Volunteering For the MDGs in Bangladesh

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Volunteering For the MDGs in Bangladesh United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme in Bangladesh


ABOUT UNV The United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme is the

In most cultures volunteerism is deeply embedded

UN organization that promotes volunteerism to support

in long-established, ancient traditions of sharing and

peace and development worldwide.

support within the communities. In this context, UN

Volunteerism can transform the pace and nature of

Volunteers take part in various forms of volunteerism

development and it benefits both society at large and

and play a role in development and peace together with

the individual volunteer. UNV contributes to peace and

co-workers, host agencies and local communities.

development by advocating for volunteerism globally,

UN Volunteers in Bangladesh support various UN

encouraging partners to integrate volunteerism into

agencies in their projects and contribute to development

development programming, and mobilizing volunteers.

through volunteerism.






We recognize that volunteering benefits both society at

realizing the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)

large and the individual volunteer and we recognize that

and in building social cohesion, mutual understanding

volunteering contributes to human development and

and the achievement of community-centred goals.

human rights as much as to the personal development

We invest in enabling the environment for citizen

of the individual volunteer.

engagement: the development of volunteering policies

We value volunteering as an opportunity for people

and supportive legislation; in volunteer management

to connect, engage, and discover joint solutions. And

and support; in measuring the impact of volunteering;

we purposefully create opportunities for volunteer

and in knowledge building and knowledge sharing about

participation. We engage the will, the positive energy

volunteering and what it can achieve.

and the innovation of millions of people towards

08 MDG 1 : Eradicate Extreme Poverty and Hunger


22 MDG 5 : Improve Maternal Health

Bangladesh Midwife Society team

SAJAL ROY Jege Otho Foundation 12 MDG 2 : Achieve Universal Primary Education


24 MDG 6 : Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria and Other Diseases


SOHANA MAHJABIN JAAGO Foundation 16 MDG 3 : Promote Gender Equality

and Empower Women RANGABI TANCHANGYA UN Volunteer

26 MDG 7 : Ensure Environmental Sustainability

LUKAS FIECHTER UN Volunteer SHARMIN BULBUL LITA Noazeshs Knowledge Center

ROWSHON AKHTER URMEE Brave Men Campaign 20 MDG 4 : Reduce Child Mortality

MINJOON KIM UN Volunteer Cover photo: Rangabi and her colleagues participated in the Women Day Celebration Programme. (photographer unknown, 2012)

02 About United Nations Volunteers programme

30 MDG 8 : A Global Partnership for Development

MEREL FUCHS UN Volunteer MOHAMMAD MAMUN MIA United Nations Youth and Students Association of Bangladesh (UNYSAB)



Neal Walker, UN Resident Coordinator in Bangladesh

Miriam Ebner, UNV Bangladesh Programme Officer

Since 1985, on the 5th of December every year, the

dedicate their life to reducing maternal mortality. The

As the year 2015 is coming closer, the world is gearing

This booklet highlights the contributions of volunteers

United Nations celebrates volunteerism, and the

commitment of volunteers exemplified in these stories

up to accelerate the achievements of the Millennium

towards the achievement of the MDGs and their

contributions of volunteers to societies across the

gives us pause to think of the contribution volunteers

Development Goals. Even though Bangladesh has

personal motivation. Also, it shows what change can

world. Volunteerism takes many different forms and

make to building this country.

already reached some of the goals, there are still

occur because of an individual’s decision. Of course

areas in which there is a long way to go. In the past

these stories only exemplify the many ways in which


volunteers come from many different backgrounds.


Volunteers are remarkable to dedicate one of our most

The United Nations in Bangladesh is committed to

years, many different approaches have been taken

volunteers contribute to positive and sustainable change

valuable resources: time. Often this is done for little to

supporting volunteerism, and we hope this publication

and volunteering emerged as one important way of

in Bangladesh. Some are directly linked to the MDGs,

no pay and often without due recognition. This year we

not only encourages a broad debate on how

engaging communities and getting people involved in

e.g. the story of the Bangladesh Midwifery Society, while

not only celebrate and recognise volunteerism in all of

volunteerism can be integrated into national policies, but

development processes. Realities and values do not

others are rather indirectly contributing to the MDGs,

its facets, but pay special tribute to the contribution of

also serves as inspiration for readers to be the change

change only because of policies, but because people

e.g. Sajal’s idea to create a game school for children.

young volunteers in global peace and development.

they want to see in the world.

actively transform their community, get involved and

The stories also remind us that sometimes it is the small

For International Volunteers Day 2013, we celebrate

address social, economic, environmental and political

changes that really make a difference and affect the

the role of young people as agents of change in their


lives of people.

communities. Thus, when talking about the MDGs and the many

All of the stories show how (inter)national UN Volunteers

In Bangladesh over 16 million people volunteer

positive changes that occurred in the last decade in

and dedicated volunteers from civil society organizations

annually. This booklet aims to highlight how UN

Bangladesh, we should not forget that it is people who

change their world step by step and thus significantly

Volunteers, along with other civic-minded individuals

change their world. To achieve these fundamental,

contribute to the attainment of the MDGs.

from various organisations in Bangladesh, contribute to

but ambitious development goals it requires much

How some of our volunteers contributed to the MDGs is

the achievement of the Millenium Development Goals.

more than the involvement of governments and the

wonderfully described in the following.

All of the featured stories provide a personal dimension

international community. The knowledge, solidarity and

to each of the volunteers, highlighting their motivations,

creativity of millions of people through voluntary action

and also elaborating on the important work they

has a major influence on the extent to which the MDGs

undertake. There are a diversity of volunteer pathways;

are attained and sustained.

some volunteer to increase the literacy rate and others

04 Foreword and Introduction

Description and progress of the MDGs in Bangladesh



chieve Universal Primary Education

Significant progress has been made in increasing equitable access in education (girls: 99.4 percent, boys: 97.2 percent), reduction of dropouts, improvement in completion of the cycle, and implementation of a number of quality enhancement measures in primary education. The

radicate Extreme Poverty and Hunger

challenges under MDG2 include attaining the targets of primary education completion rate and the adult literacy rate. A large part of children

Bangladesh has made great progress in respect of eradicating poverty and hunger. The MDG

with disabilities are still not integrated in the schooling system. Also, the quality of education in all school levels remains a challenge.


target of halving the percentage of the population living below the poverty line has already been achieved in 2012. However, ensuring employment for all remains a major challenge: the high

romote Gender Equality and Empower Women

unemployment and underemployment rate of young people between 15 to 24 years of age as well as the low economic participation of women still have to be adequatly addressed. Attaining food

