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Arriving as a High School Student
from Lawkipedia 2021
Congratulations! You've made it to UNSW Law! The long hours of study and hard work have paid off and you are finally here.
So what should you expect? UNSW Law is a fun and energetic community with people of a wide variety of views and ideas. Expect to make many new friends from your first year of lectures and tutorials as well as through LawPLus mentoring, and other events and activities such as LawCamp. Through your transition from high school, there are many helpful programs to ensure you feel supported, and are enjoying your first year at university. These include the LawPlus program, mentoring, and beginners competitions, all of which help hone your skills and passion for the law. Finally, your lectures and tutorials will be relatively interactive, with the chance to ask questions and collaborate with your peers. So get ready, you have years of fun and great times ahead of you!
Lauren Claire Bush, (2nd Year Inst/Law)