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Law Camp
from Lawkipedia 2021
In what proved to be one of the only first-year events that was held in a disrupted 2020 calendar, Law Camp (Lawlympics) was definitely a shining light for both attendees and leaders alike. Having heard rave reviews from second and third years who had attended previously, it was a no-brainer to start the year off by heading off to Camp Yarramundi (and at the same time, miss an ILJ class), and I wasn’t disappointed! Having met other first-years from my own group, during activities (no spoilers here!) and at the glorified camp party, I was fortunate to have had the opportunity to socialise before the pandemic put in-person activities to a screeching halt. It was the perfect opportunity to meet many from the cohort and make new friendships! As well as this, I had the chance to speak to some of the fourth and fifth year leaders, who provided their own insights into different aspects of LawSoc and their roles within the society. By listening to their own experiences, this helped me to consider how I want to make an impact for society in the future.
Anthony Maros (Commerce/Law, 2nd year)

Iso clearly remember the first few weeks of uni, and the anticipation that led up to law camp. Despite being nervous to be placed in a completely new scenario with people I had never met, my experience at law camp is what made my first year of law at UNSW so much more incredible. Camp provided me such a unique opportunity to meet my peers in an informal setting, where instead of talking purely about our studies, the ice had already been broken and genuine friendships began to form. I can safely say that the camps’ reputation for forming real, lifelong friendships is true. If you would love the chance to attend Law Camp 2021, it will be running in T2 2021. More information can be found on the LawSoc Facebook Page.

Without Law camp I don’t think I would have met any of the incredible people I spend my time at uni with, and I don’t believe I would feel the sense of community I feel within LawSoc. Meeting not only so many like minded first years, but also meeting people from all years of uni, has allowed for so many rewarding friendship and mentorship opportunities. Retrospectively, I feel so lucky to have attended Law Camp, particularly considering how it revealed to me all of the incredible opportunities LawSoc has for all students. Law Camp was easily one of the highlights of my 2020 and forming such genuine friendships so early in my LawSoc experience has proved to be invaluable.

Ella Croasdale (Arts/Law, 2nd Year)