Bangladesh has made significant progress in this goal due to some specific public

security and nutritional wellbeing still remains a challenge.

interventions focusing on girl students, such as stipends and exemption of tuition fees for girls in rural areas. However, wage employment for women in Bangladesh


is still low: Only one woman out of every five is engaged in wage employment in the non-agricultural sector.

educe Child Mortality

Bangladesh has already met the target of reducing the under-five mortality rate and the target of reducing the infant mortality rate is also on track. This has been achieved through successful programmes for immunization, control of diarroeal diseases and Vitamin A supplementation. However, while the mortality rates have improved, major inequalities among the population still need to be addressed. Also childhood injuries, especially drowning, have emerged as a considerable public health problem as they are responsibe for one quarter of the deaths of children under 5 years of age.



mprove Maternal Health

Bangladesh is on track to achieve this MDG and to create a safe environment for pregnant women and during child birth: The Bangladesh Maternal Mortality survey shows that the maternal mortality rate has consistently declined during

The proportion of Overseas Development Assistance (ODA) to GDP declined in the last ten years, from the level of 5.6 percent to 2.2 percent. Total ODA disbursement in MDG sectors like education, health, social welfare, labour, public administration and social infrastructure received


ombat HIV/AIDS, Malaria and Other Diseases

Bangladesh has performed well in halting communicable diseases

the past decades. While in 1990 the maternal mortality ratio

under this goal. There was a significant improvement in the reduction of

was 574 per 100,000 live births, in 2010 the ratio was 194.

malarial deaths in the country over the years.

06 Descriprion and Progress of the MDGs in Bangladesh

Global Partnership for Development


increasing attention.

nsure Environmental Sustainability

Significant progress has been made in enabling access to safe drinking water and sanitary latrines. However, access to safe water for all is a challenge, as arsenic and salinity intrusion as a consequence of climate change fall out will exacerbate availability of safe water especially for the poor. Maintaining wetlands and biodiversity is also still a challenge in Bangladesh. ,,,,, For more information please read the MDG progress report 2012, published by the United Nations in Bangladesh


VOLUNTEERING FOR REFUGEES The Millennium Development Goals aim at addressing the needs of the poorest and most vulnerable people in the world. Refugees are one of the most vulnerable groups: they left their home and fled to another country not because they wanted to, but because they were compelled to. Often refugees are discriminated against and restricted in their movement and basic rights. Jahangir Chowdhury is working with UNHCR to improve the life of the inhabitants of the two refugee camps around Cox’s Bazar.


here are about thirty thousand Muslim refugees

Coming from Cox’s Bazar, I knew about the difficult

from Myanmar residing in two official camps named

situation Rohingyas have been facing for a long time. I

Kutupalong and Nayapara refugee camp in Cox’s Bazar

felt compelled to contribute to the well-being of refugees

district. The situation of refugees in Cox’s Bazar is

in Bangladesh and started working with UNHCR in

difficult: many are not registered and reside outside the

2005. Since 2010, I have been working as a national

camp without legal protection from arrest and abuse.

UN Volunteer with UNHCR. As a Field Assistant, I am

Also the refugees living in the official camps face difficult

entrusted in providing assistance to refugees in Cox's

living conditions. Some families have lived in the camps

Bazar. I interview refugee families/individuals, register

for more than 20 years. Three generations on, the

newborns, update personal bio-data in refugee data

people still live in overcrowded shelters and require food

bases and verify information concerning the camp

assistance as they are not allowed to work or go outside

population. Since UNHCR only has the mandate to work

the camps. In search of a better future, some risk their

with registered refugees living in two official camps, it

lives on high sea to find a place they can call safe

is important that refugees are registered. In order to

haven, a place where they can live a self-dependent

advocate for refugee rights at the national, regional and

in the area of tailoring, soap making, carpentry and

life. All the refugees belong to an ethnic group that is

global level, it is essential that the information available

basic electrical training. These activities enable refugees

discriminated against in Myanmar, called Rohingya.

on the situation of refugees is accurate and verified.

to gain skills and means of leading a more self-reliant

In Myanmar, the Rohingya community faces various

Thus, I believe that my work contributes to ensuring the

life. The programme prioritizes refugee women and girls,

administrative barriers and are often deprived of human

rights of refugees and improving their living conditions.

who are particularly vulnerable to sexual and physical

rights. They face restriction to marry, traveling beyond

UNHCR has different assistance programmes for

attacks. Apart from providing basic living assistance

their village, forced labor, building religious structures.

refugees, such as, health

to the refugees, UNHCR gives psychological support

Thus, as an ethnic and religious minority, Rohingyas

nutrition, sanitation, education;

to refugees who survived sexual and gender based

are trapped between severe repression and abuse in

skill development. We encourage


their homeland. In the past decades, Bangladesh has

refugees to gain economic

Through my volunteer service, I want to raise awareness

hosted hundreds of thousands of Rohingyas fleeing

independence through provision

for the situation of refugees in Bangladesh and


of income generating programmes

contribute to protecting refugee rights

08 Volunteer story: Md. Jahangir Kabir Chowdhury, UN Volunteer

Jahangir is registering a family for register refugee's identification.

Md. Jahangir Kabir Chowdhury: He was born and grew up in Cox's Bazar, where he was directly confronted with the difficult living conditions of refugees from Myanmar. His motivation to support the often discriminated against Rohigya community led him to join UNHCR in 2005 where he supported the mass verification of refugee families. Later on, he joined as a national UN Volunteer and enjoys volunteering for refugees.


A PLACE TO BE A CHILD Since its establishment, Jege Otho Foundation fully relies on committed volunteers to plan and implement projects several days a week in schools, public spaces and the Jege Otho training center. All activities aim to create an enabling environment for children and young people to enhance their socioeconomic opportunities as well as live a healthy and happy life. More than 70 young people volunteer for Jege Otho and try to improve the lives of deprived and disenfranshised children.


y name is Sajal Roy (24), and I am the coordinator

discussing with my colleagues about the situation of

of PATSHALA with Jege Otho Foundation. I

children from very poor backgrounds in Jessore, I

have been volunteering since 2009 on anti-drug and

decided to open a game school where children could

adolescent education awareness campaigns, as well as

come and play football, cricket, and traditional games. A

a tree planting activity. As a result of these experiences,

small group of volunteers started the game school using

I started to particularly think about ways to improve

the MME college ground.

education for underprivileged children. Every child is welcome to join. It is a space where PATSHALA is the name of a game school in Jessore.

children have the time to play and chat with their friends.

