International Baccalaureate
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Your Big Dreams and Commitment to Success As an International Baccalaureate (IB) student, you have chosen to engage your intellect, pursue excellence and involve yourself in a wide range of activities. We want students like you on our campuses because we recognize your potential and we know that we can give you the resources and facilities to excel. From admissions information to special services and recognition of your efforts, this booklet will introduce you to how IB excellence is rewarded at the U of A.
International Baccalaureate
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Great Beginnings—IB Admissions Admission for Dual Curricula Students If you are simultaneously completing the IB Diploma and another curriculum (e.g. Alberta Education Diploma, BC Ministry of Education Diploma, or other international curricula etc.), you will be considered for admission using the highest individual scores presented on either transcript in the required subjects for your program. For example, Anthony presents both IB Biology (HL) and Alberta Biology 30. When we receive his official IB transcript and his official Alberta Education transcript, we will use the higher of the two Biology results when calculating his admission average.
IB Grading Scale In order to be able to calculate an admission average using your IB results, the Admissions Office will convert your IB scores into percentages as seen below. Remember, we will always use whichever mark is higher between your grade 12 course and your IB exam.
IB result
% Equivalent
not accepted for admission
not accepted for admission
Early Final Admission Based on Predicted Grades Full IB Diploma candidates are eligible for final admission prior to graduation on the basis of their predicted IB Diploma results. In order to be considered for final admission prior to the end of the academic year, you need to:
resent six IB courses, five of which need to be the required subjects for your P program with no grade less than 4. resent a competitive diploma score. Competitive scores range from 28–34 points P (excluding bonus points) depending on your program. ave a Predicted IB Grades form completed and authenticated by your IB H Coordinator. The form can be found online at
Certificate students and Diploma students whose scores fall below the competitive diploma score may still be eligible for Early Admission under traditional admission practices. E-mail for more information.
University of Alberta
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Transcripts All IB students are required to submit a final and official IB transcript to the University of Alberta, as well as any other required items, by the posted deadline in your Bear Tracks account regardless of when your admission is processed. Please speak to your IB Coordinator to request that your IB transcript be sent directly to the U of A, or contact IBO directly at
Big Services The U of A appreciates what IB students like yourself accomplish and we are here to help you every step of the way! We offer a number of services including personalized advising and special events just for IB students.
Personalized Advising Do you have questions on admission or transfer credit? Are you seeking advice on the range of programs and courses available? Do you want to know more about student groups and campus activities? We invite you to talk with someone who understands the challenges of the IB program and can help you learn what to expect from your university education. To directly contact our IB advisor simply e-mail
AP/IB Student Conference What do you think is the most important change going on in our world today, and what are the implications for the future? Is it the economy, health care, the understanding of culture and politics? Our annual AP/IB Conference calls on AP and IB students to explore these questions through the theme of Exploring Global Change. U of A professors and graduate students will lead attendees through a day of discussions about the changes and challenges that we are experiencing today. This is an opportunity to learn from those who are at the forefront of understanding global change, and to engage with other enriched curriculum students from across Alberta. For more information about our IB events, please visit
International Baccalaureate
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Great Recognition The University of Alberta appreciates your commitment to academics and to the rigors of the IB program. From scholarship opportunities to transfer credit and more, we encourage you to take full advantage of the recognition you deserve.
Scholarships Year after year, our IB students are recognized for their scholastic and leadership achievements through our Academic Excellence, Scholastic Distinction and Leadership scholarship competitions. We also offer a dedicated IB Scholarship to the top 50 diploma students admitted. This special scholarship—added to all other scholarships offered—is a little something extra to recognize your great achievements. Hint – Dedicate some of your CAS hours to leadership activities to assist with your Leadership Scholarship application.
