACCT1501 Accounting & Financial Mgt 1A INFS1602 Digital Transformation in Bus INFS1603 Intro to Business Databases INFS1609 Fundamentals of Business Prog INFS2603 BA using Design Thinking MGMT1001 Managing Organisations&People

And ONE of: • ACCT1511 Accounting & Financial Mgt 1B • ECON1101 Microeconomics 1 And ONE of: • ECON1203 Business & Economic Statistics MATH1041 Stats for Life & Soc Sciences Year • • • •

2 INFS2605 INFS2608 INFS2621 INFS3617

Intermediate Business Prog DB Mgmt & BD Infrastructures Enterprise Systems Networking & Cyber Security

Year 3 • INFS3603 Intro to Business Analytics • INFS3604 Business Process Management • INFS3605 IS Innovation & Transformation • INFS3634 Mobile App Development Plus Stage 2/3 INFS Electives totalling 6 UOC from Table 1 Plus Free Elective courses totalling 12 UOC Plus General Education course(s) totalling 6 UOC Stage 2&3 INFS Electives • INFS2631 Innovation and Technology Mana • INFS3020 International IS/IT Practicum • INFS3632 Service & Quality Management • INFS3830 Social Media and Analytics • INFS3873 Business Analytics Methods

Plus • Stage 2/3 INFS Electives totalling 6 UOC from Table 1 Plus • Free Elective courses totalling 12 UOC Plus • General Education course(s) totalling 6 UOC

POTENTIAL CAREER PATHS Graduates can go into: • Business Consulting • Forensics and intelligence • New Product/Service Development • Internet Entrepreneurship

• • • •

Systems Development Communications and networking Information Systems Security

• •

Project Management Information Technology Management


What is Business Law? Business Law focuses on the legal requirements underpinning and regulating all forms of commercial activity. It explores the concept of business morality and the responsibility of company directors and boards to make ethical business decisions. The purpose of business law is to protect consumers by providing legal guidelines for fair trading, franchising, e-business, commercial contracts and business transactions.

What is Taxation? Taxation funds the provision of government services, is a tool in economic management and is an important consideration in all business decisions. Managers, accountants, auditors, financial officers and those working in banking, insurance, international business and government policy development and commerce generally require knowledge of business taxation.

PROFESSIONAL ACCREDITATION Students who complete the Taxation co-major with an Accounting major will satisfy the requirements of the Institute of Chartered Accountants for admission to the CA program, subject to meeting further requirements. They will also satisfy the requirements of the Tax Agents Registration Board.



TABL1710 Business and the Law (6 UOC)

ELECTIVE COURSES Choose 7 elective courses with at least 3 of the elective courses being Level 3 (i.e. TABL3XXX).


Advisory Financial Services • Business Analyst • Financial Analyst • Corporate Advisor • Financial Planner • Management Consultant • Insolvency Advisor Corporate Management • HRAdvisor • Compliance Officer • Policy Advisor • Risk Assessment Officer • Taxation Advisor.


TABL1710 Business and the Law (6 UOC) TABL2751 Business Taxation (6 UOC)

ELECTIVE COURSES Apart from the compulsory courses, there are elective courses to choose from. Students choose 6 courses to complete, with at least 3 of them being at Level 3 (i.e. TABL3XXX)


Graduates can go into: • Government Departments i.e. Australian Taxation Office, Australian Treasury • Professional Services • Investment Banking • Corporate Finance • Tax division of major and mid-tier accounting or legal firms

What is Management? The Management major caters towards those with an interest towards building and developing relationships between people and organisations. The discipline examines the complex relationships between the power, people and resources within organisations in order to establish and maintain effective management. It extends into the consideration of human capital; evaluating and redefining theories and predictions regarding new organisational forms, future business trends and effective management practices to establish a healthy workplace environment. The overall objective of the course is in equipping future managers with the knowledge to effectively handle complex personal and organisational problems in the business environment.

What is International Business? International business is a rapidly growing field concerning the creation, development, strategy and management of multinational organisations. It investigates how firms organise and conduct operations globally, and how the competitive international environment shapes the economic, political and cultural context for business. The dynamic of the modern business has created demand for professionals with an understanding of the international nature of the marketplace. An international business major complements technical majors such as Finance, Accounting, Information Systems and Economics and provides a competitive edge in terms of working in foreign markets and businesses.


MGMT1001 Managing Organisations & People MGMT1002 Managing Organisational Behaviour MGMT2001 Managing Innovatio Organis. Change MGMT2002 Managing Business Communication MGMT3101 I’national Business Strategy

ELECTIVE COURSES 4 Elective Courses must also be chosen, with at least two (2) of the elective courses being at level 3 (i.e. MGMT3XXX).

PROFESSIONAL ACCREDITATION Graduates from the School of Management have the opportunity to be accredited with professional and industry groups including: • Australian Human Resources Institute • Australian Industry Group • Unions NSW • Industrial Relations Society


MGMT1101: Global Business Environment MGMT2102: International Business & Multinational Operations MGMT3102: International Business Strategy MGMT3102: Asia-Pacific Business

ELECTIVE COURSES 4 Elective Courses must also be chosen, with at least two (2) of the elective courses being at level 3 (i.e. MGMT3XXX).


Management Consulting (international management consultant, international business analyst) Australian Companies (global product coordinator) Foreign Based MNCs and E-Commerce (export/import manager, purchasing officer, research analyst) Government (manager of country of regional operations, government official, policy advisor) Travel and Tourism (cross-cultural advisor)


What is Human Resource Management? Human Resource Management (HRM) is the strategic approach to managing an organisation’s employees and the workplace environment and culture. It is based on the premise that the most progressive business strategy can only be executed effectively when employee performance is maximised and are committed to the organisation’s objectives. HRM is also the organisational function that provides leadership and advice for dealing with all issues related to the people in an organization. HRM involves compensation, hiring, performance management, organisation development, safety, wellness, benefits, employee motivation, communication, administration and training.



MGMT1001 Managing Organisations&People MGMT1002 Manag. Organisat. Behaviour MGMT2705 Industrial Relations MGMT2718 Human Resource Management MGMT3701 Legal Aspects of Employment

CORE COURSES (1st and 2nd year)

What is Actuarial Studies?

ACCT1501, ACCT1511, ACTL1101, ACTL2102, ACTL2111 , ACTL2131, ECON1101, ECON1102, FINS1613, MATH1151, MATH1251, MGMT1001 Students may replace ACTL2131 with the two courses MATH2901 Higher Theory of Statistics and MATH2931 Higher Linear Models. Note that a minimum of 84 UOC must be completed in UNSW Business School courses for the Bachelor of Actuarial Studies.

A separate degree in itself, Actuarial Studies evaluates risk and opportunity through the application of mathematical and financial analysis to a spectrum of social, business and economic problems.

ELECTIVE COURSES 4 Elective Courses must also be chosen, with at least two (2) of the elective courses being at level 3 (i.e. MGMT3XXX).


Human Resource Manager HR Consultant International Human Resources Professional Training & Development Manager


An additional UNSW Business School Elective course (6 UOC) chosen from either the courses offered by the School of Risk & Actuarial Studies, or more generally from courses offered by another school in the UNSW Business School must be completed.


(May be UNSW Business School courses, or courses within any Faculty) - GEN coded courses cannot be counted as Free Electives


PROFESSIONAL ACCREDITATION In order to qualify as a practicing ‘Associate’ or ‘Fellow’ of the Actuaries Institute, certain requirements, such as the three stages of study (known as ‘Parts’) must be satisfied. Part I and Part II can be achieved through the courses offered within the UNSW Bachelor of Actuarial Studies. Part III requires components that require study beyond the degree. Core Technical (CT) Subject

CT Subject Name

UNSW Course Equivalent

Overall Minimum Mark Requirement


Financial Mathematics




Finance and Financial Reporting

ACTL1501 ACCT1511 FINS1613



Probability and Mathematical ACTL2131 Statistics




ACTL2102 ACTL3141

65 Average: ⅓ ACTL2102 & ⅔ ACTL3141


Life Contingencies




Statistical Methods

ACTL2102 ACTL3162

65 Average: ⅓ ACTL2102 & ⅔ ACTL3162



ECON1101 ECON1102



Financial Economics



What is Real Estate Studies? The real estate sector represents a substantial share of the capital assets and savings of businesses and households in the economy. All businesses involved in building and managing these assets require graduates with high level of skills in understanding the economic and financial factors and policies which influence real estate markets and an understanding of the operation of the finance and capital markets which are integral to the sector. Governments at all levels are also heavily involved in the real estate market, both as investors in its own right but also in terms of public policy.


Graduate positions exist in: • Public policy • Industry research • Investment management • In the finance and credit departments of banks and large corporations



ECON1202 Quantitative Analysis (6 UOC) BLDG4018 Building Appraisal & Land Econ (6 UOC) ECON2101 Microeconomics 2 (6 UOC) ECON3130 Real Estate Economics (6 UOC) FINS2624 Portfolio Mgmt (6 UOC) FINS3633 Real Estate Finance (6 UOC) TABL2792 Real Property Law (6 UOC)

ELECTIVE COURSES Students are required to take one of these electives: • ECON3107 Economics of Finance (6 UOC) • ECON3206 Financial Econometrics (6 UOC) • FINS3616 International Business Finance (6 UOC) • FINS3635 Options, Futures&Risk Mgmt (6 UOC) • FINS3636 Interest Rate Risk Management (6 UOC) • FINS3640 Investment Mgmt Modeling (6 UOC)

AAIAA - ‘Associate’ Requirements: • Part I and II • Three years of Practical Experience, Actuaries Institute Professionalism Course FIAA - ‘Fellow’ Requirements: • Part I and II, and III, Actuaries Institute Professionalism Course


POTENTIAL CAREER PATHS Graduate roles may include: Actuarial analyst, Business consultant, Investment banker, Asset management trainee, Credit analyst, Insurance analyst, Risk assessment officer, Superannuation advisor, Wealth management analyst


ACC OUNTING Forming a vital link between the front of office revenue and upper management decision making, the accounting financial statement literacy acts as the lifeblood of an organisation and is a vital skill to many areas of the business. The accounting departments of companies are all tailored to the unique requirements of each business. Typically, these departments will be responsible for internal and external reporting; their roles often involving interaction with other divisions of the business. Among these are HR, finance and marketing. Roles and responsibilities will vary greatly from business to business so it is imperative for aspiring employees to research the job they are interested in and to ensure it meets their expectations.




Management Accounting Management Accounting involves working in a company providing accounting services and information primarily for internal processes utilised by managers. This includes preparing reports and accounts that provide timely and reliable financial information to assist managers in making short term decisions. Unlike financial accounting, the main stakeholders are an organisation’s internal audiences such as department leaders and managers who are able to use the weekly and monthly reports to improve operations within the organisations through key indicators such as available cash, accounts payable, inventory and sales revenue regenerated.




The CPA program teaches you the importance of governance and ethics in the modern business era and gives you the skills needed to lead businesses of the future. CPAs are brilliant accountants, but they also often end up becoming leaders in the businesses they work in because of their strategic focus and leadership qualities.

To maximise the share of people who want a career built on professional accounting skills, and to be known as the world’s best member service organisation

CPA Australia has a strong focus on continuous education and professional development, as a CPA you are always learning and refining your skills.



A CPA is a finance, accounting and business professional with a specific qualification. Being a CPA is a mark of high professional competence. It indicates a soundness in depth, breadth and quality of accountancy knowledge.

UNSW BSOC Careers Fair: 08/03/17 CPA Careers: 21/03/17

CPAs are widely regarded by employers and members. It provides members with an internationally recognised qualification as well as the opportunity to complete specialist training and continuing professional development (CPD). To attain the CPA designation, a member must: • complete a degree or a postgraduate award recognised by CPA Australia • complete the CPA Program, including three years of professional experience in finance, accounting or business • undertake CPD activities each year • comply to a strict code of conduct set by CPA Australia


UNSW BSOC High Achievers Luncheon: Early August Enrolment and Exam Scheduling Opens: 19/06/17 Final Enrolment Closing Date: 01/08/17 Semester Starts: 07/08/17 Exam Period: 14/10/17 29/10/17 Results released: 08/12/17 General Information Sessions: https:// www.cpaaustralia.com.au/become-acpa/information-sessions/sydney

BSOC WEBSITE unswbsoc.com CPA WEBSITE cpaaustralia.com.au/cpa-program


CPA Australia is one of the world’s largest accounting bodies with a membership of more than 157,000 finance, accounting and business professionals in 127 countries across the globe. CPA provides members with internationally recognised postgraduate qualifications as well as opportunities to complete specialist training and continue professional development.


technical accounting skills – the work you need to do to achieve your CPA designation takes your skills to the next level in terms of strategic application and leadership.

How has the CPA accreditation impacted your professional opportunities in your previous/current role? Being a CPA has opened doors for me throughout my career. Because my CPA designation is recognised and valued by employers here in Australia and right around the world, I’ve had opportunities in my career I wouldn’t have had without being a CPA. I have been lucky enough to work across a diversity of sectors and gather experiences that really add to the value I bring in my role as COO at CPA Australia. I have also started expanding my career to take on non-executive director roles which is a challenging and exciting opportunity. How has your experience as a CPA equipped you with the skills required in the accounting and finance industry? The work you need to do during an undergraduate degree hones your

What was the most exciting and interesting part in working towards your CPA? The CPA program was incredibly stimulating as it exposed me to things I didn’t learn as part of my undergraduate degree. I really enjoyed the challenge of learning what it means to be an accountant in practice and how to bring value to a business. CPAs become tomorrow’s leaders because of the solid foundations gained in working towards the designation. Do you have any final tips for students who want to complete their CPA in the future? Don’t wait. The CPA designation will help you stand out from the crowd. It is globally recognised, locally relevant and employers understand the value CPAs bring to their business. CPA Australia also has an amazing network with offices in 10 countries always there to support you on your journey.



