UNV CDLF final report - English

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The United Nations Volunteer Program in Guatemala organized the workshop using the Capacity Development and Learning Facility 2015, which was held from May 12th to 14th with the objective to improve the effectiveness of United Nations Volunteers. The ability to make decisions and carry out measures for social change was the focus of the meeting.

United Nations Volunteers Programme: 5a. Avenida 5-55, Zona 14 Europlaza Torre IV, Nivel 10 - 01014 Guatemala, Guatemala. Tel: +502 2384 3100 Fax: +502 2384 3200 www.vnu.org.gt | www.facebook.com/vnuguatemala | www.youtube.com/vnuGuatemala | www.unvolunteers.org

Email: unv.gt@undp.org


The expectations of the participants during the conference include:

within the five program priorities of the UNV strategic framework 2014/2017.

A. Learn about project management. B. Training to improve the implementation and further promote volunteering activities from the organization to the community. C. Establish some alliances with other organizations in order to build a team. D. Learn and share knowledge. E. Increase the knowledge to continue building a better Guatemala.

2. Improve understanding of local traditional expressions of volunteerism in Guatemala, so that they can advocate for volunteerism and civic participation in peace and development. In the conference 24 people between 22 and 36 years belonging to voluntary organizations and UN agencies participated. Two cultural animators were responsible for the promotion of exchange and training sessions, and create a space that would generate strategic alliances.

The meeting aimed to fulfill two learning goals: 1. Strengthen UNV belonging of the UN volunteers program, improving their knowledge in design and formulation of projects

United Nations Volunteers Programme: 5a. Avenida 5-55, Zona 14 Europlaza Torre IV, Nivel 10 - 01014 Guatemala, Guatemala. Tel: +502 2384 3100 Fax: +502 2384 3200 www.vnu.org.gt | www.facebook.com/vnuguatemala | www.youtube.com/vnuGuatemala | www.unvolunteers.org

Email: unv.gt@undp.org


RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES Objectives: a. Encourage the approaches between participants. b. Motivate the reflection. c. Build linkages and strategic alliances.

Outdoor • Hike

Vigorous • Ball • Fun with words • Circle Connection • Pineapple • Positive morning

Cognitive • Priorities Rally • Presentation of people • Project Design • Evaluations

Sensitization • Standards • Dialogues • Drawing the reality • ExpoArt • Self-portrait • Cultural Night 4


Were developed in three axes:

1. Approach and deepening of the strategic framework UNV 2014 2107 Objective: a. Improve knowledge the priorities of UNV. b. To ensure proposals will meet the five priorities of the UNV program. Activity: • Program Priorities Rally • Analysis of UNV Priorities • Participation of 5 groups 5

2. Indigenous population, gender and sexual diversity Three thematic presentations were made: a. Analyzing the context of Guatemala's indigenous population and its national and international legal frameworks. b. Deepening in the reflection of sex / gender, culture widespread stereotypes that lead to discrimination primarily affecting women and girls. c. Sexual diversity, classification definitions of LGBTI people and specific issues transgender women in Guatemala are confronted to. Short Film. This second axe ended with a debate. 6

3. Project Management Cycle It was based on four of the six stages of the project cycle management, focusing on the identification and formulation.




Proposal created

Access and social services

Improve the health care to the community of Polochic (Alta Verapaz). Strengthen the Human Rights abilities of Guatemalan volunteer center.

Building planning matrix. • Problem Tree • Objectives Tree • Analysis of alternatives


Peace Building

Construction of indicators and sources of verification.


Youth and development

The participation of three groups gave rise to the following project proposals:

Strengthen the Guatemalan Volunteer Center to promote opportunities for youth participation.

This project formulation exercise allowed participants to put into practice the acquired knowledge and methodologies. The highlight of the exercise was the synergy generated among participants and the Guatemalan Volunteer Center.


CONCLUSIONS 1. Quality of the organization: The methodology allowed integrated living, learning and alliances among participants. The quality of the event fulfilled expectations. 2. The most positive: The alliances seek to strengthen volunteerism in Guatemala. These initiatives require follow-up by UNV. 3. Fulfilling objectives: Volunteers gained knowledge in accordance with expectations. The need to follow up the different discussions that were identify during the forum. 4. Opportunities for improvement: It is necessary to communicate in advance the objectives of the event and each dynamic. In this way participants will have realistic expectations and be efficient for their participation. 8

FOLLOW-UP ACTIONS 1. Civil Society: • Monitor the results of partnerships between institutions that emerged during the event. • Organize training in human rights issues. • Involvement of civil society with voluntary initiatives. 2. Con los Voluntarios: • Training and sensitization for volunteers in Guatemala and internationally. • Approach volunteers to communities and organizations. 9


United Nations Volunteers Programme: 5a. Avenida 5-55, Zona 14 Europlaza Torre IV, Nivel 10 - 01014 Guatemala, Guatemala. Tel: +502 2384 3100 Fax: +502 2384 3200 www.vnu.org.gt | www.facebook.com/vnuguatemala | www.youtube.com/vnuGuatemala | www.unvolunteers.org

Email: unv.gt@undp.org


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