University of Alberta
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Heather was a winner of an IB Entrance Award Heather – Bellerose Composite High School, St. Albert I had a really great experience with IB in high school. It was challenging and sometimes stressful, but I learned so much and truly enjoyed the experience. I appreciated the challenge of the more in-depth coursework and at the end of the program I had such a sense of accomplishment and pride in what I had done. My first year of university has been good; I feel like IB prepared me by improving my time management skills and allowing me to practice the skills needed for more formal assignments in university. University is still quite different from high school but it has been fairly easy for me to adjust to the academic aspects. Also, a fair bit of the content of my courses has been very similar to things I learned in IB. Some of the great things about having taken IB and then gone on to university at the University of Alberta are the scholarships and transfer credit. For me, IB was also beneficial outside of just academics. Being a naturally very shy person, IB pushed me outside of my comfort zone. CAS forced me to get involved in ways that I probably would not have considered otherwise. These experiences turned out to be incredibly worthwhile. Personally, I feel that IB was the right choice for me. Some of these advantages I recognized in high school, but now in university even more are evident.
Advanced Standing The University of Alberta is proud to recognize the hard work you put into your IB courses. We award a range of advanced standing options for a number of IB courses at both the Higher (HL) and Standard (SL) levels. In order to be eligible to receive advanced standing, including transfer credit, advanced placement or Credit by Special Assessment (CSA), you must receive a final score of 6 or 7. The chart on pages 8 and 9 outlines the eligible IB courses and the corresponding U of A equivalent. But first, allow us to explain what these advanced standing options offer.
International Baccalaureate
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Transfer Credit Transfer credit means you are offered credit for a university level class based on your IB results. Students who are awarded the IB Diploma are granted ★3 (credits) in an open elective course at the 100-level. How transfer credit works:
ransfer credit will be automatically assessed once your final and official IB T transcript is received. I f you are awarded transfer credit, you will not be assigned a specific U of A grade, nor will your IB grade appear on your U of A transcript. our U of A transcript will simply reflect transfer credit already achieved towards Y your degree. For example, if you earn transfer credit for English (HL), you will have already earned ★6 English credits at the U of A. ecause IB transfer credit will not be factored into your GPA, be aware if your B program or any scholarships you have received require you to be registered in a full course load. e host Transfer Credit Sessions each September to make sure you understand W how to handle your IB Advanced Standing.
Think of transfer credit like a mini scholarship—you don’t need to pay for a class you don’t have to take!
Declining Transfer Credit
hile we encourage you to retain the transfer credit that you have earned, you W do have the option to decline the transfer credit. I f you decide to decline credit, you must complete the required paperwork and submit it to your faculty by the course registration add/delete deadline in September of your first year of studies. ull instructions and the form to decline transfer credit can be found on our IB F website at
University of Alberta
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Transfer Credit and Professional Programs If you are planning to apply to a program that requires preprofessional study (e.g. Business, Dentistry, etc.) your IB transfer credit may be able to help you meet the program prerequisites and some programs will even use your IB grade when calculating a prerequisite average.*
EXAMPLE If you achieve a score of 6 or 7 in Physics (HL), you will receive transfer credit for PHYS 124 (★3) and 126 (★3), which are prerequisite courses for many professional programs, like Medicine, Dentistry etc.. Earning transfer credit means that you will not be required to retake these classes in university which can free up time in your schedule. As you can see, your IB courses can put you one step ahead! * The following professional programs will factor in your IB scores when calculating your prerequisite admission average: Dentistry, Dental Hygiene, Pharmacy, and Medical Laboratory Science. An IB grade of 7 will be equated to a 4.0, and an IB grade of 6 will be equated to a 3.7 on the U of A four point grading scale.
Advanced placement Earning advanced placement will allow you to skip ahead of the introductory classes and register in senior level courses. While no transfer credit is offered, you get to jump straight into the more advanced areas of a subject that you are passionate about!