EMPOWERED TO BE THE DIFFERENCE Are you looking for a career with unlimited opportunities to make a difference to the world, in any industry, wherever your passion lies? As a Chartered Accountant, you’ll be empowered with the portfolio of skills required to drive business decisions to help create better societies, communities and economies - for a more prosperous future for us all.


The CA Program equips you with exceptional commercial acumen, professional scepticism, critical thinking and the ethical framework you need to shape your world. This unique skill set is highly prized by employers. That’s why 94 of the top 100 graduate employers in Australia* have CA’s in their ranks. Become a difference maker. Become a Chartered Accountant.

PROFESSIONAL SUPPORT TO GET YOU JOB READY Connect with The Naked CEO, Alex Malley, chief executive of CPA Australia.


Meet the top employers to discuss internships and graduate opportunities.


Take a Job Readiness Health Check and receive one-on-one feedback on your first impressions, 30 second pitch and resume.


Get a professional photo taken to improve your LinkedIn profile. Don’t miss the most comprehensive career event for accounting, business and commerce students.


Register at cpaaustralia.com.au/cpacareers Follow us on /cpaaustralia 28 /becomeacpa

*Source: CA ANZ Member Report, March 2016; The Australian, Top 100 Graduate Employers, 2016


Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand is a professional body comprised of over 117,000 diverse, talented and financially astute members who utilise their skills every day to make a difference for businesses the world over.

HOW WILL YOU BUILD MORE THAN JUST A CAREER? What do you want from your career? A good salary? Job security? One that provides you with unlimited opportunities to work all over the world? Most of us want all of that, however increasingly we are also searching for a career that provides us with the opportunity to contribute to something bigger than ourselves. As a Chartered Accountant, you’ll be uniquely equipped to drive the business decisions that help create better economies, communities and societies. And with the Chartered Accountants Program leading to the only accounting designation in Australia and New Zealand that is endorsed and recognised by ten of the world’s leading accounting bodies – a network 1,000,000 strong, you get to decide where in the world you want to wake up each day and make a difference. Empower yourself with exceptional commercial acumen, professional scepticism, and the ethical framework you need to shape your world. This unique skill set is also highly prized by employers. That’s why 96 of the top 100 graduate employers in Australia * have a CA in their ranks. Become a Chartered Accountant and start on the path to creating your own success story. Take the first step by signing up as a Student KEY DATES Affiliate at youunlimitedanz.com. UNSW BSOC Careers Fair: 08/03/17 CA Employment Evening: 09/03/17 5:00-7:30pm UNSW BSOC CA Information Session: 23/03/17 UNSW BSOC High Achievers Luncheon: Early August


General Information Sessions: Visit charteredaccountantsanz.com/ learning-and-events/conferences-and-events for more info.

BSOC WEBSITE unswbsoc.com CA WEBSITE https://www.charteredaccountantsanz.com/become-a-member/apply-forthe-ca-program/how-to-apply *Source: Chartered Accountants ANZ Member Report, March 2015; The Australian, Top 100 Graduate Employers, 2015




Our vision is to empower our members to become leaders and shapers of finance and business in Australia New Zealand and wherever they may work around the world



Please tell us about your role at William Buck and any challenges that you have experienced when transitioning from a student to a graduate? I am a Principal in our Restructuring Insolvency and Forensics division where I mostly work with companies and individuals who are experiencing severe financial distress. Our team finds the most commercial method to realise whatever value is left in a company or in an individual’s estate and if there is a need to compromise debts we distribute that value to the various creditors in accordance with the applicable laws. Transitioning from a student to a graduate CA was challenging because I believed that being qualified meant I should know everything there is to being an accountant – obviously I did not. I realise now though that we never stop learning, will never know everything and actually asking someone for advice on a particular issue it a great way to connect with other CA’s How has the CA Accreditation impacted your professional opportunities in your previous/ current role? I have always taken roles in CA firms which obviously wouldn’t have been as accessible if I were not a CA or CA student. More importantly, because I am a CA with relevant experience I have been able to take my career to the next level by being accredited as a Registered Liquidator with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission and similarly as a Registered Trustee in bankruptcy. Combined with my specialist insolvency education, being a CA has given me the opportunity to reach the highest level within my chosen accounting specialty.

in the accounting and finance industry? As a CA I have found time and time again that people I deal with in various insolvency and restructuring scenarios respect my technical abilities even if they have only just met me. Similar to being a doctor or police officer, in the business community being a CA commands a certain level of trust and respect which is critical if you are giving advice and holding a position of influence. Completing the CA Program has been the foundation of my technical understanding of how businesses function and whilst I am not an expert in tax, or audit or any of the other CA subject matters, I certainly speak those languages as a result of my CA education. What was the most exciting and interesting part of working towards your CA? The motivation to succeed in the program is exciting in itself. Telling people that you are undertaking the CA program always inspires words of encouragement from those that have done it or are completing it and that gives you the feeling that you are a part of something big, which you are! Do you have any final tips for students who want to complete their CA in the future? The sooner you dive in the better because, as with many big decisions in life, there is no perfect time to start something as life changing as the CA program. If you want to succeed in life and in your career then completing the CA program will give you the discipline and the work ethic to use your newfound accounting skills to reach the top of your game.

How has your experience as a CA equipped you with the skills required


BE THE DIFFERENCE ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD Why just exist when you can shape the world? With the right career path, you can develop into a highly qualified difference maker whose world is boundless. Consider joining the only accounting organisation in Australia and New Zealand that is currently a member of the Global Accounting Alliance, giving you recognition with 10 of the world’s leading accounting bodies. Along with the internationally recognised* Graduate Diploma of Chartered Accounting (GradDipCA), you’ll have a highly desirable portfolio of skills to work in exciting environments all over the world – wherever you want to make an impact. The CA designation will empower you to drive business decisions that help create better societies, communities and economies, for a more prosperous future for us all. It will give you unlimited opportunities to be the difference. Become a difference maker. Become a Chartered Accountant.


HOW WILL YOU BUILD MORE THAN JUST A CAREER? What do you want from your career? A good salary? Job security? One that provides you with unlimited opportunities to work all over the world? Most of us want all of the above but increasingly, we are also searching for a career that provides us with the opportunity to contribute to something bigger than ourselves. As we do, we’re also drawn to organisations that have an ambition beyond profit. Now, you may assume that in order to make a positive impact on your community or society that you need to pursue a career in government or work for a charity organisation. Think again. Business may very well be the most powerful vehicle to bring about positive change in the world.

REAL WORLD. REAL DIFFERENCE. Here are some inspiring young professionals who have managed to drive meaningful change through their career in business as a Chartered Accountant. HAMISH JOLLY CA Hamish is both a Chartered Accountant and a qualified scientist. It’s this unusual combination of skills that led him to a career as a commercial innovator, where he’s helped develop technologies that reduce the risk of shark attacks, and convert food waste into energy. For Hamish, becoming a Chartered Accountant provided him with a benchmark for professional work ethic, and the sense that things need to be done to the highest standard, each and every time. Being involved in start-ups with limited working capital and turning business concepts into reality has been his greatest reward. Today, his ‘Clever Buoy’ technology is deployed off Australian beaches – saving people’s lives and protecting local marine life. ANTONY TOW CA Antony is General Manager of social entrepreneurship program 40k Globe - an organisation that drives positive social change in Indian communities. They achieve this by training young Australians to use the lean startup method, design thinking and social enterprise theory to solve specific community challenges. A winner of the Australian Social Enterprise Award in 2014, Tony’s CA designation initially secured him a role at Deloitte. With this experience under his belt and a growing passion for teaching young Australians to use business to drive social change, Tony soon made the move into a social enterprise. Today, 40k gives Tony the perfect opportunity to apply his skills as a Chartered Accountant in a business with genuine purpose. REBECCA GLOVER CA Rebecca is Chief Financial Officer at World Vision – the world’s largest private humanitarian development organisation. Whether she’s making critical business decisions, building reports or analysing the financial position of the organisation, Rebecca finds it hugely satisfying to know her work serves a greater purpose and she’s making a contribution to eliminate global poverty. From the corporate world to the not-for-profit sector, Rebecca brings a breadth of skills to demanding business problems. Not only has the CA designation been the key stepping-stone in her career, it’s fully equipped her to take on some of the world’s greatest challenges.

Have these influential Chartered Accountants inspired you to make a difference? Become a Chartered Accountant and start on the path to creating your own success story.

*Additional training may be required in some countries.


The information in this advertisement is of a general nature only and is not intended to be advice. Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (CA ANZ) does not expect or invite any person to act or rely on any statement, view or opinion expressed in this advertisement. © 2016 Copyright Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand ABN 50 084 642 571. All rights reserved.

The information in this advertisement is of a general nature only and is not intended to be advice. Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (CA ANZ) does not expect or invite any person to act or rely on any statement, view or opinion expressed in this advertisement. © 2016 Copyright Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand ABN 50 084 642 571. All rights reserved.




Traditionally viewed to be inflexible and uninteresting, the banking industry has begun to see great change in recent years. The global trend of technological advancement in internet banking and ATMs has revolutionised the industry. Graduates and students can expect a workspace that rewards diligence and an analytical mindframe. Employees can often find themselves investigating the intricacies of the financial market. As an industry that inherently functions by working out how to delight customers with desirable services, individuals with independent leadership skills and work ethic will find themselves well suited to banking.

The Commonwealth Bank’s vision is to excel at securing and enhancing the financial wellbeing of people, businesses and communities


CBA is Australia’s leading provider of a full range of financial services including retail, premium, business and institutional banking, funds management, superannuation, insurance, investment and share-broking products and services. CBA employs over 52,000 employees and expands business across New Zealand, Fiji, Asia, USA and the United Kingdom.


Applicability: Penultimate Streams: Analytics, Business & Private Banking, Colonial First State, CommInsure, Digital, Financial Services, HR, Institutional Banking & Markets, Marketing, Retail Banking Services, Risk Management, Technology Duration: 10 weeks (Summer) Application Opens: July Commencement: December The 10-week program provides full support and training to help penultimate students decide if Commbank is the right fit for their career with an intensive introduction to life at Commbank and opportunities to learn how the business operates. At the end of the program, students will have the opportunity to apply early for Commbank’s Graduate program for the following year.


Streams: Analytics, Business & Private Banking, Colonial First State, CommInsure, Digital, Financial Services, HR, Institutional Banking & Markets, Marketing, Retail Banking Services, Risk Management, Technology Application Opens: 23/02/17 - 26/03/17 During the first year, Commbank will hold conferences and master classes where graduates can develop their skills, expand their networks ad have fun. Every business area offers a rotational program and this will help graduates learn about the different areas of the business to decide where they want to take their career.

KEY DATES UNSW Investment Banking and Consulting Week Begins 27/02/17 UNSW BSOC Careers Fair: 08/03/17 UNSW BSOC High Achievers Luncheon: Approx August Graduate Applications Open: 23/02/2017 Internship Applications Open: Approximately December


BSOC WEBSITE http://unswbsoc.com/ CBA WEBSITE https://www.commbank.com.au/about-us/careers/graduate-recruitment-program.html






How did you get started in this field? How well did your work relate to the experiences or studies you had in university? I completed a Bachelors of Laws/Commerce (Finance) at UNSW at the end of 2015. During my time at university, I was the president of the Management Society and was a senior student consultant with 180 Degrees Consulting. My experiences and studies definitely relate to my current role. I expected that my major in finance would be most important in helping me succeed at Commonwealth Bank, but technical knowledge is only one small factor. The most valuable skills that has helped me succeed in my role would be the presentation and communication skills that I learned through my extra-curricular activities at university. Stakeholder management is a vital skill at the bank and being able to effectively communicate will set you up for success.





What surprised you when you first came into your role? What do you do? What are the duties, functions and responsibilities that you are involved in as part of your role? I’m a Retail Banking Services graduate. I’m currently in the Home Buying Product & Pricing team. My role is the Product Owner for our Everyday Offset Account which is a feature of a home loan. My responsibilities can be split into two categories; operational and strategic. My operational function is to ensure that the product works the way it should and when a problem arises, I liaise with stakeholders to resolve the issue. As the Product Owner, I’m also responsible for the strategic direction of the product, meaning I’m always looking for ways to improve the product to best address our customer’s needs. This can include driving marketing initiatives, reacting to legislative changes and staying updated with what our peers are doing domestically and internationally.

Can you tell us a little about Commonwealth Bank’s work culture and environment? What sets it apart? Before starting in 2016 as a graduate, I was an intern at Commonwealth Bank over the 2014/15 summer. The work culture and environment is one of the main reasons why I accepted the graduate offer at the end of my internship. The bank’s work culture and environment stems from the belief that our employees are most creative and productive when we are comfortable and stress-free. It is difficult to explain work culture because it is something you have to experience and from my experience, I feel that everyone at the bank has an interest in each other’s well being. There are numerous initiatives and programs to ensure our employees can work flexibly and lead a balanced lifestyle. For example, I leave early on Mondays to attend training as I am a competitive fencer, the bank not only allows it but also encourages it.

The amount of coffee/tea I drank, not from stressful work but from meetings and catch-ups I had with colleagues who wanted to help me grow professionally. Before I came into my role, I expected to be at my desk doing work 9am-5pm with an hour lunch break. That is definitely not the case. In my role, I’m constantly meeting with people from different teams to solve issues or drive initiatives. Commonwealth Bank is a very social and collaborative workplace which I did not expect when I first came into my role.