It is a place where children and youths can come

We believe that through exercise and the experience

together to develop life skills in an informal setting. In

of a safe space, they will develop mentally as well as

our community, many underprivileged children live next

physically. More importantly, they can discuss issues

to the railroad tracks in harsh conditions. Their families

and communicate with volunteers. We try to be role

are poor and many parents work as rickshaw pullers,

models for them and give support and advice to the

hawkers or caretakers. In order to earn additional


and youths to be active citizens and contribute to the

income, some are involved in illegal activities, such as

I believe this school has positively affected this

improvement of social health of the community. After

smuggling or trading drugs. Sometimes 5- or 6-year-old

community. Local people are being inspired - some of

one year of PATSHALA, I got some miraculous feedback

children have to carry drugs to earn small amounts of

the college students joined our programme and now

from children that used to carry drugs: Now many of

money for their families.

also volunteer for their community.

them are motivated to improve their life and believe in

PATSHALA's children are playing a game with volunteers from Jege Otho Foundation. (Merel Fuchs, 2013)

a better future. I am really happy to have contributed to

Due to poverty and the lack of games and playgrounds, children cannot afford to play. I always felt sad when

Even though we do not directly

the development of children through this school.

thinking about it, especially because I believe that

reduce poverty by for example

PATSHALA united volunteers in a way that built social

children’s soft mentality is easily affected by antisocial

distributing food items, I think our

recognition and dignity. These active citizens now

influences when living in a negative environment. I

work contributes in many ways to

contribute to making Jessore a more fair and poverty-

somehow needed to change their environment. After

society. We encourage children

free society

10 Volunteer story: Sajal Roy, Jege Otho Foundation

Sajal Roy : Since five years, Sajal supports community development as a member of Jege Otho Foundation. His aim is to show that volunteerism can change society in many ways.Sajal says "I can only raise one voice but together we can make a peaceful world."


TAKING JOINT ACTION ON EDUCATION Bangladesh has shown significant improvement in providing access to education for children. Now, 98% of all children are enrolled in primary school, showing that parents are willing to give an education to boys and girls. Daina Chakma, who has volunteered in the Chittagong Hill Tracts, believes that education is key for a people's development. Her story shows how the promotion of education can unite a community and encourage all members of society to take an active role in shaping their environment.


olunteering is generally considered an altruistic

field visits. Since I have been involved in the planning,

act intended to promote good or improved human

management and implementation of the project

quality of life. In return, this activity can produce a

activities, I of course also visited the households around

feeling of self-worth and respect. I want to work for

community schools. During my visits to schools and

my community, society and vulnerable people, and I

meetings with community people I tried to motivate

think volunteerism is the best way to support people in

and encourage school management committees and

achieving their desire for a better life. It is my privilege

mother's groups to volunteer for their community.

and pleasure to being a volunteer. In a nutshell, the idea of community schools is that I joined the UNDP Chittagong Hill Tracts Development

members of the community support the running of

Facility (CHTDF) in December 2009 as a national

their schools. As part of our activities, we national

UN volunteer. As an Education Assistant I am part of

volunteers had taken the initiatives to spread the spirit

the education cluster, which seeks to put systems in

of volunteerism at different levels of society. When they

place to promote and sustain access to quality primary

caught the spirit of volunteerism they became motivated

education in the CHT. We encourage communities to

and committed to contribute to the community and

take an active role and promote community initiatives

schools in whatever way they could. Many joined in the

to establish and manage primary schools. During my

renovation of construction of schools by providing free

voluntary service I have worked with communities and

labor and local materials like bamboo and wood as well

supported them in improving the delivery of quality

as allowing teachers free lodging.

education. Often it is a lack of knowledge that During my time as UN Volunteer, I have had the

encourages youths to get involved

opportunity to take part in different trainings, meetings,

in anti-social activities. To address

workshops on education and have undertaken many

this, we conducted trainings on

Children are holding their text books in Rajasthali Upzila, Rangamati. (Daina Chakma)

Daina Chakma: a number of social issues, for example on the negative

born in the Chittagong Hill Tracts, her hometown is in Rangamati

societal effects of gender discrimination and bullying.

district. After working for social change in her district, she became

Together with students we had long discussions on

a national UN Volunteer in 2009. She has volunteered in the UNDP

drugs and mobile crimes.

Chittagong Hill Tracts Development Facility and supported the educational

I strongly believe that it is only education through which

cluster as an education assistant.

human beings can attain the maximum level of dignity,

Her passion for social development

self-reliance and unleash their potentials. In short,

motivates her to work in communities.

education helps one to be a complete human being 

She wants to contribute to changing their lives through the promotion of quality education.

12 Volunteer story: Daina Chakma, UN Volunteer


VOLUNTEERING FOR QUALITY EDUCATION Even though the MDG regarding the achievement of universal primary education has nearly been reached, the quality of education in Bangladesh varies greatly between schools and regions. JAAGO foundation is a youth-led organisation aiming to ensure quality education for deprived children with poor economic background. In 2007, volunteers founded a free-of-cost school in the slum area of Rayer Bazar using an internationally recognized curricula.


hen I was seven years old, I suddenly realized

the 10,000 volunteers affiliated with the organization,

that our house help couldn’t read nor write.

are the foundation of our work. As part of the research

Even as a child I realized how poorly life had treated

team, I am developing a standard combined curriculum

her and I felt that it was unfair. So together with my

based on the government’s curriculum. There are

mother, I started teaching her the Bangla alphabet.

three separate education systems within Bangladesh:

Nowadays, I work for JAAGO foundation. Started by

english medium schools, which are internationally

a small group of volunteers in 2007, it now runs eight

recognized and comparatively expensive, but ensure

schools in Bangladesh. JAAGO’s main objective is

relative advantages on the job market; Bangla medium

to create a better society for the next generation – a

schools with excellent curriculum but one that does not

society free of exploitation, discrimination and violence,

necessarily guarantee a place in the job market; and

which achieves its highest potential. JAAGO aspires

Madrassas, religious schools or colleges for the study of

the research team we are now working on integrating

to bring about substantial improvements in the lives of

Islamic religion.

the national curriculum into our schooling to enable kids

disadvantaged people, with special emphasis on literacy

Students of JAAGO Foundation (Shun Hatano, 2013)

to go to a English Medium school and at the same time

Sohana Mahjabin:

and nourishment. The organization focuses its outreach

JAAGO decided to provide english medium education

learn about their culture and country's history.

