Port Mac newsletter July 2014

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Newsletter July 2014 Port Macquarie Campus

July 2014

The selective term has started for the Year 6’s. They have finished all mandatory rotations and are preparing for exams. The selective term will combine revision of clinical skills across all the disciplines as well as exam preparation. The Year 5’s have finished their hospital rotations in medicine, surgery and emergency /critical care. They will start their specialty rotations in primary care/psychiatry and obstetrics gynaecology/paediatrics. The Year 4’s have been patiently waiting and will finally get their chance to put into practice those clinical skills they have been learning over the past three years. They are heading onto the wards. The annual Student Trivia Night was held on Friday 20th June and was a huge success. From all - a big thank you to Sue and John Carroll for the great effort in organizing this special student event. The Anatomage Table http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=6FFd6VWIPrE Oh, I almost forgot to mention - we will be getting Anatomage here at the Port Macquarie Rural Clinical School—September / October 2014

Anatomage Anatomage is a fully interactive three-dimensional anatomy visualization system for anatomy education. It was developed at Stanford University. It is the next step in undergraduate and graduate anatomy education.

This project received funding from the Australian Government.

I can’t really do justice to the functional and educational potential of Anatomage. So I have included links to the YouTube videos below – these give a beautiful demonstration of the capabilities of Anatomage. Jack Choi: On the virtual dissection table http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=HxMGItCnINE&list=PL43479EFA44AA82B6 # 1 UNSW RCS PMQ July 2014

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Joint Health Education Facility The JHEF building is on track to be completed by early December 2014. This new facility will house Phase 1 of the UNSW medical curriculum. Providing the full six-year program in one

location in regional Australia. The JHEF will also provide new allied health courses to be delivered by Mid North Coast TAFE.

This project is supported by the Australian Government through the Education Investment Fund.

New Staff We would like to welcome Leanne Bryant – to the campus. Leanne joins the MEDiSIM Port Macquarie Team this year. Leanne is a Registered Nurse with experience in emergency medicine. We are happy to have her on the MEDiSIM team.

Research The UNSW Rural Clinical School recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Mid North Coast Local Health District and other partners to form a research collaboration to foster research opportunities for interested clinicians across all health disciplines on the mid North coast.

Community The Port Macquarie campus was pleased to be invited to be part of the MidNorth Coast Local Health District Health Expo held at Port Macquarie Panthers showing health innovations across the Mid North Coast Local Health District.

High School Information Day was held on 17th June. It is The Gut Foundation, the UNSW Rural Clinical School and the Hastings McCleay GP Network are collaborating on a project to investigate the efficacy of occult blood screening for colonic carcinoma from the perspective of the primary care doctors. To the administrative staff who keep the school running smoothly; to the medical and allied health staff who generously give of their time and expertise; and to all others who have added to the success of the Rural Clinical School — Many thanks, Dr Alexander “Sandy” McColl B.A., B.Sc. (P.T. - Hons), M.D., C.C.F.P., F.R.A.C.G.P., F.A.C.P. Head of Campus Phone 6580 7511 a.mccoll@unsw.edu.au

UNSW Rural Clinical School, Port Macquarie Campus The University of New South Wales, 26 Highfields Circuit , P.O. Box 5596 Port Macquarie NSW 2444 Phone: 02 6580 7511 Fax: 02 6580 7500 http://rcs.med.unsw.edu.au/

# 2 UNSW RCS PMQ July 2014

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