Do you have any advice for someone applying for Commonwealth Bank?` Be yourself – that also sounded generic to me when I was in your position as a student but let me explain. It is more than just your grades, capabilities or technical skills. First and foremost, ask yourself if your own personal values align with Commonwealth Bank’s vision and values? If it does align and you also hold those values, then make sure that shines throughout the application process, in other words, be yourself.

Do you have any advice for students interested in Commonwealth Bank/ Banking/Financial Services/employee’s area or industry? The number one focus for Retail Banking Services is the customer. You are not expected to have detailed knowledge of banking or finance, this is something you can pick up and learn on the job. However, it is important to have the willingness to learn and ability to empathise and identify the needs of our customers. If you see yourself as a creative person who enjoys working in a collaborative environment then CommBank Retail Banking Services would be a good fit for you.


1. Think about what makes you tick What gets you out of bed in the morning? Once you understand this, start investigating careers that will allow you to play to your strengths. Your degree doesn’t need to determine your choice of career - we look for people from all sorts of backgrounds. 2. Do what you love Volunteer, play sport, write, create, innovate, join a student society, travel… Your CV is not all about the academics. Employers generally look for students with all sorts of interests so get out there and get involved in activities you enjoy. 3. Today is your day Start building your network and having career conversations now. Come along to our onsite careers events and campus workshops. Apply for internship opportunities to ‘test drive’ what your ideal company is really like. We’re keen to get to know you Our 2017 Graduate cohort featured 126 different personalities from 33 majors, 31 degrees and 27 universities across 16 programs in 15 locations. Reach out to our Campus Team and visit us when we’re on your campus – we’re keen to get to know you! Can you see yourself as a CommBank Grad in the future? commbank.com.au/graduate CBA4768 221116



Graduation may seem a long way off, but it’s never too early to start thinking about your career. Here are our top tips for finding your perfect Grad role:

We live and breathe our vision to be one of the world’s great service companies, helping our customers, communities and people to prosper and grow


Established initially as the Bank of New South Wales in 1817, Westpac has grown to serve the global community, with over 13 million customers and 1400 branches. Five key divisions include Consumer Bank, Commercial and Business Bank, BT Financial Group, Westpac Institutional Bank and Westpac New Zealand.


Applicability: Penultimate Streams: All Business Lines: Corporate & Institutional Banking, Financial Markets & Treasury, Group Operations, Risk, Global Transactional Solutions & Client Experience Duration: 10 Weeks (Summer) Application Opens: Approx. July The paid ten-week program (December-February) is a great way to explore a career with Westpac Group, and welcomes applications from students in their penultimate year of an undergraduate or postgraduate degree. Interns will gain an insight into the banking and finance industry, and talented interns will also have the opportunity to be considered for the Graduate Program.


Graduation: 2017 Streams: All Application Opens: 20 February 2017 Graduates undergo a 12 month personal development program, entailing on-the-job learning with each rotation, a Discovery Program involving group learning sessions to enhance self-awareness and self-leadership skills, as well as networking opportunities to build new relationships on a regular basis.

KEY DATES UNSW BSOC Careers Fair: 08/03/17 Graduate Applications Open: 20/02/17 Internship Applications Open: Approximately July


BSOC WEBSITE http://unswbsoc.com/ WESTPAC WEBSITE https://graduates.westpacgroup.com.au/


Whatever your ambition, we’ll make it happen

Citibank is part of Citigroup, one of the world’s largest financial services organisations. By combining local expertise with the strength of Citibank’s worldwide consumer banking network, Citibank offers range of financial services including deposit accounts, foreign currency deposits and investments as well as credit cards, mortgages, insurance and charge cards.


Applicability: Penultimate Streams: All Business Lines: Corporate & Institutional Banking, Financial Markets & Treasury, Group Operations, Risk, Global Transactional Solutions & Client Experience Duration: 10 Weeks (Summer) Application Opens: Approx. July


The paid ten-week program (December-February) is a great way to explore a career with Westpac Group, and welcomes applications from students in their penultimate year of an undergraduate or postgraduate degree. Interns will gain an insight into the banking and finance industry, and talented interns will also have the opportunity to be considered for the Graduate Program.



Graduation: 2017 Streams: All Application Opens: 20 February 2017 Graduates undergo a 12 month personal development program, entailing on-thejob learning with each rotation, a Discovery Program involving group learning sessions to enhance self-awareness and self-leadership skills, as well as networking opportunities to build new relationships on a regular basis.

C ONSULTING Consulting is an industry largely focused on client satisfaction and analytical thinking ability. This stems from the requirement of consulting firms to be continually bringing in and retaining clients in order to generate revenue. As a result, consultants must have impressive domain knowledge and specialise to some extent in some particular industry. They must also be skilled at networking and well-connected within the industry in order to maintain and expand their firm’s clientele base. Consequently communication skills are paramount, as they need to convey actionable recommendations in a concise manner to their typically time poor clients. Main Divisions of Professional Services Firms in management consulting provide advice and assistance to businesses and other organisations on management issues. The management consulting industry is common segmented into several tiers, which are generally differentiated by the size of their clientele, as well as whether their work is primarily strategic or implementation focused. The top tier of firm focuses on corporate and business strategy of some of the world’s largest firms, assisting with the long-term vision of a company and identifying ways in which to increase the company’s overall profitability and competitiveness. Mid-tier strategy consulting firms are engaged in similar work but additionally focus on technology strategy. Other consulting firms are more focused on the implementation of these strategies, leveraging their extensive technology experience to implement computer systems that optimise operations, supply chain and logistics.

KEY DATES UNSW Investment Banking and Consulting Week Begins 27/02/17 UNSW BSOC Careers Fair: 08/03/17 Graduate Applications Open: 20/02/17 Internship Applications Open: Approximately July


BSOC WEBSITE http://unswbsoc.com/ CITIBANK WEBSITE http://careers.citigroup.com/Careers/index/#/universityprogram




MANAGEMENT CONSULTING DELIVERY ANALYST What do you do? What are the duties, functions and responsibilities that you are involved in as part of your role?

Accenture is a leading global professional services company, providing a broad range of services and solutions in strategy, consulting, digital, technology and operations. With more than 3,700 people in Australia, Accenture has offices in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Canberra and Perth as well as people working at client sites across Australia.


Applicability: Penultimate Streams: Strategy, Consulting, Digital, Technology, Operations Application Opens: Early March





Graduation: Streams: Strategy, Consulting, Digital, Technology, Operations Application Opens: Early March Commencement:

KEY DATES UNSW BSOC Careers Fair: 08/03/17 Graduate Applications Open: Now Internship Applications Open: Early March UNSW BSOC High Achievers Luncheon: Early August

OTHER OPPORTUNITIES ACCENTURE ADVENTURE PROGRAM Applicability: Pre-penultimate students Application Opens: Late 2017 In October each year, Accenture Adventure brings students together to take on challenges and work together to reach the ultimate goal – a position within the 2018 Accenture Graduate Career Intake. A way to take fast track into a graduate role, you’ll work with others to demonstrate innovation, a can-do attitude, team spirit and leadership. Along the way, you’ll be guided and hear from Accenture’s experts as you participate in solving real business challenges. Successful candidates will be invited to join Accelerate. This is a program that starts prior to our Graduate program. There you’ll have opportunities to network and make friends with other Grad Program attendees while attending a series of events and workshops.


Can you tell us a little about Accenture’s work culture and environment? What sets it apart?

BSOC WEBSITE http://unswbsoc.com/ ACCENTURE WEBSITE https://www.accenture.com/au-en/careers/



My role can be quite varied, which keeps things interesting, but my key responsibilities include liaising with our client around changes to the project programme, seeking status updates from team managers and creating reports to share with our client, attending meetings with senior management to discuss risks and issues for our project as well as writing documents. I’m also heavily involved in our project’s social team which is lots of fun and provides excellent networking opportunities.

Accenture has a fantastic work culture, you’ll find it to be rather relaxed with a real focus on building relationships both within Accenture and between Accenture and our clients. There are many opportunities to engage with Accenture communities outside of your project, such as the Women’s Network or our LGBTI Alliance, which help individuals to really connect and allow for personal development as well as professional growth. People at Accenture like to work hard and deliver high performance but we also have fun and enjoy the process while doing so.

How did you get started in this field? How well did your work relate to the experiences or studies you had in university? I started my Accenture journey through Accenture Adventure, a program aimed at students in their penultimate year of study. I completed a Bachelor of Law and Bachelor of Business. The work I do now links quite closely with my business studies in management; learning how to best communicate with different groups of people, how to manage schedules and teams; how to engage individuals with the change process. My law background has also been helpful with the softer skills such as advocacy and communication really assisting me today.

What surprised you when you first came into your role? I was surprised with how quickly I felt part of the team and the opportunities that are provided to you straight away. Depending on the project, you may get thrown into the ‘deep end’ but it really lets you learn and build confidence early on. The support provided is invaluable; you aren’t expected to know everything from the beginning but you are expected to contribute to the best of your ability and be really involved. This is so refreshing from previous experiences in other corporate cultures.

Do you have any advice for someone applying for Accenture? Just go for it. Accenture is a multifaceted company and we need multifaceted people; don’t think you’re limited by your degree, I have colleagues from a wide range of educational backgrounds. I also think it is important to have some experience beyond university studies, whether that be a part time job or completing an internship in a field of interest. You want to show you have a wide range of skills and can be adaptive.

Do you have any advice for students interested in Accenture/consulting/strategy employee’s specific industry or area? For those interested in Accenture Consulting, I would say to really focus on your communication skills. Consultants work both within Accenture and in client facing roles so it is important you are comfortable and able to communicate with a wide range of people from a wide range of backgrounds. Also, stay relevant and up to date, keep abreast of the latest news in your field of interest and be able to talk about it. Consultancy is constantly evolving so be adaptable, it’s what makes it so interesting and challenging!


The Boston Consulting Group is a global management consulting firm and the world’s leading advisor on business strategy and transformation. We partner with clients in all sectors and regions to identify their highest value opportunities, address their most critical challenges, and transform their businesses. Join our team and experience management consulting at its best.


Graduation: 2017 Streams: Business School, Law, Science, Medicine and Humanities Students Application Deadline: 06/03/2017 Graduates will join BCG as an Associate, working as a valued member of case teams, helping world-class companies address some of their most pressing strategic challenges and initiatives.


KEY DATES UNSW Investment Banking and Consulting Week Begins 27/02/17 UNSW BSOC Careers Fair: 08/03/17 UNSW BSOC High Achievers Luncheon Early August Graduate Applications Close: 06/03/17

BSOC WEBSITE http://unswbsoc.com/ BCG WEBSITE https://www.bcg.com/careers/apply/default.aspx




At BCG, we aspire to outperform. Our track record of achieving advantage and generating strategic insight requires and inspires breakthrough thinking



What do you do? What are the duties, functions and responsibilities that you are involved in as part of your role? No two days are alike at BCG and my role varies consistently. At BCG we work on solving really complex problems - my role changes to adapt to the specific issues at hand!

Can you tell us a little about The Boston Consulting Group’s work culture and environment? What sets it apart?

BCG is incredibly collegiate. I’ve worked in a number of fields in my career and the culture at BCG is second-to-none. It seems fairly cliched, but working with engaging colleagues who are interested in thier work and assions outside of BCG, is incredibly rewarding.

How did you get started in this field? How well did your work relate to the experiences or studies you had in university?

What surprised you when you first came into your role?

The extent to which people are willing to take the time out of their day to help you learn. No matter who you call on for help, they will go above and beyond to ensure you are developing your skills to the greatest extent possible.

Do you have any advice for someone applying for Boston Consulting Group? My advice is - just do it! You won’t look back.

Do you have any advice for students interested in consulting? Consider what drives you to answer really big problems. If that is you, then feel free to look me up and reach out to hear more.

Prior to BCG, I was a corporate lawyer at a top-tier firm in Melbourne. I made the decision to make the change to consulting as I was seeking more commercially-oriented work and the opportunity to focus on the strategic matters facing a corporation.



The Boston Consulting Group is a global management consulting firm and the world’s leading advisor on business • • • •••• • •••••••••• strategy and transformation. We partner with clients in all sectors and regions to identify their highest value opportunities, address their most critical challenges, and transform their businesses. Join our team and experience management consulting at its best.


• • • • •

Diverse case teams International experiences Personal mentoring Individual trainings, on and off the job Quick learning and personal development

With BCG you will learn how to navigate complexity, draw unique insights, facilitate change, and become a leader responsible for real and lasting impact. Coached by a personal mentor and supported by your team and individual trainings, you will join a diverse group of highly driven individuals from different backgrounds who respect and trust each other.

“Since joining I have enjoyed the challenges and development my job provides on a daily basis. This includes everything from building economic forecasts to partnering with the head of a billion dollar business unit to designing a strategy team workshop.” Mazen Nuwayhid, Consultant, joined BCG Melbourne in 2014 Bachelor of Arts, The University of Melbourne

“I explored many career options throughout university - ranging from journalism to investment banking. After multiple internships, careers events, applications and interviews, I eventually chose consulting, driven by my desire to explore multiple industries and to work with people from a variety of different backgrounds. Since then, I've been pleasantly surprised by how interesting the work I've done is in industries that I would never have considered otherwise - like government and energy. Brierley Penn, Consultant, joined BCG Sydney in 2015 Bachelor of Commerce, The University of Auckland We are looking for students with outstanding academic records, strong analytical and interpersonal skills, intellectual curiosity, and great ambition. For any questions contact: Mary Katergaris Recruiter (Associates) T + 613 9656 2100 Register via this link bcg.com/en-au/careers/events to be put on our mailing list to be kept up-todate on upcoming BCG events



The Boston Consulting Group is an equal opportunity employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, age, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity / expression, national origin, disability, protected veteran status, or any other characteristic protected under applicable law.