She spent her childhood in Jessore, a district in the south-

on serving as many children as possible with quality

to increase employment opportunities for its students.

I believe that volunteering is about touching a life. Each

education by offering free access to education in eight

Through targeted teacher training and online schooling,

west of Bangladesh. After graduating from school, she came

time a child gives me a high five or shares the cake

english-medium schools throughout the country.

students in remote areas are connected to highly

she has just bought, it brings me great satisfaction and

to Dhaka to study International Relations with the aim of

qualified teachers. The problem with the educational


working in the development sector. Sohana has volunteered for many years and believes that access to quality education

Quality education requires sufficient investment of

system we were applying was that it did not endorse

time, qualified teachers to ensure that the delivery of

national history, culture or moral

children, I still feel closely connected to the students

information is child-friendly and the implementation of

values. This risked the birth of a

and hope that my work contributes to enhancing their

children. She is currently enrolled

strong curricula.

cohort of people stranded from

chances for a better life. Currently, I’m planning to work

in a Development Studies Master

Many volunteers support the work of JAAGO foundation

not only their national values, but

for children living with disabilities and want to improve


and even though JAAGO now also has paid staff

also their families, who often had

their access to education, for example by building

members, the volunteer spirit of its founders as well as

little educational background. In

infrastructure that is disability-friendly

14 Volunteer story: Sohana Mahjabin, JAAGO Foundation

Even though now I am no longer directly working with

is key for the development of


RAISE AWARENESS ON GENDER ISSUES In the past years the government of Bangladesh has rolled out several programmes to promote gender equality and empower women. Through stipend programmes for girls and other public interventions such as the exemption of tuition fees for girls, the enrollment rate of girls in schools has increased significantly. Even though now more women sit in parliament than ever before, there are still challenges that need to be addressed to ensure gender equality.


h e C h i t t a g o n g H i l l Tr a c t s a r e o n e t h i r d o f

and Women Empowerment”. Our aim is to ensure

Bangladesh in terms of size. About 15 million

that gender as a cross cutting issue is thought of

people live in this region and it is a home to 11 different

and included in every activity, policy and program of

ethnic groups with distinct cultures, customs, beliefs

the CHTDF project. Moreover, we organise different

and rituals. The simple life of many people living in

activities to create awareness among a wider public on

the Chittagong Hill Tracts has been disrupted by the

issues such as gender discrimination, violence against

unstable political situation. The signing of the CHT

women or rape. I have worked in the gender cluster

Peace Accord in 1997 created the space and option for

for around four years as a volunteer and have gained

development programmes to operate in the Hill tracts:

many new experiences and learned different skills to

the Chittagong Hill Tracts Development Facility (CHTDF)

ensure that gender as a social category is included

project of UNDP is one of the biggest interventions and

in all CHTDF activities. Recently we trained female

works in close collaboration with government actors,

leaders on conflict transformation and peace keeping.

local authorities and non-governmental organisations.

These women are now working as mediators in their

Rangabi and her colleagues conducted "International Women Day Celebration Programme - 2012".

workplace and society and act as role models to foster

community level and in the Chittagong Hill Tracts. As

Through the CHTDF project different initiatives have

peace and solve conflicts. Since we are working with

Rangabi Tanchangya:

a team, we support campaigns against gender based

been undertaken to ensure basic services to the hard

women groups and local leaders on village level as well

She started to work as a national UN Volunteer in December 2009

violence (GBV) and distribute information to promote

to reach population and to strengthen the communities

as policy makers, civil society activists, NGO workers on

and supported the UNDP Chittagong Hill Tracts Development Facility

gender equality. Our ultimate objective is to promote and

through a multitude of different interventions such

national level the work is very diverse and interesting.

as a gender specialist until July 2013. She has been a dedicated

ensure women’s active participation in current practice of

women's rights activist since the 1990s and is now working as a

social arbitration processes (shalish) and ensure justice

Mediation Officer for BLAST, a legal

as good governance, community empowerment, confidence building and advocacy for full implementation

I believe that my efforts have

for marginalized people.

of the peace accord. Inherent to all of these projects is a

contributed to making the

service organization, in Rangamati

Due to our work, communities living in the remote

strong gender sensitivity, which focuses on the inclusion

project more gender sensitive.


parts of the Chittagong Hill Tracts are now informed on

of women and men.

Furthermore, I have contributed to

women’s rights, which especially empowers local women

As a national UN Volunteer I was working in the gender

raise awareness on gender issues

and gives them more self-confidence to work as allies to

cluster, which mainly focused on “Gender Equity

and women’s empowerment on

protect and promote their rights

16 Volunteer story: Rangabi Tanchangya, UN Volunteer


A JOURNEY TOWARDS GENDER EQUALITY Violence against women is a critical issue in Bangladesh. The youth-led Brave Men campaign aims at raising awareness on the issue by addressing school-age boy's concept of masculinity. Through this, the group of university students wants to encourage boys and young men to reflect on gender stereotypes in Bangladesh and say "NO" to violence against women.


have always been interested in gender issues,

reproductive health and adolescence. For many boys

because I believe that gender affects everyone and

our training is an eye-opener: they suddenly realize how

influences many things in life. In Bangladesh, boys are

important women are in their life and that it is not fair

socialized in a way that reinforces gender discrimination:

to treat women badly. All of the students agreed that

To show bravery, can mean to tease women and make

their mothers’ work and responsibilities are not easy

derogatory comments about members of the opposite

and started supporting their mothers by contributing to

gender. Boys who gossip and treat women in a bad way

housework. Most want to protect women from any sort

get appreciated by their friends. The social recognition

of violence after realizing that gender-based violence

of discrimination against girls and women allows boys to

might also affect their sisters or female friends.

behave that way. They have no incentive to change their behavior or even question these roles. So if we want to

I still remember one student from Mohammadpur, who

create a more equal and gender sensitive society, we

said before participating in our workshops that he had

need to target young men and boys.

believed that if a woman is being sexually harassed it

Urmee and her colleagues conducting the training session at ULAB school.

is because of her improper dressing and thus her own After graduating, eight friends of mine and I decided

fault. At the end of the sessions he admitted that it’s

to go to boy schools to hold workshops on gender

not the dresses, but rather the mentality of boys. He

From my perspective, I really feel proud of our

issues called "Protyabartan" with the students. During

realized that boys have to come forward to change this

achievements so far. I want to contribute to changing

the first workshops in November 2012, our initiative

mentality. Some students even formed groups in their

Bangladeshi society and feel that it is our social and

became known as the Brave Men campaign. Brave

neighborhoods to raise awareness on VAW through

personal responsibility as youth to protest against any

Men Campaign is a youth movement which aims at

posters, to protest against eve-

kind of discrimination.