Credit by Special Assessment (CSA) If you would like to receive university transfer credit for eligible IB courses like Chemistry (SL) or Math (SL), you can choose to earn Credit by Special Assessment. This would require you to ‘challenge’ the university-level course that is comparable to your IB course. This is usually done with a special exam. The grade that you achieve on your CSA exam will appear on your U of A transcript. If you would like to write a CSA exam, send an e-mail to International Baccalaureate
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Equivalency Chart for IB courses International Baccalaureate Courses Biology (HL) Chemistry (HL) Chemistry (SL)
Computing Science (HL or SL) taken prior to 2006 Computing Science (HL) taken 2006 onwards Computing Science (SL) taken 2006 onwards Dance (HL) Economics (HL) English (HL)
French A or B (HL) French A or B (SL) German A or B (HL) German A or B (SL) Greek A or B (HL) History (HL) (See Note 2) Islamic History (HL) Italian A (HL) Japanese AB Japanese B (HL or SL)
University of Alberta Equivalents BIOL 107 (★3) CHEM 101 (★3) [or CHEM 103 (★4.3) for Engineering only] Students may apply to write a Credit by Special Assessment examination in CHEM 101 (★3) [or CHEM 103 (★4.3) for Engineering only] CMPUT 101 (★3)
Augustana Faculty Equivalents (Camrose) AUBIO 130 (★3) AUCHE 110 (★3)
AUCSC 110 (★3)
CMPUT 114 (★3) and CMPUT 115 (★3) CMPUT 114 (★3)
AUCSC 110 (★3) and 120 (★3) AUCSC 110 (★3)
DANCE 100-level (★3) ECON 101 (★3) and 102 (★3) (not to take ECON 204) ENGL 100-level (★6) [or ENGL 100-level (★3) and 100-level complementary studies elective (★3) for Engineering only] FREN 100-level (★3) and FREN 211 (★3) (not to take FREN 111 or 112) FREN 100-level (★6) (not to take FREN 111 or 112) GERM 100-level (★3) and GERM 211 (★3) (not to take GERM 111 or 112) GERM 100-level (★6) (not to take GERM 111 or 112) GREEK 101 (★3) and GREEK 102 (★3) HIST 100-level (★3) (not to take HIST 112 or 113) HIST 100-level (★3) (not to take HIST 117) Advanced Placement JAPAN 101 (★3) and 102 (★3) JAPAN 101 (★3) and 102 (★3)
AUPED 100-level (★3) AUECO 101 (★3) and 102 (★3) AUENG 100-level (★6)
AUFRE 102 (★3) and 201 (★3) (not to take AUFRE 101) AUFRE 101 (★3) and 102 (★3) AUGER 101 (★3) and 102 (★3) AUGER 101 (★3) and 102 (★3) AUGRE 101 (★3) and 102 (★3) AUHIS 104 (★3) AUHIS 100-level (★3)
AULAT 101 (★3) and 102 (★3)
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International Baccalaureate Courses Latin (HL)
Augustana Faculty University of Alberta Equivalents Equivalents (Camrose) LATIN 101 (★3) and 102 (★3) AULAT 101 (★3) and 102 (★3) Mathematics (HL) MATH 114 (★3) [or MATH 100 (★4) AUMAT 111 (★3) for Engineering only]. Student may also apply to write a Credit by Special Assessment examination in MATH 115 (★3) [or MATH 101 (★3.5) for Engineering only]. Further Mathematics (SL) MATH 114 (★3) and 115 (★3) AUMAT 111 (★3) and [or MATH 100 (★4) and MATH 101 112 (★3) (★3.5) for Engineering only]. Mathematics (SL) Student may apply to write a Credit by Special Assessment examination in MATH 114 (★3) [or MATH 100 (★4) for Engineering only]. Music (HL) MUSIC 102 (★3) and 100-level (★3) AUMUS 170 (★3) and (not to take MUSIC 101) AUMUS 100-level (★3) Philosophy (HL) PHIL 100-level (★3) AUPHI 100-level (★3) (not to take PHIL 101 or 102) Physics (HL) PHYS 124 (★3) and 126 (★3) AUPHY 100-level (★6) Physics (SL) PHYS 124 (★3) AUPHY 100-level (★3) Social Cultural Anthropology (HL) ANTHR 100-level (★3) Spanish A (HL) Advanced Placement Sports, Exercise and PEDS 100-level (★3) AUPED 100-level (★3) Health Science (SL) Theatre Arts (HL) DRAMA 101(★3) AUDRA 101 (★3) Visual Arts (HL) ART 100-level (★3) and AUART 111 (★3) and ART 134 (★3) 113 (★3) Successful completion of AU 100-level Open 100-level Open Elective (★3) all components of the IB Elective (★3) Diploma program Notes: (1) Students given advanced placement will be permitted to register in a senior course. Students entering the Faculty of Arts who are given advanced placement will be admitted to a senior course after determination of their background qualifications for that course (interview, placement test, etc.). They may also challenge a junior or senior course for credit via the Credit by Special Assessment route if they have appropriate qualifications and are eligible within the regulations. (2) Credit will be awarded for all five regional options offered at the higher level (HL), including Africa; Americas; East and South East Asia and Oceania; Europe (including Russia/USSR); and South Asia and the Middle East (including North Africa). (3) For students entering the Faculty of Engineering, transfer credit for the first (qualifying) year courses does not reduce the minimum load requirement of 37.0 units. (4) Students wishing to pursue Credit by Special Assessment (CSA), please refer to §14.2.4 of the U of A Calendar for information.