Nelson Boyd


What do you do? What are the duties, functions that you What doand youresponsibilities do? What are the duties, arefunctions involvedand in asresponsibilities part of your role? that you are involved in as part of your role? I work at Oliver Wyman - a global management I work at Oliver Wyman - a global consulting firm. Based in the Sydney Office Iin the management consulting firm. Based have worked on a variety different in Sydney Office I have of worked onprojects a variety Australia. Each project comes with it a different of different projects in Australia. Each team and challenge from the client. project comes with it a different team and challenge the client. Your role as afrom consultant can vary depending on

We believe that if we have common aspirations, a non-hierarchical environment based on respect, and no artificial barriers to advancement, then exceptional people will realize their potential.

I was involved in UCC during my studies at UNSW so I had a rough idea of what work would be like at a consultancy having also made How well did your work relate to the friends that went on to work in the area. Both experiences or studies you had in my finance and law degree have been helpful university? in different ways. For example, some Finance I was have involved in UCC during my studies subjects helped with the modelling that at UNSW so I had a rough idea of what work the type of project and phase you join. To name went into a business case I built. Law has taught would be like at a consultancy having Your role as a consultant can vary a few, I’ve had experience launching of a pilot me some skills that have proven to be usefulalso friendstasks. that However, went on it’s to work in the program for a client, developing a business the research important depending on the type of project andcase for made for phase an investment opportunity conducting to note need specific degree todegree be a area.you Both mya finance and law have you join. To name and a few, I’ve had a series of marketlaunching sizing exercises. At itsprogram core, in consultant. I’ve worked with consultants been helpful in different ways. Forwho example, experience of a pilot your yearsdeveloping you should expect to support an academic in economics, some Finance background subjects have helped with forearly a client, a business case for have the project team with research, analytics and rocket science, history and engineering. the modelling that went into a business an investment opportunity and conducting presentations.



Applicability: Penultimate Students graduating in 2018 Streams: All Duration: 8-12 weeks Application Opens: January 13 - April 18 2017 Commencement: December 2017 February 2018 Oliver Wyman’s intern program gives students a real taste of what it is like to be a strategy consultant and unique preparation for a full-time role. Interns are staffed on 1-2 projects and treated like full team members with responsibility for a distinct piece of work. Coaching and feedback will be provided from an assigned ‘Buddy’, to a formal ‘Mentor’ and ‘Intern Captain’ overseeing the program as a whole.

KEY DATES UNSW Investment Banking and Consulting Week Company Presentation: 27/02/17 5:30pm-7:30pm The Galleries, The John Niland Scientia Building Coffee Chat: 01/03/2017 2:30pm-3:30pm Bar Navitas, Tyree Energy Technologies Building UNSW BSOC Careers Fair: 08/03/17 UNSW BSOC High Achievers Luncheon: Early August Full-Time Application Deadline: 08/03/17 Internship Application Deadline: 18/04/17


BSOC WEBSITE unswboc.com OLVIER WYMAN WEBSITE oliverwyman.com/careers/entry-level.html



With over 40 years of experience serving Global 1000 clients and offices across 26 countries, Oliver Wyman is a leading global management consulting firm that combines deep industry knowledge with specialized expertise in strategy, operations, risk management, and organization transformation.


How well did your work relate to the experiences studies you had in consultantsor who reinforced my interest in university? the profession. I was also involved in some consulting competitions during university.

case I built. Law has taught me some a series of market sizing exercises. At its What surprised you when you first skillsinto thatyour have role? proven to be useful for the core, in your early years you should expect Can you tell us a little about came research tasks. However, it’s important to to support the project team with research, Oliver Wyman’s work culture and note you need a specific degree toyour be a analytics and presentations. environment? How invested people and the firm are in consultant.Feedback I’ve worked with consultants development. is a big thing at the youculture tell ushas a little about an academic background in firmwho andhave we have a training curriculum for every TheCan working a strong stage of your career from consultant to Partner. Oliver Wyman’s culture entrepreneurial spirit. work This means thereand is economics, rocket science, history and great opportunity to step up and take on environment? engineering. new responsibilities. I would the Do you have any advice for someone The working culture hasdescribe a strong environment as beingspirit. very open a ‘flatthere is applying for Oliveryou Wyman? entrepreneurial Thiswith means What surprised when you first structure’. The flat working environment means great opportunity to step up and take on came into your role? you work with senior leadership at the firm your research about Oliver Wyman and new responsibilities. I would describe the DoHow invested people and the firm are the get go. I remember in my first 3 months, I make sure you make an effort for each stage of environment as being very open with a ‘flat in your development. Feedback is a big had presented to an Executive from the client the application process. That means having a The flat working environment thing at thecover firm and have training firmstructure’. and worked directly with an Oliver Wyman refined CV and letterwe that has a been tested means workofwith at by curriculum for every stageparents of yourorcareer Partner on you a variety taskssenior for theleadership project. different people e.g. friends, the firm the get go. I remember in my first mentors. from consultant to Partner. Also, make sure you practice different 3 months, had presented to an Executive interviews with your mates and a current or past What sets itIapart? Do you (if have any advice for someone consultants possible). from the client firm and worked directly Thewith people you work with day to day have a applying for Oliver Wyman? an Oliver Wyman Partner on a variety huge impact on your life. When I went through Do you have any advice for someone Do your research about Oliver Wyman of tasks for the project. interviews in my final year I always applied the interested Consulting? and makein sure you make an effort for airport test: each stage of the application process. That What sets it apart? Confirm your interest in Consulting by means having a refined CV and cover letter The people you work with day to day have “Would I want to be stuck in an airport with this completing an internship, participating in a that has been tested by different people a huge impact on your life. When I went person?” case competition or meeting with a Consultant. e.g. friends, parents orstudents mentors. Also, through interviews in my final year I always I would highly recommend apply formake sure you practice different interviews applied the airport test: Oliver Wyman passed with flying colours. The Oliver Wyman’s summer internship program.with your mates and a current or ex- consultant firm attracts people who I would describe as down-to-earth, honest and international. (if possible). “Would I want to be stuck in an airport with this person?” How did you get started in this field? Do you have any advice for someone interested in Consulting? Oliver Wyman passed with flying colours. I interned at a startup called Expert360 before Confirm your interest in Consulting by The firm attracts people who I would joining Oliver Wyman. The CEO and COO of the completing an internship, participating describe as down-to-earth, honest and firm were both ex-consultants who reinforced in a case competition or meeting with a international. my interest in the profession. I was also involved Consultant. I would highly recommend in some consulting competitions during students apply for Oliver Wyman’s summer How did you get started in this field? university. internship program and come to our I interned at a startup called Expert360 company presentation if you are graduating before joining Oliver Wyman. The CEO soon. and COO of the firm were both ex-


COFFEE CHAT Wednesday | 1 March 2017 | 2:30pm – 3:30pm Bar Navitas, Tyree Energy Technologies Building (H6) Join us over a cup of coffee to hear first-hand what it’s like to be a Consultant at Oliver Wyman


INTERN APPLICATION DEADLINE Tuesday | 18 April 2017 Open to penultimate year students

APPLY ONLINE at www.oliverwyman.com/careers with your CV (including ATAR and University WAM/GPA) cover letter and academic transcript. Please limit your CV to a maximum of 2 pages. We accept applications from all disciplines and nationalities.

Get there faster. Oliver Wyman is a leading global management consulting firm that combines deep industry knowledge with specialized expertise in strategy, operations, risk management, and organization transformation. With offices in 50+ cities across 25 countries, Oliver Wyman works with the CEOs and executive teams of Global 1000 companies. An equal opportunity employer.



Monday | 27 February 2017 | 5:30pm – 7:30pm The Tyree Room, The John Niland Scientia Building


We design and deliver solutions that manage risk, optimize benefits, cultivate talent, and expand the power of capital to protect and strengthen institutions and individuals

Willis Towers Watson is a leading global advisory, broking and solutions company that helps clients around the world turn risk into a path for growth. With roots dating to 1828, Willis Towers Watson has 40,000 employees serving more than 140 countries.

INTERNSHIP OPPORTUNITIES HUMAN CAPITAL AND BENEFITS Applicability: Penultimate Streams: Actuarial Duration: 6-8 Weeks (Summer) Application Opens: Approx. July


Applicability: Penultimate Streams: Banking & Finance, Commerce, Economics Duration: 6-8 Weeks (Summer) Application Opens: Approx. July


Graduation: Late 2017 Streams: Actuarial Application Opens: Now


Graduation: Late 2017 Streams: Actuarial, Banking & Finance, Commerce, Economics Application Opens: Approx. Now

KEY DATES UNSW BSOC Careers Fair: 07/03/17


BSOC WEBSITE http://unswbsoc.com/ WTW WEBSITE https://careers.willistowerswatson.com/students-and-graduates/opportunities#graduate

UNSW Towers Watson Workshop To be advised Graduate Applications Open: Now Internship Applications Open: Approx July


Together we unlock potential The Willis Towers Watson graduate program

With a long history of attracting the brightest minds in the business, the Willis Towers Watson graduate program helps students realise their ambitions of a rewarding and fulfilling career. But what lies ahead? Lucy Thomas gives an insight into the investment world and working in it.

What do you do? What are the duties, functions and responsibilities that you are involved in as a part of your role? I head up Willis Towers Watson’s global sustainable investment capability as part of the Investments business. My focus is to advise the growing number of asset owners around the world wanting to invest more sustainably. Sustainable investing encompasses long-term, finance-driven strategies that integrate environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors and stewardship in investment arrangements. Increasingly investors are recognising the investment implications of changing demographic and consumption patterns, natural resource scarcity and climate change. I’m responsible for supporting the investment and manager research team globally, which has more than 100 members, to integrate sustainability factors into our research process across various asset classes. Part of my role is also to participate in collaborative initiatives that address shortcomings in the investment industry and improve long-term

outcomes for investors. An example is promoting and enabling investor stewardship and seeking to protect investors’ long-term interests through constructive engagement.

Can you tell us a little about Willis Towers Watson’s work culture and environment? What sets it apart? We have a truly collegiate work environment where individual views matter. I feel privileged to work with some very smart people who enjoy exploring new ideas and concepts in the investment world. Our access to our global colleagues is also a real and valuable benefit for our clients. Willis Towers Watson has a history of pioneering some important changes to investment styles and approaches globally and it’s rewarding to be part of a team where you can contribute to thought leadership that shapes how the largest capital allocators make decisions.

How did you get started in this field? How well did your work relate to the experiences or studies you had in university? I’ve had varied roles throughout my career; part of my attraction to Willis Towers Watson was the fact that the team embraces diversity of background - be that experience, geography or education. I’ve previously worked in equity research in London, real estate fund management in Europe and a

Our values hedge fund in Sydney. None of these roles were specifically focused on sustainability but the diverse global investment experience has helped shaped my views on how sustainability should be the cornerstone of a successful long-term investment strategy. My initial role here was focused on equity manager research but the combination of a growing passion for sustainability and client interest paved the path for my current role. At Willis Towers Watson we are driven to help our clients succeed so if you have an idea that you think will truly help our clients achieve better outcomes, you will likely be supported in pursuing it.

What surprised you when you first came into your role? The investment world has a reputation for being a competitive industry, with a sole focus on the bottom line. I was very happy to experience the collegiate atmosphere with emphasis on integrity here at Willis Towers Watson. I feel lucky to work with genuinely nice people who enjoy what they do and respect each others’ work. There is always somebody willing to help and support you in your work and career. At the same time, we all have a life outside work and that is a recognised and respected part of our culture.

Teamwork, striving for success, mutual respect and great communication skills are some of the things we apply every day in our roles.

A strong client focus, an emphasis on teamwork, unwavering integrity, mutual respect and a constant striving for excellence.

Our team

With roots dating to 1828, Willis Towers Watson has 40,000 employees serving more than 140 countries.

Do you have any advice for someone applying for Willis Towers Watson? Let your enthusiasm and individuality shine through. This is a team of high calibre and caring people who are looking to work with people who have a similar approach. This is your career, and you are the driver, so ask us the questions that are important to you in what you are looking for in your next step.

Do you have any advice for students interested in the investment industry? This is a client focused business and the skills required to help our clients succeed are not confined to those learned in lecture halls and libraries. Teamwork, striving for success, mutual respect and great communication skills are some of the things we apply every day in our roles. Pursue the studies you enjoy and try to understand how the way you learn, the theories you study and the skills you develop may be applicable in the area of work you are attracted to. The sustainable investment industry is continuing to grow and evolve as are many other industries facing disruption, so be ready to embrace change and new ideas. It’s a fun ride!

Lucy Thomas Global Head of Sustainability

Get in touch Students about to graduate or in their final year of study can apply to Willis Towers Watson’s graduate program. Applications open each year in February for graduate roles and July for vacation roles. For more details, please contact Nicole Lauritz: nicole.lauritz@ willistowerswatson.com +61 3 9655 5432

Good Food, Good Life

The Consumer Goods and Retail Industry is one of the largest in the world, as it is involved so heavily in our day to day activity, comprising of the sale of personal and household items including food, furniture, appliances and electronics. It encompasses a diverse variety of career opportunities for individuals, which extend further than the traditional roles of customer service in brick and mortar institutions, it is an industry suited for people who enjoy working with people, have excellent organisational skills and have great analytical skills evaluating consumer trends and market research.