deconstructing the concept of bravery among boys.

teasing and to discuss gender

In two-month long regular workshops and trainings,

stereotypes and their negative

If more young people join our campaign, we could do

effects with their friends.

even more. I hope that our idea can change the world,

boys have the opportunity to discuss and learn about

can motivate people to work towards justice – even if

the concept of gender, gender roles, division of labour,

only a little bit

18 Volunteer story: Rowshon Akhter Urmee, Brave Men Campaign

Rowshon Akhter Urmee: Urmee studied Women and Gender studies at Dhaka University, where she met like-minded people, who wanted to do something about existing gender roles. Together with her friends she decided to develop and facilitate workshops on gender and stereotypes in schools. The Brave Men campaign is a social movement that encourages young people to stand up against gender discrimination and violence against women.

promise Renewed to End Preventable Child Deaths by

Minjoon Kim:

2035” and committed to reducing U5MR to 20. Had it not

Hailing from Seoul, South Korea, Minjoon has been a UN Volunteer,

been for the contribution of dedicated volunteers, such

assigned to UNICEF Bangladesh country office since September

Bangladesh has already met the MDGs of reducing child mortality: in 2011 the infant mortality rate was already below the set target of 48 per 1000 live births. However, as neonatal deaths contribute to 60 percent of under-five mortality, challenges remain. Minjoon Kim, supporting UNICEF as an international UN Volunteer, is part of a team that gives trainings and support to hospitals and community workers on newborn care practices in Tangail district.

progress would have not been possible, let alone the

2012. Having a medical background,

government’s new commitment.

he works for a Maternal, Newborn and



n order to reduce the neonatal mortality rate in

more accurate picture of how many sick pregnant

Bangladesh, UNICEF has been providing technical

women and newborns are left unheeded in remote

assistance to their government counterparts,

areas. In order to ensure proper usage of the tool, I

implementing NGOs, facility managers and community

conducted trainings with the community health workers

health workers. I am working for UNICEF in Bangladesh

and explained the importance of accurate data to

a s a n i n t e r n a t i o n a l U N Vo l u n t e e r. M y p r o j e c t

them. It was really interesting to get their feedback and

encompasses a wide range of activities in maternal and

discuss with them the further steps of our project. At the

newborn healthcare, such as counseling sessions on

same time my contributions and technical expertise will

skilled births, birth preparedness and dangerous signs

enhance the capacity of government and NGO workers.

of a difficult pregnancy. I have worked with a number of volunteers, ranging When I first arrived in Bangladesh, I was nervous: Did

from national community health volunteers to

I have the necessary skills? Of course I had worked as

international volunteers. Regardless of the programmes

a surgeon before, but here I would have an advisory

they were engaged in or their profession, they have

role. Since that day I have been on many field visits and

driven evidence-based interventions aimed at reducing

have grown confident in my work. The new, multicultural

maternal and neonatal mortality rates.

environment and unfamiliar tasks have challenged me and enabled me to learn a great deal. Now, I can act

Bangladesh is globally acknowledged with its

and move the project forward at critical times.

achievement in reducing its under-5 mortality rate (U5MR). Many people have

I took the bull by the horns; after learning from my

actively contributed to this

supervisor and studying existing principles, I conducted

success with strong government

workshops and supported NGOs to create something

support. In July 2013, the Ministry

new. For example, I developed a field level monitoring

of Health and Family Welfare

tool with an implementing partner that will give us a

launched its new initiative “A

20 Volunteer story: Minjoon Kim, UN Volunteer

Child health programme as a technical

All the activities in the programme hinge on volunteerism,

officer for MIS and M&E. He has worked

from volunteers and professionals in rural communities

as KOICA volunteer as a surgeon in

to central government bodies and UN agencies. Though

Addis Ababa from 2008 to 2011. After

it would be hard to pin down exactly how much I have

that, he had worked at a free clinic for

been contributing to health programmes focusing on

the marginalized in Seoul as a clinician and chief medical mission

women and children in Bangladesh, I am convinced that

organizer until he came to Dhaka.

my calling is here. I encourage talented and passionate youth do the same Minjoon is partcipating in a SWOT analysis session with colleagues during a UNICEF Health section retreat workshop.



The volunteer-based Bangladesh Midwifery Society (BMS) plays an essential role in addressing the high maternal mortality rate found in Bangladesh. In recent years several Government initiatives have laid the foundation for a new profession: midwifery. The dedicated members of the BMS promote midwifery and ensure the quality of education in the different midwifery training centers. Through their activities they greatly contribute to improving maternal health.


esmin, Farida and Halima dedicate their time and

to participate in a Six Month Post Basic Certificate in

energy to promoting midwifery in Bangladesh.

Midwifery course. This initiative provided the opportunity

They are part of a group of midwives that founded a

for Farida, Halima and Jesmin to participate in a Master

society that educates midwives and advocates for their

Trainer Course on Midwifery, where they met. During the

profession in Bangladesh. During their nursing training

training, the participants decided to form the Bangladesh

they witnessed a high maternal mortality rate and the

Midwifery Society (BMS) to support the newly certified

suffering of women in labour: In 1990, 574 women died

midwives who were emerging in the field.

per 100.000 live births, making childbirth dangerous. Since its foundation, the number of members of the Jesmin, who gave birth to a stillborn child and suffered

BMS has increased significantly from 24 midwives

severe complications during labour due to lack of

in 2010 to 770 midwives in 2013, spread all over the

professional assistance, decided to do something about

country. All members volunteer to contribute to the

the high mortality rate of mothers and children. Although

society. Farida, Jesmin and Halima are members of the

pregnant women and newborns. Midwives not only

she wanted to work in the labour ward, she realized that

board and dedicate their time and energy to organising

support women during labour, but also advise and assist

there were hardly any training possibilities and that the

activities. They write project proposals, educate

women in the pre- and postnatal phases of childbirth.

rotational system within hospitals made it difficult for

midwives, advocate for maternal and child health and

Halima, president of the BMS, emphasized that although

nurses to gain and maintain their skills in midwifery.

