FY12 University of Oregon Club Sports Program FY12
Kristen Gleason
UO Club Sports Program FY12 REVENUE LINE ITEMS 1. Incidental Fee funds
($ 497,132 )
2. Club Fund-Raising-Required= ($ 30,030 ) This line indicates 15% required fundraising. Club Sports are required to fundraise 15% of their budget. 3. Foundation Revenue= (TBD) This line indicates the amount of donations to the University of Oregon Foundation directed to Club Sports. Actual transfers from the Foundation to the Club Sports Program are completed at the end of the fiscal year to avoid multiple transfers throughout the year. 4. Club Fund-Raising Projected = ($300,000) This line indicates the amount that the Club Sports Program anticipates to generate through fundraising activities. TOTAL REVENUE=
FY11 FUNDRAISING SUMMARY Foundation Donations= $79,499.00 Club Fundraising Activity(member dues, club fundraising events) = $532.391.00 Total 2010/11 Fundraising Revenue Earned= $612,116.00
UO Club Sports Program FY12 EXPENSE LINE ITEMS 1. Medical Supplies ($345.00) This line supports medical supplies for program athletic trainer kits, which are used to provide medical treatment during the program’s higher-risk home events. 2. Student Pay/GTF Trainer ($16,571.00) This line supports the salary, fees and tuition waivers for (2) .2 GTF Athletic Trainers. The University mandates that this coverage at high-risk competitive events. This line also supports student workers. 3. National Intramural Recreational Sports Association ($420) This line supports professional staff and student development opportunities. The National Intramural and Recreational Sports Association (NIRSA) is our program’s primary professional organization. Membership in this organization provides professional staff, students, and member clubs with valuable professional development and competitive opportunities. FY11 Summary During FY11Club Sports represented University of Oregon at (2) NIRSA events. NIRSA State Conference—Staff and students attended this event in Corvallis, OR. Club Sports Symposium-Staff presented on the UO Club Sports Program at this national event in Hartford, CT. 4. Staff Development/Travel/Student Leadership ($4680.00) This line supports travel to various trainings and site visits, as well as the Program’s student development program, the Club Sports Leadership Series. FY11 Summary This line provides major support for the Club Sports Executive Committee’s annual spring leadership event—Coordinator Camp 2011. Over 60 Coordinators attended, receiving essential administrative training and engaged in team-building activities. 5. Program Activities ($9, 000.00) This line supports general program expenses such--IntroDucktion, Duck Preview, New Student Week activities, meeting expenses, recruitment programs and program costs.
UO Club Sports Program FY12 The Escrip fundraisers supplement this account. 6. New Clubs ($1200) This line supports new clubs who gain sponsorship mid-year. Clubs must maintain an active probation period for 2 consecutive years. This ensures stability of a club before an individual club budget is requested. 7. Supplemental Fund-National Travel ($2244) Provides support for additional support for teams or individuals representatives who qualify and travel to national competitive events. National travel is not budgeted in individual budget. 8. Club Growth Allowance ($2400) This line supports newer clubs that have minimal budgets. This is designed to Meet immediate needs that were not projected, and newly recognized clubs. FY 11 SummaryClubs who benefitted from growth allowances included: Adaptive, Squash, Nordic Ski, and Disc Golf, and Mountain Bike 9. Equipment Purchase and Repair ($3500) This line supports items that are not included in the program budget. For example, assistance with boat repairs, goals, and purchase of minor equipment not on an annual replacement schedule (i.e.-nets, sails, office equipment). 10. Specialized Maintenance ($1092) This line supports ongoing costs of maintenance of boats, motors and facilities (erg house, crew and sailing boathouses, etc.) 11. Grant Program- Travel ($13,500) The priority for this line is to provide financial assistance in the event of of unplanned emergencies (weather-related overnights, charter bus services, etc.). Funds may also be used to grant supplemental assistance to clubs upon request. FY11 4 clubs benefitted from Travel Supplements included: Women’s Rugby, Equestrian, Men’s Rugby, and Wakeboarding
UO Club Sports Program FY12 12. Grant Program-Contingency
The priority of this line is to support teams in covering costs that could not have been anticipated in the budget . The majority of these funds are reserved to award supplemental financial grants to support attendance at qualifying travel to regional or national competition. This fund reduces the unanticipated costs that would have otherwise needed to assumed by students. Requests must be submitted to Club Sports Executive Committee by Coordinators for review and approval by the Club Sports Executive Committee. In FY11, 14 clubs benefitted from the support of Club Sports Executive Committee Contingency funds to represent the University of Oregon at Regional/National qualifying events: Disc Golf, Dance, Women’s Volleyball, Men’s Volleyball, Wakeboarding, EquestrianTable Tennis, Tennis, Alpine Ski, Sailing, Swimming, Cycling, Men’s Ultimate, Women’s Ultimate In FY12, The Club Sports Program was allocated an additional $20,000 (total-$40,000 Grant Program-Contingency line) in an effort to:
Provide the Program with more internal financial autonomy in assisting clubs representing the University of Oregon at qualifying events. Reduce the amount of ASUO referrals, thereby streamlining the supplemental funding process for most club sports in need.
13. Total Club Expenses This line reflects the total of the basic operating costs of the individual member clubs.
Following the basic building blocks of club sports program budgets (travel and event support, equipment support, risk management support), these expenses reflect basic operating costs such as administration, equipment and motor pool transportation.
UO Club Sports Program FY12 These individual club budgets do not include food, lodging, uniforms, airfare, and other costs associated with special events that University of Oregon club sports may choose to participate in. Club budgets are built based on annual and predictable expenses based on governing requirements, history , and membership of each club.
UO Club Sports Program FY12