Nestlé is the world’s leading Nutrition, Health and Wellness company. Our mission of “Good Food, Good Life” is to provide consumers with the best tasting, most nutritious choices in a wide range of food and beverage categories and eating occasions, from morning to night.

Fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) companies regularly sell large quantities of low-cost products to consumers. FMCG businesses are incredibly diverse but they tend to invest in marketing to establish brand awareness and establish loyalty with their customers. In particular, students majoring in marketing or management thus are sought after for leadership and management roles or to provide support services in the retail sector.

Nestlé operates in 194 countries, and is considered to be the largest FMCG (Fast Moving Consumer Goods) in the world. Nestlé Oceania employs more than 5,000 people, operates 12 factories, 5 distribution centres and 20 offices across the Oceania region - taking in Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands.

Despite traditionally not the conventional financial services path for many business students, the FMCG sector encompasses huge companies like Nestlé and P&G who also actively seek motivated individuals for a variety of different service lines. Working as a graduate or vacationer within the FMCG sector will most likely see you having a product-centric role where you will be motivated to improve aspects of a product in areas such as sustainability, marketing and strategy.

GRADUATE OPPORTUNITIES NEXT GEN NESTLE PROGRAM Applicability: Penultimate Year Streams: All Application Opens: 9/3/17 - 9/4/17 Commencement: January 2018



Next Gen Nestlé is a two year program where you’ll be exposed to the broad spectrum of career opportunities and distinctive culture for which Nestlé is renowned. You’ll gain valuable experience by rotating through a number of roles across Nestlé Oceania in your chosen area. With fresh thinking and new ideas, you can make a real impact on the way we work and the way we deliver our products to the market. Throughout, you’ll enjoy continual support and learning opportunities. With a sound platform of business knowledge, experience and well-developed networks, you will be ready to move into the business – your future career at Nestlé is in your hands.

KEY DATES UNSW BSOC Careers Fair: 08/03/17 UNSW BSOC Nestlé Event: Late Semester 1 UNSW BSOC High Achievers Luncheon: early August Graduate Applications Open: 9/03/17 - 9/4/17


BSOC WEBSITE unswbsoc.com NESTLE WEBSITE nestle.com.au/careers


Elisabeth Kaufmann eCommerce Manager

Business. My university experience gave me a strong foundation, and helped me build ideas to help solve business problems. But it was my time abroad as an intern for a large German construction company that gave me real experience that best relates to my work. Being able to communicate your ideas and solve complex problems in a collaborative team situation are going to be critical in any type of work. It is these experiences that help set you up for success.

What do you do? What are the duties, functions and responsibilities that you are involved in as part of your role? I am an eCommerce Manager at Nestlé, focused on supporting direct to consumer projects, exploring & developing new eCommerce opportunities and building eCommerce capabilities in our business. In my role, I work across the entire Nestlé Business on deployment of brand.com projects, supporting online initiatives with our retailers and deploying trial opportunities to drive stronger online purchases.



Can you tell us a little about Nestlé’s work culture and environment? What sets it apart? Nestlé is the world’s biggest Food & Beverages Company and is a highly collaborative organisation. Landing a graduate role in a company like Nestlé is an amazing opportunity to kick start your career. You are exposed to dynamic teams, functions, external influencers and experiences, all in a short amount of time. Throughout the early stages of program, you’re supported with training and get to work with great people. You will learn from the best in the industry, setting you up to grow and learn quickly. How did you get started in this field? How well did your work relate to the experiences or studies you had in university? I started as a Commercial Graduate after completing a Masters in International

What surprised you when you first came into your role? The level of responsibility you are given from the very first day and the amount of involvement from the organisation surprised me. In my sales rotation, I was allocated the same size territory as my more experienced teammates. This territory included the Top 2 sales performing stores in the nation. I had the same KPI’s as my other teammates. They also made it a point to take time to connect with me and help me learn and develop. Do you have any advice for someone applying for Nestle? Be open minded, don’t be afraid to be different and don’t try to fit the mould if this isn’t you. At Nestlé you have the opportunities to learn many aspects of the business, gaining a breadth of experience which is important for future leaders. So, an open mindset towards your career can be highly rewarding. Do your research on the business areas you would love to be part of and bring your passion to work! Do you have any advice for students interested in Nestle/FMCG/Financial Services? Consider why you are interested in an FMCG and what experiences or role you would like to have over time in the entire product cycle – be it strategic brand management, digital consumer journey or consumer path to purchase, and what it takes to develop and innovate products/ services. Understanding this will help give you the edge when explaining why you are the right candidate.


more life to

at Nestlé

Be part of a global success story. Visit www.nestle.com.au/careers 55




P&G’s market-leading & trusted brands touch & improve the lives of almost 5 billion consumers across the world every day. Our portfolio contains household brand names such as Gillette, Pantene, Oral-B, Olay, Head & Shoulders to name a few. We’ve been a successful global company for 180 years and it’s our people that are the heart of our success.


Applicability: All Disciplines Streams: Brand Management (Marketing), Finance & Accounting, Sales, Supply Network Operations (Logistics & Supply Chain) Duration: 10 weeks (summer) Application Opens: Mid-July 2017 Commencement: Late-Nov 2017 till Mid-Feb 2018 We don’t believe in giving you ‘busy work’. Our interns take ownership of a project that’s tied to our current business goals and are given the opportunity to apply their unique skills and knowledge to grow our business. We’ll set you up with the support and resources you need to enable you to make it a rewarding summer full of learning & personal growth.


Graduation: 2017 Streams: Sales, Brand Management (Marketing), Finance & Accounting, Supply Network Operations (Logistics & Supply Chain) Application Opens: Open till 29/05/2017 KEY DATES At P&G we want you to get your career off to a fast start. That’s why we don’t have a traditional Graduate program with rotations or gradual ramp-up periods. We hand you real responsibility from the moment you walk through the door. We believe it’s the best way to learn. From day one, you’ll help develop or support household name brands you know & trust while working in roles that have a direct impact on our global, US$65 billion dollar business. You could be overseeing a brand with multimillion dollar sales, supporting the launch of a new product in to the market or working on strategic business priorities to enable us to WIN. There’s no limit to what you can achieve here.


BSOC WEBSITE unswbsoc.com P&G WEBSITE australia.pgcareers.com

UNSW BSOC Careers Fair: 8/03/17 UNSW P&G Event: To be announced Internships: Mid-July 2017 Graduates: Open till 29/05/2017



Providing products and services of superior quality and value that improve the lives of the world’s consumers, now and for generations to come.

What do you do? What are the duties, functions and responsibilities that you are involved in as part of your role?

What surprised you when you first came into your role?

I’m an Account Manager looking after our Olay, Gillette & Braun brands, supporting one of the biggest retailers in Australia. As an Account Manager, I develop in-depth joint business plans, in-store execution strategies and deliver insights, innovation and ideas to my customer to ensure we are winning in the market and accelerating market growth for our brands.

The amount of ownership & responsibility that you get as a new Graduate at P&G is huge, and it can feel a little overwhelming at first, but you have the support and coaching you need to help you navigate your way and enable you to learn fast. It’s also a very collaborative culture which surprised me for a corporate environment; everyone is very willing to help each other out and work together to achieve a result even when they have their own work keeping them busy.

Can you tell us a little about P&G’s work culture and environment? What sets it apart?

Do you have any advice for someone applying for P&G?

As a ‘build-from-within’ company the culture is focused on growth & development so every day is a learning opportunity; we are encouraged to develop a personalised learning plan and take at least 10 days each year to attend trainings which build both our leadership & technical skills. Our offices are open-plan, stocked with a snack/smoothie bar, and have regular wellness events/activities which you can participate in. We also have flexible working hours as well as work from home and our culture is focused on results achieved not just the hours clocked.

P&G is looking for students who are a strong fit with our culture and often this is more important than your academic scores or previous work experience. We aim to hire the best and want to hear about what you’ve achieved in the past and how you’ve personally contributed to making a difference.

Do you have any advice for students interested in P&G/FMCG/your area or industry?

The FMCG industry is an exciting place to build a career working on well-known and much-loved brands which consumers use frequently and How did you get started in this field? sometimes even daily. As a global company, P&G How well did your work relate to the has a large portfolio which offer an immense experiences or studies you had in unidiversity of opportunities both here and overversity? seas. You can work on different brand categories I studied Law & Commerce at University and also & businesses which provides a rich diversity of had my own online business during this time. I roles throughout your career. always had a passion for business & entrepreneurship and really wanted to work for a company that would give me that hands-on opportunity from day one. I came across P&G and was really impressed by the company’s portfolio of brands.



CUTTING EDGE EXPERIENCE? P&G’s market-leading brands touch & improve the lives of almost 5 billion consumers across the world every day. Our brand portfolio contains household names such as Gillette, Head & Shoulders, Olay, Oral-B & Pantene among others. We’ve been a successful global company for 180 years and it’s our people that are the heart of our success.


WE BUILD-FROM-WITHIN. Most of our people start out in an entry level role, as a Graduate or Intern, then progress and prosper throughout our organization. This drives a culture of coaching, challenging and shaping our people into the leaders of P&G, both for today and tomorrow. WE CHALLENGE P&G PEOPLE FROM DAY ONE. We believe there’s no substitute for hands-on experience when it comes to leadership development. That’s why we create early, meaningful responsibilities for every employee. Hit the ground running with challenging projects that let you make an impact on our business from day one. WE PLAN CAREERS. We create opportunities for careers at P&G, not just jobs. One way we do this is by enabling career development and growth across businesses and geographies. We identify talent early and coach people through varied and enriching assignments to prepare them for future roles. WE NEVER STOP LEARNING. In addition to on-the-job experience, we provide a wealth of training opportunities for both technical and leadership skills training. This not only helps P&G people develop & grow but also deepens their commitment to touching and improving consumers’ lives-P&G’s enduring Purpose.

At P&G we're passionate about making the little moments of life just that bit easier. Moments like washing your hair. Shaving. Brushing teeth. Cleaning the house and doing the dishes. We've been leading the way in product innovation for 180 years and today we're the largest consumer products company in the world. Working with us means working on brands which touch & improve the lives of almost 5 billion consumers across the globe every day.

VALUE DRIVEN BUSINESS Our Purpose, Values and Principles are the foundation of our unique culture. Throughout our history, many things in our business have grown and changed but these elements have endured, and will continue to be passed down to generations of P&G people to come.

Now that’s what we call a career-starter!

We’re looking for talent, passionate, caring & innovative students to join our Graduate & Internship programs where you can get hands on experience with the world’s leading FMCG company. Visit Australia.PGCareers.com to learn more about these opportunities and to apply!

Learn more and apply at: Australia.PGCareers.com




To create the best places - places that leave a positive legacy and inspire and enrich the lives of people around the world

The construction and infrastructure industry is Australia’s third largest industry, directly employing over one million people. Construction division firms primarily construct buildings, roads, railroads, harbour or river works, transmission lines, pipelines and oil refineries. These firms are also involved in civil engineering and irrigation projects, and construct water, gas, electricity and sewerage infrastructure. Some division firms also carry out repairs and renovations, prepare mine sites, install utilities, and are involved in demolitions and excavations.

With over 58 years under our belt, we know that building places that leave a lasting legacy starts by building great teams of people. In line with this we have built a best-in-class graduate program to provide a consistent experience for our graduates across the globe. At Lendlease we are committed to taking care of the people that keep our company thriving. Our goal is to create a workplace that supports people to seek happy, healthy and productive lives.

The supply chain for construction is complex and strongly interrelated, encompassing manufacturing (materials, equipment components), services (engineering, design, surveying, consulting, lease management) and traditional construction trades.

As a participant of the Lendlease Graduate Program, you will become part of a diverse team-based environment where you will have the opportunity to work with truly experienced professionals, in a culture that ensures you develop and grow – in fact many of our leaders began their career as part of our Graduate Program. You will be supported through a structured learning and development program, a variety of on the job assignments, and networking and social activities. During the two year program you will develop lasting networks with both senior leaders and fellow graduates.



Upon completion of our program we are proud to say that some of our best graduates have been successful in securing sought after opportunities across our international projects in places like London and Singapore. At Lendlease the variety of opportunities we can offer means that no matter who you are, it’s a place where you’ll connect, where you’ll progress and where you’ll matter. When you’re part of Lendlease, you’re going places.


Graduation: By Late 2017 Streams: Finance, HR, Marketing, IT Applications Open: 21 February 2017 Applications Close: 4 April 2017 Finance Function: Degree qualifications in Accounting, Finance and/or Commerce with a major in Accounting. We will support your CA/CPA studies during your program.

KEY DATES UNSW BSOC Careers Fair: 08/03/17 UNSW BSOC High Achievers Luncheon Early August Graduate Applications Open: Approx March

Human Resources Function: Degree qualifications in Human Resources, Business and/or Commerce with a major in Human Resources or a related degree. You will be exposed to best practice operational, strategic and transformational HR practices. Marketing Function: Degree qualifications in Marketing, Business and/or Commerce with a major in Marketing. You will work with our leading Property business and gain exposure to a rapidly transforming and innovative consumer led marketing function. Information Technology Function: Degree qualifications in Information Technology. You will work with a team that is responsible for providing the technology capability and delivery to enable our business strategy and day to day operations.