work with stakeholders to share information. Bangladesh

the maternal mortality rate has drastically reduced, there

has reached the MDGs on reduction of maternal and

are still challenges that need to be overcome to ensure

Due to the influence of the MDGs, in 2010 the Prime

child mortality because of dedicated women like Halima,

that no birth is unattended, such as decreasing the

Minister made a commitment at the UN General

Jesmin and Farida, who learned

wide gap between the supply and demand of qualified

Assembly to employ 3000 certified midwives by 2015.

skills through international and

midwives by increasing government initiatives. The

Through this initiative midwifery as a profession has

national educational programmes

motivation and dedication of Farida, Jesmin and Halima

been promoted in two ways: a curriculum was developed

and who now promote a

showcases the willingness of women to take action and

for a three year direct entry Diploma in Midwifery

profession that directly contributes

responsibility to improve maternal and child health in

programme and nurses now have the opportunity

to reducing mortality rates of


22 Volunteer story: Midwife Society Bangladesh

Caption of Midwife Society's photo Halima is conducting a training for new midwives. (Michaela Michel-Schuldt,2013)

Bangladesh Midwifery Society : This organization was founded in August 2010 by 24 members who were all part of the first batch of the newly introduced 6 months postbasic certificate in Midwifery programme for nurse-midwives. The government of Bangladesh initiated this programme to scale up nursing as a first step in meeting the need to reduce maternal and neonatal mortality. - Story written by Merel Fuchs


A VOLUNTEER DOCTOR A healthy life is important to everyone. Sharif Ahmed Kaukab, an international UN Volunteer is serving as UN Physician in Dhaka. He mainly treats UN staff and their families and thus plays a vital role in the well-being of thousands of people. Apart from that he is passionate about impro\ving public health: having worked in countries all over the globe, he knows how important it is to combat HIV/Aids , Malaria or other public health diseases.


hen I was serving as a Missionary Medical

As doctors we strive to ensure a healthy society – a

Officer in ANJ Mission Hospital in Mile-91, Sierra

society without HIV/Aids, without Malaria. Even though

Leone, in 1988, I had a patient who was a UN Volunteer

most of my tasks nowadays are treating sick and ill

Agriculturist. He was based in Mile-91 town and needed

people, I also try to be active in preventing the spread

some treatment during which he introduced me to UNV

of these deadly illnesses. During my years as a doctor,

and motivated me to join the roster of UNV. My contract

I have seen many patients with HIV and know how

with the mission hospital expired in October 1988 and

devastating this infection is for the patient and his or

that was when I joined UNV in Sierra Leone. Since then

her family, how many people have died because of

I have been working as an international UN Volunteer

Aids or Malaria. Because of these experiences, I find

in many different countries, for example Nigeria and

it important to also work preventively: I give lectures


to communities on how to reduce the risk of getting infected with HIV and malaria.

Currently I am serving in Dhaka, as UN Physician and provide consultation and treatment to all UN staff

Many people only have superficial knowledge of these

members of all age groups and their families. Our staff

diseases – it is important to spread information on HIV,

dispensary is very small, so most of the time I refer

Malaria and other diseases to ensure that people know

patients to specialized hospitals for follow-up treatment.

how to prevent these illnesses and also how to live with

Nevertheless, I provide full medical support in all

them. To me shared knowledge is key in addressing

medical issues to patients and find it important to reach

these global public health issues: people have to know

a definitive diagnosis quickly to enable speedy recovery.

that sleeping under an insecticide-

The motto of my life is to ensure that people receive

treated bet net reduces the

a right diagnosis and prompt treatment leading to fast

infection rate of Malaria and can

recovery. It gives me real happiness if I can help my

safe lives, they also need to

patients and make sure they feel better.

understand that prejudices against

24 Volunteer story: Sharif Kaukab, UN Volunteer

people living with HIV/Aids do not

Sharif Kaukab checking the blood pressure of a patient in the UN dispensary. (Shun Hatano, 2013)

Sharif Ahmed Kaukab: Sharif was born in Jhang, Pakistan. After he graduated from medical college in Pakistan, he worked as a doctor in various countries such as Ghana, Sierra Leone, Germany and Nigeria. In February 2012 he started his international UN Volunteer

help in fighting this deadly infection – an open and proactive approach is essential to stop the spread of HIV: access to treatment and a non-discriminatory way of engaging with HIV-infected people build an important basis for preventative methods to be fruitful

service as Medical Officer of the United Nations in Bangladesh.



Scouts for its long-standing experience in sending

Lukas Fiechter:

volunteers to help in disaster situations. Volunteerism is

Lukas has joined UNDP Bangladesh in February 2014 as a UN

People all over the country have realized that they have to be active in order to reduce the effects of natural hazards and environmental degradation – either by protecting and conserving nature or by building structures that can respond to natural disasters. Lukas Fiechter, UN Volunteer supporting the Early Recovery Facility of UNDP, is contributing to a more responsive and accessible coordination structure of volunteers working in disaster response.

deeply embedded in Bangladeshi tradition and culture.

Youth Volunteer. He has been working in the field of international

Hundreds of organizations are filled with people eager

cooperation with different organizations since concluding his

to spend their time for a better future, helping the most

studies of political science at the University of Berne, Switzerland

vulnerable people in their community.

in 2010. Lukas has been active in volunteerism for years as a board

To support this inspiring aspect of Bangladesh and to

member of an intercultural exchange

cultivate a more institutionalized disaster management

initiative in Switzerland and has gladly

systems in Bangladesh is a very rewarding task. The

accepted the opportunity to work as

angladesh is known to be one of the most

for key actors involved in early recovery and through

volunteer organizations are highly motivated and are

UN Youth Volunteer to further promote

vulnerable countries in the world due to climate

complementing the government’s efforts in addressing

always ready to contribute to the best of their abilities.

volunteerism around the world.

emergency response and early recovery.