International Baccalaureate
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Big Upcoming dates With so many details to think about and take care of during your grade 12 year, it can sometimes be difficult to keep track of everything. This timeline lays out some of the major areas that you will need to address and gives you an idea of when they need to be completed. Remember, we are here to help, so make sure you connect with your U of A IB Advisor if you have any questions.
Fall ◗
alk with your school counsellor to make sure you are taking the right courses and T get an idea of the competitive average you will need for admission. esidence applications are accepted as of November 1. First-year undergraduate R students applying for Lister Centre by February 1 are guaranteed a space in residence for the upcoming academic year.* You can apply online at Attend the U of A’s Open House on October 23, 2010. ttend an Early Admission workshop where you can apply and potentially receive A Early Admission on-the-spot! Visit to see where and when we will be hosting these workshops. I f you are not attending an Early Admission workshop, apply online at Make sure that you indicate all courses you will complete by the end of grade 12 along with any final or interim results so we can consider you for Early Admission.
Winter ◗
alk to your IB Coordinator about attending the U of A AP/IB Conference. More info T on this event can be found online at February 1 is the application deadline for Nursing.
Spring ◗
he application deadline for the Scholastic Distinction Scholarship is March 1 and T for the Entrance Leadership Award is March 15. These applications will require some effort so start early! For details, visit I B Diploma students are eligible for final admission based on their predicted grades. Have your IB Coordinator send your results on our Predicted IB Grades form that can be found online at
* Please note that an application for admission must be made before an application for residence can be submitted. Residence Services is not able to guarantee a residence assignment or the room type requested.
University of Alberta
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ourse registration for new students begins in April. You will find your Enrolment C Appointment (date you can start to register) on the homepage of your Bear Tracks account. Remember that you must receive Early Admission before you can register! eed help assembling your class timetable? Attend a Registration 101 workshop in N April. Visit our events site at for more information.
Spring/Summer ◗
May 1 is the deadline to apply to most of our direct-entry programs.
Summer ◗
rrange to have your official and final transcripts, including your IB transcript, A sent to the University. non-refundable $175 confirmation deposit applied to your tuition is due mid-August A to secure your course registration. Visit for more information.
Fall ◗
Attend Orientation! Visit for more details. ttend an IB transfer credit session. A notice of dates and times for the sessions will A be sent to your U of A e-mail account if you received transfer credit. International Baccalaureate
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Your Great Big Future Taking IB courses start you off on the right path. You have already completed valuable work in a variety of disciplines, asked important questions, and developed a thirst for knowledge. The University of Alberta is just the place to keep the ball rolling on your great big future. We are thrilled to offer you an environment where you can discover your passions and continue to strive for excellence. See you in September! Your IB Team
University of Alberta
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BIG DREAM Prospective Students University of Alberta
International Baccalaureate Information
Office of the Registrar and Student Awards 201 Administration Building University of Alberta Edmonton, Alberta Canada  T6G 2M7 Tel: 780.492.1956 Fax: 780.492.7172
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