BSOC WEBSITE http://unswbsoc.com/ LENDLEASE WEBSITE http://www.lendlease.com/au/careers/graduate-program/




finance and accounting to pursue these interests and play to my strengths. I had various roles including working at an investment bank and an accounting firm before I started as an intern, and then a graduate, at Lendlease. I found that my degree was particularly useful in preparing me for my current role, and has helped me significantly in completing my Chartered Accountancy (which is covered by Lendlease).

What surprised you when you first came into your role?



What do you do? What are the duties, functions and responsibilities that you are involved in as part of your role?

I am currently a Finance graduate in my second rotation in the Accounting and Reporting Team, Lendlease Finance Services. My responsibilities mainly revolve around monthly Management Accounting & Reporting. This includes working closely with our business partners in the delivery of monthly management reports at a business unit level which are reviewed by our CFO every month. This involves detailed budgeting and forecasting of revenue/expenses/cashflows and profit. I’m also involved in overhead reporting and short-term cash flow forecasting (so lots of numbers!).

Can you tell us a little about Lendlease’s work culture and environment? What sets it apart? Lendlease is definitely the best place in which I have worked so far. There is a general consensus that everyone works hard to get the job done, but simultaneously recognises that enjoying life outside of work is equally as important. The culture is one of professionalism and integrity, and really going to the extra mile to solve problems for others. As a graduate it has been an amazing place to learn.

How did you get started in this field? How well did your work relate to the experiences or studies you had in university? My favourite subjects in high school were mathematics and economics, so naturally I chose a business degree majoring in

I was surprised by the level of responsibility we were given from Day 1. We were solely responsible for all of our duties and were considered to be the Subject Matter Experts for our business partners when providing advice (even when we’d only been there about a week!). The learning curve was initially steep but it was certainly an effective introduction to the business.

Do you have any advice for someone applying for Lendlease? I know it sounds cliché but the best tip is to just be yourself! Find the thing that makes you stand out from the other applicants and really try to demonstrate your commercial acumen, don’t solely rely on great marks to get you the job. The interviewers want to see your personality shine through to see if you would be a good cultural fit, so don’t just tell them the answers you think they want to hear!

Do you have any advice for students interested in Finance? Do not wait until your last year of university to think about getting some work experience. Commercial business skills are so important when separating you from other candidates when applying for a graduate position. I would also recommend getting your excel skills up to scratch. I did an online excel course over 6 months and considering I use excel every day, it was worth the investment! Also ensure that you can articulate your interests and passions clearly, and that you can verbally communicate well with others. You don’t have to be the world’s best public speaker, but great communication skills are highly sought after in the workplace. And finally remember it’s not just about getting amazing marks – you will struggle to secure a position relying on that alone.


Graduates are our future leaders. We are looking for people with the right combination of skills and values to drive our vision and strategy across our diverse business. Our commitment to you is a two year structured program designed to prepare you for a successful and enduring career with us. Creating a better future for our people is at the heart of our vision to create the best places.

Careers in Construction Management | Accounting & Finance | Safety Human Resources | Information Technology | Design & Architecture Property Development | Engineering | Marketing Please visit www.lendlease.com/au/careers/graduates to find out more about our program, confirm application dates and to apply.


Local expertise. Global resources. A commitment to Australia & New Zealand

Investment Banking is one of the most competitive fields in Commerce. Strong numerical skills, analytical, teamwork and communication skills are a must. A career in finance opens you up to a dynamic and fast-paced environment, global mobility, and the development of niche skills. However, if you decide to work in an investment bank you should be prepared for long hours and a pressure-intense environment as your team will be handling a lot of time sensitive deals.

J.P. Morgan is a global leader in financial services, offering solutions to the world’s most important corporations, governments and institutions in more than 100 countries. Having operated in the Asia Pacific since 1872, J.P. Morgan currently is present across 17 countries in the region.

Investment Banking Division Also known as Corporate Finance in many banks, Investment banking is one of the most competitive areas in an already competitive industry. As an intern or a graduate, you can be assigned to an industry/sector team. Industry sectors include: Consumer, Financial Institutions, Healthcare, Industrials, Media & Telecommunication, Natural Resources, Real Estate, Gaming, and Technology.



Equity Capital Markets (ECM): When a company wishes to raise additional capital to expand their business, they can turn to ECM analysts who teams write recommendations, organise and structure the offer process, market and raise awareness for an equity raising campaign, e.g. Initial Public Offerings. Debt Capital Markets: Similar to the ECM team, DCM market analysts provide advice and raise various types of debt for institutional clients and governments.


IBD is typically split into three areas: • Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A): The M&A division advises on the acquiring/ merging activities of both public and private firms. In general, the term ‘Acquiring’ is used when a larger company purchases a smaller company, while a ‘Merger’ takes place when both companies are of similar size. •




Applicability: Penultimate Streams: Investment Banking, Operations Analyst Development Program, Sales Program, Technology Analyst Program Duration: 9 weeks over the summer Application Opens: Late April

Applicability: Penultimate Streams: Investment Banking Duration: 4 weeks Application Opens: Mid-March




Applicability: Students graduating in 2017 Streams: Finance Analyst Development Program, Operations Analyst Development Program, Technology Analyst Program Application Opens: Early March Commencement: February 2018

UNSW BSOC Careers Fair: 08/03/17 UNSW JPM Smoothie Stand: 09/03/17 UNSW BSOC High Achievers Luncheon: early August Graduate Application Period: Early March to April 6, 2017 (at 12 noon) Winter Internship Application Period (for IB only): Mid March Summer Internship Application Period: Late April


BSOC WEBSITE http://unswbsoc.com/ JP MORGAN WEBSITE http://careers.jpmorgan.com/careers/programs


Our programs Position



Application Period* Early-Mar – Apr 6, 2017

Finance Investment Banking Operations Markets Technology

Winter Internship

Investment Banking

Mar – mid-May, 2017

Summer Internship (in Melbourne)

Investment Banking

Mid-May – Mid-Jul, 2017

Summer Internship (in Sydney)

Investment Banking Operations Markets Technology

Mid-May – end-Jul, 2017

  

  

Our full-time programs are for students graduating in 2017, while winter and summer internships are for students graduating in 2018. We encourage students studying in all disciplines to apply. * Please visit our careers website for updates on program openings and application period.

Note: All applications close at 12:00 Noon AEST. Applicants being considered for internship and permanent roles must already possess legal rights to work in the locations applied.

Upcoming events Great relationships start with a great conversation, and our events is your chance to do just that. Come meet our employees from across the firm and ask the questions you really want answered. We will be hosting various career events in the coming months. For updates and details, please visit the “Students Events” page under the “Apply” section of our careers website.

Opportunities in other Asian locations We also offer career opportunities in other Asian locations, such as Hong Kong and Singapore. Please visit our careers website for updates and application details.

Your career. Your way.

Draw on all of your experiences and bring the whole you to J.P. Morgan. We’ll make sure you have the training and opportunities to turn your talent into an exciting career. Wherever you want to go, and whatever you want to achieve, we’ll help you get there. If you’re talented and driven to succeed, start your journey with us. We’re hosting events and programs around the globe throughout the year, so we encourage you to check our careers site regularly for dates and deadlines.

Start your journey. jpmorgan.com/careers


J.P. Morgan is a marketing name for JPMorgan Chase & Co., and its subsidiaries worldwide. ©2017 JPMorgan Chase & Co. All rights reserved. J.P. Morgan is an equal opportunities employer.

Start today Join us and you’ll be exposed to a broad range of businesses. Smaller, focused teams in Asia Pacific mean that our junior analysts work more closely with senior managers. Be part of a diverse team and collaborate with colleagues from various backgrounds, and with our teams across the globe. To apply for an opportunity with us, visit jpmorgan.com/careers If you have any question, contact us at aus.grad@jpmorgan.com J.P. Morgan is a marketing name for JPMorgan Chase & Co., and its subsidiaries worldwide. ©2017 JPMorgan Chase & Co. All rights reserved. J.P. Morgan is an equal opportunities employer.


We help answer some of life’s questions – by offering a supportive, challenging and diverse working environment that rewards passion, commitment and success

UBS works with private clients, institutions and corporations around the world by providing expert wealth management advice, investment banking and asset management expertise. Headquartered in Zurich, Switzerland, their team of 60,000 colleagues spans across nearly 900 offices in more than 50 countries.


Summer Internship Applicability: Penultimate Streams: All Duration: Summer Application Opens: Approx. July

Accounting professional services firms consist of the Big 4 Accounting firms (PwC, EY, KPMG and Deloitte), mid-tier (such as Shinewing) and boutique accounting firms. Within their service lines these firms are often split into the industry of clients they service. This structure gives graduates the opportunity to gain exposure to the different ways clients do business within an industry. Furthermore the large number of employees in a pyramid structure facilitates organised systems of promotion on the grounds of merit and experience.. Professional Services Firms are commonly regarded as accounting firms but have evolved to encompass a variety of services. Students and professionals from a diverse range of backgrounds and degrees find themselves working in the professional services industry. These firms are continually expanding and evolving the services they offer, including areas such as consulting, corporate finance and people management. Main Divisions of Professional Services

GRADUATE TALENT PROGRAMS Graduation: Late 2017- Mid 2018 Streams: All Business Lines: Investment Banking, Corporate Client Solutions, Investor Client Services Application Opens: Approx March/April

Forensic Accounting Utilising accounting, auditing, and investigative skills to conduct enquiries into actual or anticipated disputes, often resulting in presentations of expert evidence in a courtroom setting. This work trains Forensic Accountants to look beyond the numbers and deal with other operational aspects of a business.

KEY DATES Graduate Applications Open: Approximately March/April


Professional services firms provide external accounting and advisory services to commercial firms, usually auditing (the sign-off of financial statements), and tax advisory services as well as insolvency advisory, forensic accounting and general business consulting.

Audit & Assurance Independent examination of an organisation’s financial statements to ensure the reports are free from bias and are fair for reliable use by stakeholders. Auditors ensure the reports are in adherence with international accounting standards. This work may involve significant travel and culminates knowledge of both accounting and finance.




Internship Applications Open: April 2017

Taxation A constantly evolving and changing field requiring the assessment of procedures to ensure compliance with jurisdictional taxation regulations. Whilst not a prerequisite, for graduates with legal backgrounds, taxation is particularly suitable. Information Risk Management Provision of outstanding business advice on information and technology-related strategies, risks and projects for global, national and local corporations. Corporate Finance Provision of financial advice to corporate clients in regards to security issues and mergers and acquisitions.


BSOC WEBSITE http://unswbsoc.com/ UBS WEBSITE https://www.ubs.com/global/en/about_ubs/careers/graduate-and-intern/ search.html


To be the most inspiring firm to work with for its people, its clients and its communities, in order to solve complex problems for clients and develop new ideas, products and services that create value.

As one of Australia’s leading professional services firms, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu and its affiliates provide audit, tax, consulting, and financial advisory services throughapproximately 7,000 professionals across the country. Focused on the creation of value and growth, and known as an employer of choice for our innovative people programs, we are dedicated to helping our clients and our people excel.



Apply if you are: in the penultimate year of your degree Application Opens: for the 2017/18 roles in February 2017

Application Opens: end of February 2017 Commencement: early March and early July

Apply for the Summer Vacation Program to enjoy significant client exposure, multiple networking opportunities, relevant professional training and feedback from your coach and buddy throughout your program. Students spend 3 to 8 weeks in one of Deloitte’s service lines, with the prospect of securing a graduate position by the end of the placement.


Deloitte Development Program

Apply if you are: completing your first year of a three year degree, second year of a four year degree or third year of a five year degree Streams: Business or Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics (STEM) Application Opens: July 2017 The Deloitte Development Program is a one or two-day interactive program, offering students insight into where their area of study can take them within Deloitte, coaching on applications and interview skills as well as an opportunity to secure a summer vacation position.

Deloitte provides the right kinds of tools and training to ensure all graduates can achieve career success through mentoring, peer support and e-learning. Graduates will take part in a 12 month program D.Academy, awarded the best graduate development program in Australia at the Australian HR Awards, which complements technical training and ‘on the job’ skills development with networking opportunities such as forums with inspirational Deloitte employees.

Deloitte Private Young Achievers Program

Apply if you are: studying in your first year of university, available to commence working in July 2017, at least 4 days a week Application Opens: February 2017 This program gives students the opportunity to gain real business and client experience before they graduate, with career mentoring and coaching from experienced professionals and on-the-job training to build business knowledge and skills.

KEY DATES UNSW Investment Banking and Consulting Week: Begins 27/02/17

UNSW BSOC Careers Fair: 08/03/17

UNSW BSOC High Achievers Luncheon: Early August

Internship Applications Open: February 2017

Graduate Applications Open: End of February 2017


BSOC WEBSITE unswbsoc.com DELOITTE WEBSITE yourfuture.deloitte.com.au


For diverse experiences

EY is a multinational professional services company committed to building a better working world. EY is established as one of the ‘Big Four’ auditing firms, and provides professional services in assurance, including financial audit, taxation, consulting and advisory to various companies of all industries. Through its global reach, EY aims to deliver client-focused value all over the world. programs, we are dedicated to helping our clients and our people excel.

What we do As one of Australia’s leading professional services firms, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu and its affiliates provide audit, tax, consulting, and financial advisory services through approximately 7,000 professionals across the country. Focused on the creation of value and growth, and known as an employer of choice for our innovative people

So step into your future with one of our programs especially for applicants who are still studying at university. Our Graduate Program, Our Summer Vacation Program, Deloitte Development program and the Young Achievers Accounting Cadetship program.

We are proud to be recognised as having the Best Graduate Development Program at the 2016 Australian HR Awards as well being awarded the AFR/ GradConnection’s Most Popular Graduate Employer for the second year running.