These attributes of the volunteers I have met while



change and natural disasters. The low-lying country located in the delta of the three rivers Ganges,

working with ERF has encouraged me to continue to

Brahmaputra and Meghna, is honeycombed with

I work to build the capacity of key actors to respond

find venues to offer my own time and expertise as a

streams and rivers before the water masses flow into

to this challenge. This year, ERF has signed a letter


the Bay of Bengal. Thus, the level of exposure and

of agreement with Bangladesh Scouts, the largest

vulnerability to extreme events such as floods, cyclones

volunteer organization in the country, with an estimated

Lukas presenting during a Lessons Learnt workshop with the Bangladesh Scouts. (Tarik Islam, 2013)

and droughts is extremely high in many parts of

1.3 million members. The Scouts are active in disaster


response and support the government in a variety of tasks such as handing out relief items, identifying

I joined UNDP’s Early Recovery Facility in February

communities and people to help small infrastructure

2013 as a Volunteer Mobilization Officer. The Early

repairs. To better enable the Scouts to manage

Recovery Facility (ERF) was established by UNDP to

disasters, ERF provides training in emergency response

close the gap between relief and long-term recovery

and early recovery, first aid and search and rescue

after a natural disaster. ERF’s primary aim is to generate

operations. Furthermore, we are helping Bangladesh

self-sustaining, nationally owned resilient processes

Scouts to set up a web-based volunteer database to

for recovery, mainly through policy support to local

swiftly find available man power in case of a disaster.

and national recovery institutions, capacity building

Through these activities, Bangladesh Scouts and national recovery institutions

According to the Global Climate Risk index 2013 published by Germanwatch, Bangladesh has been identified the 4th most affected

are being strengthened, with the end result that Bangladesh

country by climate change in the period between 1992-2011. Hameling,

is better prepared to respond to

sven&David Eckstein(2013) : Global Climate Risk index 2013. Who suffers

natural disasters. ERF sought

most from extreme weather event? Weather-related loss events in 2011 and 1992 to 2011. Published by Germanwatch.

26 Volunteer story: Lukas Fiechter, UN Volunteer

a partnership with Bangladesh


ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION It is always good to start before it gets too late. Sharmin Bulbul Lita, a member of the Noazesh Knowledge Center focusing on the protection of the nature conservation, believes that youth play a crucial role in environmental protection issues since they have a bright future ahead of them. If more people are engaged in protecting the environment, the better results we achieve.


he Noazesh Knowledge Center (NKC) was

“Environment is important for all of us. If young people

founded in 2011 by the national NGO WildTeam,

understand the importance of the environment, they will

which focuses on the protection of the Bengal Tiger and

be working for environmental protection throughout their

nature conservation. The NKC provides information

life. For us it is also great to work with volunteers, since

on conservation and environmental issues to the

they are usually very motivated and are willing to learn

public and specifically to the 450 young members

and contribute more than others.�

from different socioeconomic backgrounds, who are interested in environmental protection. The center

Many young people see volunteering with WildTeam

offers environmentalists a space to learn more about

and NKC as an option to learn about flora and fauna

environmental challenges in Bangladesh: through

while contributing to nature conservation. Environmental

regular newsletters, campaigns and study trips or an

protection plays an essential role in tiger conservation

open library, the team of NKC reaches out to different

as well as climate change mitigation. Understanding the

groups of society to raise awareness on environmental

relevance of nature and environment for Bangladesh,

issues and to create an understanding for the

many young people feel encouraged to actively engage

connections between ecology, economy and socio-

in environmental protection through photo contests,

cultural structures.

environmental quizzes and trips into forests, wetlands, protected areas and coasts of Bangladesh organized by

Volunteers play a crucial role in the activities of the NKC:

WildTeam and the NKC.

The center, which has only two paid staff members relies on volunteers for many different activities such

In February 2013 WildTeam

as data collection or data entry, organizing events or

organized a Rickshaw Challenge

supporting logistics. Sharmin Bulbul Lita, who is in

to creatively spread the message

charge of NKC believes that it is important to give an

of natural protection throughout

opportunity to young people to experience nature and

the country. A group of five NKC

learn more about their environment:

volunteers helped to ensure that

28 Volunteer story: Sharmin Bulbul Lita, Noazesh Knowledge Center

Participants in the Rikshaw Challenge are preparing for another day of cycling through Bangladesh. (unknown, 2013)

the event ran smoothly and 20 international and national activists registered to ride a Rickshaw 450 kilometers from Teknaf to Chandpai and spread the message of

Sharmin Bulbul Lita: She studied Resourse & Environmental Management and dedicates

tiger conservation and environmental protection.

her time to environmental conservation. She worked as a Programme

Protecting the environment and reforestation are

Team of WildTeam and managed NKC

directly linked to reducing the effects of climate change. Volunteers aiming at stopping or possibly even reversing environmental degradation in Bangladesh thus directly contribute to reducing the threats of natural disasters on the livelihoods of people

Officer of the Communication, Education and Public Awareness volunteers, organized study trips and other activities of NKC. Now, she joined the Research and Monitoring Team of WildTeam and hopes to continue to work with volunteers.


MAKING YOUTH VOICES HEARD MDG 8, focusing on the need for a global partnership, deals with the development of a more open financial and trading system while simultaneously addressing the unique needs of least developed countries (LDCs). As this MDG aims to achieve change on a very high political level, it is difficult for most people to contribute directly. However, millions of people throughout the world contribute to development debates and through that, shape the global development discourse.


he United Nations has taken up the challenge

lack of equality in access to information, education,

to ensure that the next development framework,

employment, health facilities and basic rights. The term

comes out of a transparent and open global debate,

“climate inequality” was coined by some participants,

in which civil society organisations can share their

describing the unequal effects of global warming -

vision for post-2015. Since I arrived in Dhaka as a UN

where countries like Bangladesh face more negative

Youth Volunteer, I have tried to ensure the inclusion

effects than the biggest “contributors”. Their visionary

of youth voices in the national as well as the global

thinking clearly showed that they are not only looking at

debate. I believe that young people, who in the end will

their community, their region or their country, but rather

have to ensure that the next development goals are

aspire to a movement for global equality.

achieved, should lead in forming the agenda. 1.8 billion young people live in this world, and youth are playing

Apart from contributing to a global debate, these

an important role in creating and developing a global

workshops enabled youth leaders to exchange ideas

community – not only on the highest political levels,

and get to know each other a little better. To initiate

but in everyday ways too. In the past years we have

social change on a big scale, networks have to be

already witnessed how young people connect through

created and information shared on every level.

social media, how images and texts create a feeling of

Limited funding and lack of information make it difficult

belonging – not only to a nation, but to a global people.

for youth organisations in Bangladesh, to get together

Youth leaders from various volunteer organizations are discussing about their vision for post-2015 in Dhaka. (Shun Hatano, 2013)

Merel Fuchs: Merel Fuchs joined the UNV office in Dhaka in March 2013 after completing her Master's of Arts in African Studies. After volunteering

and discuss their future. One of my major aims is

for a year in Kenya in 2005, she started to dedicate her time to

Together with three national youth organisations, I

to enable youth organisations to meet and develop

organised youth consultations in Jessore, Chittagong

networks in order to strengthen

to be heard and acknowledged. As leaders of tomorrow,

and Dhaka, creating a platform for youth leaders

youth voices on national and

I hope that youths all over the world use the opportunity

from various backgrounds to decide what they value

international levels. I believe that

to contribute to the post-2015 framework - either by

most in the next global framework. Over 80 young

in order to address the needs of

participating in national consultations or through the

people representing 30 organisations came together

LDCs, the voices of people living

participation and promotion of the global MyWorld

and discussed issues close to their heart, like the

in countries like Bangladesh need


30 Volunteer story: Merel Fuchs, UN Volunteer

organising and preparing international youth exchanges. During her studies she focused on the political inclusion of youth and is now very happy to work with youth-led organisations in Bangladesh.