Find us www.facebook.com/DeloitteAustralia

Follow us @Green_Dot

Watch us www.youtube/Deloitte/Australia

Connect with us www.linkedin.com/company/deloitte-australia

View us #AustralianStories

Deloitte refers to one or more of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, a UK private company limited by guarantee, and its network of member firms, each of which is a legally separate and independent entity. Please see www.deloitte.com/au/about for a detailed description of the legal structure of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited and its member firms. About Deloitte Deloitte provides audit, tax, consulting, and financial advisory services to public and private clients spanning multiple industries. With a globally connected network of member firms in more than 150 countries, Deloitte brings world-class capabilities and high-quality service to clients, delivering the


insights they need to address their most complex business challenges. Deloitte’s approximately 225,000 professionals are committed to becoming the standard of excellence. About Deloitte Australia In Australia, the member firm is the Australian partnership of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu. As one of Australia’s leading professional services firms. Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu and its affiliates provide audit, tax, consulting, and financial advisory services through approximately 6,000 people across the country. Focused on the creation of value and growth, and known as an employer of choice for innovative human resources programs, we are dedicated to helping our clients and our people excel. For more information, please visit our web site at www.deloitte.com.au. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. Member of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited. © 2017 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu.



‘I could only have done it at Deloitte’ We aim to inspire our people to achieve their potential. Our ongoing innovation combined with our commitment to a diverse and collaborative culture sets us apart. You’ll be joining a firm with a relentless drive and passion for world class client service and a sense of shared responsibility for our place in our local communities that matches your own.

This publication contains general information only, and none of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, its member firms, or their related entities (collectively the “Deloitte Network”) is, by means of this publication, rendering professional advice or services. Before making any decision or taking any action that may affect your finances or your business, you should consult a qualified professional adviser. No entity in the Deloitte Network shall be responsible for any loss whatsoever sustained by any person who relies on this publication.

Building a better working world



Applicability: Penultimate Streams: All service lines Duration: Approx 8 weeks (Summer) Application Opens: 13/02/17 - 31/03/17

Applicability: Open to students from all degree backgrounds who are graduating between 2019 and 2020 Streams: N/A Application Opens: 13 February 2017 and close 7 April 2017

The vacationer program provides penultimate students the opportunity to gain a head start and secure a graduate position early on as full time positions are offered to vacationers before they complete their degrees. With this program, you’ll be able to put into practice what you’ve been studying at university and head back to your studies confident that your career’s already begun.


Applicability: Final Year Streams: All Service Lines Application Opens: 13/02/17 - 31/03/17 Through the program, you’ll begin to build your technical, leadership and communication skills, and be responsible for parts of projects in a business area of your choice. As a graduate with EY you’ll be able to add value to clients and shape your career as a professional. You’ll be well paid and have the chance to enjoy some excellent benefits, including the opportunity to apply for three months leave after you’ve been with us for 18 months. You might also find yourself working interstate or overseas.

As a member of the Game Changers Club, you will be invited to attend various EY events during the year, allowing you to network with business leaders and EY professionals.

KEY DATES UNSW BSOC Careers Fair: 08/03/17 EY Skills Session: 16/03/17 UNSW BSOC High Achievers Luncheon: Early August Graduate Applications Open: 13/02/17 - 31/03/17 Internship Applications Open: 13/02/17 - 31/03/17


BSOC WEBSITE http://unswbsoc.com/ EY WEBSITE http://www.ey.com/au/en/careers/students



ASSURANCE MANAGER the London office I left the firm for 4 years. During this period ‘out in the wilderness’ I found myself teaching business English in Colombia. Given my experience working with EY in the past, I was fortunate enough to find a contact associated with EY Colombia and commenced teaching a class there. The fact is without the people within EY supporting me I never would have had these fantastic opportunities. The people and career development focus really is engrained in the culture at EY, without it, the firm and individual wouldn’t succeed.

What do you do? What are the duties, functions and responsibilities that you are involved in as part of your role?


I am a manager in assurance in the consumer products industry space at EY. I have been fortunate enough to work in both Sydney and London offices and have even had the experience teaching business English to EY staff in Colombia. When people think of assurance, most people would say the key duties, functions and responsibilities of the role are to ensure that financial information upon which the client, investors and other stakeholders make decisions on is accurate and fairly presented. This is true, but there is a lot that goes on behind the scenes, from graduate level to Partner level, to ensure this process works. Looking back at my career at EY from the time I started as a graduate 10 years ago, I have experienced so much variety within assurance that I can honestly say my duties, functions and responsibilities have never been limited to purely crunching numbers. In my current role I feel like I am a data analyst, risk advisor, customer service rep and people manager all rolled into one

Can you tell us a little about EY’s work culture and environment? What sets it apart?

How did you get started in this field? How well did your work relate to the experiences or studies you had in university?

How will your ideas make the world work better? Student opportunities in 2017 ey.com/au/betterbeginsnow #betterbeginsnow

I had no idea what I wanted to do when I was in my final year of university. A lot of my friends had either done a cadet or vacationer program at a Big 4 firm, so I thought I would attend some career fairs, do some research and send my resume out to as many firms as possible. I attended several careers fairs and found the people representing these firms in assurance very down to earth and identifiable. I chose assurance as my first choice due to the wide range of industries and clients I would potentially be exposed to. My studies at university provided me with a solid springboard for the leap into working at a large multinational accounting firm.

Do you have any advice for someone applying for EY? Attend careers events and network. Also invest time in completing your online applications. Big 4 firms generally like a ‘well balanced’ person, so make sure to incorporate examples where you have been involved in a team, and highlight all kinds of extra-curricular activities, from travelling, to music groups, to charity work!

I would have to say EY’s global reach, the people and career support sets EY apart. After completing my CA I wanted to travel. By expressing my desire to move abroad with a mentor at EY, I found amazing support within the firm which resulted in a secondment to EY London. After a year in



Do you know what it takes to build a better working world?

At PwC Australia, our purpose is to build trust in society and solve important problems

Whether your career lies in providing assurance services to leading ASX-listed companies, GST insights to entrepreneurial start-ups, transaction advice on public private partnerships or managing risk and capitalising on opportunities, you’ll gain invaluable skills, experience and a lifetime of contacts that will set you up for a successful career — no matter which path you choose.

Graduating 2018

Cadet Program

Vacationer Program

Game Changers Club

Melbourne Co–Op Program

Graduating 2017

Graduate Program

Career Compass Program

As a Cadet, you’ll combine work with university studies. It takes drive and commitment, but we’ll provide you with the support you need to succeed. ey.com/au/careers/cadet Our exclusive Game Changers Club will show you it’s never too early to explore how your skills could build into a career as you attend various EY events throughout the year. ey.com/au/careers/game Are you looking for some advice on which direction to take your career? Then apply for our Career Compass Program and discover if a professional services organisation is the right track for you to take. ey.com/au/careers/ccp

If you’re a high performing vacationer, you may be selected to attend the International Intern Leadership Conference (IILC) in Florida, USA.

Join our Graduate Program and you’ll get early responsibility, support and training as you set out to achieve your career ambitions.

Applicability: Penultimate Streams: All Duration: 3-8 Weeks (Summer) Application Opens: Early 2017

GRADUATE OPPORTUNITY GRADUATE PROGRAM Graduation: Late 2017 Streams: All Application Opens: Early 2017

Inspiring Confidence, Empowering Change


Your journey starts here ey.com/careers

Connect with us and stay in touch For more information on how to apply, where you fit, how we develop you, life at EY and what makes us different, visit:




“Can’t believe I’m working on an audit for a music promoter! Even got a sneak peak of the bands touring in the next 5 years. Living the dream. Love learning so much about different industries. Wonder what I’ll work on next?” Lizke







Our Vacationer Program is a great way to experience the working world during your holidays. If you’re looking for a practical placement, join our Melbourne Co–Op Program. Show us what you’re capable of and you may be invited to join us after graduation full–time.

twitter.com/ey_careersaunz © 2017 Ernst & Young Australia. All Rights Reserved. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. APAC No. AU00002885. PH1630225. ED None.


Cadet Program

Graduating 2019

PwC is one of Australia’s leading professional services firms, bringing the power of a global network of firms to help Australian businesses, not-for-profit organisations and governments assess their performance and improve the way they work. Originating from a one-man Melbourne accountancy practice in 1874 to the worldwide merger of Price Waterhouse and Coopers & Lybrand in 1998, PwC Australia now employs more than 6,000 people.

High school


One decision, a lifetime of opportunity Which program is right for you?

At EY we like to look for smarter and better ways to do things. “Is there a better way?” remains one of the most frequently asked, simplest and yet most provocative questions you can ask in business. It drives us to look at things differently. It leads to better, more purposeful questions that help us discover new, better ways of working.

Known as one of the ‘big four’ accounting firms, KPMG is a global network of professional firms providing Audit, Tax and Advisory services, employing over 174,000 people worldwide and operating across 13 offices in Australia.


Applicability: Penultimate Streams: All Duration: 3-8 Weeks (Summer) Application Opens: Early 2017

GRADUATE OPPORTUNITY GRADUATE PROGRAM Graduation: Late 2017 Streams: All Application Opens: Early 2017




We are an accounting firm that proudly defies the stereotypes of ‘Big 4’ and ‘mid-tier’. For our clients and our people, that means one thing. Opportunity..

ShineWing has an 80 year history of performance with operations in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane in Australia, delivering services in assurance and advisory, corporate finance, business services and taxation.


What do you do? What are the duties, functions and responsibilities that you are involved in as part of your role?

Applicability: Penultimate Streams: Audit, Tax, Business Services Duration: 6 weeks (Summer) Application Opens: 13 February 2017


Join us for 6 weeks over Summer and experience what it’s like to be part of our Business and Private Client Advisory, Tax or Assurance and Advisory teams in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane.


Graduation: Late 2017 Streams: Audit, Tax, Business Services Application Opens: 13 February 2017 We’re looking for final year students or recent graduates with a degree in Commerce, Business or Commerce/Law with an Accounting major. Kick start your career with our Graduate Program and be part of our Business and Private Client Advisory, Tax or Assurance and Advisory teams in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane.


KEY DATES UNSW BSOC Careers Fair: 08/03/17 Graduate Applications Open: 13/02/17 Internship Applications Open: 13/02/17

BSOC WEBSITE http://unswbsoc.com/ SHINEWING WEBSITE http://www.shinewing.com.au/careers/



We’re looking for students in their penultimate year of study working towards a degree in Commerce, Business or Commerce/Law with an Accounting major.

Audit spend majority of time at the client’s premises interacting with the CFO, financial accountant etc. to identify key audit risks and coming to a conclusion in the most proactive way to cover off the risk. We have the opportunity to work with all partners in the division and therefore get to experience a diverse range of clients (i.e. listed, private & Charities). Industries that I currently spend most my time in are construction, mining, retail, financial services, education and charities. Can you tell us a little about ShineWing’s work culture and environment? What sets it apart? It’s a young team here which makes it really easy to interact and socialise with other team members. Every Friday people get together and catch up on how the week has gone. Buddy system, they check up on you, see how you’re going and you can ask them questions that you might not feel comfortable asking your Manager or Partner. Also participating in the CA ANZ sporting days is a highlight.

What surprised you when you first came into your role? In audit we have the opportunity to do quite a bit of travel, as we are generally required to work from the clients premises. I have personally travelled from Melbourne to Sydney, Brisbane, Mudgee, Dumbo and Nauru a 21km^2 island approximately 2,600km north east of Papua New Guinea. Do you have any advice for someone applying for ShineWing/firms outside of the big four? You won’t miss out on anything at a midtier firm, we still have an active social club and events, annual ball, EOFY events, Christmas parties etc. Plus all the study support you need for CA which really helps.



“One of the biggest things I’ve learnt is to be myself”

TEC HNOLOGY Technology lies at the heart of the digital economy, driving disruption across all industries. CISCO, Google, Microsoft and Uber have been some of the many companies which have led the forefront of the dynamic changes in the technology industry. These companies have been changing how they deliver their offerings, often leveraging increased data gathering to create actionable insights through data analytics. Business models have also become more granular, with internet platforms allowing customers more flexibility and reach.

Megan Mackay 1st year graduate


ShineWing Australia is a different kind of accounting firm. For graduates and students, ShineWing Australia represents a chance to be part of a new era in accounting. Here you’ll enjoy a whole new world of thinking, culture and experience, matched with total support and guidance. Amazing careers start here. Visit shinewing.com.au/graduates to discover the opportunities.


sally lo



Shape the future of the Internet by creating unprecedented value and opportunity for our customers, employees, investors, and ecosystem partners.

CISCO is a multinational technology conglomerate and one of the world’s largest networking companies. CISCO places a large focus on connecting everything - people, process, data and things, through constant innovation to create fresh ideas and possibilities. Such a vision aims to create a meaningful difference that will benefit everyone - all people, customers and the world.


I am a Cisco Public Sector account manager looking after Education and Sports & Entertainment accounts in Victoria. My ultimate role is to ensure that my customers are happy and that they understand how Ciscotechnology can help enable them in reaching their strategic goals and outcomes. I work heavily with our partner channel and internal colleagues across many business units to ensure that we provide the support that we need to support and educate our customers.

Applicability: Graduating between December 2017 & July 2018 Streams: Business, Sales, Marketing, Communications, Information Technology, Computer Science or Finance Duration: 9 Weeks in Singapore from 5 June – 4 August 2017 Application Opens: January 2017



BSOC WEBSITE http://unswbsoc.com/ CISCO WEBSITE cisco.com/go/universitycsap



UNSW BSOC High Achievers Luncheon: Early August Graduate Applications Open: January 2017 Internship Applications Open: January 2017

Can you tell us a little about CISCO’s work culture and environment? What sets it apart?




Program Start 31st July 2017 Graduation: April 2015 – July 2017 Streams: Business, Sales, Marketing, Communications, Information Technology, Computer Science or Finance Application Opens: January 2017 KEY DATES


Getting into IT really came at me as a surprise. I always thought I would end up in Marketing or a fast moving consumer good company as it was more in line with what I studied at university. However I did study Commerce as I ultimately wanted to have a job where I could manage my own business. Taking on an account manager role in Cisco lets you do just that. It lets you manage your territory where you act as a conductor to bring in all the necessary resources to achieve a goal.

What surprised you when you first came into your role?

What do you do? What are the duties, functions and responsibilities that you are involved in as part of your role?

UNSW BSOC Careers Fair: 08/03/17

How did you get started in this field? How well did your work relate to the experiences or studies you had in university?

Cisco is like a family, we are all here to help each other and feedback is very welcomed. Although we are an extremely complex company, with many different business units and layers in management, the beauty of it is that everyone is so accessible and happy to help. Cisco is not only focused on company performance but it cares about Corporate Social Responsibility, promoting women in IT, encourages early in careers and long term career development. Cisco believes in investing in its people and ensuring that it looks at other aspects of people’s lives other than just work.

I was really surprised at how much autonomy you get as an account manager, you don’t have people telling you how to do your job, instead you have to be creative and use your skills to come up with ways to manage the territory, hit your number and solve problems. It’s not to say that Cisco don’t support you, of course they do, everyone is ready to help you as long as you ask.

Do you have any advice for someone applying for CISCO? At Cisco, it’s about people and collaboration skills. We seek people with potential and great communication skills. Be confident and be you!

Do you have any advice for students interested in Cisco/Banking/Financial Services/employee’s area or industry? There are different areas or jobs that students can apply for, my advice would be to ask Cisco HR or employees (that you meet at events etc.) what roles are available and tell them what you are interested in so they can match you up with something you’ll enjoy.


Cisco Sales Changing the world Be the face of Cisco. Build relationships with customers all over the world. Work with our partners to find the right combination of technology and strategy. Be at the heart of a company that’s changing how people work, live, play, and learn. Work with people who have something to teach you. Celebrate each other’s achievements. Bring us your unique talent and experiences. Share your ideas and be heard. Help us change the world. Are you up to the challenge? 2017 Intern & Graduate Program Applications Now Open!

Our Business graduates shape how new and existing business grow through their knowledge of online media combined with their communication skills and analytical abilities. They set the vision and strategy for how our clients’ advertising can reach thousands of users. They are the face of Google!

Apply here cisco.com/go/universitycsap Learn more facebook.com/CSAPinfo

Business Graduate and Internship opportunities - Sydney These encompass Consultative Sales and Customer Experience positions within our Google Marketing Solutions Team. The Account Managers and Strategists in these roles are all dedicated to exceptional client service and growing the business. Whichever path you choose, business roles are a home for those that want to make an impact at Google. They are the backbone of Google’s success!

Apply at www.google.com/careers/students © 2017 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.



To organize the world‘s information and make it universally accessible and usefuL.

Jackie Wong

Head of New Business for Australia and NZ, Sydney Office What surprised you when you first came into your role? The openness and transparency within the company. Google has a strong underlying level of trust in our employees. We have a very open culture. An example of this is our weekly Global meeting (“TGIF”) where Googlers can ask questions directly to our executives. I don’t believe you see that level of openness and transparency in many companies.

Google is not a conventional company, and we don’t intend to become one. True, we share attributes with the world’s most successful organizations – a focus on innovation and smart business practices comes to mind – but even as we continue to grow, we’re committed to retaining a small-company feel. At Google, we know that every employee has something important to say, and that every employee is integral to our success.

Do you have any advice for someone applying for Google?


What do you do? What are the duties, functions and responsibilities that you are involved in as part of your role?


These encompass Consultative Sales and Customer Experience internships and graduate positions within our Google Marketing Solutions Team (GMS). We also have opportunities in our Cloud and Marketing teams. Whichever path you choose, business roles are a home for those that want to make an impact at Google. They are the backbone of Google’s success, the account managers and strategists in these roles are all dedicated to top-notch client service and growing the business.



Graduation: Mid - Late 2017 for 2017 positions. Streams: Aimed at business related students Application Opens: TBC

KEY DATES UNSW BSOC Careers Fair: 08/03/17 UNSW BSOC High Achievers Luncheon: Early August Graduate Applications: Mid - Late 2017


BSOC WEBSITE unswbsoc.com GOOGLE WEBSITE careers.google.com/locations/sydney


Applicability: Penultimate Streams: Sales, Service & Support; Business Strategy; Marketing and Communications; People; Facilities; Finance Duration: 3 months (Summer) Application Deadline: Mid-2017

I am the Head of New Business for Australia and New Zealand. My team is responsible for partnering with Australian and New Zealand businesses currently not working with Google. Digital can be complex, so we’re there to educate businesses about digital marketing and provide tailored Google solutions to help them drive their business.

Can you tell us a little about Google’s work culture and environment? What sets it apart? There’s a lot written about Google’s culture and environment. Yes, we provide staff members (aka. Googlers) with food and other perks, but what makes Google the kind of company it is is the people we hire. We spend a lot of time on the recruitment process to ensure we find people who bring new perspectives and life experiences to Google. As our founders wrote in a letter to investors when Google went public in 2004, “Our employees, who have named themselves Googlers, are everything.”

When I am hiring, I don’t just look at a candidate’s fit for the role they are applying for. I look for their potential to do extraordinary things when given the training, exposure and experiences Google offers. My advice to someone applying for Google is to make your application stands out from the rest by demonstrating what extraordinary capabilities, experience or knowledge you uniquely have. My other piece of advice is to persevere. I know many Googlers who applied for roles multiple times, before being offered a position. Google is a very dynamic company and the needs of the business are constantly changing. Your skills and expertise might not have been suitable the last time you applied, but this time, you could be exactly what we’re looking for.


To enable people and business throughout the world to reach their full potential..

Since its establishment in 1985, Microsoft has aided the transformation and growth of technology and communication worldwide. With headquarters all over the world, operations in all facets of the business, development and services industry, and the expansion of a variety of brands, Microsoft truly provides a diverse and global range of opportunities for life-changing careers.

How does it work? Select a Business

Organize a Team Form a team of 3-6 students and find a professor or faculty member to register as your academic sponsor.

Run Campaign

Select a business or nonprofit to partner with, perform market research and submit a pre-campaign strategy report.


Applicability: Penultimate Streams: Sales, Marketing, Customer Facing Technology Duration: One Year Application Opens: Now till 19/05/2017 (non-tech roles) The Microsoft Australia internship is a paid one year program, provided for all job families and product areas. It is an opportunity for students to lead real projects and work alongside diverse, passionate workgroups to empower the world through technology. The program runs full-time during summer and winter breaks and part time during the university semester


Follow GOMC on Google+ at google.com/+GoogleOnlineMarketingChallenge

© Copyright 2017. Google is a Trademark of Google Inc.


Submit a post-campaign report to Google and compete with teams worldwide for a chance to win cool prizes, like a trip to Google.

Put your marketing skills to the test and register today at



Compete for Prizes

Create and run a 3-week online marketing campaign for your client using a $250 AdWords budget provided by Google.

The Google Online Marketing Challenge is a unique competition for students to experience and create online marketing campaigns for a real business or nonprofit using Google AdWords. Over 110, 000 students and professors from almost 100 countries have participated in the competition to date.



Graduation: TBA Streams: Evangelism, Finance, IT, Marketing, Operations, Sales and Services Application Opens: Now till 19/05/2017 (non-tech roles)

UNSW BSOC Careers Fair: 08/03/17

The Microsoft Academy for College Hires (MACH) program is a customised learning experience designed for graduates with fulltime roles in finance, marketing, operations, sales and services organisations.

UNSW BSOC High Achievers Luncheon: Early August

This 18-24 month program complements your role by ensuring you receive professional development to enable graduates to start strong, accelerate their impact and build their network to drive a long-term career in Microsoft. For more information,

Microsoft Protege Case Competition: 14/03/2017

Graduate Applications Open: TBA Internship Applications Open: Mid-Late 2017


BSOC WEBSITE unswbsoc.com MIROSOFT WEBSITE careers.microsoft.com/students/apply


We’re not just another social web app, we’re moving real people and assets and reinventing transportation and logistics globally Uber has transformed the way cities move in over 450 cities around the world. We move billions of people (yes, billions) a year, and we’re just getting started with new products and ever expanding technologies.

Uber is more than just an app. Since launching in 2009, Uber has expanded to over 450 cities around the world - seamlessly connecting riders and drivers, making cities more accessible, opening opportunities for small businesses, and now delivering more than just people. And we’re just getting started. As we continue to innovate and expand, we’re looking for local talent with world-class expertise to join the world’s fastest growing technology company. The Uber team represents the brightest minds across Australia and New Zealand in marketing, operations, engineering, consulting and finance - all driven by a desire to redefine the way cities move. If you want to have a tangible impact, are fuelled by next-level thinking, and are seeking to expand your career through a global company - find your place at Uber.




Graduation: 2017 Streams: Business & Sales, Communications, Design, Finance & Accounting, Global Community Operations, Marketing, Operations & Launch Application Opens: March 2017 Commencement: January 2018 Graduates will support the Operations side of the business, working on the daily functions that are at the core of Uber, and setting yourself up for tremendous career growth potential.



The Uber Grad Program 2018 applications now open. Since launching in 2009, Uber has expanded to over 450 cities around the world - seamlessly connecting riders and drivers, making cities more accessible, opening opportunities for small businesses, and now delivering more than just people. At Uber, we apply mobile technology, data-driven decision making, and world-class local teams to redefine the way people experience and get around their cities.

Why Uber? If you want to have a tangible impact, are fuelled by next-level thinking, and are seeking to expand your career through the world’s fastest growing company find your place at Uber. Uber is looking for bold and passionate Grads to join our 2018 Grad Program in our offices across Australia and New Zealand.

UNSW BSOC Careers Fair: 08/03/17 UNSW Uber Case Competition 10/04/2017

Be in the front seat

UNSW BSOC High Achievers Luncheon: Approx August

Find your place in a company that is creating better ways to connect people and improve cities.

Graduate Applications Open: Open Now

BSOC WEBSITE http://unswbsoc.com/ UBER WEBSITE https://www.uber.com/en-AU/careers/list/27171/

Be surrounded by world class talent

Be prepared for autonomy

Join our team of leaders and innovators, grown from a passion to take risks and develop the next big idea.

Take your ideas to the next level and work on projects that challenge and excite you.


Contd. What made you apply to be an Uber Grad? Going through Uber’s interview process gave me an idea of the company’s culture and values, and I was excited for the opportunity to work on projects that would impact real change in the outside world. This was something that separated Uber from a lot of the other corporate grad roles I applied for.

Discover work that moves you Meet the 2017 Uber grads. Vivienne Tan I moved to Australia to complete my Bachelor of Commerce in Marketing and International Business at The University of Sydney. Getting an early step into Uber as my first job out of university has been an absolute dream, and as Sheryl Sandberg says, “If you’re offered a seat on a rocket ship, don’t ask what seat! Just get on.” What are some of the projects you’ve been a part of at Uber? The autonomy Uber gave me as a fresh graduate is incredible. The most exciting thing I’ve experienced so far is the opportunity to be one of the project leads for UberSLEIGH, where I helped organise a toy donation drive to support local charities during the holiday season. I also attended the ‘Uberversity’ training program


at Uber’s San Francisco headquarters, where I got to meet so many talented people and learn more about how Uber began, not to mention eating the most amazing clam chowder and walking along the Golden Gate Bridge.

Instead of being a small part of a huge project or process, you were thrown into the deep end and given opportunities and responsibilities that, under normal circumstances, would be given to middle or upper level managers in larger corporations. I knew it would be a challenge and an adventure, and I was excited for the journey ahead. As an Operations Coordinator at Uber, I focus on monitoring and managing trip experiences in Australia and New Zealand, and part of this involves using geospatial data to understand and improve the way traffic moves through CBD areas.

Kim Shea I completed my Bachelor of Commerce degree in International Business and Economics at UNSW. Being a Grad at Uber, and working at Uber in general, is a very unique and incomparable experience. I don’t believe I could have started out anywhere else and be exposed to so much, so quickly. Being able to rotate around different business functions and work on many projects is always an invaluable experience. I loved spending time with the various teams and doing mini-projects with the UberEATS and Support team. What projects have you been a part of at Uber? I’m an Operations Coordinator at Uber. I help analyse and optimise engagement between drivers and riders. I also break down data so we can improve things like cost precision and driver supply. A highlight of my time as an Uber grad has been working on cool Uber products that haven’t been released yet - so keep a lookout!

Harpreet Singh I studied a Bachelor of Engineering (Aerospace)/ Bachelor of Commerce (Finance) at the University of New South Wales. I was always a passionate Uber rider before I ever thought of working for Uber, and I felt that the company was changing the way the world moves (and eats). I’m also passionate about the startup scene and won a startup competition at uni, which led me to start my own online e-commerce startup, The Turban Shop, Australia’s first and only online distributor of turbans.

Previous page, left to right: Uber Grads Vivienne Tan, Tom Connolly and Kim Shea. Above left: Uber Australia headquarters in Sydney. Above right: Uber Grads collaborating on new projects.


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