BRINGING THE UN TO YOUTH Connecting people to international institutions and global discussions is one important aspect of creating a global community. The UN Youth and Student Association of Bangladesh (UNYSAB) is a volunteer-based organization that aims at promoting the UN’s values among young people in Bangladesh. Through their activities, UNYSAB volunteers ensure that youths are informed about international developments and have a space to discuss global challenges.


have been volunteering since my school days. Back

has the opportunity to share their views on issues like

then, I used to tutor junior school students. When

environmental sustainability, food security, human rights

I enrolled in university, I started to volunteer at the

and social justice. Through this UNYSAB contributes to

UNYSAB, which honesty speaking, was as a game-

the development of negotiation skills and enhances the

changer for me. After volunteering in the organisation

leadership potential of all participants. Participants’ skills

for some years, I am now working as the President of

are not the only thing to improve, as their personalities

UNYSAB. This organization is very close to my heart.

grow too.

UNYSAB has provided me with the opportunity to work for the betterment of my society, my earth and myself,

Through our work we contribute to MDG8 – we raise

but most importantly, for the benefit of the generations

awareness on many important issues and inform young

of youth in this country.

people about HIV and violence against women. But most importantly we include them in global networks.

We promote volunteering because we consider

Furthermore, we introduce the United Nations to youths;

volunteerism a means to develop leadership. Today, we

not only as an abstract entity - but as a platform for

have networks all over the country, we have divisional

international discussion, as different agencies working

networks and even university chapters. Through these,

towards development and peace on a grand scale. It is

students from various schools, colleges and universities

crucial to translate international, often abstract, concepts

have the opportunity to work with UNYSAB.

into an understandable, national, context.

By joining UNYSAB, students get the chance to work

One thing that the global youth

on a variety of social and global imperatives. We work

community should believe in is

on various development agendas of UN and organise

that we have to work as a whole

the Bangladesh’s model United Nations. Initiatives like

to build a better world. If we can

debating groups increase the leadership skills of our

contribute to and learn from each

volunteers and members. In these groups everyone

other’s work, we will soon see

32 Volunteer story: Mohammad Mamun Mia, UNYSAB

Mamun with his collegues. (UNYSAB Freshers Reception 2013)

Mohammad Mamun Mia: President of UN Youth & Students Association of Bangladesh came from a middle class family of Tangail District of Bangladesh. Mamun completed his Honors and Masters from Department of International Relations, University of Dhaka. His colleagues in UNYSAB describes him

a better world. Our work has provided the country with a wealth of young leaders, contributing in different sectors of society, dedicating their time to improve the lives of people in their community and country

as a dedicated volunteer, a efficient leader and a very good friend. Mamun wishes to devote his life in the path of volunteerism.



s we are approaching the 2015 deadline for

discuss their development priorities. One of the major

achieving the MDGs, people around the world are

areas of discussion was around equality, but also the

already looking toward the next development agenda.

need to improved access to quality education and the

United Nations Volunteers programme in Bangaldesh

The vision of the MDGs to advance economic and

job market were identified as crucial.

IDB Bhaban, 14th Floor, Sher-e-Bangla Nagar,


social wellbeing of the world’s poorest remains as

34 Post-2015

For general information about UNV please contact:

Agargaon, Dhaka 1207, Bangladesh

relevant today as it was in 2000. However, there are

These results are also supported by the results of

Telephone: +(880-2) 8150088, 8118600-6

also changes to be made. Ban Ki Moon, Secretary

the quantitative data collected through the My World

Fax: +(880-2)8113196

General of the United Nations, has committed himself

survey in Bangladesh. UNV and the UN Resident

Email: unvbgd.bd@undp.org

to ensuring inclusive discussions on the post-2015

Coordinator’s office administered the offline version of

agenda. He wants to ensure that the debate around the

the global survey through which people can express

next development framework is people-centered and

their views on the world they want post-2015. The

reflects the visions and priorities of people all around

survey asks individuals to choose 6 out of 16 options

For information about becoming a UN Volunteer, please visit the UNV website:

the world.

and thus identifying their development priorities. 4200


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/UNVBangladesh

youths participated in the survey. A good education and

For more information about UNV Online Volunteering service, please visit:

Together with the UN Country Team, the government

better job opportunities are the top two most important


of Bangladesh organized national consultations and

development priorities to the participants. While the

presented the results in May 2013. As a contribution to

first three priorities chosen by the youths speak to

Published by : UNV Bangladesh, 2013

the global dialogue on the post-2015 agenda, a total

their personal well-being and development, they also

Edited by : Merel Fuchs, Tyler Amos

of 13 goals were identified and formulated, including

emphasize the importance of good governance and

Designed by : Shun Hatano

critical issues such as a separate nutrition goal and

active participation of all part of society.

Reference : MDG Progress Report 2012 - United Nations in Bangladesh

gender goal. It becomes obvious that Bangladeshi people aspires transformative change.

(www.un-bd.org/pub/MDG Report_2012_Final_11_06_2013.pdf) You can also be part of the global discussion – either by participating in the MyWorld survey (www.myworld2015.

Special thanks to all volunteers who contributed!!

The United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme,

org) or by joining online forums such as www.

Jege Otho Foundation: https://www.facebook.com/JegeOthoFoundation

whose mandate is to strengthen the role of youth

worldwewant2015.org .

JAAGO Foundation: http://jaago.com.bd/

in development, organized three separate youth

Brave Men Campaign: https://www.facebook.com/BraveMenCampaign

consultations on the post-2015 agenda in Bangladesh.

Bangladesh Midwife Society: http://bangladeshmidwiferysociety.wordpress.com/

Together with three national youth organizations,

Young Power in Social Action(YPSA): http://ypsa.org/

UNV organized workshops to provide young people

Noazesh Knowledge Centre: https://www.facebook.com/nkcdhaka

in Jessore, Chittagong and Dhaka with a platform to

UNYSAB: http://unysab.org/

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